Saturday 18 January 2014


Is not a research project, investigation or detection means new to the treasure Tripitaka Buddhist texts, was not a concept of osmotic learning and Buddhist values. It just felt little chatter nature that in a moment a few brothers Buddhist artists we realized, capture, record and then double lines scattered in this article's Day Birthday German women born from Shakyamuni Buddha. So, the Buddhist figure given below is not a full synthetic, but ultimately just as suddenly - improvisation to soul artists. But through it, hoping to be more or less suggestive of the thoughts and concerns of cultural status, existing Buddhist art. And ask to speak more articles about Buddhist cultural sphere.
Stories are seven steps starting from the birth out of Shakyamuni Buddha. Not as six or eight because by Saturday Buddha He is manifested in this world and in the office voluntarily Ta-she, bring enlightenment teachings of the population living world (1). Then followed, the number seven also represents the life around him, especially in the most important stages in the process of practice and enlightenment. The number seven had been previously the ancient evidence in countless past lives, when he was a bodhisattva on his behalf, has been offered a seven maidens like lotus estimate given the interdependence enlightened me, so today the she is the first female princess Yasodhara. Thus, attachment tears, farewell today do not blurring images of fairies and female prayer day before;'s time to see that the number seven is the number of a happy figure in Buddhist circles and Eastern philosophy in general (2). Even consciousness is being circulated through a seven-day waiting times and seven times (49 days) up in the air like new!
In the same way, but the number seven of the world (please temporarily called) yielded much hassle. But also because the number seven was not "happy", should not have been born origination story, whether that person has right to choose other more radical figures date etc. ... So, whether you chose but people are still wondering, temporarily satisfied with it. To paraphrase Professor Tran Quoc Vuong in workshops on Lunar New Year was held in Hanoi last spring Nham Ngo it is "Relatively alone!" and emphasized Prof. "The era we live in a time modern relativism of renowned scientist Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) ... "
When only the date fixed for the current year and in particular the notion conscious world (or many other figures) in Buddhism and eastern philosophy in general, but the cover is still imposed to locate based on the most powerful in itself implies no philosophical or scientific figure out that only seven gods in Roman religion, Ancient Greece. It seemed accurate or scientific advances today are still seeking headache ... exactly. If some extremist ideology that day, month and year, the current week is the product "Truth" is the right key "Truth" that today so many things that cause harassment life (3). If the current calendar that is scientifically accurate, why "Irrationality" still afraid of the numbers 29 and 30 February (28ngay). Meanwhile England Orient mode (not to mention the other schedules of each of the private sector or national and religious) evolution of the moon, the lunar month why stop there without (29 days) while preserving round figure of one month. In particular, despite the lack lunar, elegant ... then why the full moon day of each month (15-16) is correct, at least one can follow ... full moon light?
It is not considered to between zero (0) and the number one (1) what exactly! Leading example: in 2000 was called the "Year of the hinge" of the Millennium 2001 second and first years of the new millennium! Who is right? Who is wrong? Unknown but clearly the Vietnam Buddhist penitence choose two days (29 if the call is missing) and day 14 Bodhisattvas lunar month every month back (on the day of the full moon) is the xac.Do that, in terms of theory "Relative" shall have an adequate compensatory; British mode Oriental lunar incorrect and elegant every two years but can not return lunar day and date of the balance 31 (February 30) and look out at the Local East - especially our Vietnam, the lunar research more because most of seasonal agricultural Whether or not a leap year that farmers still believe in the lunar calendar. Even if based on statements ceremonies (funeral ...), the Vietnam way we can still calculate the correct date: the day in mourning computer - the computer sluggish month anniversary. For example, if in mourning three years, Vietnam has calculated the full 12 months (365 days), if the loss on lunar March but April is about to leap, the next year would have a "State equivalent" in February, the same age (ie, mourning), then calculate the anniversary month, if there is a leap year February 2, the first pick in February. lunar calendar of our country currently is not used in China. Lunar water were going to be the 7th time zone of the country, and China is based on the time zone of Beijing, No. 8. Council Resolution dated 08.08.1967 to our Government has officially confirmed its own lunar from the date of 01/01/1968. This type of tourism has improved under rule 7 year profit in 19 years to suit the four seasons over so it is also called transplant is negative - the calendar. Going into our history sometimes more interesting than reading the "Dai Nam Liet Story Episodes" caught character, Dr. Truong Quoc Dung (1797 - 1864) King Tu Duc Nguyen Dynasty - who are considered His ancestors held in the Faculty calendar Vietnam - when Kham Thien Director oversees, he participated respondents consult the University calendar life Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty and Western books. At that Western missionaries compare that eclipses the more accurate we make the Chinese calendar. Thus, our lunar calendar is calculated on the basis of natural science, practical life serving the people. Meanwhile the Christian calendar is currently being used to calculate the provisional world date, they are based on the probability of natural science, the less that is arbitrarily imposed, bearing the hallmarks sentiment, many individuals and very revealing. Consequently, more than 2,000 years quarrel, disagreement occurs continuously, and there are many methods proposed to overcome these weaknesses, but by "Controls" from extremists should still be "Italy is ".
