Thursday 27 November 2014

My One Heart

11. Works Bodhi Mind [1]

B y hours, Germany World-religion was "a top-security concerns" of all As-Lai, pass the three realms; has member-complacency is da-ra-ni itself-in, was notary-complacency is Tam-ma-free address-at the Most-beautiful-good Shu-set-location-location, For-setting-and-strain or do any discrepancies with respect to possession-love. [2]
When Germany World-religion because the us-born declared-theory magic-Mon "One mind" and then, Mr Bao Dai-Bo-slaps Van-enemies-master-seat that: "great-charity-South-death! I've since they-born talk about "mind-add" Yes, now I will talk about "playing the Bodhi-mind era-da-ra-ni", to give the us-born play major upper-infinity-heart major college-professional-mau, sense of complacency are magic-result ". [3]
At the time, Bo-slaps Van-enemies-master-seat of the white Buddha that "German White World-religion! As Buddha said "Too-past destroyed, its less than a hybrid-, current-in not a pole, all the mind-Dharma in three years, a-computer it doesn't, so the other Bodhi mind, speaking on something that is called" play "? Heal in place, World-religion! I beg you because all that entertainment-the theory, so that all end up being the surprise NET-region, which reaches where Bodhi is! "
The Buddha told Bo-slaps Van-enemies-master-seat: "Goodness-male-cards! In the mind-Dharma kicked out all your space-biased; to stop excluding sixty-two opinions, along with everything else-deviant comments should I say mind, mind-fan-France's "no"; so, is the "opinion" that no slash-titled again. Examples include the forest-green rú-well sealed-jackfruit, Lion, elephant, Leopard, lobster, white animals ... the refuge in him releasing toxic people, making out-unsure, check-go stains. At the time, there are degrees of location-supposedly taking fire forest; because the jungle drums, the animals did not survive. "Mind", "no opinion" removal, as well as that! " [4]
Again, charity-South-death! By staff-what charm created the sense of "not" thing? -Because the want to kill nuisance-the brain from hope-mind born that said "no". Charity-South-death! If you accept the "non-physical" is the "property" (any) rescue-winged, the now "non-PC" also does not; accept the "no" to the disease, also should be clear! What is it? If we accept that "no" is saved the French wing are non-human, not results, and has nothing more to foreign-directed: Lo-old-spices-da (pros-and foreign-led)? Charity-South-death! As the A-greying-momentum (real-death-medicine) cured the sick, if people have the disease taking him out of the deal; the disease has left and then, also according to that and without that medication, the drug back into the disease. Charity-South-death! Before the drug posed "no" is to subtract the disease "property" (Yes); accept the "property" of the disease, while accept "no" too. Who's the dummy medication left tri-level to carry disease? Charity-South-death! If starting out "owner-opinion", rather than starting out "non-biased"; There is "no drugs" curing "property", but no cure disease "did not" at all. [5]
Charity-South-death! By her charm, pill-"not" exorcism-comments and then, mind self-food poisoning, played out sensory Center, Bodhi-food poisoning him i.e. the mind Bodhi, rather than having two generals. Charity-South-death! Mindful self-food poisoning has four meanings. What are the four? -The divine one-wife has two centres, schools of Mahayana Buddhism, Bo-slapped two mind. Charity-South-death! Travel-General two of Vela-wife like? -One is, from the label-consciousness until Italy-consciousness, human-free charm-scene is "self-enlightenment-mind". Two is, absent from the mind, mind-your-own Nam, hòa-mix Jesica scene is "Self-enlightenment-mind". Charity-South-death! Two such centres or Bodhi! Friendly female-suicide! Travel-Holy-of two General gentleness that-would? -One is, a foot-real-LY-position. The two are consistent, for-setting-landscape-recreation. Charity-South-death! Four such meanings as "self-enlightenment-mind". [6]
At the time, Bo-slaps Van-enemies of the white Buddha that "German White World-religion! The mind has no form-General also has no shelter, human-phu tu-action when Max-record player-Center, right where the medical and the General what? "
The Buddha said: "good-male-cards! Wine Center-General Bodhi of Vela-phu, is a full moon ring as pure light-barked at rest on his chest. If you want to get is "real-world-turning", as in A-lan-and the non-citizenship need not Dapper-trunk, main-anniversary, the diamond-Indian phọc of As-Lai as before, close your eyes a-bright moon seen between the chest and fall-think: "full moon full of tremendous Asteroid this fifty do-downloads, am-radio NET-barking, in addition to all, not bit the dust in the soil and very cool squirt". The Moon i.e. the mind, the mind that is the Moon, ceiling stains are not infected with the hope-not born, making environmentally-concerned-born bar-NET, Center-Bodhi durable-firmware does not regress. The hand press and hold-anniversary a-close the owls (the God-uncle) vi-Dieu Dai-Bodhi-mind, is "the language of" leg-net-all Bo-slapped when Max-record player-mind: "Space, Bo-add, multi Interior, Joint Chiefs of staff, the second of three releases, da". Da-ra-ni large enough German authority for tu-onions do not suffer depression – transfer. All Bo-slapped in the-past, present, future-status-in when in human-centered development sites, both pro-profile Tri-leg concept-this language, which is where the real-world and presto professional-the key-Visual. [7]
Charity-South-death! When the tu-other administrative center-decency-mantras, are not rung-up anything, just putting on the asteroid Moon, a close-to-Shu, so called "Bo-slaps a bodhi Buddhist Center of tam-I". That means that if there was one, she, the wife-formerly caused five reported crimes, four felonies (suicide, violence, Director, hope), the cross-and evil-credits, the guilty are goal-destroy everything and sailings are in Tam-ma-geo-disciplines. What is the year? -A is, Suicide-na t-I. Two is, Vi-tam Tran, I. Thirdly, the white-flood tam-I. Four is, Kicked-offers three-I. The year was, An-based t-I. So called Suicide-na t-do you? -Meaning that only an interim-head idea-the full moon is full only, such as monkeys, the body is forced, far from not going nearly nonstop, but only when starving too, it's new stop is a few moments only. Chums-phu also bars like the new tam-I (master-plan) in the interim, moments, so called "suicide-na". What is Vi-Chan tam-I? -Means for tam-I was like-is at least part, for as man himself often eat bitterness, never eat sweets ever, for a while there, tasting a little Suite on the tongue, her pleased-delighted too, the more pungent-picking students expecting more bile. The tu-action time, through many lifetimes to eat the bitter taste that far for its t-I (master-plan) are delicious-sweet, soy-less applications were the so called "vi-Chan" (dust tiny). What is called White-flood tam-I? -That is, human-lady from the infinity-cards for the remainder of his childhood taste-lai, now this one, for as the black fabric dyes, for many black saw a silk white (white-flood). The tu-action was then, in the dark night of many death-birth, now newly tam-I (main-output) white-pure land (in white), is called "white-flood". What is called Run-offers three-do you? -That is, people who practice a tu-one-Shu, or fudge the smart or not-making up-up, t-I (main-plan) as well as high, low, so called "run-Easter" (the knob, giẹp down). What is called An-based t-do you? Tu-i.e. four predefined, the mind is security-based and manual keep-keeping was, into the ceiling, as people in the summer through the sa-desert far lower, bear all the tai-poison, thirsty mind missing too, almost unbearable anymore, suddenly met a freshwater stream of snowy mountains, like the Bowl-da [8] heavenly realms, come from heat-strokethe message, the body-mind-Thai, so the plan was then known as "an-head". Enter a plan then, far-left or-karma, sprouts infinity-upper Bodhi, the Top-Ten of the Portuguese-German deal.
Now, in France-the endless Human capacity, natural-, hear Great-da-ra-ni far-reaching do this, is the mother tongue of the Bo-slapped, while nine thousand eight thousand Portuguese slapped testifying are-Hy-add, comb-the amount they play endless mind-born-upper primary-primary education-visually. [9]


