Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
His book 84  
Explain the three Food Wisdom Thursday 70
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, if the French don't have the Department vi, no fan operation, should not distinguish three admit Thanh van, Bich chi Buddha and Buddha is redundant.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: in France there is no operative facilities Department vi, while no distinction; in France there had cooperation Department, Department of micro forecast has the distinction. Why? Because the human wife of not listening to be holy France, accept before tho aggregates sharpens, tho, thought, action, consciousness; accept the first Three Pilot la suite to the upper primary level public feeling Invisible. He thought there excellence did excellent flatboat to think there's a whole upper primary education primary sensory Disabled primary education was the Chief's sense of style. Bodhisattva's thought, we're going to be Loads of upper primary education primary sensations, we the sentient beings. Bodhi Monastery is used, this year the eye look doesn't seen to be good for upper primary education up to primary sensory Infinitely stupid fans don't have eyes that wanted to be Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice of the upper Mineral sensations, the escape they are?
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if Buddha used in eyes look not seen them born may speed, why The Sun was Infinitely superior Chief of primary Visual class, distinguished by three beings: Group Chief, the Group deviant, and Group notes.
Buddha: this Bodhi Monastery, we are Infinitely superior primary education primary sensations, at first did not see three groups of beings or the Chief Justice, or deviant, or uncertainty, because they have the idea that there are French, not French, I want except hope idea accept earlier should follow secular France which says there arerather than not under the first definition.
White Germany That ton, not head in the first sense are Infinitely superior primary education primary sensory process? A: no Buddha.
White Germany World Religion, stay out of insanity are Infinitely superior primary education primary sensory process? A: no Buddha.
White Germany World Religion, otherwise stay in the first sense are, nor stay in crazy island that acidosis without The Sun isn't Infinitely upper primary education primary sensory process?
Buddha said: No. So are Legions of upper primary education primary sensations, without shelter or General owner vi, or where General wuwei. Laboratory experiments as the Buddha turned not to stay where friendly General vi, don't stay where that transformation wuwei General and also to go, also sitting well stand. Hey Tu Bodhi, who changes him or Countries Three la suite so uncivil three la suite, or four meditation, four immeasurable heart, four to five, the invisible God, the four anniversary of the Holy portion for up to eight Scouts; or Not I tam tam, I working, General radio-t I; or civil not so ridiculous non-compounded; or multiples to discharge, the 4th class, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, from the great bi, are Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds, Zhuan Falun. The transformation was then turned to the three groups are immeasurable. This Bodhi Monastery, what do you think? The changes have run Pilot Three la suite so in three groups they reasonable? Bodhi monastery ladies: Don't. This Bodhi Buddhist Monastery, also known as the France as transformation, such as the transformation of beings evolve, did not really have them born may at. As such, the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite like the Buddha practice evolve.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if all such as transformation, so Buddha along with the changes the other wrong?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Buddha along with the changes without other false, why? Because the Buddha has the artifact, the changes could also have artifact.
White Germany World Religion, if no private Buddhas, the transformation can be artifacts reasonable? Buddha said: there might be artifacts.
Bodhi monastery ladies: How does Buddha that the transformation may have artifacts?
This Bodhi Monastery, laboratory experiments as the past has Buddha as Tu opinion most, because like the Bodhisattva should finish raising themselves, vexed chemical removal at. She changes her image Buddha head half a shit life, the Buddha makes up for the Bodhisattva practitioners finish removal at. All beings in the world know the real Buddha removal at. Hey Tu Bodhi, who does not change nor destroy. As such, the Bodhisattva conduct three uncivil la suite should trust the French like going shopping.
White Germany World Religion, if Buddha and the Buddha turned not to be different, how can you make pure alms; as the Buddha, she donation until being Detached residual Nirvana, Phuoc Germany does not end; If the donation situation turned Buddha, people until being Detached residual Nirvana, Phuoc Germany might not share it?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Buddha because the General should do their blessed them, and God person; Buddhist culture as well as the General truth of France should do their blessed beings and heaven people. This Bodhi Monastery, hang up through Phuoc Germany cultivated where Buddha and Buddhist culture then, if good faith South Prince Thien woman who brought respect only worship, because her apartment until the misery, the other end no German approval. This Bodhi Monastery, hang up the Centre of her worship respect, if people of good male female friendly guys just used a flower spike sprayed up nowhere and worship, until the misery, the other end is not blessed. Hey Tu Bodhi, who respect the memory of guards Ph t, sprayed the United worship him, if someone once proclaimed himself "Nam Buddha", until the misery, the other end is not blessed. Thus, in paddy fields of the blessed Buddha cultivation, Phuoc kia does not end. So the Buddha and Buddhist should know no difference, because the General has no deviations. This Bodhi Monastery, the Bodhisattva should so uncivil conduct three la suite, in truth the real French General General of the France he disintegrates; that's uncivil General ba la suite for upper primary education general and Chief Justice to Countless vigilant disintegrates.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if it's general legal stars alibi, disintegrates not Buddha called the General remedies, saying that is good, is tho, thought, action, consciousness; the French Cabinet, Foreign Affairs of France; the French charity, is real friendly France, the possession counts, infinite contraband; is the Earth, made in the world; as France has avoided, France did not escape; is compounded micro France wuwei...? White Germany That ton, so don't attempt to infiltrate the French generals are?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: no, why? Because the general title should only display the France to sentient beings understand, Buddha non destructive real French General.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if by general title should the Buddhas sermon so that they clearly understand, Bach That ton, if the whole of France had no contacts, no general, how to use military General to just teach them to be interpreted?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: by secular France has had General, truth has no place agreed in advance. Laboratory experiments as human wife heard agony, accept the first list, according to the General, the Buddha and his disciples not to advance your reputation, not in General. If for a good reputation, for General accept the General, for not should also accept the failure, for the myriad General should also accept the General multitude, working should also accept the reality, working should also accept the fact, France counted should also accept the wuwei method, should also accept the wuwei? Hey Tu French full-heartedly, Bodhi is only partial and does not in General, French military General. As such, the Bodhisattva within three uncivil conduct military General la suite, in the General's should not accept the former.