As noted in February is the month of "no good" because it is executed criminals month follow Roman customs, hence less one day to the other months (although 31 days) has been "Exactly". It is understandable that by the calendar by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar made Cealius BC 46 years, the so-called "Julian Calendar". When Pope Gregorios should reform the calendar Gregorios 1852. This type of schedule is positioning the new power control should be okay, because the calculation of the spring equinox (cycle 4 seasons) and 365 days: 28 days plus 31 days convention (1, 3, 5, 7 etc. ...) and the legs (2, 4, 6, etc. ...) have 30 days ... still inadequate. And yet, before Pope Gregorios 3 "Reform" has shaped the July, August and still adjacent to the 31 days! Reason: because two Roman Emperor Julius Ceasar and Auguste (63-145 BC) which was born two brothers and two months in which adjacent, so if "July Britain" (called in July is July) 31 days, "August I" (called August is August) ... also had 31 to tie threads! Funny thing is all previously, the origin of this calendar by astronomers Sosigenes 3 in Alexandria (Egypt) are invited Julius Caesar to "Helping editor"! Absolutely not carry a hallmark of Christianity at all, and the selection of the current calendar to use for the purpose of unity only diplomatic man only known up to that. So even if the slave mind "Metropolitan" and see what the West is "Science" - "Basic" - "Civilization" ... exactly still lingering, do not awake episodes of "Tremble" - "dazzled" with the West, they are willing to gamble inclined. According to Professor Tran Quoc Vuong in the above mentioned workshops including "Some suggested Uncle Ho lich.Cu should quit music briefly, let's remove that as always Tet stars?" Uncle Ho did profound and so deep, so also Professor Tran Quoc Vuong: "Today we also celebrate Tet Nguyen Dan - thanks Uncle Ethnic Festival", indeed not wrong. In our opinion, the spirit of ethnic, talented, brilliant - the elegant right Red, I spent Us talking about Uncle Ho is completely accurate, more precise calendar dates to humans multiplied impose the deeper meaning. Go on, we see, the numbers given are Buddhist origin, its meaning. No vague, illusory or, deification is the most dangerous and impose a sentence based on. If there is no collusion to impose a history for nearly 3,000 years - since the first 7 feet of the Teacher Shakyamuni sets foot in this world - always in the morning, not a small company history traces should not never once apologized to the world that he has manifested to "Save the birth of pants" - a world in which (according to scientific studies) there existed a half life of 4 billion years, and people have arisen about 1 and a half million years.
Then who produce make up? Oriental philosophy should be answered rather Buddhist doctrine of dependent arising in a logical sequence that until scientists today have bounced light on the West - the place where centuries ago yet still carries round the flag Kaifeng domination - that nobody even born! Yin yang (rest mass) born of thought, ideology born five elements, five elements of living things, etc. ... From there, we can not help but think of the number seven tummo Yoga method, which is the second of seven children order of crystal system captures omnipotent force in the universe a human body. (4). Yeah! A legal world - worldly sense. Please call temporarily so to sympathize with the "Exact" that relative. From these figures that the relative number seven pick in the field of music, we can follow is an attempt to reach perfection in Buddhist figure seven and Eastern philosophy. As we know, based on the Western musical scales and the standard seven musical notes (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si). It's "Relativity" because it was not precise about the new scales so hash (#) and flat (b) but we recognize and stop at number seven was to accept more fluctuations. But Eastern music in general and music in particular the people of Vietnam in particular our pentatonic musical based on (date, origin, vehicle, petrol, drain, save) the additional highlight of it more as well as complete Christmas-ups, Deputy of Western music. Pentatonic itself is enough to say Oriental philosophies.
Separate pitches seven scales - as mentioned, if based on the relative (temporary perfection accept relatively) very well at Buddhist artists we set ourselves the question: why is not 6 or 8 that seven? (Such as walking seven questions at the nativity of Buddha). That is not to seek or compare attributions, because as was said above the figure in Buddhism, and the world is different for the two extremes should be fixed if the lame, and if there is or is not Key figures of the world to be based - looking figure in Buddhism, that is the exact truth was seated Buddha figure in the school, plus also promoted to the world - or hit Christmas House (relative muscle that!). So acceptable relative numbers of the world is sympathetic to the thought of flying brother artists - including seven numbers of Western music (do, re ...). Do you think there are seven notes of the seven Buddhas have manifested that in each of the seven poems have a direct shelves (scales) great for the world. lunar course after Shakyamuni Buddha will the other Buddhas birth, current market, saving sentient population (as Lai Ha Birth Of Religious Buddha Maitreya ...), for which you are the ups - Christmas, Chief additional order for a significant reach in continuation, not in complete sense because capital itself has been completed (5). In contrast, the phonetic music nationalism, meaning our numbers permission appointment in another article, also with views and thoughts of Buddhist art world. Also in this section we advance the article would suggest thinking of round numbers - the truth is seven feet seven Ancient Buddha to Buddha. As the round, well rounded sense of truth makes us think of the number six (six paths). Because of the nature of the numbers of Buddhism, such as the Three Realms - Jewels - The Four Noble Truths - the Noble Eightfold Path - Twelve Interdependent ... then the numbers Hoang Tu Anh Nguyen - Five Precepts - Boys Cross - Cross Compassion meaning ... it's located in the world (so evil). So if samsara six digits (six paths), but not seven or eight, or maybe even a few cunning world anymore, infiltrate, hide, not a natural disaster, not a people person, A- tu-la - hell - ghosts - animals, such as stars and figure out the world as it all blended, upset sequences inherently Buddhists have been distinguished.

