Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
His book 86
Explanation: Genetically Studied Thursday 74
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery ever Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, Bodhisattva of achievements great wisdom deeply Executive's life not bitten.
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so, the Bodhisattva great intellectual achievements, he deeply Bodhisattva conduct, nor does its thing coming, why? Because the Bodhisattva then lies with the French don't work.
White Germany That ton, for whatever legal action?
Buddha said: there is no method for property owners.
* Again, the Bodhisattva for added colors to real, for added longevity, fantasy, travel, real estate forms, for the computer Lab Three la suite for up to three uncivil la suite estate properties; for added four real meditation, as the four immeasurable mind motionless, as the four plan to comb four properties, estate identity notion of motionless until the computer eight Holy estate Director section, for Non tam I, Loads of general working, tam I to count from the vast estate bi, why? Because the France is not owned, because France does not have possession cannot be France has owned.
Bodhi monastery ladies: France owns French property can be reasonable?
Buddha said: No.
White Germany World Religion, France had possessed could be France without possessing reasonable?
Buddha said: No.
White Germany World Religion, no property can be owned no reasonable?
Buddha said: No.
White Germany World Respect, if not owned, cannot be France owns, France have property cannot be France without possession, France owns cannot be France without possession, France does not have the property cannot be France without property, so there will be no World Religion, not direct it?
Buddha said: there are, but not because the four question.
The White World Religion, what is is?
Buddha said: There must be owned, there is no ownership, no the whinny comments then, he called a prime leader.
White Germany World Religion, what is France whinny of Bodhisattva?
Buddha: the Bodhisattva Quan deeply or often or impermanence, whinny's comment; Shop tho, thought, action or common knowledge or impermanence, whinny's comment; a sac or suffering or happy, tho, thought, action, or miserable or happy, he is whinny comments; a decoction or the fall or the non-ego, thought, life, travel, consciousness or fell or Africa fell; or the President or the President none removal removal, tho, thought, action, or other methods of killing or not killing the President, he is the 2006 comment. A Holy Roman Empire gauge we should see, the Holy Roman Empire to the Holy extermination đé Holy Roman Empire, the syndrome we should we should overhaul, whinny's comment; We should overhaul the four immeasurable heart, four in meditation, the four intend to infinity, the Savages is the conclusion; We should overhaul the four anniversary of, four Chief needs, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight Saints, the Savages is the conclusion; We should not escape tu Mon, Mon free loads working free electives, General, whinny's comment; We should overhaul the eight exhaust bumper, the 4th grade, he is whinny comments; We should pass the result of da da Tu complete Private function fruit fruit, A fruit, A la JAWS na Han, Director of Buddha, he is Spending Flange whinny comments; We should complete the ten Bodhisattva, whinny's comment; We should on the Bodhisattva's treatise, the savages; We should strictly pure land Buddhist realms, he savages, comments; should the t u for wisdom beings, then, whinny comments; one should born ten of Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, then, whinny comments; We should be for a necessary vaccine, then, whinny comments; We should end all afflictions episode gas, whinny's conclusion. Hey Tu as Bodhisattva, Bodhi uncivil three la suite or often or usually can not whinny comments should not to be savages conclusion; the life, ideas, knowledge, practices, or often or usually can not whinny comments should not to be savages conclusion, until the position required vaccine may not whinny comments should not to be savages conclusion, why? Because the computer may not whinny comment count, clones may not whinny comments asexually; computer off, the computer does not have, does not have the French can capture. Savages were savages French treatise, treatise, the Savages so good no savages comment, tho, thought, action, formal until the position required no strains whinny comments. As such, the Bodhisattva should take three uncivil la suite no savages conclusion.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, why? Colors may not whinny comments until the position required vaccine may not whinny comments?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: because of its bigger l no till position necessarily races count without, as French no IE no savages comment, so colors may not whinny comments. This Bodhi Monastery! If uncivil conduct Bodhisattva not whinny comments are like, when he gets into a Bodhisattva.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, if the French don't have, then the Bodhisattva conduct what leaders are on a Bodhisattva? Executive Director Executive Director, writer Bar Flanges Chi Buddhist or Buddhist leader?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: no moral the written Bar, not moral Mural genus Buddha, Buddha is not due to the Bodhisattva situation; that Bodhisattva across the Scouts are on the Bodhisattva. Participants learn the pre-Bowl as directed at himself, not yet results before direct result; Bodhisattva also, before learning the next leaders into a Bodhisattva, also not yet position necessarily strains that are born tam I Dharani, now due to a ballooning Samyutta with wisdom, are necessarily place strains.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, if the Bodhisattva across which the Bodhisattva, the forecast of human Bowl bound Tu da da, which is complete, navigate to the Investment momentum is momentum Investing, jaw jaw, headed A na function, is A function of na, headed A la Han, was A la HanBuddhist chi Buddhist leader, Flange, Scout, that the faith of every every different? If the Bodhisattva across the faith back into the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. If born eight provinces to forecast human Bowl class, if any Comments complete momentum as Director Tu, if any ethical thinking time should do Tu da function, A na jaw, A la Han; If any Buddhist chi DAO Flange Flange how time spent on Buddha? White Germany That ton, if the Bodhisattva to Bowl entertainment then new to the Bodhisattva, the then perhaps he can not have? Not to the Bodhisattva that are position necessarily strains also may not have? Do Tu complete momentum until new line following, so Buddha Mural on the Bodhisattva does probably not also? Not to the Bodhisattva that are position necessarily does probably not strains? White Germany World Religion, I do know the Bodhisattva across the Scouts are on a Bodhisattva?