Wednesday 18 December 2013

At the initial instant of enlightenment Development Center. This is the practice of cutting treatment. DC realize that that is not immediately attained religious enlightenment. Why is this so? As in the past has been found to practice the Bodhisattva mind, the current merit fullness, fresh ripe basis so enlightened.
Originally Development Center that is now starting to Mind, the supreme spiritual advancement. In the past there was no development Mind, which is an early Buddhist belief, an initial concept into Buddhism, a concept originally thought of home. Bodhisattva initially found a lot of interest, but diligent Bodhisattva is very little. Achievement results Bodhisattva is even less.
Bodhi is the sense of direct service. We're a practitioner must give rise to a certain sense of direction, that is Mind. What is Mind? Speaking on the bridge that is simple Buddhist, as sentient beings. Broadly speaking world is kept year, since then thousands of happy diligence, here are the release Mind. Refuge, close Jewels, Jewels offerings, it is also found Mind. Not to do evil, to do good works. Diligent clergy of wisdom, anger and ignorance destroy, are found here Mind. Not even keep money, translating texts, it is also found Mind. In summary, the benefit of others, but he does not have his selfish interests, this means your Mind. Therefore:
'' Play Mind large
So big achievement results;
Play Small Mind
So small achievement results.''
Play Mind large, ie, the body of Buddha, Mind little play, they have to undergo some new life into religion.
Merit that is working for the benefit sentient beings. Such as bridge, road, building temples, building towers, are meritorious. The fullness of charity without merit. Therefore:'' great merit.'' Song and Bodhisattvas bring all dedicate the merit to all sentient beings. Initially found merit attention inconceivable, ie during childhood also said not all futuristic. Because once discovered there was a center can become a Buddha. That the Buddha nature, so infinite merit. This product is the seventeenth products in the Flower Adornment Sutra.
Then Sakka clear sky Hui Bodhisattva France that Buddhists! Bodhisattva Mind initial development, obtain much merit?
At that time, the Sun God for Bodhisattva Thich Hue France said Buddhists! Please ask him, when new Bodhisattva Mind, the glass obtained merit study, the number of how many? May he open Compassionate market.
Sakka's heaven called La Da, also known as Love's to complete. Why would he be doing all Trayastrimsa heaven? In the past, he is a very poor woman, but there are great healing center. One day, passing by a temple, saw the dilapidated hall collapsed saggy, no longer the temple roof. The statue was rainy, yellow body no more, neither losing solemn. Therefore, she wants to play center remodeling, but did not have the money, you know what? The work of the lice. She turned to the place charming, touching thirty two women, to help fulfill her wishes, soon merit fullness, iridescent golden Buddha dazzling, refurbished hall is strict . After she died, because by that merit, so be born in heaven as God Trayastrimsa death. Thirty two other women, as well as all thirty two sun God. Can therefore know that everyone is to merit attention, it will definitely be good retribution. Therefore:
'' Growing the wholesome goodness.''
France Hui Bodhisattva said: That is very profound, hard to say, hard to know, hard to distinguish, understand the incredible, hard evidence, hard practice, difficulty communicating, difficulty meditating, hard to measure, hard to focus on.
France Bodhisattva Thich Hue for the sun to say: That's the merit of this very dark coat, not so easy to say, not so easy to know well, such as easy to distinguish. The number of merit, say you can not believe, can not understand the party. This merit is not easy to witness truth, nor easy to cultivate. Difficulty communicating very afraid, protract difficult to meditate. Can not be used to measure the size, also can not use the scale to measure weight. What merit is not easy to focus on, the ultimate number of how many? No detail is known.
However, I will rely very compassionate Buddha to because he said that.
France Hui Bodhisattva said, however initial release merits a deeper Mind, not easy to know. But, I (Hui Bodhisattva France) will slash power modern compassionate Buddhas of the ten directions to the public because he said, the merit of the Bodhisattva initially discovered how much interest there?
Psychology of beings are phenomenal metamorphosis. wicked unbelieving chief news, bad news not good news. True Dhamma to them, they did not want to hear. Teaching immoral to them, they like to hear. Why? Since our birth center polluted dirty, so happy to hear pollution measures, thus:
'' Based hear good heal the deep
Serious violent crime, then listen to evil.''
People with good base to Kim Son Pagoda is like to be his home. Song, who did not have good base, to be Kim Son Pagoda, the feeling in the pit in the ice, not the whole body relaxed. So who to listen to Kim Son Pagoda business, are good people with big house. However, there are people though to Kim Son Pagoda, but did not understand the specific provisions Kim Son Pagoda, still arbitrary. Habits at home did not quit, did not change capillary disease. People have to know, if not dangerously ill capillary eliminate clean, it does not represent cash wisdom.
Buddhists! If there are users all instruments, offering all beings in the world East Asia rose period, over a lifetime. Then teach them to observe the five precepts made pure. South, west, north, four directions, on the bottom, and the like.
France Hui Bodhisattva gives a clear example to merit initial release how much interest there? As a ten?
1). Example benefit beings.
2). Example, the police quickly.
3). Known example of corrupt life.
4). Know well enough to win.
5). Know the house well enough.
6). Well enough to know pleasure.
7). Well enough known means.
8). Well enough to know the mind of others.
9). Minister knew well enough now.
10). Know well enough negativity.
11). Buddha and his tandem.
France Hue called a Bodhisattva Buddhist language! If enough people use instrument, offering to all beings in the world East Asia rose period (infinite world), underwent a life time. Then teach cause immeasurable infinite number of living beings, preserve purity in the world. In the south, the west, the north, the four directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, four directions), the above, the bottom nine are also the same.
What is a life? Taking human life eighty-four thousand year old standards, each dropped a hundred years old, an inch tall diminished, reduced to ten-year-old human lifespan is stopped. Then every one hundred years, life expectancy has increased a year old, rising an inch tall. Increased until the age of eighty-four thousand is stopped, a one-time increase reduces the so called life.
Buddhists! How Did you? The merit of which are more affordable?
France Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of the Buddha! The thought of him feeling like? The merit of which are more affordable? He just says how many glasses saved?
Sakka said: Buddhists! The merit of the man, only to realize the Buddha. In addition, all instruments are none.
Sakka God for France Hui Bodhisattva said Buddhists! The merit of that person, how many glasses saved? We do not know if, in addition, not all beings are immeasurable how much merit it?
France Hui Bodhisattva said: Buddhists! The merit that, compared with the initial release Bodhisattva mind, not by a percentage, not by a thousandth, not by a thousand percent. Such a memory section, a percentage of inhibition, one of a thousand memories, a thousand memories percent, partly due to tha memory Na, Na as a percentage inhibition tha, tha part by inhibition of Na thousand, a thousand percent Na by tha memories, part number, a la lyrics, part math, part example, a three-part superiority ni sa momentum.
France Hui Bodhisattva said: Buddhists! The merit of that person, but can not say much, but when compared with the initial Bodhisattva Development Center, is not equal to one percent, one of a thousand, a hundred thousand parts, part memory, one percent inhibition, one of a thousand memories, a thousand memories percent, partly due to tha Na, Na as an excuse percent, partly due to tha Na thousands, hundreds of thousands of Na due partly forgiven, part numbers, part of all was, in part Accounting, part example, a three-part superiority ni sa momentum, so much merit nor a part of the original Bodhisattva Development Center.
Buddhists! Do not talk to this example. If you like someone, bring all instruments, offering to all beings in the ten A ten world rose period, over hundred lives. Then teach them that the good practice ten.
Buddhists! Let's pause the example above. Now give another example. If enough people use instrument, offering to all beings in the ten A ten-period world increase, over time a hundred lifetimes. Then teach them that the good practice ten. Ten healthy is what? That is three now legal body and mind pure, professional bodies such violations killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, verbal commit not lying, embellishing say, say two blades, said scolding, the industry did not commit greed, hatred , si. Here are ten things fresh.
Such offerings, over a thousand lives, then teach them based on charity. Over hundreds of thousands of lives, teach them based on the four immeasurable mind. Experiencing life memories, teach them the four pillars in the formless. Over hundred memory lives, teach them based on results're done. Over a thousand memories lives, teach them based on results from the skin function. Over hundreds of thousands of lives inhibitors, based on their training anagami results. Na tha memories by experiencing life, teach them based on arahatship. Over hundreds of thousands of lives Na inhibition by forgiveness, teach them based on results Pratyekabuddhas.
Thus, the musical offerings for all beings in the ten A ten world rose period, underwent a period of thousands of lives. Then teachers of all beings, the four pillars of meditation (Jhana, Second Jhana, third quarter meditation and meditation), four methods of meditation practice. Over time hundreds of thousands of lives, to teachers of all sentient beings, based on the four immeasurable mind.
Over the life time memories for teachers of all sentient beings, based on the four formless (not infinite, infinite knowledge, infinite owns the land, the land of great non non non-ideal), not specified four legal practice . This merit can say is great. But not as good as part of the initial development Bodhisattva mind. Over hundred memories for life time teachers of all beings, the office has completed results (preliminary arahatship), service is projected to save or inverters. Saints expected to line legal nature, ordinary record against the ceiling line, seven times longer mortal. When evidence is preliminary, the results did not participate eye color, ear-known not participate, not participate incense nose, the tongue does not participate, no body contact involved, the law did not participate. There are six realms shake ceiling, as the center of the mountain. At that time, on the date such director conspired plot. There is no immediate attempt to think, just think of spiritual, not think good things to eat, if you want to monitor the amount they have attained or not? Then his mind to ask: Do you want to eat good things affordable? If there is greed, there is no evidence to prove effective, it is still in the stage of continuous ordinary mail. Profile arahatship road, the foot does not stick land, like go in vain. Why so? Because there is compassion; dead pedal is very scared and small worms. Who can go so, then that person is preliminary evidence arahatship. There is this realm that generally results, is guilty of cirque term, the future will certainly fall into endless hell.
Over the long term memory of thousands of lives, to teachers of all sentient beings, based on results from Da Ham (II arahatship), best translated as hybrid, a heavenly birth, a birth into the human world, life two phen birth and death, are new to Friends residual NiWrite the table.
Over the long term memory hundred thousand lives, to teachers of all sentient beings, based on results anagami (tam arahatship), translated as any hybrid, or no refund. That is not to sensuous mortal life, in gender identity, or formless, once mortal life, is new to Friends residual NiWrite the table.
Over the long term inhibition of Na by tha life, to teachers of all sentient beings, based in arahantahood, translated as infertility. That is not born does not kill, ended segments of life and death, evidence is Organic residual NiWrite the table. Now that we are uneducated level, school directors have fullness, did not need to practice anymore.
Over long time so forgive inhibition of Na hundred thousand lives, to teachers of all sentient beings, based in Pratyekabuddhas. The world does not have Buddha's enlightenment is known as Single Awareness, Buddha that enlightenment is called Pratyekabuddha. The merit of this very large yet, but not in the initial part of the mind has merit.
Buddhists! How do you mean? The merit of which are more affordable?
Sakka said: Buddhists! The merit of the man, only to realize the Buddha.
Hui Bodhisattva France Buddhists call one hour! His opinion How? He underwent countless lifetimes, offering the instrument for all sentient beings and make them head-on teaching meditation, immeasurable, until Pratyekabuddhas. Etc. .. The merit of which are more affordable? Sakka said: Buddhists! The merit of it is how much? We do not know how to spend, only to realize the Buddha.
France Hui Bodhisattva said: Buddhists! The merit of such persons, compared with the initial release Bodhisattva mind, not by one percent, one of a thousand, a thousand percent, give priority to such one-degenerate three nuns.
Hui Bodhisattva France Buddhists call one hour! The merit of such persons, compared with Bodhisattva initially discovered by a percentage not mind, not one-thousand, not one-hundred thousand, give priority to such one-degenerate three nuns.
Why? Buddhists! Because all Buddhas initial development center, not only offers all the musical offerings all beings in the ten directions A period increased world. Over hundreds of lives, hundreds of thousands of Na due to memory lives spared, but found bodhichitta. Not only because it teaches religious beings in the world, ten healthy. Four teachers of meditation in their offices, four immeasurable mind, the four formless, until the witness has completed results, results from the skin function, anagami results, arahatship, Pratyekabuddhas results, which found Mind threads.
In the previous example given everything, to visualize the Bodhisattva initial release center, but no comparison with any merit. What is predestined? Hui Bodhisattva France Buddhists call one hour! Ten lives all the three Buddhas, initially discovered Mind, it does not provide all the musical offerings to all beings in the ten A ten-period increase world, experiencing life to hundreds of thousands by tha na life time memories, because here to play Mind. Not only for teachers of all beings that make them practice in ten healthy world. Or because they are based on the four Zen teaching, four immeasurable mind, the four formless. Or are certified teachers of their results has completed, results from Da Ham, anagami results, arahatship, but found results Pratyekabuddhas Mind.
Which makes the race because of the nature of the Tathagata does not end. Since this all over the world. So get all the sentient world. As all the world knows the damage. As we know all born pure structure in all the world. As the world knows all pure nature. Knowing all sentient beings afflictions habitual preferences. Knowing all other living beings die here. Knowing all the media units of all living beings. Knowing all her mind of all sentient beings. Knowing all location three generations of all beings. Knowing all realms of equality of all the Buddhas, which give rise to supreme Bodhi.
Why have found Bodhisattva Mind?
1). Wanting network favored continuation of the Buddha, the Buddha nature makes them no end. That is causing network Buddhist wisdom continue to exist forever, making light of the Buddha's wisdom forever lighting, illuminates all the world, for making permanent seeds Buddha's head.
2). Because Buddhism teaches that for all all around the world. Buddha saw all beings in Saha world and the other world are suffering much less fun, sediments love nothing enlightened, so causing them to turn away students with enlightened employment ceiling, can be fun-suffering, put end of life and death.
3). Since the escape all beings in all the world, so the new Buddha Mind.
4). As all the world into four generals office no damage. Earth has not damaged the office, sick old people are born to die, born minus destroy objects, there are certain reasons.
5). Knowing all beings in all the world, like infection? Purity how? If infection that is worldly defilement. If renounce worldly parents sense, back to the source, ie pure.
6). As all the world knows nature is pure.
7). Because they want to know the favorite, sorrow, all set in the heart of the gas in all beings.
8). Because all beings want to know, what the cause, in this place dead? Re-born elsewhere.
9). Knowing everything based off of all sentient nature, taking what the practice means we can edification born.
10). Mind knowing all thought, expression in the heart of the action in all beings. Because they love or too deep, did not know back to the roots, so the new Bodhisattva Mind.
11). Because all the wisdom to know three generations of all beings. Three generations of the past life, present life, and future life. It might say yesterday, today, tomorrow. And also said last year, this year, next year. In short, anyone saying how it can be established for three generations. Hence the innumerable statutory'','' no certain way, not attachments. Especially realm Flower Adornment, Be very afraid dung, said vertical cross talk are also reasonable.
