Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
His 87
Longitude: Bodhi Monastery ladies: White Germany World Crown, if knows the Bodhisattva has no legal ownership, multiply the four meditation, in God is Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. White Germany World Religion, learn how every new Bodhisattva for France do not have ownership over administrative grade stuff, first class, second class Scouts; do things first class, first class, Executive class faith testimony was Worthless upper primary education primary sensations?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the Buddhist Bodhisattva new followers if was listening; or follow the bodhisattva made many Buddha was heard; or, A la Han, A Private function, the function of da na, Tu da perfect hearing, because of food poisoning are not have possession should be Buddha? Because of food poisoning are not have possession should be A la Chinese, As the momentum of a function, A function of da, Tu na's, j.l. All Saints were due to food poisoning are not have possession should have a title. All compounded micro-artifacts have no ownership until no else owns like have a fur. Bodhisattva he heard so it thought: If all of France without ownership, because food poisoning are not have possession should be the Buddha, so because of food poisoning are not have possession should be the complete momentum Seclusion. If you will be Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds, if not all of France is generally no self identity, why I can't play the mind is Infinite upper primary education primary sensations? Get upper primary education primary sensations here, all of them born under general there, I'll make them in computer ownership? This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva such thinking then played Center for upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations, as all sentient beings should first released under the issued class Bodhisattva, Saturday classes, the class leader, as the past the onion Bodhisattva were Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. Every new Bodhisattva should learn six Three la suite, which is the Three la suite so uncivil three la suite. Bodhisattva's Pilot as if Three la suite, self-propelled, alms, also taught the alms, alms, merit English slang spreads hoan Hy Su n operator alms; by Jesica's alms for the property should be rich, Bodhisattva's depart San and, alms for the sentient drink eat, dress, floral, England lost, property room, map lies, lights torch, everything needed to feed. Bodhisattva practices maintained the alms was then born into the realms of heaven realms who are large dignified; due to maintenance the alms he should be meditated aggregates; do alms, maintained about meditation, he should be intellectually aggregates, aggregates free, freeing tri opinion aggregates. Bodhisattva's personality alms, maintain world, meditation, wisdom, UAN UAN freed aggregates, freeing tri opinion aggregates should exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural that the Bodhisattva situation; the Bodhisattva then be strictly pure land Buddhist realms, the intelligent beings for sense of accomplishment, are necessarily place strains; be for a set, then strains Zhuan Falun; Zhuan Falun and retrieved three admit the escape they born. As such, the Bodhisattva's practice grade stuff by alms, Saturday classes, the class leader is not able to get, why? Because the character doesn't have possession.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery since the new self-propelled vehicles, maintenance center to teach people about maintenance, riveted the exclamation of Germany maintained an evening wedding, parties, agreed the maintenance men. Due to maintenance the heavenly realms into the realms should, be large dignified; seeing the poverty of countries for the material; see who do not hold about teaching makes maintenance about; see the disorder Italy taught led meditation; see the foolish taught intellectual stirred; see who is not rescue teaches cause release; see who has tri-liberating opinion freeing tri comments. Due to maintenance, the meditation, wisdom, liberation, freeing tri comments she should exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural, to bodhisattvas; on the bodhisattva and then be strictly pure land Buddhist realms; strictly Buddhist realms and translational accomplishments for wisdom beings then position necessarily strains; be for a set, then strains Zhuan Falun; Zhuan Falun and retrieved three admit the escape they born. As such, the Bodhisattva by first class fiction hosted on sale, Saturday classes, the class leader; the tasks are impossible to get, why? Because of all the free French as there own.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery from playing Center back, self-propelled Patient Three la suite, teaching the patient, riveted the exclamation of Germany rings, wedding parties, evening of the canopy ring; When onions Rings Three la suite alms for them everything; teach, teach about maintenance led led meditation to release voter opinion. By Lydia he maintained about his wisdom, meditation, should exceed the arahats, Bich chi Buddha that the Bodhisattva situation; the Bodhisattva then be strictly pure land Buddhist realms; strictly Buddhist realms and translational accomplishments for wisdom beings; the intelligent beings for sense of achivements and positions necessarily strains; be for a set, then strains Zhuan Falun; Zhuan Falun and retrieved three admit the escape they born. As such, the Bodhisattva by Three Rings la suite Executive class stuff, first class, second class Scouts; the tasks are impossible to get, why? Because of all the free French as there own.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery from the play of mind come from planet self Tan, teaches the planet tons, riveted the exclamation of Germany the planet tons, Christopher Hy Su n the planet tons, so the it can get, because the character doesn't have possession.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery from the broadcast centre here, self into meditation, to the four immeasurable mind, on to infinite colors; also teaches people to meditate, to the center of excellence in wireless to immeasurable; concur the exclamation of Germany in meditation, to the center of excellence in wireless to immeasurable; the evening of the wedding, parties agreed the meditation, the mind, the immeasurable infinity award. Bodhisattva's stay in the meditation, intention, mind immeasurable; alms for them born every every be đỳ enough, how to make meditation, wisdom. By Lydia Bell, meditation, wisdom, liberation, freeing tri comments she should exceed the positioning The text, Buddhist chi Mural that the Bodhisattva situation; the Bodhisattva then strictly pure land Buddhist Pure Land Buddhist realms realms of serious, and achievements for the intelligent beings; the intelligent beings for sense of achivements and positions necessarily strains; be for a set, then strains Zhuan Falun; Zhuan Falun and then take the exit mode p ph excess three beings, so these things are impossible to get, because the character doesn't have possession.
* Then again, Bodhisattva from the play of mind back to this uncivil conduct three la suite, alms for the beings each per full, taught makes maintenance world, meditation, liberation, liberation, voter opinion. Bodhisattva's uncivil when administering three la suite, six self-propelled Three la suite, also taught people making six runs Three la suite, riveted the exclamation of Germany six Three la suite, the evening of the wedding Festival a six-three vote la suite. Bodhisattva left by Presenting Three coast guard personnel la suite so uncivil to three media-driven la suite should exceed the positioning The text, Buddhist chi Mural that the Bodhisattva situation; until the tasks are impossible to get, because the character doesn't have possession. He called the Bodhisattva who developed new Tuesday class, the second class, first class Scouts.
* Then again, Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery Friday practice third grade third grade classes, Scouts. Bodhisattva from the play of mind back here, because the mind Samyutta with position necessarily believe the strain France has no ownership, the six anniversary of the worship, reciting mantras, French Rose, anniversary, the anniversary celebration and discharge.
