Wednesday 1 January 2014

Spiritual path.


  • Working practice is harmless; should not be greedy, do not think I have this one, if it, like: "I want to enlightenment. Attained god-information I want ..." How fast can that? When the kernel is planted on the ground, you have to wait for it to grow slowly. When the time, it's natural ripe!
  • Must see stories cultivate personal duty. No need to be greedy, gradual, natural merit consummation, will result Bodhi achievements. What the religious right should succeed, but because you give so much greed results are not "digest" it.
Eat the pieces to insert a mouth;, if we put all the rice bowls that mouth, is full of hard, how can chew? Not chew nor swallow whom finished! Eating rice is a very simple example to articulate issues "involved many are not well-chewed" so!
  • A practitioner must first not be selfish . Thus, not only protecting yourself but also for the whole world benefits. Get rid himself out, throw it away. Do not think: "I'm good, I'm good like this, if it ...", but to see the entire university.
  • Martyr should always hang between the eyebrows "questions of birth and death." Always wanted to end birth and death.
  • Every gesture, every act of living beings in her world-Ta are greed, hatred and delusion.
For France the earth , being used center "greed, hatred and delusion" to do so. By the time practice, Dharma Production, the earth being the center also uses "greed, hatred and delusion" to cultivate. When the convent, they declare themselves involved sitting meditation ngoomoi only two and a half days and wanted enlightenment, practice less than three days is mind-wanted information, new nianfo few meals that wanted prime Nianfo Three-soot! you see, it is true that "bottomless greed" Odo are manifestations of evil greedy !
  • From the island but did not know the revised mistakes and not religious. Buddhist Studies errors that do not know, do not avoid sin, it's like not study Buddhism! There are questions that:
This practice fifty years old,
Nine new or four years are wrong!
Those who feel or recognize the wrongs, sins that they had caused the old, who are wise, their future will be bright prospect boundless.
Those who do not know what wrong he has committed before, he will just confused, deluded forever. Just intrigue lies the nominal lifetime will be "dust" makes enchanting, obscure. Those who so pitiful instead!
  • The Act needs to export from the vow . Vow of martyrdom is diligent. Vow to guard their own faults amended, towards healing. Without the vow of martyrdom, the flowering plants and fruit without so!
If you have made the commitment then it is best to read the daily prayer that, by "reviewing new tri orphans" temperate old will learn about new things. Must remember whether I had ever found myself praying, need to do something or not. Thus, the new chapel has not become empty, they would not deceive ourselves and deceive, nor forget the vow I had made.
  • Sometimes you think you do good, in fact, not certain as well. Why? As people grow impure! Whenever you use greed that works, then it is called "impure plantation workers." You use mind eager to win that work, it is also "planted the seeds of impurity."
So what to do? To do something harmless ! What work must also consider it my duty, should not go out that radial access bridge, next to the bridge should not, expect anything!
  • There have delusions, what to do now? Wipe them off! How? Using Meditation! 's elaborately Meditation can wipe-great expectations.
When Zen-Dinh, used to fine-ton, ring-humiliation to help. Then back to dad-giving, morality . Thus, the work will be completed.
  • After penance, vows to establish:
All of the old,
View as dead according to yesterday.
Everything from here on,
Begin your life today.
Later absolute recidivism, like new karma eliminated.
  • During practice must always think about the issue of birth, death, and see all the spooky Dharma Protectors to help us from the island. Someone cursed, beaten taoho is helping us from the island. Some people talk about our non-market, causing trouble for taodo also help us from the island.
In short, this negative attention to then agree with it but endure. Think of it as a good friend to help me from the island, so there will be no sorrow. There is no unhappiness is born of wisdom will emerge. Whatever may be the true wisdom, is not ghoulish time can we communicate peer-centered.