White Germany World Religion, if all compounded that only generals, such as Bodhisattva who should play the sensory mind Chief Justice Chief Justice College of upper Comb, bear all the suffering tuberculosis: When Bodhisattva conduct religious alms, maintained an engagement ring, the humiliation, the effort, the meditation, the wisdom, meditation, four four four immeasurable heart to infinite colors, four anniversary of the Holy portion for up to eight Scouts; not happy, happy, happy working General loads, ten of the Buddha to come from the great bi?
Buddha: Bodhi Monastery as the word says, if all compounded micro-only military General, the Bodhisattva cuz who should take Bodhisattva Scouts? Hey Tu Bodhi, if compounded that only generals, generals, the General non-military General; so should the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice leader, was position necessarily strains; be well, race for place Zhuan Falun; Zhuan Falun and then, taking three admit the escape they born. Military General who is not born, does not kill, not head heterosexual.
The time Tu Bach Bach: the Buddhist Bodhi Germany The ton, The Ton talking position necessarily strains?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: we say mind necessarily strains.
Bodhi monastery ladies: Buddha say necessarily mind, say, this strain relief comes place necessarily strains, the other three did nothing wrong place?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: necessarily position is position The text, Buddhist chi Flange; the strain relief of Bodhisattva; position necessarily strains is the Buddha's place.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany That ton, because what the coast guard personnel should necessarily position is the position of The text, Buddhist chi Mural?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: necessarily only for France in France there is that The writer Bich chi Buddha knows but cannot use the position necessarily moral, necessarily strains.
Bodhi monastery ladies: Because what is strain relief coast personalities of Bodhisattva?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: necessarily moral, the Bodhisattva should know, or is The writer, Director, Buddhist Bodhisattva chi Flange must know full well to know faith the beings that do not impact certified fact.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, as Buddha says Bodhisattva so full of faith, the author should not be certified by the fact, right?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva not strictly Buddhist realms, not to the Translational accomplishments for wisdom beings, who have yet to impact certified fact.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, Bodhisattva in fact witness cooperation should lead you?
A: no Buddha.
White Germany World Religion, in fact witness cooperation Director, isn't it?
A: no Buddha.
White Germany World Religion, stay in and acting Director, isn't reality credentials are?
A: no Buddha.
White Germany World Religion, stay in the lead isn't isn't isn't acting Director reality credentials are?
A: no Buddha.
White Germany World Religion, Bodhisattva head where reality syndrome work?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: what do you think? He stay in relief, it does not lead the life of France should clean off, illicit, or, the mind is freed reasonable?
Bodhi monastery ladies: Don't.
He lived in weren't pure mind off, illicit or Director be freed reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion.
He stay out of moral leadership, isn't contraband or clean off, the mind is freed reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion.
You stay in the lead isn't isn't isn't, my pirated or clean off, the mind is freed reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion. You have no shelter, no head of the life of France, smuggled or clean off, the mind is freed.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva also, no shelter should work certified fact.
Bodhi monastery ladies: what is your general position necessarily strains?
Buddha said: As a General should be called mind necessarily French strains, which is the General President of the kill. Again, with respect, the kind of venture, General, mailing the France show presented, Buddha preaching, as it's known, therefore called for a necessary vaccine.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, necessarily mind, mind, mind race leaders necessarily to end three minds, strains his unlawful use is wrong to another, have the same ending, there are redundancies reasonable?
Buddha: End negativity is not wrong in others. Buddhist followers are end to end suffering and gas volumes, did The writer do not end off negativity and gas volumes.
White Germany That ton, the French were not the wuwei, which ends the negativity get him?
Buddha said: No.
White Germany World Religion, in France the wuwei may have other wrong?
Buddha said: No.
