Sunday 5 January 2014

The visualizations of the dying moments on the hospital bed .
A book bearing the urgent message of the Buddha
For those who reach for peace, happiness and freedom on the spiritual path
Author: Mr Teacher Pa-Auk Tawya Sayādaw U Āciṇṇa


"This the Bhikkhu-stilts, always operating effort maintained. By hard meet Buddha's birth on Earth, rarely has the opportunity to see, as his sire, do people heal fully serviced, have faith where the Bao Buddha, France Said, is renunciation Bhikkhu-chances on stilts and listen to lectures of the Saints, all of this is the unique opportunity. "
In Germany The Honor this invaluable told, every morning after breakfast before all the assemblies in the glass, and the whole approach to the South, near the female. Message from the Germany World Religion full of urgency and emphasis require immediate action. It is also full of compassion reminder that we must seize this opportunity and the appreciating value of life and the gift with which to many seemed to view it's something trivial. Also, it does instill in us a sense of the profound appreciation toward the rare opportunity that we have in hand. It's simple and powerful inspire us to action.
The Buddha has often reminded the daily brief for the sole purpose and intent to increase and make Holiness of life and the mind of the disciple Bhikkhu-stilts and the vicinity to the South, near the male, by the way, leading them to go on the path of enlightenment, liberation and happiness. He wanted his disciples to become the shining example with operating effort maintained on the path of spiritual development. Preaching with purpose and his explicit volitional expressed by these words is as follows:

Products A-tu-la
(Speech on Devil hungry daemons)

A-tu-la (Asura) Pali means hungry daemons. In this lecture, use metaphor to refer to the evil world of scary none of the other species A-tu-la. In contrast to the A-tu-la is Devā (Thien Chu species with higher realms living in pine). In this article, it is metaphorical way to contact people with class and by France.
This Female-on stilts, there are four existing presence, the class in my life. What are the four?
1) First Class: A-tu-la to the bereaved in A-tu-la
2) Second Class: A-tu-la with progeny of Chu Tian
3 Third Class): Chu Tian with the progeny of A-tu-la
4) fourth Class: Chu Tian with bereaved in Chu Tian
  1. This and the Female-stilts, what is a class A-tu-la to the bereaved in A-tu-la?
Here, the Male-stilts, there are evil people, evil according to class, assemblies of the evil, evil also in France. Thus, the Male-stilts, of A-tu-la with progeny in A-tu-la.
  1. This and the Female-stilts, what is a class A-tu-la with progeny in Chu?
Here, the Male-stilts, there are evil people, evil according to class, but the assemblies of people, according to France. This so the Female-on stilts, is a class A-tu-la with progeny of Chu Tian
  1. This and the Female-stilts, what is the class of Natural sources with A lettered-tu-la?
Here, the Male-gender class, held on stilts, according to France, while the assemblies c a evil evil world, according to him. Thus, the Male-stilts, Thien Chu of the progeny of A-tu-la.
  1. This and the Female-stilts, what is the class of Celestial Objects with the client during the bereaved?
Here, the Male-gender class, people on stilts, in France, also assemblies of people also have sex, according to France. Thus, the Male-stilts, Thien Chu of the progeny of Chu.
In the type of people, the Buddha is almost like picking fourth person class is that himself as vassal state favoritism and has many good friends around. In this lecture, we see must be responsible for ourselves and those around us. The Buddha also emphasized the responsibility for exercising virtue about Germany and France are urgent tasks of each of us in daily life. Furthermore, let us learn To Work Monday (the second lecture on development plan) was drawn from the Increased Investment, the Pali Scriptures.

The Second Plan Products
(Samādhi Dutiya Sutta)

There are four grades of this person, the Female-stilts, present, present in his life. What are the four?
1. here, the Male-stilts, who had An appointment (Appanā Samādhi) and an inner NET but did not increase the upper French Wisdom (Adhipañña dhamma) to Willow tri nature of Dharma.
2. here, the Male-stilts, have increased the upper class French Wisdom (Adhipañña dhamma) can Willow tri nature of compounded micro, but not yet An indicative (Appanā Samādhi) and an inner NET.
3. here, the Male-stilts, who had not been An appointment (Appanā Samādhi) and an inner, also not yet Falling upper Wisdom of France (Adhipañña dhamma) to Willow tri nature of Dharma.
4. here, the Male-stilts, who was appointed Security class (Appanā Samādhi) and an inner NET and also increased the upper French Wisdom (Adhipañña dhamma), can Willow tri nature of Dharma.
Of the four top class, first-person class was An appointment, need practice efforts to develop insight, then it will be both An appointed and insight.
With only second class insight should endeavour practice An appointment, then after that will be both An appointed and insight.
With third-person class have yet to achieve both An appointed and insight practice effort, with strong wish, more effort, more effort to stay durable, unshakable, mindfulness and the province have the intelligence analysis to be the great qualities of both An appointed and insight.
Such people that dress and the head of him being the fire to extinguish the fire right away. Likewise, the person attempts to practice with strong wish, more effort, more effort to stay durable, unshakable, mindfulness in the sense, and intelligence analysis in order to achieve the great qualities of both An appointed and insight.
With the fourth class, that has grown to be both An appointed and insight, in this French goodness, that person takes effort efforts to eradicate four smuggled or (mind pollution).
The Male-stilts, this four-person class is present, as the present in lives.
In the speech, the Buddha has taken the advice from the close to grow and gain the qualities needed by a Male-on stilts. The teachings of Jesus are also related to the responsibility and should practice of Female-on stilts, who gave up secular life to step into the path of Delinquency.
Let's learn a lesson other sermon of the Buddha.

Song, Fire Wood Products Unfinished (Chavalata Sutta)

"This, Female-on stilts, has four hearts class are:
1/people that do not to his advantage, taking advantage of people.
2/people that are not geared to benefit themselves, but to benefit people.
3/the person directed to benefit themselves but not taking advantage of people.
4/the person directed to benefit themselves and taking advantage of people.
"Thisthe Male-stilts, like a tree used for cremation ceremonies, it was burned into charcoal on either side of the rim, in the midst of getting a UE joint, then it will no longer be used as firewood in the House or building materials. Also, first-person class is not geared to benefit themselves and also not geared to the interests of others, As Lai stated that: it is similar to the other useless tree".
"The Male-stilts, ranked second only to the interests of another person that are not geared to benefit themselves, the more hostile, more marvelous micro wins first-person class".
Note: this is a class or helping others in the development of spirituality but not striven for yourself.
"The Male-stilts, third class was always doing benefits for themselves but do not care about the interests of others, the more marvelous micro, enemy wins over two of the other class".
Note: this Class is the spiritual development efforts for yourself but do not attempt to help others.
"Thisthe Male-stilts, such as milk, cheese, butter and avocado oil, all of which are dairy products derived from cows, but it does have the excess in one by one. Similarly, the fourth class to the benefit of itself and as well as for the benefit of others is the ultimate person class, dark victory, the upper hand, winning.
This Female-on stilts, all four grades are available upon the Earth ".
In light of the Dhamma, we ask how to do benefits for themselves and for others. So, this speech will indicate to us that. Now, let's dive into the following lecture.

Products likely to know quickly
(Khippanisanti Sutta)

Notes: Pali Khippa meaning fast and the Nisanti are meant likely know
1/"the Male-stilts, how is the class geared to benefit themselves which are not geared to the interests of others? In the Dhamma of The hybrid, which is now the lucky comment in the friendly, capable of proceeding in the Heart Sutra, are intellectual understanding of what learning is. Know both the language and the meaning of the Scriptures, this person class practice meditation (Samatha) and meditation (Vipassanā) and together with compliance with precepts is the premise of the Saints (Ariya Magga) (the Holy enlightenment). However, this is not the class of good programming don't talk, don't use the words elegant, not pronounced correctly, obviously, could not guide, excitement and motivate the offenders. This Female-on stilts, which was the only class to his benefit and not for the benefit of others.
This 2, the Female-stilts, how is the class geared to the interests of others and not geared to benefit itself? In the Dhamma of The hybrid, which is now not the lucky comment in good faith, no possibility that litigation in the Heart Sutra, there is wisdom understanding what is learnt. This class does not practice meditation (Samatha) and meditation (Vipassanā) and act as the premise of Saints (Ariya Magga) (the Holy enlightenment). However, this friendly person class, cleverly told, know how to use the words elegant, accurate pronunciation, obviously, can guide, excitement and motivate the offenders. This Female-stilts, that's just class geared to the interests of another person that are not geared to their interests.
3/the Female-stilts, how is the class not to benefit ourselves nor for the benefit of others? In the Dhamma of The hybrid, which is now not the lucky comment in good faith, no possibility that litigation in the Heart Sutra, a no-brainer to understanding what reading is. This class does not practice meditation (Samatha) and meditation (Vipassanā) and act as the premise of Saints (Ariya Magga) (meets in the presence of Saints). Moreover, this person class nor in good programming don't talk, don't use the words elegant, not pronounced correctly, obviously, could not guide, excitement and motivate the offenders. This Female-stilts, that is not the class geared to their interests and not for the benefit of others.
4/the Female-stilts, what is the step-by-step to benefit themselves and also for the benefit of others? In the Dhamma of The hybrid, which is now the lucky comment in the friendly, capable of proceeding in the Heart Sutra, there is wisdom to understanding what to learn. Know both the language and the meaning of the Scriptures, this person class practice meditation (Samatha), meditation (Vipassanā) and together with compliance with precepts is the premise of the Saints (Ariya Magga) (the Holy enlightenment). Moreover, this friendly person class, cleverly told, know how to use the words elegant, accurate pronunciation, obviously, can guide, excitement and motivate the offenders. This Female-stilts, that's who know the class geared to l i of and geared to the interests of others. "
"Atthamaññāya dhammamaññāya dhammānudhammapahoti ipanno"

Atthamaññāya dhammamaññāya: literally the grips for both Pali Scriptures and commentaries.
Dhammānudhammapaipannohoti: means the practice of meditation (Samatha) and meditation (Vipassanā) including compliance with precepts (Sīla) that it is for the French to adopt the Super nine.
Practical guide to the upper portion, which has volunteered to do the benefits to themselves and to others is the first step needed to learn the Dhamma of the Buddha. This does not mean that it must be studied in all the classics that need only learn a systematic way about the Holy Bowl Scoutsthe Buddha's Dhamma Foundation which can lead to destruction ending suffering. There is also a need to study under the guidance of a master of good craftsmanship of the original administrative practices (Sīla), regulatory (Samatha) and Wisdom (Vipassanā) which are then required to complete before His achievements.
In the Holy Bowl, speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, formed the basis for the ethical path who need practice (Sīla). To be able to practice (Sīla), he or she must understand the three Saints were mentioned above. Only when he or she knows about sex, they can preserve World Germany carefully and clean. Without this vital knowledge about the World, then it is impossible to practice About Germany in clean and full.
There is a firmly established and full practice, he needs to conduct practice the path of meditation (Samādhi). As a part of the Holy Bowl, Chief Justice effort, mindfulness and the Chief Justice, all three factors created the genus direction (Samādhi), the road to development. To this the practice, he needs the just taught and trained a suitable meditation where a reliable teachers.
The next step, which is to be attended with a good teachers to develop two more direct about the Wisdom (Paññā) is the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice to development thinking is insight. Only those who can develop the Holy Bowl, is the Male-stilts or the good practitioners according to the teachings of the Buddha, can and do benefit to ourselves and to others. Only the great ones such as new work can achieve a tranquil inner development and insight.
The French article you will read in the following pages of this book was one of the Buddha's teachings will help you to become a Sage. Business post noted in the Increased Investment, the third, Dasaka Nipāta, p. 325. The first request on the spiritual path specified in it.
Although Pali word "pabbajita" means the renunciation, but it also refers to those who have eradicated unhappiness or effort on their way to eradicate suffering. For those who still c n are practice to eradicate unhappiness, there are ten things to have to regularly visualizations. What you need to regularly review number-this was the Buddha taught in detail in the main article.
If a person taking practice seriously ten visualizations, then surely does taste can achieve net safety and happiness of meditation (Jhāna), insight (Vipassanā), Scouts (Magga), fruits (Phala) and Nirvana (Nibbāna) right in this present lifetimes. If still the reborn for this guy, then these visualizations capacity brought to the happiness of the people or the Sun, eventually leading to food poisoning syndrome Nirvana. Furthermore, the ten visualizations that will end the suffering samsara. Indeed, the French article is called the lecture of the NET security paramount since it can extinguish the flame of negativity in my mind. The ten visualizations, as is regularly a review, like the moment of departure of the person that practitioners with a radiant face, NET security and smile on the bed.
Lying in bed dying, ten defilements can make us face Europe now with the melancholy regret and fear. Insight and moral Wisdom that we achieve in the time before death will eradicate any negativity. Therefore, the Sage of good will can live even in the last moments of his life with a dashing face and Center, hope about the State, increasing happiness.
Nicely each foot of the Chief Justice is attempting innovations insight, wisdom, and wisdom is the wisdom has the power to spit all negativity, thanks for that, he can face the final moments of his life with a radiant smile and NET Security Center.