12). Because they want to know all realms of Buddhas and sentient beings' realm, the realm of the mind, are equal. Therefore:'' Mind, Buddha and sentient beings, all three such differences.'' Because they want to know all sorts of conditions, so new supreme Bodhi mind, this is the first example, example benefit beings .
The development Mind, not Buddha, Bodhisattvas nor that we are cultivators. Because of Bodhisattvas found Mind. That realm knew everything said above, everything moral, must be diligent, do not be lazy, or restlessness.
Buddhists! Be free of this example. If someone, in a concept that can go through the winter A world rose period. Such a concept idea, all fate A rising period. The world that no one understands.
Hui Bodhisattva France Buddhists call one hour! For example, let's just say on the adjournment. Now give another example: If there are people, in a very short period of conception, experiencing the world as much as some A rise in the winter period. On each anniversary of the world are going through so much, experienced throughout eons of time. The world that no one knows their parents. Why? As a concept, through countless world, in a conception, through infinite variety of worlds, let alone the galaxy undergone countless number of lives over time? Really no one knows how many glasses saved? No detail is calculated.
And second, in a world experiencing conception, but in front of people went through eons. Such a fate also increase the period end. Turn until the tenth. South, west, north, four directions on the bottom, and the like.
And the second man, also in a concept, go through the first world that has undergone a period increase. Just turn so, until the tenth. In such a situation the east, in the south, west, north, four directions on the bottom nine are also the same.
Buddhists! In this ten that everyone is having a hundred people, each person also are thus experiencing the world. The world that can tell parents, also play center Bodhisattva original brown leather A la tam tam Bodhi shrines, obtained by cooling, no one knows their parents.
France Hui Bodhisattva said: Buddhists! In this ten, despite a hundred people. Everyone undergoes the same world. The world knows it will charge its edge. But the initial Bodhisattva Development Center A Comment tam tam is cooking Bodhi (Supreme supreme Buddha), and based merit obtained fresh, nobody knows its edge.
Why? Buddhists! As such Bodhisattva limit, but knowing well the world has gone through, but found Mind. Because they want to know ten world, but development Mind.
Why can not know the house edge and fresh merit of Bodhisattva Mind initial release? Buddhists! Bodhisattva of the law no basis. But the Bodhisattva static magnetic poles, across the world want so much to find the living beings can be, because the world grasp how? So there you know sex Bodhisattva, so many want to the world to observe causal, but found Mind. That is also a practitioner to practice medicine according to Buddhist teachings, the sensory elect directors. Bodhisattvas are not finding jobs, work should not know, he wanted to know. Want to grasp ten world that plays Mind. That also would like to practice. Practice is the career of the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva practice is not unemployed.
What is dharma? Only a summary of the key words. Currently teaching experience, which is key faculty. Currently sermon, saying that is the key. Such capital loss, but not know how to use it. When I find the key to this wisdom, then there would open the door ignorance. It's time away enlightened. Hope you find the key professionals to this wisdom.
That is: Want to know the magical world, the world that is raw, harsh world that is magical world. Ie backstroke world upside down world, small world that is the world's largest. Big World ie small world. World wide world that is narrow, narrow world that is world wide. A world that is not possible world theory, theoretical impossibility world is a world away. Theoretical impossibility world into a world, a world in theoretical impossibility world. World dirty world that is clean, clean world that is dirty world.
It is the wish to know, wonderful world that is the world's crude, crude world that is magical world, but development Mind. What is the magic world? That is solemn pure world, like the world of Bliss. What is the raw world? That is the world the previous year (previous life, is sliding, sliding afflictions, sentient beings first, previous network), as Saha world. Want founded the solemn purity world, it should be in the world last year but is up. Want to change the world into the world last year good, it must be used carefully here, so pure dignified world can turn into bad rough world, last year the world could turn into a good world beautiful. Maybe good how? Maybe how bad raw? They decided to stay in his thoughts. In the center there was no thought of defilement, which is the world's wonders (good), if there are many mental delusions, sexual expression, anger and ignorance. Etc. .. the bad news is the world's crude. In short, the world of raw magic and the world, not apart from the center of your world. Tam did not leave the world a mind. A mind can become pure dignified world, a mind can become rough world last year.
Ie backstroke world upside down world, ie the world face the world on their backs. What is the world back? That is world wide. What's the world upside down? Ie lower world. The world can be a lower high. Why backstroke world achievement? Why the world upside achievements? The basis of the world that is facing the world on their backs, basic backstroke world that is facing the world.
Small World News is the world's largest, which is the world's largest small world. Small small world where a large gathering, the world can become great. World largest diverge, that is a small part of the world, large and small, so very afraid.
World wide world that is narrow, narrow world that is world wide. Narrow world that extends, ie world wide. World wide, but it narrows into a narrow world.
A world that is not possible world theory, theory impossible world is a world away. Why say that? Because the world with world relationship together. Each and every speck of dust in the world, all communicating with each other. Like radar waves, electric center of our beings communicate with each other. Why is tha information attained? Because of the effects of electromagnetic waves spiritual touch. In every pore, have radar equipment (radars), the successful practice of radars pores are generated effects, radars and radars communicate together very afraid, electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic waves communicate together very afraid. So say tha the information is very normal, nothing strange. Like now people do not know how to use computers and radars. If learning how to use the new processor to be used. Our current practice, ie learning computer and digital radars in spirituality.
Can not say the world is in a world, a world that can in theory impossible world. Why? Because it communicates together very afraid.
World dirty world that is clean, clean world that is dirty world. The world may turn into dirty world clean. How variable? Hence'' All from the mind.'' Purity of mind and, if the world is pure, whatever that are pure, like the water is water, that water is Buddhist Bodhisattva lapis, hungry ghosts water that is flame. Along such a situation, pure world can also turn into dirt. How variable? Mind dirty minded infection, then see what also are not pure. Although the world to be pure solemn, also felt the world last year. Because in such a clean heart. Therefore:'' Ten did not leave a legal world in mind.''
Because they want to know in a top coat, all different world nature, in all the world's a top coat a substance. For a world generated in all the world. For all the world can not identity. To use a mind knows all the wide world, not obstacles, which give rise to eight shrines A recruiter tam Bodhi.
Bodhisattva want to know all of the different nature of the world in a top coat, are interrelated. A substance a top coat in all the world. Bodhisattva in the world wants to know all the world was born, or born so countless world. Each dust particle in each world, could achieve infinite world. Bodhisattva want to know all the world can not have an identity. Causes and conditions which are born predestined that kill. The office is not corrupt no one can save the lens indestructible nature. Want to use a Bodhisattva mind, knowing all the boundless world wide, with no obstructions, so the mind has supreme supreme Buddha. This is the second example, the police quickly instance.
Buddhists! Be free of this example. If there persons, where a mind, knowing some life into the world any damage A rise in the east. Anniversary anniversary so all eons. The number of lives that no one knows their parents.
Buddhists! Let's set aside in the previous example has just said. Currently offering an example to others. If someone, in a concept, a number of office life knows no damage A rise in eastern United world. In a concept like that, all fate A rose period, over such a long time. Many such lives, how many glasses saved? Nobody knows its edge.
Have the second person, a place in mind, knowing the existence of the first known in eons. Broadly so, until the tenth. South, west, north, four directions on the bottom, and the like.
And a second man, also in a mind, knowing the existence of the first known eons of time. That is also about a concept, and he underwent the longest time in front of people. Broadly so, until the tenth. The other nine are remaining the same.
Buddhists! Life expectancies of increased damage in ten A world that period, parents may know, there's good merit based Bodhisattva initially Development Center A recruiter is at the center Comment tam Bodhi, nobody knows edge .
Buddhists! Number of office life not damaged in any ten A rise in the world, can also be said of its edge, but the initial release center Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, attained the basis of merit and goodness, no one know the edge of it.
Why? As such Bodhisattva limit, but because I want to know the lifetimes of some of the damage that world, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Because they want to know the number of damaged lives, of all the world's not all survived, but the mind has a brown leather la tam tam Bodhi shrines.
Why is that? Bodhisattva certain no edge, there is no certain method. But because the world wants to know that the, office, damage, not, how? Since the existence of these four generals, should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva lives because they want to know all the numbers of all offices not corrupt world, not leftover scraps, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
That is: Know long life and short life of equality, life short and long lifetimes equal. One lives and equality countless lives, countless lives and a life of equality. Buddha's life and life has no equal Buddha, Buddha's birth and life can not have equality Buddha. In life there is no possibility of a Buddha Buddha equality theory, life impossible in theory there is a Buddha Buddha equality. Useful life and life immeasurable amount of equality, life and countless useful life equal amount. Life impossible equality theory and a concept, a concept and theory of equality lives impossible. All non-existence into existence, non-existence into existence all.
It is the Bodhisattva want to know life is long and the short life of equality; short life and long life are also equal. Do not leave a long life concept, short life nor leave a thought. In a short-term concept of equality very afraid. Like the brain that is water, ie water ice. Negativity is like Bodhi, Bodhi News afflictions, are equal.
One life and many lives are equal; many lives and a life is equal. A life is life, life is more life. In a relationship that had no time, so it is fair to say.
Life Buddha and Buddha's life can not be equal; life there is no Buddha and Buddha's life is equal. Buddha was born and lives life there are Buddha born equal, there is no distinction.
In life there is no possibility of a Buddha Buddha was born theory; life impossible in theory there is a Buddha Buddhas are born equal, there is no distinction.
Organic life is immeasurable amount of life and equality, life and countless useful life is also equal volume. Finite life and life is equally timeless, infinite life and finite life is equal. This means no discrimination. If there is discrimination, they are not all equal.
Theoretical impossibility life and lives a period of time equal concept, a concept of time and lives life impossible theory also equal time. All non-existence into being in existence, non-existence into being in all existence, are equal, there is no obstacle.
Want to be in a concept, know all the money and lives into international economic climate havoc in all the world, which give rise to eight shrines A recruiter tam Bodhi. It was originally known as the mind has great solemn oath, god knows dominate all life.
Bodhisattva want in a concept, know all the office life some havoc not, the world of all past present and future, should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. It was originally known as the mind has great solemn vows. Grasp the wisdom to know all the wonderful divine life. This is the third example, know life example of damage.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If there persons, where a mind, knowing all sorts of different interpretations, of all beings in the world A rise in the winter period. Such a concept idea, all fate A rising period.
Buddhists! Let's just pause the example above. Currently offering another example. If there are people who, in one mind, knowing everything different interpretations, of all beings in the world A rise in the east period. In concept concepts are learned, all sorts of different interpretations of all beings in the world A rose period, but over time increase the number of lives a year.
Have the second person, a place in mind, knowing in advance who know the interpretations of them born in eons. So also all eons. Turn until the tenth. South, west, north, four directions on the bottom, and the like.
And a second person may be in a concept, know in advance who know the different interpretations of them born in eons. Likewise all eons of time, turn to the tenth person in the other nine how well again.
Buddhists! Interpret different sorts of beings in the ten directions, the edge may know. The merit of the Bodhisattva based healing center initially discovered, no one knew her parents.
The Buddhists! Multitudinous interpretations of all the living beings in the ten directions, can be examined to know how many glasses? But the basis of merit and healthy development of initial interest Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, no one knows its edge.
Why? Buddhists! As such Bodhisattva limit, but because they want to know the interpretation of the child, which give rise to eight shrines A recruiter tam Bodhi. So knowing all sorts of different interpretations, of all beings in all the world, which give rise to eight shrines A recruiter tam Bodhi.
Why is that? Buddhists! Bodhisattva practitioners uncertainty, but because I want to know the insights of many different beings, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all sorts of different interpretations, of all beings in all the world, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
That is: Because they want to know different infinite interpretations. As a being of interpretations and insights countless sentient beings equally. Because they want to be any possibility theory means different interpretations luminous place. Because they want to know every every every different interpretations of sea beings not admit fault. Because they want to know everything countless interpretations of past unwholesome improve the present and future. Because they want to know is no similar solution similar. Because they want to know all the interpretations of interpretations ie, one that is all interpretations of interpretations. Because they want to be their explanation power of the Tathagata.
Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all know different interpretations, there is no edge. As sentient beings insights and interpretations are equal. Bodhisattva because he wanted to obtain impossibility different theoretical insights, wisdom, clarity means. Bodhisattva sea because they want to know every student each and every different interpretations, not admit fault. Bodhisattva want to know everything because countless interpretations, positive, negative life past present and future. Bodhisattva want to know because similar interpretations (interpretations of the world), and similar such interpretations (interpretations of the world). Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all the interpretations of interpretations ie, one that is all interpretations of interpretations. Bodhisattva because he wanted to obtain the liberation of the Tathagata hexadecimal, so the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme.
Because people would want to know the interpretation, peerless interpretations, insights organic residue, no residual insights, peer insights, different interpretations inequality.
Bodhisattva because people would want to know the interpretations, ie interpretations wisdom of Bodhisattvas. Supreme interpretations, ie interpretations of Buddhist wisdom. Organic residues interpretations, ie interpretations of the legal world nine people. Infinite Balance interpretations, ie interpretations of dharma world. Victorian interpretations, ie interpretations are all equal. Inequality interpretations, ie interpretations dissimilarity. Since there are all sorts of different interpretations, so the mind has supreme Bodhisattva Bodhi.
Because he wanted to know useful insights, interpretations unintentionally, community insights, plus any insights, interpretations finite, infinite interpretations, interpretations difference, no difference in interpretations, good insights, evil is award, interpret the world, the world of different interpretations.
Bodhisattva want to know because there are interpretations clinics, clinics multitude of interpretations, insights communities, communities such interpretations; insights finite, infinite interpretations, have different interpretations, such interpretations difference; insights charity, charity is no solution; interpretations of the world, ie the understanding of the ordinary. Interpretations of the world, ie human understanding of Scripture. There are enough differences, so the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme.
Wanting where all award conditions, modern interpretations, infinite interpretations, chief insights medium setting, obtaining the liberation unobstructed location of the Tathagata.
Bodhisattva wanting in all award conditions, modern interpretations, infinite interpretations, chief insights medium setting, obtaining the liberation unobstructed location of the Tathagata, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Because they want to use infinite media, are all known living beings in all realms of the ten directions. Each understands each sentient purity, understanding pollution, great understanding, understand simplified, to understand the subtle, crude understand, do not admit fault.
Bodhisattva as countless media want, all come to know all realms of beings in the ten directions, each a pure beings understand, understand defilement, great understanding, understood narrowly, to understand the subtle, crude understand, that radical transparency, such excess errors which give rise to such chief Supreme enlightenment.
So want to know deep security solutions, media solutions, differentiated solutions, natural solutions, solutions that start to follow people, according to the grace that arises solution. All grid resolution, were not admit fault. A recruiter that give rise to eight makeshift shrines threads.
