Tuesday 17 December 2013

Flower Adornment Sutra
Phuong Quang Buddhist University

Venerable Master lectured
Vietnamese Translator: Bhikkhu Thich Minh Dinh
- o0o -

Episode 9
Sixteen BOOK
TOP PRODUCTS straight up Mount Meru
Mount Meru in the middle of the four continents (frankly East Asia, South Asia Department Thiem, West Taurus rocket, bridging grandchildren), vajra used for foundation. In eighty-four thousand sea by week. Outside Mount Meru is Huong Thuy sea (sea pineapple juice), Mount Meru surrounded. There are seven floors flow around marine aquatic Perfume, seven storey mountain yellow wrapper. Outside the seventh floor of the golden mountain then sea salt. Outside of the mountains and sea salt Micro Devices.
The area of ​​the second floor is eight thousand dollars a week. The area of ​​the third floor is four thousand by the week. Floor area of ​​two thousand by the fourth week. Then there are four secondary colors are: yellow, silver, vajras color, color lapis.
Sun Kings halfway between Mount Meru. Trayastrimsa heaven atop Mount Meru. Peaks are among the Saints in heaven and rank. Because not leave the land, local residents so called God.
Meru is translated Noble High. From the two magic words that look high, the mountain building very likely possibility (can, can not). Now see will not see the top of it, while still not see the imposing mountains. Why? So high is amazing! That peaks in addition to the first and the spiritual powers Saints to reach the top, while the top is not ordinary. Because it is indescribable magic realm, so-called Magic Mountain High.
Buddha Sakyamuni, from Pho Quang Minh City Electric promoted to the top of Mount Meru, to which devas Dhamma talk of economic performance Flower Adornment. Yet He did the court sat, still sitting in samadhi under the Tree of Enlightenment. At the launch of clarity, is home to the great Bodhisattva performed, said the mountain peaks belong promoted to thirteenth.
Then, by the power of the Tathagata compassionate, ten in all the world, each and every galaxy in Jambudvipa, each sees me sitting under the Tree of Enlightenment, are grilled Bodhisattva of Buddhism that took power said law, are all that are in front of the Buddha himself.
When it finished second chance, the Sakyamuni Buddha out great compassionate force. In ten boundless world, in the realm of South Jambudvipa (South Asia Department Thiem of a galaxy (the four continents), ten world beings, are seen seated Buddha under the bodhi root of righteousness Enlightenment. sides of each Buddha, there are boundless Bodhisattva, shifting forces of modern compassionate Buddha, said to take all the measures. every Bodhisattva and all beings, all say something like this: '' Buddha always said that his face legal.'' This is like the moon: They are born in four east west north south, say the moon before them, lighting them.
For example, runs boat in the sea. Boat runs eastward, they feel the moon followed them to illuminate them. Sailing westward, then feel the moon followed them to illuminate them. Boat parking spot, then feel the moon in the office nil to light them. Beings South Jambudvipa realms, Buddha is felt in front of them so as they say legal. We realms South Jambudvipa born in ten world, are also thought so.
Then, the Buddha did not leave under the Tree of Enlightenment all, but promoted to the top of Mount Meru, the direction of the palace of Sakka sun.
Meanwhile, Buddha Shakyamuni did not all leave under the Tree of Enlightenment, still remain in samadhi. Dharma body of the Buddha be used as general legal world, or everywhere. therefore not the duty judge, which promoted to the top of Mount Meru, the direction of the palace of heaven Truths Likes.
Then Sakka sun before electricity Noble Victories, away to see the Buddha, he used his powers, stately palaces, the Prussian throne decorated luminous organ. Buildings that are used as a magic treasure.
At that time, it was in before the power Sakka Noble Victories, far from seeing the Buddha Shakyamuni, he uses psychic energy to power solemn Noble Victories. Decorate Pho Quang Ming throne Tibet. Buildings that make use of all magical treasures.
There are ten thousand level floors, beautiful stately. Ten thousand gold mesh, stretched side cover on. Ten thousand secondary screen, ten thousand things parasols, decorations around. Ten thousand charming embroidered silk hangs everywhere. Ten thousand treasures alternating sequence all sides. Ten thousand costumes on display throughout the building. Ten thousand genius, ten thousand United surrounded ago after discounts. Ten thousand luminous lighting.
'' Ten'' was started infinite number, which indicates the same meaning coincide endless. realm of economic Flower Strictlyie glared endless, endless glared, indescribable magic. Court that there are ten thousand lions glared endless supply of stories, a special solemn wins have ten thousand gold mesh glared endlessly, to John cover above the throne. Then there are ten thousand things precious screen, the ten thousand things umbrellas, presentation layouts throughout generalround. Then there are ten thousand silk embroidery hangs drooping, to make jewelry. Then there are ten thousand strings of jewels glared endlessly, alternating all sides. Then there are ten thousand things on court attire displaying treasures. Then there are ten thousand and ten thousand meditation on United before following the Buddha surrounded. Then there are ten thousand light glared endless treasure emitted from the lighting to the throne.
