Tuesday 17 December 2013

Economic Development Bodhichitta
"Who is the leader-receptor-law, the right-legal practice, he called the new offering easy-As-Lai."

Kinh Ly Dai Thua-Animal-Luc Ba-La-Da-density
Development of Bodhi-Mind
Th anniversary of the Buddha-to-the-director
five nail-dau (1957)
Thich Tam Chau-
PHUONG NAM-low open-BAO TAM permanent resident
          A full year,
            Occasion to recite the Buddha-to-the-directed last year (1956) I-heart-prayer service and press release full-year operating canons slim, information-usually, a Popular Buddhist-mail for every-body profile.
            Complete-scene-extremely difficult, complex-complex, just a heart-complaint rings, inner thoughts private-home-security-protection, both in term-century Buddhist concept-to-leading team this year (1957), 12 set of 22 volumes and 4 small products was born.
            Record a mind-pray first, please rise a foot-oracle-exchange and sealed up Tam-Bao evidence-proving. In-the-moral direction to your teacher, you have found useful Dao-worship-center business and economic assistance-into this same grace quarterfinals, six paths, international law-we-born, are full of Buddha-directed.
            Saigon season in the Dinh-Thanh-Dau Act (1957)
          Thich Tam Chau-
- Street, Bat-Nha Pham literal translation of Chinese characters
- Thich Tam Chau-Kanji translation of the Vietnamese language.
          When the World-say-Ton known as the roaring lion [2] , show-Union Secretary-General-maintenance-technical security [3] and, immediately, the Great Bodhisattva Maitreya (From-Thi), from his court sat up, shoulder Austro organic, organic pillow to kneel on the ground, with my whole heart, his hands, pointing up the Buddha, clear that: "You-chemical replacement, quarter-turns instead! Jubilee World-Ton, often provide great-compassion center-spread admiration and say "orange-secret secret-revealed-winning Da-la-ni [4] that, for national-defense-sex households, respectfully ask the World-mercy-Ton- student, said that nothing takes Bodhi-upper, make the property-condition (we-born) play not mind, how the mind has to be? Friends found the center-right, religious-out is how? And, by the grace what-not-moving degradation is Mahāyānists-interest. [5]
            Then the World-University-Ton told Maitreya Bodhisattva: "If there are good-south-mail, female-human-friendly, organic-sex want because, well Mahāyānists religious and want the property to the age-sex Nirvana firstly need to play year-systolic win. systolic-winning year, what are these? - One is, for property-love, the mind has great-from-bi, class-wide average. Two is, for strain-Best-set-position [6] , not regression-transfer center. Thirdly, for friendship-love, a great start to your mind-body-casualty insurance and in all, vowing to research- their households. Fourth, for friendship-love, often starting out-thought the debt they carry. Fifthly, often feel shame-shame, said the public think they pay off their debts? person found to be in mind that, determination became evident was the result Infinite-upper-class-sensory Main ". [7]
            Again, the Great Bodhisattva Maitreya! What's on in Mahāyāna, best-practice training center, is no-quit-switch? - As in ancient times, there is an information-intelligence traders, light-transparent-workers often work from, taste-ment, see their parents, their poverty-line, often sad, mind-body radiation-set , know what to use the facilities provided-level-help-help that? Trade-thinking-person's thought: "There is nothing more in the tank, pick-the-pearl As security [8] , brought about supply levels, new from the poor! " Because he's charming-, commercial-other's strong play-pause, no pity body-par, immediately from their homes, including the user-convenience, find-me from wages (wage-real, material-use), and find you healthy, boat and boat-masters (boatman).