Bodhisattva because he wanted to know completely dark secret interpretations, the interpretation which is true. Means of interpretations, ie skillful means, ie manufacturing facilities personnel, the local processing facilities, processing facilities personnel goodness. Distinguish interpretations, ie analyzing all moral kind. Natural interpretations, which is very natural that transparency. According to human interpretations arise, ie everything depends on everything's that start up interpretations. According to the interpretation of dependent origination, ie depending on the origination everything up all sorts of interpretations. All interpretations, like nets. If transparency is obtained liberation. If transparency is not permanently miserable in net. So completely transparent, admit mistakes, but do not give rise to supreme supreme Buddha. This is the first example letter, know well enough to win.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If someone places a mind, knowing the different units of all living beings in countless world in the east. Mindfulness concepts are thus experiencing increasing numbers A term life.
Buddhists! Let's set aside the above example. Currently offering an example to others. For example, a person in mind, knowing the units (six units) of all different beings in countless world in the east. In such concepts are concepts, through long eons.
Have the second person, where a person knows in mind before knowing the different healing concept based concept underwent a rising number of lifetime period. Broadly so, until the tenth, the south-west, the four directions on the bottom, also the same.
And a second man, in a mind, be the first to know each each know the mind of all the different units all beings long eons. Broadly so, until the tenth. Nine other methods are also the same.
Buddhists! The different units of all beings in the ten world that can tell their parents. And good merit basis of initial Bodhisattva Development Center A Comment tam tam is cooking Bodhi, nobody knows edge.
The Buddhists! different units of all beings in the ten world that can tell its edge. However, the merit of the Bodhisattva healthy root development center initially Supreme supreme Buddha attained is, no one knows its edge.
Why? As such Bodhisattva limit, just to know the basis of the nature of the beings of this world, which give rise to eight shrines A recruiter tam Bodhi. Because they want to know all sorts of different Tanh all beings in all the world at large to want to know all the grid base nature, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads.
Why why? Because there is no legal Bodhisattva certain level, so there is no limit. But because I want to know the basis of the nature of all beings and all the innumerable worlds, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva because he wanted to know the root of all sorts of different nature of all beings and all in all the world. Some people benefit grounds, it has wisdom. Someone padded base, then foolish. Some people have good base, there are evil people who have apartments. There are all sorts of differences. Broadly speaking, want to know all the base mesh, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. This is the fifth example, know the house well enough.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If there persons, where a mind, knowing everything's preference all beings, in a variety of worlds in the east. Such concepts are concept, all fate A rising period. In turn, by extension, until the tenth. South, west, north, four directions on the bottom, and the like.
Buddhists! Let's set aside the previous example above. Again giving another example. If there are people who, in one mind, knowing everything all the favorite all beings, in a variety of worlds in the east. That is the kind of beings that fancy stuff, is fully known before. In every mind and are thus all eons of time. Each person who, until the tenth. Nine other methods such situation also.
All of the favorite beings in the ten directions, can know. The merit of the Bodhisattva good basis initially give rise to eight shrines A recruiter Mind of no one knowing edge.
All of the favorite beings in the ten directions, can know the edge of it. However, the merit of the Bodhisattva healthy root development center initially Supreme supreme Buddha attained is, no one knows its edge.
Why? Buddhists! As such Bodhisattva limit. But because I want to know the Bodhisattva favorite beings, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Because they want to know all sorts of fancy of all beings in all the world, broadly speaking because I want to know all the fancy grid, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads.
Why why? Buddhists! Bodhisattva no certain way, no certain range. But because I want to know the Bodhisattva's favorite all beings in the world that much, so the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all sorts of fancy of all beings in all the world. If so, by extension, the network wants to know all the fancy that the mind has supreme supreme Buddha. This is for example the sixth known example of smart favorites.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If there persons, where a mind, knowing everything means of all beings in countless world in the east. Broadly so, until the tenth. South, west, north, four directions, more or less, also the same.
Buddhists! Stop just said in the previous example. Again giving another example. If someone, in a concept, means knowing everything of all beings in the world in countless east. Such a situation generally, until the tenth. The other nine remaining the same.
Means all sorts of beings in the ten directions, the edge may know. The merit of the Bodhisattva good basis initially give rise to eight shrines A recruiter Mind of no one knowing edge.
Accrual means of all beings in the ten world that can tell its edge. However, the basis of merit and healthy development of initial interest Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, no one knows its edge.
Why? Buddhists! As such Bodhisattva limit. But because the media wanted to know all sorts of beings in this world, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Because they want to know all sorts of means of all beings in all the world, broadly speaking because he wanted to know all network facilities, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads.
Why is that? Buddhists! Bodhisattva no certain way, no certain limit. But because the media wanted to know everything of all beings in the world that much, but the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all sorts of means, of all beings in the many worlds, broadly speaking because he wanted to know all network facilities, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. This is the tenth example, means well enough known.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If there persons, where one mind, the mind knows everything differently, of all beings in countless world in the east. Broadly speaking world until ten, everything's mind all beings, all parents know.
 Buddhists! Let's set aside just said in the previous example. Again giving another example. If there are people who, in one mind, knowing everything different center of all beings in countless world in the east. Broadly until ten world, all sorts of different interests all beings, also known edge.
The merit of the Bodhisattva good basis initially give rise to eight shrines A recruiter Mind of no one knowing edge. Why?
Basis of merit and good initial Development Center Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha, no one knows its edge. Why can not know the edge of it?
Buddhists! Bodhisattvas are not limited to, but because they want to know the mind of the child, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Because they want to know all sorts of different interest infinite beings in the legal world, to want to know all the grid center, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva no certain way, no way certain. But because I want to know the mind of many beings, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all sorts of infinite mind of many beings, in the legal world ends unreal world, to want to know all the grid center, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. This is the eighth example, cleverly known example of another mind.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If there persons, where a mind, knowing everything's different now all beings, in a variety of worlds in the east. Broadly beings until everything ten different now, both parents can know.
Buddhists! Let's set aside the previous example above. Again giving another example. If there persons, where a concept, know everything different now, of all beings in countless world in the east. More broadly, until in ten world, everything's different now all beings. Bodhisattvas can tell its edge.
The merit of the Bodhisattva good basis initially give rise to eight shrines A recruiter Mind of no one knowing edge. Why?
Basis of merit and good initial Development Center Bodhisattva Supreme obtain supreme Buddha is how much? Nobody knows edge. Why can not know?
Buddhists! Bodhisattvas are not limited to, but because they want to know the student's career, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Because they want to know of all sentient beings now in three generations, until all grid now want to know, that the mind has a brown leather la tam tam Bodhi shrines.
Bodhisattva no certain way, no certain limit. But because I want to know how much karma of beings, so the mind has supreme supreme Buddha. Bodhisattva's karma because he wanted to know all three generations living beings, to want to know everything now grid, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. This is the ninth example, generals know well enough now.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If there persons, where a mind, knowing everything afflictions of all beings in countless world in the east. Such concepts are concept, A life till the rising period. All sorts of different afflictions that no one knows their parents.
Buddhists! Let's pause just above examples. Again giving another example. If there are people who, in one mind, knowing everything afflictions of all beings in countless world in the east. In such concepts are concepts, all fate A rising period of time. Accruals different afflictions that no man knows its edge.
Have the second person, a place in mind, be the first to know know the difference afflictions of living beings in eons. Thus the fate of all A rose period. In turn, by extension until the tenth. South, west, north, four directions, on the bottom, and the like.
And a second man, in a mind, knowing the first known afflictions of living beings undergo destiny A time period increases. And so, the fate of all A rose period. Broadly until the tenth. The other nine remaining, are also the same.
Buddhists! Negativity difference of beings in the ten directions, the edge may know. The merit of the Bodhisattva healthy root development center Comment A brown leather tam tam Bodhi is, no one knows their parents. Why?
Buddhists! In a variety of worlds in the ten directions, all beings, all have different afflictions. Beings of infinite, negativity also infinite, so there are enough different things. But there is so much negativity, but can also be said of its edge. However, the merit of the Bodhisattva healthy root development center initially Supreme supreme Buddha obtained, examined how many glasses? Edge of it go? There are people who do know. Why do not parents know of good apartments?
Buddhists! Bodhisattva not limited to, but because I want to know the afflictions of living beings in this world, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Because they want to know the difference afflictions of all beings in all the world, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva no certain way, so no limits. But because I want to know the sorrow of all beings in the world and that is why the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all sorts of different afflictions, of all beings in all the world, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Negativity is what? That is disturbing brain center itself. Broadly there are eighty-four thousand, ie rules of anger and ignorance. Negativity of participation, such participation bored, and did not participate, there are afflictions. There are enough animals to find thousands of the thousands of design to be. There have been afraid of losing then again, this is all defilement. Negativity of the field, is taking the joy, the student involved was not anger, that anger is. Once the heat is going to burn away all merit. Therefore:
'' Short on firewood
A small flame burned clean.''
Afflictions of ignorance, ignorance that is hell-operation. There is ignorance born loving heart. Ai what? Enjoyment, pleasure in sexual love. Because they want to enjoy, so whatever, also wants to do their own take. So crazy it will work, no distinction black and white, good and evil clearly not. This is about expressing your ignorance.
That's because I want to know the light afflictions, afflictions severe underlying negativity, negativity arises, each and every sentient being has infinite sorrow, different everything, sense everything, all net worth contamination .
Bodhisattva want to know the cause of all sorrow hybrids, light affliction, which is not essential affliction, which is also the defilement of ten or small. Severe afflictions, which is very critical affliction, which is also the age of eight or negativity. Negativity hidden inside. Negativity arises, ie all afflictions born. Every sentient beings are boundless sorrow, there is enough different things, there are all sorts of different senses. Pure autonomic all afflictions into Bodhi variables, all thoughts turn defiled the purity of thought. For that reason, the Bodhisattva should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Because they want to know all rely afflictions of ignorance, negativity corresponding charity. Terminate unless all the negativity in the species.
Bodhisattva want to know ignorance refuge afflictions, including action, consciousness, identity, continent, contact, feeling, love. Etc. .. corresponding negativity. Must cut off all the negativity in the world, the Bodhisattva should give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Negativity to have three things: One is the sex, ie all of sensuous desire. Secondly the property, ie all of the Who's Afraid of gender identity and formless. Thirdly, the ignorance, ie the three realms of ignorance. Ie three Tam the contraband, if si love severed, permanently rid the line of life and death.
Because they want to know the parts involved defilement, the defilement courtyard, the si negativity, negativity equal parts. Eradicated all defilements roots.
Why play Bodhisattva Mind? Because we want teachers of students, so the mind has to practice. Achievements, the new practice is instructive beings. If you want education for all sentient beings, then we must first know the nature of beings basis. If you want to know the basis of the nature of living beings, we must first know the sex (heart desires) of beings. That is what they are born happy? Ie sexual lust, greed much more defilement, craving little less negativity. Bodhisattva beings want to know how much each craving? So the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme.
Part negativity involved: Who are everyone, not greed are taking advantage. Join the list, the fire died, taking the death benefit for the country. List is the second, the second benefit is, but not everyone is aware of it, so all involved. There are people talented and outstanding people, greedy people, there are people sleeping. Therefore:
'' Lobes talented real name
Hell reserved for base year.''
When taking then that's a good thing, not knowing participation back to visit, will eventually fall into hell. Around the world there are only two kinds of people, a list of people is because, one is for the benefit of people. Get home person that said, the agency wants to make the monk, mage college, they wanted to participate to elderly Venerable, aged shaman. Exploration shamans have wanted to fame in the world, as the most influential monk, but I still do not know, greedy old shaman, the shaman departed detective not how far, the greedy old monk detective How far did the monk. Join to participate participate dies back completely hands not, depending on where to go now. Be aware, the money and the money might die; taking beauty, the beauty will die; greed for fame or fortune, it will die, it will die greedily eat, sleep will die taking sleeping. Participants sleep, the more sleep the more confused, more confused, the more want to sleep, sleep, sleep for dead back to sleep always, it is worthy of mercy!
Part afflictions field: ie anger. Because greed is contentment can not generate hatred. If the light is a grudge in mind, if it incurred heavy war. You join me win, even if you die I live. For the country as fighting with other countries, are due to the center of the courtyard where the head leader. If there is no such aversion, the two countries at war, people are harmless. Why world war? As heads of state start by greed, want land invasions of other countries, representing the interests of other countries. Heads of other countries, because national preserve, do not want to take away benefits to be won, he discovered a conflict with another country, or the war. Directions to the people of the two countries in distress, countless dead, suffering misery. Investigated the generation of warfare, both because of the two countries' heads of anger that led to war, countless dead people, loss of wealth numerous assets. This is the courtyard afflictions.
Part negativity si: That is foolish, clearly not the reason. The foolish emptiness there is no reason, not on all, or even kill journalists who dare to fire as well, no thoughts, no unexpected consequences.
Negativity is saying: That is greed, hatred and delusion are three more. For example, how much negativity involved? How many afflictions yard? Negativity si how much? Back then divide it into ten thousand thousand afflictions variables, can not be counted. Above is a brief talk about greed, ignorance and negativity.
Because they want to know all of the negativity down, head down afflictions, afflictions conceit. Enlightenment is not the end all excess negativity.
So want to know Bodhisattva's afflictions fall. Because no self (self), new afflictions. If we did not have one, there's no negativity. This moral everyone knows, but everyone is not worth what we let go, so much sorrow born. Bodhisattva want to know your afflictions Russia. Because of ego, this is my property, the other is owned by us, the children of my property, my property ownership. In summary, all of which are all owned by me, here are disturbing. Bodhisattva want to know sorrow conceit. Welcoming the arrogance news, see who is good for nothing. Were felt all the better. There are psychological conceit will cause all sorts of afflictions. Three things not disturbing little harm, but because it has life and death.
There is sorrow there is attachment, there is attachment there is karma, karmic retribution is life. If not negativity, it is not now, nor retribution, not all, then no birth and death. Enlightened bodhisattva want to end all afflictions not admit fault, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Because they want to know all of that crazy born distinguish root afflictions. Depending afflictions. Because of that body which is born sixty-two, to subdue all afflictions.
Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all afflictions, is distinguished from the insanity that spawned root afflictions. Unhappiness is rooted afflictions have options. Ie root defilements of greed, hatred and delusion, romantic, comfortable, friendly reviews, editor reviews, wrong, is prime, prime is presented. Depending classified negativity (middle elementary age) large, medium, small, three things. Great sorrow is sloth, exchange office, unbelief, lazy, restlessness, forgetfulness, wandering, rebellious, eight things. China is not the tiger negativity, no shame, two things. State afflictions is anger, hate, wealth, brains, hydrophobic, stingy, Siamese, stalk, harm, arrogant, ten things. Because of that body which is born sixty-two. Sixty-two there is the capital, is the expectation that compliance is sixty-two. Every attachment is a delusion, are not the primary decision. The only name that makes no sense. What is sixty two? In each of the five aggregates four comments. For example,'' that is my identity, I was in the best.'' Tho four aggregates form well thought out like that. This is twenty. Over three generations, the sixty. Re-add the ants and often is sixty two comments. Due to distinguish itself shows that sixty-two is born, so He broke through with them to their afflictions. Bodhisattva because for all afflictions, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme.