Then Sakka sun because Tathagata finished decorating buildings, palms bowed reverently, towards the white Buddha that Buddha Compassion future! Shan cross the celestial virtue! Tathagata rebuilding supreme Buddha. Please pray that His mercy in this palace.
At that time, the sky TruthsLike as Shakyamuni Buddha decorated throne finished, he hunched his palms, denotes relatives reverently. Finally her face fresh glasses, emergency urgency toward the Buddha set, denoted here as the reverence. That transparency that is respectful denote mouth. Body mouth are pure mind, the Buddha said:'' The Sun! He came on time, it is the right time. He came Sugata, very trendy, the Tathagata has come. present in children who beg mercy supreme Buddha, the mind has great power of compassion in Noble Victories, because text to Dhamma expresses God's Business Flower Adornment Phuong Quang Buddhist University.''
Then, the Buddha received a request, go to Noble Victories power. In all ten in the world, are also like that.
At that time, the Buddha saw heaven Sakka requested him very sincere in performing a win office, he received pleas Sakka sun, into electricity Noble Victories, ascend the throne. In all ten in each world Jambudvipa, Shakyamuni Buddha under the Tree of Enlightenment are jointly promoted up the mountain Meru, receive pleas that Sakka sun into electricity Noble Victories.
Then Sakka shifting the force of the Buddha, in the palace, all the music will stop naturally. Instant thought in mind that the Buddhas past, planting the good that comes shelves that house.
At that time, it was great Sakka Princess of Power compassionate Buddha, in all the palace, all music will sound natural silence. At that time, it was Sakka retrospect predestined in the past, has been in place ashrams of the Buddhas, all based planting healthy, he used to clear shelf life karmic past.
Kasyapa Tathagata enough compassion
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Chant Lettuce translated as "wet-ray", because he obscures all light. All the lights are not bright by his light, which is light where his body. Back or hide all evil rays, which are rays of his balls. He will complete His Great clarity, in all the auspicious auspicious is the most supreme. Kassapa Buddha, in the past has been to Noble Victories power, because the gods to take said Flower Strictlylarge measures. Because of conditions that should tell ashrams Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Question Na Muni see very afraid
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Question Na Muni translated as "needle president", Kim clarity, the president very afraid. Of the Buddha shows that there obstacles. In all the sand wall, is the most auspicious supreme. Question Na Muni Buddha that had been in power in Noble Victories, so for gods expresses Business FlowerStrictly. Do predestined it, so says Noble Victories power is the most auspicious ashrams.
Chant La sheep as the mountain yellow
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Ca La sheep translated as "defilement was clean period". The body of the Buddha, as the mountain of gold, pure gold, the mountain is not active. In all the auspicious auspicious is the most supreme. Ca Buddha Former Da, in the past has been in power for so Noble Victories gods expresses Business Flower Adornment. Since predestined it, so says Noble Victories power is the most auspicious ashrams.
Phu Buddhist monks clean three structures
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Phu Pi translated as "necessarily turn himself in". He will not have the three structures. Three existing industrial structure ie, seeds past, ancient habits. Mouth can also say the three professional bodies pure, and there is no dust. The Phu Buddhist monks in the past has been to Noble Victories power, because the gods to take said Flower Adornment large measures. Because of conditions that should speak for electric ashrams Noble Victories most auspicious.
Tathagata apart when distinguishing
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
When translated as "maintenance plan". He will like ovum in a chignon, leave all the distinction, fully modern wisdom, truth projection lens of general law. He came to the place where it is auspicious. Tathagata then had to Noble Victories power, because the gods to take said Flower Adornment large measures. By the coast there, so Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Buddhist monk Ba Thi as the full moon
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Ms. Thi Pi has four meanings, such as: Pure consistency, consistency wins, wins, is variable. Like the full moon position, ie it is a variable that is around. Or wiping out, this is pure consistency. Just round and pure, it is customary victory is won. He will like a full moon night, all around the projector. He came to the place where it is auspicious. The Buddhist monk Ba Thi, in the past has been to Noble Victories power, because the gods to take said Flower Adornment large measures. By the coast there, so Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Waving grasp Sa highest sense
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Waving Sa translates as "Rising prosperity", which is also meaningless wins. He will achieve transparency in its highest sense morality. The easiest definition, ie before an unborn anniversary. If a concept is not the highest sense.
One day, he asked Manjushri Vimalakirti that:
-'''' What is the highest sense?
- Mr. Wei Ma Chandled with utmost respect not say shut up.
Hence there is the sentence:
'' Any import binary method declaration retirement
First Round to wear that.''
