Sunday 12 January 2014

Buddhists worshiped his address, Shen?

As Earth Store Sutra also raised many deities. However, according to Buddhism, is a genius in many living beings. Therefore, the Buddha was not a Buddhist refuge with the spirits.

There are many Buddhists take refuge without regard remember the words you taught him refuge during the ceremony. When the refuge, you have seen, in the words of yet and only teaches very clearly: In Three refuge, refuge is the first refuge in the Buddha. Refuge in the Buddha, the Buddhist prayer life only refuge in the Buddha alone, absolutely, not refuge in God, Gods, Demons, Physics. It is a Buddhist vow of speaking Jewels.
Yet, after taking refuge and, perhaps, a, is as worry and busy busy with more computational work to eat, so that Buddhists had forgotten what his vows, this time to his left and his address Download Spirit in the church. Two, is still remembered, but do not give up because the collective worship of this deity. Because they want to worship this deity Buddha bless women with more power for themselves and their families always have peace, high traffic, no money like water.
Shen If indeed he church of their households are wealthy, money in pockets no rushing, then some manufacturers mammonish sure they must be rich, none in the world. Try asking boys do it, to no real wealth? And Mr. Shen has truly bless those he not? Or that he must make some food for their lives for their money.
That said, for Buddhists see that, although there were Buddhists take refuge in the Three Jewels, Triple Gem, but trust and believe the uncertain causality. This is the most common disease Buddhists we do not have enough faith in the Three Jewels and hence the causality of the state church he is that man.
Back problems, Buddhists asked about the origin of these two men, as far as my understanding, then until today, insisted it had not been clear on why this hybrid of two Gods. Basically, there are many different theoretical perspectives. Here, I only ask outlined some general definition of the origin of this tradition of worship. Indeed, the practice of worshiping God with Vietnam also has longstanding. It can be said, since the Vietnamese people are already worshiping god religion. Like other peoples, the Vietnam trust each concept and a phenomenon that has a governing deity dwells. As lament Street aka The Earth Gods ruled the land in the garden area homes. In folk have a saying: "The Turkish Land, Ba Ha river." In addition to the soil, other Gods are also people like Shen church home, First Division, First Owner, etc. The Holy ...
The Earth is a folk deity worshiped is very important. Because this deity oversees family, being intended graphics. In family want peace, and want to be prosperous farms, all supervised by the god of the soil and good luck. Worship idols, sometimes as a fat old man (his address) paunchy, gentle face, nice smile. Sometimes, Turkey Location object is expressed in the form haired beard, wearing a long, raven beak hat, white beard as freight. The reason for these differences so iconic, is due to the cultural influence of each region. Taoism very seriously and diligently worship this deity.
And the God of Fortune, according to folk tradition that the gods bring fortune for all. Typically the commercial business, it is very important you worship this deity. This is a promising practice credit, this presentation under the old, so that the church, while the inspiration may not, depending on where people believe. 2 On the altar of this god, one only church in a hidden corner somewhere in the house or in the shop, no need to decorate in that tall. Often in Vietnam, there are a number of places, people generally worship two gods, do not worship separately, because according to them, resources and benefits must go together. The Earth belongs interests, financial Shen belongs. When the general church, we find couplets pasted on his altar two like this: "Turkish fertility onyx, Place of golden possibilities." means: the land is often born good pearl, gold and land from which place.
Interspersed in the Buddhist scriptures, sometimes also refers to the deity. As Earth Store Sutra also raised many deities. However, according to Buddhism, is a genius in many living beings. Therefore, the Buddha was not a Buddhist refuge with the spirits. Buddhists, after refuge, the only set in a Buddhist altar and if more churches, it is only their ancestors, grandparents, or parents only. Also, should not worship any other gods. As such church, is contrary to the word of the Buddha taught. Fought on the contrary, of course, is the error I had before. If Buddhists, we should be mindful of this problem. Maybe, if we are to be worthy of his Buddhist practice Buddhism so true. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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