Wednesday 1 January 2014

Spiritual Practice.

Q: The Export-home and at-home practice any different?
A: The home-made, how dear the Buddha. At-home who are not officially join the clan of the Buddha. The at-home nor regulated very strictly, as is still being allowed to marry. The home-made celibacy is, "education cleanse their hearts, reduced sexual desire period."
Q: The at-home practice, how? Method is the best practice for us, those who have found time to worry practice in this busy life so affordable?
A: The best approach is not to get angry, do not argue with himself, in the heart do not start wars. Not so on the surface, but in practice it does not feel like that again, keep in mind always arguing.
Q: Tu Duc Confucianism has 3,000 students, 72 of which have the technological expertise continent. In current society, how has deserved to be called "fully human?"
" To have new real wealth,
No virtue is poor stuff. "
The foundation of "human perfection" is the practice in five men in no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying, no alcohol, opium.
Q: The at-home can also become "human perfection" stars?
A: Whatever is in-home or home-made, everyone will be able to cultivate a level of perfection is both!
Q: From France Import-world and France's Export- order need to be like?
A: The Path to perfection as the then new director can do Phatocac achievements you can not burn phases. Act as the in-progress, as well as building the foundation that is not permanent, stable chacorat hard to cultivate the Buddha Way!
Q: We do not understand what is " not the best news, not the best news. " Dear Venerable please just point out for love.
A: Born in place of " excellent, " 4 die in place also excellent just like that. If you can not see through transparent, then you also will generate place identity, place and died in color only!
Q: Between " the self "and" the excuse "then which one weighs more? Which to do first?
A: The two things have nothing heavy, nothing lightly, they're just a only. Automation ie the lives of others - as well as save others save yourself. You can distinguish between light heavy confusion is that!
Q: With the exception of-home practice, there are roads or other methods to cultivate the Buddha in this life reasonable?
A: Smoking opium is finished, you can feel immediate pleasure. Yet once then you will like drug addiction, and would feel extremely miserable if missing cigarettes.
Want to become a Buddha, you need to "freight bicycle field" (step foot on land that is real), meaning you really have to practice, practice wholeheartedly. You do not lie in finding opportunities to use capital gain or deceitful tricks, because these things are very wrong.
A disciple extremely uneasy, ask: "How to get rid lewd heart, including the notion of sex?"
A: Whatever you do not think about it, it's only section! Just think about it, how nostalgic piece is? Every " thought arises it must be enlightened; concept of instant enlightenment is not " only!

There is a filed-mail asking: "What Chanting or professional practitioners-what is most quickly become a Buddha?"
A: Please recite sutras "Do not Anger," doing "Do not angry," and doing "Do not scold." Chanting three Buddhist texts is the most quickly!
Q: Using a controlled way to overcome lewd heart, fear and doubt?
A: Do not eat meat, do not eat out, do not eat garlic, do not eat stimulating in nature, and visualize: " All men are my father, every woman is my mother " ; been so there your heart will never be lewd arise.
Therefore there should be no fear sorrow. There is no sorrow, there is no fear. No, it is not selfish fear. As long as no war, no greed, no bridge, not selfish, not self-interest, do not lie , they naturally need not fear anything!
Why cynical heart? Because there is no faith! Disbelief should dare to distrust. Avatamsaka Sutra says:
Tin original Act of merit sample.
That is:
Faith is the source direction,
is the mother of all virtues.
Trust in the wisdom of all organic beings, then that is not skeptical .

Chanting that:
On day always tell the truth,
Not afraid of being insulted, beaten,
Kill us, we will not fear,
Freed, what the hell is afraid!
"On the day always tell the truth. " Every day should say truth, do not lie.
" No fear of being insulted, beaten. " Be frankly truthful words. Despite being scolded beaten, you still tell the truth.
" Kill me, I'm not afraid. " Whether you kill someone, do not be afraid. Fear of what?
" Liberation, what the hell is afraid! " Being true liberation is nothing but hell be afraid, there is nothing that should scare you?
Q: While they practice birth suddenly feel resistance, thus forming obstacles. How then do we confront?
A: If the tiger to eat you, you also require affordable tigers eat meat? "Resistance" is as theoban can do it reasonable?
Q: While the net is, sometimes I see the first appearance of what we call "fantasy." Venerable Please explain the phenomena.
A: The phenomena are false, not true. What you see, come under the first fifty-world scene is transformed clarified in the Shurangama . If that's where you get the accomplishment is worth much mercy!
Q: What should we do to restore its duty-nature?
A: This is very easy, nevertheless, is very difficult. Want to restore the luminous wisdom of nature, the first is to reduce the education concept, ie have sexual performance . Reduce the desire that this present instant wisdom. Filled with the desire that true wisdom can not be out of money.
So, " purification, less education, reducing training and know enough " is the first step of martyrdom. If you can purify the mind, reducing the desire, the luminous wisdom of your property will appear.
Q: House Buddha said, "Six Apartments purity" What is this?
A: "Six Apartments pure" ie: eyes see a sharp but not sharp-ceiling do fluctuate, ears but do not hear sound -bar ceiling as agitated, nose to smell the scent but no flavor-ceiling do fluctuate, tongue tasting flavors but not the ceiling as agitated, the body is not exposed-ceiling do fluctuate, and the Nor -ceiling law as agitated, not shake realm ie Tam -Mei , also known as Samadhi .
Concentration is not necessarily new to meditation, that goes, standing, lying, sitting, can in Samadhi. The inside is definitely not as logs or mud, what is not known, but on the contrary, who fixed everything but the understanding is they do not budge. That is " who can turn the circumstances, but not for circumstances to shake the " too! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=2/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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