Tuesday 25 November 2014

Episode 5
His book 93
Longitude: Bodhi Monastery, Bodhisattva Prime good, tho, thought, action, consciousness; General eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind; General, colors, sounds, scents, tastes, tactile, France; General male, female Prime Minister; General Physical realms, General realms Invisible realms, the General, the top French General General donation, real friendly, compounded General vi, French General wuwei; He called the career of Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is rough business depart that way; He himself, also taught the alms; need for eat, for Austria to Austria, so the need to feed. Teach people per every alms, to bring such joy to Germany he'd shared b. revert together towards the pure water of the Buddha; do it yourself maintenance sex, humiliation, ring essential tons, meditation, wisdom as well. Bodhisattva or bring the treasure filled three thousand water heavenly realms donate to that charity, said: thanks to this apartment that led to the country are run by the seven treasure form. Then again, taking the music of heaven as a fun place for Buddhist and France, found that: thanks to this radical improvement that resulted in the water I usually listen to music heaven. Again, get the incense filled the country three thousand heavenly donation Buddha and France, found that: thanks to this radical improvement that resulted in the water I usually have a heavenly scent. Then again, take the food donation hundred Buddhas and they Increase, said that this justifies the reason: thanks to friendly beings in the water I enjoyed the aroma tiny smooth.
* Then again, taking in education to that of Buddha and donation, and give all sentient beings, play that: thanks to friendly units that make disciples and beings in the country I was in sex as you wish. Bodhisattva he brought in education you want, the same split for sentient beings, helpfulness to the pure water of the Buddha, said that: When I as the Buddha, in the country I have years of gymnastics as the Sun as wholeheartedly aspired to.
* Then again, play that: I'll do it yourself in the first meditation, also taught them to meditate first; on meditation Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; at the Metta, bi, Hy, discharge of up to thirty-seven French Assistant Director as well. When I get upper primary education primary sensations, making all sentient beings do not depart four meditation so not far left thirty-seven French Assistant Director. As such, the Bodhisattva can strictly pure land Buddhist realms. Bodhisattva as much time acting Director Bodhisattva, full of wishes; Bodhisattva self achievements all friendly France, also improved achievement for sentient beings. Bodhisattva torso beautiful general life span, they are Muslim also are environmentally beautiful General, why? Because blessed Germany deeply thick. This Bodhi Monastery, should thus strictly pure land Buddhist realms. in the water until the track from three storage batteries also have no leaders, no noun three toxic, harmful comments, second admit, the writer Bich chi Tai Buddha does not hear the sound of impermanence, suffering, does not own, so there is no noun unlawful use negativitynor has the singular distinction of the result; the wind is blowing the tree seven treasures as possible value for the escape that flush sound talking about it's not indefinite, General General, working; There are Buddhist or not Buddhist all French, all French generals still do not, in General, no, there is no general time no artifacts. French output audio so time or day or night, or sitting or lying, or standing or still often hear France's tone. Bodhisattva when Loads of upper primary education primary sensory, lettered Buddhist in the ten directions of the surface water n; they hear the title Buddha then sure reach the upper primary education primary Unconscious sensations. Bodhisattva's Infinite upper primary education when primary sensory and he brought the sermon, they hear no one do not believe the bio, not facilities that is legal, illegal, why? Because in truth the French General is illegal, no. Those blessed with thin Buddha and disciples not sown fresh basis, not according to knowledge of good, deep in the fall prior to the whole opinion accept the marginal fall, opinion, or accept the accept the often ... Such people as deviant opinions should not Buddha say Buddha, Buddha said is not Buddha; illegal said France, France says is illegal. Such people as environmentally destructive as France should break the common network to an evil underworld; When Chu Buddha was enlightened, Associate Chief Justice of the upper works Invisibly, saw them born through again in the teaching of making depart group ties, the main group in the security plan, not fallen on the wicked. As such, they are in the water of pure Buddha Bodhisattva not UE Magazine: or the Earth, or the Earth, or the possession of pirated or illegally, or possession vi or vi; until they are in the country are in it. in upper primary education primary buds. Bodhi Monastery is, this Bodhisattva Buddha realms are strictly net.
Comment: is there a rough industry is for the French Prime Minister, again not it. that is the bigger l prime mortgage center, Prime tho, thought, action, consciousness; the Italian Prime Minister to the eye; Prime colors until the French General; male and female Prime Minister, the three realms, the general good, real good, owner of wuwei.
Q: Gen. women's possible pretensions not truth, and the general good, French general donation, charity, or any French Prime time how can boring to French friendly achievement?
