Sunday 5 January 2014

Giving enough for mom and dad.

One time, in Savatthi the Exalted, in His garden Anathapindika. There, the Exalted called Monks:
1. Hey Monks, I will preach to me about not standing level position Chan and Chan's level. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.

Yes, sir, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Exalted. Exalted said as follows:
This, monks, is how status is not Chan's level? The legs are not human, the monks, not grateful, not grateful. For the wicked, here are their characteristics are known, the monks, that is not grateful, not grateful. This is absolutely no legs who's status, the monks, that is not grateful, not grateful. Gambler's legs, the monks, is grateful, is grateful. For those good people, this is their characteristics are known, the monks, that is grateful, grateful. This is totally Chan's status level, the monks, that is grateful, grateful.
2. There are two kinds of people, the monks, it is said to be unable to repay. Which two? Mother and Father. If a mother carrying shoulder, the Monks, if a father carrying shoulder, do so throughout hundreds of years, until a hundred years old, if massage, rub anointing, bathing, rub shampoo, and oil in it, mom There are several father defecation urination, thus the monks, have not done enough or repay your parents. Moreover, the monks, if an international position on the parent with the supreme power, the great earth with the seven treasures, as such, the Monks, has not done enough pay or repay mother and father. Wherefore? Because of that, the monks, many parents do for their children, nurture, nourish them grow and introduce them to the world. But the monks, for parents who do not have faith, encouragement, and guidance he abides in confidence; mother & father for the evil world, encourage, guide, and he abides to improve the world; stingy with his parents, encourage, guide, and he dwells on alms; against evil mother & father of wisdom, encouragement, guidance, and he dwells in wisdom. So as a result, the monks, is made in full and repay your parents.

Lives in life, being grateful to parents for nurturing Honor was difficult. But to become a true filial son, hospitality center and well integrity to taste more and more difficult. In many classics, often comes Exalted parents immense gratitude as heavenly sea, though we still dutiful little difficult to repay. However, this Dharma Exalted has just presented a signaling method is different from usual, which is to guide parents studied, three karma transformation, which according to him was "repay enough for mom and dad."
First of all, Exalted assertion that, thanks and gratitude to the characteristics of the human foot level, level of friendly people. When a person does not have or have lost properties thankful and grateful that certainly is cruel, inhuman who, regardless of major.
Yet, despite the human foot level, is the gentle good to know some go more dutiful still not doing enough or pay enough to please his mother and father. Even the level of wealth, the ultimate authority on the world, feel free to provide a worship song itself is still not enough, because kindness nurturing parents, the children should work too great, to the inconceivable .
According to The Sun, a positive in the usual sense, even if fulfilled, still not enough to take hospitality. So take care in parallel with the physical, through the glass, Buddhists and thankful to know recommends parents turned a deep trust in the Three Jewels, to dwell on the good world, know alms offerings, has always lived with the light of wisdom sense. Do that which is already doing enough, pay enough to please his mother and father.
Obviously, Exalted great attention to the transformation of karma for parents to look after their parents death reborn into a better realm. Because this life is impermanent and limited capital. After this life there are countless other lives. If parenthood without wisdom, can create more business for the parents that do not accumulate any blessings they can not call it commercial, hospitality is the most complete and true.
Therefore, Buddhists always take care to piety and glasses upon their parents in life but also does not forget to inventory build peace for parents to assume from the world, to be reborn in good realms. Baggage that is faithful, world, experimental and wisdom. This means that after this life and the parents are happy. So Exalted claim to have done enough and pay enough to please his mother and father. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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