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so, if the Bodhisattva to Bowl entertainment are consequence of Tu da Huan to be outcome A Luohan, by Bich chi Buddha, then to the Bodhisattva, the unit cannot does not, perhaps to the Bodhisattva that are position necessarily does probably not race. Hey Tu Bodhi, if the Bodhisattva from the broadcast Center, the six Three la suite, thanks to one suicide which crossed eight place is the excellent location, Leanne Logan, Lily Bowl entertainment venue, location, local promotions, Opinions, local education advocate, of Glass, the Buddhist Leader taking refuge, the genus Flange strain where the Bodhisattva situation. The Bodhisattva then thanks to mind necessarily end that strains all negativity and gas volumes. In the bowl of local people or place, or the Bodhisattva's infertility France ring; in Order complete momentum or position (position know Imperial gauge-ND) or paragraph (paragraph except the Roman Empire-ND); As the momentum of a function or the position or the position or function of the na, the A, A la Han or location or piece of Sponge, or Buddhist read snippets of both Bodhisattva rings. Bodhisattva written lessons, Bich chi Buddha. so, where race leader taking refuge on the Bodhisattva; the Bodhisattva then turns to position necessarily strains that ends the negativity and all gas volumes, was Mahayana Buddhist leader. As such, the Bodhisattva across the full relief should be Infinitely superior Chief Dan Chief vigilance; get upper primary education primary buds and then provide the results benefit sentient beings.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany, the World Religious leader said: The Leader Philosophy texts, the Buddha Buddha, DAO chi Mural, how is the race Director for the Bodhisattva?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the Bodhisattva should b. position purity of all religious strains. What is pure entertainment for all Scouts race? As if the French have the General article can slides, the Bodhisattva should know the right thing; know the right thing then, because someone else took place said, giving the cause is understood. Bodhisattva should understand all the sound, language; using sound, does language theory spread all over the world heavenly three thousand such as echoes. So should the Bodhisattva first of all complete school leader. Fully decorated leader then you should distinguish the mind's sentient beings: or hell, the road to hell, the underworld, the hell, should know, should stop excluding; distinguish know beast, the beast, the beast, the hungry daemons devil, Devil, Devil hungry daemons line of hungry daemons fruit, should know, should stop excluding; the Dragon, damn, she Needs an emergency, thát na la, Ma old, entertainment and most result la tu la leader should know, should stop excluding; and the result of humanity should know; and the result of the previous leader should know; and the outcome of the thirty-three heavens, heavens Yes, ma, where's the DA rates sky, heaven, heaven Club Chemistry Tha turns himself in, God Brahma, the Sun, the Sun turn the pure land, Sun Guang results, Sun wall, Invisible Sun A la ha, Endless Sun heat, Sun allergy, ants, ants, A ca sky Hy Sun nị SAC should know; and the result of boundless nowhere of boundless, Endless, possessed of knowledge of, the owners thought the non-infinite wall parish should know; and the results of the four anniversary of primary, four fighter sweeps, four as a student, in radical, in the sense of power, seven, eight Saints leader should know; and the result of No gi i get Wireless working, General subject, liberation, Buddha's, ten subjects, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi should know. Bodhisattva because faith makes them born on da Tu leaders until completion of guide Flanges spent Countless Buddhas, upper primary education Director primary buds. He called the race Director position purity of Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva's mind race leader school and then to the center of beings; and according to the mind of beings that appropriate theory, speech is not frivolous lies, why? Because the Bodhisattva then cleverly know their identity was born, know who their French Centre born during the birth and death. This Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva should take three uncivil Director la suite so, why? Because of all the French charity aid come into the uncivil. The Bodhisattva, Thanh Van, Bich chi Buddhist should practice.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if the notion of four upper primary education up to primary sensory Disabled as all of France are not not concur, no colors, no picture, no for, just a general radio news, how to, general assistance by France's leaders can craft Visual evidence of upper primary education primary Unconscious? White Germany World Religion, France a British General, not General, repugnant, not riveted, not good, not pictured, not for nothing he took, not deleted, as nowhere does not take not give.
Buddha said: so, so, the free French computer doesn't, nothing taken, nothing left; because they don't know themselves as the French did not, so because they support the French leader, a declaration that could be its primary visual evidence of upper primary College Radio.
* Then again, good, tho, thought, action, awareness, countries which Three la suite so uncivil three la suite, no Cabinet, no exception to this ridiculous non-compounded, a meditation to the non-owner thought Africa loads of ideas, four anniversary made for up to eight pieces, the third mass release, eight multiples discharge, to 4th class, ten of the Buddhafour things, not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi, Tri, the race for France in the French Church were repugnant, not riveted, not good, not pictured, not for, just a general news radio General. Because according to secular French teaching students, as they should, say, makes clear, but not according to the first definition. This Bodhi Monastery, for the whole of France, the Bodhisattva should take place to see France as truth which study; complete segregation of France recommended or not recommended.
Bodhi monastery ladies: White Germany World Religion, Bodhisattva distinguish what France should take, or not to use?