A: In Buddhism there are two things: a non-sentient, two are non-French. They are not the top generals beings, is General male, female generals of ... Take pride in doing frivolous French General French identity, as in the writings of "break the whole of France is not" said. A good, tho ... the French charity as going as harsh, not given prime are real, the mind wanders, leaving whinny comments often, impermanent; He called the Prime Minister. Again, brilliantly ... and the French charity were harmony not that austerities should not trouble the brain.
Q: all compounded micro pretending harmony should not to be Prime Minister, while France wuwei is the true solution, it's like, France counted, reality, how does the seat?
A: Because the French Prime Minister is not infinitely conduct general, known as wuwei disciplines; If the Prime Minister's possession vi. As such, all Prime Ministers are all broken down, not the real thing.
Depart crude body parts business, mouth, Italy is the Bodhisattva to guide, strictly Buddhist realms NET, rough body parts business depart, mouth, unconsciously, himself propelled six Three la suite, also teach other people, the same coast by pure water should be pure Buddha realms. On the whole, under General talking is a private General said. Bodhisattva offering seven-treasure-filled world of three thousand Buddhist cult and Heavenly, play that: thanks to this alms which resulted in the country are run by the seven treasure dignified.
Q: If the treasure-filled world of three thousand of heavenly, from where get? Again, Jesus Buddha, the Holy Sage are less willing, knowing enough, who is enjoying life? If people don't know that means boring enough time how can enjoy life in the three thousand worlds?
A: Dear Bodhisattva is loved by the French count born, full of spirit communion Three la suite. Because donation of ten Buddhist approach should bring the treasure-filled world of three thousand of heavenly to donation. Again, treasures left by your spirit by making light, grape, no obstacle; as the Sun turns the pure land in the third meditation, 60 people sitting on top of a needle that sounds French, not stumbling another case, nothing the great Bodhisattva deep in God through creation of treasure. Or Bodhisattva turns reincarnations as mount Tu di, throughout the first ten Buddhist method for lighting heart donation Buddha or Buddha Dharma, play that: Making the water I usually have light without the Sun, the Moon, lights the torches. The Bodhisattva or floral rain, phan calm, he lost to donation, play that: making them born in the United States as a beautiful country, and general cleanliness no ugly. So was the fate of the general good.
Get the Bodhisattva offering digital music Sun fun where Buddha or Bodhisattva Buddha Dharma or maybe ... use your spirit by making music in heaven, or make the music of the King of heaven, music by Turning wheel Seong, or make the music of A tu la, King's Dragon to donation, pray thatDomestic: I often hear sounds nice.
Question: what was the Holy Sage Buddha, Jesus leaves no need sound dance anthems, why provide music donation?
A: Lettered Buddhist though for all France, mindful not to stick with that, for France, the world does not need anything, song Chu Buddha because injuries sentient that birth should depending on the donation that made them be blessed according to wishes. As its donation, nor is that Buddha himself, because of a need to use the Buddha often has the scent of magic, Chu heaven cannot be equaled; but for the sake of beings that Buddha receives. Bodhisattva cuz want strictly Buddhist realms NET should request sounds good, would like to make them born in the country to hear sounds good so who needs nhuyến need nhuyến mind, so much can be subject to the higher education bill; the sound should be used for donation of Buddha.
Get the Bodhisattva offering scent filled the globe three thousand Buddhist followers and Heavenly Buddhist donation French perfume Or incense, root: stem, leaves, aroma incense powder; or taste it; or taste due to the changes made, or incense from vipāka born, play that: Made in the water I normally have fragrance without the make up.
Or Bodhisattva taking hundred food donation followers of Buddha and the increase is, someone said, taking hundred soup donation, known as hundred. Someone said, a cake that came to full hundred should do it a hundred, called a hundred. Someone said, hundreds of weed smoking, the smoking made the wedding Festival, called the hundred. Someone said, food, drink, soup, cake of a hundred. Someone said, drink eat every each full should call the hundred. Drink eat one of the hundred; drink eat of heaven has a hundred thousand units.
Eat drink of Bodhisattva is born by the blessed thing coming, due to mental health through transformation and has a immeasurable, can transform the thought of causing sexual purity was ripped off. Four things to drink eat her Bodhisattva depending charm donation for Buddhist and should Increase in the natural water drink eat hundred.
Or Bodhisattva taking massage scent of Sun is because India is hot; and because body odors should use incense rubbed themselves to donation and Buddha. So does charm makes beings in realms of my country gets what little sky smooth flavour.
Question: What About the Sa di until about the life in a day and night and not to use incense rubbed themselves, why bring incense donation Buddha and increase?