Once that is spoken II. Easiest imperialism nor a question. In the ultimate auspicious is the most auspicious. Phat Buddha Sa that, in the past has been to Noble Victories power to devas Dhamma expresses Business Flower Adornment. Do predestined and that is why Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Tathagata means to discharge very afraid
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
To discharge translated as "the theory". Want to get all the beings, the teacher said to the sermon. He will talk about the legal skill, eloquence so very afraid. In all auspicious things, is the most auspicious supreme. Tathagata to discharge in the past, has been in power Noble Victories, to say devas Dhamma place of Business Flower Adornment. Do predestined and that is why Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Three Buddha head that charge very structure
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Three Where does translate as "red lotus", the body and mind of the Buddha, the lotus-like purity, no dust contamination. In the sand the walls, is the most auspicious supreme. Three Buddhas where did that in the past has been in power Noble Victories, to say devas Dhamma economic performance Flower Adornment. Do predestined and that is why Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Dipankara Tathagata great clarity
In the most auspicious supreme
Buddha in the palace that once this
So most auspicious place.
Tathagata Dipankara initially Development Center, the launch itself like luminous lights. Later, lifetimes, tu tu blessed wisdom. When the bodhisattva austerities, industrious Since then, extensive operated on. In every life, the luminous body were exaggerated, so called Tathagata Dipankara. He will, not only have great clarity, but also full of wisdom. He is the third Buddha present life, his life has been up for Buddha Shakyamuni. In the auspicious auspicious is the most supreme. Dipankara Buddha that had been in power Noble Victories, to devas Dhamma expresses Business Flower Adornment. Do predestined and that is why Noble Victories power is most auspicious.
Most of the Buddhas virtues are using up name. Like Buddha, translated as "energy president's wear". Ie the core features, ie, President static wear. 's Power, chemical education throughout all sentient beings, have compassion center petal four immeasurable. Foreclosures fall even touch that is usually four virtues pure nirvana.
As in this world, heavenly king Trayastrimsa do that by taking the force of the Tathagata, used shelving merit praise all the Buddhas of the ten. ten in the world, the Sakka also like that, praise the virtues of the Buddha.
In the Saha world, King Island income is sky sky Sakka, shifting forces of modern compassionate Buddha, standing next to merit praise praise of the ten Buddhas. All the king Trayastrimsa heaven in ten world like the sun are also in the realm Sakka Saha, standing next to praise the merits of the ten Buddhas.
Then the Buddha in lotus position Wins Noble power, the power that suddenly extremely large, as the domicile of the gods. Ten in the world are like.
At that time, Shakyamuni Buddha entered the Noble Victories power, lady sitting cross-legged on a throne made of precious spectrum intelligence organs. Then, suddenly electricity Noble Victories extremely large, it can tolerate all of us to listen to God Shakyamuni Buddha Dhamma talk of economic performance Flower Adornment Phuong Quang Buddhist University. In ten world, all electrical Dieu Thang Loi sky islands are also like that.



Sixteen BOOK
TOP DI TU fourteenth
This product is Sakyamuni Buddha in heaven Trayastrimsa, Power Wins Noble, Head Cross expresses the practice, under the Fourteenth products. So-called successor Compliment On Meru Peak.
Then, by the force of the Buddha, has a ten Bodhisattvas. Each position are the same with the Bodhisattva, much like some buddhafields gathered dust. From the outside world as much as some countries buddhafields hundred particles in the copper world gathered to.
Stock Up After finished talking up the mountain Meru the meantime, thanks to flex his courtiers discovered information, so ten world, has a Bodhisattvas. This is a legal expression, Cross Head for the Constitution. Bodhisattva is foremost in the Bodhisattva was a leader. Each Bodhisattvas Bodhisattvas are leaders of many as the grains of dust buddhafields together to sun power Trayastrimsa Noble Victories. From outside the realm of his country as much as several hundred particles buddhafields, in the world gathered to close Buddha Shakyamuni.
Their names are: Hui Bodhisattva France. Necessarily Hui Bodhisattva. Win Hui Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva Dehui. Diligent Hui Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva Thien Hue. Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Bodhisattva True Hue. Bodhisattva Supreme Hue. Hui Bodhisattva solidly.
As Buddha said Noble Victories power law in the ten Bodhisattvas to ashrams, rejoice merit, merit praise of the Buddha, Buddhist missionary aid Ph-positiveLegal handled with utmost respect. This is the tenth title of Bodhisattvas in the ten directions:
1). Bodhisattva eastern France Hue. His Dhamma transparent, open great wisdom.
2). Bodhisattva southern Necessarily Hue. He understands all the dharma necessarily evidence of wisdom.
3). Western Wins Hui Bodhisattva. His wisdom wins.
4). The Bodhisattva northern Germany Hue. He has all the virtues that stuff is true wisdom.
5). Local northeast Bodhisattva diligently wisdom. He specializes in religious practice diligently, acquired great wisdom.
6). Oriental male-Hui Bodhisattva. He did good work that opened wisdom.
7). South west is the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. He specializes in religious practice which attained great Prajna wisdom.
