Thursday 27 November 2014

My One Heart

4. Wireless Product Confi Computer [1]

When the Head-fake Mind-rays along the Head-other export-join now, Qi-correction in France-can be planted into the ground, down public Buddha, Buddha's hand-Bach glass provides poor students that: "white Germany World-religion! We followed the Buddha, to hear those things refurbished hearing about errors-mistakes Department-of in-country; We mind Bodhi, bored, give the world, removing hair do Billion-khưu. We respectfully ask for As-Lai, the main Response equi-sense because we're us and the us-born actor said of the German enemy-won of the introduction-join, making people be heard, who played the net almond-like the far-separated, making the Buddha-end air: World-religion is great, please, you have maximum loads-Jesica from dinar [2] mercy they-born as he La-almost-la, [3] respectfully ask That-religion tell us: Bo-slapped export-gia should an-head like? Should h-infinity-owned file structure like? And, should the thing-how are friendship centres offering bootleg-? " [4]
Now, Germany World-Su-n-rays Place along the Male-khưu: "pleasure instead! Pleasure instead! The real e-Buddha-leg man! The he for all of them-born life beyond question As to the Hybrid. Yes like that! Yes like that! True to the words he spoke, As-Aftermath-religion us-born mercy, peace-education second to none as a child. Now you listen and remember thinking for the manual, I will because he split-difference cast talk about the Bo-slapped export-join an-head like this, tu-action career infinity-structure like this, thing-who dresses in owner-smuggled like this ". The Female khưu-Bach: "Yes, the White World-religion! We wish to hear The Pope-religion teach! "
The Buddha and Mind-rays Male-khưu: "Bo-slapped export-join an-Space Center, the-one time like this: We are a body, the full House, so we're from where would lose, that born again in this world? In the three realms, and then going into the realms of? Of the four great-i.e., I will born into it? Of the six Scouts, we consume-born into the religion? By human-what charm, believed to be his parents, his wife, and they-distinction-gia tu St., off himself entangled in eight accidents? In the next life page-strictly vintage motorcycles too-the past, the Thousand Buddhas are entering Nirvana, and then, in the next life Essential-TU childhood taste-lai, thousand Buddha comes, in Sage-bitch does-in Thousand Buddhas, how many Buddhas As-Lai was born, currently-turned-favored running out and about to enter Baghdad Nirvana? How many Buddhist World-religion is not yet born, is because of the radical us-born soggy, not yet hear key-France reasonable? Again, as in the present-future Lord Maitreya from the Sun Where fertility-down human-and now as the Buddha-casting director? In the US there is nothing better business? Learn about, the German will have wisdom, what? Headless Buddha too-past has never met, World-ton equivalent-lai will be seen reasonable? We are now present in the place where Vela-phu, so three troubling business-brain, what is worse? For born again we created Sin what career? We used to grow fresh apartment where the Buddha would? The body's mission here was how much time? This day was over, destined to ease, as well as the pimp goats to dissection, gradually come to die, there is no hiding place-avoid, such as environmentally destructive, destined to run out will it into place? As part of the three evil way how to get rid of it? Us here we love and breed-it support for it over and over but, each reciting mantras which, grow older, do not have any time to pause, then who has Tri-wisdom to love this body? Mind-rays should know: Bo-slapped on regular night-join up a police-like, don't take affect in education-of the world, need essential diligence tu-episode, don't often temporarily and must be considered as the necessary heavy stone where the top of the head, remove the fire on his head. The mind is often the focus of traders and previous sins-the-past, an-based on four loads-configuration-PC, a crush tu-action twelve Early almond-da, [5] who dresses like his article-Frying-da-la. [6] the Buddha-like called export-gia.
Male-khưu Mind-rays! Because of that call the real leg-tu Sa-almond like those Fried-da-la? -Because every time the Chips-da-la Tour-operator, the handle of the tree-the staff, not daring to go middle of the road, if someone comes close to her while shaking sticks to people hear escape away. In general-they, they do-the Flex-cede, dare not disrespect-side, when one person is responsible for his rebuke, no mind-resentment-hate and never, ever crash-enemy back, soon to be plated-humiliation, defeat-smash mouth-im also endured. What is it? -Self know yourself in the low-a, not in what ranks among the great-they, by human-the people's coast should-news without newspapers-enemy again.
Mind-rays should know! Bo-slapped export-as well as such, removing hair, shape-shape as well as the child poet, handles application storage-gas (vase-bowls), meaning Lady in person to feed oneself-destined, stem wear ca-sa [7] such as the armored column, holding sticks and travel, as AI dáo-grades, swords position-intellectual property, destroy enemy mind-brain, tu Hanh as the child, the benefit-of interest to all. So, all sharp name tham, pitch, si Sa-level body cannot enter his real leg-work. Bo-slapped export-the third one is used, the almond rings-foot home-Publisher's humiliation: the us-born as Buddha's body-chemistry, the shop where his torso is stupid-wife real; the owner-love run out ideas are precious religious hierarchy, the shop where you run out of idea's I-I; back bars them out they thought start-birth-birth as parents, the shop where you run out of ideas considered himself as his son, daughter. Bo-slapped export countries often do the thing, or is someone yelled, complete-no quote-enemy again, only to find media smart-léo to thing-who dresses herself.