Ten pirated or affliction

Pali "Kilesa" means the Centre of pirated or affliction. There are ten kinds of afflictions:
  1. Lobha: craving or stick to the various objects and naked sex
  2. Dosa: pitch and harm
  3. Moha: ignorance, not knowing the four Holy Roman Empire.
  4. Māna: fall, haughty attitude complacent
  5. DiṭṭhiAnt: TA see things often, tribe, enjoyment and the immortal soul (ego).
  6. Vicikicchā: skeptical of the four Holy Roman Empire, Buddhist skepticism, cynicism, skepticism Increased and the law of Karma report
  7. Thīna: Kiss serious, sleepy, I.
  8. Uddhacca: trạo, a State of mind or unable to concentrate.
  9. Ahirika: very good, don't disgrace when doing the real thing.
10. Anottappa: you, do not fear to do the real thing.
All the real fan friendly Center is led by ten this affliction makes the mind is contaminated. That is why it is called the defilements (kilesa). Who are the invasive effort mind polluted by the Holy Bowl Scouts are called "pabbajita".It means people or has eradicated the pollution or still attempt eradicate suffering.
During the visit to Malaysia on 16 August 2003, after a ceremony of Irene Goh Se Lin Tan Yok Har, I spoke French tells about the ten documents on a review of the Spice level (pabbajitas), who are working hard eradicated the roots of illicit or affliction. The one thing this comment is taken from the "Tier-one Common Renunciation" (Pabbajita Abhiha Sutta) of the Pali Scriptures, Branch Growth, q3.
After hearing this song, tu women Susīla, Malaysians, expressed a desire and request for release of French post this phone for everyone as a gift to France. After the minutes from the audio tapes, it was published and released as a gift to France. As a recommendation, the main points of the lesson taught, linked to the Holy Bowl Scouts were described in a summary to the masses could understand. So, having a reliable guidance is still needed for those who want to practice fully and thoroughly.
With immeasurable compassion,
Germany World Religion has taught beings,
Only the Holy Bowl Scouts
New is the Holy path leading to NET security Nirvana
Put an end to all suffering
Escape the first round being the rollover death
That's the ultimate mantra
Of The Holy Christian Religion Chi Chi

Blessing to you can practice according to the teachings of the Buddha in the Spice Level is usually A Review (Pabbajita Abhiha Sutta).
With Metta
The Teacher Pa-Auk Tawya Sayādaw
Meditation Center, Tawya Pa-Auk, Mawlamyine.
Buddhist calendar 2547
Myanmar, In 1365, the full moon, Taw-da-lin
On 10/9/2003
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa
I give wholeheartedly into glasses, wealthy girl Marian Religious Cult That Application Tier, Primary Sensory Class,

Chapter 1.
My Spice Level Typically Consistent Review
Pabbajita Abhiṇha Sutta

"ThisFemale-on stilts, there are ten things to have to regularly shop review by anyone who has entered the life of spice with a will and purpose of eliminating negativity. First of all, the renunciation should be a regular review of the General status of a Female-stilts are as follows:
"No longer is a notable musician, become spice level with General has other changes"
There are two differences when a spice level: the first is the appearance of a Male-on stilts, is second with raiment and widgets that a Bhikkhu-stilts used in real life.
The Transformation Of Oneself
Here, the explanatory notes concerning the summary of the change will be seen. Usually it can be easily seen if one mirror. Because it's not suitable for Male-female or tu stilts if the use of mirrors, they can identify the change of this body through the note where the hair and beard were shaved clean. Besides, looking closer on this hair is no longer the hair of adolescence that was now left with silver hair. When looking at your skin, does the recognise many wrinkles, and sagging skin parts is a sign of old age. It is a process of continuous change in the fuselage, although we have tried to go to maintain the youth and appearance. Body panels that we love and take care of it know how that it still goes against the wish of my old not young. During the rhythm step of conversion and conversion, it makes us go to the goal of ruining and death. Whether bad or good karma, we also cannot reverse the process. Helpless before this transformation, I was always sick from the start that this body, the aging non-stop and multiple pressing of the body takes place. This transformation process go to forever and it doesn't let anyone escape at all. These things must always be a consideration by the exporting countries and those who are going on the way of spiritual evolution.
The Differences In Clothing And Related Items
Life in renunciation, do not have a limit. Everything may suddenly came up. The desire and the mind to let go around chasing things. A person can wear clothes colors and everything designs, vignettes. A person can also spoil yourself with delicious food tastes different, food containers in gold, silver. False religion and the echo benefits-Residence-fake Items-hopea-contact, as two disciples of Buddha, before his was taking more food from the upper class in the disc with gold and silver because the funds came in families like his. A normal person can sleep in a luxurious bed and sitting in the expensive seats placed in the well-equipped rooms. A renunciation may also use the wholesale drugs available in addition to the market not to mention the quality or value of it's variety. That's the life of a homeless musician.
However, there is a huge difference and change importance as soon as he/she enters the life of renunciation. The four items of a professor's garb, food, shelter and medicines simply and modestly. No luxury amenities for the desire and not always spoil the ego. A tank must live with the minimum facilities to the end green one and mental discipline could be developed. Are abandoning the comfort and enjoyment of your earthly physical before.
About the dress, the Female-stilts are taking medicine made from small pieces of waste fabric. Ministry of health of the Male-stilts made from pieces of fabric give no more, are cut into small squares to lose its value, and then sew back and dyed with Brown bark of ancient tropical forests such as. This type of medicine has little value in the sense that money makes not a thief would want to steal. It's sort of a National Costume-stilts that no one wants to wear both.
For real objects and meal, the Male-stilts have absolutely nothing because the American alms donation. Put all the food was in the donation bowls made of iron or clay, the Female-stilts are used for food are mixed together in a bowl regardless of their personal preferences. As for the Female-stilts and for those who are going on the way of spiritual evolution, eating becomes a process of sustained life rather than an act of compromising ourselves. It must be done in the secretion and Mindfulness in sight.
Moreover, the Female-stilts are used the most humble bed and just enough piece of furniture according to the necessities. Do not use the bed, luxurious furnishings. Are, as a rule about the humble and understated description of Precepts (Vinaya), used for mats, cloud, grass or piece of leather-lined square to sit. To reside, the shade of the trees is recommended as the place or places to meditate.
As for medications, the Female-stilts to use herbs for natural processing. Of course, there are also certain exceptions to the quarter finals. However, the way in which the National access and marginalized-stilts used for four items as clothing, food and shelter, medicines are very different from a notable musician. This change is to practice one's Gender austerities so the Buddha has taught us to regularly review this change number.
The friendly staff follow the teachings of the Buddha are Venerated creator, Sun-benefits-House pseudo echo Items-hopea-lien, Sun Jia Mahā Kassapa and a myriad of the other disciples of the Buddha. "most of them are from the family riches.
The humble spirit of False Religious Accommodation-benefits-the echo
Among the disciples of the Buddha, an example of false Religious Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO is worth mentioning here. He was the son of a wealthy family. In the last moments of his life, he has returned home to his mother to enter Invisible Residue Nirvana also at night in the room where He was born. His goal is to help parents Rūpa Sari, can watch the French enlightenment before You enter the kill Nirvana. After listening to a lecture of his French Property false Respect-turns-the ECHO, she has seen his first enlightenment stage, DAC and be Tu-da-done (Sotāpanna). This is also the farewell gift to his mother and Thanksgiving especially deeply against his mother in the last moments of his life.
Done in good faith the false Religion which echo benefits-House-passed and enter Nirvana removal there. His mother is Ms. Rūpa Sari has developed new beliefs and wholeheartedly serving France. Therefore, as it is known that she had arranged for the funeral and cremation ceremony for Mr Suen Property false-benefits-the echo by using really make sense of her wealth.
After His body was completely burned, one of the magical phenomenon is enlightened ranks remains, especially bones have turned into many different size particles is called symbolism. In addition to his ashes, much symbolism was found at the Property where his ashes-benefits-the echo. False respect his brother Cunda, Xa-benefits-the ECHO, brought the symbolism of States Encourage Dormitory (Jetavana) in Residences-Wai (Sāvatthi) and swelled the Buddha when He dwells in it.
Here, it's special when asked about the false Religious Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO, though, was the son of a wealthy family, He gave up physical facilities and the sex worldly touch to step into the life of breaking the German Mastermind his duty. place the square filter cloth contains symbolism of The Royal Residence-benefits-to develop on the hands and praise the noble virtue of false Religious Accommodation-benefits-the echo before the Sangha with the shelves as follows:
Spice level is experiencing
a total of five hundred lifetimes stressed five ceiling,
all worldly pleasures are let go,
nothing glamorous.
Please use italics,
the contents align absolutely pure
any negativity gap
an enlightened Saint.
Sturdy as the land,
not perturbed
No bit of conduct deviance
whatever the speed of mind young
the patient extremely strong.
Anger totally complete.
Compassion pity all beings
Now its has added removal
NET security Nirvana
Please respect your tilt
From the respectable people.
Khiem as the poor, to the municipality,
Bamboo Bowl with qifu mumo carried through the day,
Virtue of relatively modest Palace of shining,
O, University echo Residence benefits-Lee-bow,
A life of Holy structures, no pollution,
Please respectfully tilts his words,
a Holy ranks
Now it has entered the safety net President
As the bulls snapped the Horn,
That here in the jungle or urban excitement,
Never hurt anyone, and
As well as Dormitories-benefits-the ECHO,
No detrimental beings would,
Please respectfully tilts his,
a Holy ranks
Now it has entered the safety net's President.
Talk about the life of Mr echo-benefits-Xa, the Buddha spoke out the evening of his unmatched for a student. The Buddha was downright lauded all the aspects of a Saint of enlightenment. His life is a living example of the embodiment to sacrifice durability, perfect inner freedom, and great patience, a virtue, wisdom, compassion and humbled. He also is a perfect example that all of us should strive to follow. What are false echo benefits-Ton Property exported household-not in this life but also in many lifetimes ago for a total of five hundred. In this, he gave up a resolute and completely living separated from our world of gymnastics and possession of material things has kept him throughout the lifetimes of birth Prince reincarnation. Actually, it was more prominent among the disciples of the Buddha was the prominent disciples of fake Religious Accommodation-benefits-the echo.
After becoming a Male-stilts, you've thoroughly enlightened at Mr. Prime witness A-la-Han dynasty and A-la-grosvenorii, eradicated the roots of all impurities and pollution in mind, he has completely reached the net safety and rescue. From the Enlightenment, some began to like the intellectual and the sober v. ..v. at the time, no longer craving, hate and delusion where he, his mind full of static, an occupation. The result is then a contentious start of discharge capacity and kham rings called Virtue patience (Khanti Adhivāsana). His patience and almond-like the great land that all species, large, small, love or inadvertently can exist on it. Naturally, the soil, even if the net figures or impure as UE joint toss to dump on land, but the land never responded. Similarly, his mind benefits-incredibly-the echo Residence steadfast and not perturbed by any objects in contact records.
Usually with acts who died was caused by desire and many different emotions. False echo benefits-ton Property-has never run at will suddenly arise. He just makes things fit, fresh and friendly. You get away from doing any good and not necessary. He only spoke when spoken to, and the use of the word good, useful and necessary. He never says things don't need though is just a Word. Always keep your mindfulness, he never let the lan and man of good birth. Throughout his life, no where does he do careless or diffusion. The following are some of the highlights of the German University Dormitory – benefits – the echo.
When Mr Metta meditation, DAC, in meditation you have sprayed Metta to all beings the species. Not only with goodwill and compassion, he also protected and do what's best for those that you come across. Actions and good faith of him always complement each other.
Talking about the Property He's humbled-benefits-the ECHO, the Buddha has for the humbled bows that look like child of the poor down. Let's take a closer's child poverty goes to town qifu gangui. A son of poor, struggling life, living a life not enough to eat, no place else in the sense referred to the roof. Even the Bowl people have also made of bamboo. Nothing a little arrogant ego arises in the mind that ripple the side because he or she does not own a something to be proud, complacent. He or she simply understands that if he looks arrogant ego side or fidgeted nobody alms or food items that you need.
As mentioned above, the pseudo Religious Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO, though, was the son of a wealthy family, but he is always positive and the need for humility. From the life of renunciation, he lived relatively modest down, gently as the son of an impoverished poor. Even when he went to bat, his appearance is the humbled down. In the same way, anyone who has entered the life of renunciation, the need to study the attitudes of Holiness and good Property like you way of life-benefits-the echo. This is what the Buddha wanted to emphasize to all Bhikkhu-stilts.
Further, the Buddha took the bulls example broken Horn. As the bulls snapped the Horn when it goes in the forest and rice field, or villages or municipalities are not harming anyone. Similarly, he who with the echo-gain Property from and full of compassion, never hurt anyone, or hurt, sadness for anyone in all four dread in his whole life. So, the Buddha has encouraged all Bhikkhu-respect on stilts for the fake Religious Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO, who had stepped into the realms of peace Nirvana, where all of the negativity being eradicated.
Here, I would like to say that the Buddha emphasized the request with the Bhikkhu-stilts are often consistent considering the variation of this body when is a Male-on stilts. That beneficial?
According to the explanation of the annotation, if someone regularly a review body's transformation process and about the things of daily use as a Male-on stilts, all anger and arrogant ego will accordingly which gradually diminished and will eradicate entirely in the mind.
Foresee results this marvelous, the Buddha had taught all the Bhikkhu-stilts make a review first thing so frequently is the process to change markedly when a Male-on stilts.