8). Bodhisattva north western True Hue. His wisdom from the religious precepts, no lie that true wisdom is obtained.
9). Methods below are impermanent Hui Bodhisattva. His supreme wisdom, none higher than Him.
10). Method is bodhisattvas solidly on Hue. Her wisdom has solidified as vajra clarity, razor sharp.
From the water realm, that is: Human World Gandhara States. Three First World encrypted. Baohua world. La Bat World Pros States. Vajra World United. World navigate States. Browse The United World. A World Na Hoa Lu. Na La Da World United. World Void States.
Ten Bodhisattvas realms that come from?
1). From the world's Da La Flowers come.
2). From Third World where I come from.
3). From the world Baohua.
4). From the Pros Bat World La Flowers come.
5). From Flowers to Vajra world.
6). From Flowers to navigate the world.
7). Browse the world from Italy to the U.S..
8). From A World to the United Na Lu.
9). From the world to the United Na La Da.
10). From the world to the United Void.
It is also the world's ten.
The Bodhisattva, the Buddha that pure virtues. They are: Buddha Moon acquisition. Buddhist Endless Moon. Crescent Real Buddha. Buddha Feng Yue. Thuy Nguyet Buddha. Deliverance Buddha Moon. Resonance Supreme Buddha. Buddha calculated from the Moon. Purity Buddha Moon. Willow Crescent invention.
Ten Bodhisattvas, each located at the Buddhist ashrams, pure virtues. The nearness ten Buddhas. Buddha's ten titles that do use the word moon delegates. Why? This is a moral position dung delegates, Phuoc Hue very afraid. Wisdom and blessings are fulfilled, to be like a full moon.
Ten Buddha are:
1). Buddha acquisition of Crescent, which is difficult because ten measures, the so-called acquisition.
2). Buddhist Endless Moon, found ten great interest, not the end.
3). Buddha Crescent estate, where bars are not equal should not shaken.
4). Buddha Feng Yue, now well known, mortal Nirvana, such as head-wind.
5). Thuy Nguyet Buddha, peace benefits all beings, as water permeates throughout.
6). Deliverance Buddha Moon, hear ten things that interest on such legal action.
7). Resonance Supreme Buddha, hear no rotten decade, the so-called supreme.
8). Buddha calculated from the Moon, three career no mistake, pure as the morning star.
9). Lunar Purity Buddha, cleverly known afflictions, habits, so be pure.
10). Willow Crescent invention, a close sexual beings, fully grasp.
The Bodhisattva, the Buddha came to it, bowed under his feet, according to his means, everyone turned a loss making price throne and sat cross-legged Na Tang on that court.
Ten such Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas of the dear leader to power Dieu month, then Buddha is seated, bowed his feet, tricyclic right noise. Depending on his way to, everyone was transformed to the throne Na Lo Price lotus position on Tibet and buildings there, listening to the Buddha says Flower Adornment large measures.
As in this world, on top of Meru, the Bodhisattva gathered to. In all the world, and all that. The Bodhisattva which honors all the world, the name of Buddha, and others are not the same.
In this Saha world, the Bodhisattva gathered atop Mount Meru. In ten world, all atop Mount Meru are also like that, all Bodhisattvas are also gathered. Title of the ten Bodhisattvas, the name of ten world titles of ten Buddhas, are also identical.
Then the Buddha from the toes of the feet, releasing hundreds of thousands of luminous beauty memories, all the ten directions projector world. On top of Meru, the sun palace Sakka, Buddhist and mass are all out.
Then, from the toes of the feet of the Buddha Sakyamuni, releasing hundreds of thousands of memory stunning color clarity, all the ten directions projector world. On the top of Mount Meru, in the palace of Sakka sun.
This world, the other world, the world of water, the other realms, realms immeasurable Buddhas, in each world, there are Buddhist and mass are shown. In short, the legal situation in the Buddha said Saha world, then in ten are like that.
Then Bodhisattva France Hue, shifting the force of the Buddha, shop shelves around ten that said that.
At that time, Bodhisattva Hue in eastern France, shifting his great compassionate human blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni, but consistent basis throughout the causal nature of the beings of the ten directions, use the shelves to speak of Buddhist merit.
Buddha clarity ejaculation
Across replacement Guru
On the top of Mount Meru
Noble Victories seated in power.
Intelligent optical purity of Buddha Shakyamuni, released from the fingers of the feet, all the Bodhisattvas and all beings in the ten world, have seen great teacher (Buddha) of the world, is atop Mount Meru Noble Victories seated in power.
All Sakka sun
Some Buddha in the palace
Ten racks are used or
Praise the Tathagata.
In ten world, all all Sakka, are invited Shakyamuni Buddha entered the Noble Victories power. Stood ten or verse, to praise praise the virtues of the Buddhas. All in all like electricity Noble Victories, atop Mount Meru Saha world where no other.