Because they want to know all negativity masked, karma and afflictions, rescuers found compassion, stop eliminating all negativity grid, making all nature pure mind, but the mind has a brown leather la tam tam Bodhi shrines.
Bodhisattva because he wanted to know all negativity concealed. Like clouds cover the sun, which is also ignorance conceal the luminous wisdom. Cloaking five things:
1). Cover up greed (female): I do not know why? Men seeking women, women seeking men, looking around, looking defilement is not worth it. This is work that is craving monsters, making your defilement.
2). Concealed anger: Because greed is not attained, the sorrow born of hatred. Golf is shaped on the highway, hatred is hatred hidden in the heart center. Two things this field, to make people feel the action, not even rational, then crazy things arise, for fire to kill the reporter, without doing nothing.
3). Sleep cloaking: Because hatred exasperated, then go to sleep in order to sorrow. But the more I sleep, the more confused, lethargic and mind, body and heavy, it obscures the nature center.
4). Trao exchange cloaking: After a deep sleep, exchanges currencies, not knowing what is right or wrong, he mesmerized.
5). Nghi legal concealed Handing exchange then what would not believe, for all measures are born skeptic mind, hesitated not decide which obscures the nature center. As such fulfillment in things that generate conceal, cover ground that overcast sky, not knowing north east south west. Or take real name lobe as talented first-year cover-up, taking the cover financial wisdom, taking sharp, greed, greedy, taking to bed, cover all wisdom.
Bodhisattva want to know karma and afflictions. Instant karma is hampered. Chapter two things:
1). Negativity karma: Due to the birth of ego or obstacles calm Nirvana truth.
2). Department over it: the birth of law observance, or legal obstacles true minister of the Bodhi mind. Then there are three things:
2a) Negativity karma: That is greed, hatred and delusion of comfort or romance.
2b). Karma: That is the contingent negative or evil gathering.
2c). Report offensive: That is a live, hungry ghosts, animals suffering notice. There are a lot of things offensive, not pause table.
Because concealed sorrow and affliction affliction is heavy karma, so to play Bodhisattva compassion rescue. Great balls ie compassion, which is also the center agrees, Compassionate. Ie compassion bodhisattva not see beings fault. They are born despite difficult conditions for how difficult Bodhisattvas still tirelessly to chemical education. This news is a manifestation of compassion. Mind rescue all sentient beings, causing rupture all negativity grid. Afflictions of humans, concluding that the net together. Real too, shame brand byproducts that we look not only. Grid is disturbing is dangerous, you unfurl dinner, I hung blocked with you, you never taught me from the three realms, I did not give you out of the three worlds, all strung together sown, can not escape six realms of cyclic existence. If negativity cut off grid, then get rid of the three worlds, is freed. So what used to cut the nets negativity? Use the lily world for treasure, but lightweight for easy handling, it will be cut off. Bodhisattva as the root cause for all the pure essence of wisdom to restore what he foot center, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. This is the tenth instance, know well enough negativity.
Buddhists! Let's pause this example. If there persons, where one in mind, taking everything first class dining, floral dresses, though chalky blue parasols and Sangha, fine palaces, treasures hammock nets, building all sorts of treasures lion, and the beautiful treasures, offering countless Buddhas in the east, and countless world all beings. Respectful reverence, praise prostrate, bowed admire, continuous non-stop, going through countless lives. Advised beings that are making such offerings to the Buddhas.
France Hui Bodhisattva said: Buddhists! Let's set aside in the previous example. Currently offering another example. If there persons, where one in mind, using all sorts of delicious premium food, or eating all things floral, clothing, chalky, though the forest canopy and garden abode of monks. And nice stately palace, made of the seven treasures nets, hammocks treasure, treasure everything grid, to the stately throne. Using all sorts of beautiful treasures back to offering countless Buddhas in the east, and all beings in countless world east. Then Buddhas reverence, respect Buddhas feast Jewels, Jewels praise, undergoing countless lives a long time. Come play center counsel all beings in countless world, also offering all ten three Buddhas life.
Until after the Buddha's passing, each Buddha are built for large towers. Countless world are made up of the seven golden stupa, there are all sorts of solemnity. In each tower there are countless Tathagata image. Luminosity slide across a variety of worlds, experiencing countless lives. South, west, north, four directions, on the bottom, and the like.
Until after the Buddha's passing, because each Buddha are creating a golden stupas, relics offerings. Tower Treasure, the great tall. In a variety of worlds, forming towers are made of seven precious treasures, have all sorts of solemn, very beautiful. In each tower there are numerous Buddha images, Buddha used seven valuable solemn, release agents so luminous, shines across a variety of worlds, experiencing countless lives a long time, it did not reduce clarity away. In the south-west, four directions, also on the back nine as such.
Buddhists! How do you mean? The merit of which are more affordable? Sakka says: The merit of the man, only to realize the Buddha, besides no one is measuring.
France Hui Bodhisattva told Sakka that Buddhists! How Did you? How is the feeling? The merit of which are more affordable? Sakka answer: The merit of that person, I do not know how much greenhouse research? Only Buddha knows it. In addition, all e Bodhisattva that can not be measured.
Buddhists! The merit of such persons, compared with the initial release Bodhisattva mind, not a cent, not one-thousand, not one-hundred thousand, give priority to such one-degenerate three nuns.
Hui Bodhisattva France Buddhists call one hour! merits of that, but a lot, but compared to the original release Bodhisattva then lose interest very far, not a cent, not one-thousand, not one-hundred thousand. So far no one-best three ni sa momentum. Any examples of how, and are not part of the original Bodhisattva Development Center.
Buddhists! Stop this example. If you like to have the second person, a place in mind, do as the offerings in front and all beings in countless world undergoes countless lives. Such a concept idea. Use these countless offerings, offerings to countless Buddhas Vairocana, and all beings in countless world, through countless lifetimes.
Buddhists! Let's set aside the above example. Currently offering another example. If there second. In a mind, as people do in advance and offering innumerable all beings in the world, in countless lives. One such concept is, concepts such concepts are well. Use boundless offerings, offerings to countless Buddhas and infinite world all beings, also underwent countless eons long time.
The third to the tenth are also the same. Place a mind, will bring offerings as the first. Such concepts are also concept. Using the infinite, wife, window impossible, impossible profession, private impossibility, impossible amounts, impossible theory, theory impossibility impossibility doctrine offerings. Offering infinite possibilities for any theoretical impossibility to theory Buddhas, and all beings in countless world, experiencing infinite possibilities for any theoretical impossibility to life theory.
A third person, also donated countless Buddhas and countless sentient beings as such, until the tenth same. In a concept, brought offerings as the first. One such concept, idea concept is the same. There's no edge, no similarity can not be used to count the number of items it can not be used to measure its size, can not use words to visualize it, frankly, impossible theory theory impossible, not to say these offerings, offerings to the Buddha's infinite. Until impossibility impossibility theory theory of Buddha, and all beings in the world immeasurable. Over infinite lives, so much luck and theoretical impossibility theory impossible.
After Buddha's, treasure towers were built. Tower high wide treasure it, until life office, and the like.
Wait after Buddha's, treasure towers were built. Treasure Tower that such high until the clouds but also extremely large. So go through life offices, as well as golden Buddhas build such towers, relics and offerings to the Buddha image.
Buddhists! The merit of the above offerings, compared with the initial release Bodhisattva mind, not by a percentage, not by a thousandth, not by a thousand percent. So far no one-best three ni sa momentum. Why?
Buddhists! merits of the Buddhas above offerings, compared with the merits of the original Bodhisattva Development Center, not by a percentage, not by a thousandth, not by a thousand percent. So far no one-best three ni sa momentum. In short, play a little Bodhisattva Mind overcomes the merit of offering countless Buddhas. Why is that?
Buddhists! Bodhisattvas such limits, but for how many offerings that the Buddhas, which give rise to a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Because all the legal world offering world nowhere, impossible Impossible theory theory innumerable past ten current and future, all the Buddha, which give rise to eight shrines A recruiter tam Bodhi.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva Bodhisattva found in no limit bodhi mind. Bodhisattva realm, there is no certain edge. But also how much sugar all the Buddha, which give rise to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattvas as offerings to make vain throughout France, theoretical impossibility impossibility doctrine, ten infinite number of past present and future all three generations of the Buddha, which give rise to such chief Supreme enlightenment. This is the eleventh example, tandem Buddha and sentient beings.
Play Mind then, will know all the Buddhas past the initial director of sight and into Nirvana. Will good news all units of all the Buddhas of the future. Knowing all the wisdom of all the Buddhas present.
Bodhisattva Mind and development, will know all the Buddhas of the past due to the initial development center, to the Chief of sight and into Nirvana. Come to know all the fresh root of all Buddhas of the future youth. Come get to know all the wisdom of all the Buddhas of the present.
All the virtues of the Buddhas, the Bodhisattva or believe, or maintain life, or practice, or acquired, or learned, evidence, achievement, equal to a Buddha nature.
All the merits of all three lives Buddhas, Bodhisattvas initial release or information center said, or maintain life, or practice, achievement. Or practice and that it is equal to a Buddha nature.
Why? Because this Bodhisattva, not an end to all strains of nature that give rise Tathagata. So prolific world where all Development Center. So get all the sentient world that plays center. As all the world knows the havoc that plays center. Knowing all beings that give rise to a net structure. As the world knows all three realms Development Center purification. Knowing all beings preferred center afflictions that give rise dangerously. Knowing all other living beings that died Development Center here. Because all beings know the vehicles which give rise apartments. As we all know well that plays birth center care. Knowing all sentient life that plays center position three.
Why? Initial Development Center Bodhisattva, or found that a practitioner Mind? Wanting to connect network Buddhist wisdom. Because no end to that discovered isolates nature Tathagata Mind. So prolific world where all development Mind. So escape all the world that all beings discovered Mind. Because not know all the corrupt head of all the world that plays Mind. Knowing all beings infected with impurities like, which transformed into pure, which play Mind. As the world knows all three realms, how new is the purity, which play Mind. Knowing all beings afflictions center preferred and habitual behavior, which play Mind. As we all know in this world born to die, born to the world to the other, but found Mind. Knowing all the media units of all living beings discovered Mind. Knowing all her mind of all sentient beings that play Mind. Because all the wisdom to know three generations of all beings that play Mind.
Buddha Mind, so often all three Buddhas life thought in mind. Will obtain supreme bodhi of all three Buddhas life. Noodles are all Buddhas given three life Dhamma. Closely the nature of equality with all three Buddhas life. Have assistant practitioners of all three Buddhas life, the very basis of health achievements of all Buddhas captain for three generations. Dharma solemn injustice of all three Buddhas life. Obtained the legal world all legal wisdom Buddhas say.
Buddha Mind, so often all three Buddhas life memorial will be attained supreme bodhi of all three Buddhas life. Immediately the life of the Buddha Dhamma first three generations said. Immediately the nature of equality of all three Buddhas life. That was also the assistant director of legal practice all three Buddhas life. Also the ten achievements captain and four very basis of all three Buddhas life. Also stately eighteenth estate community dharma of all the Buddhas of the three periods. Bodhisattva Development Center will initially obtained the legal world wisdom says all legal Buddhas. Using all sorts of facilities to practice religious followers.
Why? As found by this center will be a Buddha. Be aware that the instant contracts with three Buddhas life. Instant equity realm with three Tathagata Buddhas life. Consecutive equal merit with three generations Tathagata Buddha, attained a boundless body of the Tathagata body, saving glass equality true wisdom.
Why is that? So thanks to the center, the result should be a Buddha. Be aware Bodhisattva mind that the initial release, immediately contract with three Buddhas life. Immediately realm equal to three life Tathagata Buddhas. Immediately equal merit with three Tathagata Buddhas life. Dak is a Buddha, it also acquired countless Buddhas. Verse of the economic products of this Giac Quang Minh said:
'' A body made countless relatives
To make an immeasurable
Knowing the world
Figure klhap all time
Where did this Body
Accumulation nor place
Because they distinguish
Buddha saw everything yourself.''
A body can make itself immeasurable, infinite body from a body that achievement. Grasp all the world knows, everything appeared friendly, full of everywhere. This body did not come from, nor where the buildup. Because they differentiate, so He does everything itself new, custom made charming beings that see Buddha. Bodhisattva Initial Development Center, acquired great wisdom of Buddha diameter equal Research, University true wisdom.
At the center have discovered, immediately all the Buddhas of the ten directions praise. Lien law may say, teaches that all beings for all the world. Consecutive shocks all the world. Interlaboratory clarity collate all the world. Instant kill all evil ways of the world suffer. Instant solemn all realms of pure water. Noodles can become Buddhas manifest in all the world. Noodles can be made for all sentient beings be happy. All nature went into the legal world. Linked to preserve all species Buddha nature. Obtained the necessary instant luminous wisdom of Buddha.
Initial Development Center Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva new executive director, immediately all the Buddhas in the ten directions praise praise:'' A! Worldwide, the issuer has a Mind, the future will definitely Buddhahood. You instead! You instead! The son of this very character, mental development Bodhisattva, good, good.'' Initial Development Center Bodhisattva, the Buddha immediately be ten home, which opened great wisdom, are measures resources very afraid, because they say legal students, teachers of all beings subdued in all the world. At that time, all six world order shocks arise, namely: Chan, Hong, size, dynamic, brave, start, six phenomena. Immediately luminous wisdom shining all the world. Immediately destroy everything in the path of suffering of all evil in the world. Immediately solemn realms of pure water all the Buddhas. Immediately the Buddha can manifest in all the world. Immediately make all sentient beings be happy excited. Immediately enter the legal world all nature, filled the ten directions. Immediately preserve all strains of Buddha nature is not eradicated. Necessarily immediately obtain the luminous wisdom of Buddha.
Bodhisattva mind that the initial release, there is little place for three generations possessed, such as Buddhas, or Buddhas law. Or Bodhisattva or Bodhisattva way. Or Single Awareness, or Single Awareness law. Or Thanh Van, or legal Thanh Van. Or the world, or worldly. Or of the world, or the world of law. Or beings, or beings measures. Just for omniscience. Where the legal world, such attachments mind.
Bodhisattva mind that the initial release, with his acquired three Buddhas of the ten directions equally. That is to say all the Buddhas, the Buddha said law. All Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas way of speaking. All Ðộc Giac Giac said DOC's legal. All Thanh Van, Thanh Van said law. All the world compounded of the world. All of the world, nothing is out of the world. All living beings, beings of law. Bodhisattva Mind initial release, only necessary for wisdom in all the legal world, all such interest and all attachments.
Then, by the force of the Buddha, each method in ten, are the world, much as a speck number thousands of Buddhist realms, all six secondary trauma. They are: Action, volatility, equity volatility. Start, start turning, turning class starts. Brave, brave variables, class variables brave. Shock, trauma variables, class variables trauma. Pink, Red Sea, Red Sea College. Size, variable size, class size variables. Rain down heavenly flowers, incense sun, sun powder incense, garlands sun, sun care, sky, stately furniture heaven, heavenly musical score, reporters luminous sky, sun and sound.