A: Bodhisattva obtaining that environmentally precious and necessary depending on the time needed for the donation. Or take basting on the land, on the walls and seats, sat. Taking the year of sex, the donation Increases the Buddhas, and other beings. Bodhisattva taking a horse good, his wife and child, music, phan calm, jewelry, jewels, clothes are things people not tho which level they give birth, said that: making them in the water I'm often in sex as you wish.
Question: does sex Year Buddha for it like fire, like tunnels, such as pimple boils, as hell, as resentment, as aggressors, or robbing someone's apartment, why were they praying for Bodhisattva in education? Again, the Buddha speaks Mahayana Buddhist disciples should wear a patch, begging, sitting under trees, why Bodhisattva as sentient beings that bridges are in education?
A: In the realms of heaven, the person who is bitten by the blessed in Germany. If life now or hereafter who blessed thin poverty cannot feed the weather to do the burglary; or because the property owner was persecuted because of wealth that kill others; or interrogate, lying is not done. As such, in turn making the ten real charities are run by poverty; If people are in full time education to sailings have been advised not to do ten things any better. Beings in the realm of Bodhisattva rich happy delight, not deprivation while there is the evil, only the unlawful use and the side ... If heard Buddha sermon, or listen to Buddhist disciples who, because of the need theory nhuyến should listen to France can be a prime leader. But there are many stand for the good heart that one should hear impermanence, suffering, not instant be directed; laboratory experiments as the profane time use ash, sludge from the water used to soak overnight, dry clean at all. Bodhisattva does not want to make them born in wrecked should get in exercise Bell, just want to make in a time of discharge leave should bring. Like he said before, Buddha disciple dressed in real life so, qifu gangui patch in front that is born in the evil life should preceding infection Center lot; If being nice, tasty food while deeper mind previous infection; because bridges as pretty, tasty food should the Executive Director. Beings in realms of pure Buddha Bodhisattva Phuoc immeasurable achievements of Germany, in equal education should no longer soak up, won't find requested nothing to prevent concerned.
Again, if practitioners depart in education the growth forecast, the terrace of wrath. Again, if the mind thinks in exercise time born negativity, now not towards it; so Buddha said to discharge gauge, fun flush, using the wisdom in the middle. That's why in the Buddha strictly net that brought years of sex, he meant nothing.
Q: If so then what excuse in law Bhikkhu stilts A Le investigator said: "as far as I know that Buddha: outlawed in non-physical obstacles along the direction". Bhikkhu stilts's rebuke, coming three times not to quit, should get beat up?
A: Buddha ph p and two are Mahayana. In the u.s., the three thin excess poison more effectively; as in Ms. sa Buddha said: "every student of medicine isn't a white, two to the five hundred people get Fried flavor red and fragrant flower of the flock to humiliate themselves, is shared with his wife and child, false slavery fin ... which ended with three unlawful use, pharmacy outcomes Tu da complete misery, third, three toxic slimPrivate function momentum effect, was ". Bhikkhu stilts A Chile's investigative hearing that mainland said: "although outlawed in education without obstacle course leader", not knowing that the Buddhas because everybody said. Buddha just because the white row y that said, while this is French for stilts Bhikkhu renunciation which says. The Tu da da, which did not function As broadcast that: I the whole life doesn't violate lewd, because there are three poisonous so often forget that initiates the mind lust; While the Spice in the mouth Increases between them himself: I swear that the whole life doesn't violate lewd. So Buddha said, if the renunciation to the lustful abandon. Bhikkhu stilts A PEAR vows no lifelong self test which violates, which is a criminal offence; knowing Buddha which tries left it, is that the two crimes. Bhikkhu sex life because in stilts, see white guys y DAC guide that yourself with them and each other, so guilty.
There are two beings in Buddhist realms class strictly pure land: Or renunciation, or in the home. In the home but outlawed in sex without guilt, nor hindrances Scouts; as the Sun's output, as in life, but the Wrath of free application, but causes no serious crime, also ranked them born renunciation under Buddha allows physical year life span also no sin (this is stated in the pure evil in life, not in the weapon). In France the State to admit, as A survey said the Crystal stilts Bhikkhu blessed slim heavy guilt, the mind has many regrets.