Chapter 2.
Dependencies Austerities Life Lab Owner

The Buddha taught "our lives depend on the donation of the countries which host", so Female-stilts are often contemplate this.
Thus, the second one is the net farming visualizations rely on laboratory experiments. Why must such visualizations?
"Such visualizations, will keep the Fed's National Network-stilts are clean and will increase the sense of respect the donation of laboratory's daily reality".Glossary, q3, p. 313.
It is important for the Male-stilts is happy to be kept in relation to the feed NET feet (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla) clean and pure. If not, the life of a Female-stilts becomes meaningless and it will even make it difficult to cultivate process of its operations.
The Bhikkhu-stilts to visualizations often "I'm wearing medical donation, I am using real animal donation, my place is in the home countries are by donation, I am taking the medication donation". Thanks to the consistent idea, will gradually help to locate her happy World growth Raising Pure Networks (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla), Hanh's precepts Bhikkhu-stilts, linked to the daily network feed. Why is that? By frequent thanks to contemplate this, its Male-on stilts that are reminded to always preserve the true precepts of Tibetan Law according to the teachings of the Buddha. it will help to have him avoid the wooden railway network (micchājīva), is that the Buddha is not allowed. With the situation that even the slightest thought of the visualizations also don't have always tended to do the opposite with the precepts of our lives. As a result, they do not hold An foot network feed (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla) clean. With regular people know the visualizations of this, then the World raising pure networks (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla) of the will became increasingly clear. If he can keep the world clean, then the World (Sīla) of the will.
Six things in the Vinaya Precepts
There are six things in the Precepts (Vinaya) relates to Chief Justice. Here, we have to explain that renunciation is not a profession involves on wages or periodic income. In the sense of the network adopted it renders a Bhikkhu-stilts inevitably must endeavour to get the widgets. The things stated in the Act were recorded in the Pali Scriptures the Parivāra, the fifth of the Organs of law as follows:
The first Crime is one of the six felony called Real plus (Pārājika). It banned its Female-stilts not lie regarding the Prime witness floor meditation (Jhāna), Scouts (Magga) and fruit (Phala), through which a person can achieve through practice. The Increase may not say untrue with Italy not sincerely intended to impress others so he received homage, the donation, and the service of the people. After lying like that, if the receiving tank in this manner, the World feed Foot network Chief (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla) will not clean.
Cyber Monday called Up butts (Saghādisesa). About prohibition of the Male-stilts not do the matchmaking for man or woman for their marriages or any intimate contact.
Cyber Monday is known as Felony (Thullaccaya). It banned its Female-stilts say not honest about their prime witness of another tank especially one friend to whom you respect and gain from others.
Cyber Monday is called Ying for treatment (Pācittiya). It prohibits the Increase, except in cases of emergency, to ask good food such as butter, butter, honey, candy sugar, or anything from non-ending that not they request.
Guilty Thursday called Ying Reveal (idesanīya). This is About rules for Female-stilts-ni. It prohibits Male-stilts-and not be asked things like on the real from the not ending without their request.
Indicted Friday called the World (Dukkaa). It all Raises, no disease is not required of ordinary food like soup of beans, rice and other essential items from people who are not blood that they had requested.
If an Increase of the real or look similar by breaking one or all of the charges on its network feed, he shall be called Deviant network (Micchājīva), has kept the network by doing wrong and not right. Happy world involves the raising pure networks (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla) he's not pure anymore.
Will not have Ta wrong network if a Bhikkhu-stilts typically visualizations that my life is totally dependent on the donation of laboratory experiments. The Bhikkhu-stilts like will always inevitably finding the real things wrong.
In The analysis, the organ's second Micro Magic, Pali sutras, some living space network has reprimanded by Germany That Suen was described in detail as follows. Anything required by breeding the wrong network is prohibited. A regular tank visualizations about the farming life life dependent on the donation of laboratory experiments, the owner will avoid harmful lifestyle network and other requirements.
In addition, the Buddha has said the following:
"Piṇḍapāto sa apacito hoti" means the Act of respect and gratitude for the generous donation by bowls Centre laboratory of democracy. The Male-stilts will gradually have to act respectfully and gratefulness for the latest Bowl as well as for the countries which host donation.
The story of the great German Ayyamitta
At this point, I will tell of a Male-on stilts known as Ayyamitta. The story occurs in an early modern Western island of Sri Lanka. German National representatives-stilts live in mountain caves called Kassaka are plying single-minded meditating in a forest to go to Leadership and results. Exemplary act of appreciation and gratefulness of him for the donation is often referred to in the explanatory notes of Pali Scriptures.
^ Brief description a Bhikkhu-stilts should contemplate the following way:
"The home of donation and the four articles is not itself unlawful, nor is banished me for me, they are real tasty and the donation of four widgets for me not to expect to be living based on me"
"The Buddha does not allow getting the four items for the purpose of taking advantage of this body balm, except for the purpose of sustaining life"
"In fact, the Buddha allows only got four and hope that thanks to the longevity of this, we will be able to conduct meditation and meditation House can deliver from birth Prince reincarnation (sasāra)."
"Because we had beards easy actions such as lack of respect the most recent Bowl donation of countries."
Reflecting on the real bearing holder and four widgets to donation monks, serve daily necessities. The generous owners really are the progeny of or exiled me, that's their livelihood dependent on the monks.
Sometimes the alms with the generous donation so special from the fasting, resist wear. Thanks to mind quantities, they brought the most delicious, bear the best wear, get to stay and the best medications, all for that donation. The server has only a single wish in mind is: heartfelt wish is to accumulate a lot of joy in it from taking this action! This is the sole purpose of the home countries and nothing other than this.
The Buddha gives the Male-stilts got the fourth item is not fostering the strong stout, not to the Male-luxury living on stilts. He lets get four items to meet the daily basic needs of a Male-on stilts so that they can be single-minded practice meditation or meditation Wisdom to freed from endless suffering of samsara (sasāra).
The easy, lazy beards do not attempt to practice spirituality is inadvertently for the laboratory's largesse. Only the new dedicated practice is respect of countries and paying respect placing bowls of home construction.
Respect and gratitude can only be where the mind of meditators knew steep overall practice on the night. The Buddha teaches us how visualizations to respect and gratitude to grow and in a manner that will give strong thrust for spiritual growth.
Male-Ayyamitta on stilts and families Center Of Alms
A family consists of the mother and her daughter lived in a village near where the German University Ayyamitta commonly going Baghdad. Though very poor, but they are trying in any way needed supplies donation per day for the Female-respectable on stilts as if he is a member of the family, like a son. One day, before the Board, the mother told her daughter: "This childin the House and a little bit of rice from harvests prior to, a little milk in the kitchen, and a little raw sugar and butter. You get that knowledge into food for donation to the British Bhikkhu-stilts. The rest, you eat later."
Her daughter asked, "MOM, did I eat? I will prepare something for me?". The mother responded: "I just ate pieces of cold rice with soy sauce." Her daughter said: "theLonger afternoon parents will eat?". The mother responded: "noon, you get some rice and vegetables cooked oatmeal yogurt for me."
Greater Germany Ayyamitta, who was preparing to go into the Bowl as usual, heard the conversation of both by natural Atrium (dibba-sota). This is spirit communications has the power to hear the voice from a distance.
Upon hearing the story, reflecting primary foot greater Germany starting up: "this generous mother has just used his meager breakfast leftovers with soy sauce. Now, she said she will use sour porridge mix vegetables for lunch. Still, she said her donation to be delicacies made with sugar, milk and butter. Actually, she didn't expect a response from our place as the land cultivation, animal food or raiment. She just wishes from Phuoc Thien will get three results is reborn as a human, or a prime witness Nirvana. We can give her three things to give back? Because we still have not completely eradicated tham (rāga), (dosa), si (moha), it has not yet deserve to get to the bowl of this family ".
Think so, great German put the bowl back in his bag and went back to the cave. After taking off the Bowl under the bed and the medical sciences, up trough Germany sit down iron determination to meditate effort effort and determination will not leave the cave without a prime result A-la-Han, the last stage of the enlightenment freed.
Its decision was well know how much. With someone like Rep. Germany Ayyamitta who previously ran the maintenance for several years, the secret hypnosis DAC results A-la-Han's fate. Just before lunchtime, just in time to sit that he has privileged fruition A-la-Han. With the image of peace and clean, the net was then sitting in the cave of pure like a Lotus Flower.
Seeing this miracle, a nearby Galaxy has say compliments and congratulations to Germany: "the Little hero, I'm wealthy girl 24-Sir! O my gods, I'm wealthy girl 24-Sir! The Germans were freed from all suffering. All smuggled or exhausted, he has become a Holy tier worth respect and value for donation ". After approval this evening, Qian urged:
"So blessed treasures put a bowl with a generous mind charity donation for an already enlightened as himself, the older women there will soon escape from Samsara (the round of birth and death sasāra). Please continue to the village passing the bowl."
Then, Germany Ayyamitta bring the bowl to the village.
This story shows that thanks to the visualizations of life increase the dependence on countries which host will have the students sense of responsibility and reward countries home by effort effort take hold. Furthermore, as a result of compliance with the visualizations, will not have the use of the four widgets superficial and lack of consistent review as the Buddha had taught.
By complying with the visualizations, it helps to have Male-stilts breeding pure networks precept (Ājīva pārisuddhi sīla) clean but also help keep The visualizations of the four items (Paccayasannissita Sīla) clean. About visualizations of the four items (Paccayasannissita Sīla) is about the life of the four applications related to widgets. Regards the placing of the bowl with the onion pledges maintained will lead the demonstration's outcome A-la-Han. Indeed, the visualizations Monday should be complied with by the exporting countries.

Chapter 3.
The metabolism of Dread and Behavioral Style

The Buddha taught that visualizations Tuesday would have to be done by the Female-stilts are as follows:
"The Male-stilts, I must have the dread and behaviours consistent with a spice level". The Male-stilts are always visualizations.
Anyone who has been the Male-stilts they must always behave properly aligned, it is stated in the explanatory notes Increased Nikaya, q3, tr313. In General, how come its National Standing on stilts-totally different from American. Typically, in a comfortable style of worldly people even step foot sometimes seems to welcome the horizontal and fell on her starboard side. They also carry many diverse hairstyles are dyed in many colors, makeup with jewelry. Since becoming a spice level, are always treated with dread, seriously.
Way to go, how new stand properly?
A Female-stilts to dread walking facilities to the Mainland align, Center for well-being, the eyes look out front just a couple steps, stride intervals, not too slow, not too fast, like "cow car carrying water passing over bumpy road" said in the explanatory notes of the Increased Investment, q3, tr313
A Female-stilts, when travelling, to preserve the continental units NET security and balance. The mind is always kept in net security status by practicing meditation or meditation Only such is one of the routine. How to make your mind's net security. Continental's position became an apartment.
An cows tankers travelling on bumpy road not to go too fast in order to avoid internal water pour out. Similarly, a Female-stilts to stretch the legs regularly.
"Eva Paccavekkhato Hi Hoti sāruppo Iriyāpatho."

Lyrics translation: by doing this, green almond gender correctness basis of Female-on stilts will become serene and peaceful.
Tisso Sikkhā Paripūrenti.