During the meeting it
All of us Bodhisattva
Are from ten to
It turns sitting on that court.
In the era of the conference that the Buddhas, all the Bodhisattva all of them, are from ten world, each Bodhisattva himself throne turns out Lo Na price rises but sit there, listen Flower Adornment large measures.
The chance that Bodhisattva
Our copper Title
Coming from the world
The word is the same.
In the world as much as several hundred particles buddhafields, the title of the Bodhisattva in all ceremonies, like all our titles. Name of the world where he comes, like the name of the Saha world South Jambudvipa.
Exalted realms of
Title also different
Each position in his country
Adjectives supreme happiness.
Title of the Buddha realms of the bodhisattva then, are the same. Each position in the realm of his country, both in private practice compassion unsurpassed purity.
Buddhists! He should be consistent
Liberation of the Tathagata
All realms Diem
Buddha would say that.
France Hue called a Bodhisattva known disciple of the Buddha! The shops are all to see, to know that all power is divine in itself achievements of the Tathagata, all in all South Jambudvipa world, say that Buddha is in turn rotated Dafa, teaches all beings.
We now see the Buddha
Head on top of Meru
Ten also like
Tathagata himself in power.
We now see people Buddha head atop Mount Meru. Beings in all ten world, sees a Buddha seated atop Mount Meru. Realm of psychic energy that is liberated by the achievements of the Tathagata.
In each and every world
Center for Buddhist Development
Dependence on such voluntary
Bodhi Monastery Practice.
In all the ten directions all the world, every Bodhisattva in the past have found for Buddhist center, they rely on prayer found that Buddhist supreme achievement. The lifetimes him in practice Bodhi well, practice direction sense.
Buddha used all kinds of body
Traveling around the world
What did the French world problems
No one is monitoring the volume.
Buddha used all kinds of incarnations, traveling all over the world. Buddha's Dharma body of law around the world, in all places where such obstacles, and no one knows the magic realm of Buddhist spiritual powers.
Hue optical projection always around
Eradicate all my life
All such match
Somehow know!
Optical Wisdom of Buddha, always slide all over the world, but gradually destroy all greed, hatred and delusion clean dark world. There unparalleled Buddha. How can you monitor the amount of the Buddha realm knows? The realm of the Buddha is not easy to know.
Then Bodhisattva Necessarily Hue shifting dread power of the Buddha, shop around ten, but say that the shelf.
At that time, Bodhisattva Necessarily in southern Hue, grill great blessings of the compassionate Buddha, observing nature and based around predestined beings of the ten directions, use the shelves to praise the virtues of the Buddha.
Suppose hundreds of thousands of lives
Often seen Tathagata
Not true meaning Princess
Which Northern District Savior.
If as in hundreds of thousands of lives, always see the Buddha, but no true medical definition projector (left wall) to observe the Buddha, often clinging to thirty two generals, eighty beauty of the Buddha, for that which is your face it's true.
He generals office
Si net increase or
Mortal tie prison
Blind I could not see the Buddha.
But he saw the Buddha, but in the general office, did not know that the Minister is not, then only the net increase or si, which is tied ropes mortal, not a permanent exit from the six realms of cyclic existence. Locked in mortal prison labor, as well as the blind, the dark, forever you could not see the true face of the Buddha.
We should break the attachment, the attachment can not, and do not accept before. Can accept, not accept, they fall into two sides. Acceptance may take the prime minister then, is not accepted into the fall (Nothing). No, yes, no attachments, ie middle.
The true Buddhist knowledge, the minister must leave, leave General ie Bodhi. If the minister can not leave, but before general acceptance, it is just more foolish, wisdom can not be opened. Opening the show Buddhist wisdom, wisdom is not opening foolish, foolish and saw the devil. The Buddhist knowledge, so as to learn as intelligent, not as learned as ambiguous.
The time now is attacked retreat period, people must have patience, to train the mind indestructible, such as iron, undergoing training and the new steel. Steel is made into a new sharp swords. We also have to undergo a training phen, the newly consecrated. Sages, there's no capillary gas collection and treatment, all pure. Ie excluding skin retreat habits, reducing capillary disease. Anisotropic, running incense, incense sitting, ie training the body and mind, making purification. As to the realm, the mind does not know, in addition to not know yourself, know far no object, then all were all let go. If you let go, it will naturally become a Buddha. Why not enlighten us? Because not let go for the body and mind. Given that skin bag stinking good friend, the protection given to it, mourn it, not let it suffer. Thirst is not a little, a little hungry is not well, a little cold, a little heat will not finish. In summary, always always keep it slide, whether it is security context. But, however you loved it, care for it, but the time of death, it did not help a bit you, that goes hand springs. At that time, you only have yourself to life retribution.
Legal observers say the
Nature have no place
General it which birth and death
Just pretend to say.
Three bars of Tendai, which is not consistent, butler, central bar. Use a verse to say that:
'' By the grace born legal
We say that is not (not consistent).