NET is strictly Buddhist realms eternal training six Three la suite, three subjects, but sexual liberation in life nor the previous infection, as in says: Bodhisattva uncivil action think: we're going to do it yourself in the first meditation, also taught them to meditate first, so in the fourth meditation, the four immeasurable heart, thirty-seven French Assistant Director as well. Bodhisattva vow that: When I do the Buddha, because enough four meditation for up to thirty-seven French Assistant Director; because they are so so German Phuoc tuy shou, exercise is not meant to do. Bodhisattva emanate immeasurable countless prayers, according to much time travel guide that is full of good karma. Bodhisattva and France all achievements achievements are sentient beings. For the whole achievement of good body beautiful, General France should people see not boring; well beings achievements, making a beautiful body is General. Bodhisattva Buddhist realms so strictly net.
* Then again, strictly pure land Buddhist realms until there no noun case had three three-way evil, evil thing.
Q: Lettered Buddhist because great mercy saw them born brain gauge should be created, if there is no evil Buddha forecast three-way mercy whatsoever?
A: the Buddha's birth as a sentient, evil beings in that three-way impossible degrees, can only teach makes planting fresh basis only. So the Buddha is the title of the master of the Sun and the people. If there is no heaven and the evil road, only three forecast can be so widespread, so ask.
Q: Say Buddha bless them born, why in the purity of the Buddha does not have them in the three evil line?
A: the Buddhist mercy all beings equally without deviations. But in this telling, because pure charm industry should in the country her three evil way.
Again, the Buddha not only says a number of realms, which says water the water in ten directions as much as sand the Ganges water, pure realms there are realms of UE magazine. In the journal water cleaner while there is enough in the way; in the realm of water purity of the Buddhist God, or have the wrong, or there is no other person wrong, heaven. As of the past in Buddhist heavenly realms, only memories of Buddha That Suen's ranks France United Kingdom, hence called Heavenly Buddha. Have the water does not have three exclusive deviant opinions.
Q. Chu Buddha just because except for negativity for sentient beings should birth; Ta comments, three poison that is suffering, without suffering the Buddha birth do?
A: there are people who say that, in the realms of it for three major human Phuoc Duyen Ta exclusive German comments do not show display should say no. Have people say that, in the realms of the Bodhisattva is the French infertility patient, usually Three to six merit the tu la suite, often stroll through ten modes of beings escape, in practice the Buddhist schools of tam you than know of countless literary Bar culture, Buddhist education, more well read Flange turned Bodhisattva real disengagement switchour accomplishments, born.
Pure Buddha realm of Bodhisattva is because Buddha Bodhisattva should handle interest relief nearly as large, in the water there is no noun of the second redundant.
Question: The other three chemistry teacher Buddha admit, didn't own in the Us she?
A: the Buddha appeared in the evil weapon in life, from a relief in that divided into three redundant.
Q: If so, Buddha, Buddha A non-evil dead-born cattle in the weapon, why there are three redundant?
A: early Buddhist schools of new Center, see using excess speed during the three Buddhas sentient beings so that spontaneous: we will use three excess of sentient beings.
No noun impermanence, suffering, egolessness is because they got into deep mad Island accept the common front, peanuts ... so because they say the impermanent, suffering ...; to the rescue, and in the realms of insanity does not accept the commonly accepted, should not be impermanent, suffering ... because if there is no sick time does not need medicine. Also there is no ego possesses so no urban planner's as well. Because there is no redundant binary should also not have the result of Tu da done..., only one side in it's General to the French.
Is infertility France rings is the tam I, the Da la ni, gradually increase the useful non-stop to the position.
The wind is blowing the tree seven treasures as possible value for degrees that emit sound are easy to listen Bodhisattva beings like France should continue to lend seven trees emit sound in French, because the tree seven treasures along throughout the realms of water so they are born are listening to France, not starting the other mind, who only listen to France.
Question: Buddha have immeasurable possible as summer residences, no excuse, the powers changes do close immeasurable discourse of sentient beings, need something to the sound, the seven treasure?
A: they very much, if Buddha the place where both embody the beings do not believe, for that is going to get turned, the mind does not respect. There are beings who according to French listeners did not publicly recognised, if the beast heard successively the French believed to bear. As in Bibles b. says: dear-life Bodhisattva beast because preachers, who said United should help anyone do yours are believed to bear. Your mind straight beast, not a lie. Someone said beast is love, all have seven-treasure trees lies unconscious mind which have sound time are believed held. No, General, despite working Countless Buddhas or Buddhas, all France often don't, because not very general, because loads of general working radio, should begin. The French like that night and day are often played out. In the other mode uses of God through the mouth jewelry, each each evolve, did in this often sounds natural. In the Buddha's pure land Buddhism, often severely lettered Buddhist riveted the exclamation, as created great merit should be the pure water as such; If you hear the name Buddha in the pure water while certainly are vexed.
