Wednesday 1 January 2014

Buddhist Studies.
Q: Every time recite the Buddha's name or concept, I often feel very hot body, even seemingly bloated body up. Does this phenomenon is caused by the same thing where nature is self-flushing alive?
A: The same thing where you say self-identity that shapes how? They were black, white, or yellow?
" Every body systems minister, is false-hope, "that your attachment to them to do? Because you feel a new urgency to such status. If you relax, not urgently, not intentionally drawing, there is surely something that negativity!
Q: Nianfo that kept wandering mind, so how can it serve?
A: The idea is not scattered much more! " Mindfulness in one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, six days, or seven days, not a complex heart disorders ... " You have no idea the mind wandering often as a matter of course!
Q: "vows" and "hors-thought" how different?
A: The Advent-good idea is not afraid to start it. However, if the outlook is bad-idea to destroy it! Making the volunteer interests of the expectation-idea whether it's okay, but if it is a voluntary self-interest is not good!
Q: Why is the proposed Buddhist vegetarian?
A: The concept of mild sexual vegetarian. Vegetarians who are training hard concept. There are religions that animals are born as humans to eat, so eat something salty is reasonable heaven and earth. Yet Buddhism promotes the spirit of " all things are the same body, it is called the Great Compassion , "and see all beings have Buddha-nature, will become a Buddha, so the observation advocated sex, free birth .
Q: Why is not Buddhism promotes enjoyment?
A: "Suffering is the end of suffering,
Enjoy the blessings of all blessings. "
Cash in the bank but you do not spend it remains permanently is yours. If you spend playing, drinking, the savings bank will end very soon!
Q: Some people say the Shurangama Mantra recited only on fasting period, who said there were only seven in the morning before the proceedings, as is true then how?
A: At certain times can also recite the Shurangama Mantra is both! Should not distinguish consciousness of time. By, for example, in Malaysia's morning in America again, the evening is, so how can the absolute limit lines should be?
Buddhist students who need pre-approval shatter, wipe out all methods, away from all the generals, not so as to learn even more confusion!
Q: Some people say that pregnant women have recite the Shurangama Mantra may miscarry, there are indeed reasonable?
A: Talk to drive!
Q: I want to memorize and understand the business's three Shurangama Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra and the Lotus Sutra. So learning the first?
A: "France is equality, no distinction high and low." Learn how the previous well be both. You thought the school did not know before, it is a delusion stuff already!
Q: Worldly Dharma not leave France. How to apply it to daily life a most fulfilling way?
A: Do not struggle, do not be greedy, do not access the bridge, not selfish, not self-interest, do not lie!
Q: Is it finished, when litigation to recover certain direction?
A: "Islamic-oriented" is a kind of pre-approval, but "no recovery-oriented" as well as pre-approved. Every mechanical system pre-approval is not corresponding with the Dharma!
Q: Buddha-nature of this ancient original purity, proving that wheel from?
A: Infinite-invented from the love that place. Ignorance is another name for ignorance .
Q: How to properly distinguish who is the true enlightened Master-Master?
A: To distinguish enlightened Master-Master who is true, then if they are interested at war, greed or not, whether they be selfish, self-interest or not preferred, whether they are right or tell a lie and then deny that, calling it "skillful means" or not. If this is so, but they still call themselves Compassion-tri-mode, they are the ones who do not understand the results of right and wrong, left and right so!
Q: Does the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas word can bear being now fears?
A: If you have errors which said amendment, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas word indeed carrying capacity now fears you, so that you are innocent. But, if you can not fix the error, any professional rely on word Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, wanted by the offense now fears his shoulder, where it can not be!
Q: Experience teaches:
" Self refuge in the Buddha, or voluntary beings, able to Truth University, discovered the Supreme Mind.
" Self refuge in France, or voluntary beings, penetrate Buddhist scriptures, as customs wisdom.
" Self refuge in the Sangha, or being voluntary, public justice system, necessarily very afraid. Hoa Nam Thanh them. "
Be the must-home "system of mass," do what must also be consistent with the new true Buddhism. However, humans can not perfection, perfection is. Nevertheless, the man-made part of human remains as well, if not itself bar shall keep the commandments is perfect, until the "mass justice system" is not it a leader being a star misleading?
A: In this world, there are good then bad. Someone practice, there are also those who do not practice. There are those who practice the true Dharma, but, also the successor body to make Buddhism based on clothing, the Buddha to take advantage of food and even used Buddhism do wholesale, to cash benefits. Such is the state of "pearls mixed with the ankle," snake dragon, golden brass confused.
Therefore, you should consider trying the French authorities Label 5 or not - shall have the French label, you'll see who really, who assumed, Zemin France no labels, you will "recognize who the enemy is the offspring wrong," take pain as pleasure, crazy crazy island, does not distinguish between white, black, foot, camouflage.
Q: In the Buddha image, which has not been defoliated ( ¶} ¥ ú ) can then prostrated reasonable?
A: The problem is not that statue "was defoliated" or "have not been defoliated," which is considered to see whether or not your heart be pre-approved! Your heart can not pre-approve the Buddha is always defoliate it. If you feel that pre-approval, the statue despite being defoliated but also nothing more untapped ray!
Q: Buddhist scriptures teach that: " Self-nature is the Buddha, the person can become a Buddha. " Please ask, if "ourselves ie the Buddha," then why do we have to bow to the Buddha often?
A: People say "ourselves ie the Buddha," is not talking about this body that is only self-nature of it. If you wish to become a Buddha, then you should definitely practice, certain to grasp this principle, and to know how to become a Buddha, but not just say "ourselves ie the Buddha," and the Phat !