Buddha: The French text, Buddhist chi Flange distinguishes know should not take place, necessarily distinct strains known to use. As such, the Bodhisattva for France to study three uncivil la suite.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how does Holy Holy is what France and the French?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: The French writer Bich chi Buddha, Bodhisattva and Buddhist teachings with the enjoy not foolish, angry, does not concur, sex, anger, the infection does not fit, do not concur; SAC infection, infinitely good infection, trạo BA, his side, ignorance does not fit, do not concur; beginning meditation until the fourth meditation does not fit, do not concur, compassionate Hy discharge, nowhere of non-owners to think the non-multitude of discredited ideas, do not concur; the four anniversary made for up to eight the Scriptures, not merge, do not concur; No Cabinet until the great bi, Tanh Tanh, micro-organic loads invalid, does not concur, why? Because the French were all good, no picture, no for, as is a general news radio General. France is not good with excellent non-repugnant not concur; France is not pictured with France does not picture not approved; France not for France not to, not if such approval; a French General with a French General repugnant, not approval; Radio France with French General detached General repugnant, not riveted. This Bodhi Monastery, the most uncivil indefinite three General-General, la suite is not good, not pictured, not for him, the Bodhisattva should learn; and not the privileged French General.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, Bodhisattva not learn General identity process? Not learn General tho, thought, action, informal reasonable? Not learn chess eye gives to Italian chess? Not learn general good to the French? Not learn General geographical races until the general formula race? Don't study Participants Three dollars so uncivil three la suite? Don't study non-Cabinet Minister until the General multitude compounded France's? Not learn meditation profile General to General fourth meditation? Not learn General Xu Hy discharge? No, not boundless general education until the General non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea? Not learn chess four anniversary of, until General eight Holy leader? Not learn General Not t I, Loads of general working t I? Not learn General eight multiples discharge, to 4th grade? Not learn General ten of Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the great bi? The Holy Roman Empire as part of General learning, exercise, Destroying the Holy Roman Empire leaders? Not learning positive General Consulate, against a dozen coast guard personnel? No useful general lessons, the invisible computers? White Germany World Religion, if not the General's French school, learning how the Bodhisattva General legal or ownership vi or vi; completing pass Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural? If not the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Flange how to add bodhisattva? If not on the bodhisattva, how are position necessarily strains? If not mind necessarily how strains of Zhuan Falun? If not, how can you Zhuan Falun offers three leaders admit the sentient beings?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: If the General truth that the Bodhisattva should learn his generals; song for the French no, no good, no picture, no for, just a general news radio-General; that's why Bodhisattva not learn chess, not endless learning chess, why? Because there are no Buddhas or Buddhas, a General of the French, count is still residing.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if all the remedies there is no general right there how tu Bodhisattva General uncivil three la suite? If not tu Bodhisattva time cannot exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Mural? If it does not exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Flange cannot on v Bodhisattva? If not on the bodhisattva cannot be sterile France rings? If there are French infertility patient time can't be Bodhisattva spirit communion? If no Bodhisattva spirit through time cannot be strictly pure land Buddhist realms, the intelligent beings for sense of achievement? If not strictly pure land Buddhist realms, the intelligent beings for sense of accomplishment time cannot be set for a vaccine? If no position necessarily can't forecast strains Zhuan Falun? If the chain does not forecast the Falun can make them perfect for momentum is born to Lady Director spends Buddha, Bodhisattva; also can't make them be blessed alms, be blessed, with maintenance overhaul plan?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so, the Radio France General isn't a general, isn't that two generals, if tu tu is the General multitude uncivil three la suite.
Bodhi monastery Bach: how tu tu is the General multitude uncivil three la suite?
Buddha: Tu the France disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite.
White Germany World Religion, how tu the France disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite?
Buddha: Tu SAC disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite, tu tho, thought, action, consciousness disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu label, Turkish, male, were killed, and Three Italian la suite disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; TU, the stick, flavor, taste, tactile France disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu Cafe impure disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; the TU campus meditation, meditation, meditation, tam II, four meditation h ruined three uncivil tu la suite; Tu Xu Hy discharge disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; TU to sharp's four wireless disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu worship, reciting mantras, French Rose, anniversary's, anniversary celebration, anniversary, pilot exhaust removal, reciting the breath disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu General impermanence, egolessness General gauge, General, General, General, General assignments not multiply, general biology, General Abubakar, Gen. close, General removal, General Magic, General, the General Director, General, General, General Mark white left naughty ho tu is uncivil three la suite; Tu 16th worker Jesica disintegrates, general fall, general life, they assume, until General who knew guys found disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu typically funny, General, General, General NET fell disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu four anniversary made for up to eight the Saints lead disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu no, working, Comb General tam you are uncivil three la suite; Tu eight multiples to discharge, the 4th layer disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu tam tam Quan, that did you not that consistent, tam I don't won't a disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Holy God, Holy volume gauge repair soles, the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire Director removal disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu Tri-gauge, the decor, the location, the decoration removal disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu make another, infertile as tu uncivil three la suite; Tu France location, male positions, so knowledgeable, tha mind disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Three Pilot TU la suite so uncivil three la suite disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu no Cabinet, no exception, exterior, no no, no age, no obligations, along with the property that no, no, no scene of wuwei, loads only I could not concur not, emptiness, non-self, háp lettered General not impenetrable, DAC is not infinite, non-organic, non-French, non-compounded countless disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu ten of Buddha, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-generic disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu result, Tu da complete until results of A Buddhist Luohan, the Genus Flange disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu necessarily position disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite; Tu ends the negativity all the gas disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, stars called tu SAC disintegrates so tu all gas episode affliction piece disintegrates tu uncivil three la suite?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the Bodhisattva as uncivil conduct three la suite does not think to have a French identity, he is uncivil tu ba la suite; not thinking there tho, thought, action, awareness has not thought of until the end to all suffering gas volumes, he is uncivil tu ba la suite, why? Because the French have to think, is not uncivil tu ba la suite. Hey Tu French Bodhi, has to think about is not tu Pilot Three la suite so uncivil three la suite, why? Because people accept the French Lab handled before Three la suite so uncivil three la suite. Accept in advance so as not to be freed, no leader, no Nirvana; have to think about is not tu four anniversary of, until the eight Saints Scouts, not the tu tam Not me so necessarily place vaccine, why? Because people accept the French advance.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, how is that legal? What is not French?
Three Buddhist Monk Bodhi: the two are French, two are not without remedies.
White Germany World Religion, what are these two?