When Germany World-religion talks about the magic-Mon "Cafe-Center" and then, Mr Bao Dai-Bo-slaps Van-foe: "Today I will be talking about" playing the Bodhi-mind era-da-ra-ni "to the us-born Player-radio-Center-upper, quickly Park-meet the magic – results!".
College-dude-slaps Van-enemy the white Buddhist: the German "white World-religion! World-religion has to say mind-France for three years, a computer doesn't, so the other Bodhi mind, getting something called "play"? Dear please World-religion-Prize-theory? "
The Buddha told College-dude-slaps Van-foe: "mind-France kicked off your space-biased, because except for the TA-comments should I say" mind, mind-property-France "is" no ". Because the want to kill nuisance-the brain from hope-mind was born, so I said "no". Then came the "not" is also clear, as posed "no" to deduct "retained" (Yes), accept the "property" of the disease while not accepted either. Therefore, taking "no", exorcism-comments and then, mind self-Satori emits Bodhi, sensory Center-food poisoning--i.e., Bodhi. Mindful self-food poisoning has 4: divine-phu 2 mind, Buddha, Bo-slapped 2 mind. "
College-dude-slaps Van-enemy back Bach: "white Germany World-religion!
The mind has no image-based General-origin, so at dinner-a play Center for human-phu tu-must go, and what general medical? "
The Buddha said: "that means that's wine heart-General-phu is consistent as the asteroid Moon is full, clean, bright rooms at rest on his chest. The Moon is the mind, the mind is the Moon; ceiling stains are not infected, Vong forecast-mind not born, the mind itself-NET, Center-Bodhi stubbornly-issue. The tu-French as Café-anniversary, more crime and be 5 ma-Tam-class geo-disciplines: 1/Suicide-na t-I. 2/Vi-tam Tran-I. 3/the white-flood tam-I. 4/Kicked-offers three-I. 5/An-based t-I. "
The Buddha says all right, then remedies in France-the 98,000 Portuguese slaps Sudhanshu syndrome-Hy-add, comb-the amount they play endless mind-born-upper primary-primary education-visually.

