Wednesday 1 January 2014

Growing Like Bodhi.


  • now the punishment is fair.
Sink or no sink is due to emotional places that distinction. Rank who only knew how emotional intelligence is not known, the future will surely sink into the three evil paths, it is not questionable at all. Whatever you care about, then you will come to the path that corresponds to the center.
  • The reason can not "see holes," can not "let go" because of karma caused obstacles that you can not rise high, can not trade out of the Three Realms. 9 So the sight of what is being presented with heart attachment to that realm, it's emotional . Seeing scenes that are being attached by the emotional effects of both!
  • What is ignorance?   simple words, the "ignorance" that is evil, is not understanding. By not understanding foot-justice, locked the door of my heart, so that no detail enlightening post!
  • By being there by discrimination , for that matter everything as good and evil, good and bad, but Africa, black and white ..., so depending upon the new Buddha of beings, the sorts itself out to them His birth can see. That is:
Thousand overflowing river, moon river now thousands,
Great Wall cloudless, thousands of sun in
Depending the Buddha incarnate beings that so.
  • What is Dharma's office ?
You practice truth, not ham nominal, not like financial benefits, such hope is offered, so that is Dharma's office!
  • What is the Bodhi Mind?
I take a very simple example to explain: When you've found the Bodhi Mind, you such as flour (for baking), but not mixed with baking powder (yeast). Once you release the Bodhi Mind, the flour and baking powder has been mixed from powder vaootu bulging hatch.
If asked BODHICITTA star shapes out, then please respond that this center of this ancient capital has no form, it is the Enlightened Path . "Enlightenment" means enlightenment, penetrating, clear moral. Not only do we need to thoroughly understand morality, but also religious morality anymore.
Stupa could use to rate BODHICITTA example: high chedi regardless of what size, how many large, then it must have been built from the ground up. Ground symbol hearted of us. From the ground, but I have a tower architecture, which makes building as high as wide, the Bodhi Mind must also address the mind that plays more khoio Development Center, more extensive attention, with increasingly high. At the start of play, Bodhi Mind is only a small mind, but, slowly growing wider. When the fullness of the faith-final will be the Buddha himself.
  • Self in the realm without his minister, the minister, minister beings, or general life span. Song himself in where? At any level in the order? In the Bible's position in the order, in the ordinary position is not in itself!
  • Foolish who do not know the law of causality should terrify indiscriminate, arbitrary wrongdoing with causal laws, did not even believe, all doctors, that there is no cause and effect!
The wisdom, the knowledge of moral rigor Alerts Causation , so very afraid of doing wrong with the law of karma, what worked well to think carefully before practice.
  • Old people have taught:
Faults gentleman like eclipse, lunar eclipse visible thuco everyone.
Y immediately to repair mistakes, everyone will respect that.
The gentleman at faults such as the sun, the moon was eclipsed moon or earth ball is so obscure, clearly everyone knows. However, if immediate medical repentance and amendment, the people who are respected and admired him.
  • The intelligent fault is immediately modified. But foolish men do not have to fix fault.
  • Tai Tam (three accidents) have large and small. There are large fires (earrings), floods (water disasters), wind storms (natural style), and is small war, famine, epidemic disease. Tam Tai also known as Tai lifetime . Causes Ear lifetime arises mainly three:
  1. Do people feel anger should arise earrings;
  2. Due to greed arises water disasters, and
  3. Do feel foolish ear style should arise.
So, Tai Tam from poisoned that out. We all have poisoned incoherence of greed, hatred and delusion. If this center three days a more powerful, they will at some point to form earlobe lifetime , fire.
  • Worldly like a giant mesh tied all major nguoioke greed shall be bound grid fame, money, people are hard-column grid fortune, those who love sexual identity is being surrounded grid. In short the life was the five desires otien resources, lust, fame, food, sleep mad crazy nghiochi distribution to the island, not bound to stand out a little breath!
Rather pitiful are those who do not understand morality, but that the siege was no net or do not know! And who knows but does not know it but no way to escape. It just makes me more exclamation alone! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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