Sunday 5 January 2014

North City slander.
One time, stay in Savatthi the Exalted, in Jetanava, in his garden Anathapindika vu. Then go to Kokaliya brethren bowed, sat down on one side, venerable sir:
  North City slander
Venerable sir, Sariputta and Moggallana sex is evil, sex is evil conquer.
Kokaliya Hey, do not be so! Kokaliya Hey, do not be so! This Kokaliya, net interest credits go to Sariputta and Moggallana. Hien friendly Sariputta and Moggallana.
The second time, the brethren Kakaliya venerable sir:
Bach Exalted, Exalted oil have faith and trust but for me, Sariputta and Moggallana sex is evil, sex is evil conquer.
(Exalted Kokaliya recommended three times as above)
Then Kokaliya brethren stood up from the seat, bowed and left. Kokaliya brethren departed soon emerging body of warts to a mustard seed, grows up after a mustard seed, we grew up with beans, after they grow up a pea, we grew up in completely ice; Full after growing up with rock, we grew up with apple ..... Finally they broke up, pus and bleeding.
Then, brethren Kokaliya this disease common destiny. Were common destiny, brethren born in hell Kokaliya Sen pink, with center hatred towards Sariputta and Moggallana.
Sorry you:
Venerable Sariputta (Buddhist relics) and Venerable Moggallana (Moggallana) are saints, were smuggled or cessation, completely at peace and liberation. As disciples of the Blessed One, First intellectual and psychic First, this venerable two full merit, wisdom and compassion, of course, entirely indifferent to Him, to dwell in the Holy . But because of slander, insult to the Saints should Kokaliya merit of reducing costs, retribution way feel themselves being tortured to death scabies sores. Once dead, is still forecast to fall heavily into hell Pink Lotus suffered anguish.
The work Kokaliya retribution and sink in hell by slandering the saints have taught us a lesson. When not to take part in the Bible, we are not qualified to evaluate and differentiate products. Therefore, care must be taken in the evaluation, assessment or expressed attitudes toward people. Today, though the Saints do not have much (or that conceal identity not revealed) but those who practice virtue, dignity, not less. However, there are still many critics, criticizing, disparaging, slanderous even religious people everywhere.
For religious man, their patience may be all that's what life (or trampled honor) without any reaction and no animosity or response. But surely those who bear malice slander will be severe retribution. We live in the same world in general sacrilegious (Holy ordinary inhabitants) and especially in the context of growing criticism, personal comments and more monks should be careful to avoid unfortunate consequences as Kokaliya. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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