Male-khưu Mind-rays! You listen carefully! What are the four loads-configuration-PC? -Is: clothing, map is, formal dining and medication. Four of the like depending on where there is either bad or good is also satisfied, far-left who must joined-the bridge, that is "infinite-specs-computer". The Bill-khưu! By what fate almond four human-like called "loads-configuration-PC"? Mind-rays should know! Thirty-seven products Bodhi-diocese-France [8] of the Buddha are lettered As Hybrid-from one player-born and Buddha, France, Rose-covered so that generally don't get the great, should be called "Infinity-specs-computer". [9]
Meanwhile, Germany World-religion says that the shelves:
Male-khưu Position-rays he listen carefully!
Bo-slapped export-his need to do:
Infinity-the coast-from our aerial photography-birth,
Also as a child are vase-education.
Who plays the main bridge Bodhi-sensory,
Should do three things as the Buddha-Dharma:
The mind often-head four infinity-specs-computer;
So The twelve da tu almond,
Flex your like Frying-da-la.
In this four think facilities authority:
Ten method of infinity-the Portuguese slapped;
Suicide-suicide-na na, direction Saint-leader,
The tu testifying, she!
Do back up-turn in the three realms,
Usually in the born-shepherds-the amount of suffering?
Now this self in any realms?
Six London-leaders in religion?
Abortion, ovule, low, Bill [10] pick up animals?
User, password, Italy-p orientation facilities would?
In it create guilt, what weighs?
Mindful of the three counts, [11] the mind any more?
A-vi-international survey as well,
Great-grand-bi word often followed;
Great-Hy, underwater-discharge, her mind before,
Because the man said Dieu-France.
Days and nights non-stop mind temporary seclusion,
As the stone removed, disconnect the burners.
Three mantras-one subjects usually don't leave,
The us-born Buddha body is;
Only one private dwelling in divine-type,
All of them-are precious religious students,
I do I-I'm in the low-a;
Us-born in life as parents,
I like boys, girls ' tastes fresh-m.
Being yelled angry no problems,
Diligence tu rings-humiliation not jealousy, resentment.
Four of the sweet-handling mind not ham,
Like called "loads-configuration-PC".
Thirty-seven products Bodhi-Department,
The same is the fruit-body newspaper As-Lai;
Enemies-win loads-so the French bootleg
Four loads-configuration-as is-a.
Not happy to let go-lung, tu-episodes,
What is export-join: Foot-Buddha-element!
Bodhi mind germ anniversary anniversary more,
Infinity-Holy pirated-come into-triumphs.
Soars beyond infinity-the amount of shit,
Sitting on the United States-United Kingdom [12] in France-world.
Jason, decorating-strictly professional-all plenitude,
Infinity-edge shit-Hai takes advantage of men-born;
Due-structure-as well as-Shu,
Common symptoms-head office-results of As-Lai. [13]
Then again, Female-khưu Mind-rays! Bo-slapped export-join the-health-Easter, should not take part-before, though good despite how bad your customised so that, usually for the pilot-owners need to because they produce rice blesses them, shalt not organised due to rough and bad-health-offers that say the French broad-weak, kicked out all media compatibility-with mind taking part.
Chums-phu in the world because of the advice-health-offering in-demand non-France, creating real enterprise friendly, which is an evil on the sa-, spending countless amount of shit not having lettered Buddha, not listening to the French Government. Take part in the evil way finished, again born again human-folk, were poor and wretched-gauge, bridges are not suffering, day and night portrait-encyclopedia, not enough gowns cover image, not enough food to keep par. Any such framework due to life before because of the y-dress, kill more born-destined, generate more offense.
Bo-slapped export-not so, should himself be customised so, not evil, only distribution-maternity wear ultimately crush-Tiger to sung-updates to the France-y, [14] which is ten wins-benefit: one is, cover myself, far-left is the bad-full German Tiger, ultimately calling to order-action friendly-France. The two are, far-left the cold, heat, flies, mosquitoes, animals, insects, poison to an-fine tu DAO. Thirdly, does the General article Sa-Mon-join up, they saw who was born fun-like, far-left who are deviant-isn't. The four are, Ca-sa i.e. ball-shape of the flag of Human, Natural, we honour the birth weight-glass-24 was born-the Offense. The year is, when even Ca-sa idea-is the flag in it, destroying everything, all Gospel-Germany. Six is, a Canadian-made sa dyed into ruined-SAC is to want to far-left in exercise-ideas, not born of mind taking part-AI. Seven is, Ca-sa is Austria bar-Buddha's pure land, completely is disturbing-the brain, creates the good Gospel field. Eight is, stem wear Ca-sa, poor goal-minus, ten charity career-directed, reciting mantras falling-head. Nine is, Ca-sa as well as their good or increases – head of Bo-slaps-directed. Ten's, Ca-sa as well as armor, helmet, virulent name bothers-innocuous brain be.