Buddha: the General good is two, Gen. tho, thought, action, formula two, General eye until General Italy is two; General colors until the French General is two, Three Laboratory General la suite to the General Mahayana Buddhism, general upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations; useful general vi, wuwei is two. This Bodhi Monastery, all generals are two, there are two all France; adaptation to have France is mortal, adapt has birth and death is not death disease and old students depart favor bi brain gauge. Because people's coast should know who accept two General no countries which Three la suite so uncivil three la suite; a layman, with no results, so there is no pros what the best case-patient, seen to see General position necessarily strains! If not why leaders Tu tu da until completion of the fruit results A la Han, Director of the upper Flange, Associate Chief Justice, infinite Buddhist chi Chief Justice and end all afflictions gas volume?
Comment: the Buddhist Bodhisattva of six Executive said three uncivil la suite, no worldly thing coming life, Bodhi Monastery was unmatched evening of talk, the white Buddha that's great achievements: the Bodhisattva of wisdom, profound executive order, creating the agent without the life result. Bodhisattva it for benefit to sentient life ought not to result in small newspaper. Buddha approved Italy's coast guard personnel said again: Bodhisattva for France doesn't waggle. The French are not owned, it., as legal, computer, fact, Bodhisattva centering in him, do not shake.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: for what those offices do not shake?
The Buddha responds best to not shake, so for the computer from the great bi ... why? Because the French are so charming self, not born in, there is no general; No General should not have owned. The French are good French ... the French identity that people should say wuwei. That's why France wuwei as well without owning, why? The French cannot be used because there is no property that its privileged legal ownership.
Bodhi monastery ladies: If there is no property, French property cannot be Prime players, so one can use France has its own DAC France had possessed him?
The Buddha answers: no, why? Because France does not have the property gets all his personal approval, an stay, can't have a prime property, what consequences France owns!
Bodhi monastery ladies: France has the largest non-DAC player owns reasonable?
The Buddha answers: no, why? Because of that ownership, not possession are not meeting the Buddha, so error.
Bodhi monastery ladies: the French can be used without owning a prime player in France do not have possessed reasonable? The Buddha answers: no, why? Because France has a general property of birth, General Franco was rotten lies, don't even have a prime property, what consequences France there since time immemorial possession back it. not that Prime property!
Bodhi monastery asked: If using all four questions were no prime property, will a layman, not a prime result right?
The Buddha responds That there was relief, but just not used four sentences, so what? Because these four sentences all have errors as above; If absent from the four-sentence treatise whinny he is religious.
Ask: what is the General Bodhisattva whinny comments?
The Buddha answers: Good or often or often ... is the Bodhisattva whinny comments, why? Because if there's no birth time often kill, not guilty of Phuoc, good bad; If the impermanence is also not true, why? Because people often that comes impermanence. Often did not have, what case impermanence!
* Again, if impermanent is certainly the best of time, General cannot have human industrial charm thing coming, why? Because SAC France ... reciting mantras of killing lost. If career employees and the coast guard report removal takes time not called General impermanent? The coast guard so it isn't usually very General of France ... as successfully in previous impermanence products. To think: We will end all afflictions gas volumes, also the whinny comments. Good French ... not whinny comments, which phám the Savages wife is French, the Bodhisattva for France may not whinny comments, according to France not whinny comments, why? Because the character count can not whinny comments manually calculate, why? Because their fate was born, only pretending to, how can whinny comments? If the computer can not whinny comments, what case asexually? Absent from the PC and clones, no third solution can whinny comments? Whinny conclusion is: a French treatise Whinny whinny comments where possible, France are impossible to get. Hey Tu French identity, Bodhi's generals may not whinny comments. As such, the Bodhisattva should tu uncivil three la suite do not whinny comments.
* Then again, Buddha himself said coast guard personnel may not whinny comments: good self helpless French computer, if France loads itself as IE can't whinny comments. If the Bodhisattva tu was uncivil comment directly, the Savages could not be on the bodhisattva.
The Bodhi Monastery: none of whinnies third treatise is superfluous, so using what leaders Bodhisattva on the bodhisattva has no savages conclusion? The Buddhas are a no, why? Because every Mahayana Bodhisattva should not take France Second admit, as a six-three la suite is not yet complete, cannot use the Buddhist leader. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel; Bodhisattva should study the new leaders around the convent on the bodhisattva; laboratory experiments as the bowl in every Opinion leader, Emperor first learned around the leader, are in the political situation that is not yet complete, Tu da fruit Bodhisattva as well; first across the way, stays on the bodhisattva without result necessarily strains. If a Bodhisattva in Dharani tam I, using a notion of Samyutta with wisdom is the most necessary strain.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: What if a German Surname Bach Bodhisattva across the new location so the bodhisattva, the different faith; If the Bodhisattva across the faith, or born into eight Scout, i.e. every human Bowl; If born into Buddhist chi DAO Flange Flange, i.e. the genera Buddha; If the Bodhisattva as a human Bowl to do the Mural, so a new genus following local Buddha bodhisattva, while not perhaps so. .. If not on the bodhisattva which are essential for a race, nor does she perhaps? I will let the school Bodhisattva, bodhisattvas on?
Buddha approved Italy's charm and personality: Bodhisattva from the new six-seat Three la suite, because one sees the Bowl's place straight through, like a woman in labor prison, goes to see saw but also not the same bearing cangue; Bodhisattva wants full relief should place strains on the bodhisattva, viewed throughout the walk, on the bodhisattva; on the bodhisattva then position necessarily strains, end to end experiences episodes of gas. Buddha giving the Bodhi-Tu that: every Second is the least intelligence of lettered Buddha and Bodhisattva, so every Cup or tri or piece, until the Flanges genus Buddha or location or both infertile France rings of Bodhisattva.
The eight rows of human learning and nine or ten rows of benighted.
The end is unlawful assault, ten in the upper portion of the Fang, in lower part urban planner.
