Wednesday 1 January 2014

Play Let Buddhist Studies.
  • What is "Dharma?" Dharma ie legal world , but is the way that people do not want to practice life. The whole day busy life, anxiety, four three, if the reason is not because of selfishness because they want to preserve the life, property and personal life.
Dharma not so selfish private, but entirely because of the common good, for the sake of the people. So, who do study the Dhamma mortal, say so because others also. Be yourself lightly, ready to sacrifice oneself for others, and not put-brain, suffering for others. It was Buddhadharma so.
  • Why Buddha beings want? Because he found that: "Every man is my father, all women are my mother." Because "parents" are in his six realms of cyclic existence of suffering, therefore, no matter how well he to save sentient beings, hope that "parents" will be separated from His suffering, enjoying eternal happiness!
  • Buddha has great wisdom , we have great stupidity . Therefore, we must learn Buddha-wisdom learned his place. We must take the Buddha-mind as your mind, take vows of Buddha made ​​his vow; always practice kindness, compassion, Joy, Equanimity in the four states of mind not a shore thing; must always practice Method "Nan ring ring ability, executive function difficult issue, " difficult to endure what I could ring, the hard work and no one wants to do it, I can do it.
  • Buddhist Studies is not so subliminal learning things, dark shirt, because:
Tam Dao is normal,
Mind is frankly temple.
Therefore, people use an upright heart that practice!
  • The Buddha must learn how to Buddhism a bright day, and do not let a corrupt Paths day.
How to make religion more glorious? First, nurture, cultivate a noble dignity, good. When the foundation is solid new high floor collapsed, so people with high architecture are built from the ground solidly. For something to cultivate, if we want to build a real foundation must first make cultivate dignity, ethics workout.
  • Regardless of Mahayana, Theravada, Buddhism or TT, admit any first also taught us to eliminate bad habits, wrong mistakes, get rid of very-clever, sorrow, greed, hatred and delusion.
If you can wipe out all the bad habits will naturally corresponds to the meaning of the scriptures. Disabilities damage, but not made mistakes, then you can never understand the sense in business! 
  • Make sure you use the leg-center that Buddhist concept. Reciting the Buddha's voice is nowhere born in a trench-ray guidance. If you urgently, even the Buddha mind, the trench-ray guidance will air throughout the Three-natural world, making the air in three thousand Dai-natural world becomes auspicious, so much more air pollution, venomous, change woes were before.
  • Every day we recite the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, but, "Avalokiteshvara" mean?
"Yin" the introspection that is sound in earthly world. Quan also mean looking , but not looking outside, that is look at the heart of all beings.
  • When we recite Buddha Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva should not bow down to that notion. Must raise his head to signify brave spirit, diligence, should not seem feeling bad, out of breath, my best.
  • If you want to study the Dhamma, you absolutely need to be diligent, brave, like a tiger from the high mountains plunge stormed finished, swallowing his karma!
  • Remember! Remember! The beginner should practice certain Buddhist patience . Even if someone really wants to kill you, you do not absolutely hatred born!
  • The need to study Buddhism:
"Get real he is wrong,
Do not blame the fault.
The fault is his fault,
At the new Great Compassion! "
  • The Buddha learned to ask yourself: "I was the father-trial or a genuine fame to help others? About I maintain, patience, diligence, meditation-Dinh, Tu wisdom ... is to give people we see, or because I really want to practice? "
Martyrdom is not masked, false drama, gesturing for the others to see. Martyrdom is purely based on intrinsic elaborate on their own. Pour into a little effort, a little use of it is a little harvest. Use the center part of the sensor part. All of them have genuine, not fake. Do not fool yourself, fool people!
  • Buddhist students who need to take a loss and disadvantaged. Vinh Gia Huyen-ambassador-Enlightenment have questions:
"The word evil, as merit,
He healed her of who we are!
No scolding for being hurt, hate,
Infinite-Birth Of Stars show human? "

  • There are people who verbally abuse you, that help you become better, you need to:
Adversity or pros, are diligent,
Criticism or compliment, not the mind!
Do not be so ridiculed, humiliated resentment is born. Must consider who hated and loved equally, and kindness that used to treat them, if not, how to express that strength comes from rabbis from France Infinite-Birth Rings? 6
  • Why not use that to reach the corresponding place? As for habits, habits since leaving countless lifetimes too deep. Thus, although heart towards Bodhi want, but, the truth is not subject to the next step and just wanted regressed. Must know by habit too heavy, deep and thick karma back, so I need to discard as delusions. Dispose delusions khoochi not need to forget yourself, then there would be no delusion!
  • The religious practice of reciting the Buddha , everywhere at all times to conception without interruption, without a break of six words "Namo Amitabha Buddha." Concept also waking, sleeping well at conception. Must note rose six letters of "Namo Amitabha Buddha" how not pull cut off, breaking not broken, do not leave the sword. Power must be used as solid diamond anniversary.
If you have no way undermine pink string concatenation of "Namo Amitabha Buddha", it enables new practice called the nembutsu Three-blacks. Nianfo it as such, and recite mantras should look like .
  • When the Buddha was alive, once he picked up a handful of soil, and Disciples asked: "You tell me, I land in many palms on the ground or earth this much?"