Lyrics translation: doing so will help to make the practice of threefold World, regulatory, intellectual property. Why is that?
The reason is clear.
A Female-stilts effort spiritual practice will never be careless, negligent actions. Unlike the others, he continued to hold the mindfulness awareness in all activities of the unit. Each step is Only meditation practice time or meditation depending on the Number of choices. Therefore, each moment of the practices he will equal to the duration of the threefold World, regulatory, intellectual property.
The story of College Mahā German Tissa, an imitation of effort
This is a notable example of College Mahā German Tisssa who lived on a mountain named Cetiya. On one day, while on his way to Baghdad, he heard laughter of a woman news have been obtained. The instant she retrieved her teeth making headlines himself in the skeleton (aṭṭhi kamaṭṭhāna) and continued to Bowl on the road leading to the ancient city of Anurudhā of Sri Lanka. Dread of the facilities were an who's position as net clinging to the meditation of the skeleton. And again, in the city, he heard loud laughter of a woman. Get the teeth she does, the meditation object to continue meditating. At that instant, the entire look of the woman turned into a skeleton under the eyes of the Bhikkhu-stilts.
Why does the successful practice of meditation heading skeletons?
By, at the hearing the laughter of the woman, she can instantly retrieve centering meditation skeleton by getting her teeth to make the heading of meditation. Furthermore, he conducted practice heading skeleton both internally (in your own time) and external (woman's shape). Based on this, the National meditation-on stilts have achievements a centering of a meditation.
Based on preliminary meditation, meditation practice was closely allied with Freemasons from the General screening impermanence, suffering, egolessness of Colors along with entertainment and Celebrity identity. for these reasons, the Increase has been actively pursuing the practice of meditation, was able to focus on aspects of the skeleton defilement and achievements result the A-la-Han by continuing monitoring Intelligent meditation practice based on the Foundation profile of meditation.
Thus, in every step, he continued to practice the threefold World (sīla), regulatory (samādhi) and Wisdom (paññā). Here, one can argue that a prime witness was Led Outcomes only a glance. But really, the Germany T-stilts Vipassanā meditation practice have throughout life but not yet privileged to be Leader – outcome and Nirvana. Are wait until insight ripe ready for Prime witness Nirvana. When insight has fully matured, the moment the time meditating proving one way police consider three General impermanence, suffering, egolessness of all compounded by the body and the mind, it can be easily shown to DAC (Magga), fruits (Phala) and Nirvana (Nibbāna).
Why is that? By then, the practice of Vipassanā meditation by focusing police number-Three General impermanence, egolessness Gauge of which it is understood as a gauge and The Roman Empire for so long. In order to complement the practice of Freemasonry invisible contraband, the Buddha taught are visualizations of the venture's facilities and General dread, female-on stilts.
Guide To The New Features-Chemical
There are also numerous other chemistry requires the Bhikkhu-stilts have to practise, especially the issue of good attitude of mind. The Buddha taught the exemplary examples of virtue for the greater Germany Cunda in speech:
"Hey, we immediately declared that the Cunda is just a mind of good for good is already useful, more philanthropic actions performed by the user or administrative password".
Here, we need to clarify things good and the onions. Following the teachings of the Buddha with the Germans clearly explaining about Cunda the qualities of good need was for us.
"So, you so Cunda, this cultivate all the good attitude:
  1. ' The other guys who can do harm, we here use a compassionate and non toxic pitches in response to ', this attitude was required of us.
  2. ' The other guys can be close to being, we will abandon the suicide of birth ', this attitude was required of us.
  3. ' The other guys can steal, we will waive theft ', this attitude was required of us.
  4. ' The other guys can't infringement, we will live it ', this attitude was required of us. "
  5. "Those other guys can lie, we will abandon the lying", this attitude was required of us.
  6. "Those other guys can say double blade, we here will give up speaking blade" this attitude was required of us.
  7. "The other guys have to say evil words, we here will give up speaking evil words" this attitude was required of us.
  8. "Those other guys can say judgment, we will abandon the said judgment", this attitude was required of us.
Four of the Buddha's teachings on to improve oneself.
Four of the Buddha's teachings on aiming for the Male-stilts to know ways on how to improve password. There will be no difference between a secular and a step into the life of renunciation as Male-female or Tu stilts, if the bulb and the situation is not clear. Lie, say shove my prick, the rude word, say the word useless is just way of life imitating the world. Since becoming a spice level are always say honest, friendly, can do good action growth as alms, maintenance men, take part in meditation (meditation or meditation Consistent). A Male-on stilts so right at the right time, the benefit to industry.
In addition, the Buddha also taught how to improve Italian culture as follows:
  1. "Those other guys can take part, we will not take part in" this attitude was required of us.
  2. "Those other guys can pitch, we here would not have mind" this attitude was required of us.
  3. "The others may have deviant ideas, we here will have the Chief Justice opinion" good attitude like that need was for us.
  4. "The others may have deviant thinking, we here will have the Chief Justice", this attitude was required of us.
  5. "Those other guys could have ties, we here will have speech", this attitude was required of us.
  6. "The others may have deviant careers, we here will have the Chief Justice", this attitude was required of us.
  7. "Those other guys could have ties there, we would have to Chanh", this attitude was right.
  8. "The others may have the space effort, we will have to Chanh effort", this attitude was required of us.
  9. "Those other guys could have ties, we here will be of mindfulness", this attitude was required of us.
10. "the other guys might have ties to, we will have to Chanh", this attitude was required of us.
Notes: teachings from 11 to 18 in bowl of Legitimacy
  1. "The others may have had ties to another, we will have the Chief Justice position", this attitude was required of us.
Here, the deviant mind in relation to the understanding of methods, how the practice works real good. It renders only the reflection of the mind of the real good that that person has done. In contrast, the Chief Justice position 19 i.e. Wisdom reflected in the initiation of contentious audience gods now moments of enlightenment. To understand what is the audience reaction to Wisdom 19, I need to know 5 wisdom side Auditorium and four saints.
There are five Rights represent the Auditorium:
  1. Review of the Intelligence Director's position which was achieved.
  2. Review of results of intellectual property that the thing has been achieved.
  3. Review of NET security Nirvana state that situation had an effect.
  4. Review of the negativity was destroyed after it was food poisoning.
  5. Review of residual impurities mistakes which are yet fully eradicated.
There are four steps:
  1. Tu-da-ho n (Sotāpatti): is, has seen the early stages of enlightenment.
  2. Wednesday-da-ham (Sakadāgāmi): was the Prime witness was the second stage of enlightenment.
  3. A-na-jaw (Anāgāmi): was the Prime witness was the third stage of enlightenment.
  4. A-la-Han (Arahatta): was the Prime witness was the last stage of enlightenment.
Naturally, there were five suicide-na of the intelligence Act stands often run up in the mind of the three Holy ranks first, immediately after his enlightenment. However, when the DAC was holy floor Wednesday only four suicide-na of the intelligence Act stands because he completely eradicated unhappiness not leftovers. Therefore, there is all the audience reaction to wisdom 19 kicked up in the mind of the four saints. The Chief Justice position means 0 Auditorium. All these steps are 19 Holy wisdom reflecting the auditorium is called Sammāñāī means people have the Chief Justice position.
The Buddha taught that:
  1. "The others may have the space freed, we here will have the Chief Justice freed", this attitude was required of us.
Chief Justice Freed (Sammā Vimutti)
Here the need to explain what is Chief Justice Freed (Sammā Vimutti). It is the State of a mind perfect the evidence obtained through the enlightenment and removal take absolutely any negativity over bowls of Legitimacy. Once a prime witness Saints to the final stage of enlightenment, he completely won and freed from the endless suffering for being Prince reincarnation (sasāra). That is the Chief of the rescue. Deviant freed (Micchā Vimutti) as concepts and beliefs of those who chose the path of liberation spirituality mistakes as practiced in the style and type of dogs at the time of the Buddha Oldtimer. They claim that the practice of spirituality by living natural as cow or dog is how can criminal people from birth Prince reincarnation (sasāra). According to the nature of the ultimate truth, deviant, linked to the rescue of five prime aggregates real (akusala khandhās). While the Chief Justice freed meaning is the birth of good and Holy with aggregates Results Wisdom (Holy fruits of the mind) (Ariya Phala Citta).
"To avoid deviant freed (Micchā Vimutti), we will try to reach Chief Freed by Prime witness the Holy fruits of Wisdom (Ariya Phala)", attitude and determination should be developed as a Male-on stilts. How to achieve this?
By the practice of fullness bowl of Legitimacy.
Therefore, required a Male-stilts have to develop an attitude that practice primary foot fullness Bowl Legitimacy.
Bowl Of Legitimacy
Here, we will discuss the benefits of Bowl practice Legitimacy.
Basically, bowls of Legitimacy are divided into two types: The World and Super World. again, the bowl of Legitimacy The World is divided into two: the Bowl Legitimacy meditation and meditative Legitimacy Bowl.
Notes: bowl of Legitimacy are completed before and during meditation practice is the bowl of Legitimacy of meditation, while the Scouts is to practice Vipassanā meditation during the bowl of Vipassanā meditation Legitimacy.
Bowl Of Legitimacy Of Meditation And How They Happen
Let's talk about Legitimacy Bowl meditation. First a promising practitioners (yogāvacara) must meet three more sections of The school: speech by preventing the four types of ties, Chief of industry by preventing the three primary categories and any network by preventing nefarious network feed.
Once firmly established three genera of the World, are conducting three more direction. First, to take the administrative Effort (Sammā Vāyama), Mindfulness (Sammā Sati) and Chief Justice (Sammā Samādhi). For example a student choose to meditate under the heading Kasiṇa, set the necessary effort into the practice by focusing on the object Kasiṇa and continuously practicing progress called the Chief Effort. solid volitional mind and Hold on audiences Kasiṇa is Mindfulness. When keeping the mind completely set deeply into the subject of Nimitta Kasiṇa, it might be called the Chief Justice. In this way the three genera on the Plan completed.
Student's status at the time absolutely clearly and be able to enter the object Nimitta Kasiṇa is meant to be the Chief of the chi meditation (Jhāna Sammā Diṭṭhi). The afferent to the object's Chief Kasiṇa Thinking (Sammā Sakappa). Both the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice's Thinking two Scouts on intellectual property. So three more Scouts on gender (Sīla Maggaga), three line direction (Samādhi Maggaga) and two Scouts on Wisdom (Pañña Maggaga) combined together into bowl of Legitimacy of meditation (Samādhi).
If a student chooses four great meditation section (Dhātu Kammaṭṭhāna) in that bowl of Legitimacy are practicing like this.
The first practice of the three chi DAO on gender (Sīla Maggaga) is the initiation of the practice. Set foot on solid ground, are available on the "()" of the three genera of directors where practitioners will then sharpen the dull knife wisdom News Director genera of Wisdom (Pañña Maggaga).
Again, I will explain how some Religious Scriptures are automatically incorporated in the practice of meditation.
  1. Able to enter and understanding audience four great including the insight the characteristics of each of the four known as the Chief Justice Ant genus (Sammā Diṭṭhi Maggaga).
  2. Maintain the afferent perception characteristic of objects known as the four great Chief Thinking the genus (Sammā Sakappa Maggaga).
  3. Continuous practice attempts to force Cabinet growing one in terms of the nature of the four great is the Chief of the Effort spent on (Sammā Vāyāma Maggaga).
  4. An stay on four great subjects called Mindfulness genus (Sammā Sati Maggaga).
  5. Can keep the mind firmly on the four great and growing steadily centering is the Chief Justice Defines the genus (Sammā Samādhi Maggaga).
All five chi Dao mentioned above along with three original Leaders spent about About forming the bowl of Legitimacy of meditation.
Vipassanā Meditation of the Holy Bowl
Now, let's talk about the Holy Bowl Scouts of Vipassanā meditation kicked up in the mind of meditators Vipassanā meditation practice.
In a famous speech is doing Great Anniversary Of (Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta), the Buddha has arranged Group Chief Comments on the four Holy Roman Empire as follows:
  1. Chief of Staff-the insight rightly about Suffering (Dukkha Sacca) (Holy Roman Empire on the gauge).
  2. Chief of Staff-the insight rightly about The Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca) (Holy Roman Empire of the cause of Suffering).
  3. Chief of Staff-the insight rightly about the Extermination (Nirodha Sacca) (Holy Roman Empire about the Killing Part)
  4. Chief of Staff-the insight rightly on Relief (Magga Sacca) (Holy Roman Empire on the road to defeat Suffering).
So there are four Primary types of Comments, one for each of the Holy Roman Empire. According to the explanatory notes of The Notion Of (Satipa MahāṭṭSutta hāna), Scouts (bowl of Legitimacy) are described in the General Notion Of the World Union Leaders, also called Pubbabāga Satipaṭṭhāna Magga -Saints leading integration of meditation Mantras of by it must be said that one witness before the fullness of Scripture Scouts Ariya Magga (the Super Scouts) here I will explain in brief on Quartet Holy Roman Empire.
SUFFERING (Dukkha Sacca)
In many Modern Horror includes the French Notion Of (Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta), the Buddha has summarized the Holy Roman Empire of Agony is the active player aggregates (Upādānakkhanda) formed by Asif AI and player. It sharpens its aggregates (Rūpupādānakkhandha), its aggregates (Vedanupādānakkhandha), Thought its aggregates (Saññupādānakkhandha), its aggregates (Sakhārupādānakkhandha), its aggregates (Viññānupādānakkhandha) where the craving, accept the main player is the source of Suffering, the Buddha has explained so clearly.
Good Prime aggregates (Rūpupādānakkhandha) was formed by craving and accept, it has eleven factors such as past, present, future, in or out of the rough, or bad, or beautiful, far or near. Any insight would contain any aspect of eleven elements mentioned above are known as Sac capital aggregates (Rūpupādānakkhandhā) according to the Aggregates (Samyutta, set of 2, p. 39). Likewise for four aggregates. Therefore, the five prime aggregates with eleven qualities called Holy Suffering (Dukkha Sacca).
Note: the word "Dukkha" of Pali translated as suffering yet exhausting transfer meaning to. So best we use from the original Pali "Dukkha" while preaching.
The ROMAN EMPIRE (Samudaya Sacca)
The Buddha explained The (cause of Suffering (Dukkha)) as in the way of The breakdown of the Roman Empire (Sacca Vibhaṅga Text) (Abhidhamma Pitaka-Microscopic Organ magic, q. 2, pp 112-115) as follows:
  1. Taking part is called The Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca) (magic Micro Organ France q2, tr112)
  2. Join together with mind pollution is also known as The Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca).
  3. Taking part, all the mind pollution along the Centre of the Department any donation is also referred to as the Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca)
  4. Took part, all of the mind, the mind any friendly facility along with good faith is deeply involved (alobha), pitch (adosa), si (amoha) or which is the subject of counts or (Āsava) also known as The Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca). (Magic Micro Organs of France, II, tr114)
  5. Three such friendly people took part (Alobha), pitch (Adosa), si or intelligent or wisdom (Amoha) and the Centre of the Department (kusala) which is the subject of counts or (Āsava) including the craving and other pollution Center also known as The Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca) (magic Micro Organs of France, II, p. 114).
Contact the extended explanation, references are essential to summarize the career of any Professional Association and charity work are also included in the Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca).
In Increased Nikaya, lecture entitled the origins of Deviant (Titthāyatana Sutta). The Buddha described all (capital) (sakhāra) though the charity or charities are also folded into The Roman Empire.
In view of the expanded ratings, all and any Business Career charity are made on the basis of ignorance (avijjā), craving (ta), its capital (upādāna) (accept) is known as The Roman Empire. Wisdom and insight about The Roman Empire known as the Chief Justice.
Note: even the good faith, the mind, and industrial facilities (Kammas) have all been Set, because they can also lead to skandha in countless future lifetimes that make up the rings suffering (Dukkha) constant.
KILL (Nirodha Sacca)
About Kill (Nirodha Sacca), I will lecture on the subject of intellectual property Vipassanā (Vipassanā ñāa). In doing the origins of Deviant (Titthāyatana Sutta) mentioned above, the Buddha said "avijjāya tweva asesavirāganirodha sakhāranirodho" means "caused by ignorance (avijjā) kill, kill".
So a practitioners must strive to develop Insight to be able to understand clearly the compounded vi (a-sharp) removal.
The Ending Completely (The Birth) (Anuppāda Nirodha)
Related to this process, the Visuddhimagga annotation explains the following:
Paccayato vayadassanena Nirodhasaccapākaahoti paccayanuppadena, paccayavataanuppādavabhodhato