What is Bodhisattva tu worship? Bodhisattva Buddhist mantras recited not by lust, not reciting the days tho, thought, action, consciousness, why? Because no identity attribute itself; self computer tho, thought, no formal action; If France does not have self identity as there own, why? Since there is no memory what breaks; This is worship.
Again, no worship Bodhisattva anniversary over thirty-two General nor the concept through kim sharp, not to meditate through the aura of a staff, not reciting over eighty beauty depending on the image, why? Because relatives had not Buddha himself; If France does not have self identity as there own, why? Since there is no mind what to think; This is worship.
Again, do not do the aggregates that worship; should not do to aggregates, aggregates the wisdom, freed aggregates, freeing tri opinion aggregates that worship, why? Because the aggregates free no charge; If France does not have self sex was not French; No what is worship.
Again, not to do ten position power worship, should not do four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, worship; should not do pronoun dhāranī worship, why? Because the French don't have manually counted; If France does not have self sex was not French; No what is worship.
Again, do not do the twelve human fate worship, why? Because of the multiplicative order Frida no; If France does not have self sex was not French; There is no notion of anything, he is worship.
As such, the Bodhisattva, Bodhi when acting uncivil three la suite should worship, is the Bodhisattva who played Sunday practice class, first class, second class Scouts. Bodhisattva's stay in first class, the second class, second class, may be made in memory of four full and four Chief needs, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight Saints Scouts, No Endless austerities, tam, working, beyond general tam I until the position required vaccine, because the French did not have possession. Bodhisattva knows the France had no property, he has no computer, no computer.
This Bodhi Monastery, what is the Bodhisattva should overhaul legal notion? Bodhisattva when acting uncivil three la suite do not recite the fresh French, not French notion never heals, no notion of France signed, not reciting France loads up; not reciting mantras, not worldly French French world, not French, not French anniversary celebrations here, the impure, not French, not French notion of Holy mantras chums wife, not reciting mantras not illegally compounded France loads smuggled, non-Physical realms binding legal concepts, France tied the French identity, bound in the Infinitely good, not reciting compounded viFrench, wuwei, why? Because the calculation itself no solution; If France does not have self sex was not French; No what, then meditate on France; in memory of France, as there is no property to be set for a vaccine. Bodhisattva's Infinite when the upper primary level, primary sensory is no ownership, no charge for property not be general, there are no generals. As such, the Bodhisattva should overhaul the French notion, for France it so there is no case else what anniversary celebrations in France!
This Bodhi Monastery, what is the Bodhisattva should tu anniversary Increase? Bodhisattva anniversary Falling is because France wuwei should have them disciples of Buddha, in France until he had no memory of what else case, ballooning Up!, the Bodhisattva should meditate on the increase.
This Bodhi Monastery, what is the Bodhisattva should tu celebration about? This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva from the play of mind back they should recite the Holy precepts, not physically, not dangling, not the weapon not stain, Bhikkhu UE, not wrecked before, about himself in, are full of praise, the American, world go by; so the notion of fiction do not have ownership until there is no case else what's anniversary celebrations!
This Bodhi Monastery, what is the Bodhisattva should tu anniversary discharge? Bodhisattva from the play of mind back they should meditate on discharge, discharge, or recite it yourself or recite another discharge, discharge or discharge papers or France, or discharge of impurities; the discharge are impossible to get, what case discharge mantras! As such, the Bodhisattva should meditate on discharge.
This Bodhi Monastery, what is the Bodhisattva should celebration? Bodhisattva thought in the Sun at the Four heavenly credit, have sex, pilot, writer, intellectual property should die in this realm was born to the Sun there. We also have credit, world, countries which, he emphasized, writer; until the Sun turns there himself in Excuse, sex, writer, intellectual property, should die in this heavenly realms realms up there; We also have generic, sex, writer, he emphasized. As such, the Bodhisattva should celebration. The Sun no longer ownership there have celebrated, what case celebration!
This Bodhi Monastery, convent, the Bodhisattva's six anniversary called Friday class runs, Saturday classes, the class leader.
The time Tu Bach Bach: the Buddhist Bodhi Germany World Religion, if all non-French property, meaning that notion to the formula, the label for Italy, to France for not taking possession; label world to consciousness about are not to be owned; Countries which Three la suite so uncivil three la suite, the not so invisible non-compounded, four anniversary of, until eight of the Buddha's Holy ten, Director until position necessarily strains are not owned. White Germany World Religion, if all non-French possession time is no leader, no location, no results?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: He saw the computer whether it's best to position necessarily true strains have reasonable?
Bodhi monastery ladies: What I don't Respect German White see.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: If you don't see the real legal question is why now?
Bodhi monastery ladies: Bach (surname), the German World for France he dare not be suspected, just because the Bhikkhu stilts Tsing writer Bich chi Buddhist leader, Bodhisattva future leaders; the Britons will say like this: If all non-French owner, who remember, who's clean, who tied, one open ...? Because don't know don't understand that break the boundary, break the Chief Justice opinion, breaking, breaking facilities dread pure life. He beat her so will evil line into three fallen. White Germany That ton, the fear of the hereafter are the same, so ask the white Buddha. Germany World Religion, and you with respect to this great news, no doubt, not was.
Comment: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery life News: French whole word but not which may take up to four years in meditation, God is the great Bodhisattva near the Buddha can do; now because of the unknown new arrivals who played what for should ask new Bodhisattva Buddha: Learn how for France not taking possession of that class, the second class, first class Scout stuff; to use the class's operations are Infinitely superior primary education primary sensations? Since Monday, the class action, the class, the class leader should know new Bodhisattva while undergoing past life who play immeasurable done, because not food poisoning was true General of France, should have called the new school.
Q: If someone is so new, the weather should only teach them alms, maintained about ... the excuse what Buddha said they left for France without it., no own austerities.
A: Today stating: because the new into France it. No, no property should render legally austerities had no property, which does not by Bodhisattva it., no property that harmony tu alms, maintained about; laboratory experiments as bending a baby g smoking, there should be a new biliary drinkable; so while the new Centre is also the meaning of "no" deep, no errors. The Buddha answers with Bodhi Monastery: the Buddhist Bodhisattva by listening, if new or follow the bodhisattva made many Buddha was heard.
The Buddha is either the past or present, and the Bodhisattva made many Buddha is: Bodhisattva Made of sand, Avalokiteśvara, Dac mahasthamaprapta, Writer enemy Professor boon, Maitreya's ... Four holy text Bar class definition as before said. The Buddha, his personnel people where there is no property should be distinguished. Holy but has the merit of meditation have since Nirvana, nibbana means General Chair removal, there is no property; So says the Holy are multiplied where Nirvana that is different. All compounded micro-artifacts because their charm in harmony born, not real certain properties, so no property as have feathers.