1. Seven Buddha (Buddha-necks) are:
- Buddha Ba Thi Ty (Vipasi)
- Buddha Air (Sikhi)
- Buddha Phu Pi (Visabhu)
- Save Ton Buddha Club (Krakuechanda)
- Buddha Club Ham Na Muni (Kanakamuni)
- Buddha Kassapa (Kasyapa)
- Buddha Sakyamuni (Sakya Muni)
Need to say more, Save Buddha Sun Club is the embodiment of Buddha Shakyamuni (7). Since that time aeon belongs to, or more of our past lives. Meaning birth - seven steps for step "upgrade Seven golden lotus pearl heel" is there.
2. In eastern philosophy the number seven is a round figure in view: the center - on-bottom - right - left - front and back. You can call it a "seven-dimensional space" that today computer science is only known nibbled 3D (3 dimensional sound - 3D images etc ...)
3. Even the calculation of a 12 month year, too, which is the month "'s" 12 gods in Greek religion - ancient Rome, on which - February is the month of gods destroy - the evil spirit and January is the time that the criminals be brought to the most executions, so they "want" it too fast, "cheat" day, there are 28 (!). Particularly, the number 365 is the number of calendar. An exact year in Asia, is calculated from the date of 21:03, between 21:03 spring until early spring just as new. In spring equinox 365, dated 2422. As the earth revolves around the sun (rather than vice versa shortsighted thinking, ancient Roman times) 360 0 compared with other planets is 366, dated 2422. The schedule makers did not accept odd integer 365 should choose to do some "Tron" and for most that is less error (0.2422). Sai and the rest they accumulate enough to make a leap year. From there, walk through the calculation of a seven-day week. Yet here was hand astronomers intervention but the shadow gods still loitering. At that time, astronomers know there is only metallic element gold - silver - copper - lead - zinc - iron and mercury, so it is also included in the seven days as follows:
- Sunday: sun-god old days with GOLD.
- Monday: Day of the Moon god, the god of sleep soup for everyone-to the north.
- Tuesday: Day of the god of war (Mars) - with IRON.
- Wednesday: Day of the gods-commerce applications with elemental mercury, a form of mobile metal-Mercury.
- Monday: Day of the lord god (god of the gods) - with cream, symbolizing strength Championships. A rusted metal. It is also known as thunder god Jupiter.
- Friday: Day of the goddess of love with co-applicants, flexible, reflective, sparkling charm - SAO KIM. This notation is also used for the lines (used in biological applications).
- Saturday: Day of the gods caused much suffering for humanity - Saturn. It is therefore with toxic metals as lead.
(According to material science and technology and children's programs TNND TP stations. HCMC on 05 01 2001 at 11 h 30 and played back at 16 h on the same day).
4. Yoga has its origins appear ancient India before the Vedic Brahmanism. Yoga literally means yoke farmers often put on the neck of cattle in farm work. With Yoga is the method employed and the spiritual body, the enlightenment and cosmic harmony. Tummo Yoga (Samadhi Fire) is the method Vivekananda - a Hindu ascetics of the early 20th century to highlight more features inherent in every human primary. Accordingly, in systems containing seven satellite center of the universe is:
- First under center last backbone. (Where it is believed the serpent fire shelter).
- Second center located at the bottom of the lower abdomen.
- Third center is located behind the navel.
- Wednesday Centre lies in the heart.
- Thursday situated in the center where the pharynx.
- Friday located in the center between the two eyebrows.
- Saturday Centre located in the top two.
This method is the empirical study of Western - especially physiological state, at a high level.
5. The seven verses of the Buddha attained enlightenment (as the order in footnote 1 above) as follows:
1. Body accomplice formless middle secondary
Because as illusory, because word image
Illusory's mind the countless future
Crime is not very happy period minus
2. Launch of the illusory word dhamma
Create the illusion word karma herons
Body as dense, as center style
Illusory very essence of idiopathic.
3. Assuming four great acts dozen relatives
Mind the scene's own infertility
Disadvantages foreground herons very insensitive
I worked as illusory, herons start killing.
4. Buddhism is the body itself as not real
Willow the Buddha mind as illusory illusory
Special material body and mind nature not
Buddha private data manually particular galaxy.
5. Real Buddhism is the Buddha spirit
Cons really useful tri, very special Buddha
Power calculation tri worth not guilty
Body fermentation course any mortal.
6. Necessarily being calculated pure
Tong of infertility, very likely kill
That the illusory body and mind try birth
Central chi innocent illusory happiness
7. French version, nothing is legal
Countless legal, legal, legal herons
Kim outlawry response time

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