At that time, by force divine majesty of Buddha. Each of the ten directions, much like the world number one thousand buddhafields dust, shocks are six things arise. That is real: In a dynamic, volatile: In a volatile world over; equity volatility: In all the world and tremors. Run, brave, trauma, pink, size, and so on. Place where such a situation has arisen, become eighteen secondary trauma.
Meanwhile, rain down from the sky all heavenly flowers, incense sun, sun powder incense, garlands sun, sun care, sky, sun jewelry severe. Etc. .. the music playing have sun, the sun light launcher, the sound heard in heaven.
At that time, each of the ten directions, across the world as much as ten buddhafields some dust particles, much like the Buddha, some particles still consider Buddha, Dharma titles are co-Hue, are all embodied, in front Hui Bodhisattva France, say something like this: You instead! You instead! France Hue! This he said today. We're in the ten directions, each method has many Buddhas as several thousand particles buddhafields, also said this method, all Buddhas speak this way.
At that time, each of the ten directions, experiencing the world as much as the grains of dust ten realms Buddha, the Buddha has many as the grains of dust still consider Buddhism. Title of the Buddha, the Buddha are French Hui. Each Buddha Fa Hui, are embodied in prior Bodhisattva France Hue, mouth and other words: You instead! You instead! France Hue! Currently there said he initially found legal merit Mind. We're in the ten directions, each method has many Buddhas as several thousand particles buddhafields, also speak this way. All Buddhas are also said legal merit Mind initial release.
When he said this law, then the Bodhisattva much as several thousand particles buddhafields, development Mind. Today we are all up for their life, future life, going through thousands of impossible theoretical infinite life, and in a life that was Buddhist, appears born, are as effective as Tam Lai Purity. In the world, all different. We are upholding the law, making future life, all Bodhisattvas, never heard, are all to be heard.
Dharma many as the grains of dust Hui still consider Buddha said, Hue France! He said the current legal merit Mind initial release, the Bodhisattva many as the grains of dust still consider Buddha Mind at the same time. Currently we life up for them, the future will become a Buddha, through thousands of impossible theoretical infinite life, and life in a way, they have become a Buddha, appears born. Purity Buddha are effective as Tam Lai. In the world differently. We are upholding the law, making life Bodhisattva future development Mind, never heard of this method is completely legal to hear this.
As the top of Mount Meru galaxy this Saha world, said such measures. Causing beings to be heard, the teachers of the Buddha's life. Thus ten hundred thousand memories, so tha Na, countless, countless, boundless, infinite class, impossible numbers, claiming impossibility, impossibility investment, inability volume theory impossible, unreal world take legal world , in the world says this law, religious followers.
Like the power of the sun Noble Victories Sakka, atop Mount Meru, in a galaxy this Saha world, expresses initial release legal merit attention. Makes heard all beings, are Buddhist cultural life. Thus, in ten hundred thousand memories, so tha Na, countless amounts, wife border, some impossible, impossible profession, private impossibility, impossible amounts, theoretical impossibility impossibility theory, take measures unreal world . In all the world speak this way, to teachers of all sentient beings, making their parents about enlightenment, discovered the supreme Mind directing.
These are the same people who say the legal title is French Hui. Since both by the force of the Buddha. As the power of the Primordial Exalted. Because they want to manifest in the Dharma. Since taking over the projection clarity of wisdom. Because that wants to uphold truth. Because the evidence was made legal nature. Because Congress made us all happy. So who wants to market the Dharma. Because all Buddhas equal. Because no two fully articulate the legal world, which says such measures.
Bodhisattva said taking legal merit initial development Mind, agree a French title is Hui Bodhisattva. Because of his great compassionate forces are shifting the Buddhas of the ten directions. Because of the ten Primordial Buddhas in the past have found. Because they want to open revealing the dharma to living beings. Since the luminous wisdom used to slide all over the world. That is said to bring wisdom to all living beings, making them enlightened. Because they want to uphold declaration expresses moral truth. So that all beings are legal documents that the Buddha nature. For made public in an event of joy are all excited. Because they want to open presents for all beings Buddhas legal transparency. What is the Dharma people? That is the good. Since making all beings Buddhas attained fruition equality, which is also the supreme Buddha. So grasp ten sexes is a method. Because of this causal ten, but say initial legal merits Development Center.
Then Bodhisattva France Hue, observing nowhere to take over the world, ten in all our social realms. Because we wanted the student achievement. Net worth of business because they want retribution. Because they want to reveal the pure legal world is displayed. Because they want to stop contamination except root. Wanting big growth signals. Because they want to know that countless beings nature apartment. Because they want to know that measures three equal partners. Because they want to make the world observe Nirvana. Because they want to grow their base of pure good, he forces shifting dread of the Buddha that said teeth.
At that time, France Hue Bodhisattvas, observing nowhere to take over the world, all of us ten chance of Buddha realms. This is because I want to make all sentient beings achieve Buddhahood. Because we want to make all born pure evil now treat all contaminants, obtained good karma pure, transparent human moral results. Because they want to make perfectly legal world appears pure origin. Because they want to make all sentient beings end ignorance rooted all negativity contamination. Because they want to make all beings grow the large signal. Because they want to make all sentient beings, know of countless beings nature apartment. Because they want to make all sentient beings, know that three generations of legal equality. Because they want to make all sentient beings, observation is often presented Nirvana, communication, self, pure. Because they want to make all sentient beings, healthy root growth of its purity. Because of conditions that, great Bodhisattva France Hue shifting compassionate blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni, which says that one hundred and twenty-one verses.
Because the mind has time major advantage
That center around the same place ten
These three generations of law students realms
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas victory at sea.
Why play Bodhisattva Mind? Because they want to benefit all beings of the world, so large new center. Great concern over the amount of ten world. All beings, realms, three life measures, Bodhisattvas and customs supreme legal opportunity to hear mass.
Rescue nowhere glass throughout France
All the world all
As these are through to the Dhamma
Thus the mind has no retrogression.
Rescue nowhere glass throughout France, all the ten directions all the world. Even in the world does? Even in the realm of what country? In every room there is a Buddha, France, the Bodhisattva go there, offerings range from ten schools of Buddhism, the mind has great Bodhi so, no permanent retrogression.
From concept such beings temporarily leave
Leave benefits throughout the brain damage
Luminosity projector makes title
Hexadecimal deceased hard think.
Bodhisattva Bodhi mind has great, often from conception all beings, sentient beings do not forget temporarily. Want to make the turn from brain damage beings, throughout benefit all sentient beings. Bodhisattva luminous projection release all the world, causing all beings to the refuge. Use the power of the Buddha to gather all deceased beings, self-propelled subjects inconceivable.
Ten countries are oriented in the plane
All colors are manifested form
As large Buddhist place immeasurable blessing
Depending upon attachment of such prisoners.
Bodhisattva to all realms in the ten directions, to worship Buddhas, sentient beings teachers, are manifested all species. He had the grace and wisdom like the Buddha, the vast boundless, back or depending upon which all dharma practice, always upon living beings, the Bodhisattva practice. Everything's in place, in private practice, the right not to accept before. Property magic of dharma is born out of their attachment.
Why are we born selfish? Look no lens? Chang was let go? As for the attachment, the attachment of the country, the attachment, the attachment body, attachment owns all his possessions, so that there are countless afflictions.
There realms back or inclined face shape
Coarse good thing boundless vast
Bodhisattva when the mind has supreme
Equal to or through such obstacles.
There is the state of the world on their backs, or face shape leaning state. Having the world's crude, ie evil world last year, have a good world, ie the world of Bliss. There are vast world, there is little world. World infinite type. Bodhisattva Mind once discovered, or pass it to all the world, offering extensive training, education for all sentient beings, all without any hindrance.
Bodhisattva win unfortunate not to say
Are not diligent practice attachments
Seeing all excited Buddha often
Across the sea into the deep approach.
Bodhisattva wins in private practice, was not able to say. You are industrious enough things in private practice, but there is no attachment. Seeing the Buddha, the mind is always all excited, across the sea into the deep wisdom of the Buddha.
Mercy in the way of the student population
Gets dirty purification except
Continue like Buddha not break
Supply without break left.
Compassionate bodhisattva of hell, hungry ghosts, animals, strange words, human beings suffering in most corners. Why do we fall into five realms? Because of greed, hatred and delusion too heavy, very heavy dirty, so we had to wipe dirt, restore the inherent purity. Must continue like Buddha, made not break, to destroy Lucifer's palace, leaving no residual surplus.
Tathagata has cylindrical nature of equality
Ingenious means of spiritual magic
Where to touch the private realm
Buddha did not accept empowerment center.
Mind Bodhisattva development, has offices in sea equality of Buddha nature, everything left practice means practice magic. For all the legal realm of the Buddha and said, do not believe deep comfortable, so is Buddha empowerment, the center did not accept before. Why? So has the legal world can be a world of nowhere, so no attachment.
Being mindful hidden behind reported Tuc Luong
Mind as not to damage vajras
Where are Buddhist monks projector lens
Natural Bodhi practice well.
Bisexuality is the Buddha who cluck. As fortune favored are fully respected outdoor life. In the Buddhist notion anniversary gift newspapers, considerate beings. Bodhisattva Mind of spiritual solidly as vajra, putting solidly sharp clarity, any effort nor damage what is, which means there is no change of spiritual thought. Bodhisattva cultivators, the initial concept development to final center must as vajra, that such retrogression heart Supreme supreme Buddha. Martyrdom must thoroughly understand the spirit of loyalty, sometimes hot and sometimes cold can not. For the practice of the Buddha, the wisdom to use optical projection lens, will often practice natural almond Bodhi dharma.
Cultivators have increasingly diligent, more patience. Martyrdom like a boat against the current, such diligent efforts, the realm was shook up stream that regressive. Patience is the most direct legal subjects, can not also have rings rings, life can not also have feelings, they do so well Bodhi new achievements.
The boundless realms of thought different
Karma and would not mind a
Until everything revenge Tanh
When playing great interest are obvious.
The world has enough different things, each of them born, think of the infinite. They arise or, karma, life alert, nor similar, are different in mind, nor a. Until based nature of beings of different things well enough. When discovered Bodhisattva Mind, the karma, mind, Tanh are evident.
Mind that the same legal world wide
Do not rely as nowhere constant
Towards Buddha did not accept taking place
Knowing very well separated in fact distinguish.
Mind Bodhisattva development, the center of his vast boundless, and the legal world. No refuge, no place to change, as nowhere. His direction of the Buddha's wisdom, but no players taken. Therefore:'' very favorable'' senseless herons him to grasp the true reason, apart from all the distinction.
Knowing sentient beings not born perfect
Overdraft reached the legal methods not ideal
But no distinction between discrimination throughout
Breasts are then removed through the Na.
Mind Bodhisattva development, know the mind of sentient beings, but they are not born of delusion. Bodhisattvas are separated minister, breaking into the Bodhisattva Sutras, so wisdom like the sea. Overdraft reached the legal doctrine true form, but there is no attachment, no sentient thought, no ego ideal, nor legal thought. But all in all over the world, teachers of all sentient beings, but there is no discrimination. If there is an inhibition of Na tha world by the Buddha, Bodhisattvas are going to close the Buddhas, Buddha worship, offerings to the Buddhas.
Buddha Dhamma countless organs
Depending upon observation are to be
They are all well-known student apartments
To such places as Exalted.
Boundless Buddha Dhamma organs, depending upon Bodhisattvas penetrating observation that the legal nature of the Tathagata. All the base nature and behavior of living beings, Bodhisattvas know before. Bodhisattva or born in the French king, to be the most dignified position.
Always great prayer purity corresponds
Prefers well as Lai no retrogression
God is not boring enough people see
Often Buddhas are deceased.
Forth a great Bodhisattva vow chastity great happiness, always corresponding. That is according to the vow that his practice was found, popular religious practice offerings. Offering all the ten directions three Buddhas life, permanently Center offerings such rot. God and the Bodhisattva see that development Mind, is always born joy, without any boring knew enough attention, so often the deceased ten Buddhas.
Never mind that pure shelter
But that does not accept bar deep legal
Pondering such countless lifetimes
In the third world without attachment.
In the mind pure Bodhisattva often, little thought had no cell infection. However, legal or observe deep magic, but not before the procedure, all transparency measures without all the legal attachment, deep reflection that all such measures, through countless eons of time. For legal Buddhas past, present Buddhas, future Buddhas say, are not attached.
Mind it difficult to destroy fortified
User Buddha Bodhi such obstacles
Chi direction except for the enchanting magic
Taking no fatigue throughout France.
Mind Bodhisattva development, including fortified center, as vajra, no detail is destructive. His beneficiaries of direct Buddhas Bodhi great, no obstacle. Making even stroll through the pursuit of magic, to eliminate all kinds of ignorance mesmerizing. Traveling throughout France, to all the Catholic world for all sentient beings, have to suffer hard, absolutely not boring hardship.
Knowing words were calm approach
But on the other foot understood as an end
Realm of the buddhas are consistent agreement
Information not reached my third heart problems.
Bodhisattva said legal words are quiet, but his foot on the base as possible, abruptly departed chief knowledge not addressed, all the realms of the Buddhas of the ten directions, depending upon Him observing, communicating the Buddhas of the three methods life, hell no concerns in mind.
Bodhisattva new large center
Relating to the ten realms
France can not say countless subjects
Tri ray vision are evident throughout.
Bodhisattva Mind initial release, when the mind has begun large, the incarnation of the Bodhisattva, through to the ten consecutive buddhafields offerings to the Buddhas. Although many disciplines impossibility theory theory impossible, but great wisdom of Bodhisattva projection clarity throughout all very general way, are all penetrated.
Great balls of nothing extensive by
Around the copper center from nowhere
Which place did not distinguish beings
Such pure worldly travelers.
Bodhisattva compassion. Bi or eradicate all suffering beings or wide and all living beings of the three worlds. Compassion that most noble, not unparalleled. From or given to all sentient beings happy, used to rescue the mind from all beings around, and as vain. For a law equal beings no distinction. Whatever beings there are grounds good or no good basis, are considered equal and teaches throughout. Bodhisattva user behavior such purity, traveled all the world.
Ten consolation beings
All jobs are true
Always use pure heart no more words
Buddhas are often the same household.
Ten beings are comforted, no difficulties, no obstacles. All jobs are true, there is no delusion. Bodhisattva mind always pure, did not say two words, so often the Buddhas of the ten directions come to join together and be protected.
In the wards, there is a passage that Shakyamuni Buddha told Bodhisattva hint: Buddha In ancient times there, the title of Lists Ph StatesAT Buddha into nirvana very long. At that time, we and you like each other, are Bodhisattvas. Contemporaries to be effective as a Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Supreme Prime, do chemical mendicant (Bhikshu), into a holding alms bowls, the other a monk, Bhikshu effects are fakes. He asked mendicants:
-'' Please'' asked him where it came from?