Huu vi there are two: one is good, two is good. French excellent vandalism, dispersed to mote had not really certain. Loads of French identity to this bogus charge certain in a moment. Best best invisible General break as before said. Bodhisattva as Buddha's French player, others who provide most of the disputes before the sermon, the Saints take care not to advance theory; that should say just as holy listening. Now second class French player Bodhisattva, he took the position of comparison, load weight, the decision know it. the French certainly don't, are entered into the Prime Minister's Office of the General President's Buddha. kill not hý conclusion. I should be vexed or not, equality is not different, why? Because it's not legal basis, no general, no new method can be; France also did not lose. If the beings, sentient it. no; the original can not get; the Germany I heard, I do till the Buddhas have powers passed are as romantic as going, not real certain general it., no. And cannot be but at the same, why I don't play mind vexed?
Q: If the France it. No, no property, why say: why I don't play mind vexed?
A: it. No, no property, no obstacles whatsoever, didn't prevent the concerned player care? Then again, if said broadcast Center for the 2006 conclusions, forecast how obstacle play Center? If the obstacle course that is to be calculated manually, why say no ownership?
Question: If no obstacles along the play of mind, also should not obstacle course doesn't care? Bodhisattva not an stay which played Center subjected the industrious agony?
A: some say: does the Bodhisattva should coast who play, or because of knowledge familiar to see, not hear, do not know, do not be so General in the France; that's why today's life hereafter is the gauge of the brain. We're blessed with power, could cause him to be absent from the agony; countries such as the people have been smoking or, your knowledge of the disease resistant gauge, how did not provide for? So the Bodhisattva but know France doesn't have possession, but because her children play Center, do benefit sentient beings. Bodhisattva that: I still listen very general legal that the mind has not yet penetrated, without meditation, wisdom is not yet mature, take the brain gauge, so playing the upper primary education primary focal Radio bridge sensory, group of Germany, because there is no France possesses its own evidence, because I, as well as others. Bodhisattva he heard that Mahayana far deeper, stay in the sense of equal beings, legal equality, there is not another sai can be vexed. However, for the ordinary people and the resentment is there another eccentricity, why? Because the Bodhisattva who use it. don't do negativity, resentment towards people slimmer weak supported equally, think: resentment stems there is certain, because the coast guard personnel should themselves or the resentment, resentment or a loved one. So did the big three-Ring full coast of la suite, should be vexed. So what that is? Because abstinence does resentment because of hate, resentment Bodhisattva watches as relatives. The contender as want to go over why it seems to be in the lead; as a physician, or a rare but because poverty, however, should respect. So, thinking, productive capacity, distinguish ordinary people, the resentment but for me useless, but because human Buddha charm Scouts, so mind the upper primary education primary pát Infinite sensations. He was a first class travel, first class, second class Scouts; that's why taking the Department of Bodhisattva past testified.
Q: Friday class runs, Saturday classes, the other class had nothing wrong Director?
A: someone asked: there are no other errors, or travel, or study, or a sense that leaders of different words. Someone said: first, the Center's study, is ultimately directed. The alms, is maintained, it is wisdom. Again, the issue is maintained, the school is meditation, is wisdom.
Again, the issue is speech, Chief career, Chief Justice network; as the Chief Justice effort, mindfulness, to Chief Justice; the Chief of staff, Chief of thinking. Eight alibi but called the Scout, but distinguish three parts: Chief of staff is able to start, my faith's Chief thinking, speech, Chief career, Chief Justice network; helpful to the Chief Executive should be called Ant; Chief Justice effort, mindfulness, the Chief Justice may make comments, the Chief accomplishments solidly; He called the school. Say again: pilot Three la suite, tons of Three la suite called onions, because the new leader; Three la suite, Three Meditation la suite called learning; mind the following year exercise hard banned production, not moments would stop, gradually taking About Three la suite, Three Meditation la suite offers his mind processing should be called learning; Three Rings la suite, three uncivil la suite called the leader, why? Because the patient is healed, uncivil is wisdom; wholesome and full intelligence known as directed; countries which have had eyes like arbitrary feet away. So there are three things wrong in others.
Q: Why call the class?
A: Because Italy Bodhi Monastery: If all of France without owning the Bodhisattva who developed new for France does not make times set on fire Saturday classes? So said Saturday class. The French however, hard to understand, but because the class stuff should be achievements; countries such as escalation, from a high place, though difficult times up there to be. Saturday class is four different six-Three la suite, as in this Sutra says: he runs himself, taught the alms, alms conduct merit the exclamation canopy, canopy operator n Hy Festival alms. Manual extraction of the root, Third countries which preferred joins xan la suite, compassion for sentient beings, through it's general legal, because people's coast should be able to run four ways alms. Or someone acting on his own, he can teach others alms, or afraid that others are angry; or afraid because I teach alms to grace; because of the multiplication of such charm should not be taught in the alms. Or had someone teach the alms that he cannot by themselves, or have the approval of Cyrillic letters in Germany suggest other alms that he himself can not alms; or someone he himself, also taught the alms, alms merit evening talk, but see other people's alms star, wedding, parties? Because of the international break, or evil people take alms which loathe seeing; someone likes to see the home of countries which do not concur the exclamation. Because of ties he knows not comments result alms. As such, each individual can not complete. Bodhisattva cuz center ball, very fresh French and so may take four as saying. Bodhisattva if only he himself, does not teach the alms are the countries which can only be benefit of today's life. Human beings depend on industry's fate fallen into poverty, so the Bodhisattva teachings they no that sorry, but material I give you much, you also may not bring to the hereafter; you are now following new claims practice yourself personally benefit. Bring your real merit alms per each teach beings practice alms, to see who runs the Bell but they were guys who broke the world, evil people, but just think of the Germans as their alms good mind without thinking of their evil, so the wedding Festival evening canopy.
* Then again, see the three jewels have combined the blessed eternity, into which he should Fuk Germany does not end until the Buddhist leader, see see merit in its lifetime infinite other hybrid so the wedding Festival. Practiced four ways then he ever was rich possessions, Bodhisattva he although not because of the wealth of talent that alms, incomplete primary and upper primary level Detached six-Three la suite, but in some intermediate abundance was self property to; countries such as the people, straw rice paddy sowing should commit to. Bodhisattva when bitten an animal, who left San took part, as beings that alms should eat for dinner.
Q: Bodhisattva as alms, first give the guys?