White Germany World Religion, if in France the wuwei no difference, why say's you suffering episodes of gas ends the negativity he gas volume, not end?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: gas Volume not negativity; the fuselage and the mouth of the Buddha Bar, text mining, the genus Flange as lewd General, anger, foolish, it is a gas, human wife doing it the guilty. Episode three-lettered him poison gas there is no Buddha.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if not there, not Nirvana, how to distinguish say this is Tu da da, the completion of the jaw, A na jaw, A la Han, Bich chi Buddha, Bodhisattva, Buddha?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: it is France that has the distinction of wuwei is the complete da da, the ham Tu, A na jaw, A la Han, Bich chi Buddha, Bodhisattva, Buddha.
The White World, I Respect the French should have differentiated wuwei Tu da Buddhism to complete it?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the Crown says there are two things that weren't in the first sense; in the first definition does not say there are two things, why? Because of that there is no theoretical language. Because of His history of unlawful coercive relief should say there is life after.
Bodhi monastery ladies: in the free French General no, previous life could not have been, what the case says there's life after this: (the international economic climate, money)
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so, in France there is no general order, no previous conditions whatsoever with the hereafter. This Bodhi Monastery, because they don't know the free French General should not say life before the hereafter; in the free French General never before the hereafter are impossible to get. As such, the Bodhisattva should because the free French General not that uncivil conduct three la suite. If the Executive President Bodhisattva self, no problems whatsoever, or France, or the French foreign, or compounded micro, or France, or The French van wuwei, or French, or French Buddhist chi Mural of Buddha.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, say three uncivil la suite because nothing called uncivil three la suite?
Buddha: Being the first of all the other coast of France, because he uses so called uncivil three la suite. Then again, Chu Buddha, Bodhisattva, Bich chi Buddha, A la Chinese user's uncivil is through the other side, because that's so called uncivil three la suite. Then again, differentiate, transition energy, undermining all of France to Mote, which does not have any real conviction, because he uses so called uncivil three la suite.
* Again, the French as such, France, the reality comes into the uncivil because he uses so called uncivil three la suite.
* Then again, three uncivil la suite do not have legal or case or concur, or colors or colors, or can be found, or cannot be found, or there for, or in respect of, or possession of pirated or illegally, or possession of, or vi, why? Because uncivil does best, three radio-la suite invisible, invisible for, is a general, indefinite means General.
* Then again, Bodhi Monastery, was uncivil or three secret all la France, all lost to General mismanagement Member, lighting all; Uncivil three la suite he ma or ma Sun, Thanh Van, Bich chi Buddha, who, and the row It releases, layman; those vicious enemy, resentment can not disruptive bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite, why? Because the other class are not able to get in three uncivil la suite. Does such a bodhisattva should take three uncivil sense la suite.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery to mean three deeply uncivil operator la suite should impermanence, suffering, which means no, meaning egolessness, should also gauge operator position, meaning the mind, that removal position, meaning the French position, which led to another, that kind of position, meaning that position, meaning that maintenance centre location make the excuse, that infertility position, as it's location. As such, the Bodhisattva cuz that uncivil three la suite should take three uncivil la suite.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany That ton, In three deeply uncivil he's la suite with Africa that are impossible to get, how the Bodhisattva cuz that deeply uncivil conduct three la suite should uncivil three la suite?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva cuz that uncivil three la suite should think like this: taking part is not meant, that he should not travel; anger, foolish is not meant, that he should not travel; all deviant comments is not meant, that he should not run, why? Because the General authoritarian three "as" no means no, not sensu; for all General deviant ideas "as" no means no, not sensu. Then again, the Bodhisattva should think: Lust ain't no sense, not radical, so consciousness isn't literally, not radical; Pilot Three la suite for upper primary education up to primary sensory Disabled doesn't mean, not non-sense, why? Because when the Buddha was Infinitely superior Chief Dan Chief vigilance, there can be or or not definition. There are no Buddhas, Buddhas, the France family identity remains permanent, no means no, not sensu. Bodhisattva conduct three uncivil la suite should depart and not sense.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany That ton, what excuse uncivil three la suite isn't literally, not non-sense?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: Because all French property en no general do, so uncivil three la suite isn't literally, not radical.
White Germany World Religion, the Holy Sage full-heartedly or Buddha or Buddhist disciples have taken wuwei did, why Buddha said three uncivil la suite does not mean, not sensu?
Buddha said: Despite all the Holy Sage or Buddha or Buddhist disciples have taken wuwei, but also not meaning to do so, adding, well not so diminished. The contender as frivolous "as" can not add them, can not reduce them. As such, uncivil no Bodhisattva's three la more not less.
White Germany World Religion, Bodhisattva studied three uncivil la suite wuwei was position necessarily strains reasonable?
Buddha said: so, so, the Bodhisattva studied three uncivil la suite wuwei will be for a set, no strain for two to France.
White Germany World Religion, France no two can be two non-reasonable?
Buddha said: No.
Bodhi monastery ladies: two French non might be two reasonable?