The name is also assumed name (butler).
The name also means middle (middle bar).''
The law of dependent arising, the killing methods from grace. Born predestined are not legal entities, as well as author; transparency means that middle. Three bars including a capital, ie the central bar. But, first of all it is customary not transparent, then it is customary to assume transparency, to understand in another sense it is the middle way, which is consistent medium.
Shop all legal, are not the essence. Born and kill, destroy and born. General it is not, but is disguised, can not be true. So Bhikkhu Win Ma told Venerable Sariputta that:
'' The law of dependent arising
The method of killing grace.
It is great Buddha Samana
Said so often that.''
That is the moral of this.
All non-legal
All measures not kill
If you understand the
Buddhas are often out of money.
Observing all legal, no student minister, minister nor kill, which was acquired infertility legal entity. That also is not that little law student, did not see the ending bit, but mental endurance life. At that time, also want to say mouth to say no to. There comprehend such wisdom, the Buddha is always money in front of you. If not attain such wisdom, though they are in front of you, you also do not see that, despite having seen nor known. Therefore, there is a saying:
'' Faced Avalokitesvara unconscious.''
Ha scenario is Buddha, as can not be known.
Dharmata capital quiet
Do not take no see
Buddhist Emptiness ie
Can not infer it.
The nature of law is not born does not kill, which is quiet, can not grasp, can not see, so:
'' Look but do not see,
Hearing but not listening,
Smell that there is no smell.''
If the realm of legal documents calm nature, they all are not. That means it's out in front of the Buddha, the realm can not infer it. If it turns into infer the meaning II. Easiest ie imperialism can not think, can not think, can not be measured.
If you know all the legal
Such are the nature
Then that person is not
Negativity contaminates before.
If you like to know the nature and essence of all things, are not born not kill, then that person is not doing all defilements and afflictions and attachments. If you know all non-capital approach, which does not destroy, it will turn into sorrow Bodhi. At that time, there was defiled, only pure as nature wonders foot. Duty of all things, nor previous infection.
That the ordinary law
But according to the general transfer
There is clearly no general legal
So not see the Buddha.
Byproducts are found, they admit that not every binary, then that Bodhisattva exact middle. All ordinary law, ie that all compounded the attachment of all generals. Every binary admit that all the measures are not, but that is not the middle. Bodhisattva religious teachings middle, not in favor of no, not fall in there. That the ordinary law, depending on the minister that moved, not transparent legal ethics, is left all general, should not be seen to be four foot Buddha nature disasters.
Muni left three lives
The generals are fully
Head office space where no
Across the zombies did.
Shakyamuni Buddha had departed from past, present, future, three generations. Fully thirty two generals, eighty beauty, the generals are fulfilled. Chang Buddha head in that office, which is also very real in that very at. Take nowhere'' Thus, throughout France,'' are legal bodies of the Buddha. Buddha did the one place, but everywhere. But everywhere, but do not leave a place. Therefore:'' One is all, all is one,'' said so:'' Across all without action.''
I shop all legal
Are all fully articulate all
Now see where Tathagata
Decision not have any doubt.
Necessarily Hui Bodhisattva said:'' I now contemplate the karmic law of all, whatever is not consistent, butler, central bar, are completely transparent grasp. At that time Shakyamuni Buddha, all methods are transparent decisions, no doubt.''
Hue has said France before
Tathagata true minister
I came to know
Bodhi hard think.
France Hui Bodhisattva said before the last true form and formless magic of the power of all the Buddhas. I'm from France Bodhisattva verse of praise Hue, which was said to be amazing grasp of Bodhi reason, can not reflect, not to talk about.
Then Bodhisattva Princess Wins the force of moral Hue Buddha, observe the ten directions that speak shelves that.
At that time, Bodhisattva Win Hue western, upland modern compassionate blessings of Buddha, observing nature and based around predestined beings of the ten directions, where shelves used to praise the virtues of the Buddha.
Tathagata great wisdom
Less can not be compared
All of the world
Thinking is not knowing.
Wisdom of Buddha fullness, fullness merit also, so favored'' Blessed are full.'' Great Buddha of wisdom, so little, can not match. All beings and all the earth, all the heavenly beings, even with thinking mind, can not be known. Why? Because our heart is born small, so do not reach this realm.
Hope ordinary observation
Keep such as justice minister
Buddha left all generals
Such byproducts see.
Ordinary users to observe delusion realm of Buddha, hold minister, is not in agreement with the wonders of the Buddha. Buddha is formless, leave all compounded minister, not the realm of the ordinary was found.
The enchanting senseless
Minister hopes to keep the aggregates
There's clear that the true nature
He did not see the Buddha.
They are born crazy, because there is no wisdom, ignorance should be concealed. Then used as vacuum expectations, which in aggregate hold general (form, feeling, perception, consciousness). People do not have the knowledge, it is true that the five aggregates, the five aggregates so enchanted place, but could not see clearly the true nature of the Buddha, he could not see the Buddha.