A: a Bodhisattva but because they run Center bi, song Bodhisattva alms first donation of Buddha, Bodhisattva, A la Han and the Holy; If there is no Saint, he maintained for the class stuff about meditation, effort, intelligence, physical separation; If this person doesn't have the time give the disciples of Buddha's renunciation; If this person has no time for tho he maintained five precepts and ten friendly tho, tu fortresses tam attributed about a day; If there is one person asserts the forecast for normal people don't have to Chanh, not deviant; If no person is evil for the person he created our sins and beast; impossible not to. Bodhisattva taking the alms NIE its all sentient beings. Someone said: so the first alms for the five crimes against creation end to friendly units, the poor, the sick and old, take action, by qifu mumo, until the beast; countries such as the gentle mother who has several children, first thought of a sick, morbid, the need to use; as the Bodhisattva cuz see hungry their child wanted to eat the Tiger should give alms himself.
Q: why should first alms for the same?
A: Since all beings are blessed with rice of the Bodhisattva. Because b. Center bi, Bodhisattva often want to bring Loads of upper primary education primary buds give them birth, what situations but also to coat rice distinguished! Again, the Bodhisattva is a French equal rings infertility is not wrong, the person has not been infertile patient or compassionate mind as much, or more, two distinguishing mind centre he could not travel. People who have much compassion first alms for the poor, the brutish, think: Sow in Phuoc tuy bitten rice big, but because of his mercy they should first do the same benefits for the poor. So, obviously still not good, but because of compassion should be big thing coming. People who have the distinction of many Buddhist schools of thought: there should merit immeasurable first donation Buddha, because distinguishing the France, accept the Buddhist front small Center should. Small mind that rice should also merit great Irene large. If the Prime Minister really understand France, into uncivil three la suite and media power are doing the same work, both at, mercy beings and see them as Buddhas. Thus, the Bodhisattva depending s/he take alms.
Q: what experience does not tell rice to coat that said to eat for food?
A: there are people who need to eat again for drinking, it should be taken back to Austria, since no satisfactory life who should be blessed in Germany at least. So says need to eat for food.
Q: someone or put to shame or fear, but need that can not speak out, how do you know they need something?
A: Bodhisattva physiognomy impersonating them, as at to be used and keep it reasonable; or has the mind knows the mind what others need, as they bring. Multiply the alms he received honors and world aggregates. I believe mercy, bring them food and alms very little benefit, e.g. by gender, often taking the lead not brain damage, not fear countries which gave them birth. Bodhisattva in the maintenance world, so should the constables born to aggregates, because the mind is not pure disarray should b. wisdom aggregates; do not whinny comments, leaving the mind's intellect, due to General before accepted wisdom then break the bondage of suffering, be freed aggregates; see to know clearly, were freed so called tri-liberating opinion aggregates. The coast guard issued their first alms and achievement in the five aggregates should exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural that on bodhisattva.
Question: should the Bodhisattva conduct six Three la suite to the Bodhisattva, the why of it say the five aggregates?
A: France but one that because different nouns should say the five aggregates, no errors. People from one of three la suite wants to start the Three la suite to another, take alms master as has been said. About aggregates is the Three la suite, the aggregates, freed aggregates is uncivil three la suite. When the Three la suite can ring the Three Rings, called the la suite; can start the Three la suite non-stop, he called the three-Ton la suite.
Question: If so, why not just say the name of the Three la suite which says the five aggregates?
A: he wanted to not only keeping Bodhisattva precepts, meditation are blending them about sex, pure, timeless world. In short the whole world photography collection called brief aggregates; can break the negativity, exceeding the second admit, into a Bodhisattva. As a pilot, two people not called an army; harmony many new people into the army, can break the hostile resentment; the aggregates are also the same. Bodhisattva self be aggregates ... also makes sentient beings are; He called the Bodhisattva teachings turned them born. Teacher turned right, they bring their merit and helpfulness of all beings, as stately pure land Buddhist realms; two of France's best minds are strains, Zhuan Falun, brought France three admit the sentient beings; He called Bodhisattva practice class stuff, first class, second class Scouts. Before the following international crude, front is easy after tough, gradually the school called Saturday class. In the other Three should also mean la suite distinguish. The method but does not have the property that according to secular Empire enforced, because breaking that insanity.
* Again, the six anniversary of the worship of ... She is the first first class runs, due to ease of travel easily.
Q: the six anniversary also said do not do good worship, why say that easy?
Answer: we have the same method should call is easy; such a bitter pill, thanks to your easy-drinking era. Meaning the six anniversary as in the said extension. Six Three la suite, six anniversary ... the need for easier nhuyến, not deviant comments; Bodhisattva Friday classes. Three subjects out of ... to think, of transition; thinking, productive capacity or when b. deviant opinions should not say.
In this accident, the Bodhi Monastery to ask: What if a German White (surname), no property, how Deputy Executive class, first class, second class Scouts? The Buddha asked reverse Bodhi Monastery: He used The Intelligence documents show that true certain French best reasonable? A: I don't see colors ... just personal charm in harmony titled lust, not real certain general, how can you say that? The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery told: If you don't see the truth that certain, why Not ask about the ' class of things bring, that French class is not left where Not? Bodhi Monastery now understand clearly, what facilities should you not saying, just because someone asked three redundant in future listen to the Buddha said no, there is no ownership; due to the heavy guilt, should the implant locations accept the Prime Minister. And he no doubt who the stigma, one clean. Wicked chums wife how called the stigma? The renunciation DAC leader called clean? He does not understand the meaning of Buddha said, because what that says? Accept his Not he should say what, how about maintenance? So does coast sailings born deviant ideas, breaking Chief comments; because the Chief Justice broke the comments shoud bit multiply s/he broke the world no doubt dread, breaking the bit be afraid. The renunciation of the white goods and he lived the medical aspects gain language expectations, breaking the Austrian Chief of rice network. Sow the guilt he should be an evil way heavier on the three white guys y. an error he should ask the Buddhas: having a privileged direction, with respect to the non-French Head of what life, again often hear Buddha talks about how French the whinny conclusion b. rite? Children are often invisible because essence tu tam avoided mercy beings to ask Buddha.
Explanation: A Happy melting pot Enough Notion Friday, 76
(My Ma ha uncivil Note: Supplies For Ballooning;
My Great uncivil society 2 record: Infinite Product first 74)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion. If the computer does not have the French all posses, then see what benefits the Bodhisattva cuz they bridge the Invisibly upper primary education primary sensations?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: As all of France doesn't have possession so that bridge the Bodhisattva as upper level primary students Endless Chief sensory, why? Because of its privileged have agreed ahead of time could hardly rescue. The Prime Minister is no leader, no fruit, no Loads of upper primary education primary buds.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, the Prime Minister had no defense leader, have resulted in endless, upper primary education primary sensory nerves?