- The mendicant replied:'' I come from the truth.''
- Old Bhikshu asked:'' What is'' true?
- The mendicant replied:'' General called true silence.''
- Old Bhikshu asked:'' In general silence, there is room for? No place for''?
- The mendicant replied:'' Not for you.''
- Old Bhikshu asked:'' Do not place the bridge,'' why must demand?
- The mendicant replied:'' There needs basis, not all. Not be available, both before and no, it is not, nor demand, nor words, nor asked. Nirvana quiet, all naught, all the world, and are not. I do not second class because of legal requirements such that true.''
- Old Bhikshu asked:'' Bodhisattva'' bridge somewhere?
- The mendicant replied:'' Three Bridges in the continental bridge La Mhandled with utmost respect.''
Old Bhikshu mendicants hear such answers then, he was born center agents happy, bring myself to sell new, bring the money donated mendicants (incarnation of the Bodhisattva Upper Capital). It can be seen from time immemorial, because forgetting their legal, legal prostitution hear, the mind has vast offerings to the Three Jewels. The spirit of truth is so precious!
Past all thought to remember
Future are all distinguish
Across the world in ten
As sentient beings that escape.
Past Buddhas, Bodhisattvas usually remember thinking initially Development Center. Future Buddhas often to distinguish the original household Bodhisattva Development Center. Across all ten in the world. As living beings from the sea of ​​suffering and obtain happiness.
Bodhisattva full optical treatment
Ingenious no clear causal skepticism
All were cured except Fascinate
So where legal world travels.
Bodhisattva initial development center, full of magic luminous wisdom, skillful grasp all karmic retribution, for no causal retributive skeptical. So see what they comprehend the fact that, except for an end to all the Fascinate. Bodhisattva has such great wisdom, traveled to the French border where.
Palace were destroyed Lucifer
They are born blind display eradication
Leave the center did not distinguish the
Ingenious clearly realm of the Tathagata.
Or make Lucifer's palace completely destroyed. Ignorance of beings, like monitors blind eye, for no apparent spider look. Yes it is new to eradicate restore clarity. Bodhisattva teaches beings, there is no discrimination. So leave the attachment, so no real center. His skillful grasp all realms of the Tathagata obtained.
Nets were comfortable life except for three
At the start Tathagata intelligence
Faith is a real estate site
As a pure real understanding.
Mesh comfort or three generations, was completely destroyed. In the ashrams of the Buddha, was born a pure information center, information center through which pure wisdom acquired estate achievements. Because pure wisdom estate, so new understanding moral truth.
So that we get rid of birth
Take benefit youth throughout future
Need not suffer forever tired mind.
Until life hell security.
Since making all living beings from the three realms, obtained pleasure. Take my youth and future, throughout all beings benefit, any experienced long long time? How many films such unpleasantness? Mind fatigue nor boring, so to hell with painful feeling of calm to the mind and life. As Earth Treasure current still in hell, rescued unpleasant beings. Why so? Because Earth Treasure found great vows:
'' Hell no empty
May not become a Buddha.''
The spirit truly is so great!
Blessed are immeasurable wisdom fully
Based sexual beings know
And the issue will now see all
As for saying that they like the law.
Bodhisattva of infinite wisdom blessed, so blessed wisdom are full. Based nature and desires of living beings, Bodhisattvas fully understood. All acts of retribution and see all sentient beings. As sentient beings happy place, because they are giving, loving, operating profit, and the. Using four measures Bodhisattva this regency, to religious followers.
Knowing not all selfless
From conception beings are not removed
Using a sound wonderful compassion
In all the world to take said.
Bodhisattva knows all is not, neither is our existence, so there is no any attachment. Me thinks his compassion all beings, not abandon all beings. Use a wonderful sound great compassion, to all over the world, to fertility because they said all measures.
Exaggerate everything luminous color
Screening around the dark beings except
Optical Bodhisattva seated in the lotus
Because we uphold the purity law.
Zoom out all sorts of great clarity, great clarity in order to have enough color. Projection color Luminosity that all beings around them, and they banish dark. In optical proving Bodhisattva seated on lotus huge treasure, as they celebrate birth declare uphold pure Dhamma.
Where the worlds top coat
The great Bodhisattvas filled
We are all different social wisdom
Grasp are all sentient beings.
Bodhisattva Mind initial release, shifting forces of modern compassionate Buddhas, one can head hairs, appeared realms Buddhas of the ten directions. Staying in the realm of contemporary Buddhist Bodhisattva full legal world. In our meeting Buddhas, Bodhisattvas complications pure wisdom of every Bodhisattva is different. All fully understand Bodhisattva mind of all sentient beings be happy what?
Ten in the world can not say
A concept throughout all
Benefits offered beings Buddha
Place where the Buddha asks deep meaning.
Ten in the world, though many not to exaggerate, but the Bodhisattva in a concept, can travel all around the world, there is no place not to. Why? Because he wants to benefit sentient beings and Buddhas offerings. Therefore:
'' On the Buddhist demand
Under sentient beings.''
So the place of Buddha's ten, so little wonder profound question.
Where the Tathagata think good father
For the sake unfortunate beings Quadrangle
Wisdom ingenious organ-law
In places such deep attachment location.
Bodhisattva Initial Development Center, for ten Buddhas think good father. For the sake of sentient beings, all new religious feeling well. Also known as sensory, ie due to contemplate enlightenment. Much wisdom and the will to use skillful means, all the way through to reach the true form, on the subject of profound Prajna Bodhisattva without prior approval.
Eight secondary sense.
1). Sexual sense: That is often thought to be the realm attained want joy in the heart.
2). Ground sense: That is too large a fire of ignorance, not unto themselves control, to not hold anymore when they get angry with people.
3). Brain sense: That is another brain damage, offend freedom of others, of those who defame others.
4). Body of sense: That is generally thought to remember family relatives friends.
5). Country of sense: That is often thought world peace, peace or not.
6). Immortalized sense: Can not enlightened you will die so desperate food area of ​​improvement.
7). Sense of ethnic identity: Often ethnic discrimination on man in nature.
8). Contempt sense: ie high drain conceit, are highly intelligent feel superior to others.
Eight things not sense this corresponds to the direction, it should shift corresponds to the new faith.
Depending upon reflection said the legal world
Experiencing countless lifetimes can not measure
But no place left in the country
There is no joint to the attachment.
Depending upon the reflection of moral beings to speak French border, through countless eons of time, nor to exaggerate. Wisdom but left in legal organ, but also no country. But no country, but also not tired boring, nor attachment. Why? Since there are no acquired acquired, are not attached.
Born in the three Buddhas life
They are friendly Dhamma Tathagata
Across the population born since the color
For all variables as legendary.
Beings Bodhisattva sons of the Buddha Dharma King in three generations, proving themselves to be the true Dhamma of the Tathagata. Across all beings because everything appears sharp body, like the magical thousands of popular culture, there is nothing that is not transformed.
Or does win you invest well
Or does birth and ordained
Or under the tree Enlightenment
Or because they are born out Nirvana.
Or Bodhisattva appeared initially in private practice wins, or does the original birth, or export from the direction shown, or appeared under the Tree of Enlightenment achievements kick supreme Buddha, or the out into Nirvana. etc. .. eight general enlightenment.
Bodhisattva rare legal office space
Buddha realm not only redundant binary
Body words but ideas have
Does everything have to be discretionary.
Department Head of Bodhisattva are less legal, do well are the realm of the Buddha, but is not the realm Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha redundant binary. Body, speech and mind are pure three now, will have three business segments except evil. He used all sorts of media practice, said discretionary measures, the body does all things.
Bodhisattva Buddha attained the legal
We found hysterical student reflection
In fact located in the very heart problems
Across the Tathagata himself out in force.
Bodhisattva acquired all dharma realms beings ponder it, the mind will hysterical. Bodhisattva of Wisdom or Prajna to be true justice, hell no heart problems. Throughout his powers manifested themselves in the Buddha.
What on earth did this by
Ha wins chance to conduct more
While necessarily incomplete location
Was very self in the Tathagata.
That realm, in this world there is nothing in the match, fouling situation increasingly more well-wins. Although incomplete Bodhisattva wisdom of all Buddhas, but have acquired the force of the Buddha himself.
Have a factor leading research based glass
In deep magic ultimate legal
Smart that the non-sentient time
Because that does psychic benefits.
Deduction where a Buddhist legacy glass research, in-depth practice of magic supreme inconceivable, cleverly knowing sentient beings, at any maturity level is predestined? Always predestined not mature, can not be measured? Fully aware of. For the sake of sentient beings, so all sorts of miracles manifested.
Full clones throughout all realms
Clarity ejaculation destroy my life
For large clouds floating like Long Wang
Rain throughout France are imbued weapons.
Bodhisattva or countless clones, which filled all the Buddha realms. Wisdom exaggerated clarity, shatter all the darkness of the world. For as Long kingdom floating in nothingness immense cloud, rain down over the legal universe of magic, making beings are imbued with universal law.
Observed as illusory beings
As so often flows karma
Merciful compassion are rescued
So says the unconditioned behavioral measures.
Bodhisattva contemplate all beings as illusory. Because they arise or, karma, life alert, so passed back and forth in the six realms of cyclic existence, never to be freed. Bodhisattva compassion mercy on all beings, so save all beings from suffering be funny. Because they say that the legal nature of unconditioned purity.
Buddhist immeasurable force here too
For nowhere such as edge
So that beings are freed
Breasts not boring fatigue life diligent practice.
Strength of boundless Buddha, Bodhisattvas strength also teaches beings infinite. For example, there is no edge damage. So that all beings are liberated, so the memory lives, not boring laborious practice dharma fatigue.
Everything meditation merit magic
Smart training most supreme
Place the almond wins are not removed
Expert concept of omniscience them.
Use everything Samadhi meditation to practice all the virtues, obtained the approval of the realm of true meditation, fullness of bliss. Smart business practice most supreme, that is to Mind, Bodhisattva practice. Tu wins all disciplines, not always let go of the Bodhisattva practice, specializing think all beings, all beings metabolism, all wisdom achievements.
An infinite body manifested itself
All around the world to
His mind does not distinguish pure
A concept such incredible strength.
A relative or manifest itself immeasurable, infinite manifested itself to a body. This psychic Arise all over the world. Mind Bodhisattva's pure, so at practice the Bodhisattva, or at teachers of sentient beings, no discrimination. Did we born good or evil film, he is a law of equality, not divide it here, look alike. Which in a concept around ten world. All the realms of Buddhas water, power inconceivable, that is so.
Where the world does not distinguish
Where did that idea all legal
But the law does not bar players get
Always save the sentient beings such place.
Bodhisattva teaches beings, in all the world, used to position the optical base illuminates the nature of all beings, which made no distinction between good and evil beings. For all measures, are not born of delusion: What method do I use to teach sentient beings? But wisdom used to observe the law, but did not take the legal procedures. Always save sentient beings without attachment Minister sentient beings.
We're a practitioner, do not have ideological propaganda of his ego:'' E! I know not! Bodhisattva I'm out, I'm teaching all sentient beings, I'm saving sentient beings.'' Etc. .. Therefore:
'' During the day they are born, but no degree.''
Must have sense like this. In Zen Buddhism it is said:
'' All day meal,
Not eating a grain of rice.
All day wear,
Not wearing a silk thread.''
Why say that? It's because people do not teach attachments, do not keep it general.
All the world is just perfect
In which everything is different
Knowing the dangerous realm of deep thought
Because they now divine rescue.
Due to the delusion of beings that make up the world falsehoods, so tell all the world is only thought. In the world there are all sorts of delusions, each of them born there every kind of delusion, are different. Bodhisattva known realm of delusion is dangerous, both broad and so exalted, so manifest miracles to save all living beings from the three realms.
Our aim is to treat of spiritual delusion, except to stop religious delusions. How to stop except delusion? As real leather hungry (no dinner), ie kills that idea. I have often asked the dead? Did not say who is dead? Which is not to ask that idea dead? There is also greed? There were said to not eat for days reasonable? If even this mind, it is delusion. It is still not proven greed stop. Hunger is real leather for the treatment phapp greed. You (delusions) want to eat something reasonable? Do not let it eat. Did you want to drink milk? So it's not for drinking. It is struggling with that idea. It is one thing Incomparable strength of a practitioner to conquer delusion, delusion subdue, to not disturb the pure heart of a practitioner.
For as very self-illusory professor at
Spirit of variables such Bodhisattvas
Body throughout France and nowhere
Depending beings that are interested.
Kabbalah is not true. Like a magical, since no goods can be, since there are no chemicals. Can leave little time at large, at the time hidden in order to have a try, so "unfathomable Metamorphosis", which is also extremely Metamorphosis. Bodhisattva used illusions, and the like, can a prolific body and all the way around the world and unreal world, depending on their mind that the current students, all come to see the Bodhisattva who embodies.
Distinguishing feature two are separated
Such contamination purification procedure took
Or tie or open position are lost
But happy throughout their native born.
There is a distinguishing feature, there is also the basis of discrimination. Distinguishing feature are separated. Mind Bodhisattva's no contamination, nor pure, so call any impurity profiles, both players get nothing. Not that attachment, the attachment is not clean. Or were now bound, or obtain liberation. Regardless of bondage or liberation, both wisdom are completely lost. But glad to original beings, beings throughout benefits. Why world war? As people scramble benefits. You win the war I war arise. The foolish shall be the clever deception. Smart people who not only dismissed, but also push yourself. Therefore:'' Smart reverse trick was clever.'' War on the world, or is it in the name of war, or for the benefit. If you let go of fame, there's no war, nor won, mankind together in peace, then turned into the world pure. So Bodhisattva bring benefits in all directions for all beings, ourselves a bit it does not matter. Just have the benefit of sentient beings, born or made them happy, the Bodhisattva contentment. Therefore:'' Forget me not.'' Bodhisattva thought this, then there is nobody to war with Bodhisattva reasonable? Although Lucifer also see bodhisattvas born joy without war. People who are learning the Bodhisattva spirit, because not all because of her, the world has been absolutely no war, peace forever.
All the world due to overwhelming
Take into mind where fear
Meditate on these measures as well as how
Three generations need not be alone.
All worldly delusion, illusion is due to that achievement. Bodhisattva of wisdom used to all the world transparent falsehoods, then fear not mind, will see through, let go of the party. Pondering all such measures are. Meditate thinking tu, tu tu tu wisdom literature, as well as the world. Life could not get past, not the present life may be, life can not be the future. Why? As time has gone past, time present nor stop; future time is not yet come, so for my third stop, can not be all, all may not be true. Well also look for how not to be, as well as can not be!
Or in the ancient past is finished
Or in the future after finishing my youth
Or to present all places
Often there are places such painstaking observation.