            While trade-workers went to half way, meet a stranger, from pool return, trade-strangers who asked her the other: "You want to go, finding nothing but gold-rush?" Trade-'s reply was full-full of human-like grace on: because I want to help poor people-and, so far want to tank, find-the-pearl As said, bringing in investment-grade them. The strange man said: "Before I left home, as well as that, because I want to help get the nation itself-do you-and-suffering. Development Center When I left home and, along the way, I met more risk-nan, any experienced wide contract, through the sand and gravel (desert) butt-immense, not a bit of water, a grass, a lot of the same elephant, tiger, leopard, poorly-sweet, poisonous snake, lion ..., or encountered robbers, big mountains, big rivers, hungry, cold, hot, business-horror, fear-fear. Through the site, I the same boat-masters in the big tank to encounter high winds, big fish, evil-dragon, lightning, hail, waves, whirlpools ... many store-victims, not to exaggerate. Yet endure the suffering victim-like, but still can not find a jewel like-mind-protected, but the things themselves-can help to temporarily supply enough for her, but could not help the lack of body-poor nation. Nay I recommend Human-author, should not be subject to time-suffering forced him, only for his tired labored alone!-I want the author's other work arrangement, elsewhere. Why? Because, in many other major tank ear-victims, but is not an accident, do: tar-style, black-painted, Drug-soa, La-watching, orca, comparative-long ..., but only heard the name pearl-like, actually thousands thousands of people to find the pearl, not make one, two jewel she was.'s By-coast, I recommend Human-authors should return soon go! "
            At that time, all the other trade-heard it before, as more rose-forward, emitting three-systolic win, decided on an emerald is not backward looking. Three-systolic What was won? - One is thought that parents, brothers, their poverty-row like that, it does not do the, do not help each other is what? Second, think of my body-and time before the rich, please help us food and clothing, have mercy on me a lot, today was poverty-end, full-body-clause not to be saved, how could we let our Such leave, but want to return back? Third, we think that when at home, look after the house, I dictate my-big, small, even rebuked everything, it's what they are poor, do not hurt, help them, so they are fun, but want to return back? Given that human-coast, thinking of grace-faith payment, trade-other's mind has great-brave-powerful, decision-cash-advance regulations, remains in the tank, find like-the-make, be it home, help bring the body-attached, consumers are spoiled, from the time-nan, extreme forever ". [9]
            The Great Bodhisattva also like: Great Bodhisattva release of Bodhi-Mind, record-shop-fun idea, quad-born [10] in the ten directions, are our parents before birth, because I have mercy, create any bad karma, to sa-fall into hell, self-demons, animal-born, to bear all the pain-brain. By human-'s grace, I think self-reflection: "What means using local-to help those who are suffering-hairbreadth? Run attention-concept was then, that only in the length-force three-way la-multi-bridge strain-Buddha-mind, can help the pain of birth-death-situation to be useful! Bodhisattva thought-thought so then, the mind has great-brave-powerful, not quitting -sight, the need for fine-not-lazy lazy, bored-frustrated, how the user-convenience, investment-to-find food, find you feeling fresh-enlightenment (Bodhi) and France (Main-law) and French-tutor.
            When Bodhisattva go halfway, having a Ma-kingdom, united-domains-map them, or the body does make it heaven, or it appears as a human being, or it does make the body Ba-la- subjects, or does it go all trafficking as a human being, or it does make the Turn-of body, Turn-of-ni, or figure it out do the other species. Ma-King Bodhisattva asked the other found that the center was: "Now you want to place the gold-rush? - Bodhisattva he replied:" I am because we all are suffering-brain-born, now want to record-high in a large tank, Buddha-race-for-the Make-position as Asia, to help all of us-born poor are lacking. "Ma-King said:" I just found the center, too, because he wanted all of them-were born out of the pain-brain life and death, through which I co-interior, modern desert-saving move (drift, rolling forever), subject to all of the hungry invaders theft , fear-fear of all victims, not a victim, to be the new record-tank-law degree. Or ask to see the head, or the applicant meets the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, hands, feet, fine-detail, heart, lungs, intestines, stomach-thick, liver, bladder, spleen, kidney, for to country, city, wife, son, son in boys, children in the younger, who wrong-making, such things, depending on who asks what will the penis, not the heart lotus-born pity, just for location-protected (jewel location-wise, is Buddha-mind). Experiencing countless eons of birth-death-note-turn in the ocean of suffering, but bear all the suffering-victim, still not Bodhi Infinite-upper, but returned for A-la-han, out of the three new President-away realm and Nirvana. Now I advise you, should not be subject to forced labor-'s suffering, should practice self-maintenance, and I wish you the step-up period was the result. Why, Because, I think the three evil paths are often subjected to starvation, think of the dining center, looking up to-no damage, no one left in my mouth where a full meal? All victims suffering-mind-body radiation-set, face the impermanence, the faster the water flows down the mountain, tri-level-friendly way (you healed) meet the difficult, if not believed, field-sales, after eating contrition star-up! In an life and death, save-transfer uncertainties, center bottom water as the moon, nothing really u! The evil-mind-knowledge (you evil) easy to find, easy to see, often real-advised practice Bodhisattva, the-wealth away, leaving the body-par, looking forward to the director of Bodhi. How much Buddha was born, how the time-out period once new, thousand, ten thousand Bodhi seekers, not make one, two persons. Therefore, I recommend Human-authors should not be a hard-working, which should bridge award-out, self-certification Nirvana. Again, three wheel fate, should bear all suffering, experience the Buddha-Bodhisattva results, but here, in this life time, or only in three generations will see the A-la-han, a Infinite-school level, subject to suffering as spending! The stupid-si no-mind, Buddha-mind results they seek, through eons wheel, take all the time-line, still not heard evidence A-la-han, the only evidence is direct- Cheers results Bodhi-upper! For example, someone caught a small bird, the bird saw Kim-songwriter, who immediately drop the bird was caught, it is holding, moving forward, chasing other birds-si Kim, but , a large bird flapping wings, and fly chicks lost. The source for Buddha-effective, as well as cards, A-la-han, the Buddha-effective for the other two results are lost. Know then, hope you recover soon-center, right in this life, he decided to evidence-A-la-han! "