Buddha said: there is no prime facility i.e. directed, i.e. the result, i.e. the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations, because France doesn't disintegrates. If France does not have the Prime facility which want a prime leader wants a prime result, Prime upper primary education to Myriad primary buds is destructive to break the computer.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if France doesn't have a prime property that is direct, i.e. the result, i.e. the upper primary level, primary sensory Ridiculous why take Bodhisattva from tenth place to record? How is infertility France ring; Why have another thing coming is announced? How have the results reported are alms, maintained about the ring, humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom; in the result he can report achievements for the intelligent beings, strictly Buddhist realms and net donation lettered Buddhist garb, eat drink, aroma, you lost, property room, map situated, lights the torches, the need to feed the upper primary education up to primary sensory Disabled, which blessed him should not end in Germany; so symbolism after Nirvana and the disciples are donation? Thus he saith, destroy take off?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: Because the French don't have a Prime Minister should the Department of Bodhisattva from the record until the tenth place, have bitten are in spirit, the alms, maintenance men, engagement rings, humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom, wisdom for the sense of achievement they, strictly Buddhist realms NET; also because of human charity should justify charm can do the benefits they give to symbolism after Nirvana and Buddhist disciples are donation.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, if the Prime Minister has no legal basis, so the alms, maintained about the ring, humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom and the spirit by another what's wrong?
Hey Tu as Bodhisattva, Bodhi uncivil not prime Prime Minister alms, the alms and the pilot's life are not able to get that run, he couldn't have been that maintained world, can't get that ring ring, can not get the effort that the planet tons, could not get that meditation meditation, could not get the intelligence that wisdom, can't get the spirit through which runs pines, God could not have been made in memory of four, which runs four anniversary of, so can't get the eight Saints whom released eight of his leader, could not get the Wireless working, General, No tam I, can't get them that achievements for the intelligent sentient beings, could not have been the Buddha's pure land Buddhist levels of attention, which could not have been the Buddha Dharma which was Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. This Bodhi Monastery, the Bodhisattva should not uncivil conduct such a privileged facility. Bodhisattva when acting uncivil with no prime facility as such, ma or ma do vandalism.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how Bodhisattva when acting uncivil in a celebration full of runs six Three la suite, four meditation, the four immeasurable heart, four to infinity, the four anniversary of, four Chief needs, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight Saints Scouts, three subjects: the rescueten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi, thirty-two General, eighty beauty depending on the picture?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva is what he doesn't depart uncivil; has approved about humiliation, rings, effort, meditation cannot depart uncivil; Tu four meditation, the four immeasurable heart, four to infinity, the four anniversary of up to eighty sui beauty looks are not depart uncivil.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how Bodhisattva not depart so uncivil in a celebration full of runs six Three la suite for up to eighty beauty depending on the picture?
Buddha; Bodhisattva as uncivil is what he doesn't depart uncivil, no two generals; When the Citadel also has two General; Tu rings humiliation, effort, into the meditation also has two General until eighty sui beauty figure also does not have the two generals.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach World casting: ton, how the Bodhisattva as alms without two chess for up to eighty with option tu beauty nor have two generals?
Buddha: the Bodhisattva as uncivil, want full Pilot Three la suite, Three in la suite currency stock photography the Three la suite and four anniversary of, up to eighty beauty depending on the image.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva when alms collecting photographic equipment the invisible French contraband?
Buddha: If three Bodhisattva uncivil conduct la suite stay at heart loads that bootleg Bell, who in General did not see the pilot multitude who smuggled, who got the contender, the contender anything? Because of the infinite mind radio ended craving for illicit, General, ends the San's alms took part. When he did not see the alms for the upper class and the Chief Justice not seen to Invisible visual works. Bodhisattva's infinite mind radio-General and by who smuggled that maintained world don't see fiction so don't see all the Dharma; due to the infinite mind radio Center, General contraband that effort, don't see the effort he gives to not see all the Dharma. Due to the infinite mind radio Center, General contraband that into meditation, do not see meditation until he doesn't see all the Dharma. Due to the infinite mind radio Center, General contraband that practice wisdom, does not see his wisdom to not see all the Dharma. Due to the infinite mind radio Center, General contraband that tu four anniversary of, don't see the four anniversary of him until eighty beauty depending on the image.
White Germany That ton, if the invisible French General, working, how full the contender Three la suite so uncivil three la suite? How do you complete the four anniversary made for up to eight the Holy leader? How did Not fully working, General, winning three I, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi? How did the full thirty-two General, eighty beauty depending on the picture?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: three Bodhisattva uncivil conduct la suite due to mind endless endless mind, General contraband which alms; need to eat to eat until the Monday to be used either in or out, or cutting the bolt body, or the wife of alms for sentient beings. If there is someone to talk with Bodhisattva that: what are alms? Not helpful whatsoever. Bodhisattva practice uncivil thought: Who's going to stop him, he yelled at me not regret, we will conduct due diligence alms should not prevent. He then shared the same birth helpfulness to the upper primary level, primary sensory Disabled nor seen, nor seen one candidate, who received, objects whose helpfulness, pilot, what is the helpfulness, helpfulness to the place. That is Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds, are General and may not see, why? For all of France because of internal foreign exchange, so there should not, exterior shouldn't there, owner behavior, not only I could not invisible, wuwei, concur does not, not, not all, self-General should not fail. Such consistent and think: who's helpfulness, back towards where, what law helpfulness? She called the feedback direction. Now Bodhisattva can innovations for wisdom beings, Buddhas, are strictly net full Three Realms Laboratory la suite so uncivil three la suite, up to thirty-seven religious aid products, Not Indefinite, general working, tam I until French General not eighteen. Bodhisattva full Pilot Three la suite such that no head of the worldly life results reported; the contender as Sun Tha turns himself in, optionally require that all sailings are. Bodhisattva also, under arbitrary cooperating sailings are. Bodhisattva's brought thing coming alms's donation of full and Buddhist schools of them born of heaven, and A tu la. Bodhisattva left by Presenting Three la suite Regency its beings, uses means of taking France three admit the escape they born. As such, the Bodhisattva for Radio France, Prime Minister endless, full working Pilot Three la suite.