Q: The Buddha more diligent, hard gauge theory, they did not elect this leader, why just hearing the title of Ph t Prime unto leadership?
A: The place Buddha sermon, sentient or non-aligned full healing theory doesn't, if heard Buddha's title sure to position any disengagement switch rather than speak as the Buddha immediately.
Question: For all the Buddha, if people have a good mind to hear the title will go to the Buddha, as in France, said: the United States has blessed Germany or large or small will do what excuse the Buddhas, in this private Buddha said the water purity.
A: people who listen to the title of the Buddha that Buddha tho born like non other, only to be directed necessarily position is different; because the mind does not regard should however cultivated fresh apartment can't deep durable. In this is talking about his French properties. Boundless immeasurable Buddha-body, light and sound the sermon turned around ten options the realms of water. Beings in the water are near to the Buddhist leader, for them in countless immeasurable by week sermon over. A myriad of immeasurable light like the Sun the Moon usually from within the body emits, if Buddha for they see as seen, if not to see time not found. Above the body of Buddha, each pore usually ejected boundless immeasurable countless Buddhas, each each Buddha is no different, where each of the Buddhist culture's development moved away, as they deserve to be where Buddha shows there than there are poor, also based out of the root of true Buddha cannot distinguish more than less. Like, or see or hear the title, or hear of such merit that trust and respect far deeper; respect should be sown fresh base, forecast how uncertain is the Buddha?
* Then again, when Buddha's sermon no person suspected, so no one who says France not Buddha mouth comes out, which are both French resulting from Buddha said.
Q: If so time why followers of Gautama Buddha, ca hear France b. multiple facilities?
A: in this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: someone blessed thin cultivated fresh base, did not meet the knowledge students should improve comfort; accept the wrecked falling opinion, written opinions, deviant ideas, the troubles obscures the mind while the Buddha Buddha Buddha, is said to be saying is not cultivated fresh base Not Buddha. deep durable, not comply in good ownership of knowledge, the three poisoned ties opinion once started up, there is no refuge, arbitrarily letting go wiggle time or see the deviant ideas with her and he brought to the notice of the required position; Headless Buddha say it. No, not with her and he forecast for it's not Buddha; isn't France says is France, France says is not France. People in the place where Buddha was born was born, for many facilities facilities should mind regrets; in the Buddha's pure water there's no criminal class born suspect. Buddha said the guilty so that the top French General should die fallen on the evil of hell. The Bodhisattva is Infinitely superior Chief Dan Chief critical of people indicted in death of Buddha's spirit uses time that pull them out, put into the primary group, are no longer being fallen into a three-way storage batteries; He called strictly pure land Buddhist realms. No Buddha realms In the bug as such, complete whole; for the world, worldly possession, export contraband, pirated radio, owner of wuwei, no obstacle; that is the water of seven treasures. Loved the beautiful beings of good generals, dignified, there's a whole amount of light, the sound often heard the Dhamma, not usually depart six Three la suite for up to eighteen non-French General; they are born to be sure to reach the upper level primary sensory Public Radio.
Question: on the right the title Buddha certainly reached the result of Buddha, it said for France without hindrances while certainly was known as the Buddha, what's wrong with another?
A: they're born here often find Buddhist, often heard in France, cultivated a deep healing base durable, contains many Buddhist groups should now be vexed.
Listen to the title is however sure that the Germans at least are not equal. The so called General Buddhist realms of pure water; as in place in ten say dignified bodhi tree.
Interpret: Products for sure Monday 83
(My Great Uncivil society 2 record: Primary Products To 81st)
Longitude: Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, Bodhisattva he sure or not sure?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva--sure, there is uncertainty.
White Germany World Religion, somewhere surely? In the text Bar leaders, in relief Mural of Buddha or Buddha in a more moral?
Buddha: Bodhisattva not in the direction The text, Buddhist chi Mural Director for sure, that in the Buddhist moral certainty.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany The Religion, it's the new played Bodhisattva mind for sure, right? Or is the Bodhisattva fuselage for sure?
Buddha: the Bodhisattva who developed new well sure, Bodhisattva not regress move also sure, Bodhisattva fuselage also sure.
The white Crown, Bodhisattva certainly born in evil lead reasonable?
Buddha said: No. This Bodhi Monastery, what do you think, or human Bowl row, or row Private function complete the da da, Tu, A na jaw, A la Han, Bich chi Buddha born in evil lead reasonable?
Mr. Bach, not The Religion.