Lyrics translation: once operates Vipassanā meditation practice has to stage Rights Being Destroyed (Udayavaya ñāa) will see clearly the contentious removal of your identity. At this time, Kill (the truth of) becomes clear over it. Why?
Because, when the staff as ignorance (avijjā), craving (ta), Accept (upādāna), onions (Sakhāra), Karma (kamma) removal causes the skandha, the result of this multiplication, too, was destroyed. When this reached practitioners will clearly see such removal process.
When will the workers as ignorance (avijjā) ... was completely thorough? Annex Glossary of The visuddhimagga stated as follows:
Once the fraud was issued A la Han Leaders Wisdom (Wisdom of the enlightened stage Wednesday), all the negativity of Agony is killing take by the Supreme State net's President, is the State of wuwei Nirvana. Therefore, the multiplication of the gauge will be t n kill completely, never back in the heart of a privileged witness of enlightened stage Wednesday, the final stage of enlightenment. The ending is the ending completely (the birth) (Anuppāda Nirodha).
Here, indeed, the Saints led the A-la-enlightened stage of Han dynasty, fourth and last stage of the enlightenment directly completely eradicated three human ignorance (Avijjā), craving (Ta) and Accept (Upādāna).
The remaining two were Released (Sakhāra) and Karma (Kamma), only if there are three people on the support they can give to the reborn, created a new life for the skandha is Suffering the Holy Roman Empire.
If there are three human ignorance (Avijjā), craving (Ta) and Accept (Upādāna) then there will be no chance to sire Imperial Gauge (that engenders the five prime aggregates of new life). So, A-la-Holy Han (Arahatta Magga), enlightened stage fourth and last stage of enlightenment not only kills the other three main character completely thorough but also complete thorough removal skandha for next life immediately after the Death centered Loads residual Nirvana (Parinibbāna Cuti), e-moments of an enlightened Saint. After the death of this mentality moment, no longer the reborn again, also no longer skandha. That's the Anuppāda Nirodha, the ending completely (the birth) is seen clearly by insight Vipassanā.
The Hunter-Killed-by-Birth-na (Uppāda Nirodha)
Now let's explain Uppāda Nirodha. When talking about all compounded micro-then we all relate to the Holy Roman Empire to the Holy Roman Empire and of the cause of Suffering with the nature of birth and destruction. The brief process of the birth and destruction repeatedly called by Pali are "Khaya Virāga" or "Khaa Nirodha".
While the chain of human support, endless chain compounded vi (Sakhāra Dhamma) was born as a result of the human being. Repeat the process of birth and kill him, called "Uppāda Nirodha", meaning the windw and removal repeated many times. Practitioners should strive to use the insight to see clearly the process of birth and kill-by-na of compounded vi after the pubs close to three General impermanence, suffering, Egolessness. Clearly see The birth and destruction ever seen-na (Uppāda Nirodha) and take advantage of completely (the birth) (Anuppāda Nirodha) of compounded vi is known as the Chief of staff's wisdom Meditation (Vipassanā Sammā Diṭṭhi).
Saints (Magga Sacca) World Association
Furthermore, a fake meditation Vipassanā, described in the seven Radio-France (Vipassanā Arūpasattaka) (Visuddhimagga, District II, pp 261-264), the birth and destruction (Udayavayānupassanā) (Visuddhimagga, District II, p. 268), the ruined (Bhaganupassanā) (Visuddhimagga, District II, p. 288) should be the agenda of the mind (such as speed of Italy's Highway DivisionVipassanā Vithi Javana) Manodvarika, sanh with insight.
When this, the will clearly see the elements of the Bat genera Legitimacy as Chief thinking (Sammā Sakappa), Chief Justice effort (Sammā Vāyāma), Mindfulness (Sammā Sati) and Chief Justice (Sammā Samādhi) were being run up during meditation Coalition. Practitioners will see clearly the Direction of the Holy portion together kicked up with Intelligent Look. Church Leader has the ability to eradicate temporary afflictions. That is the reason why the elements of Legitimacy are called Scouts. Therefore, the ability of willow tri each section in bowl of Legitimacy by Insight called Chief Justice opinion Vipassanā (Vipassanā Sammā Diṭṭhi).
Holy Roman Empire Liu Tu tri during the meditation Vipassanā
I mentioned a couple of levels of Insight through the Chief Justice about the intelligent Meditation (Vipassanā Sammā Diṭṭhi), Satori Quartet Holy Roman Empire Vipassanā meditation practice in the process. Now I will explain to you more clearly understand the following.
In the course of Vipassanā meditation Assoc., Imperial Gauge opinion on when practitioners conducted a survey in an objective on the whole its aggregates (Upādānakkhandha) with eleven aspects such as: present, past, future, in, out ... There is a natural process driven mind awareness of Suffering (Dukkha Sacca) (or is active its aggregates) are called Chief Thinking (Sammā Sakappa). Every effort by practitioners of the meditation Assoc. Effort (Sammā Vāyāma). The not forgotten in the mind of the Gauge is called Mindfulness (Sammā Sāti). When assumptions on Emperor Format known as Chief Justice (Sammā Samādhi). Years spent parts of Eight Legitimacy combined with three more, for a total of eight more relief needs to be conducted.
Note: the word Dukkha (Dukkha Sacca) are used for the entire "skandha" that practitioners who need continuous attention during the process of meditating.
Once practitioners wisdom tri was how all of the bowls of Legitimacy combined with each other in insight on Suffering (Dukkha Sacca), then practitioners will also ease wisdom tri was how all of the bowls of Legitimacy combined with each other in the insight about The Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca).
Only when practitioners started a suicide features three General impermanence, suffering, egolessness of of Suffering (Dukkha Sacca) and Volume (Samudaya Sacca) while Vipassanā meditation practice then the Insight of both Kill (Nirodha Sacca) and Scout (Magga Sacca) will manifest.
Compounded vi including the Emperor and the Imperial Framework essentially being destroyed continuously. Practitioners must focus a shining nature contentious process removal of name and identity. Vipassanā meditation practitioners are alternating the attention on the three characteristics of impermanence (Anicca), suffering (Dukkha), anatta (Anatta). This means having to focus alternately on the three kingdoms General is
  1. Anicca, impermanence is a clear progression of colors that soon after birth and then destroy immediately.
  2. Dukkha, suffering is a process of continual suffering due to the birth and constant removal.
  3. Anatta, anatta is the legal process takes place in its own way without the will of any one entity. It is called Khaato Dassana Udayavaya, i.e. th y process being killed by a hunter.
At the same time, practitioners need a passport as part of the fruit is by multiplying the Volume. It's Paccayato Udayadassana Ñāna -the intelligence is aware of Suffering (dukkha) is being run by the human beings suffering (samudaya). Once the staff was totally dedicated, by Insight's position clearly see the take of the five aggregates. This is Paccayato Vayadassana Ñāna, Solomon knew the killing of human beings by the French no longer run. Both insight called Ñāna dassana-vaya-Udaya Paccayato, meaning Wisdom clearly see the birth and destruction due to human. A practitioners must consistently screened by Insight to willow, tri tam General with human as the Roman Empire (Samudaya Sacca), and the result is Suffering (Dukkha Sacca) along with the five prime aggregates.
Six Kinds Of Insight
The kind of Insight, when aggregated, which has the following six categories:
  1. Insight see as truth the suicide-na birth (Khaato ñāna dassana-Udaya)
  2. Insight see as truth the suicide-kill (Khaato ñāna dassana-Vaya)
  3. Insight see as truth the suicide-na being a Hunter (Khaato ñāna dassana-Vaya-Udaya)
  4. Insight see as truth the birth year (Udaya ñāna dassana-Paccayato) is the insight has the ability to see the results in the presence of the
  5. Insight see as real progress by the workers (Paccayato-ñāna dassana Vaya). In other words, the ability to see once the staff was totally dedicated, the result will also no longer contentious.
  6. Insight see as truth the process of birth and by the (Paccayato Udaya ñāna dassana-Vaya-), insight clearly that if the worker is present, then the results will being, if not then no longer will also result.
However six kinds of Insight can be summarized in two basic categories from number three and six. In summary, there are two kinds of Insight in the capital. Glossary of Visuddhimagga q2, tr268 describes how the four Holy Roman Empire became apparent with the Insight of practitioners who saw the birth and destruction of both suicide-na (Khaa) and entertainment (Paccaya) engenders it in the following way:
  1. When practitioners see the results being due to the presence of the human, by proving the Close Position does taste clearly human (episode, Samudaya Sacca) is the source of the fruit (Imperial Gauge, Dukkha Sacca).
  2. By clearly contentious process endless evolutions from suicide-na to suicide-na, the nature of Suffering (Dukkha Sacca) becomes clear in Proving Murder, since it can finish off enter the birth of compounded micro-the agony of birth (Jāti Dukkha)
  3. When practitioners clearly see removal process take fully at the time the workers were eradicated completely, Destroying The (Nirodha Sacca) becomes clear in the Minds of Police Union result depends on the make of the staff.
  4. When practitioners clearly see the kill the endless performance from close-to-na na, the nature of Suffering (Dukkha Sacca) are clear in proving the Close Position as it can finish off enter the continuous removal of compounded micro-the miserable death (Maraa Dukkha).
  5. As can be seen by both the process of birth and removal-from suicide-na to suicide-na as well as by other people and the fruit of a-sac, see evolution of birth and destruction of the people and the respective results. Proving this Survey called ñāna dassana-vaya-Udaya, Director (Magga Sacca) Conference. Why? Because it is possible to eradicate ignorance (Sammoha) which prevented the contentious nature of and removal of all compounded vi.
Bowl Of Legitimacy In The Practice Of Vipassanā
Now I will talk about what is the bowl of Legitimacy, set in the context of the four Holy Roman Empire, birth throughout the process to practice Vipassanā.
  1. See the expose on the nature of the four Holy Roman Empire in the process may enter the main number-Wisdom is the Chief (Sammā diṭṭhi)
  2. Afferent firmly on objects list of the four Holy Roman Empire in each police-na being called Chief Thinking (Sammā Sakappa)
  3. Every attempt of the body and the mind set on the practice of Vipassanā is called the Chief Effort (Sammā Vāyāma)
  4. An always stay on the nature of the four Holy Roman Empire called Mindfulness (Sammā Sati)
  5. NET security and fully intend on meditation the Holy Roman Empire of the four headings are called Chief (Sammā Samādhi).
All this led Jubilee along with three of The genus (Sīla Maggaga) is set in advance, the eight genera in each moment to practice Vipassanā. It is also called Pubbabaga Satipathanamagga, which means the Saints leading type of Celebration of happen simultaneously and are practicing before a prime witness Bible (Ariya Magga) (the four stages of enlightenment) (annotated in central Beijing, q1, p. 235).
When the practice through the different stages of proving murder, leading the Saints to enter will grow until it matured. Then, Holy Leader (Ariya Magga) and Holy Berries (Ariya Phala) (the Wisdom and Wisdom Results in four stages of enlightenment) will finally start living by focusing on computer NET security peace and wuwei of Nirvana (referred to as Mahā Asankhata Dhātu). The peace, stillness is the Super Destroyer (Nirodha Sacca). At this point, all the Holy Bowl Store that fullness
Holy Bowl World Store
Here to note that the Prime witness at the Holy Leadership (Ariya Magga), then the Holy Bowl Scouts are fullness just before the time of Holy Childhood poisoning syndrome (Ariya Phala). And now, I will explain the Holy Bowl Scouts run how contentious at the time a privileged Ethical Scriptures (Ariya Magga). His Moral Wisdom (Ariya Magga Ñāna) being an invisible NET that Nirvana called Chief Justice Opinion (Magga Sammā Diṭṭhi). Focusing attention on an object here, the Chief Justice called wuwei Thinking (Sammā Sakappa). All the impurities that are not being run thanks to three Saints Scouts (Sīla Magga) is Speech (Sammā Vāca), Chief Justice (Sammā Kammanta), Chief Justice Network (Sammā Ājīva) were eradicated by Scripture Scouts of Wisdom (Ariya Magga Ñāna) right at the time of the Prime witness's Bible (Ariya Magga). Therefore, we should note that all three Saints Scouts (Sīla Magga) are simultaneously fullness. All the effort of body and mind are practicing in order to proceed to an invisible NET that nirvana is called the Chief Effort (Sammā Vāyāma). An stay on objects of Nirvana called Mindfulness (Sammā Sati). Centering on the wuwei Nirvana known as Chief Justice (Sammā Samādhi). Here the Holy Bowl store that was completely fullness.
The audience reaction to wisdom (Paccavekkhaa Nāna) and the Chief of the Liberation (Sammā Vimutti), for example Saints (Ariya Phala) (Wisdom) will also automatically run birth where practitioners have met St. store (Lokuttarā Magga).
Brief Description How To Meditate
Here, to be able to witness the Holy Bowl, DAC Store that practitioners need to complete Eight Rounds of that Legitimacy be called Reciting entry Of leading Saints (Pubba-bhāga Satipaṭṭhāna Magga). In the Scriptures, this is what Union Leaders, began to practice the three Saints belong to the Directors in advance by way of preserving real clean. Notes: means practitioners must keep the body, voice and the Web feed to always be clean in accordance with the Act by preventing ties, ties and ties to the network.
After holding the Holy leader on gender in clean, are completing the three Saints Director of Planning (development plan), for example the Chief effort (Sammā Vāyāma), mindfulness (Sammā Sati) and Chief Justice (Sammā Samādhi). Why is that? Because these are required to be completed if it wanted to show privileged Insight World Association and the four Holy Roman Empire. The Buddha said:
The "Samādhi bhikkhave, bhikkhu bhikkhave Samāhito bhāvetha yathābhutan pajānāti"
Lyrics translation: the Buddha preaching: "Thisdivine, female-khưu, be developed. Only when there is intent, Female-on stilts as theFrench tri-vision ". A person with full mind can comprehend something? It is the Fourth Holy Roman Empire.
To guide the development of mind, Buddha taught the forty meditation headings. Mind (Samādhi) can be developed by picking any items that would:
Development Plan By the four great Meditation (Dhātu Kammaṭṭhāna )
Here, I will summarize the method developed mind (Samādhi) meditation section with four great (Dhātu Kammaṭṭhāna). This is also one of the forty meditation headings. It can help practitioners to easily gain access to (Upacāra Samādhi). If meditators like to distinguish colors four great in Vipassanā meditation, are choosing the heading four great.
Tattha Bhagavā Rūpakammaṭṭhānan kathento s.a.khepamanasikāravasenavā vitthāramanasikāravasena vā, catudhātuvavatthāna,kathesi
(References The Nikaya, II, p. 314) (see also annotations for Central Investment, I, p. 280 and explanatory notes Vi the French Miracle (Abhidhamma), qII, tr252)
The passage above means? It means that when the Buddha teach the distinction, He often teaches meditation four headings (Dhātukammaṭṭhāna) in two ways by the method summarized or detailed method.
A fake, when conducting meditation Vipassanā will have to start to differentiate all and with insight. This stage is called Pure Ant (Diṭṭhi Visuddhi) relate to differentiated process list by Insight. So, in this period there were two from the review:
  1. A distinction (Rūpa pariggaha)
  2. A Distinguished Name (Arūpa pariggaha)
The first of the two one way to differentiate, the Buddha taught the four great distinction by two methods
  1. General method, i.e. a whole relates four great, all of the characteristics.
  2. Detailed methods, going into detail split split is under of each element. This is the process that is the Buddha describes in relation to the four great meditation practice called vavatthāna Dhātu Catu (Analytical Meditation Four)
Between the different sources of the Scriptures concerning the practice of four great, abstract methods are the Buddha described in the Scriptures Of the great Anniversary (Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta). Detailed methods are the Buddha describes in the Mahā Rahulovāda (Central, q2, p. 84-86), Marjoram distinguish (Dhātu Vibhaga Sutta) (Central, district III, p. 283-285) and The Gender analysis (Dhātu Vibhaga) (magic Micro Organs of France, II, p. 84-86). Ton echo benefits-pseudo-Xa, disciples of the Buddha also taught the method detailed in Greater Investment for example Elephant Footprints (Mahā Hatthipadopama Sutta) (Central, District 1, pp 242-247).
Here, extra annotations for The Visuddhimagga Grand Prize coming into Office mentioned that: as a general procedure, would distinguish Colors in the first stage of Vipassanā meditation will be called Suddha-Vipassanāyanika (practitioners according to pure number-chariot). Similarly, practitioners would distinguish in the first stage of Vipassanā meditation will be called Suddha-Samathayanika (practitioners in net vehicle only). Here, the original colors of the nickname of Vipassanā meditation (Vipassanabhinivesa) with the insight named Wisdom Assigned identifier (Nāmarūpa Pariccheda Ñāna).
Observing this process, when conducting the Opinion, qualified practitioners of meditation (Samathayānika) or plain false (Vipassanāyānika) to start the distinction (rūpa kammaṭṭhāna), then both must step into the four great meditation practice.
The Twelve Characteristics Of The Four Great
Of the four, each College has its own characteristics:
  1. Great place (pathavī-dhātu) has six characteristics: hard, rough, heavy, soft, lustrous, lightly.
  2. The great water (āpo-dhātu) has two characteristics: flows and stick.
  3. The great fire (tejo-dhātu) has two characteristics: cold and hot.
  4. Modern manners (vāyo-dhātu) has two properties that support and push.
Practitioners must have a projected twelve characteristics on the body from head to toe one by one. For example, if your practice's abrasive properties, they must begin to pay attention on a point where computer, textured clear and then move to the full. Practitioners must practice similarly to the eleven remaining feature. Practitioners should strive to find all twelve or computer four great on the whole body, from head to toe. Better that practitioners can see simultaneously two or three general practitioners though only noticed on a college. When practitioners can focus effective practices so that practitioners will be sure to see all the twelve characteristics of four great. When practicing on the whole body, not merely attentive to the shape of the body but instead is focusing attention to the characteristics of the four great. Not so often to move attention away from this spot over there. Keep the focus on the four great and try to see each individual features of the four great. Then, all four will reveal clear if practitioners continue to practice this way.
Now, be consistent in four ways;
  1. focus on the whole site (pathavī-dhātu) by note all computer hardware, abrasives, heavy, soft, lustrous, and light together,
  2. focus on the whole of the great pox (āpo-dhātu) is by noted computer runs and stick,
  3. focus on the whole of the great fire (tejo-dhātu) is by noted computer cold and hot,
  4. focus on the whole modern movement (vāyo-dhātu) is by noted computer support and push together.
Practitioners centering development by practicing four-part meditation on the four great on the body like that. Continue centering in this way for a few days and a few hours for each time of meditation, practitioners will begin to see only a white gas block, and not the shape of the body. Continue to distinguish four great white chunks in it, the mind of meditators will become stronger and deeper. As a result, the white blocks that will appear in the center of practitioners in the form of a block of transparent like glass or ice cubes. Practitioners continue to grow centering by distinguishing the four great elements contained in glass blocks.
Transparent Glass Blocks
Here, the same as glass blocks throughout the capital in what is fake? Some practitioners may ask.