  • Taoists have pure, so clean as the eyes. Eyes can not accommodate a grain of sand at all. Because everyone in the eye that sand, you will surely feel the flutter, discomfort, decided to find out how to get it, otherwise not interested in peace unto itself. The monks do as well!
"Grain of sand" imply something? It is greed . As long as there is greed , then everything changes. Until now his capital purity: but, when the notion of greedy smoky, the effect of chemical-learning arises immediately with clean water becomes turbid. Then, the country did not benefit anyone, just stop harming yourself!
We martyrdom, the main purpose is to "get in another birth," but not so for induction. Make sure you remember! Can not practice with or calculated ploy for achievement, induced demand is so big mistake!
  • The old school is to "intelligent management" directors do understand people, know how to flee evil, do good, and that learning to understand, easy, medium, credits, holidays, meaning, integrity, wholesale . The school is far away to get "fame."
In Chinese, the word your explanation ( © ú ² z ) and fame ( | W § Q ) pronounced the same (ming li) ; nevertheless, in terms of practice, the two second paths, separated by up to ten eight thousand miles!
The name for the sake of school because they just want to learn what industry can make a lot of money, as medical-science, science, etc. .., and did not think: "I must learn to possible future bring happiness to mankind. apprentice physician I want to save lives, help others, self-interest, benefit of others. "
  • Nature patience is very important. patience means you patiently endure the things you do not want. For example, you do not want to be cursed, but, if someone verbally abuses you, you still fun. You do not like being hit anyone, but, if someone hit you the more you have to be happy. You do not want to be killed because life is the most precious: but, if you kill someone, then that time, you have to see who he is righteous-Tri-Thien level of your consciousness, because he has now put his fears -chapter of your life!
So, for you! Buddhist knowledge need to reverse that school. Tu also directed to reverse that practice. What is "reversed?" That's what you do not like, then you need to enjoy it. Is not that what you do not like it, you pour on top of others!
  • Method truest practice located in three secrets:
1. Chan : true, not false; do something also to true.
2. Members : sincere, earnest reverence, not lazy, not sloppy.
3. constant : usually constant, enduring, unchanging.
Ordinary every job, every word, every action, must meet these three legs, Thanh Hang . What do any work must also have three hub. Thus, the future will certainly be fulfilled.
  • So do a lot of work-ethics. Every thing has benefits for human beings, then take that lamodo called religious blessing . Read chant sutras, dienotham study of organ integration, as haiogoi wisdom is religious wisdom .
Blessed and favored financial compensation due, which accumulates. If not cultivate the faithful still have not been blessed, favored.
  • The martyrdom is the most feared affliction, should say:
Negativity boundless,
vows period.
"Then delusion-brain" is extremely urgent task for the practitioner. Therefore, fixed-force who are experiencing any realm of what was not bothered-born brain.
No brain, the mind-lust will be less. Lust stems from annoying-brain-intelligent cloning; then followed by illness incurred.
"Do not you mind-brain" does not mean no one to hassle you, but in itself does not bother your heart-brain. Whether someone to harassment, insults, beatings you, but you still do not bother-born brain, then you truly are fixed-force.
  • The basis of the Discipline only one dieuo not useful-century . The heart benefits-new century transgression. If there is no interest-century heart can not transgress. Also, because the human heart so helpful last-century crime. As long as there is no interest-century heart will not break the law!
  • About Law is the life of the martyred. About the real perpetrator also tragic like the life that he was cut off!
When the Blessed One about to enter Nirvana, he taught A-Nan Chun-author : " Let me get good at! " This demonstrates how material properties of the Discipline.
Most people think that life is destined transport was arranged:
Par is eight privation,
It is difficult for a scepter!
Not wrong! Yet, this is true only for those who normally do not practice; martyrs are not subject to this fate.
Martyrs should not see Ching, divination considered, because it belongs to those who continue, people died. Taoists can end birth and death, let alone what fate galaxy, divination? So, people need to martyrdom beyond what should dookhong understanding of that subject!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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