As you go to school, want first-doctoral such, you may not want to empty the park achieved! You need to learn from Sub-learning, to Lieutenant-school, in-school University, and then can be achieved by Tien-Dr. Also, you can not just say that the Buddha was Buddha immediately; declares himself could not make her Hoang-base is a Yellow-Empire mainland. There can be no such thing!
Similar to the case of the Bodhisattva in his land over the sea, all water will make your tan raotu no longer defend himself done, how can you help others?
You should definitely practice to have the solid foundation first, until you "on water without sinking, no fire without being burned," then you can then reformed beings without title profit making mesmerizing, unwavering.
"State" means what? That is money . "Fire" means what? That is fame . listings and beneficial means "water" and "fire." Every heard of the fame can not depart from, to see the benefits not sleep James who became Buddha is such that it is absurd! Buddha is not greed level, there is also eager to gain the Buddha does.
I would say that many people do not like to hear, but, it's what I want to say!
Question: Venerable Master once said: " Currently we are not intelligent enlightened self-identity is that we are polluted by ceiling-one, five desires of Ta-her realm . " Please broadband means.
A: "Infection-box" ie those thoughts in your mind. You want to be rich, it is defiled , you want the name, which is also the heart of defilement , you want to chase people love, it is also the heart -cell infection , you want to eat delicious, it also is defiled ; are not pure.
Self-identity is inherently pure, just as you should embellish these self-nature is polluted, and clarity of the self-nature so there can appear to be. Everyone has Buddha-nature, everyone can become Phatotat all beings, is not no one can become a Buddha. Regardless of the kind of beings you do, you also have the opportunity to become a Buddha, the problem is that you have to practice or not practice that thoioban you will become a Buddha, you are not religious, you can not be a Buddha!
Q: I see that the scriptures teach: " For the rebirth West should vow . " So should vow like?
A: Development prayer lest willpower is not strong, so that is a vow to make more permanent willpower. Just want to make new bars displayed sages coquetry; minded about the new heroes become heroes, even the Buddha, the Bodhisattva, the Buddhist new, a Bodhisattva is. Even though up but will not for fear of permanent, so it would be more new prayer.
Vow that denotes her determination to want to do it, no regrets, no retrogression. You must do so no retrogression concept , he always follow that do volunteer force, and have no retrogression well , what do y also according to the volunteer force. Then, you achieve the results-it is also the non-rotten fruit - fruit Profile, Second Fruit, Berries Three, Four A-la-Han.
So, vows to help more steadfast willpower. Do you respect that vow before the Buddha also, as yourself or strengthen the will to be strong as well. Need is not perfunctory, not because of physical appearance, but true to austerities.
Q: There I can say that for someone else instantly enlightened, liberated life. France keeper "press center" of the teacher's true whether transmission?
A: Many people are fascinated because of their greed. The greed they did not have health was mesmerizing, unto deception!
Q: Mindfulness Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Amitabha Buddhist concept any different? Effective affordable disagreement?
A: You start such discrimination is effectively no longer natural.
Q: What is appropriate ministry to start learning Buddhism?
A: The ministry is also appropriate at all!
Q: Amitabha Sutra recitation teach whoever honors the Buddha Amitabha, the burden will be his fears karma, bringing the World Pole-Us. Yet the Buddhist emphasis must be independent, self-reliant, the new Buddha. Two such theories are not contradictory stars?
A: Posted at you recite the Buddha to place "the most negative mental disorder," they ask you that: "It was your idea or concept Buddha?" I believe that is still used by your hard work that out.
Buddhist mindfulness is not just just think whirring concept, but how to give expression to his mind-contract with Buddha, the one with the Tao, it can be reborn in the Pure Land. In no way whatsoever without the use of a Buddhist practice that party. The Buddhist or not is still by myself!
A monk asked the British South-Tong: "South-Tong Buddhist rarely advocated the religious practice of reciting the Buddha . Venerable Ask, should religious teachings to touch the Dharma faiths? "
A: Belief in things like taste. The practice taught by the Buddha is the same as in the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty. You can not say that is the most delicious sourness, sweetness was not able to be optimal, or accept that bitter taste is the best, and also can not insist that the First spicy, or salty taste is more . Because each person to customize preferences, guys like that sour is sour, the most delicious, sweet love to say who is the most sweet, then bitter bitter man love is number one, and those who prefer spicy chili is not the lack of stars swallow rice for it!
Regardless of which method believed, if we applied properly, it will be touch, but not properly used, there is no corresponding. Everyone has different causes and conditions and therefore, need to consider a foundation of individual personality.
For practice too, if you choose a method and then follow that most interested, attentive practice, you will get the touch - is also the corresponding . For example, you religious practice of reciting the Buddha , this is just with little practice, less of, not hinder other work; go, standing, lying, sitting you can also recite the Buddha. Because anyone can practice Dang, so this method suitable for the majority of living beings. But, if you do not agree minded, it still does not have the corresponding, so that:
Di Da Mouth concept, mind wandering,
Hoarse throat was dry, only in vain!
Therefore, regardless of religious practice, you need to trust in that practice, because:
"Trust " is the source of Truth, the mother of virtues,
Cultivate all good base.
Why your faith is not permanent? Because you do not plant too shallow root for sauoboi should not penetrate the teachings of Buddhism. So what to do here? You must set up the, up faith and speak up!
"Making of" that is, by helping others.
"Make a virtue" is quietly help people without anyone else knowing (as well as behavioral modification for perfect).
"Making language" is used words, such as:
Compassion mouth, tongue means,
There is money, money will not make unto!
You should say truth, not a lie, and say what is true. If so, collective identity in the long run, when you say nothing moral, one can not refute, the moral duocoboi shoves you say it "does not change depending on which coast, coastal constant that depends." This is the difference between truth and doctrine-damaged disguise.

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