Mind-rays should know! By staff, the coast-lettered Buddhist teachings for three years along the Coast-buds, stick-van thanh-Tinh gia Publisher, bodies have even Ca-sa and three tier does Scripture at the same sitting in the forest treasure award-escape, swords position-intellectual property, breaking into the brain, the mind, Ghost-the realms of nirvana for the.
At that time, Germany World-religion says that the shelf post:
Male-khưu Position-rays should look smart!
Great jacket-Bliss-filled ten wins-benefit.
Y-offers world more exercise-infected,
Austria France As-Lai is not like that.
Austria France prevent blustery life-Tiger,
Infamous-professional-Tiger Jason rice students are met.
Far-left proofing agents, and infections, poison
Mind-directed firmly saved wings.
The-show-my left took part-syste,
In Ta-opinion, [15] the tu-tri.
Vedic Astrology-24-Ca-sa-General Security-guy,
Also-the glass born Phuc ranks It-United Kingdom.
Buddha-element wear ideas like the Tower,
Experiences, Angel blesses, guilty template-killer.
Designs n releases-glass; foot-sa-Division,
It does not infect by Tran-continue.
Chu praised the Buddha's good farmland,
Benefits – lost all species here than;
The God-force Ca-sa not think, discuss,
Or make planting tu Bodhi-almond.
Great leaders such as Spring wheat germ addition,
Yew-fruits of Bodhi as Currency;
Durable diamond-real stable borders-column,
The name poison mind-brain is innocuous.
I now praise over ten wins-benefit,
More shit talking wide end;
If you have a dragon wearing a strand,
Get rid of the bird's mouth to pay to eat.
If the days hot wearing this,
Do not fear the devil, Dragon, fish.
Loud Thunder-loud like mad,
Dressed in Ca-sa does not fear.
In the glass body-handling, or if
All the devil dare not close.
If the mind or export-gia,
Fed up abandon the world, Buddhist monastery.
The Ma-ten enemy bows are an injury-action,
He saw relatives France-United Kingdom quickly. [16]
Then again, Dude-slapped Position-rays! Buddha-element production-join often do luck qifu mumo-real, although that must die-face value, rather than never end to her mind. The Department-of what is it? All of them-born are real moist place Office-y, by the real-world benefits-so useful qifu gangui immensely. You should know! Bo-slapped export-join often come qifu mumo-real, because it had ten wins-benefit. What are the ten? One is, usually go for real-qifu gangui himself-his destiny, but being free import is not cooling-up to other people. Two is, when qifu gangui-real, first comes the magic-France for one listener, who initiated the donation, the following new form please-eat for himself. Thirdly, for those who don't know me-the contender, plays Center for the main French-speaking families for them to hear, cause they run rough-in-lab, which is win-well being. The four are, follow my Buddha to increase gender-Chief-products, welfare-Germany staff-satisfied mind-teaser immensely. The year is, usually go for seven, qifu gangui real-side port, nine [17] self-course goal-killer, everyone bows to the glass for the auspicious blessings combined. Six is, when qifu gangui-will be General "Infinity-opinion-the top" [18] of As-Lai, the-the cult-easily the world's vast. Seven is, Buddha-element of this he studied French, head-Tri Tam-Bao, benefit-useful to them-was born. Eight is, when qifu gangui-really not because demand formal dining that kicked off the mind hopes, all praise the son, daughter. Nine is, when qifu gangui-do so according to the times-weekly, not to be assigned special-poor House, House rich. Ten is, often the real Buddha Chu-Huan qifu mumo-Hy, are for-set-location, is more wholesome charm.
Bo-slapped Position-rays! Because he comes through about ten the benefits – useful if divided-difference scaling out the infinity-infinity-volume border crossings. Male-khưu him, with his life after the Buddhist bridge-Scouts should learn to like!
Then Germany World-religion says that the shelf post:
Bo-Tri Optical-Digital player he slapped!
Grand-musician came-joins should quit taking part;
Play mind tu-action choreography-so,
Qifu mumo-Early flowering-da is-a.
Chums-wife Lady organic dish-bootleg
Order of St.-y dish loads smuggled:
Possession-counts, infinity-means the bootleg Saint,
All are y dish, lived.
Because he is Buddha-element,
Khai-performed two benefit-Hanh [19] Ltd-world;
As Futuristic third-are praise-praise,
Qifu guoren co.-German-made ten benefits:
Private call this almond is dark-WINS,
Free entry-in non-legally-binding;
Before making the contender-the beginning-mind,
Coin-user Bodhi, after dinner.
Because except for sẻn took part in the marvelous French-speaking
Rảo to the great steel loads-of-mind;
According to the grand-master teaches go qifu mumo-real,
Falling-head of infinity-the offense-happy.