D said: "Of course a lot of land on the ground, and land in the hands of too little, the Exalted."
The Buddha said:
"Dak false identity,
As Attorney rabbit eggs.
Seven false identity,
As great local brothel. "
That is: "The people who are themselves less as land holding in my hand, while those who lose themselves as they land on the ground more so."
Those who lost relatives, sink in evil ways, indeed more so as the land on the ground!
  • Zen practice is "pointing the center, see the Buddha nature" and also the DC Education . DC Catholic practice due diligence Shop Teaching fence while cutting treatment management, the need to store convent. 7
Right now, we go, standing, lying, sitting, both belong to the religious store . Until one day, when your true light, enlightenment, the course will work, then called the cutting treatment. , DC inseparable shop . Salon capital aid cut.
Those who practice what the legal systems of the law which is best, if not the best because they are not fun, do not take that practitioners! If you truly understand that " all things are Dharma, all could not grasp, "you will notice that there is something to that attachment to both.
  • Compensation application is due to normal use of that out. When the lady reached the appropriate spot, you Quit enlightened nature. If not using the normal, then you could not cutting treatment is.
Like a baby after it is born of orders daily collection (collecting data on language), and at some point it will say out loud babbling, when it utters the first sentence, the same as being "enlightened." Then at some point it will toddler, and when it goes, the first step is similar to the "enlightened" so. Why go baby can be that first step? Thanks to look at adult day walking days, it orders the data set that, so know that going natural.
We also use the practice of the present vayongay, tomorrow the public, to use the sophisticated back until they ripen naturally not bear wandering. When on their delusions, they will be enlightened!
  • Mistakes that we usually like to be committed to the praise of others, flattered. If someone complimented her for an hour, and there was psychedelic, uplifting. How ignorant, how to become a Buddha? Himself that he was not well known, any ambiguity!
If you can maintain Gender, self-adhesive, edifying Hue, then you will not mind when the insults or compliments. Who cursed you, you never feel angry, who praise you, nor your little hearts delight! In fact, insult or compliment just a "wind" of the world. There are questions that:
"Bat style estate has championed."
That is not something to be eight "wind" as agitated.
Eight things "wind" What is he? It is flattering (confess), ridicule (for), pain (suffering), joy (peanuts), gain (profit), undoing (failure), cursed (canceled), and praise (projected) .
If you eight things to "wind" makes agitated mind, that is your platform is not stable. Background What is human? As a virtue!
The heart is not sufficient virtue is great anger, ignorance is very heavy. If they feel virtuous anger will dissipate ignorance will turn into wisdom. Therefore, we need to practice the virtue to cultivate .
  • Those who can surrender after intervention, after the battle, the subsequent, 8 that they do not disturb, that person is the Bodhisattva. Who can wipe feelings, not even dirty, that person is the Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva did not cry, did not laugh. Everywhere, all the time, all the Bodhisattva himself in, no bondage, no obligation, no hell very afraid, not bothering no brain, no kill unborn, not dirty not clean, not increase not decrease. Buddha to place learners in the use of this site.
  • We have to create the Pure World. How to create? First, to get rid of lost love . lovelorn What is? These are the seven things seem camovui (Hy), anger (anger), grief (one), fear (specific), love (love) hate (evil), and desire (sex).
We must subdue seven such affection, that we can not any more disturbances. At that time, we will be interested unscathed, all the misery will dissipate.
Why are we suffering? Because the mind is not peaceful! If we only have peace and no longer suffering, it's what this time is that the Pure World.
  • When you recite the Buddha is the same as you sent a telegram to the World Pole Laconiem a sentence that is sent a telegram, recite two verses are two telegrams sent tinongay day day day chanting to Buddha A telegram sent Di Da.
In the World of Ultimate Bliss, Buddha Amitabha has radar (radar), also signal recorder. Recorders and radar signal is what? It is seven golden lotus in the pond . You recite a sentence is a bit large lotus blossom. If you constantly recite the showers will gradually enlarged wheel. Wait until you are reborn in the Pure World in the West, the Buddha-nature and nature-foot would turn this lotus birth place. By the lotus blossom, the Buddha-nature is also evident your. Hence there is the sentence:
May the birth realms Western Pure Land,
Nine lotus flowers are a parent,
Flowers bloom, see the Buddha, enlightenment unborn,
Real Bodhisattvas are rotten companions.
  • Buddha believe it may cause us to elect Often, Us, Falling, Pure bliss othu finality, therefore, we should believe in the Buddha. Yet, "believe Buddha" is not to say private is empty enough, that we need to practice Dharma properly. If only say believe , without being religious, as well as describe the food or count money fears people, there is no benefit for themselves at all. Old people have said that:
Path is right action,
Truth is not only useful action?
Germany is due to religious,
not from where the cultivates Germany?
Therefore, we must carry hanhothuong rightly brought the word " birth and death " hanging between your eyebrows, take the word "ethics" under foot!
Why say "bring the word ethics under your feet? " Because ethics is the basic foundation of human, as well as the roots of trees that root. Ethically, do we stand; zero, then under vacuum fulcrum, no place to stand up like that. If we make the word "ethical", then personality is firmly established, things will naturally be successful! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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