Answer: There are five categories of pure land (Pasāda Rūpa) of pure truth and reflected glare chang as mirrors kicked up when practitioners focus level is reached. (Visuddhimagga, District 2, p. 81).
It is the natural thing, before one can distinguish and divide the small Cannon aft, is found to be in good Nick as a type (Ghana). One of the five categories this user's outstanding NET-NET (kāya pasāda) are present throughout the body where feeling is felt contact except for a few parts in the fuselage, such as nails. However, practitioners need to try to break the notion of special blocks (ghana) by focusing centering around nowhere contained in the pure land. This was the Buddha taught in the Mahā Rahulovāda.
By the Buddha to fake a passport Identity 24 y college students (upādārūpa) by based on the frivolous, He teaches focuses its attention on about unreal of net, the year in which it was explained in the glossary (glossary Business Central, III, p. 97). When practitioners find are nowhere on the surface of the glass block, practitioners will begin to see the smallest unit of s c matter (kalāpas) explicitly. Practitioners will consistently review all the best elements come along as:
  1. great place (Pathavī dhātu), characteristics of the ground hard, textured
  2. the great water (Āpo dhātu), properties of the water: stick, flow
  3. the great fire (Tejo dhātu), the nature of the fire: hot and cold
  4. modern manners (Vāyo dhātu), characteristics of the wind: lift and support
  5. coloring
  6. the smell
  7. *
  8. nutrients
contained in each element of the kalapa.
Practitioners must consistently review all kalapa of the six units and 42 aspects of four relatives. Here practitioners ought to meet a master to be specific instructions.
A fake after a suicide at all the Colors, should conduct the List being run by Lady in lust. When doing this part, or start from a Contact (Phassa) or Shou (Vedanā) or Consciousness (Viññāna), including all the mind facility led by Center Department of Lao in initiated Contact is registered, the Atrium, the lost, the body respectively.
After successfully differentiated this way, continues to distinguish the entity engenders A Colors such as ignorance (Avijjā), craving (Ta), accept (Upādāna), Karma (Kamma) and onions (Sakhāra). Try to see by insight to know that experienced its birth in my life start main aggregates this is due to the workers as ignorance (Avijjā). in the past life. Trying to see clearly in this way for the rest of your identity to the past and the future.
As mentioned before, a practitioners with insight to see the completely eradicated by the five prime aggregates upon ignorance (Avijjā), craving (Ta), its capital (Upādāna), karma (Kamma) and onions (Sakhāra) were destroyed. Three generals of colors along with the cause engenders it must be consistently reviewed by meditation Vipassanā until shown to reach a higher stage of enlightenment is the Intelligence Director (Magga) and Wisdom Results (Phala).
When practitioners may progress to the stage of enlightenment through the practice of Vipassanā, that can say that practitioners have completed Holy Bowl Scouts of both The world and Transcendence. Practitioners also witnessed food poisoning are the four noble truths with insight and Wisdom, and Wisdom is the fruit
Large Inner Metabolism Through Vipassanā Meditation
Wisdom Vipassanā (Vipassanā Ñāa) can temporarily eradicate are suffering while the Saints Led the intelligence (Ariya Ñā Maggaa) can permanently eradicated all defilements dormant. On the journey to spiritual practice, when a person evolves to greater achievements on Saints, the largest conversion will take place in the mind in the sense of purity, wisdom, an exhaust, separation, and himself in.
Emphasis on important points about developing inner transformation magic, the Buddha has taught us to train the mind in doing Decline (Salleka sutta)
So, now let's listen investment Decline (Salleka sutta) that it makes useful a surprising way for evolution and for the mind as follows
Economic Decline Or Is Finishing Road And Vnd Tai Tam
  1. "The other guys may be kissing the Swiss deposits dominant hypnosis, we here would not have married Swiss bass dominant hypnosis", this attitude was required of us.
  2. "Those other guys who might have been trạo, we're here to maintain an inner-net", this attitude was required of us.
  3. "The others can or will we here, but removal or on the law of cause and effect and the three jewels such as the Buddha, Dharma and increase".
When a practitioners gain Wisdom to distinguish Human charm (Paccayapariggaha Ñāa), insight may be the multiplier number engenders A Sac, disbelief (Vicikicchā) which will be temporarily eradicate. But when the fraud was first enlightenment stage was Tu-da-done (Sotāpatti Magga) and Tu-da-complete Results (Sotāpatti Phala), all skeptical (Vicikicchā) were eradicated. Thus, he developed firm beliefs against Religious teachings That in Germany. The Buddha exhorts we must practice to truly trust accomplishments of this firm.
  1. "Those other guys can outrage, we here will be no outrage", this attitude was required of us.
Overcoming Anger by Meditation
The Buddha taught "to overcome anger, that person needs to practice Meditation the mind From" in Inspiring Language section Meghiya Products in the Pali Scriptures, p. 120. Therefore it needs to penetrate the bone from his mind in meditation the mind From (mettā). When a person is often anger, whether as a Male-on stilts, the name called "Pabbajita", i.e. people who strive to eradicate unhappiness, will no longer be appropriate to locate it again. So we have to know how to tame anger with meditation as mentioned above.
Anger and Vipassanā Meditation
If a person can Vipassanā meditation has many times experienced the absence of fun in which causes make her angry is someone or something. If you have that situation, practitioners should first a Sharp projection four great in people or animals is the cause. And by meditation Vipassanā, tam properties of four generals in both humans and animals. This will help develop insight, not seen in people or animals caused anger. Instead, with a clear view of Vipassanā, practitioners will only see it as a collection of Name and identity have the character being destroyed continuously. As a result, practitioners will only see the characteristics of the four great is impermanent (Anicca), suffering (Dukkha) (continuous removal of birth process), anatta (Anatta) (no better entity would control all this process).
Aware that Insight can temporarily lighten and eradicate the afflictions including anger. As Vipassanā is likely to decline or eradicate unhappiness, should I use cool water and are known as Vipassanā to cleanse the mind, so that we all can overcome anger, Vipassanā practice mind care. This is what the Buddha has to teach us only in France.
In addition, anger can totally eradicate through Vipassanā meditation practice, when an author has been three-la-suite the past caused by industry, a prime witness third enlightenment period called Hallow Directed A-na-jaw (Anāgāmi Magga) and Holy Fruits A-na-jaw (Anāgāmi Phala). This is the achievement of a good mind perfect really.
Now, let's dive into the following lecture.
  1. "Those other guys could resentment, we here will be no resentment", this attitude was required of us.
  2. "Those other guys can ungrateful, we here will try to appreciate and cherish", this attitude was required of us.
  3. "Those other guys that can harm the brain, we here will not harm brain", this attitude was required of us.
  4. "Those other guys could challenged quiz, we here will not handicap the quiz", this attitude was required of us.
  5. "The others can xẻn popcorn, selfishness, we here will not xẻn popcorn, not selfishness", this attitude was required of us.
The real goodness of mind mentioned above such as hatred, revenge, ungrateful, Amir, brain damages, lack of modesty, jealousy and popcorn are the source of streams xẻn anger. We can eliminate this ones by practicing four noble meditation section (four Criminals stay, Brahma Vihara) or meditation Vipassanā in when trying to adopt the Holy Scripture and documents (intellectual property and intellectual property). In fact, mental discipline and a work by meditating like having magic powers to transform the character and do a clean mind.
  1. "Those other guys can crafty (Māyāvi), we will not crafty", this attitude was required of us.
  2. "Those other guys can boast, bragging, flashy (heyya), we here will try sincerely and frankly", this attitude was required of us.
The distinction between Crafty (Māyā) And Bombastic (ṭheyya)
Here, we will study the different nature between crafty (Māyā) and bombastic (heyya). Crafty (Māyā) is characteristic of the nature concealed defects and deception by hypocrisy. It's like a magician good craftsmanship in deceit. By skillful art, he can fake rocks look like real gold. Similarly, a crafty (Māyā) can pretend good craftsmanship is a good person by hidden defects and use deceit of good craftsmanship. A type of person that society often referred to as having a mind like a cat kind. Note: "cat" means a cat always looks nice, but really it is stalking to kill rats.
The Buddha did not want the disciples have the kind of mind like that. About the nature and conception of the Saints as the Buddha and enlightenment, faults and defects of the person that must be addressed and amended innocently. The crafty (Māyā) in the sense that the ultimate reality (Emperor chon TAM) is described in En Dieu in France is just a type of mind Department of any unresolved reference and ignorance.
The bombastic (heyya), on the other hand, is formulaic reference properties to mislead others by trying to create the impression with them, pretend to be possessed many qualities that impressed but in fact a quality no. This is the essence of the bombastic (heyya). The crafty (Māyā) , try to conceal faults, pretend innocence innocent while the bombastic (heyya) is that there are good qualities that this person really does not have. So both crafty (Māyā) and bombastic (heyya) is the real good mind and good craftsmanship in liars, insincere, swindle. Note: each one pretending as having the qualities (sīla), regulatory (samādhi) and Wisdom (paññā), knowledge of classics, Gnostic credentials (Magga) and fruit (Phala) of which the person is not there, it's the bombastic (heyya).
The Bombastic (ṭheyya) In human society
Look at several aspects of human society, we can see the great popularity of the bombastic in daily life. There are many people like to pretend as his ethics despite the fact people are immoral. For example, pretending to have high graduation degree even though they didn't have a degree at all. There are people who behave and dress like the rich to impress other people. Someone then supposing we are brave, brave even though they are very scared and cowards. With the diversity of the disingenuous with the intention of deception and make stupid are both acts amplify (heyya). The Buddha does not like to have these thoughts and actions take a curved in the mind of his disciples. That's why He has to teach the disciples trying to escape the treacherous (Māyā) and the bombastic (heyya) even if others filled the crafty (Māyā) and bombastic (heyya) in mind. The mind and the Act lacks this true for Germany The Religion are very odious and unacceptable.
  1. "Those other guys could knock in relatively rude and export, we here will try to polite and attentive", this attitude was required of us.
  2. "Those other guys can pride, ego, we here will try not haughty and humble", this attitude was required of us.
What A Wonderful Teachings
It's essential for anyone who has entered the path of spiritual development whether as a Male-on stilts or a sadi is to live a modest life. We need to study the great mirror of Germany's attitude, Rāhula khiêm cung and sincere wish is to learn and practise is threefold (sīla), regulatory (samādhi) and Wisdom (paññā). Here, I will talk about the great Buddha's sermons to him Rāhula. The lecture is called Menstruation Mahā Rahulovāda and it is recorded in the central part II, p. 86-87
Australian border economic La-almost-la (Mahā Rahulovāda sutta) (German Buddhism about greater Germany La-almost-la)
Cultivate The Mind Like Land
"ThisRahula, let's practice the practice as the land. Rahula in this, so practice the practice as the soil, the exposure not stylishly stylishly gets kicked up, no holds, no existence. Rahula on land, such as this one and tried to map, and tried to map does not, throw feces UE, toss urine, spit saliva, pus and blood toss toss; Yet land not anxiety, not fluctuating, or not boring; This, too, Rahula, let's practice like the Earth. Rahula in this, so practice the practice as the soil, the exposure not stylishly stylishly gets kicked up, no holds, no existence."
Cultivate The Mind Like Water
"ThisRahula, let's practice the practice as water. Rahula in this, so practice the practice such as water, the exposure not stylishly stylishly started up, no holds, no existence. Rahula, such as this in the water they wash not washing utensils, furniture, wash excrement cleaner, wash the urine, rinse water pieces, wash the pus, blood-washed; However, water does not fluctuate, not boring; also, Rahula, this practice the gathered like water, the exposure not stylishly stylishly started up, no holds, no existence."
Cultivate The Mind Like Fire
"ThisRahula, let's practice the practice like fire. Rahula in this, so practice the practice like fire, the exposed stylishly, not stylishly started up, no holds, no existence. Rahula in this, such as the fire, burning the map doesn't, burn cleaner manure, urine, burning, burning, burning pieces of water pus, blood burning; yet not anxiety, not ranges, not boring; This, too, Rahula, let's practice the practice like fire, the exposed stylishly, not stylishly started up, no holds, no existence."
Cultivate The Mind Like The Wind
"ThisRahula, let's practice the practice like the wind. Rahula in this, so practice the practice like the wind, the rushing, stylishly stylishly gets kicked up, no holds, no existence. Rahula, the wind is blowing like this map, blowing the map doesn't, blown feces UE, blew the urine, saliva, pus, blow blow blow blood, yet wind unconcerned, not ranges, not boring; This, too, Rahula, let's practice the practice like the wind, the rushing, stylishly stylishly gets kicked up, no holds, no existence."
Cultivate The Mind Like Nowhere
"ThisRahula, let's practice the practice as frivolous. Rahula in this, so practice the practice as frivolous, the stylishly contact, not stylishly started up, no holds, no existence. Hey Rahula, such as nowhere does not stay in one place; This, too, Rahula, let's practice the practice as frivolous. Rahula in this, so practice the practice as frivolous, the gizmos not stylishly, stylishly gets kicked up, no holds, no existence."
Inspirational Sayings
It's inspiring how sweeping with the teachings of the Buddha!
These words of the Buddha has inspired us to obtain Holy actions to develop spirituality in everyday life. It produces more power and raise the morale of us on the way to freely and peacefully if we practice the teachings in practical action.
Buddha teachings that let's cultivate our mind as to the nature of the soil, water, fire, wind, vain, He looks forward to a strong degree of Germany mosaic rings and stamina is developed in our mind in Pali called Tādi qualities.
Tādi, A Special Qualities Of The Enlightened Mind
What is Tādi?
IṭṭhāniṭṭhesuHi Arajjanto Adussanto Nāma Tādī Hoti.
(References-Central, district III, p. 98)
Lyrics translation: don't let the craving or dislike starting up upon contact with your favorite things or not, it's called Tādi
It is the qualities of the mind can remain unaffected by Darling, favorite or not. It also makes the mind, not in response to craving or dislike even on the eight worldly life essence (Maple Bowl), d., famous, ignominious, praise, cooking, happiness and unhappiness. This powerful inner essence called the Tādi qualities. The Buddha has urged me to develop this Center qualities.
Completed In Whole Tādi
In fact, the quality of Tādi is done perfectly in the mind of the A-la-Han fully enlightened. Greater Germany Rāhula the Buddha, who only teach, then was eighteen years old, was a voracious (Puthujjana) who have not yet awakened to teach this lesson. The Buddha taught the great Germany Rāhula, although Mr Rāhula remains a voracious (Puthujjana), are trying to develop meditation and strong attitude as strong nature of the Earth, water, fire, wind, vain, so He can gain some degree of Tādi.
The Method And Way Of Developing Tādi
Germany's teachings That show respect for everyone to learn and follow.
Question: how to develop the quality of Tādi?
Answer: practice under the bowl of Legitimacy as mentioned above.
Once you practice the Bowl Legitimacy gained momentum steadily progressed slightly, finally the progress, will run up a magical ability is no matter the storm of life, such as life's ups and downs. When one such stage accomplishments, all dormant negatively as tempers, presumptuous will decrease go. ... The type of negativity will completely eradicate the Prime evidence that enlightened stage Wednesday, as well as the last stage of enlightenment. Tādi quality also from there is fullness.
People Respect Obedience
To date, the Decline Experienced in the French article, the Buddha gave a marvelous message on a new culture of mind regarding a subject of paramount importance as eliminating anger and fell on her starboard side. Now, He continued preaching further away.
  1. "Those other guys can be hard to tell (nan), we would be receptive," this attitude was required of us
  2. "The other guys might be evil, we would be good friends," such as good parents, good teachers and good friends can lead on the path of spiritual development, this attitude was required of us
  3. "Those other guys can more beards in generating good karma, we will actively create good karma", this attitude was required of us. Notes: good karma is the act as alms (Dāna), Maintenance (sīla), meditation (Bhāvanā).
  4. "Those other guys can be real credit, we here will have credibility," a good attitude like we need to head agency
  5. "The other guys might not ashamed (loads so far) for any business, we're here to be ashamed (very good) for any industry, this attitude was required of us
  6. "The other guys may not fear (endless quarterly) regardless of good karma, we here will be scared for real good career", this attitude was required of us
  7. "Those other guys can at least learn, we here will learn both French and France", this attitude was required of us
Here, we have to understand that there are two kinds of Wisdom known as Tri Dharma (Āgama sutta) and France (Adhigama Sutta). French decor (Āgama Sutta) is the intelligence and insights gained from the learning and memorizing Scriptures. French decor (Adhigama Sutta) is the profound enlightenment by Chief Justice (Sammā Diṭṭhi), achieved after the practice of meditation and hypnosis it. in a long time on the way of spiritual evolution. Here, it links to two types of Insight, Wisdom Assigned identifier (Nāmarūpa Pariccheda Ñāna), and the Wisdom to distinguish human charm (Paccaya Pariggaha Ñāna), is the Wisdom to distinguish human fate engenders List.
  1. "Those other guys can indolence for work, we will diligently with philanthropist", this attitude was required of us
  2. "Those other guys can fall, we here would mindfulness on all compounded vi", this attitude was required of us
  3. "Those other guys could paralyze the intelligent (smart), Solomon's achievement here we (Coalition)", this attitude was required of us
  4. "Those other guys can secular infection, bigotry as opinion, Leanne hard travel to discharge, we here would not be tainted secular, non deviant ideas, Leanne easier to discharge", this attitude was required of us
All forty-four principles or rules on are designed to develop and improve their spirituality for those who choose the life of renunciation, mentioned very clearly in Decline (Salleka sutta), the Buddha preaching (Central, I, p. 52-53).
Now more and more apparent that the Male-stilts entered monastic life must have manners and appearance of the earlier renunciation. Are bettering themselves and adjust to the principles and rules needed to develop his spirituality.
To truly reform bill that's needed for the life of renunciation, the Buddha taught in the Spice level is usually a review (Pabbajita Abhiha Sutta).
"Añño me ākappo karanīyo" ti pabbajitena abhiha paccavekhittabba."
Lyrics translation: "Hey Bill-on stilts, we gotta have it all stems, and Italy proper onion spice to life, that is the difference and distinction with the life of a homeless musician", thus, the Male-stilts are always contemplate that. Germany strongly urges Religious World.