Knowing all measures
There are nature
Understanding the nature of such legal
That shows foresight Na.
If clear understanding of all legal nature, which are not there, like it was not attached where legal, legal but clearly comprehend nature, which will see Lo Xa Na, will the transparency of the Buddha realm.
In previous talks about the five aggregates, is in demand side, hold minister will not see the Buddha. Currently broke minister, which is duty-ray disks. Words separated Minister, Minister of center left coast, separated Minister deed. Leave the realm of the Buddha is all generals and all legal.
So by the aggregates before
Aggregates after starting continuous
Know where this character
Buddha saw hard think.
In the Heart Sutra has said:'' Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, when operating in deep Prajna La MAT worked, the projection that the aggregates are not, through all suffering from the yoke''. Five aggregates are not. So to say:'' Lust is like no, no no identity other. That is not sharp, ie no color. Sensation, perception, consciousness, and all that.'' The four remaining aggregates are also like aggregates of matter, illusory can not be true.
In the five aggregates between prenatal aggregates, aggregates of aggregates between birth year later, continuous non-stop. Despite continuous non-stop, but year to year aggregates such aggregates before the middle, in between such aggregates to aggregates after year. Just as waves arise together. However, the wave front not go back, nor go behind the wave behind it. In previous aggregates, the aggregates between five aggregates after, continuous birth. Like the seed born pathogens, but not to place the seed sprouts.
Because the aggregates before that year after continuous born aggregates. Yet, year after such aggregates to the aggregates before and immediately before such waves that are going on behind the wave. If transparency is not legal in aggregate, they often see the Buddha, the Buddha is transparent inconceivable realm.
For as treasure in the dark
No lights could not see
Dhamma not say
Although not known to be favored.
Dharma is inconceivable. For as the seven treasures in a dark room, if there is no light, the look could not see. Treasure in the dark that is Buddha nature, functions Museum in ignorance, because ignorance, thus obscuring true Buddha nature treasures. Black is wisdom, wisdom is new transparent nature's true treasures. There is no wisdom, the European particle-like hide in clothes, because no one told you, so you do not know. Buddhahood ignorant clarity, so there is no wisdom.
Dhamma must have good spoken knowledge, the new transparency. If you do not have good spoken knowledge, wisdom, even you, can not understand transparency. In short, whether you have wisdom, but still need to have the wisdom to light your bait, then you new transparency dharma.
There are four questions that:
'' One, there is no light, the eye can not see.
Two, they did not see eye lights.
Three, no lights no eye will not see.
Four, have light eyes and saw.''
There is no light eyes, they could not find treasure, only light without eyes, the look was not found treasure. If karma is too heavy, the light of wisdom each Way. Like every binary redundancy, in the conference Flower Adornment but as deaf as blind, so:
'' There are not that far-sighted eyes Na
There are no ears to hear cutting teachers.''
The binary nature of excess filler, like the blind, could not see the inherent wisdom. No lights, no eyes, then look no more legal protection that nature. Of course there must have light eyes, they see the true nature protection law.
I have the lamp of wisdom, charity intellectuals have to teach, it is the eyes, lights that security measures. We each have legal protection nature, the Buddha nature. But I do not know. Like is lost, in fact still exist, any more than it is not used alone.
Just as the eye membrane
Not that beautiful color purity
Such impure mind
Nothing about legal Buddhas.
For as webbed eyes, look into two things. As in the eye of the disease, so can not see the body of pure Dhamma Phat.Trong starting center if three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion, the defiled mind, heart obstructions, jealousy, selfishness, self-beneficial interest , there are no pure heart, not transparent Dhamma of the Buddha is.
Bright as the sun again
A blind man could not see the
Heart no wisdom
Do not see the Buddhas.
For as the sun in the morning, but the blind do not see that. Innate wisdom, if not the faithful out there that are pure dharma body of the Buddha.
If the membranes except the eyes
Away from where excellent idea
Not see where the law
Immediately see the Tathagata.
If the treatment is in the eye membrane, bearing in mind also eliminate travel, ie clean except greed, hatred and delusion, romantic room, all afflictions. If separated from the material qualities of the aggregates and warm thoughts. In all aggregates are not legal, but there were five aggregates conceal, then that is the legal body of the Tathagata.
Hue said Necessarily ago
France Buddhas Bodhi
I heard from there
Seeing Na foresight.
Necessarily Hui Bodhisattva Bodhisattva hear French legal Hui said, he immediately transparent so the doctrines of the Buddha Dharma. Win Hui Bodhisattva said, he learned a lot from the Dharma Bodhisattva Necessarily Hue. This is the beauty of humility Bodhisattva together.
Necessarily Bodhisattva before Hue said no, say, the middle of three bars. He said taking three Buddhas Bodhi Dharma talk, I heard about this method before, then see the fullness of the pure body of Buddha Na foresight.
