Sunday 5 January 2014

Gathered emptiness.
One time, stay in Baranasi Exalted, at Isipatana. Then lay Dhammadina with five hundred lay prostrate and go to venerable sir:
Gathered emptiness
Venerable sir, please teach us, please give us the Catholic world. As a result, we are happy, lasting peace.
Dhammadina this, you need to learn the following: The scriptures preached by the Tathagata deep, super generation, ie not related, must often come and dwell (learning). Thus, this Dhammadina, the learning you need.
Sorry you:
It was not until the period of development of Buddhism (Mahayana) that even in the Exalted, to reveal the reason he has not (sunyata). These talks showed the most fundamental matter, the essence of Mahayana emptiness was transmitted Exalted, not the recommended practice for tons of goods in which even the laypeople.
We can say that the doctrine of emptiness expressed in Prajna silver, etc. Madhyamarg ... the fruit of the teaching "You need to learn the following: The scriptures preached by the Tathagata deep, super that, in relation to mean no, must often come and dwell (learning). "And like that, no wonder we Patriarch doctrine of emptiness, Mahayana, a Bodhisattva Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna ) was honored as Shakyamuni II.
On the other hand, non-self doctrine which deployed early and is the most basic foundation of the method according to the practice and awareness of the Tibetan plateau is Nikàya the basis of emptiness. From here, Buddhist students easily recognize the intimate relationship, full legacy spirit in Theravada Buddhist Sutras system development.
Heart Sutra mentions Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara thanks "premiere during the five aggregates is not" should transcend all suffering yoke. Emptiness Insight is the most effective tool to wipe all thinking the self (the source of suffering pain) and afflictions dispels darkness, greed, ignorance. therefore want the five hundred lay Dhammadina attain happiness and lasting peace, Exalted has recommended practice of not attack them.
Meditation practice to directly receive selflessness selfless properties (emptiness) in body and mind with all things is the key to escaping from prison suffering of birth and death. So study, study and meditation to dwell into emptiness, selflessness achievements insight is the key task of all Buddhists.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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