Chapter 4.
Visualizations Of Personal Ethics

Now, let's continue with the Song My spice level typically consistent reviews (Pabbajita Abhiha Sutta). The Buddha taught more as follows:
"Kacci nu kho sīlato upavadatī ti me pabbajitena na attā" abhiha paccavekkhitabba."
Lyrics translation: Spice Level is often consistent considering that: "happy we got completely clean with any precepts made?".
A Male-on stilts walked into the life of renunciation must regularly check herself about her voice in the morning, not a little guilt can cause was convicted of related Offences under the law on organ and almond, Tibetan Sutra speaks of precepts. Why is that?
Check the World (Sīla) themselves often make an almond from being marred and clean, this way allows a person can see the status of their Gender is not marred or marred, clean or not clean.
Hiri, an attitude of Disgrace Sin (very good)
Evapaccavekkhato hi ajjattahiri samuthāti. Sā tīsu dvāresu sa vara sadheti. (Explanatory notes increased Nikaya, III, p. 314)
Lyrics translation: visualizations that will cause the Male-stilts a feeling to know disgrace. this works as a guard for keeping important stems, and Italy during cleaning.
Once thought sinful disgrace (very good) run up in mind will help the bulb, the onions, the onion has been checked, make sure all the action going on in these three disciplines are clear. Hiri, is a State of disgrace sin (very good), have the capacity to preserve itself, password, Italy runs the purity.
Here, talking about Gender perspective, this is not just About protective Pātimokkha (Pātimokkha savara sīla) as the precepts are stated in the law on Organ (Vinaya). All have four Genders (Sīla) purity (Purity quarter-plane) is called:
  1. About protective under about corporate citizenship Pātimokkha
  2. About the hedge (Indriya Savara Sīla)
  3. About pure networks foster (Ājīva Sīla Pārisuddhi)
  4. About visualizations of the four items (Sīla Paccayasannissita)
As such, this obviously needs to maintain all four (Sīla) it's purity.
Method Of Practice About The Hedge
Indriya Sa vara Sīla
About the hedge (Indriya Savara Sīla), as the World had to end the record, will not be full and complete if not concentrated meditation practice (samādhi) meditation Vipassanā. Therefore, it must be understood that the practice About the hedge related to focused practice meditation (samādhi) or meditation Vipassanā (Samyutta Nikaya, q2, tr385, Kummopama)
Constantly focussed meditation will make pure, export, Italy, will have a capacity of began to preserve itself, export, Italy.
Results of the four Pure (Sīla Catupārisuddhi)
What will happen if we do not control, export, Italy this way?
Tīsu dvāresu s.a.varo catupārisuddhisīlahoti. Catupārisuddhisīle hito vipassana vaḍḍhetvā arahatta gahāti. (Explanatory notes Increased Nikaya, III, tr314)
Lyrics translation: application of keeping, export, Italy will be the practice of the four Pure (Sīla Catupārisuddhi)
Solid practice Foursome purity (Catupārisuddhi Sīla) and Vipassanā meditation is constantly evolving, that person would be a prime result A-la-Han, the ultimate enlightenment period.
This specifies that first we have to stand on the platform of the four Gender purity, preserving (Sīla) clean, and Vipassanā meditation. Results of the A-la-Han, the target of highest enlightenment would gain as inevitable. This is why the Buddha taught is inspections, reviews the current state of An Everyday on a regular basis.

Chapter 5.
German Border Guards From The Doubt
Or To Be Questioned About An Almond

Now, here's the key documents on Thursday a review:
Kacci nu kho maanuvicca viññū sabrahmacārī sīlato na upavadatī "pabbajitena abhihapaccavekkhitabba
Lyrics translation: Spice Level-one must always consider this one: "you are happy accomplice intellectuals do not blame me about an everyday?".
A Female-stilts, after entering the life of Piracy, must always check the status quo About his happy escape any suspicion by the fellow and Happy accomplices or not.
Contemplate this will bring benefits?
Evapiccavekkhato hi bahiddhā ottappasaṇṭhāti.

Lyrics translation: visualizations, initialization will born fear violating morality.
This means that by the visualizations, it will build a sense of respect for the companion and frightful sense of guilt. For someone who know think whether others will appreciate about their happy, then the situation will easily develop an attitude of respect for fellow tu and frightful feeling profound guilt. So what will come if frightful sense of guilt like kicked the living being?
Tatīsu dvāresu s.a.varasādheti (Annotations for Increased Investment, III, p. 314)
Lyrics translation: mind the frightful Sin will complement the sense of preserving ethics in both body and mind.
Mind the frightful Sin Pali called Ottappa (quarterly), the moral sense is frightful thing, a feeling of respect and fear with friends, teachers, family before and after doing bad or good. When this feeling appears in the mind, which rarely dare to do the wrong thing. So, it will help increase the strength that kept ethics in both body and mind.
Tīsu dvāresu s.a.varo catupārisuddhisīlahoti (Annotations for Increased Investment, III, p. 314)
Lyrics translation: practice of keeping the stems, onions, onions will eventually lead to the completion of the four pure (Catupārisuddhi Sīla). It is clear that the ability to tame the body, export, Italy can improve the practice of the four Pure (Sīla Catupārisuddhi).
After finishing the four pure World, he could easily advance to the stage of Vipassanā meditation practice. When Insight developed and ripe, it will lead to a prime witness fruition A-la-Han. That is why Germany is that Religious teaching must always contemplate the status quo about his happy escape from any possibility of being suspected and convicted by the gay you tu and you Violate.

Chapter 6.
Depart all of your loved ones and everything in your life

Now, this is what visualizations Friday must regularly review number:
Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi nānābhāvo vinābhāvo "ti pabbajitena abhihapaccavekkhitabba
Lyrics translation: degrees of renunciation must always consistent about this: "someday, I will actually leave their loved ones by death or the special glasses".
Benefit of the Visualizations
Contemplate this will bring benefits?
Evapaccavekkhato hi tīsu dvāresu asavutākāronāma na hoti.(Annotations for Increased Investment, III, p. 314).
With a regular taste visualizations like that, there will be no way whatsoever causing the Interior's anniversary.
If a Female-stilts often contemplate on this then it will be able to develop spiritual power, prepared to face every situation in life one way mindfulness and calmness. The ability to control the contents of the apartment that is as strong and durable Vietnamese nouns. As a result, no longer taking any action of any lack of control in the kin, export, Italy.
The human species as well as other creatures, by instinct, is highly vulnerable to the impact when they must depart the loved or lost what they extremely loved in life. Many people find it very difficult to face the loss of their loved ones as well as his favorite. They feel all of the devastation and hopelessness generate panic of the spirit. They were overwhelmed by sorrows, and by the lack of control behaviours such as crying carpet set or manually punched his chest and so would not have reacted like that for a man who often contemplate the nature Morte is an inevitable processof course, it happens in my lifetime.
Note: the grief and the other emotions is a common essence of all beings. However there is a notable difference between an ordinary people lack the discipline to practice spirituality and a spiritual discipline and enlightenment. An ordinary person is susceptible to impact and that's hard to overcome, while the awakening of spirituality can overcome it by NET security status and impassible. There is also a benefit to another in the visualizations:
Maraasatisūpaṭṭhitā hoti (Annotations for Increased Investment, III, p. 314)
Lyrics translation: The mindfulness of death is always in the Centre of the Billion-khưu.
Moreover, prompted by the visualizations, does the realization that death is the ultimate process always follow people, willing lives at any time. The guy knows that yourself and then it will die like people who also died. If possible, using the visualizations, this unit will practice his Mantras, such as practice contemplate death (Maraānussati) of yourself as a subject of meditation. Using the mindfulness insight into death, the will may be faced with the death of a loved one with the NET security and impassible.
Spiritual training is a part, the Buddha has taught everyone who refuge where, as a Female-khưu or renunciation, be regularly visualizations of the apart their loved ones and favorite things either by death or by the nickname.

Chapter 7
Are My Inheritance

Now, we continue doing visualizations Saturday.
The Buddha says: "Kammassakomhi kammadāyādo kammayoni kammabandhu kammapaisarao, ya kamma karissāmi kalyāa vā pāpaka vā tassa dāyādo bhavissāmī" ti pabbajitena abhiha paccavekkhitabba."
Lyrics translation: degrees of renunciation must always contemplate this: We have (Kamma) is the property of ourselves, we inherit the Karma (Kamma), Karma (Kamma) is a descendant of mine, (Kamma) is the progeny of mine, (Kamma) is my refuge. Regardless of how good or bad things, we will inherit the results of that action.
The words of the Buddha extremely strong not just for the Female-khưu but also for everyone. People have to recognize that (Kamma) is the property of me. We have to inherit my Karma. It's actually the descendant (Kamma). The most common Industrial waterway you will always adhere anywhere one reborn. Regardless of the actions and personalities of karma (Kamma) we have cultivated is good or bad, we're going to reap the fruits of that action. That's what Germany Did to honor'd inspired us.
Benefit of the visualizations
When I contemplate this would beneficial?
Evakammasakatapana paccavekkhato pakarananāma na hoti.
Lyrics translation: visualizations Karma (Kamma) is real property by yourself, no one will also cause these rallies.
"We will reap fresh fruit if we sow the charity workers, too, we will reap the fruits of evil if we sow evil people," visualizations like will help us start being frightful sense of sin and moral responsibility in me. This attitude will be a chance to reduce the chance of causing any career. We no longer want or even have an idea though just suddenly for the behavior creates bad karma.
This is a special situation as a script, it can happen to a person is likely a close insight into the aspects of Pratītyasamutpāda (Paiccasamuppāda) as led by the Buddha that it practised a Physical process projection Pratītyasamutpāda, the guy can see each stage of his past life during meditation. Everything in the past to reproduce deep in the consciousness of the time. The guy can see clearly all good or bad karma. In this situation he can reminisce, your mind's seeing real good karma did in a past life and the bad results that they did the reaping. Once the situation has seen to be clear cause and effect law and the nature of the Industry in each of the years past, she would not have even the slightest desire to create real enterprise friendly. This presents a huge significance on the path of spiritual development. Although it has not yet attained the enlightenment intensive deep, it will be able to stand firm against all the ups and downs of his life in a way, order in and steadfastness. Therefore, one must contemplate the nature of the industry and Result in the life.