Bodhisattva, Bodhi Monastery this how for French Prime Minister endless, endless, full working About Three la suite? Hey Tu as Bodhisattva, Bodhi About Three la suite, the world, which is the world leader for eight counts of the Holy portion, about nature, about being bitten by, about life, about to be led by the Centre for birth ... The world so do not physically, not breaking down, not the weapon contamination, not before, the limit in, are American compliments. Use fiction to its, or identity, action, thought, life, consciousness, or thirty-two generals, or eighty beauty depending on the image, or large stream close to benefit, or a large line of Brahmin priests, residential solar, the heavenly Quarter, thirty-three heavens, heaven Yes ma, Sun Chemical's momentum, solar power is lost, the Sun Condone turns himself in, Sun Breaking them, clear sound, Sun NET Variables, Sun Guang Sun, Memorial pool Radio, result Infinite mind, heaven Infinite heat, Sun Magic ants, ants, A ca sky Hy Sun nị, the Sun is Not made Conscious, God of heaven, Infinity possesses the ideal African ownership of African sky, infinite thought of, or the results of the Tu da da, which function As fruit or, or the result of A function, or A la fruit na Han Chinese or Buddhist, or genus Flange leaders Turning St. London United Kingdom, or that Heavenly essence because with our feedback to upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. By General DAC infinity, no two helpfulness, just because according to secular France that said, it isn't the first sense. Bodhisattva's full Three la suite due to media power start four meditation, not indulged four meditation should be in spirit communications. Four human meditation is natural labels, Bodhisattva in the heavenly label's Prime Prime and seclusion. Was registered and then sees the current Buddhist followers in the East until being Detached upper primary education office which holds true as seen at no. See the current Buddhist schools in the South, West, North, and the four corners on the bottom until the upper primary education remains Invisible primary as it saw no loss. Bodhisattva he used pure Turkish bias over your ear, listening to the sermon as ten local Buddha was listening to not lose, can benefit, also benefits others. Bodhisattva who know the place left by other people that know the mind of Buddha and the ten who lettered the whole beings, can benefit all sentient beings. Bodhisattva's taking position ahead of network know the career Coast Guard predecessor, the industry should not miss her charm them boys born anywhere, any place are unknown. Bodhisattva's use of pirated entertainment take advantage of making them is the fruit of Tu da perfect until the results of A Buddhist Luohan, the genus Flange, where anyone can make them born into the French charity. As such, the Bodhisattva for Radio France, Prime Minister endless, full working About Three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how does the wireless working, General Franco, Prime radio-that can Ring Bodhisattva full Three la suite?
This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva from the broadcast centre back until she was sitting in the intermediate range, shume him if they are going to use tile stone, knife sticks his hurt Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, who did not run the mind becomes angry until not a celebration. Then the Bodhisattva tu rings: one is the evil beings if password yelled at nhiếc or stone tile sticks a knife in harm, not starting the mind becomes angry; the two are all non-French born, French ring, the Bodhisattva is if someone evil to password or using stone tile nhiếc yelled at, Yao sticks his hurt, Bodhisattva thought as follows: murder is who? Who is blameless? Who is beaten? Who is liable? The Bodhisattva should think really of France is it. No, no, no sentient beings. France did not have, what scenarios they are! When the French General as such, do not see people yelled at, don't see the cut rips. When the French General in the Bodhisattva as such sailings are French infertility patient.
What is infertility France rings? The French General is generally not born, the negativity from old times here are also generally not born. Bodhisattva stay where the two rings he can complete the four immeasurable heart, four in meditation, the four intend to infinity, the four anniversary of, until the eight Saints, the third release, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi. Bodhisattva in his endless worldly French contraband is not common with The text, Buddhist spirit full genus Flange of the Holy steps. Have the spirit of Holy God then use rank labels found in the Orient during the Buddha, he was worship tam I until being Detached upper primary education complete primary sensory no end to lose; see Buddhist schools in the South, West, North, and the four corners on the bottom as well. Bodhisattva use celestial Buddha listening to hang ten mass media theory as it is to hear, because they talk back. He also lettered bodhisattva who know Buddha's mind and know ten whole beings, know as the mind that theory. Bodhisattva's taking place off the network knows its previous base of good birth, because sentient beings that sermon, making their wedding. Bodhisattva left by smugglers take advantage of religious culture they render are three redundant. Bodhisattva's uncivil conduct three la suite, due to the physical means of accomplishing wisdom eyesight for sentient beings, full of Endless entertainment for the upper class and race, to be Chief Justice Chief Justice sense, Zhuan Falun. As such, the Bodhisattva for Radio France radio, General DAC, Three Rings fully working la suite.
Bodhi monastery ladies: how to honor That German White Bodhisattva for Radio France, Prime Minister working radio, which can be full of tons of Three la suite?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the Bodhisattva as uncivil user achievement effort, effort, centered on a meditation to meditation is the overall spirit of communion, have a body made of multiple stems, so can get the hand stroking the Moon, the Sun. Dear achievement effort he should fly to the Orient the immeasurable hundred thousand ten thousand Buddhas, world memory donation lettered Buddha drink food, clothing, medications, map is, he lost the aroma should be disabled until upper primary education office which dispenses full German bitten is not spent. Bodhisattva's Infinite upper primary education when primary buds, whole Earth Sun man anniversary presentation donation raiment, drink eat until saved and symbolism, after Nirvana and Sami are donation. Also do your spirit through him should come to hear the Buddha, the Dhamma service life until being Detached upper left no primary education complete primary visual loss. Bodhisattva's severely strains necessarily mind time the tu represents the Buddha, enlightened wisdom achievement for sentient beings. As such, the Bodhisattva tu uncivil three la suite of achievements itself effort, can make a full ton of Three la suite.
This Bodhi Monastery, how achievement Center of effort that can adequately Three Rings at la suite? This Bodhi Monastery, the Bodhisattva's Heart Center effort, effort by French Holy loads smuggled, the Chief effort in eight of his leader, khong to relatives, real business friendly guns intercut; also not accept the French General or common or impermanence, or miserable or happy, or ego or egolessness, or possession of or wuwei, or realms, or the Colors, or the Myriad colors, or the possession of pirated or illegally, or meditate until the fourth meditation, or compassionate Hy discharge, or the boundless nowhere madeuntil the non-Christians think Africa loads of ideas, or four anniversary of, four Chief needs, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight, or non-religious Scripture, detached General, working, or Buddha's ten to eighteen non-French General, doesn't accept the Prime Minister; or often, or impermanence, or suffering or happy, or ego or egolessness, or result in private, yet complete Tu da da function, the result of A na function, results A la Han, Director of Buddha, the Bodhisattva chi Mural, result Infinite upper primary level public awareness; or complete the da da Tu Private function, A function A la Han, na; or Flanges read Buddha, Bodhisattva, Buddha is not prime. Them boys end three unlawful use under section should be the complete da Tu; they are three thin toxicity should be Investing the momentum function; they'd end the full year unlawful use lower part should be A na function; They then ended full year unlawful use the upper part should be A la Han; they'd helmed by Bich chi Buddhist should do Bich chi Buddha; They then ran the race Director position should be called Bodhisattva, also does not accept the General, so what? Because can not due to accept the Prime Minister, because he does not have. Bodhisattva's effort by the Center should do a large benefit for beings, nor the Prime Minister they born. So is the Bodhisattva full Ton Three la suite. Full of the Dharma realm Buddhist pure land, strictly, the intelligent beings for sense of achivements, as could not have been.