Seven of nine, starboard side alongside the self except for removal,
Are the Workers, the often-glass;
Top generals As-Lai see,
Spin magic-France turned the ten directions.
All this time the French TV-bred,
Which results in the great T-the-vaccine;
If for some who start eating took part,
Shouldn't praise-praise the male, female.
Start your college education budget-from-bi,
Not classified-especially rich, poor.
Bar-NET qifu mumo-real Buddha praise-praise,
-The necessary vaccine-location from one birth.
As-Lai 01 life is born,
Because of them-born said four dishes: [20]
Paragraph, gizmos, 28, is a four-course,
Is organic food-pirated of life.
Only France-Hy, meditation-browse-real, [21]
Is the food of Sage-Saints.
The shit off this smell,
Should bridge the invisibly dishes-smuggled over! [22]
Then again, Dude-slapped Position-rays! Buddha-Electronics Ltd-join for medicines should not take part-wrecked. If when there is disease, which showed one SAC and then discarded, such as the Ha-l (Haritaki) Bhikkhu-l and A-ma-Lac district (Àmalaka) forecast should get everything that's the drugs and drinking; until a lifetime just to drink the concoction that's going on. And, for those medicines still often born the "tri-University" (know enough), so called "real leg-Sa-Mon".
Buddha-Electronics Ltd-join often taking leave, he earned ten wins-benefit. What are the ten? One is that, because the globe clear but, not nearly always with others, who were terminated during the join-request and lasted exactly-anniversary. The two are, "dorm-NET shop-keeper" [23] is the easy way-who-innovations Ltd-what is solid-gold. Thirdly, as for the Pearl-its, usually not born of mind taking part-wrecked, quickly proved to be key-position, enjoying the smell of meditation-browser. The four are, for all your animal-world, conventional wisdom "tri-University", was awarded to escape. The year is, not near the divine Lady of the world-which is usually the body with those you heal bar-net Ltd-world. Six is organised not because hate the medicine away, time for formal dining are also good-escape. Seven is, for the precious things, not hopes, are all major world religion. Eight is, soon to be the dress-illness-brain, the symptoms are usually of cylindrical-French-As-Lai. Nine is, completely all right-brain in the three realms, cured the ill body-mind them-born. Ten is positive, the word Buddha tu Hanh Phuc, Portuguese professional-intellectual-slap happy, which is Great-Bodhi.
Mind-rays should know! Because the he said about ten wins-benefit of taking away, magic-like almond, Bo-slapped export-in the-past, present-at, taste-lai tu-school all together. He needs better because the us-born but American-novels, save-this-way dad don't let the great, i.e. for As-Lai put the wide worship-easily; though the world has of bringing bows-dear, sweet-handling is also not known. And, unfortunately for Bo-slapped does not regress-infinite relief symptoms quickly, transfer the upper-level primary-Bodhi.
Meanwhile, Germany World-religion comes back on verbal shelves later:
Male-khưu Position-rays you fella!
People-my endless pill-texture;
Magic-happy United-slaps, that is before,
They had diseases such as his birth-disease.
Retrieved for the dinar bail every suffering,
Swim-mind for an-Lac;
Smoking or dinner-upper for people,
The front left, I took a drink.
Bo-slapped tolerates smoking good, bad,
Only curing for an-all right;
Taking excess medications believed,
Pill taken enough cured.
Grab the left ten benefit,
As-Lai 01 life together praise-praise:
While no medications bridge near people,
Terminated for the edge, the main Lady-anniversary
Shop-keeper "real net-" easy up-Shu,
Cause human Bodhi's life far behind;
No ham with orange-the all took part,
Should the French bridge-Hy, meditation-browse-real.
Of treasure in life tri-sufficiency is,
Obtained the Holy Interior-Member [24] infinity-contraband;
Put your chums-phu, not in General,
Trunk-the near St.-Hien do the salary-owners.
By not abandoning drugs problems,
With moisture-real, end in-demand;
Quarter deck, smoking or not hopes,
The world by the all-critical respect.
Or cure illness-brain-mind-body,
Food poisoning is the foot-such as France-as-entertainment;
Completely set-gas in the three realms,
Testimony was worthless-a-upper leg break.
Pros my Buddha toward Bodhi,
NEDA-professional-position the stem results-report.