Tu da da, the complete function comes the end three broad urban planner, said the end to the eighty-eight urban planner. A brief history of speaking function in na as Xia Fang portion, say wide is over ninety two fang. A brief history of Lo Han is pirated or three end to say: sex, smuggled, pirated property, illicit ignorance; said broad is end all afflictions. He called and the; and the are all infertile France rings of Bodhisattva.
Now The Holy Roman Empire by writing lead four, found the Holy Roman Empire by a Bodhisattva in relief. Buddha said the four Holy Roman Empire are all one Holy Roman Empire, because the distinction should be four. The four sections of the second empire and his legacy are in a Roman Empire. Bodhisattva first stay in positive need academic myriad infertility patient, removal, not sterile, not to kill; absent from the owners opinion, infinitely detailed, organic loads comments, not owners weren't ridiculous opinion ... the end of the 2006 conclusions, be infertile patient.
Again, say could exceed the wisdom of The writer and Mural information Buddha, called the infertility patient. The wisdom literature, posters and more Buddha Bar five aggregates should kill boring mind-born students, left that out. Bodhisattva because of wisdom and joy in Germany grew up while the five aggregates b. removal, the mind does not fear as the U.s. Admit; Bodhisattva eye use wisdom to find the French General born killer could not have been, as mentioned in the previous Top at work. Only use meat and damn mind's eye sees the impermanence b. extermination; that means that every wife for the France show that often, but when France accept the earlier return to impermanence, as they worry about sad, suffering brain. So Buddha said to be absent from the pros don't typically consistent gauge. Said insanity break it for impermanence accept the often, not because good wrecked impermanence that comes, so the Bodhisattva abandon a born killer, into the endless sterile removal.
Ask: If in endless infertility removal i.e. how often depart was driven accept often?
The Buddha responds As impermanent has two: A common mortgage insanity is deteriorating without accept impermanence; or accept impermanence born whinny comments; infertility patient as well as such; One is that while breaking b. removal that does not accept the endless sterile removal should not fallen into insanity accept generally; the two are not permitted kill so fallen into insanity commonly accepted.
Chơn thành district that infertility is a stop to the Inn, the cafe, complete the whole language of France as General Nirvana, from the old times back here often are not born; are endless infertility kill it., pure then a impermanent and doesn't accept the player, what case b. removal? The so called French infertility patient. Being infertile patient's sailings on the bodhisattva; on the bodhisattva then do mind necessarily end strains the impurities and gases, taking every human beings escape the fate; as the trees have delicious fruit do many benefits.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: Germany World Religion, what is the Bodhisattva of strain relief?
A: the Buddha Bodhisattva in infertility France rings are what the French General. From that General run up, grab the generals, the language of France himself understood; understand yourself and then again as they held talks, which was food poisoning. Phuoc Duyen bodhisattva human thanks to Germany should understand their language, sound was born, using sound turn around three thousand of heavenly world, nor does it accept sound before, so know it as echoes. Hum i.e. General phạm Sonic, so the Bodhisattva should know all Scouts, see around the Centre of sentient, aware of its peaks in the root and then bring the French charity to benefit, preventing any French tiles, as in broadly: Bodhisattva first of all know what General legal, so for the second leaders admit to himself in; a survey and then you pass that on to the bodhisattva. Because of they should run the Intelligence Director; want because they are preachers, clear sound, the language of them then use the Sonic offense birth theory, prevents evil way, way better. The road is three evil leader: Hell, beast, hungry daemons demons. The charity is charity three Directors: People, Sun, A tu la. Use the all affinities blameless evil leader, riveted the exclamation of good relief. Stop the evil way is to prevent the road to hell, the underworld, the fruit underworld. Hell is real friendly leaders three. Hell's three exclusive: taking part in exercise increase starting line up any good greed, challenged the quiz; ruicheng County yard run up the road any good anger, brain damage; dense growth starting line up any good deviant opinions. The three poisons are multiplied by three the real friendly, real friendly lines are multiplied by seven road improvement. Result of hell is caused by personality he should take himself to hell, the mind is the brain gauge, which is the result. Bodhisattva should see result hell of sentient beings, so later because of their theory, which makes a stop to cause and effect and the underworld. Ten road has the upper, middle, lower. The upper is hell; Central is the beast, hungry daemons is the devil. Ten good lines also have upper, middle, lower. The upper is the sunset; lower the numbers. In October the charity can do fitness, born up the Colors; absent from the Sac, born up the Infinitely good. In a three-way evil is often subjected to suffering, should say needs should know, should should stop excluding. Make it in the human species, species which multiply the prime coastal management; because Nirvana or when should stop excluding; because of the uncertainty should not speak; because the other leaders support France should not stop speaking subtract, so Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. Bodhisattva distinguish so it know they are using U.s. admit degrees; recommended France Mahayana to the time Mahayana law degrees. Bodhisattva knows the mind of human beings and industrial charm life before; the coast guard personnel knew the next thing coming; know the weather and place of beings can plat; the coast guard can plat are full, so Word of mouth is not frivolous lies. Wisdom to know about race and the French support such leaders are professional photographers into the uncivil; so the Bodhisattva should take the Intelligence Director uncivil.
Bodhi monastery of the white Buddha: If France supported leader, Bodhi is not French, does not concur, no colors, no picture, no for, just a general news-General, assisted by the French radio-faith are not, how can watch Loads of upper primary education primary sensations? France does not, there is no possession, time instead worth taking, not dropped; the contender as frivolous, not France should not take, do not give up?
