Wednesday 1 January 2014

 Based on historical documents, especially in virtue of Sutra Due main ethnic Neng by virtue autobiographical, this is not a metaphor for all that it is a truth. And this truth was most scholars, historians studying scriptures Security Forum will admit that.
Buddhists wonder why the export from the back while he bowls so scrambled? In fact, this is also a psychological aspect is very often the only. Home people do not stop and clean out negativity. Because home person but had to give up all worldly things sexual, but for the subtle mental defilements, not everyone can easily give end to end is where. If you have an end of all, it has become saint who died. Because there are boosters, so on the way to practice to achieve ultimate enlightenment liberation, which of course you have to practice outsourcing efforts reflect the long-term metabolic afflictions, do not nobody fully enlightenment is all. Buddhists say that to understand the sympathy for.
But there's competition here, the nature of the content it does not like competition in the world. In this world, people scrambled together just to occupy private property rights. Once they do not satisfy their heart's desire, the more they lose the dispute emerged bloody massacre each other vehemently. In contrast, here we see these people as they vie for the inherited problems and is only required to regain fairness only.
If we place ourselves in the minds and the circumstances of it, we see the chase scramble to grab a bowl of their health is not too good or absolutely ridiculous. Remember, faith Neng, the German team was transmitted robe and bowl Hoang Rings for, is to be transmitted secretly, do not dare openly to mass TV shows know. Why? Since then, The Hui Neng also take the form of a peasant he lay ignorance. When Huynh Mai ashrams, he just serviceman working from home category. This means that he must retire rice than eight months.

 Y, Bat assets, is  precious lineage of the Buddha

Meanwhile, the other is the increase of their position and lay disciples of the Fifth Patriarch to the masses more than a thousand people. Particularly, we have increased more than five hundred people. These men were under the Fifth Patriarch passive learning and have a long-term process of learning. Then the teacher is teaching them his interjection. On the Fifth Patriarch under the interjection. An old teacher Wizards canonical information that is not transmitted robe and bowl, he passes for a lowly peasant laity ignorant, so try to ask them how indignant and angry not to be? So, they decided to steal the robe and bowl with the aim is to regain requires fair only.
The reason we chase items (among them Venerable Ming is the best horsemen, because before he was ordained a minister) after all, just for that purpose. Moreover, they do not want to say more as the Dharma Zen about to lay his hands of a lowly peasant incapacious costs. Yet, he instead passed to ensure the organization is to assume legal responsibility inner city lines. That is one thing they can not accept. They could not bear the sight of Medicine blatantly bowl of a hand back on his home country that uneducated ignorant. Furthermore, he was a layman how can I compete with a higher increase Virtuous as his interjection. If he bowls the Fifth Patriarch lineage for his interjection is what has happened so scrambled? So everyone just thought he deserved a new interjection y transmitted and inherited the bowl only.
Thinking such examination, I can sympathize a context and aspirations of his actions. In fact, it is these people do not mean anything personal intrigue. Remember, at that time in which no one understands enlightenment of the Patriarch energy. Since German team deliberately did not want to hide the Sixth Patriarch blown whereabouts until the last minute. Because of loopholes exposed just a little secret, it's threatening Neng is difficult to ensure safety. Thus, we see everything arranged by German group arranges all. It is a true circumstances of force majeure and extremely special secret. Even later, the Sixth Patriarch to live in hiding with the boy in the jungle hunter undergone 15 years. If not, then he will be all harms.
And as if to say between Sixth Patriarch Hui Ming and there is a high density of conditions, it does not have to be ridiculous. Obviously, when he flipped Hui Ming bowl not on, see what the mystery, so he said the new process, as he came here as legal and not because he bowls. Due word that comes from the sincere fervor of a legal demand, so Neng appeared to show and tell so calm Hui Ming in his second term and then loudly declared a blunt question: "Do not think good thoughts and evil, the very moment what the item is resold area Venerable Ming"? Even saying this, Hui Ming became enlightened immediately. It is not a very rare enlightened coastal stars! So long, in which they lived under the Fifth Patriarch and day school life with teachers interjection, yet not show enlightened, he has only heard a peasant lay say a sentence thunder, he immediately brightened show enlightened . If not a special karmic period between two people before they get to do that?
In short, the struggle here is the story in the medicine bowl meditation and the events that occur in a real situation is too bizarre special. In terms of human psychology, we see that in any time. Because he is the focal bowl of concurrency. So that from the time he bowls Neng onwards no longer continue the lineage. First, because Zen has been saved radio operator, and was widely known. Second, to avoid the harms seeds scramble together. Because the practice is not an end of all my afflictions of greed, hatred and delusion ... then the dispute still can not be avoided. That is a fact.
However, the struggle of religious people, of course, other than the struggle of life very much. From a concurrency concepts are together, body style has been transformed into "no war no-thought". The transfer of sudden passion enlightenment only happens in the blink of an eye. If you have not prepared Hui Ming in mind is ripe, how soon realized he was showing through the Sixth Patriarch's words merit?
That is a valuable lesson for us, in disputing the notion entity disputes. In other words in the minister being destroyed, what can be being immortal nature hidden in it. As the availability of water waves. Just quietly, the whole standing-wave nature of the country presents. Waves and water together can not secede. Want to see the water, just calm waves. Also, can the true nature inherent in the phenomenon of false birth and death. In other words, what can the available potential in the phenomenon. Leaving no ontological phenomenon. Or vice versa, too. Because such funds available, so just have the only open spot market at the right time, they will receive the body or substance "is not the eternal war" in his own place. Thus, "What is war without the war." Typically, the last event of Venerable Ming gnosis which is a specific proven so.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/1/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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