Buddha: as such, the Bodhisattva from the broadcast centre here, alms, maintenance men, engagement rings, humiliation, effort, meditation, wisdom to stop all real business in good faith, that the evil fallen or been directed, or b. the Sun live longer, or not be in that order in good French, or b. where the border area, or born on the ties the evil Ant, the deviant comments do, is the place where there is no noun Buddha, noun and verb to increase, then probably not. This Bodhi Monastery, the Bodhisattva who developed new for Loads of upper primary education office which brought profound mind operates ten Scouts real good, then probably not.
White Germany That ton, if the achievement Bodhisattva guides such as the healing Buddha himself said: If life-life time friendly real thing coming before the good one somewhere?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: the Bodhisattva's sake they loved life, offering customised to user's benefit sentient beings. When Bodhisattva do big media have brute, if resentment aggressors want to murder, because the mind is nothing higher than the humiliation of rings, compassionate mind nothing should die Bodhisattva higher without the brain damage the aggressors resentment, stocking The documents, genera Flange Buddha does not have such power. So should know full Bodhisattva who wants great compassion, for the mercy that make human beings life should benefit animals.
White Germany World Religion, Bodhisattva stay in wholesome life in which the body as such?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva from the play of mind until sitting shume, over a period of time no one heal would not complete, full, and then will be Loads of upper primary education primary buds. So who should play the Bodhisattva should make all units heal; clean apartment and will be for a necessary vaccine, will end all afflictions and gas volumes.
White Germany That Suen, why the Bodhisatta sādhanā loads smuggled such clean white but born in the evil beast?
Buddha said Bodhi Monastery: what do you think, Buddha sādhanā loads smuggled clean white reasonable?
If Buddha himself turned to relatives beast to do them, the Buddha was born, the truth is that beast reasonable?
Order no: Dear Mr. Bodhi, Bach World Religion.
Buddha: Bodhisattva also, sādhanā loads smuggled clean white; because of the speed they should close life beast's body chemistry teacher, also use them.
The Buddhist Bodhi Monastery said: As A la Han as changes can make them born Christopher Hy reasonable?
Bodhi monastery ladies: maybe.
Buddha said: so, so. Bodhisattva taking illicit does scalar French clean white, as they deserve a life that itself; He himself used to benefit sentient beings, nor subjected to suffering. This Bodhi Monastery, what do you think? Going going to art teachers make the shapes: elephant, Buffalo horse goat, Or to just let everyone see that elephant, water buffalo and goats horses, men and women have really reasonable?
Bodhi monastery ladies: not the real thing, Bach World Religion.
Buddha: as such, the Bodhisattva sādhanā loads smuggled clean white, showing off every each to only display for sentient beings; He himself used to benefit all, nor bear the suffering.
Bodhi Buddhist monastery Bach: Bach in Germany That ton, Bodhisattva has big media was radio-wisdom counts of the Holy steps, depending on the body they deserve that we each each body to the sentient beings.
Conclusion. Q: In General preparations Before Moving on says: such a General article is General not regress, General transfer so as not risk such general disengagement move. Such disengagement switch that is certainly why Bodhi Monastery, now ask?
A: three uncivil la suite has many subjects, are more religious. Such disengagement switch is talking about a general subject, now ask is definitely asking for his two generals.
* Then again, in the mind of Buddha, all beings and all of France are both sure, because somebody not equaled should say is uncertain. Buddha but know countless immeasurable life contains a large merit group, certainly before turning to Minor row cuckolding, also know insects subtle, not far from the Center but didn't mind spending the following release will be vexed. certainly know all the French are, from his staff was his result. So says the Buddha for all France no longer stumbling, because Buddha knows for sure.
* Then again, because of the French in listening Bodhi Monastery flowers said in that little do Buddhist merit: Or playing jokes that claims a southern Buddhist tissue, gradually will definitely make Buddha. back for listening to Such products in the disengagement move says, has macular degeneration and not move. Because heard price van will have vexed; If so there should be no time before transfer? As in the United States say for sure, and the other said not sure, or have macular degeneration macular degeneration, or no transfer switch; so the question now is for sure or not sure. So, by her charm should ask for sure or not sure.
Buddha: the Bodhisattva is sure.
Mind Bodhi Monastery because the bridge on nirvana is sure, so the question: in the lead would surely?
Buddha said: There are definitely in the second script, the only certainty in the Mahayana.
Because of the demand for Buddhist leader has high, medium, low, so question: Or Bodhisattva who developed new certainty or Bodhisattva not regress switch for sure, or Bodhisattva fuselage for sure? Did Bodhi Monastery is from such status before turning over for sure an establishment in the Buddhist leader reasonable?
The Buddha answers: three Bodhisattva class had certainly. sure is sure to make Buddha.