Chapter 8.
We Have Used The Time Day And Night

Now, this is important stuff for eight constantly visualizations:
Kathabhūtassa me rattindivā vītivattantī "ti pabbajitena abhihapaccavekkhitabba
Lyrics translation: Spice Level is often consistent considering that: "I use day and night like?".
With the teachings, Germany World Religion implies that everyone should be considering the use of time day and night of your valuable know-how. In other words, the Female-khưu must know the time elapsed or how quickly it knew that he had to go by day and night time. More simply, the Female-khưu must always considers himself used the time day and night are the best.
First, are the considerations the practice Violates Happy big or small spice of life during the day and night and how according to the teachings of the Buddha. are sure that I didn't waste a moment to practice It.
On Monday, he will use the best of all time to study or chanting and never waste time doing useless.
On Tuesday, he will use this time to practice As Legal work of Italy (Yoniso Manasikāra), that is, always keep your mind thinking properly. Here, the focus was on any of the meditation practices Yoniso Manasikāra always called (As volitional Agents) in Pali. So the Female-khưu must always ensure the meditating during the day and night. Does the have to make sure not to waste a bit of time forgotten meditation.
Benefits of s visualizations
Contemplate this will bring benefits?
"Eva paccavekkhato hi appamādo paripūrati."

Lyrics translation: using the visualizations, the profound sense of urgency created and Owned the work useful as alms (Dāna), Maintenance (Sīla), meditation (Bhāvanā) and ten friendly development (puñña-kiriya-vatthus).
If a person regularly contemplate this, an attitude of mindfulness (Appamāda) strongly objected to the practice (Sīla), regulatory (Samādhi) and Wisdom (Paññā) in daily life will be captain. It can also contribute strongly to the development the mindfulness awareness t chess is impermanent (Anicca), suffering (Dukkha), anatta (Anattā). Therefore, anyone who steps into the life of renunciation is often a review on precious time and his nights passed.

Chapter 9.
If You Really Like Independent Living Resident?

Now, The Sun continues to lecture about the ninth one documents on article review:
Kacci nu kho ahasuññāgāre abhiramāmī "ti pabbajitena abhihapaccavekkhitabba
Lyrics translation: Spice Level is often consistent considering that: "We have independent living residential Hy Festival, Hanh Pham-life practice or not?"
The Mission of a Happy Offense is our own spiritual development, then will serve others. To fulfill this mission, the Female-khưu that should hide the comport on net President Liao where she and the jungle, stay away from all secular distractions outside, where a guy could focusing it. meditation for developing mind. The guy needs to constantly contemplate that we're an sole occupancy to practice the "far" (Viveka). Viveka word means "far". It also means that the isolation of all the agitation and the negativity of the world. The Buddha teaches:
Parivittassāyadhammo. Nāya dhammo sagaikārāmassa.
(Increased menstruation, III, p. 63)
Lyrics translation: Nine French Super like this just for those who know the conscientious practice of three French far-ly (Viveka), France is not intended for those who are still confused between living mesmerized the world.
(Note: nine French Super like this (Lokuttara Dhamma) i.e. Four Scouts, Four wisdom and Nirvana).
Three French Far-Ly (Viveka)
  1. Loved the far Glass (Kāya Viveka) means NET security body status. This event only occurs when a person do yoga on poison spread life to meditate or to enjoy the NET security.
  2. Mind the far Glass (Citta Viveka) means NET Security Center status. This only occurs when a person is in the process of practicing meditation or your friend enter the mind State nobility such as are entered into the ranks of any meditation etc.
  3. Far Cups Being Y (Viveka Upadhi) means that the State put an end to the four types of birth y. Upadhi Word here means being y-where the contentious deal Nagi. Far Cups Being Y occurs when a person enters kill Nirvana.
Nine French Super world (Lokuttara Dhamma) is only possible for the achievement who preferred to practice the three types of Presbyopia Glasses (Viveka) on the spiritual path. Nine French Super world (Lokuttata Dhamma) cannot and will not occur in the mind who fancy the endless social relations and won't practice the three types of Presbyopia Glasses (Vivekas). This is the Great Economic lesson comes in range of A-nậu-long-da, Mahāvitakka Anuruddha sutta, a genus of Nikaya.
Therefore, if we really wanted to show the French Enlightenment Super Nine, we have to have the attitude of French Cup three respected Far (Vivekas). We have to put the French into the practice of spirituality.
Three French Far Cups (Vivekas)
What is it? That is the
  1. Loved The Far Glass
  2. The Mind Far Cups
  3. Far Cups Being Y
Kāya means Relatives while Viveka means "far". Therefore Viveka Kāya means Far Relatives. When a person lives alone of all four suspected dread going, standing, sitting, lying the him was believed to be in Remote Trunk status. However, living with Relatives in remote Cups (Kāya Viveka) not sufficient to meet Nine of France's Super world, that it is only the initial step necessary for the achievement of nine French Super.
Question: So that positioning next to nothing to achievements of nine French Super?
Answer: we have to use every effort necessary for achievement of eight Meditation (Jhāna and Sampatti) called the mind Far Ly (Citta Viveka). While meditating, practitioners get rid of the negativity to a certain extent it is called Mind the far Glass (Citta Viveka). To ease the birth of the afflictions, he need not attempt to practice meditation Kasiṇa along with the preparation of General (Kasia Parikamma). Then she tastes the accomplishments of meditation (Jhānas and Samāpattis) also known as the Centre of the far Glass (Citta Viveka).
Q: will the Prime eight steps of meditation (Jhānas and Samāpattis) also known as the Centre of the far Glass (Citta Viveka) led to a food poisoning Nine French Super world or not?
Answer: not really.
To reach that level was a very meaningful accomplishment on moral spiritual route, but the guy needs to proceed further on the path of practice. Based on the achievements of France Telecom Centre (Citta Viveka), are continuing to practice Vipassanā meditation by a French Identity and Nomenclature, together with the inherent law of cause and effect in any compounded vi.
When Vipassanā meditation practitioners, Three generals of the French property. When Insight being run through meditation Vipassanā becomes final, it will be able to witness a privileged intellectual property (Magga ñāna), Tue Result (Phala Ñāna) and Nirvana (Nibbāna). If a fake achievements A-la-Chinese Holy Leader and A-la-Chinese Saints, the last stage of the Enlightenment, at which the Prime witness to Nirvana. A-la-Holy Han (Arahatta Magga), A-la-Holy Han (Arahatta Phala) and Nirvana (Nibbāna) is called the far Glass Being Y (Viveka Upadhi), because no longer will any one Being y (Upadhi) would in the future anymore after the achievement of enlightenment. Here the word Upadhi means being y-where the contentious deal tho, Viveka mean termination or eradicated, so that means the removal of the contentious medicine.
The four Contentious French-Y (Upadhi) in the far Glass Being Y (Upadhi Viveka)
  1. Birth Sex Y (Kāmupadhi)
  2. Aggregates Of Birth Y (Khandhupadhi)
  3. Impurities Of Birth Y (Kilesupadhi)
  4. Winning Run Being Y (Abhisakharūpadhi).
From Kāmupadhi (Birth, sexual health) is a combination of two words, which is Kāma and upadhi. Kama means five kinds of gymnastics. Upadhi means Being y. five types of education contacts called Contentious Y (Upadhi) because stray life being kicked from the team. In a State the President represents Nirvana, no longer initiates sexual beings. Hence it is called the far Glass Being Y (Viveka Upadhi). For A-la-Holy Han (Arahatta Magga) and A-la-Holy Han Result (Phala Arahatta) is the same way.
The word Khandhupadhi (Aggregates of birth y) consists of two words: Khandha and Upadhi. Khandha means five aggregates while Upadhi means Being y. five aggregates are called life and sensibility as the Upadhi suffering beings run thanks to skandha is derived. Due to the presence of the five aggregates, the beings reborn where hell, hungry daemons, animal beings, or humanity and suffered different gauge types. The suffering that a being must undergo during the process of conception and birth, aging, sickness, death is caused by the presence of the five aggregates. This is the reason why skandha is called Birth Y (Upadhi). At the Prime witness Nirvana, the five aggregates called Khandhupadhi (Aggregates of birth Y) were absent and ceased operation. So Nirvana known as Presbyopia Glasses Being Y (Upadhi Viveka).
Now let's talk about the Birth of Medicine (Upadhi) Tuesday. It is called the negativity Being Y (Kilesupadhi) consists of the two letter combination: Kilesa and Upadhi. The word Kilesa means negativity to heart while from Upadhi means Being y. why defilements (Kilesa) is known as the Birth of Medicine (Upadhi)?
It is so called because, based on negativity, all suffering endless pain that beings confronted throughout Samsara (sasāra) being run only where the person has not the minus the negativity. The suffering in samsara (sasāra) no longer run up in the mind of those who have the except negativity. Now that we understand the negativity is being y out suffering within birth Prince reincarnation (sasāra). Hence it is called Birth Y (Upadhi). In wuwei Nirvana no negativity Being Y (Upadhi Kilesa) anymore, there is no impurities, so called the far Glass Being Y (Upadhi Viveka).
Now, Being the fourth Executive Wins Sanh y Y (Abhisakharūpadhi) consists of two words: Thang (Abhisakhāra) and Y (Upadhi). From Abhisankhāra meaning reconstruction and revitalization while Upadhi means Being here, from Y. Sheng (Abhisakhāra) referred to the Career and the Career of real friendly with giants in the creation of the reborn. It's called Being Y (Upadhi) because Karma generates suffering and Samsara (sasāra) of birth and career from starting gauge real good are referred to as Karma (Kamma). In wuwei Nirvana no longer Wins (Abhisakhāra), so also no results of any Industry and Business, therefore it is called Vi n Ly Being Y (Upadhi Viveka).
In summary, we now understand the three far-French Cup (Vivekas), called Themselves the far Glass (Kāya Viveka), Center the far Glass (Citta Viveka), Ly Being Y (Viveka Upadhi). Nine French Super world can only practice with the fancy French three-Far Cups (Vivekas). Nine French Super could develop against the unconscionable or not preferred practice three France Telecom glasses (Vivekas) which is only of interest to communicate and live the confusion in society.
That is why the Buddha has insisted must regularly visualizations and wonder that whether we have really enjoyed living alone in the place of President of spiritual development to static or not.
Benefit of the visualizations
When visualizations this will have benefits?
Paccavekhato Evam kāyaviveko paripūrati.
Lyrics translation: The visualizations will help complete the first step of the far Glass (Kāya Viveka).
The visualizations that will always remind the person to go on living alone residents to pursue spiritual growth journey is it.. A when he started making the first step-Relatives Far Ly (Kāya Viveka), is the first step accomplished, two steps Far Cups rest will gradually be developed because they are made with sequential correlations. Hence, the Buddha teachings that are often contemplate this.

Chapter 10.
Hospices on the hospital bed

Now, here's the tenth visualizations often practice:
Atthi nu kho manussadhammo uttari alamariyañā meadassanavisesoadhigato, yenāhapacchime kāle sabrahmacārīhi puṭṭho namaku bhavissāmī "ti pabbajitena abhihapaccavekkhitabba
Lyrics translation: Spice Level is often consistent considering that: "Whether I was actually accomplishing voter opinions of whether the Super Holy ranks ñā Alamariya (visesa adassana), passed the ten common types of chums (Manussa Dhamma), thanks to which we will not feel confused in the final moments of his life when we ask our happy accomplices were privileged to be a French Super what?".
The Male-khưu or anyone take Offense, must often contemplate the tenth article, I have done nothing to develop spirituality, were accomplishing France would not like the steps of meditation (Jhāna), Scouts (Magga), fruits (Phala) and Nirvana (Nibbāna). These achievements are called tri opinion ranks (Alamariya ñānadassana Visesa), it means a Holy tier was enlightened. The Teaser is awesome as the purity of mind since it can eradicate the negativity.
"We're accomplishing any France Super what?", the Male-khưu, with discretion, will always regularly reviews the efforts of ourselves.
With the visualizations of this I would be beneficial?
Suppose one is dying in bed sick, and then the friend at the same time about the position to overhaul practice was progressing? They can ask the "Sage scholars sādhanā Super how to cry yet?". To answer this question with a not so confused. To avoid encountering this situation and to create the necessary thrust for the practice of spirituality, its Male-khưu need to regularly check his achievements was one of Nine French Super world (Lokuttara Dhamma) would not.
Benefit of the visualizations
Are there any significant benefits from a review?
Evapaccavekkhantassa hi moghakālakiriyā nāma na hoti.

Lyrics translation: when the visualizations of this, there will be no unexpected death and the useless waste of time in my life.
It can appreciate the current state of their cultivation has improved in how Super yet. Its taste will know that he'd have no time to waste, which will Pack twice the effort to practice it. Moreover if not yet achieved no progress. He tastes fully aware last stage is inevitable in life like the Sun was forced to dive at sunset.
We all know that sunset my life will eventually come. Along with too many times the sun goes down in my life, I'm reachs to death and never get rid of it. With the mindfulness of this invariant processes, thanks to which will develop a will and strong determination of the extent of the precious life section left to practice a lot more. There's no time to waste anymore. With this strength and attitude, he will focus more for the developing World (sīla), regulatory (samādhi) and Wisdom (paññā). Each progress and developments on the spiritual path will inevitably lead to a prime witness of France that he expected that taste Super.
The Buddha saw the useful like that, should He have regular practice instruction of ten kinds of visualizations of this every day. Therefore, it is the responsibility of anyone who walked in the path It Everyday because the Buddha taught with the goal of eliminating negativity, try to attempt the practice according to the teachings of The Religion. This will lead to meaningful progress on the spiritual evolutionary journey.
The conclusion.
Hitvā kāme pabajjisu,
Santo gambhīrasintakā
Te tumhe pya-nusikkhāvho,
Pabbajitā supesalā.

The degrees of Sage and Holy-gone profound level
With thinking and wisdom, to become the Male-stilts
And the hermit gave up five ceiling
Oh, whether modern life!
Please love and
Head of nursing them.
Following the path of freedom and liberation.

Blessing to you soon reach the aim to rescue the rescue wing enlightenment, enlightenment Nirvana
The Teacher Pa-Auk Tawya Sayādaw
Meditation Center, Tawya Pa-Auk

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