            Linked to that, Bodhisattva heard it before, even more bold-powerful, emits three center. What are three mental states? - One is, to think that all of us from childhood-wheel-mail contestants so far, both of our bodies-or-you are pregnant, are suffering a brain-suffering, not out, it Which returns us back down? Second, we think that all wheel-born but now, our supply for food and clothing, have mercy on us deep-set, they must now bear more suffering in rotation-in-distress, do not notice to them, it's like being re-born center-turned quitting? Third, think that all of us-students, since he was no-but now, they are relatives of mine-we-make errors and sometimes the rebuke-charge, we do not have anything specific response-thanks them both! By human-'s grace, we should not quit-hidden, need courage to demand more-powerful-effective evangelism Bodhi. If they are excluded-easiest-set-position-sure, they used to bring rescue-victim-students are suffering in life and death, so-called Great Bodhisattva in Mahāyāna, best-practice training center is Real-quit-transfer. [11]
            Again, the Bodhisattva Maitreya! He should know that the Great Bodhisattva Mahāyānists self-propelled, center coming year. In her mind, the mind is the first for-sex friendship, great play-starting-center balls, because the second one is useful for the First-set-the-place, not regression-transfer center, two mental states, Mahāyānists for legal, Bodhisattva need crystal-tu-out process. The third center is all beings-love are my best friends; mind is fourth all-condition for our existence is that to you, do not have the slightest bit of revenge-respond; center is fifth all Organic-sex sexy-dependent are we, each one of them starting the real business-friendly, and rebuked them, responsible non-physical punishment, deep shame-shame-center, paid the temple any time! Three's center, making the Bodhisattva-strong non-degradation brave, securities are directed to results Infinite-upper-class Main-Main-sense ". [12]

[1] This prayer is the prayer book number 261, in University-Tibet-Beijing. De-economic categories have clear solutions in "The-Y Tam-Bao". This business has 10 products: The product-Tam-Bao Y first, leather-La-Ni-second and Product Development Bodhi-Mind is the third production here. Bodhi-mind has three classes: the Bodhi-Heart of Gold-Dispatch, the Bodhi-Mind-Awareness of the Coast and the Bodhi-Heart of the Buddha. It talks about Infinite-Supreme Bodhi-mind is the Bodhi-mind is the Buddha. Bodhi (Bodhi): Past translated as "the Way", now translated as "enlightenment". Play-Bodhi-Mind: Meaning-launch development center director for Foot-and-development center for the start-Enlightenment.
[2] lion roar: the lion head animal, a roaring sound it is the other animals are terrified. For an authority-Buddhist faith, in His great-they say what words mean decision-making, not fear-fear and on the contrary, we hear, spend disturb-brain-tan, ma-king scared-scared, so billion-example Buddha said as roaring lion.
[3] General-Tri-Gate: That Da-la-ni-goal. Da-la-ni (Dharani) Sino-US President-maintenance translated, means keeping the good is not lost, keep evil not start. Get mindfulness, concentration and wisdom as possible, Bodhisattva practice mindfulness, concentration and wisdom-full of virtues. Subjects here means "law-keeper." French-Total-prime goal right out of 4 categories: French, literally, notes, rings, but usually only for note-keeper's Secret-Catholic, called the general-maintenance-goal.
[4] Mon Da-la-ni very secret-secret, micro-magic, unique-winner and the prize-escape-the-highway cam.
[5] This is Paṭiccasamuppāda He Bodhisattva Maitreya spread-the-faith showing carbon-secret-secret intelligence-lead-half total of the Buddha and Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddha asked: doing so they are Cheers-release-born Supreme Bodhi-mind, heart and found out how religious-and-how transfer is not quitting?
[6] First-race-set-position: That Buddha-mind. That is, use a location-intelligent member of Buddha, said director-legal and all the Buddhas and all the staff know their-fate-born.
[7] On this question the Buddha of Maitreya Bodhisattva is we want to cultivate well-born Mahāyānists and reach Nirvana emitted must-win revenge in mind. Development is in the bathroom was not quitting-transfer and direct-effect became evident the Infinite-Supreme Bodhi.
[8] As-Italy-Bao (Cintamani): Also known as Manila continent, ie from where this gem, found-out everything with our voluntary attention-seeking-born. As-the-security-example, this is the Buddha-mind for instant set-strain-First-place.
[9] The text above the Buddha said about the merchant, because intelligence-intelligence, know-bars-close lens thoughtful, compassionate parents, relatives-ethnic, decision-tank center vows to look stupid and desire to bring about relief to all, even though there are people who can stop halfway, meet-casualty insurance, did not lose heart, discouraged, which reached the destination-volunteer, to billion-example for the Bo- Slapped development of self-propelled center Mahāyānists also like that.
[10] Lu-fun: God, human, A-tu-la, hell, self-demons, animal-born. Four Born: egg species, human species, where wet-wet species, species-born chemical.
[11] On the Bodhisattva release here said self-propelled center Mahāyānists, Infinite-upper reaches Bodhi crystal center-forward needs most, despite facing many problems and obstacles-Ma-king tempted.

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