Ask: ophthalmic use Buddha Buddha seen Bodhisattva in the ten directions, who requested Buddha directed as much as the Ganges River sand, the depression moved ligament or one or two, what's the excuse now saying three Bodhisattva are surely the Buddha?
A: Before I had to say: deeply uncivil has his immeasurable. There where say Bodhisatta regress moved that uncertainty, there where say Bodhisatta certainly not regress moved. As in Such products before transferring, Bodhi Monastery asked Buddha: Bodhisattva disengagement switch are switched in French? Is from good, tho, thought, action, for up to eighteen non-French General, because it. No, so that neither the French disengagement move. In this Buddhist say not regress moved.
Q: the two that he would it?
A: two things are true, from the mouth of Buddha speaking out are all real. As Buddhist or non-speaking, non-proprietary: or say Bell, maintained about ... the possession vi. For novices who play time said compounded micro, with a student leader of your favorite long immersed in good French-speaking France no longer owns, who favors Endless awards for upper primary education primary sensory consciousness is not durable, such people should follow The van was a Vocal bridge without written, should be in mortal long ago suffered agony. So say fishermen who i play much like the Ganges River sand that people are never regress during transfer or one or two. They listen to it and then can mosaic assume all agony, sure to be Loads of upper primary education primary sensory; If unable to bear wartime leadership credentials kham Thanh Van, Bich chi Buddha. someone might be vexed that because your self thin, bi Center myself badly, he hears the vexed problems are the most numerous surviving switch, think: we could not be vexed, for example by early players testifying Nirvana, eternal need diligence agony! Buddha because the class should say all Bodhisattva to the Bodhisattva who developed new, are sure to make Buddha, as in France, flowers said.
Q: If all Bodhisattva are sure what the excuse, every Buddha every second row cuckolding without rebuke for its second witness Bodhisattva overpaid?
A: The demand for Buddhist leader should know all over France, the song's for fear of elderly patients die should stay in France as Prime evidence of at least, and he stops off, leaving them no relief, Buddha was born, were lettered Buddha, Bodhisattva rebuke that he wanted to leave, the combination may not depart. When is A player no longer forecast Luohan tam I of Bodhisattva, not expansion of sentient beings, while being devious, towards the Buddhist leader as obstacles.
Q: A la Chinese characters may be relative, life-life charm sure to kill, so somewhere that's full of Buddha directed?
Dáp: When was A la Han, the coast people smuggled or three the end off, no longer back born in the three realms. There is the pure water of Buddha out of the three realms, there is no singular negativity, in that country's emerging player realms where the Buddha Dharma Flower full forecast for Buddhist leader. As the French economy United said: there is A la French economy not listening or Han Chinese which itself is destroying the; I'm in another country because they say it that: he will have vexed.
Q: If A la Han Chinese go to the pure water of life Buddha body method, so should rapidly be vexed, how comes the winding, obstacle?
A: The Coast Guard personnel took part in it for wrecked the U.s. admit that removing them was born, giving Buddhist teachings, my back was telling a lie. Because human life does not, however, should coast suffering brain death, which is still in the bodhisattva root implant, cannot quickly into the Buddhist leader, not as the bodhisattva austerities go straight.
* Then again, Dharma is the first of five that do. Now say arahats smuggled or clean off, back to the vexed, that only Buddha knows. The main Conference debate can conclude it without knowing know, so do not whinny comments. If the request is made the new Buddhist can understand, while others may believe that not yet known.
Certainly the Bodhisattva is an evil Tu three Styrax upon hearing the Buddha say human favored immeasurable life before: or dear deers, turtles, doves, the VU oanh, bear the agony, so ask the Buddha: If the Bodhisattva is doing such a beast body forecast because the stars say all Bodhisattva surely? Certainly there is no student transfers, macular degeneration macular degeneration turned is not fallen in three of the evil.
The Buddha asked reverse Bodhi Monastery: what do you think, the Saint in every bowl of human ... the fallen into evil three-way reasonable?
Bodhi monastery thoughts: The Holy Scriptures have no leaders in human fate fallen on three evil way. Think then saith not, Sir.
Buddha: the Bodhisattva as well so, multiply the evil road on three fallen coast has fallen over how evil the way on three Bodhisattva? Coast Guard personnel fallen in three way evil is the real France friendly. Bodhisattva from the play of mind come tu he better method, maintained about ... the end 22nd France real goodness is killed, theft of ... If he did an evil path in three is not perhaps, so what? For end to end evil French, a French utility heals. France has any real heavy, medium and light. Heavy time fallen to hell, just the fallen beast, light the fallen demon hungry daemons. Three exclusive real friendly thing to end all, Bodhisattva who has mercy far deeper thinking beings, so not fallen.