Buddha said: No.
Bodhi monastery ladies: Bodhisattva if not two by France, not because France is not two, how are position necessarily strains?
Buddha said: nothing is as is, so is, nothing is.
Comment: Bodhi Monastery asked: The German White ton, if all France has no general artifacts, General b. start-up, how to distinguish three redundant? Buddha approved Italy and say that means that Guys wife's charm: not yet a prime leader accept the previous five aggregates, also accept the French advance, no artifacts, not run so born how facilities distinguish three redundant? Also he has privileged relief, not before the five aggregates, don't accept the French advance, no artifacts, not run, how b. rite? In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: those used in eye view did not see France edge ..., what the case went no eyes but would like to see?
The Bodhi monastery to ask: If there is no French, no sentient beings, why say there are three groups of beings?
The Buddha answers: I see they are a team that couldn't get how there are three? Just because want to break except insanity to sentient beings should have three. The class break insanity called primary groups plan; the class definitely shouldn't be driven to commit class is; Coast Guard personnel were having class time can break, no time could not break the insanity is in uncertainty; are all French speaking in secular, not sensu chon TAM first.
Q: real Buddha in that privileged relief, what excuse with Bodhi Monastery that is?
A: the Buddha: Bodhi Monastery because every new Bodhisattva should ask, so the Buddha answers no, why? Because the French have driven follower can't stay, what Lake case stay in means nothing! That's why Bodhi Monastery if facilities do not stay in both places, the weather will not be So ton, not the Chief sensory process? So the Buddha answers: What are the upper primary education primary Visual Radio Director, just don't stay anywhere. Computer ownership and bad behavior lies not truth, as wuwei does nothing by itself, so it can't stay. In this Buddha wants to clearly indicate it should set the example of Buddhist culture: The culture of Buddha do not stay in situations that, don't stay in the wuwei properties that can go back to the sermon.
Q: People evolve walking sermon time can be, how Participants could take Three la suite is?
A: Don't say people change practice, but only the eyes they see mining as real onions. The changes going in said, until overhaul multi slab. The Bodhi Monastery was suffered, each each charm who evolve and it's not different, but still little doubt should ask Buddha: If there is no distinction of the blessed Germany donation Buddha truth until get residual Nirvana does not end, then blessed Germany donation turned Buddha also did not share it? The Buddha answers: donation turned Buddha, Buddha's, Phuoc's different, why? because Buddha is truth General the German approval of France should not make the same donation, Buddhist culture is not left it General so donation turned Buddha, the mind could not else, blessed there too.
Q: Turned Buddha does not have the merit of ten power, how by real Buddha?
A: merit ten power comes into the real chess, if ten forces depart is General true Dharma, crashed into deviant comments mad island.
Q: If so, Buddha's Buddhist culture, certainly it's chess, why bring the Buddha-body mindful evil speaking bleeding sinned against?
A: in just saying bring malevolence as the Buddha-body bleeding, rather than say Buddha or Buddhist culture. If donation turned Buddha is full of joy, as if offering malevolence cancel stock must also suffer from poor; because the evil plan to call it Buddha's Buddhist culture should bring malevolence vexed bleeding, and he sinned against.
Question: If so, what excuse in the Vinaya says kill human chemistry does not violate about suicide?
A: in the Vinaya are because the world increased their processing aerial photography, should Fang about, rather than the conclusion that General, why? Because according to the Vinaya someone, have them born by pretending that unlawful sex, because households maintained Dharma should not view crime life after much less. Again, heavy crime hereafter in law again. lightweight, as human leaders killed Buffalo and goats, heavy guilt that about light, also directed staff to scatter the exclamation of females for sex is heavy which indicted future back slightly. Buffalo kill goats evolve as people not organised body also does not gossip but himself forged in the mind; If Buffalo Buffalo and goats slaughtered goats evolve that mind does not give is different as guilty as one another. But the Buddha's invention is being organised so muscles people are heavy, and very heavy trading in Italian speaking colleagues, not the stem careers, and export industry. As people working in large alms without using people from the three gorges mosquitoes, because from the tam I see they have no prime facility should be immeasurable joy; the deviant comments end in good units, but not the brain damage they that suffer in hell A Bhikkhu. So the real Buddha, Buddha goods donation with an equal mind the blessed well equality.
* Then again, in this Buddha said, the guards turned full Buddha-General a.m., if someone sees the statue of rocky land which is available from the Buddhist mind until the misery, the other end is not blessed. Again, from the statue of rocky land, if people who have respect, but do not see the Buddha because think of Buddha, using sprayed the middle of nowhere to donation, Irene's is end to end suffering. Again the guards sprayed flowers, once proclaimed himself "nam Buddha", he also said to be misery, blessed there end.
Question: why only such title himself "Nam Buddha" and he was out of khồ, which is on the other end is not blessed?
