Friday 3 January 2014

Back in time more than 25 centuries, since the big moment marked a resounding victory in the history of mankind, an ordinary man struggling with his inner self has escaped the bondage of suffering any pain of rebirth. A great great man appeared.
 statement has his first ever after remain a triumphant song, ending march against the enemy they Mara negativity, put an ordinary man from one location to Enlightened One, the Master of the heavens. Since that time honored Him who is the Buddha - The Enlightened paramount. And so, every year the first day of the eight lunar month, people across five continents Buddhists are slaves rejoiced to welcome a historic event: Shakyamuni Buddha enlightenment. Harmony with the general joy of all species, today let's learn together about the meaning of the Buddha's enlightenment. I. Overview of the Buddha:

Living locks himself in a golden prison and forced by circumstances Who's apparent death, Prince Si-Dat-Ta (Siddhattha) does not have to be a little relaxed, peaceful. Life has always been stalked by aging, illness, death, grief, lamentation, pain, grief, brain, he decided to give glory and wealth, as a homeless recluse looking to save their liberation and human kind.
elapsed time, nearly a year studying with Taoist sect leader Alara Kalama Samkhya (Comment number) in the Vesali (Pi-health-glass) and with Uddaka Ramaputta (Hebei's oil-boom), leadership seconded Yoga (Yoga) in the capital Rajagaha (United-residence), recluse Gotama did what insight gained two hermit, but he is not satisfied, because they are not supreme enlightenment. He rejects two to the religious hermit and ascetic year is Kondanna (Kieu Tran-As), Bhaddya (Silver-Thread), Vappa (De-Ba), Mahanama (Mahanam), Assaji (Ac-Stands ). The search for truth on our practices lasted 6 years, resulting in nothing but the pain, exhaustion ... He again rejected ascetic sect and "yourself up that torch go" .
After 49 days and nights thinking meditation under the tree Assatha (Tat-bowl-la), on a night when both of the morning star currently, location super sense of inner glow Vietnamese, certified recluse Gotama Supreme supreme Buddha [1]. He was the sun with 10 religious reverence effect: As-Lai, Application Offering, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, celestial, the World League, Supreme Officers, Chief Diaoyu, Thien Nhan Master, Bhagavan Buddha [ 2].
II. Meaning Enlightenment:
1 - Humans are paramount:

Blessed is the One of Great Enlightenment Buddhist enlightenment. He is as much a self-enlightened people but the truth, and bring enlightenment that teach people. Let us not err when he pasted behind the brand that he himself does not recognize. Therefore, we should not see him as a religious teacher of religion through worship Him with devotion of a believer, because this is not the will of God. He is a culture because we have to look him in the eyes of a culture. He is a philosopher because he had to learn through the knowledge of our philosophy. Rather, we can only say that he was to meet the daily needs of a society, respond integrity, through enlightenment, by virtue of the infinite, thanks to his indomitable willpower. Buddha declared, He is not God, angels or spirits in a distant world between life appeared.
, he said, everything he done, and completion is reached is , are entirely due to effort and human intelligence. Humans and only humans can become a Buddha. So the idea that he is a divine universal character, except graphics can bless a false idea. We love glass Buddha because he himself is an entity drawn by the human elements and wisdom. Germany, and his teachings are summarized pearls with human material. We love glass Buddha because in Him we find our own shadows. Also because of this, so for more than two thousand five hundred years of history, Buddhism is a life full source replication properties. Buddha is the source of life is opened up, opened up rather than chemistry is built. We can call him a great man rotation. He is too perfect in his humanity that later in mass religious, he was regarded as a superhero. The Buddha said, if someone genuinely understand, please understand that, he was a charming no confusion, born out of happiness in human life, because great compassion for life, for the benefit, as well happiness, because happiness of gods and men (Central I, Beijing No. 4, p 53).
Buddhism So that man position is paramount. People are their own masters, and no one entity or on high power to dispose of its fate. "He is his own refuge, who else could do more helpless? " .
2 - middle way between two extremes removed:

With experience in itself. Exalted pointed false idea of the sexes. A sensual passions of infection, two ascetic mortification is, in other words, literacy advocates optimistic and pessimistic sect advocated. Delegation of optimism will be materializing, natural chemistry, hedonistic. Pessimistic sect advocated self-disgust precarious life, filled with sordid body, use a medium-mortification, fasting, suffering body to quickly leave this body and the body needs good happy afterlife.
According to Lord Sun, two undertakings have no benefit and that is just mind Unjust, only the result is only suffering. Abandoning both these extremes. Exalted Eightfold practice. And he has to find true bliss on this path. This is the middle path leading to supreme enlightenment. As such, he said the Middle path which He found, as a result of enlightenment through the practice, concentration, wisdom. In the Dhammapada, Product Director, 152 pp. stating:
"Eight district, road wins,
four sentences, justice wins.
detachment, law wins.
Between the two species of the foot,
the French label who wins. "

"This way, no other way
to pure Giving
If people follow this path
will Mara distraction ".
3 - Make yourself relying

Abandoning two famous hermit and his five fellow to "up the torch themselves go" , is itself religious sermons lively, reflecting the gradual realization of the rank order Our Guru are progressing on schedule enlightenment.
always taught him not to surrender myself, thoughts, ideals, goals in life for anyone, any ideology, any ideology whether they have become traditional, customary, because the owner alone operation, create suffering or happiness. Buddha said: "Do not believe because the tale, do not believe for traditional and do not believe it because I heard people say, and do not believe it because the canonic handed, because people do not believe metaphysical reasoning; Do not believe as true in a stance and do not believe for a superficial assessment of the facts and do not believe so fit stereotypes and do not believe it because coming from where authority and do not believe for Sa- the subjects of the Master himself . " And He says: "If this show is bad, these things are immoral, these things have been the place to criticize, what if followed and implemented will bring harm and evil, then from away. " And "If this show is good, what is good, what is a location praise, these things if followed and practice will bring good benefits, then accept them " .
clearly we see the Buddha always respect the thoughts, comments and our own decisions, he does not want us to blindly obey Him, obey His judgment passively. He asks us to reflect a maturity, a sense of personal experience, and then assess the work is good or bad, to a new attitude to follow or reject. He therefore advised us to go as "a refuge for yourself" and never find shelter or help from anyone else. His teaching, encouraging and promoting yourself each practice and find their own salvation, because humans have the capacity freed himself from all ties of wisdom and efforts of their own. He says: "The people should do their job, because the Germans proclaim-only road" . If one is a Buddha called "messianic" go further then just means that he discovered and pointed out the path to liberation, Nirvana. But we ourselves must step on this path.
4 - Human beings can become Buddhas

"Do your own that go up the torch" , is to arouse herself lamp wisdom, Buddha seeds arouse latent within each person. Because of that, "All living beings have the Buddha nature" (Circuit set between organic beings Buddha nature), that is, anyone can become a Buddha practice [3]. We accept students because greed is the five aggregates for us, that's me, is my self ... and a sense that my body, my feelings, my thoughts, my perceptions, ... I formed a selfish desire to do so obscuring the inherent nature of every enlightened beings. This concept is the Lotus Sutra describes the poor image, inherent in the treasures lap but had no idea that traveled around for a living, to improve upon the intellectuals indicates new or known, thereby escape the misery. We, too, because not everyone has to know the Buddha nature, so go through countless number of lives, but fellow human remains in the vast ocean of suffering of birth and death. Buddha is the Master, he is only responsible for bringing out the method just described to achieve enlightenment, we also have the responsibility to promote the inherent potential. Thus, from the mundane to the process of Buddhahood, is fighting the process itself, breaking the ramparts eradicate ignorance, greed. Buddha declares: "Sea may be shallow, mountain may collapse, the earth can corrupt, but the suffering never cease to human ignorance and craving" (corresponding to III, Chapter I, section 5, page 267). Buddha cessation of ignorance, craving the sun so he was honored as the Master, who transcends all creatures. He said: "I am the Buddha, the Buddha beings will be" .
Overall, the event's enlightenment is Exalted son of the religious history of humanity, open up a new era, era of cloning, equality, compassion and selflessness. He is the great master of humanity, a man wonders world often appear in person, with the wisdom of expressed through language, texts often echo the commotion caused in religious history and philosophy.
nearly three time goes millennia, the human world has changed many times, but the Buddha's teachings remain forever immortalized message for human testing, research and action. Buddha was a man, but a man of infinite crystalline essence of human perfection. So, standing at any angle, it is also found to be the embodiment of God. It is the embodiment of truth, of wisdom and compassion. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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