[1] plays the Bodhi-mind: "Bodhi" is "visually-leader", is the main lead-foot infinity-upper. People who play bridge the main Director-foot infinity-upper he is "playing the Bodhi-mind".
[2] in the preceding paragraph, from "now", hữu place "online-romance", said the Buddha show-the Buddha-body, full-cargo Cross-site United-slaps: 1/Stock Chart--geo-tu has high, soon will witness-enlightenment Buddha-result, the Buddha one treasure Hat-top (a-top security-related), schedule-the Bo-slaps a comb-upper-body-gets-General pages-strictly, as Crown-Prince when the throne is made of allows A-top. And, after the show-food poisoning, was an-head in place of the NET-page-n, beyond 3 realms. Row 2, Cross-site United-slapped by the tu-ahead will be full of German-da-ra-ni-keeper, Tam-I-gate, to kill-except the idiot-obstacle course vi-in effect, the dual-career vast benefit self, forgiveness. 3/the Buddha-full body Bliss-Germany, position-intellectual property. The location-perfect wisdom-entire House-a-position and the post-DAC-rest (For-set position-position,-the necessary vaccine-position), soi detector full-heartedly, knowing together — take advantage of career-count them-born, as the radical-for them-born, offering benefits – of interest to them. The cross-site United-slapped is also Buddha-so.
[3] in the preceding paragraph, from the word "When", by the word "outcome", the Buddha told Bo-slaps van-enemies as he will talk about "playing the Bodhi-mind".
[4] in the preceding paragraph, from "at the time," to "like," Bo-Wen to slap-enemy asked Nuts who were no longer about Buddha, where did you get that play? The Buddha teaches: Department-of the mind-Dharma is not, is because the want to kill-the-accept, like jungle drums, animals will no longer.
[5] in the preceding paragraph, from the word "Back", to the word "both", Buddha broke the "accept no", because the "accept no" still accept and, "accept no" longer than "accept there", because there is no medicine cure "did not" at all.
[6] in the preceding paragraph, from "good place-South-cards" to "self-enlightenment-mind", saying: RID accept no, exorcism-opinions, reach for "real not", is at the heart of self-vigilance-food poisoning, i.e., "said Bodhi" and means "mind Bodhi". Self consciousness-enlightenment divided in two grades: divine and Holy. A.-voracious Class: 1, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind-consciousness when contact with self-scene-present money, keeping y-raw bar-NET, no-difference, accept-ahead, which is self-vigilance-enlightenment-mind. 2, while the type-set, Italy-consciousness far-left the apartment 5, scene, only professional contact with scene-about-the money currently in the States, it's self-vigilance-enlightenment-mind. B.-Sage-Saints: "Sage" is pointing to the row of Bo-slaps: The head, the cross-Cross-Country-driven and, almond-almond. "Holy" is only in the United States--slapped the cross-site. Degrees of Sage-saints of self-vigilance-enlightenment-mind due to: 1/User features-real-physics-foot poolside wisdom, that is consistent in terms of "as-LY-location" (real-location), that is, kick-one spectacle justified-feet-of the border. 2/Use mind-most number-wisdom-sets-sight-position, i.e. a on "as-of-mind", that is, bring back to the pine bar, decor-generals of France.
[7] in the preceding paragraph, from place ' at that time ", go to" main-sight, "Bo-Wen to slap-enemies who play newcomers on the Buddha asked tu-should go and what health? The Buddha teaches: should the Indian diamond--phọc, net-Bar and a reading of the Moon in the middle of the chest. Because the Moon, i.e. the mind. The Bo-slapped in the 3 years are a like.
[8] the car momentum: a delicious dish and makes the different. The France-Wan Chau-Lam Thien Chu wrote: "the Da-ma often use Cup n drink wine, eat food Bowl-da, colors, emotions, family, are full.
[9] in the preceding paragraph, from "good place-South-death! When the tu-action ", go to" main-sight ", the Buddha says about who is the mind like that will be the third year, the kill-or-be temperamental and sprouts Bodhi. Here, the great-we listen to the Buddha say about France-this subject, shall be entitled to the benefit-useful.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH..NAM MO SHAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/11/2014.

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