Buddha-the he tu student,
Will sit where ethical diamonds-West Lake. [25]
Then again, Mind-rays! Bo-slapped export-the district seat depart-namely, in place of A-lan-elegant, [26] the tu-Regency Center yourself in endless amount of thousand years to pray for Buddhist-led. As-Lai in three years left the district-namely, in places no-clean, quiet-tern, tu said, more happy, the Bodhi fruit. Coast Guard ranks-sensory, steps bar-writer all His Holy Bible is-where are also the President-static like. Where A-lan-Susan has ten wins-Germany, causing the tu, were three results of Bodhi. [27] what is ten wins-Germany? One is that, because of being self-in, where A-lan-NHA, in four Norwegian non-heating facilities belonging to other people. Two is, put "fall, fall-Department of" so called A-lan-elegant, so when in under a tree without permission before. Thirdly, with regard to the map sitting is no ham-wrecked, so that should be in bed "quarter-infinity-lt". [28] Four is where A-lan-less-toxic portfolio of three compact, should give the background of Chu tham, pitch, si. The year is, like in the place A-lan-remote-ly NHA Hanh tu, do not pray in Monday's Human, natural-sex. Six is, put it in the district namely-Roxanne-origin, tu-volume Buddha-not pity themselves-destiny. Seven is preferred, where President-static, all the-p world facilities was no easy easy-innovations-Karma-shy. Eight is, all the world's business-products-world is the easy-to-cut, no easy work-shy. Nine is where A-lan-features "Tam-me-not" [29] or evidence are hundreds of thousands of minor great Samadhi. Ten is taking "the net-as-not" making homes, [30] the mind does not obstacle course-shy, was great-location-Tue.
Mind-rays should know! Where A-lan-refined loads-the amount of the German-like! By human-made e-Buddha's charm-his sworn body par, not mountain forests; If, for legal or religious ceremony heard-easily the pain, Attorney-increases, parents, right where A-lan-tastefully into the villages should return swiftly to the neighborhood where A-lan-Susan. If there is human-favored yet, so the thought: "now in place in this neighborhood as well as the village in the mountain wilderness of forests, mock-lie-elect Chu material such as Vedic Astrology-how, and if there are, should not take part-first!" Buddha-like the "Ma-ha-slapped". [31]
Now, Germany World-religion says that the shelf post:
Mind-rays you listen carefully!
The whereabouts of the mind-brain:
Far from the place where the conductors of static-district,
It is the place where the God-first.
Bo-slapped three eternal Bodhi bridge,
In the elegant main Lan-a-sight;
Charm-buds, stick-writer of Saints-they,
Also in this place saw Bodhi.
In A-lan-Susan gets ten turns,
Or cause symptoms are result T-script:
Du-self propelled-in as lion,
Of the four non-legally binding facilities authority.
Under the tree the forest of Mount Holy ranks ham,
Do not "fall, fall-fan" is Spread Buddhism;
Ladies wear is not legally-binding,
Sitting in court lion "four-infinity-lt".
The mind-brain is Spread Buddhism,
All involved-AI no ham-wrecked.
In addition to the-animals bored ceiling-tile
No ham in education-lost in the world.
The distance huyên-namely, in your favorite chair-static,
Body, discharge of mission directed Buddha-sphere;
In the place, the people, not static-President
Concur-disorder in the mind no-start.
Charity world industry, export-world,
The mind does not obstacle course-shy into-triumphs.
Consequently, Lan-based features-a,
Or the hundreds of thousands students Thursday, Tam-I.
Take the "great-not-President" damage-no,
Body-mind the tu do not Karma-shy.
Full is ten wins-benefit, the
That's why the saints are usually there.
Tri-Light him, the Buddha-element,
If you want to quickly into For-setting-position;
So in this dream does not give leave,
Where A-lan-Susan: Bodhi-directed.
After I kill-degrees, who played Center,
Used in place of A-lan-Susan;
Not long sitting on The-United-United Kingdom,
Is France-usually-tribe-results. [32]
When Germany World-religion says France's myriad-the amount of hundred thousand units of first-play-with countless leaders is Real-World-turning. They said Tri-rays, the Bo-slaps-they are Momentum-ra-ni, full the great-God-communion. Hundred thousand girls, Phat Bodhi mind, food poisoning three France-sports entertainment-escape.
At the time, such as-Lai said the great-they thought: "If there are credit-friendly NET-male-TU, Thien-female-who are listening deeply subject-French four" Infinity-specs-computer "like, receptor-Tri, reader, Editor, theory-a-copy, who was then in their birthplace, they will get good ranks-tri-mode, tu Bo happy-slapped for ever being depression-transfer, not all the troubling business to noise-brain-disorders; in life we are blessed at great location-based-Tri-T-tell, is your self-at, serial Mahayana Buddhism-vaccine not-great piece. And, when destined to take care up bow Sun Tri-sufficiency, audience-opinion Mr Maitreya, testifying the Real-World; in the beginning of Long-flower is the primary player-France, passive Bodhi-up, established the Buddhist-led; If the will to to the Buddhist State in the ten directions, definite time-his prayer that is current-born Buddha, seen, heard, French rescue-winged real-world loads-upper primary-primary education-buds. " [33]


The he Head-faked out-join Cha now, Buddha said to hear about the German enemy-won's-join: Bo-slapped export-gia should an-head like? Should h-infinity-owned file structure like? So what-who served in owner-contraband like?
