Saturday 28 December 2013



I. - Directions: After Buddha attained supreme enlightenment, Sarnath him back to speak to people who no longer trust him, given how they believe in, e Buddha was only for their memories see the truth: The life is suffering (dukkha), the factors that cause suffering (episode), need to end suffering for eternal peace (Annihilation), the eight paths of righteousness shall go to the safe place of f n calm (Act). imperialists are generally aware of the road to go, but August is the right way to practice the e To reach the court n friendly.

II. - Eight e primary curve maps: A Path to step into the road, he must preserve e i follow eight career path to purity three (World), to meditation to calm the mind is (d Estimate), understand make known the true wisdom arises (Hue). It is the practice that the beginner as well as executive level must be attained as such, eight is the right way:

1) Understanding the true (Right): What we learn, learn, see how things are primary e good farm, in accordance with customary practices and e Scapular, explanations not contrary to the truth. Aware of all beings are equal because the same have Buddha nature, things can only assume, not everlasting, all acts of charity, the artifacts are evil retribution, religious right to advance to the district level class, enlightenment.

2) right thought (Thought): As opposed to thinking perhaps should not, be beneficial for everyone, think about the causes of suffering e au to avoid causing suffering, think about the error wrong to repent, think about the good deeds have made ​​or will make the e Article for everyone to benefit booster m where his compassion.

3) the true words (Speech): Speak mellow, telling people two holes ng, fun, say the right thing Dharma, true, there are benefits for everyone, to use words lecturing others hear, believe in Buddhism, filial piety to parents, upon discussion with you, relatively close to the village. Does not say a, not to say cruel words to make others suffer, do not say words that are harmful to others.

4) act righteously (Right now): Action artifacts always good karma, so the data entered path must be careful to preserve his actions did not hurt, but the benefit of others, Small things matter dd en Where is the evil he could do, though contrary to good small e en where not ignore. We neon n remembered taught in books:
Opening evil effects Chu
They serve good practice
standard magnetic period
| Market Buddhist monks.

That is :  
Do not do evil,
the volunteer work.
purity of his own Self,
Yet word of the Buddhas.

5) Life righteous (Right Action): The Buddhists have true life, career doing right now its true, do not cause suffering to the profession or to the animal, not debauchery, drinking, flag silver, smoking policies, not superstition, there are enlightened people, their " extensive grimy exhaust, exhaust themselves for direction " , meaning that they give to the rich, s tube simple life, not enjoying pleasures that go do what works for direct benefits for life, is always m the benefit of everyone.

6) Progress in righteousness (Right Effort): it must learn and progress in e curve maps direct, be diligent,, transfer n need of meticulous hours in your day whether from home or place of true, though is cultivating the meditation, calm, security, though busy teachers, though e au ill also have to keep the meticulous hours galaxies ng day, not only that but also try to practice today than yesterday.

7) In Memoriam true (Sati): Always keep your mind pure, so just remember the good deeds he had done, remembering e en Buddha, or the most right thing forward, reaching for the that dwell in the present, in the each side of his breath, outside what is in front of the bike like a natural scene, a cool stream, a blue sky, a fresh flower, a bird singing.

8) Meditation righteous manner (Right Concentration): We Meditation method of orthodox Buddhism in sleep center shops nh:
a) Quan breath: the breath in, breath out dd breath To the mind, the mind wandering treatment.

b) impure body shop : the body shop to get rid of impure lust, desire and delusion.

c) Inertia compassion: As beings are considered equal, except the hatred, jealousy, to extend compassion to all beings.

d) the causal shop: Shop all the false things that were there, when all they will no longer predestined so things are not real, not lasting, this allows for clearing dense consistency and legal compliance.
e) boundary shop: Shop and distinguish the case of the 18 authors in the world like the Heart Sutra consists of 6 units (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind), 6 ceiling (six scenes outside the body I: image, sound, smell, taste, feel, everything), 6 form (your eyes know, know of the ear, nose knows of, knowing of the tongue, to know the emotions and the mind knows), all e EU really have to except "self and legal "acceptance.

III. - Results: The decision-true Buddhist must follow the Eight t this the right way, the right way to keep eight, understands the bathtub, which is higher than our results saint of all Arahats, attainments and interests for himself so that Qing imperial Four and n surplus, the nearest road to reach Nirvana us n.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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