Saturday 18 January 2014

Learn About the Law like?
Q: We hope Master will teach us how to Dharma is the long head.
A: If you can not compete, not greed, not need, not selfish, not self-interest, do not expect the language so that Dharma's office.
Q: We do not know how school discipline?
A: Only Six of Ten Thousand Buddhas is that discipline. That is:
- No picture shall not transgress police. Why do we have to kill baby? Because want to compete. I won the British born comic murder, arson. No war is not to kill, so the world does not keep killing.
- Not participating is not transgress theft. Why want to steal? Because they are involved. Join wanted to make his character's. If not taking the world can not keep stealing.
- Not for sexual transgression is not. The men hunt and women, such as bridges; hunt for men and women as well as demand. Bridge is not it crazy spirits, even in pursuit of a dream still, restless mind and body.
- Do not be selfish suicide is no transgression term prospects. Why term prospects? Because want to protect their own interests, so go to where people are deceived and lied to them. If its not selfish, though where I could say that there is no genuine issue fraudulent.
- No self-interest is not committed to the world of wine. People think that drinking alcohol can make blood circulation, is beneficial for the body, certain to be healthy. As the drunk feeling lightheaded gentle as a god, a first. That's delusions are drinking. They are self-beneficial cooperation that monster.
- Do not expect English , in which the above has always involves both language and expectations. However, due to people being forewarned, I place particular emphasis to the word ugly prospect. So I was reminded more of this item. 
If everyone was really no competition, no greed, no bridge, not selfish, not self-interest, do not expect English, it will be certain social security and certain family will be happy.
If the people in the world have to strictly keep the five precepts, none of these acts, such as killing, robbery, adultery, term prospects, and alcoholism, they will have no sorrow, no worries, giving grief. So says Six Guidelines dark magic is this practice, it also can be said that:
"Supreme profound Abhidhamma.
Bach astronomers realized my nan lives.
Falls needle is a prime office life over.
Vow factor solution that's true. "
That is very deep French supreme magic. Hundred of thousands of lives difficult would like to see. Now I hear that maintain life. Prayer means understanding how the foot. said I would add one more question, as do Buddhists themselves, the lowest level in modern world must seriously keep this basic and practice in a radical way, so we peace and liberation. Suppose in this world that does not hold, that the world of Bhikkhus 250, 348 nuns of the world is even more difficult to maintain. So in the forest but Ta-la-life, when Buddha Shakyamuni Thich about to enter Nirvana, he had told the Venerable Ananda, saying, "Get him precepts do." Therefore, we know that the world law it is essential to know how!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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