Question: If the time may not be born in the three-way evil. So does Germany's approval of Bodhisattva and more, why not born in the Sun live long?
A: Bodhisattva cuz mercy beings which runs six Three la suite, but can go to meditation, in harmony with the mind of compassion austerities, but do not immerse himself in the situation, so when the network is about to go away, think of the Education world should take meditation leader, because of the Sun live long without khồ the brain, immerse the deep meditation of the time could hardly be speed, should not born into it.
Born in the border area was stumbling, unable to overhaul France in good faith should not come to that, why? Because the root Bodhisattva who was absent at the cleaner unfortunately Dhamma; because the refuge should Dhamma in newborn's border area, where the French did not know.
* Then again, Bodhisattva usually preferred middle, left off the two sides should not born nowhere border area. Bien place where there is no nominal Tam, unknown to seven of them, just you the current, don't you blessed Germany led France, so called marginal modals venue, not just born nowhere border where the border region called the venue. If the three jewels, said coast guard personnel indicted future approval of procedures, know what he forecast even though the French General born outside the right match is also not known what the situation is, the border between the realms of Match fitness titles.
By Bodhisattva is often preferred because they are preachers, also very good French, preferred her to be gentle beings, satisfactory and b. a place, called the center of the country; in the Centre of the country was not born into the TA comments, why? Because of her common Bodhisattva eternal administrative himself comments, also taught the Administration opinion, Su n France Chief comments, wedding parties, evening of the administrative people scatter comments; so not born into the evil deviant opinions.
Q: does the German Bodhisattva Phuoc power and great wisdom should forecast into marginal modals, the railway House Ant to another teacher, why don't born?
A: the Bodhisattva has two ranks: 1. great achievements have Bodhisattva vows; 2. new character Lydia Bodhisattva playing Center. Bodhisattva vow great achievement was the big power should depend on where they get that close, not life avoiding marginal modals, the railway House ants, who are also developing Bodhisattva if born on the then failed the people, and his self-destructive, so not born. Laboratory experiments as the real gold in the mud the whole not ruined, but at the same time the device was destroyed.
Ta ta is not done. While all 62 is deviant comments but deviant comments do is most severe, why? It does not do is say that, should not make merit or globe Nirvana. As said do or say the world, despite being deviant ideas without hindrances work blessed German ties comments do very evil, should not born there.
* Then again, Bodhisattva who developed new that have real leaders practice evil infection Center in good time, so probably no stars? Because the Bodhisattva's heart most Deeply respect, helpfulness of upper primary education primary buds rather than the French appreciate the Earth. Bodhisattva should not be absent from the left by education but run up the negativity that whole no mind pollution evil work, but have used the whip sticks causing suffering to which the full does not rob the lives, not taken by other people as they die. Bodhisattva he ended all French real friendly, French-friendly all practice should not born in eight accidents, usually born into place had eight good articles.
Bodhi TU asked: If a Bodhisattva such wholesome the accomplishments, what excuse did himself previous coast guard personnel Moose, horse ...?
The Buddha answers: true Bodhisattva has improved achievement based blessed German, but because of the useful life should they dear beast, also are innocent animals. In this Buddha himself said coast guard personnel: Bodhisattva in the beast that know mercy aggressors resentment, is what A Luohan, Bich chi Buddha doesn't have to be. A Luohan, Bich chi Buddha when aggressors resentment to be harmful, but not responded but can not mercy, remember thinking, donation, provided. As the predecessor of white elephant ivory as the Bodhisattva of six, has an unique name hunters shot in the chest. Now the white elephants, the predecessor to Bodhisattva taking the hose cover for hunters, not to the other elephants to do harm, told voi that that: she was the wife of Bodhisattva, what excuse born malevolence? It is guilt's affliction. The contender as is, teachers pay attention to art only untreated demons without the angry person; so shalt not find guilty people. Then slowly ask Hunter: why did you shoot me? Hunter responded: we need your ivory folder. Instant cracked rocks to elephant tusk given to flesh and blood, flush without deem suffering; the supply of food, the only way to go. The compassionate work that found The text, Buddhist chi Flange can not get. Who has such good time how close life beast be? Should know these are changes to the sentient beings.
Q: what's the excuse For not doing a body due to their theory that the animal itself again?
A: when they see a body the sermon time don't believe bear, found themselves beast theory forecast good news, received an education bill. Again, the Bodhisattva wants full great compassion should want to enforce it. They saw just afraid just glad that were on relief.

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