Saturday 18 January 2014

Learning Dharma - Practice Focus.
When studying the Dharma, we should focus on the practice. If only empty talk without practice, or whether we say that sprouting twigs, leaves grow, bear fruit, it also belongs to falsehoods. So like just about eating foods that are not, as a treasure for the count, there yourself what benefits, self-delusion and lying to people. We should ask that, "I should do home person like? What people do at home? As Buddhists should be like? "You do not just worry about doing laundry for other people, that in itself labored sweating, and his clothes are still dirty.
When studying texts, we should bring harmony texts in body, mind, nature's own network and wondered: "We can not follow this principle? We can cultivate the mind by frank and honest mind does not? Was I just a self-indulgent waste of time in Buddhist philosophy? Is the first one is hard as rock, or who say that never have to do? "We should their reflection, review and ask myself:" After all, then I want to be a Buddhist How is this? "Being a true Buddhist will not fear anyone says about his error. When someone guilty but yet, we should also accept. Regardless of the criticism that it has more or less intellectual than their older or younger than her, male or female, most of us should accept most, rather than argue or argue for their .
Knowing that he would not wrong, it was a mistake then. So said: "There are known bugs fixes, see as not, if concealed, increasing crime." If any justification to hide his error, so now only increases his offense alone. When you see the world or illegal break, the precepts Bhikkhus can pursue or reprimand him. But if there is no error, but you keep saying it is unfair, so wrong and where. Or someone accidentally foul, you should not grub out the vices of the people. You should not have to say before, but after talking back to harass, or the opposite person to say no matter what, but they are crap behind many things. Then there are some who do not know his self, his thought was very good. They prefer funding to create name for interest, the friends to party, hang out with people close. What such people will not be allowed in Buddhism. 
A practitioner needs to keep attention directed day date and center practice. If people cheat, lie to us, we have the error, but also sorry for ourselves now and is the creator of sin in Buddhism. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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