The Buddha teaches: "Bo-slapped export-the days and nights have a thought: I have Relatives here because it takes away that was born? Here we are going into the continent, the religion? Why we came-his is? Headless Buddha too-the past is over, lettered a Buddha-lai comes, how much current the Buddha's birth? Maitreya virtue ever created? What is self improvement industry? Learn about, to, intellectual property, there is nothing in Germany? The following materials have met Buddha there? Three in this incarnation, what is worse? I've created what? We have cultivated goodwill-type in the place where the Buddha do? How much longer are we close? Losing will born into it? I copy from three data lines? This body always-falling, we love-love to do?
Bo-slaps, the year ham not diligence-tu-features episodes, the shop-ideas constantly, like meet the fire on his head. And, the focus often mind-FX, based on Radio 4-composition-computer, The-da tu almond 12 the same thing – who dress themselves.
Four loads-configuration-count as four customised stuff get what should be, not demand. And, because the first 4 nails 37 Bodhi-Diocese of lettered Buddha; the three gorges-not to be the great. Four loads-configuration-PC's: clothing, map is, formal dining and medication.
-Bo-slapped export-join for men-dress, map is bad though, well not just praise, cooking for German public-oriented Islamic Center-for-home and always carry the infamous lap-Tigress, sung-updates to the France-y is 10 wins-benefit: depart tu-wholesale, depart the cold, hot ..., we made general-family, was convicted of killing, honoring b. Jason, not born in Ireland-paddy fields, create good blessings, goodwill-career falling-head, falling-head of Bo-slapped-and mind-brain doesn't hurt.
-Bo-slapped export-join often do luck qifu mumo-real, though the die-face value rather than quit. Qifu mumo-take 10 wins-benefit: his life by self-do, said remedies for people, run rough-countries, up-synoptic head-position, target-killing horizon-port, are deeply-biased top generals, Tam-the often-head, not complimented hopes start cooking, mind not-and are For-setting-position.
-Bo-slapped export countries for medicines not ham-wrecked. When the disease only drink concoction off of whom still born anniversary tri-sufficiency. Taking away the 10 wins-benefit: Was taking medication but not near people, the real one, non-net-born tham-wrecked, said tri-University award – escape, was fresh, not maternity centers near you-hate, don't mind the hopes, what-are-brain illness, completely mind-brain and are Great-Bodhi.
-Bo-slapped export-his far-left groups in the district place-namely, in place of A-lan-compact receiver-automotive body-mind, to pray for Buddhist-led. Chu Buddha, Sage-saints for three years were in place A-lan-Susan that the Bodhi. In place of A-lan-refined 10 wins-Germany: Not with-in, remove the "fall, fall-fan", is 4 infinity-captain, quit taking part, pitch, si, no bridges, no sorry the body destined, the industrial world-easy up, easy-related export industry-world-wide certification, the great-and great-place-intellectual property.
The Buddha speaks about infinity-texture-it, many people who play loads-upper real-regress-switch; the Bo-slapped with us he Mind-rays are da-ra-ni I-and many girls, Phat Bodhi mind is solution 3-escape.
The Buddha-Special: "If anyone is listening, passive-maintenance, read legend a-complimentary, marginal product copy, infinity-texture-this feature displays that are more-lost, later met Germany Maitreya, become-and will as the Buddha.

[1] infinity-specs-computer: for 4 things: clothing, map is, formal dining, medications, however, are used but, not demand, not infected-foot-count as "infinite-specs-computer".
[2] infinity-Jesica from Libya: "From Libya" has meant for fun, save the slitting. "Infinite charm-from-bi" is 1 in 3 types from Libya. Three categories from dinar were: 1/Us-born-fate from Libya: mind from Libya considers all of them-such as parents, bereaved-belongs to. Because with them, and is often thought of for fun, save-as part of them. The mind from this bi-much due to voracious place-wife or the property, has not ceased to be mind-brain that play-run. 2/France-Jesica from Libya: Holy Ranks-in Tam-admit has ceased to be mind-brain, reaching France – no (the-character is not), break the General "intersection" where we, together with the land and destroying the most General (a), allergic reactions (other), only to hurt them-born not knowing that "France-no", for the mind to remove the gauge, have fun, so whichever they remove that suffering, to cheer for them. 3/infinity-Jesica from Libya: mind from Libya only where non-Buddhist schools of Mahayana Buddhism to Heart. in computer ownership-conduct-vi, not based on the three-life: too-past, present-at, a-lai, knows every charm is not real, crazy-damaged Island-hope, who should not be Frida on it. Song, Jesus Buddha as seen-born not knowing the real generals of France, have to travel again in the mind, accept-ahead in France, take, remove, split-apart, so the mind not with us-born, but, still makes all of them-born auto-course are the benefits – in the for fun, save the slitting.
[3] La-almost-la (Rahula): the German translation is "Phu-obstacle course". The son of Thai-cards all-in reaches-multiple (i.e. the Buddha). According to the Buddha, the Publisher is specified along with the almond-Honey.