Answer: Because he heard the Buddha's merit or the old gauge discharge, sick, dying for sentient beings, so the donation or much less and proclaim the Buddhas, are immeasurable joy; while also suffering, blessed with no avail. So, because of the immeasurable joy should fill while the mind needs nhuyến Bell, Irene nor the other end. The coast guard and such as so real Buddha, Buddhist culture is no different. Donation where Phuoc, Phuoc Buddha of immeasurable kia because it's French all General not distinct.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: What if Bach (surname), a German General in the non-destructive method should not other Buddha, now two distinct Buddhist theory, says he is good, he is tho, thought, action, formal until he is owner, he is true, wuwei vi non destructive real general legal process?
A: the Buddha, Buddha, this Bodhi Monastery but each each distinguished preachers, only use quotations to General wish for they are freed, but no Buddhist obstacles whatsoever. If the two Buddhas along comes together not to talk your self, because they don't understand up Buddha should want to lead sentient beings who speak good evil, as in the French capital said the United stated for example The fire, using three vehicles for example leads the children out of the House. Only use a general theory without undermining the first sense.
Bodhi TU asked: While using military general because they are preachers, there is true, so true, unspoilt lied to him?
A: the Holy Buddha said according to the secular, in which no place accept the first military General. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: If everyone will get the wife say prime time gauge headless Buddha, mailing acceptance and Sami mouth said that framework does not accept, if not before the observance called Holy Roman Empire gauge. Agony Empire i.e. military General, there is a certain truth divine, chon TAM phu accept as well as generals, there is definite truth chon TAM, how in General "not" back to accept the first military General "not"? If the generals are not that good before the generals for Not he should also accept the advance Not; infinite chess should also accept the first loads of General, working should also accept before working, so as wuwei should also accept the advance as wuwei. France are as voracious as part of General phu, only generals, generals don't stay in General. Bodhisattva in France's military general subjects stay in military General's consistent uncivil should close all bogus remedies.
Bodhi TU asked: If the French military General only whole, who discovered how the Bodhisattva as in say?
The Buddha answers: If the French military General only whole, in General, not generals; France are without it., as legal fact, Tanh,; so the Bodhisattva can play Endless mind upper primary education primary sensations, so may use the excess degree Freemasons French beings. If France has a certain general facts, not generals IE no killing, because there should be no removal, Gauge birth Episode, kill, leader, how do you get the second French admit them born? If the French are just bogus such title, also not kill, because killing should not be the gauge, episode, kill, how could an era Leaders? Now Bodhisattva knows all French military General "not" depart time insanity the world, well known generals "don't", also depart generals "don't". So, do you actually have not, in the medium may be the sentient beings. The Buddha said: Bodhisattva conduct uncivil Central faith is essential for a vaccine.
Bodhi Monastery now want to question victims should first assign the word Buddha, new question: What Sun Tzu says position necessarily vaccine process?
Buddha said: We said mind necessarily strains.
Ask: Buddha used to say three, and three other wrong place?
Buddha: match the decor of the bar text, Buddhist chi Mural, why? Because of the necessarily in six units, in addition to six death twelve type; decorated text, Buddhist chi Mural knows General are French General and impermanence, suffering, no, egolessness. The strain relief of the Bodhisattva. There were four leaders Saturday as life Director: Irene in the nucleus; mean cultivated blessed Zuber bitten blessed in heaven, man, "with three redundant direct into four. Of the Bodhisattva is leading the way for sentient beings, bring into greater relief. If people do not only wish to bring relief to the Second redundant; If people can't get into Nirvana, brought into the blessed touch the charm as the solar realms for Nirvana. Irene leaders of the world's ten things good and blessed Germany alms; Thirty-seven of the Second aid food scraps; Thirty-seven three-and six-Director Assistant products la suite is the leader of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva should know clearly the leader. Bodhisattva Buddha used to benefit themselves, taking advantage of people and taking three other leaders just as they are born; He called the Bodhisattva of strain relief.
TU asked: what Excuse Bodhi POOJA as the strains of the Bodhisattva.
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva should complete all moral, religious faith and cultural beings, but in faith without Pope turned beings, Buddhas, strictly manual not forecast net certificate realms; When it was full, so the following new sit shume its testified. So the strain relief work of Bodhisattva.
Bodhi TU asked: Bodhisattva where real evidence players stay healthy? The Bodhi Monastery to ask: If in the direction its certificates does not correct, because there are two flaws: One who is also unlawful use may not have the Chief Justice position it. purity; If there are not other times to Buddha, if that still troubles the gas volume should have to have mistakes. The two are all compounded vi are all rotten lies, because harmony should have, pretending there is a certain truth, and chon TAM Buddha answers No. Now the Bodhi Monastery or thought: whom Buddha saw are very deep, cannot know the bottom, it should ask: where the Bodhisattva's international credentials to stay? The Buddha asked Tu about Bo back.
Question: what Excuse the Buddhas not meeting directly ask conversely Bodhi Monastery?