Tu who spoke with Bodhi chon TAM I before, so the Buddha promised to that: so, so, and says human beings: is the coast guard did not know the free French General doesn't like that, so since they did the French distinction-born Assistant Director that can watch privileged upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. This just isn't it, Bodhi Monastery thirty-seven accessibility products, not, not, not concur, that French identity until position necessarily strains in the French President himself also, Scriptures, repugnant, not riveted. Do not merge, do not concur that means it. no; like in this saying for General, which is General. France--although not, but because under the Roman Empire should because they say: want to make are in French, but not the first sense. In this Bodhisattva should know, see, learn French there. New call is known; later on, known as the saw. Know is unclear, that is clear.
Question: Know and see what's wrong with another?
A: some say: have the know weren't found, there's no need, was there also know too that doesn't know isn't found.
Have the know weren't seen as only for the position and infertility, deducted the World Chief comments and in the comments, other wisdom evil called know; It is wisdom to know, something to see.
There is no one to know is evil, comments and opinions and public world rings in Imperial Scout ants; This is seen, for example, must know. The infinite wisdom of other contraband also called knows, also called a saw; do you see and know it, the other didn't see, didn't know.
* Then again, some say: intention called saw, and yet determined comes smoothly called know; as in Zhuan Falun says: the Gauge and then should be presented; know distinguish knows, France--should see, then Imperial Gauge; France's Emperor chunk should Exercise, he is; France should he testify, then kill the King; France's Emperor, he is Directed to tu. Ends the negativity or know the call is found; as knowing the nine or the subtraction.
Bodhi monastery heard other nouns of French Saints called uncivil, should ask: what is the patron saint of France?
The Buddha answers: in France, the Holy Sage or Buddha, or Buddha, or read the written Bar Flange, because the French took part in the exercise and. .. do not merge, do not concur. Repugnant is all negativity called insanity; crazy island that does not have possession. If there is no property, how can fit? If not how have riveted? It does not fit should not disrespect chums wife; because not approved should not himself; for they do not hurt does not hate. In this Buddha himself said no, don't mix Jesica human thumbs, that is: The French are not good, not pictured, not for, just a general news radio General. France has no identity with France there is not sharp, not riveted, so France has no general with France there is not General, does not concur, why? Because he has a computer, free sex with self identity, he called for General loads of General uncivil three la suite, the Bodhisattva should learn. And there can be.
Tu Bach Bodhi Buddhist thought: Bodhisattva not learn good General As to the ownership of wuwei General As, otherwise, the General French courses why in saying Bodhisattva first learn the French General, after exceeding The text, Buddhist chi Flange location; If it does not exceed the bar text, Buddhist chi Mural, how to add bodhisattva as in this extensive talk?
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: If the French really have to study General chess thing. Hey Tu French Bodhi, but it's not chess; so the Bodhisattva should not learn General; No General should not learn because learning is approved as Prime Minister. The French General in the General Break products conclusion said. There are Buddhist or not Buddhist, the French remain permanent, for General ill General.
The Bodhi monastery to Buddha heard all Radio France General, now ask Buddha: If all France's possession of General, General, General wireless isn't how Bodhisattva tu uncivil? If there's a whole General Staff General place can overhaul uncivil? Now that neither Prime Minister and General, so multiply what is uncivil? If not tu uncivil time cannot exceed the Status Bar text, Buddhist chi Flange, so cannot be an establishment where three Fuk Tin?
Buddha's promise to his daughter: so, so and say human favored tu uncivil; Bodhisattva not because tu tu should be general uncivil; Tu tu should be the General multitude uncivil.
The White Sun, how tu tu chess is deeply uncivil? If loads of General, as how can tu?
Buddha: Tu the France disintegrates tu uncivil because the France disintegrates so endless General General also disintegrates; laboratory experiments as the car assigned to sabotage should General wheel well kill; so until the mote.
The White World what legislation, Respect can sabotage?
The Buddha answers: best sabotage French Tu tu i.e. uncivil three la suite; Tu ends the negativity all gas volumes i.e. tu uncivil three la suite.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery of Bach: how best to sabotage the French tu tu ends the negativity all gas volume vandalism are uncivil?
The Buddha answers: Bodhisattva for wish to necessarily place, mercy beings, to Chief Justice three uncivil Hanh la suite, not thinking deeply is the possession of France; Tu tu is so uncivil, as for the SAC is true, a general error in owner-General, because why? Because of this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: General property is not tu uncivil, since in French no longer deeply uncivil, what situations possession of France! He does not, nor is it uncivil tu tu, Three la suite; He claimed before the whinny comments compounded, tu no alms etc. People accept in advance so no release, no leader, no Nirvana. There are three subjects get called no release; There's no solution known as a layman; a layman should not be Nirvana.
Q: because of how a layman?
A: Because he savages French treatise, not boring old ill die, accept before France should b. deviant comments; deviant opinions should not as they really are a police body impure...; can't a user should not be made in memory of relatives of tu; no body should not be made in memory of tu tu tho, mind, French notion of; do not order the four anniversary of unable tu No me Mirna until position necessarily vaccine, why? Because of previous disputes compounded.
White Germany World Religion, what is compounded, what is France? Divine wife or for possession of France born disabled for infertility French fantasy fantasy owners? Like to distinguish whether he should ask the Buddha.
The Buddha answers; The two generals are compounded, not two French Chess is ridiculous.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: what are the two French?
The Buddha answers: Accept its good general news is two, as in previous talks. No identity left eye, left eye has no identity, so computer owners vi, wuwei, why? Because the left property of not talking wuwei; do you honestly not wuwei General Huu vi; that's why two France not absent from that divine Lady for that is two, so the mad leader. Brief history of Buddha said two generals, for the whole of France accept the Prime Minister's two, all two are both useful, adapting the owner and he has birth and death, why? Because for that heartless heart birth dispute before, accept that the negativity, for afflictions which through mortal again, as mortal that pros know brain size; So says adapting to French property and he has a mortal mortal time was not from the old, the sick, the pros, the gauge. This Bodhi Monastery and should know who accept the two generals had no Pilot Three la suite so there is no case to see what rings, ' it's good to see that the position necessarily mind. If it's not visible to the General of the edge ... There is no tu leader, how are results of Tu da perfect till the end to all suffering episodes of gas?