Meditate on the three measures can not be life, or in the past nor the ancient. Childhood or later in the future would not have. Or in the present, all time and space, everywhere and no. Often observing all legal, are clearly impossible.
Depending upon Nirvana calm approach
Head where no shelter to avoid such
Mind as in fact there's nothing
Bodhi permanent redirect any rot.
Why can not all be legal? So depending upon approach Nirvana quiet, so clearly can not be. Head in samadhi there is no avoiding and argue with anyone, nor rely on all measures. The mind is so general, that is the true form of mind. It is not unparalleled minister, is only directed towards the Bodhi that comes, not turning around forever, which is not temporary transfer students. The practice, certain forward, not backward, not going very far with Bodhi.
Such behavior from the early wins
An office were steady Bodhi
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appear life
Taking place were fully articulate the legal world.
Bodhisattvas practice all virtues wins, then fear not all uphill. An office in Bodhi, then there are other thoughts do fluctuate. That is permanently fortified spirituality, there was shook realm, there are drugs that student test back temporarily. Buddhas Bodhisattvas in the world, all of the legal world are moral grasp fully transparent.
Want to be directed at winning First
Omniscience be king freed
Take a quick release Mind
Clean the long haul Vinh born population.
Bodhisattva austerities, the Supreme wish to attain the supreme Buddha, so obtaining the necessary wisdom, became king in liberation liberation. How to obtain this realm? Take a quick crash bodhi mind has great, clean habits permanently end capillary disease, ignorance of their afflictions. If so, then no contraband. Gonorrhea ie fitness center. Fitness center that is the root of samsara. Tell someone had smuggled understandably, that person can not escape the three realms. Ie martyrdom to permanently clean the contraband. least eight sexual, very important. If there mind raised illegally smuggled into the three realms of life to birth and death. If a permanent end to clean the contraband, they will benefit student populations, causing all beings to attain the benefits right thing.
Towards pure bodhichitta
Vast merit can not say
Beings should be commended for the sake of art
The sage skill he listened.
Often directed toward Bodhi, the pure in heart will. Mind merits generated vast boundless not to exaggerate. That of course can not speak, so to say why? Because they want to make cogeneration beings Mind, and ultimate enlightenment, so can not say in the merit to say this. The he (they only Congress Flower Adornment) Of the sage, attention should hear me talking morality.
Boundless world do dust off
In every speck of dust boundless realms
In it are countless Buddhas
Are all clearly see players get nothing.
For as bringing boundless world, are crushed into dust. In every speck of dust, it appears boundless Buddhas are instructive in that they are born. However, the initial release Bodhisattva mind, for some large items, the analysis is very clear, without prior approval of the items, so clearly not saying players are all taken.
Smart that living beings are not perfect
Smart that words such great word
Where the world's attention very afraid
Are aware of such clever attachments.
So forgive Bodhisattva clearinghouse, so smart to know the thoughts of sentient beings think. He uses skillful means to teach sentient beings, but there is no attachment to religious followers. Bodhisattva for all words, which fully clear, not only to speak but also write, any language, he can not see that self-knowledge. So all kinds of words to use to teachers of all living beings, but no attachment words. For all the latest in all the world, are transparent, hell no concerns center. Any legal or worldly insight of the earth without attachments.
Mind large amount as nowhere
The fact that three generations are communicating
All facilities are to eradicate or
County Clerk dharma players get nothing.
Thought and behavior of Bodhisattvas, like the vast infinite nothingness. For the life of three fully comprehend all clearly communicated very afraid. All the latest dazzle ignorance and clean deducted, but all religious Buddhist law, we do not accept all the legal front.
Ten of the infinite realms
One such concept through to mortgage interest
Information reached the legal world hard
Infertility are true international offices.
Ten boundless realms of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas can in a concept, all over the state of the Buddhas of the ten directions to make offerings to the Buddhas, teachers of all sentient beings. Anyone in any country, are not interested attachments. Communicate clearly comprehend all worldly pleasure, both of the suffering. Therefore:'' The burning pain together, filled with the ghosts.'' He used to be reasonable based on the true form, true calm approach.
Nan from countless Buddhas
That opportunity came contemplate Buddha
Often asked Tathagata foremost
The practice of the Bodhisattva vow.
Property of the Buddha can not infer much was, could not speak. Bodhisattvas are all through to the conference ashrams of Buddhas, Buddha worship, admire Buddhas, as foremost, our delegates visiting Buddhist legal direction, this is all volunteer, all of Bodhisattva practice action.
Trivial remember ten Buddhist thought
Which player did not take shelter
Always advise beings by cooling
Solemn realms of pure water cause.
Mind Bodhisattva development, on demand Buddhist, as sentient beings. So often thought in mind remember ten Buddhas. But remember thinking, but do not rely, neither player took. Why? Bodhisattva Buddha Buddha has said, we are not born as a Buddhist, he would become a Buddha, so no attachment. Bodhisattva means common practice, all sorts of words to advise all beings in many cold-rolled, cold-rolled, fertilized, resulting in growth, causing ripe obtain liberation. And he solemn Buddhas ten realms, making purification.
All three realms where the direction of Birth
Using eye to observe very afraid
All the files need to understand the nature of
Boundless are evident.
All living beings, towards the place of birth, place three realms, the Bodhisattva of wisdom visually very afraid to contemplate the fate of all human beings. And all sorts of habits, Tanh, oracle of beings infinite variety, but totally Bodhisattvas clear.
They prefer living center knows
Thus said legal discretion because
Where the first infection were communicated
Put them into practice in directing therapy.
We have all sorts birth center preferred Bodhisattvas see in order to know. Bodhisattva Tanh transparency and desires of beings that said legal skillful means. Bodhisattva for legal defilement and purification methods are very afraid of communicating, clear transparent lens. Causing all beings to practice forensic medicine, to treat all patients capillary gas collection, made in the supreme direction.
The boundless Samadhi
Bodhisattvas are a concept to be
In that ideal coastal location and facilities
Are known to be smart in order.
Immeasurable number eighty liberation, Bodhisattva can in a concept, are to be delusion, wisdom, grace part. Etc. .. all in samadhi, are very clear insight, know in detail, in order to attain the righteous purity.
Bodhisattvas are huge this place
Mau obstacles such direction Bodhi
Because they want to benefit the student population
Places where people praised the legal age.
Bodhisattva Mind initial release, wide obtain this wisdom, grasp all realms, walking quickly towards the subject, nothing obstacles. Bodhisattva because he wanted to benefit all sentient beings, so everywhere commend university's law, the legal age of eight people in the business say the legal sense Eight Great Human Enlightenment.
1). Sensory world of impermanence.
2). Sensory many desires is suffering.
3). Enlightened mind not boring enough.
4). Sensory lazy sink.
5). Sensory foolish mortal.
6). Many poor sense resentment.
7). Sense of sexual calamity.
8). Burning sense of life and death, suffering immeasurable.
Eight of these are legal enlightenment of Buddha Bodhisattva's great.
In horror Church (Nirvana) also said eight legal stuff.
1). Minimum Education: That is no greed, there is also eager interest, no desire to do muom leader, nor ham debate. In short, no desire whatsoever.
2). Sufficiency: That is not participating center. Therefore:
'' Sufficiency usually optimistic, benevolent energy security.''
People know enough is always peaceful. People do not always know enough suffering. Therefore:'' Join dormitory village center any object.'' All the time everywhere, always know there is enough negativity.
3). Calm: leave the negativity president, static rupture is completely dry. ie no noise. France's sense of higher education is preferred quiet, no noise.
4). Effort: That is hard diligent study so hard u'' fine now,'' good career due diligence. A practitioner may use a portion of the value part. Time of cultivators are precious, we can say an inch of time is an inch of gold. Must body and mind are diligent, day six times always diligent, have deep visceral experience, wisdom like the sea.
5). Sati: That is pure conception of righteousness, but not that evil thoughts. Mindfulness means pure heart, evil thoughts Your mind is defiled.
6). Right Concentration: No such difference was chief evil, such thinking is not thinking of. That is not the expression of interest. A practitioner must choose the legal eye, such amendment to the evil practice.
7). The director of wisdom: That is true wisdom, clear non-market measures, clearly evil, analyze the reasons, decided ten per district. There can be no sub-intelligent variable information, such as wisdom wrong.
8). There Coliseum Comment: Bodhisattva, the Buddha did not say goofy, all is true to say, there is no legal argument Coliseum. Eight This is a legal practitioner of higher education personnel.
Smart that short-term worldly life
A month and a half month date night
Realm of different water qualities equality
Often hard to observe such distractions.
Bodhisattvas can observe causal eons beyond eighty, Arhat can only observe causal eight thousand eons. This bodhisattva not only observed eighty eons things, that although the longest life and the shortest life, and could tell very clearly. Each world has a damaged cylinder four lifetimes do not eons. In a sub eons twenty lifetimes. In conclusion, the long lifetimes, have damaged countless lives into office no. In short lifetimes, a month, or half a month, even a short time a day. Although different realms, but the nature realms are equal. Bodhisattvas are often hard to practice all sorts of wisdom, the observation of conditions not based damage, always diligent, not spontaneous, nor lazy.
By the ten directions of the world
That the procedure did not take place in
Strictly pure realms are not redundant
Nor is born pure discrimination.
Bodhisattvas in the ten directions of the world, go feast Buddhas praise the Tathagata, extensive training offerings. Sees the world without attachment, nor discrimination. His only known to close ten Buddhas, go solemn realms of pure water all the Buddhas. But seriously pure realms, without distinction of birth idea solemn realms of pure water.
The origin of living beings or non-originating
Along with other journalists now feel
Depending upon Buddhist practitioner enters into force
There are all known.
Bodhisattva films such beings in heaven are also good, also good in hell, and three other journalists now feel special. She said his legal options are, which is also consistent enforcement agencies. In short, because the law says, according to medical drugs. Depending upon thinking that means taking everything power of the Buddhas, sentient beings should be used for any measures to be reformed, the Bodhisattvas are evident.
All sorts of worldly nature
All kinds of office work three realms
Lower earnings base with medium base
So they all observe.
All the earth and all living beings have Tanh everything, because everything beings artifacts now, so head in three planes, rotated continuously, regardless of the benefit base, base or middle, or lower basis. Tanh such Bodhisattvas clearly observed.
Pure and impure understand everything
Wins are clearly listed and middle
We all went to the place of birth
Three planes are said to be ongoing.
Based beings or nature of purity? Or such pure, such a situation and Bodhisattvas are clearly comprehend, or is winning house, apartment or lists, or medium base, base or the middle? Bodhisattvas are clearly seen before. All human beings in what? What results? What religious teachings? What achievements fruition? All are on their own practice. Why beings flows in samsara? Not repeatedly break? Bodhisattvas have compassion, because elaborate beings, making them the source of life and death.
Meditation liberation of eighty
Infection mistress boots are different
Along with enjoying life before suffering
Spontaneous forces are seen.
Nine things to meditate on. That is meditation, not the land and destroy the statue, the only news here is all mental. Salvation eight freed, ie:
1). In exchange correlation has excellent color release.
2). In achromatic color correlation foreign liberation.
3). Pure freed itself sufficient evidence-based work.
4). No infinite liberation.
5). Waking infinite liberation.
6). Origin Unknown owner freed.
7). Phi Phi great idea liberate the land.
8). Thought to kill life itself evidence ordination office work.
Samadhi is the service. Stop center where a scene, not making tons of copper, here called the. Bath salts have many things, such as Buddhist concept eighty, eighty French States, Customs eighty, eighty idealist, boat An eighty, eighty hideout. Etc. .. as well as all the news. If planting infected human cells, it is not easy to specify. If the plant's pure, it is easy to also easily be liberated. So says the first infection triggering factors are different. Or life before life much suffering, or enjoy more fun, have grown by different people, so pure Bodhisattva of Buddhist practice gathering force, for all causes and conditions are very clear to see.
They now or continue living the realm
This is an end to the silent realms
Everything illegal methods such permanent birth
And set them knows that.
Why sentient beings in the six realms of reincarnation? Because now or continuously. Therefore:'' Run or, karma, life alert,'' so continuous non-stop. If an end except the six realms of cyclic existence is obtained silence, escape three realms. If an end unless the collection capillary gas disease, ignorance and afflictions. Etc. .. born again is not permanent, and collective identity papers, are also known Bodhisattvas.
Tathagata afflictions are clean except
Great location luminous world premiere
Buddhist Bodhisattva in hexadecimal
But no evidence was also not comfortable.
Buddha has cut off all defilements, so does the money innate wisdom. Great wisdom that clarity, open around the world. Bodhisattvas in the ten second power of Buddhist wisdom, but no evidence of the ten Buddhist, but I'll have no doubt.
Bodhisattva in a hairy hole
Currently boundless realms of the ten directions
Or contamination or purity
Are now doing everything clearly.
Bodhisattva of divine magic, can stay in a pore, appears throughout the ten realms countless Buddhas. Or water contamination realms, or realms of pure water. We now arises everything, feeling everything retribution Bodhisattvas are fully articulate.
In a realm of infinite dust
Countless Buddhas and Buddhist
The various realms such complex disorders
As an all clear.
In a dust particle, there are countless realms of Buddhas. In the boundless realms of Buddhas have countless Buddhas in it expresses the true Dhamma. In the ashrams of each Buddha, there are countless great bodhisattvas in it, listening to him talk Buddha Dhamma. In a dust particle, or in a pore, appears buddhafields there are countless ways such complex disorders. Bodhisattva is a Buddha realm that, for all the world to see the Buddha are clear.
Place a hair loss that ten
Take nothingness of the world
There where no Buddha
Such are the pure Buddha realm.
Bodhisattva can in a pore, see ten all the world. Take measures unreal world, the world is fully visible, there is a place that does not see the Buddhist wheel of law in which transfer agents, teachers of all sentient beings. In each hole are feather out ten world, in each world, there are countless Buddha Dhamma is going to say, those which are pure Buddha realm solemn.
In the hair loss seen buddhafields
Come see all of them born
Three generations are six different paths
Date night has now forced the month award.
Bodhisattvas can stay in a pore, that is ten realms Buddhist country. Not only that, but the buddhafields see all beings. In three life paths are six different karma. Date night is different months now, or career bound or liberated.
Thus the Bodhisattva of great
Expert level attention toward Holiness
Property based upon the thinking of the Buddha
Which university are boundless joy.
Thus the great Bodhisattva of wisdom, diligence toward fruition Holiness. That is the judiciary which still happy, can head in that Buddha, depending upon the thinking of the Buddha, which attained great joy was boundless.
Bodhisattvas countless memories clones
Offering all the Tathagata
Successful implementation illusions irrational
Property of the Buddha are based.
Mind Bodhisattva development, or the body of the countless memories, the Buddhas of the ten directions, offering to all the Buddhas. Illusions of a crucial Bodhisattva, not unparalleled. Every Buddhist is where all sentient beings, the Bodhisattva offerings. Net Bodhisattva practice offerings.