A: the Bodhi Monastery for Prime Office Director apparently not wrong, because you French Bell fan of Buddha, for four sentences hý conclusion as who also accept in advance, do not clearly understand should ask. So the Buddha room facility of Bodhi Monastery asked in return: When he is in the four Prime witness statements are? A: no Sir, I don't have shelter that was cleaned off, illicit or. Buddha said: he had no shelter where the mind is freed, the Bodhisattva should know well that way, not in the four sentences that show reality, so the Buddha is asked in return.
Back to the question: of the four ways a, this is the answer by asking the opposite.
Question: Bodhi Monastery in tam tam Dharani I was freed, what excuse did stay in the lead?
A: Stay is Prime it is given; He again asked the French WINS wuwei should not called stay where compounded vi, does not require user should not stay in it. Again someone said: military General in France means that phu is also distinguished as Kim cang, is freed; also testifying were infinitely General irrespective of anything. Buddha because Radio France General should ask conversely Bodhi Monastery: He shouldn't take the generals that said, he should not take the generals that problem.
Position necessarily strains is the location for the race position Buddha position smoothly not afraid for all three years, unknown, large and small, rough boys, don't know. Buddha himself said that the position necessarily races, there are two General: one is through it's general legal, is General Chair removal, as the water in the sea, the wind can't shake, as it is deep, wave mòi not starting up; position necessarily strains as well as such, wind hý conclusion could not shake; two are for h t, Miss France can use military General, inscriptions, vernacular through apparently endless obstacles, how does having two photographers, so called mind necessarily strains. Someone said: ten position power, four not afraid, not afraid to place four non-students, eighteen of which is intellectual General in harmony; He called for a necessary vaccine. Say again: from the Dharani tam I, 2nd class is concerned should save or wash small, near and far, shallow depth, working hard not knowing. There's immeasurable charm so so called mind necessarily strains.
The Bodhi monastery to hear it asked Buddha: Buddhist intellectual distinction has high, medium, low, that negativity by wisdom the other false unless reasonable?
The Buddha answers: no difference. When are the deduct time there difference, the subtraction done no wrong to another; laboratory experiments as the blade is sharp, floods, so when there is a slow tight!; When tight end no other errors. As Lai for negativity and gas volumes are end to end, while The text, Buddhist chi Flange only ceased afflictions that gas volumes are longer.
Bodhi TU asked: three ways the troubles fictional Buddha says is useful or as wuwei? The Buddha answers: are the wuwei.
Ask: in France the wuwei may have other wrong?
The Buddha answers: France's myriad generals, immeasurable, how can the other wrong?
Ask: If there is no difference what time said in the paragraph was supposed to survive or don't survive?
The Buddha answers: no Episode called real affliction; someone but ends the negativity all that where the body and mouth also has general unhappiness appears, that means the wife see hear General then kicked the conditioned mind. The contender as A la Han Suite she invest in hundred years in between apes, so far though was A la Han which still air volume climb trees, stupid sighted mainland born his side says the Bhikkhu stilts like monkeys; arahats's not negativity but also old habits. As All the old mausoleum of Han A la BA sa five hundred years born in Brahmin's House, the familiar mind scorn, so its A la Han but also told me the Ganges that: U.s. must stop to flow to Bhikkhu go through. Ganges River spirit pissed, to report elements to the Buddha. Buddha he repent, he also claimed the Sub fin. The body of impurities and thus cause Minor goods and export surplus has not yet ended, also clean Buddhas have no alibi. As a Brahmin, the evil in awhile get five hundred the Buddhas, Buddhas Excel no murder is angry. Brahmin wedding Festival and he mind, associated briefly took five hundred jobs or approval not Buddha, Buddha n brilliantly excited. Should know, Buddha Air episode affliction had been cleared out, and the data is no different.
Again, the Buddha when new leadership was from in Germany is already radiating good reputation, only Buddha himself know; and the Brahmin murder daughter Pham Chi Suen da capital (Sondari), get the body rid the property of essential to slander Buddhism, the Buddha, the rumor, data for two other things constant mind, nor care to. Again, the Brahmin village Buddha qifu mumo carried, carried the bat does not come about, or was it a donation, or for three months to eat rice with a horse, or the Sun God like food heaven to donation, or the Buddha stayed in the jungle A la old lady gets rough, wind proofing agents, or in the garden wedding Festivalabove the white stones, jewel of the Lettered natural softer, slippery; or lying on the coordinates of celestial Divine ... the good things for evil, blessing such data, negligent Buddhist greeting. Back as she reaches to take center court roll to the Buddha, or Rahu la offers accept the Buddhist ceremony hand glass supply center, for two people, the Buddhist universal love as love in his eyes. There are things to such instigation, Buddhas have no walls lies another. Countries like real gold, burning, grinding, Emery boards, good it doesn't transform. Buddha spent the alibi, the mind does not have add, should be able to know the volume of gas impurities, Buddha love to hate are end clean.