Six Ba la suite has two: the Earth and the Earth. He has six three-la suite worldly appearances, it should tell the general observance in owner's six Three la suite. If there are only three la suite, but in the world it does not say Three la suite world. Direct result of The writer did not, what consequences there are Buddhist leader? Q: Pros are pros any rings? A: it's Minor ring of positive change. Excess of the Rings ' did not have, what the case of the Mahayana.
Q: wealthy girl status France has not been transferred, there is no excuse for rotten said to French ring status?
Answer: In France The writer also said wealthy girl fallen, in France the Mahayana also said wealthy girl fallen, what excuse does not speak French, wealthy girl fallen? Someone said: But in French, wealthy girl rotten not fallen, but not durable, not should not say. The ring is an long, was on to the chief resident, but have yet to be pirated with that ridiculous loads smuggled. Since the pros with the French gauge should ring called ring; because of the unprecedented legal then, when seen adjacent rings are so called ring. People with Holy Buddha is small that Vela with first lady is big.
See the colors there are two: one is just how sharp is the clear, General end to negativity tied in the colors, so called seeing. Like colors to mind necessarily end the strains, and all negativity so gas volume. If people see the SAC tu get relief, what case was result of Tu da perfect until the end to defilements gas volume?
Explain three things First Class Products: 75
(My Ma ha Uncivil record: three layers of onion) (My Great uncivil society 2 record: ranked 73 Salon Products)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery ever Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if general agreement is also compounded the ring case, what is moral? If under French General detached ring pros would be reasonable? Or are the excellent local wisdom, or local human geography Bowl, Leanne, Opinion, the local Baht, Egos, of local education advocate, the Buddha, the Bodhisattva chi Flange area or location, or Buddhist monastic leader, tu DAO personnel will end to defilements reasonable? Because of his affliction should not exceed the bar text, Buddhist chi Mural that on the bodhisattva? If not on the bodhisattva as not mind necessarily strains; do not position necessarily can't forecast strains over all afflictions and gas volumes. White Germany World Religion, if there is no legal ownership by the French General born? If not born in France he forecast could not be located for vaccine?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, so, if there is positive and has compounded the ring till the end to all suffering and gas volumes.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The ton, Bodhisattva when acting uncivil three la suite, there are French General reasonable? I.e., it has excellent General until general knowledge, General eye until the Italian Prime Minister, general good to French General, General label for up to four vehicles, General and general sense of notion, until general position necessarily strains; or general good, or general good end to this general knowledge, general awareness ends; Twelve General entered, eighteen as well; or general ignorance, or general ignorance stop, until the General favor, bi, size, brains, Superior General, bi, size, stroke end; or General, or general education, or General to Gen. b. end; or General si, the si General or end; or General suffering, or General suffering ends; or general practice, general practice or end; or general removal, or general removal end; or general relief, or general relief ceased, until the General position necessarily strains, General end all afflictions and gas?
Buddha said: No. Bodhisattva when tu uncivil no French General, Gen. illegal, i.e. positive Bodhisattva rings. If there is no general legal, illegal General i.e. tu leader, as well as direct results. This Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva, owner of France's Radio France as DAO, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva result; because people's coast should know all France, doesn't have possession.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery to Bach that Bach: in Germany The Religion, if all French, the computer does not have the property, how do Buddhas know all French, as there is no property should be known as the Buddha, for the whole of France was in power?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: so, as such, all French, the computer does not have the property. I used to take Bodhisattva way, tu six Three la suite, left the French left, the real evil in good faith, there is a difficult exercise, born into a loving meditation, so in the fourth meditation, for meditation and the meditation of the genus does not think that the life's meditation meditation position, not his meditation, not infectedpure meditation, four, no Shou thing coming for her meditation. Y stay where the four start meditation, spirit is the spirit of student media, the Turkish pine, y tha support, sufficiency, natural ventilation networking through Atrium, y tha support, network label and sufficiency; as for the media not to Prime, do not think that there is God's message, not its taste of God's message, not its privileged information, she, God did not distinguish by year then by God. This Bodhi Monastery, I then used a notion of Samyutta with wisdom, are Infinitely superior Chief of primary Visual Modeler. That is funny is he is holy, he is sole gauge volume, is the removal, by the Holy Roman Empire, ten accomplishments of force, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, from the ball, to be known as the Buddha; distinguish three groups of sentient beings is the primary group, the TA and indeterminacy.
Tu Bach Bodhi Buddhist thought: How Does Religion for France not taking possession that started four meditation, six thấn and also there is no sentient beings that Buddha distinguishes three groups of beings?
Buddha b o Tu Bodhi: If the French real evil and goodness have the computer, or computer, or condone sex, we used when our happy seclusion Bodhisattva, failed the exercise, France real evil charity had no ownership to the beginner meditation, song for the French charity, the real evil with no computer, or computer, or tha computer is non-proprietary. So I used the new leaders when the Bodhisattva, the real evil left the French charity to enter preliminary meditation until into the fourth meditation. Hey Tu Bodhi, if the information is available, free or charge, or you can't take tha know the God's message without ownership, are Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. This Bodhi Monastery, since I update with no computer, or computer, or tha computer are not to be owned; so should the Buddha through God for Jesus knew no ownership should be Loads of upper primary education primary buds.
Conclusion. Question: The French are not the same meaning, what excuse Bodhi Monastery used per each charm again In here ask: are French general forecast could not be approved until the ring, if France's birth time may not be necessary for a vaccine?