Bodhisattva torso's effort, mindful effort achievements should all player friendly photography France; France would not accept the Buddhist realms from a previous go to a Buddhist realms, for the sake of beings, the God of arbitrary information don't hesitate; precipitation precipitation, flowers or a perfume; or as music or shaking of either launched aura, or only display level of seven treasure dignified; or does the body, or the great light Launcher position made known his leader, prompting police depart to deviant comments; or get the alms benefit sentient beings, or for maintenance vehicles, or cut the bolt body, or to bring his wife and child, or bring your own laboratory level, depending on the media that have made the benefit sentient beings. As such, the Bodhisattva uncivil conduct three la suite, for the French radio, General and countless prime working, use the mind can effort full of tons of Three la suite.
Buddha: Bodhisattva of Buddhist schools of meditation, minus all the meditation I t can complete. Bodhisattva he left the exercise, the evil French real good; do exercise b. loving, there is a preliminary to meditation in the fourth meditation, compassionate mind retrieves Hy discharge through a ten, the whole world. Bodhisattva pass all gender identity, kill General ownership for, didn't think to General differences should on boundless not made until the owners thought the non-ridiculous idea of origin. Bodhisattva's stay in the meditation of the three la suite and pros on eight multiples discharge, to 4th grade, Not Indefinite, General, working time, tam tam go beyond classical or romantic As blink, or sometimes on three primary Scripture, or black when on t-I Like diamonds. Bodhisattva's stay in the meditation monk thirty-seven French Assistant Director, taking the whole place Strain Relief meditation through the excellent local wisdom, Tanh, the Prefecture, the prefecture's Bowl, Cup, local education place Canvas, of measures taken, the Flanges on which Buddha Bodhisattva chi number. On the Buddhist Bodhisattva full then add. In the tu's until being Detached upper primary education primary sense, not in the middle of the player shown to him, United Fruit Director stay in Meditation Three la suite, from a Buddhist realms to a Buddhist realms donation lettered Buddha, Buddha in cultivation during the radical Protestants, strictly Buddhist realms, from a pure land Buddhist realms to a Buddhist realms do benefit sentient beings: Get the alms NIE its beings; take the lead or take the t I, or wisdom, or taken out, or get rid of counted them, teach students aerial photography comments they made were results of A Buddhist Luohan, the genus Flange; the French charity can make them born privileged come higher education bill makes DAC. Bodhisattva's stay in the meditation of the three la suite can arise all Da subjects la ni, four positions are not afraid, I was bitten by. Bodhisattva's non-stop on pregnant mothers, not suffered years of education, not born, not born, but born without the polluting, why? Because the Bodhisattva then saw all France artifacts were like going to that benefit sentient beings, nor the Prime Minister were born and all France; that teaches them born makes it not a prime facility. These are secular in the sense that says it isn't in the sense of the first. Bodhisattva in Meditation Three la suite, all meditation, intention, freed, tam I so Deeply full, Associate Chief Justice of the upper Visual Meditation Assoc. left not Three la suite. Bodhisattva when he led the race position is position necessarily strains, end all afflictions and gas; end to self interest for himself, also benefits others; handy himself useful here, because all the worldly people, Sun, A tu la do Phuoc long. As such, the Bodhisattva when tu uncivil three la suite full Meditation Three la suite infinity General.
White Germany World Religion, how Bodhisattva when tu uncivil three la suite stay in France, the French General and indefinite indefinite indefinite DAC which can complete three uncivil tu la suite?
Buddha: the Bodhisattva as tu uncivil three la suite, with France not find general facts are given. Bodhisattva he saw lust not certain, there should be general, so that has not given, there should be General; can't see good to see formal birth; If you do not see colors to not see formula b. the whole France or possession of pirated or illegally failed to see it coming, not to see it gone, don't see it capacity. When a non-privileged players such as brilliantly until protocol properties, nor is its privileged situations smuggled, pirated Radio-France. Bodhisattva when acting uncivil, believe understand all France has no general property. Information out so it is not civil to the myriad non-compounded, for France not to soak up what preceded, or good, tho, thought, action, or upper level to form primary primary sensory Disabled. Bodhisattva's acting uncivil with no property, can adequately Bodhisattva way, i.e. six Three la suite for up to thirty-seven French Assistant Director, ten of the Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, thirty-two General, eighty beauty depending on the image. Bodhisattva's stay in the deeply religious Buddha i.e. six Three la suite, thirty-seven French Assistant Director, I was bitten by the French, to bring him the benefit sentient beings; need to get alms NIE instructional procedures render alms, it should take hold about teaching players about maintenance led to aerial photography; have taken meditation, wisdom, liberation, freeing tri comments Thu tu NIE teach meditation, wisdom, liberation, freeing tri comments; need to get the other leaders taught the teachings which are result of Tu da complete until results of A Buddhist Luohan, the genus Flange; need to retrieve Buddhist religious culture teaching made Buddha Bodhisattva full relief is directed. So, depending on the appropriate level and French leaders that has led to goods being place know. Bodhisattva's when we pass through gods power, constant immeasurable HA sa aperture of escaped beings, according to the place of their needs are higher education, which offers made are adequate, from a realm of water to a water-water magic-NET realms seen realms, in which its own solemn Buddhist realms; countries such as in the Sun Condone harsh self in animals need feed are arbitrary goes to; as well as the pure Buddha the left wanted, he was bitten by the countries which Three la suite so uncivil three la suite, so the fruit is in the spirit of the race leaders conduct Bodhisattva, achievements of all Germany, upper primary education Office get'm buds. Bodhisattva's time not part of French identity to life form, not as head of the whole life or good or goodness, or the Earth, or the Earth, or the possession of pirated or contraband, or possession vi or vi; all such remedies are non-life leaders. Bodhisattva's Infinite when the upper primary level, primary sensory boredom living pets get in the national level are not subject, why? Because non-life Bodhisattva, Mrs tu, head of the French full-heartedly, as could not be had. As such, the Bodhisattva in the Radio France could fully General uncivil three la suite.
Comment: question: Who asked people all say there is no possession, so how do you distinguish which is asked, that is the answer?