[4] in the preceding paragraph, from the word "When" to the word "would", the said head-fake please Buddha teach about how security-based, tu-volumes, article-who dresses like?
[5] the twelve First almond-da: "head-da" (Dhùta): the German translation is "Big Dipper-pipe" means the real-of French transport Executive ever, i.e. not participating-about 3 items: clothes, food and shelter. This almond-action Real it should keep things: 1/12 đụp shirt. 2/3 only Austria. 3/To qifu gangui-real. 4/do not eat many meals. 5, noon lunch. 6/eat is limited. 7/in the place A-lan-Susan. 8/ Sitting where the grave-site. 9, Sitting under a tree. Sitting 10, where the open ground. 11/Sat where the land of grass. 12, Often sitting outside.
[6] Chips-da-la (Candàla): i.e. the map-butcher. Chaos, in India's people class 4 class-level civil-society. This person class comes out the right standard, shake bells etc so people know to avoid.
[7] Ca-sa (Kasàya): means the dye shirt ruined-good, not to the primary-colors. CA-sa is your National coat-khưu. CA-sa has three levels: 1/An-da-Assembly (Antarvàsaka) 5. 2/the Wrath-multi-la-Rose (Uttaràsanga) 7 things. 3/Rose-old-lady (Sanghàti) 9 to 25 articles.
[8] 37 Bodhi-diocese-France: 37 category: Director-News 4 anniversary of, 4 key-need, 4 as-Italy-sufficiency, 5 5, 7 power based sensory-genera and 8 key-forward. (See first steps in learning the Buddha has clearly Award)
[9] in the preceding paragraph, from "then" to "Comb-structured-computer", the Buddha taught about how security-based, tu-and article-ja Bo-slapped export countries. Bo-slapped export-the always consistent human-fruit 3 lifetime at his place, need tu The almond-da, who dresses like his article-Frying-da-la and not-often-used the 4 requirements: the clothes, the map is, eating, smoking-ladder. Therefore, arisen directed-and T-the often-head.
[10] Gestation, placenta, low, i.e.: with 4 kinds of birth: 1/Thai-born (Jaràyuja): species due to pregnancy-pregnancy and childbirth. 2/Ovule-born (Andaja): species the eggs. 3/low-born (Samsvedaja): Species relying on low-moisture place where born. 4/Turned-born (Upapàduka): Species y in-force business which turned-born.
[11] three computer: Good, evil and loads-sign (not good not evil).
[12] United-United Kingdom: i.e. United States Court diamond-optic-United Kingdom. "The United States-United Kingdom": the noble flower, wide expression-for France-world-energy. France-world-the amount such as Lotus of thousand wings, each wing is the percentage of memory and each realm has a theoretical Buddha-Dharma speed — was born. In the sense above, as in the phrase "United-United Kingdom" is lettered Buddha known as the Buddha (shown to be France-trunk), will bring about welfare-benefit us all-born in France-about no-difference.
[13] in the preceding paragraph, from "left" to "As-Lai", the Buddha say again Italy-that said in the text of an-key-column, tu-to-serve, to induce germ Bodhi, endless achievements-Holy-and illicit benefit-for men-born.
[14] France-y: French right, not to say, do not admit-unwanted
[15] in Ta-opinion: 1/User-opinion: accept me and mine. 2/Editor-opinion: accept one side, either "the" or "often". 3/Ta-opinion: don't trust people, results. 4/comments-craft: accept tri-tight opinion is over. 5/about-non-player: accept the holding of the world-all the non-physical.
[16] in the preceding paragraph, from "not again", to the word "quickly", the Buddha articulates the need-and benefits-of y-dress. The y-dress, people know the tri-University, no-globe, the weather will be the home for Jason rice-germ directed Bodhi lush rice will spring, receive results as good as the fruit ripens mòm in autumn; Don't be scared-scared of the tribulation and quickly into infinity-upper-sight.
[17] the port 7, port 9: "Beam" means count yourself disdainful:
7 port: 1 Port/: poor but yourself over. 2/Too-side: by that yourself over. 3/Side-too-side: people that give themselves over. 4/Fall-side: accept it, exceed their born-welcome. 5/Boost-upper-side: not yet certified his testifying were fruit spirit. 6/Company-side: his people much inferior to his part at least part. 7/Ta-beam: do the evil-results teaches students-welcome.
port 9: 1/Fall-WINS-side: by, again is over. 2/Fall-Dan-beam: over, think we're made of. 3/Fall-fallen-side: more people, less is poorly for us. 4/Possession-WINS down-side: thought the comparison-comparison with is over. 5/Owners-Dan falls-beam: think people along with. 6/Owner-list-fall: think less himself. 7/infinity-beat-down: think for yourself is not over. 8/ Infinity-equi-fall: think for yourself is not equal. 9/Disabled-list-fall: think for yourself no less.
[18] infinity-opinion-the Summit: i.e. General Humiliation-Buddha's. this General at the top of the Buddha, all Human, not God, so called "Infinity-opinion-top".