Space Buddha are immeasurable failure threshold
All the organs are legal to taste
Seeing Buddhist monks listen hard way
As drinking nectar joy.
Bodhisattva in place of immeasurable Buddhas, consider researching legal sense of the Buddhas say, devotion dharma, use the practice. All the organs of the Buddha, Bodhisattvas find your way in it. Seeing the Buddha, went to hear diligent legal practice, legal research. Like drinking the sweet nectar, award minus the dry thirst, greed, hatred and delusion eliminated, so modern psychological and joy.
Tathagata victory was samadhi
Smart Growth on the legal position
Tam information such as Meru
Across the population as living organ merit.
Bodhisattva bodhichitta initial release, it has acquired the wins of the Buddhas. Ingenious into law, said the law takes, the more wisdom, more growth, more and more attention firmly believe, absolutely not agitated, as Mount Meru. Because they are born throughout the organ merit.
Huge interest from all over the living beings
Are necessarily voluntary early into place
Which does not always accept such shelter
Leave the negativity liberated.
Bodhisattva of compassion infinitely large, over rescue all sentient beings, let them be born early achievements all wisdom. Still acquired wisdom, but not attachments, nor refuge, leave all that negativity obtained in order.
Why do sentient beings? Because there leave all negativity. If you leave the negativity will be liberated, liberated obtained. Why do Bodhisattva Bodhisattva? Because there is no negativity. No matter what? Are thinking beings, there is little benefit their selfish interest, just want to benefit sentient beings, he committed volunteer center to sacrifice their lives to serve our students, this spirit is really great.
Mercy birth place large
Across all the same as his regent
Did not know the true formless
Which award did not wish rot out.
Bodhisattva vast wisdom, have mercy on all beings, so over all sentient life photography, as co-regent his own life. Bodhisattvas do not know the law, are not true nature. But the mind of the Bodhisattva vows, not forever lazy, not regress.
Bodhisattva amount found merit attention
Breasts not all praise is life
Because all of the Tathagata born
Single Giac Thanh Van are peaceful.
Merit of the Bodhisattva initial development center, life long memories used to praise praise, not all was well said. Ten ancient Buddhas all practice the Bodhisattva, this is making sense Checkout arts and reading were obtained at peace.
Ten realms of sentient beings
Contestants are all safe and lifetimes
Cross recommend keeping the five precepts and good
Charitable class of locality.
Bodhisattvas in the ten countries of the world, often out of generosity, making all beings attain peace, through countless eons of time. Advised speaking guide all beings in the world keep, between ten and good, and slowly from one form of meditation and regulations. That is, not from being set, the ideal anti-life, this is the locality.
Many lives in peace candidates
Gets or end of the Arhat
The countless blessings that although
There merits generated by this center.
Bodhisattva much life left in many lives, alms peace for all sentient beings, causing all sentient beings end or certificates leg, became arahant results. Merit that although infinite, but not in comparison with bodhichitta merit release.
Inhibition taught them Pratyekabuddha
Be very nature of magic practice
Using that comparison Mind
Not counted in the example.
Bodhisattva taught hundreds of thousands of thousands of sentient memories, achievements Pratyekabuddha fruition. Dak is no avoiding eighty, practice magic inconceivable. That merit infinite. However, compared with the initial release merits Mind, the count used to visualize example, would not be equal.
A number of concepts through the dusty realms
So go through countless lifetimes
The count was immeasurable realms
The mind has no merit know.
In a concept that can go through the many realms of Buddhism as the grains of dust. Such realms, through countless eons of time, that buddhafield count nor know how to spend. But, can count to know the number, but initially found merit attention, no one knows how much?
Past and present and future
All of life's infinite amount of numbers
The life that counts can know
The mind has no merit detected.
Past lives, future lives, present life, all the infinite number of lives, not knowing how much? The number of lives that can be said, but initially found merit Mind, nobody can be saved diameter measurement is how much?
Using the Mind of the ten directions
Distinguish all knew
A three concepts are communicated life
For the benefit countless sentient beings.
Use Mind vast world filled with around ten. Tanh all beings and where oracle of not knowing. In one concept, three life time are very afraid of communicating. Mind Bodhisattva development, for the benefit countless living beings, causing them to be happy birth-suffering, mortal termination.
Ten world of living beings
To understand the behavior means
With nowhere edge detector is
Hardly merit the mind has learned.
Ten world all beings, Bodhisattvas want transparency means wisdom and the idea of ​​their behavior, along with the damaged edge can not be measured, but the initial release Bodhisattva Mind Measurement is difficult to know.
Bodhisattva aspiration ten co
Leap over the center of the population born
Cultivate them successfully Buddha
So that no edge capacity.
Bodhisattva initial development center, full of aspiration around ten. Use compassion throughout the beings, making their parents about discipline, cultivate the virtues of the Buddha. Because of conditions which, so early strength development merits attention no edge.
We want students to understand the preferred center
The means of different operating units
In the grasp of a concept are
Necessarily located at the same location each center.
The desires of beings, the understanding of beings, our favorite student center, the apartments and the office means the practice of different beings, but not identical. Although very complex, but in a Bodhisattva can know our thoughts. Since omniscience and center position are necessarily the same species together, there is no difference.
Or industrial center has left sorrow
Offering all the Tathagata
Leave now or will terminate ongoing
Across three generations are liberated.
Play Mind or now leave all negativity, or extensive training offerings that all Buddhas. Industrial and enchanted beings that have created the absolute end. The fruit is also vital break, had no continuity anymore. Across three generations were obtained liberation.
A Buddhist concept offering boundless
Also offering a multitude of beings
Also offering beautiful floral displays and
Coated umbrellas good clothes.
Bodhisattva uses psychic power, in a concept, offering countless Buddhas of the ten directions. Also offering a multitude of beings. What used to make offerings? Using all sorts of scents, beautiful flowers, and colon treasure your screen, part treasure, umbrellas, nice clothes for donation.
Court where your delicious meditation
Enough things are seriously beautiful palace
Price Lo Na beautiful jewels
As the projection ma ni luminescence.
Bodhisattva used to drink delicious food, precious throne offerings to Buddha, and walking are taking place seven treasures to solemn. Re-use everything palace to worship Buddhas and all sentient beings are dignified nice. Beautiful jewels Na Lo Price Buddha, as the European, Asian ma ni, emit light illuminates ten world.
Such a concept idea and offered
Experiencing countless lifetimes can not say
Merit but a lot of people that
There is great merit in initiating the mind.
In concept concept, used treasure enough Saturday to worship Buddhas and all sentient beings, through countless lifetimes can not tell time. Blessings that although a lot of people, but not with great merit Mind initial release.
Suffice to say such things of
Are not found in Mind
By the Human Central Sun three generations
Development Center that were born from.
Any examples, and are not found in the original German Mind. Ten lives all the three Buddhas, all from play that spawned Mind. Who discovered the human Mind is Buddha.
Center has no such constraint edge
For that amount can not be
Omniscience be turned into position
All beings permanently degrees.
Mind merits generated, there is a certain edge, be very afraid dung. For initial development merits attention is how much? Do not know, do not measure is how. Omniscience, necessarily place strain Bodhisattvas to himself, all would be fulfilled. Bodhisattva Development Center's permanent exit of all beings, making them get rid of the three worlds, attained Nirvana pleasure.
Large copper center has nowhere
Born of the same merit legal world
Common practice throughout the Department as such other
Buddha left permanently attached equality.
Bodhisattvas are interested fetal damage, amount throughout France. Play Mind extensive calcification nowhere. Mind Development, the birth merit co-equal with the legal world. Bodhisattva head out, however popular throughout France, but permanently separated from all the attachments, and equal to the liberation of the Buddhas, there is no difference.
All disciplines are all in
All over the world countries
All scenes are communicating location
All have merit achievements.
All the eighty-four thousand teachings Bodhisattvas are all entered, all the Buddhas of the ten realms, are all bodhisattvas enter the ten realms all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are going to worship Buddhas. All realms wisdom of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are very afraid of communicating. All the virtues of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas achievements.
All continuous discharge is always
Purification of the world such product attachments
Fully modern supreme merit
Often such painstaking effort regress.
Bodhisattva of compassion mood is difficult to let go, but letting go is, for alms should always continuous non-stop. Bodhisattva not only religious practice generosity, but also religious practice morality. Tu holds all world food purity, without prior approval. Hence, full modern supreme merit, Bodhisattvas practice diligently cultivate patience and diligent practice, not permanent retrogression.
In deep meditation meditation always
Wisdom of the corresponding large
This is the supreme Bodhisattvas
Born Samantrabhadra all directors.
Bodhisattva diligently practice deep meditation, as well as investment income maintenance. Always thinking practice, it will correspond with great wisdom. In short, the wisdom born of meditation, sitting meditation until a concept is not born, then wisdom will naturally age out of money, which is also wiser person. Speaking shallow to understand the spirit communication, said the person did not know, that the people do not see. This is that moment of supreme happiness Bodhisattva subjects, due to the relationship development Mind, that spawned all direct practice of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.
Three generations of the Tathagata all
Are all deceased a play
Are used ni Samadhi mandala
Illusions and solemn.
Ten lives all the three Buddhas, Buddha did not have any protection without the initial concept development Bodhisattva Mind. Ten Buddhas eighty used to power all sorts of blessings Bodhisattva initial development center, the mandala used everything ni and illusions to the same solemn.
Ten countless number of sentient beings
World of nowhere so well
Center has countless more than that
So all Buddhas or birth.
Ten world beings, infinite variety. The world is immeasurable, infinite well of nowhere. Play Mind is infinite, but surpassed beings, the world, nowhere, everything immeasurable. Why? Buddha Mind or all the Buddhas born.
Mind power is the original ten
Also the original four measures fearless
Eighteen estate community since then
All come from the heart that was discovered.
Mind is the mother of all Buddhas, so all the Buddhas born. There's the power of the Buddha's original ten, the four original eloquence is very afraid. There's the very basis of the four original captain, eighteen is the legal origin of injustice. In summary, all measures were initially found that evidence Mind.
Body solemn Buddhas appearances
Along with legal equality body
No previous wisdom worship facility applications
Remember that the mind has acquired.
Body of ten appearances solemn Buddhas, which is thirty-two generals, eighty beauty. Equality Body, body wisdom, Dhamma itself, no previous body, the body worship, are found from the Mind of everything that is dear prime it.
All Single Giac Thanh Van legacy
The Samadhi meditation realms fun colors
And the Samadhi formless realm
Were found by doing basic center.
All Ðộc Giac Thanh Van redundant and superfluous, in the realm of excellence is attained samadhi pleasures charity. Therefore:'' Zen microflora browser, fullness of bliss.'' In the formless realm acquired eighty not pleasure. The pleasure that no conceivable way costs, are initially found that evidence was interested, so the initial development of the center as a basis Samadhi meditation.
All in fun outdoor self
Along with all sorts of fun realm
Tons of fun in time to see the apartment
All of them do a play.
All who are in heaven and on earth, peace attained fun at himself, along with everything in the realm of wellbeing. The joyfulness of credit,, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom, base year and wellbeing of credit,, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom, in force (in force units or birth year). Wellbeing accruals that were initially found that interest acquired.
Thanks for incurring large center
Every record or practice of conduct
Advise the unfortunate beings administration
In the three realms of life happily.
Bodhisattva Mind initial release, at the address found in the center's large chapel. Prayer rid of all sentient beings all affliction, may all beings learn all the Dharma, may all beings into Buddhist supreme. Large buddha, so happy new practice at the time. The work of Bodhisattva is advised to say all beings cultivate Bodhi Chief Justice, in the three realms of life always bliss.
Buddha Head very afraid true meaning location
All the wonders are now open uphold
Or make infinite beings
Were cured or career direction Nirvana.
Bodhisattva of wisdom or office at very afraid dung true sense of the Buddhas, are all wonderful now as they magically born off to uphold the law, or merit to immeasurable beings are cut off or crude, or health, or see, or think, or ceiling with or sa and ignorance that lead to Nirvana.
Across the chapel development boundless merit
Please ban all of them are born
Throughout my youth volunteer action shifting future
Often diligent practice sentient beings.
Bodhisattva vow over vast boundless merit, may all beings give happily, during childhood vow eternal life and future, voluntary health screening found that his practice, often laborious measuring method of learning beings.
Great volunteer countless hard think
May the beings that are pure
No such formless shelter volunteer
Through volunteer force should have understood.
Bodhisattvas are found countless volunteer university inconceivable, he voluntarily causing all sentient beings to attain the purity law, which had no idea of ​​defilement. Bodhisattva practice no attachment unfortunate subjects. Why? Since all methods are not, there is no true form. However vow sentient beings, but not attachment of prayer, nor rely upon any place. Due to a vow by force, so they all clearly visible.
Of self in vain as
All are equal silence
Numerous disciplines can not say
Because they say no attachment.
All Bodhisattvas grasp the essence of all things as frivolous. The legal obligation of silence, this silence is legal equality. France has so many countless subjects could not say. As teachers of beings, in the not to say, is to speak this way. But as they say legal students, but there is no attachment.
As some of them sentient life
Saying that merit is not the end
Thanks in large house Tathagata
Three realms of the law can not example.
Despite using many eons of time as the number of living beings, to say the merit of Bodhisattva Mind initial release, and not to exaggerate. Was in the vast expanse of the Tathagata, the method used in all three realms, for example initially found merit attention, for example, can not be.
For all the Dharma
Keep in Mind rapid development
This supreme merit the most attention
Tathagata position will be very afraid.
For all the methods of the Buddhas of the ten directions, then quickly release Mind. The merit of Mind is dark in merit wins, all will attain the wisdom of the Buddhas such obstacles.
Mental beings counts knows
Dust and water worlds like
Parents can not measure damage
The mind has no merit detected.
Mind and behavior of living beings, can know how many to count. All the water particles in each realm can also count how many know. Edge of nowhere could also large degree how much. However, the merit of the Bodhisattva Initial Development Center, no detail measurable.
All three generations born Buddha
Achievements all worldly pleasure
Growth merit all win
Permanent end to all doubt.
Mind or three generations born all Buddhas, Mind or achievements all pleasures of worldly happiness. The Mind of growth in all merit wins. Mind permanently terminate or eliminate all doubt karma, in general, play Mind, can become a Buddha.
Open displays all realms
Less clear all obstacles
Achievements all realms of pure
Born out all Tathagata location.
The merit of the Mind, or open all the realm presentation or cleaner than all the obstacles, or achievements all the realms of water, or pure water all realms, or necessarily born of wisdom Buddha.
Want to see all the Buddhas of the ten directions
Want experimental organ endless merit
Want to kill defilement of beings
Keep in Mind rapid development.
Want to see all ten three Buddhas affordable life? So to play Mind. Want achievements merit endless organ reasonable? So to play Mind. Want to eradicate all defilements of beings reasonable? So to play Mind. Keep in Mind rapid development, gain new hope of saving purposes Nirvana. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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