Bodhi monastery ladies: If in fact the General or leader, or Nirvana, there is nothing by itself, if there is nothing by itself why the distinction here is the complete Flange Tu da Buddhism, this is not out of line to end the gas, while the Buddha was a stop off the gas?
Buddha said: three of the Holy steps are all reasons that other false wuwei. But there's another place where wrong, but for France the wuwei speaks. Bodhi monastery wants to assign the word Buddha should ask: what do other false wuwei method should you?
The Buddha responds according to the General vernacular secular's should be able to distinguish the difference, also in that there is no distinction, why? As in the first sense, all the official languages, of all possible seat end, just because the Bible has ended historical urban planner should say there is life after; hereafter is the residual Nirvana.
Bodhi TU asked: The free French General does not advance the case, could not have been what the hereafter? Why? Because human life before there should be life after?
Buddha's promise to answer him: for they know not the free French generals don't, so Buddha said previous life behind, rather than in the free French generals don't, life before life after failed to get, why? Because before there was born dead old forwards in time! If the leaves are not dead old fashioned birth where born? The boys had no human fate? If there are no living dead old born how old are dead? Before and after were not able to get the same time nor can there be? So it should say in the free French General no, no life before the hereafter. Buddha said: so, so, Tu Bodhi, the Bodhisattva should not by France that General uncivil, exterior France until Dharma are not obstacles.
Q: ever come here often say something uncivil, general evidentiary now also ask?
A: not only asked questions but also General Buddha used to say uncivil three la suite, taking what should be called uncivil three la suite?
Buddha said: Because the first of all France through to the other side, called uncivil three la suite. The first level is The writer using the lower level through; each Mural of Buddha where consumers read through, but with the Bodhisattva taking the upper position through, so called first degree.
* Then again, suffering nine: Upper, middle, lower each tier have three; wisdom also has nine levels: wisdom down lower, is located from the da, which justifies the implant Restoration to the upper position is the first of The texts and symbolism develop; the upper position is the middle-tier position Flanges genus Buddha; the upper position of the upper tier is the Bodhisattva. Use the upper upper position the drain should be called first degree. For The text, Buddhist chi Mural just General General the escape, where private general part at least. Longer Bodhisattva for all French General General, unclear private general, should be called the first degrees.
* Again, the Bodhisattva of wisdom, escape to know all over France can know, the second stocking scraps for France may know, doesn't turn around, so called first degree.
* Then again, along with most of the Mahayana is blessed, the intellectual, the six Three la suite, thirty-seven full relief aid France should an OK go through.
* Then again, Chu Chu and the Bodhisattva, the great Buddhist Emperor are to help, an optimal stabilizer; as the boat ride a seven jewel, this page to full Byway tool, sure; on the boat enough good food, have good Navigator, again strong, and could pass goodness. If people ride a raft of grass go through frightful time not called pass plays.
* Then again, Buddha said the three redundant due to uncivil three la suite which crossed to the other side Nirvana, all favor the gauge; because he uses so called uncivil three la suite.
* Then again, in three uncivil la suite, all in addition to small, large, productive energy, thinking, discernment, traced to small as have the dust, there was something durable. As to General mote time undivided; Heart Center of France in one anniversary also undivided; in the third he uncivil and all shades from la confidential destruction, tracing could not be true; because he uses so called uncivil three la suite.
* Then again, uncivil is wisdom, the other coast is Three la suite. The other side is the same as the opposite of all wisdom. General intellect cannot be sabotaged, the General could not ruin i.e. As, fact, method, because it really shouldn't be disruptive; three things that photographic equipment into the uncivil should be called uncivil three la suite.
* Then again, three uncivil la suite do not have French or French, or to scatter because it. don't. Uncivil three la suite is not good, not pictured, not for just a General that is not General. He uses as before said. The coast guard so so called that uncivil.
Today will say that uncivil. That is uncivil can born all wisdom, meditation, rhetoric theory Club member. By uncivil should lecture one sentence per each do the same dignified life does not go away. Place the Sun the Moon, the stars could not uncivil, to three la suite was flashed. Uncivil broke the darkness of ignorance deviant opinions. MA or ma or the text Bar bridge, Bich chi Buddhist, Pagan, evil people can not disruptive, why? Because uncivil conduct, the Bodhisattva's you can get in the uncivil.
* Again, if practitioners for mind tho, read the evil people that litigation may not find it convenient, what case practitioners in mind think right, do right as saying. As such, the Bodhisattva should take that's uncivil. That is uncivil that impermanence, suffering, not sensu, egolessness, position four, take another, infertile position, France position, type of position, that position, tha mind, as that position should be uncivil conduct. Her uncivil as the sea has the treasure or large or small, unique as the jewel as Italy. uncivil also has the treasure of wisdom, that is: the four Holy happy impermanence, suffering, no, egolessness, ten positions only, as real as the jewel as Italy.
Question: As the former said, under conventional or impermanent is not called uncivil conduct three la suite, now how to say: operator impermanent ... so uncivil conduct three la suite?