A: France speak out but one that has a different wrong. People ask who brought people, ask before having taken the mind does not accept that answer. The Bodhi Monastery to say: in there own mind cannot be played. Bodhi monastery because the listener who has previously accepted hence asked. In the Bodhisattva not found Not to be playing the mind, do not find them of interest, may fail to see Loads of upper primary education primary buds. So, for France has no own birth problems: If the French all had no ownership so see what benefits should play Center? Bodhi monastery for Bodhisattva, sentient, Loads upper level Office Chief, that only facilities won't ask France not possessed. The Buddha answers that: because France Does not have the new owner should mind If not, no owner, the Bodhisattva, sentient, Loads upper level Office Chief vigilance also are not, no property, and how did start up problem? If they are, the Bodhisattva and upper primary education primary buds do not, there is a new owner might fall victim to the same. As before said it. not for France with no obstacles whatsoever, and didn't mind the barrier? Buddha again because no, there is no question of breaking ownership Bodhi Monastery, also said coast guard personnel: persons with mental handicap before hard to be freed. People from myriad mortal only I could come here due to the impurities should be infected with the French, immersed it may also infect wrecked, heard not just infected wrecked; gain or loss is also infected with wrecked; they are so hard to get out. So the Bodhisattva who played loads of upper management, self taken stately general hull, who is purity, being the great dread of Germany, said its three original life of sentient beings, human and God uses charm, for example because they speak French there is no possession, saying no liberation for leading Center for them. They see the immediate so rare that the other minds the need nhuyến, Buddhas, French life news. That's why my previous infections have said: the difficulty is freed, who has owned a prime time a layman, with no result, with no upper level primary sensory Public Radio.
Bodhi monastery to ask: If people have the Prime facility no leader, no fruit, no Invisible upper primary education primary sensations, so people have no prime office Catholic, has the result reasonable?
The Buddha answers: there is no property that is direct, i.e. the result, i.e. the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. If the person has no prime facility, is not true in General that the DAC facility it. not is also not a prime property, i.e. directed, i.e. the result, i.e. the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations, because no real French General vandalism. It's the General method i.e. France.
Bodhi monastery asked France, the Chief Justice and almond, almond flaps are usually not able vandalism, what excuse Buddha says France not vandalism is directed, is the result?
The Buddha answers: French computer while not disruptive, but because they are deviant should called vandalism; as nowhere was dusty haze, unable to dirty stigma also called nowhere impure; the truth wants to be profane nowhere, so he wanted to make profane method, can't have it. Buddha said, for example, As n want to sabotage method, people want for France not possessed was directed, is the fruit, are Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds.
Tu Bach Bodhi Buddhist thought: If there is no property that is moral, how has the location of the ten Bodhisattva's experience broadly?
Q: does the Buddha replied Yes, meaning that if France is not the Bodhisattva then nothing should play Center? Also now says: If France does not forecast how to record from the venue? The Buddhas are taken Not to answer, now what excuse Bodhi Monastery also asked?
A: the Bodhi Monastery because they did mind accept the advance should ask. In them he has found new sounds centered Bodhisattva the real French General who does not accept the linkage of previous birth. Buddha mind breaking accept earlier, they soak up front in France lost; because the class should ask Bodhi Monastery. The Buddha answers that: because there is no prime facility should have the record so there is symbolism in mass donation after entering Nirvana. In France have agreed ahead of time not to say that record and Germany, as well as no prime facility should from alms until the spirit through no other errors; no deviations should not problems.
Bodhi monastery leave question: How does a prime property which alms to God through no other errors?
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva from the play of mind back here like data mining, such as general upper level primary sensory Public Radio President removal, General Bell it. No, that is not the privileged laboratory General, the recipient countries and the material which he runs. Alms so no distinction, so does its privileged Bodhi that is Infinitely superior primary education primary sensory as well as such; He called Bodhisattva practice uncivil three la suite no prime facility. Uncivil conduct three la suite no prime office he ma or ma do vandalism.
In a book released Friday Three la suite are:
Question: what Excuse Bodhi Monastery asked the Germans in an anniversary issue six Three la suite?
A: the Bodhi Monastery to Buddha heard three uncivil la suite no general property, where France has no general obstacle, if so could not have forecast, not what not to do, how the Bodhisattva in an anniversary photography can be made six Three la suite for up to eighty beauty depending on the picture? When developing the mind, because the mind is heavy and not before, the infection, gradually, the class should first present the mind accept the first Yes and no are discharged up there, not, so does not do; so ask.
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva not actually uncivil three la suite, the Germany alms without hindrances could be in a book full of austerities; If uncivil depart three la suite must eventually take grade stuff.
Bodhi monastery asked: how is called do not depart?
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva doesn't do two General austerities alms.
Ask: How do not do two chess?
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva once operates three uncivil la suite, wants the full Pilot Three la suite, in a celebrated alms collecting all friendly Regents of France, as before stated.
What is a book? That is the Bodhisattva is infertility France rings, end all afflictions, except for every memory thought distinguished, an infinite mind which he smuggled to stay whole. Infinite Mind radio-General-General, is counts of Bodhisattva who should not see him stay an ai lab, one got and nothing. Mind off all generals that alms, not seen one for upper primary education up to primary sensory Disabled did not see, what other scenarios; He called the two generals. Up to eighty of the beauty as well as such.
Bodhi monastery again retrieved the other this question that: German French Bach (surname), the invisible World Chess, working radio, startups, and how can the full Pilot Three la suite for up to eighty beauty depending on the picture?
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva for Radio-France general working, because no Prime Minister, no obstacle of mind that alms; need to eat for food as in made clear.
Loads smuggled, winning Three of six generals, la suite has two: one is the Department of Bodhisattva is infertility France ring; the two are the Department of Bodhisattva not yet French infertility patient. The Department of Bodhisattva is infertility France ring as in it says, why? Because of the stay in the mind infinity radio that General pirated alms.
Q: unfortunately because of Bodhisattva incarnation Birth before subtracting, cut lumber is very painful, it's difficult; also infertility is Bodhisattva France rings like the changes made, whatever the cut rips nor miserable, so don't have that grace!
A: the Bodhisattva was French Onion Rings infertility six Three la suite is difficult, because why? Because infertility who are of French origin, father time rings are probably worth the fun ones life span Nirvana song, put the President's removal Nirvana fun back into sentient beings subjected to the body; or do people white trash, or beast, it's hard. B. body Bodhisattva cuz craving before subtracting, soak up front he himself should take Buddha, then there is hope, not pure alms, so is not equal.
* Then again, practicing six Three la suite infinity pirated loads during the full General and can also natively smuggled, owner of General, while not exhaustive; so, who can complete a large German grace.

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