[19] two benefits-happy: taking advantage of yourself and taking advantage of people.
[20] the four dish: 1/Paragraph-the actual "real-troop": The food ration packages, each holding, each of the pieces with which to eat. 2/Contact-take: the "real-Club": scoop-touch these things thrilled a large body, unwell, do not eat well do not know hunger. 3/28-food: the "recite-real": the sixth-think (investors) to the desired scene, birth anniversary of hopes, that help-help the (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) born-leader. 4/Formula-8 anti-or actual playing and keeping-keep trunk-destined them-born, so called "real-mode". The four-course anti-playing, keeping-keep and raise the body destined to them-born, so called "real" (dish).
[21] France-Hy, meditation-browse-take: listen to France excited radical Protestants more big, helpful to the body destined location – intellectual property, as well as the dishes of the world helps to the body, so called "France-Hy-real". Take the clean, fun-silence in meditation-to feed the mind, the body support-so called "meditation-browse-real".
[22] in the preceding paragraph, from "not again" until it "Infinity-smuggled over", the Buddha taught about qifu gangui-real. Qifu mumo-real has many benefits – for yourself and benefit-useful for people. People who must have real qifu mumo-vase-equi, eat enough to live, not to take part-and to know that four of world cuisines is also useful delicacy-contraband (have to born-blogs, pertaining to escape), the only dish: France-Hy, meditation-browse the food of Sage-Saints, the dish is ridiculous-contraband (is-escape, not birth-death).
[23] No-one NET-subjects: Subjects a body not in-clean.
[24] the Holy Interior-Member: 7 of gentleness-cross: 1/credit: credit-the main receptor-France. 2/progress: essential-advancing ethical requirements. 3/about: keep-keeping about the code. 4/very good-you: know your place and the Tiger-infamous. 5/text: main player News-Pope. 6/Discharge: Please remove all. 7/To-wisdom: sedimentation in the hope-anniversary soi show their reason.
[25] in the preceding paragraph, from "not again" to "Director-West Lake", the Buddha taught the Buddha-element production-as have the disease should drink concoction of who brilliantly ran away, drink this concoction that is to no longer have the merit, cooking, easy to take part-a real mind-brain removal, net-and-professional-rapidly into position.
[26] A-lan-NHA KY: (Àrinya): Where the mountain jungle bar-away that the tu-in, the translation is: "Infinity-avoid-bar": far away, could no longer argue-Paintbrush; "Shiv-President": where clean-quiet, thong-drop; "No-idle": an empty place-spread, wide-publicized how-la, not district-namely, being self-in; "Far-glasses-of": far avoided the coil-busy life.
[27] three fruits Bodhi: that is the main result of 3 bar-writer, Charm-and the Buddha.
[28] the four infinity-lt: Four French speaking about mind turned-tha is not afraid. Infinity-ú is 2 things: infinity-captain of the Portuguese and the Buddha's Dope-slapped.
A.-infinity-captain of the Buddha: 1/For-setting-position comb-fan-lt: speak-the setting-place of mind not afraid-fearful. 2/Contraband-take advantage of the countless fan-lt: says end to all mind-brain, mind not afraid-fearful. 3/General-Karma-owned infinity-Director-Captain: French speaking out Karma-Buddhist who, damage not afraid-fearful. 4/Novel-make-miserable-directed infinity-fan-lt: say that misery-Director, Center for not afraid-fearful.
B.-infinity-captain of the Bo-slaps: 1/listen to keep and remember the lesson-France should not forget theories-France is not afraid. 2/to know French to pharmacy and know one-count them-born French-speakers should not be afraid. 3/Manual or on the interview-a French-speakers should not fear. 4/Or disconnected end to that of them should win-French-born are not afraid.
[29] Tam-I don't: Italian place i n A-lan-Susan is designated, this place also for such frivolous-not jaw-like museum objects, like things in the Museum's jaw-broken-not, as all subjects to both self where A-lan-Susan that born-leader.
[30] in Italy says: where A-lan-elegant clean, wide-as-no damage.
[31] Ma-ha-slaps: Ma-ha-is Called slapped-đỏa (Mahàsatt-va), the translation is "the great mind, the masses-born, great friendship-love"; This means that they have vast mind-doing big things-lao. Ma-ha-slapped the call-often just for the Bo-slapped.
[32] in the preceding paragraph, from "not again" to "often strayed-result" the Buddha teaches: Bo-slapped export-join need in the place bar-away, stay away from the district-namely, the tu-file like Hanh, to Bodhi. It has 10 wins-Germany should be lettered Buddha and Tam-redundant. Scripture-that's the place people come into relief. People who play in the A-lan-Susan, will witness France-trunk.
[33] in the preceding paragraph, from "When Germany World-religion" to "main-sense" is talking about the French player as well as the passive cooling module-French, now and tomorrow is more the benefit-useful.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA ,SYDNEY.28/11/2014.

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