A: I have responded as before: Infinitely often have two things: If the mind accept the previous comment and comment hý hý impermanence while not called uncivil action; If not accept the advance, did not comment as impermanence hý insanity commonly accepted. Don't mind her own prior conduct is accepted, uncivil.
Q: The tripiṭaka only ten locations, stars in this more like it's location?
A: so called the Mahayana. Dafa or minor French, French cottage life function does life functions are great.
Q: Ten can also own General as true with what General?
A: some say: know what the generals are called as such, France's international properties, known as General as it's location. In this Buddhist say like it's location is just for location of Buddha have been, why? Because people do not clean, there is ignorance the unknowable as the truth. Second row cuckolding and the great Bodhisattva gas volume not yet clean should not know throughout the whole of France, all races, not called as it's location, only the Buddha for all ignorance end to clean, no longer admit so can know as true.
Question: If there is no Buddha who has Tri as true, the Second row cuckolding how is nibbana, the Bodhisattva how is infertility patient?
A: As it has two locations: One is to turn around, in full, the two are not adequate. Buddha is not adequate, as the second and the great Bodhisattva. Countries as in the dark as to the torch lights; work done after the burning lights, the more light shed more. The dark has two parts, one part lamp before subtracting, the second light after the subtraction. Shadows part two with the light the lamp, otherwise the second lamp so useless. As such, the second row's intellectual legacy and the great Bodhisattva while broke the ignorance, but the ignorance, that the wisdom Buddhas are the inhabitants could not be excluded; not saying the lamp does not illuminate. So, don't say the intelligence of every Second admit, Bodhisattva is known throughout as the truth. Position to know all over as it is the position of Buddha, also as it is the location of the second redundant and Bodhisattva.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: What if a German Surname Bach in uncivil radical, profound meaning and are impossible to get, how do you say Bodhisattva because that uncivil uncivil conduct should be profound?
A: the Buddha afflictions involved is not so radical action. The French have three parts: The suffering involved is non-sense; the six French charity Three la suite ... the meaning; French identity invisible sign should not mean isn't that radical. If someone with negativity and people getting brain born to hate, resentment minds for the six French charity Three la suite and who runs the charity France born loving heart, and for the French identity loads up and the radio executive who parasitic foolish time as in the Divine life as the wife says, who take part in student pleasureWhen the life gauge is born of mind becomes angry, when the life is no fun without agony born of mind si. So says the Bodhisattva should think that took part in the exercise ... is non-sense, should not think that it was Africa, as Beijing said expansion. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel; France Radio France, French Protestant, a signed data General As, no sense and non-sense, since the two have no general, no distinction.
* Then again, when the Buddha was not a French or sense or non-sense. Despite the General truth of Buddha or Buddha used to stay, not starting up and not sense. If so that is that, just because breaking except mind distinguish should say should not travel in the sense and non-sense. As such, the Bodhisattva should take three uncivil la suite left and non-sense.
Bodhi monastery asked: what Excuse uncivil three la suite not doesn't mean non-sense?
Buddha: all France has no general starting work, there is no general skills, dance, how uncivil back kicked up and don't have to mean?
Bodhi monastery asked: If all schools of Buddhist and disciple are retrieved as wuwei sense, why Buddha said three uncivil la suite could not start work meaning and not sense.
A: the whole Buddhist holy while taking France wuwei do that without more not less. In this example, speaking As frivolous As, cannot add them, could not be less sentient because nowhere without France should not mean and not literally, what the situation is nowhere As! nowhere but no human humanity all but France where nowhere that get the artifact; Uncivil three la suite as well, but the General multitude wuwei, which multiply it uncivil to tu the Buddha, my 3rd year at la suite. Because the mind accept the front should say uncivil doesn't mean and don't mean; not accept the advance should mean it means first. Because according to the secular Empire should say that, while in translates to no meaning.
* Then again, uncivil there are two: One is the owner of the two and wuwei. Jacky uncivil behavior can be six full Three la suite, stay in ten locations; Learn wuwei uncivil, ends the negativity all clean and gas volumes, the Buddhist leader. Now the Bodhi Monastery to ask Buddha: Bodhisattva studied wuwei uncivil is necessarily position, how do you say does not mean?
The Buddha answers: But is it necessarily position, not because of the two France should be. Distinguish Prime Minister called two of France.
Ask: the French did not two could be France without two process?
The Buddha answers: no, why? Because France does not two i.e wuwei. Wuwei no prime Prime Minister and because France wuwei cannot run.
Ask: If the French did not two not, time can be two non-French French-two reasonable?
The Buddha answers: no, why? Because two naughty lies, untruths, how law enforcement wasn't real is real French?
Ask: If there's two reasons, not reasons not two, how are position necessarily strains?
The Buddha answers: no prime facility that is privileged. In these two and not two i.e no distinction, no prime facility. No fan is not a prime because of that acquisition facility. While the Administration compounded vi, no prime facility, so the mind without the Prime Minister should not have said that one facility, why? Due to not scalar, General, working that way.

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