A: That's not it. the France's deep, difficult to understand, the speaker is also difficult, what case the head tho, the austerities? That's why Bodhi Monastery as uncivil but I asked, afraid of the many, many facilities or, should take every each charm asked back.
* Then again, IE was asked but is one which it has different causes. Or ask if all non-French, how do you distinguish a five way? Or ask if all France has no general property, how do you distinguish three redundant? Or asked not to shun General rings, how did a survey which Bowls on the bodhisattva? Such questions because questions are there other means should be different, because there is no certain general uncivil. Buddha's promise to the word Bodhi Monastery that: so, so, he first asked the pros ring, which is the excess of the ring pros, now ask, is that the pros ring of Bodhisattva. If the Bodhisattva as uncivil, there is French General reasonable? The Buddhist repression: Bodhisattva when acting uncivil with no French born either Yes or no, so what? Because there are no errors; He is the Bodhisattva pros ring; for all who have not seen the French-born, i.e. as directed. Hey Tu French ownership, Bodhi is the Bodhisattva way, loads of France is the result. Possession of France called possession vi, infinity is infinity vi. Take the eight Saints led the owner of the end to the troubles, are results of wuwei.
* Then again, some say Three years la suite called possession of France, was the Bodhisattva Scouts; Uncivil three la suite it. not so is France, the Bodhisattva is the result. Someone said: uncivil is general intelligence, compounded vi is directed; As France count, it's not personal charm was born, usually, so called result. There so no other errors. Because people's coast should know all of France is not taking ownership, called on French radio.
Ask: How German White ton, if the whole of France had no ownership, how Buddha for not taking possession of the upper primary, and Countless documents were Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds, for France to be yourself in? Buddha's promise to answer it. Bodhisattva in use do not have proper ownership tu all France, can end all accept before should be Loads of upper primary education primary buds. In this Buddha himself references: the old One when doing Bodhisattva tu six Three difficult French left, a la suite real evil charity, there is a difficult exercise, born into a loving meditation.
Left is left in education; the French left is absent from the real evil in the slopes of the. Put people into evil line should call is evil; obstacle course friendly France should call is real good. There is a sense of feeling a Protestant, in a meditation; do exercise b. loving is left abandoned in education b. loving. Loving is in the Colors there are two things missing: one is glad that celebrates, the two are only glad no greeting. Have fun and happy in the first meditation, meditation II; just have fun, don't celebrate in the third meditation.
Question: A meditation, meditation II are excited, what's wrong with another?
A: Sunday happy in the first meditation is difficult due to years of sex arises; Saturday, rejoicing in the second meditation is from arising should call is born. Then again, the General negativity realms of sex, real charity should pick a meditation. Practitioners want to be absent from the major barrier should say glass unhappiness, while students in the Colors of the infinity sign, is the soft, worry, because human Visual charm shop should take meditation, so Buddha said kill the buds within a pure heart should be the second meditation; TAM TU, meditation meditation as before said. TA for the meditation of the genus Prime okay without thinking there's meditation. When the first meditation, until Prime Minister; Okay-one should be afraid of infection remains impermanent, not thought to be a prime player's meditation to the General of his meditation, nor does meditation flavor of life; the mind is not infected before tu four meditation, other than the layman. According to that life without the meditation monk thing coming to meditation. Y stay four meditation, born boots in spirit communications. Because the University network should know their old Karma people born born to it. Natural health label should see where born to future of sentient beings, according to the acting career. Know their tops original b. and b. ball Center, thought the same mortal agony for sentient beings. Now the mind back toward smuggled take immediate, message due to a ballooning Samyutta with wisdom is Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. That is interesting is the general framework of human suffering is craving; AI end to the agony of killing; the way to destroy the gauge is directed; information reaching the four should be ten resources, four things are not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen non-French General, and distinguish them from birth to three groups. Use three spirit through the beings he is using natural Turkish, tha mind, spirit information sufficiency; because they are born the sermon led to escape death.
Bodhi TU asked: If the French don't have possession, how do starting at Buddha Bodhisattva born four meditation, six spirit communion? If there are no sentient beings, how did Buddhism distinguish beings made of three groups?
The Buddha answers: The sex, the evil French real good if any computer, or computer, or tha computer, the time when old Bodhisattva cannot bar the exercise, c c France real friendly non-evil own that into a meditation. The Buddha is if the exercise, France France is any evil intent or more or less general character, or in the trunk taking nominal power, calculated net of ... Count two: or computer, or tha computer. Character count is as impure in itself; THA computer is only for clothing, body jewelry; the things are impermanent rotten lies, as fate for suffering brain. In education within the State party does not have often lost altogether if We forecast real translational corny when tu Bodhisattva way, could not a year of sex, no, there is no computer possesses that into a meditation, because the French and bogus charity any evil computer, or computer, or tha computer, so when do the Bodhisattva left in educationFrance real positive evil into a meditation until into the fourth meditation. If the information is available, or self or tha computer, We forecast when the ancient monastic Bodhisattva, not able to know God through there own, should be Infinitely superior chief primary College buds.
The Bodhi monastery to ask: If the French aren't, no ownership, how the Buddha Dharma is intrinsic strength?
Buddha said: I do four meditation for the negativity was freed, informed by the spirit for the six French to be himself at the birth. The Bodhi Monastery is because four meditation, the four gods is there, how did Buddha for not being in power?
Buddha: I a declaration a year of sex, Not because frivolous lies no General should not accept before the meditation that run up through God. The meditation as there are limited amount of General ought to be able to discharge, are Infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College buds. New education at difficult, because taking no ownership as should be the upper level primary sensory lienholder Countless results, nor have possessed. If the certain meditation Assoc. upper primary education is not Infinite, no sense Not the weather may have problems then. But now both are not, and should not be problem.

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