Bodhisattva no higher tribute center conceit, absolutely not say I have more wisdom Bodhisattva other. Shelves of high smarter I say other Bodhisattvas, the reverence Him together. We learn the Dharma, the truth must territory of Bodhisattva mind, the mind of the Buddhas. Behavior of his work, are committed to our model. We must care under that law practice, learning humility Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva of compassion, which is the identity of the new Buddhist learning.
Then Bodhisattva The Princess Dehui dread power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions that speak shelves that.
At that time, the prayer Bodhisattvas Hue in the north, upland great blessings of the compassionate Buddha. Observed throughout the causal nature of beings and base ten, which used the shelf to praise the merits of the Buddhas.
The method does not sincere
Minister holds true expectations
Thus the ordinary
Reincarnation prison life and death.
The hundreds of legal measures ie. Was rupa hundred eleven law, eight of mind, mental fifty measures, measures of dissociation twenty four, six unconditioned law, plus hundreds of law. All these measures are not presidents, can not be true. Do not have the truth on such measures, which seek truth. It is like finding the body coat turtles, rabbits looking horns on the head, look no visible permanently. Take care to keep the general outlook true, wanted on an early start, on foot an leg, which is redundant. Ie do the mundane things that crazy, no true way to find the truth. As such attachments, so in the six realms of cyclic existence, birth and die, death and birth, not stop permanently. Like dust, startled into the sky, stricken to the ground, there was nowhere true.
The words say the law
Distinguish memory Hope
Thus was born obstacle
There's clearly where his heart.
Fan said that the legal words, every binary redundancy little wisdom. But breaking the ego, but not break the law approved. Not only the evidence, but no proof was not legal. Therefore, the attachment also where all the words of the law, using small memory wisdom to distinguish all the way. For that reason, to be born at all sorts of obstacles, such transparency measures say, is never left his mind. Therefore:
Buddha said'' all legal
All interested candidates
If not all heart
Why use all legal.''
So not all legal leave his mind. If outside center for legal, ie here heathen. Therefore, there is a saying:'' Mind, Buddha and sentient beings, all three such differences.'' Transparency his mind, then no distinction between legal compliance.
Unable to clear his mind
How do I know the right path
It's so crazy wisdom
Growth of all evil.
The redundant binary transparency such things as moral center, so:
'' Tam everything legal birth birth
Mind the ending kill everything.''
If not grasp their attention, then how do you know the right path? The binary excess memory, small wisdom, born out discrimination. There is discrimination and obstacles are, then crazy. Crazy market that is'' non-cognitive'' not clear, because the pilot did not clear, so use crazy wisdom. This can also be said is that measures location information, not to say that moral ethics, ie intensity from won'' reasonable.'' This is not news to talk about ethics, ego is profound, breaking down such general be. Differentiated growth is making all the bad karma.
Did not find the way
Always unpleasantness of life and death
That person can not be
French label so pure.
The non-compliance is no longer self (ego), there is no legal law enforcement. Self, two approved methods are not easy to break. Some have accepted the ordinary for me, I like this, we are First, we are better than everyone. On this day because of what we suffer, nor feel miserable. In fact the human body have different names, but the ones we did find (self) exists. So did not see, so what we have just said. We have the minister who also Gen. beings also, Minister lifespan also. Because the four generals did not, the center should have past, present mind, the mind of the future. Three center is clearly not always start delusion, departing distinction. All things there, they usually find a way to get. There have been, then, is the fear of losing. When there is this illusion, the other born of delusion. It is like a rope used to tie her self, not elected to be freed, so say we accept no break easily. If we are not allowed down there that we do minister. But law enforcement to be born with all sorts of attachments for all legal, all kinds of discrimination, so to say:'' Did not find the way.'' Undoubted moral:'' not a hybrid Duty object, place sticky dust.'' If the attachment compounded, can not escape the three realms, often accompanied by pain in the death of six realms of cyclic existence.
People like that, not all measures that are not. Why? Because not obtained pure legal label. If obtaining the pure legal label, then that is not all law students, not kill all legal, thus:
'' The way the hybrid parts
Often Minister himself passed away.''
That is:
The methods of this ancient capital
General usually silence.
Dak is a pure legal label, then grasp the moral law minister not.
My old life of suffering
Because I do not see the Buddha
Should have legal organization
Should instead be seen.
The Bodhisattva Dehui said:'' I do not know the old days at practice, should be sufficient for sufferings. Why unpleasantness? Because I could not see the Buddha, why not see the Buddha? So what we have. Seeing us, our minister, the attachment is too deep, the opposite should not see Buddha, Bodhisattvas can not see, so we had practice, then elect the pure legal label, can he provides is worth seeing. ' 'Why did not we see Buddha? Since that idea too much.
If you see the Buddha
Which player holds such interest
He immediately saw the
Know the saying of the Buddha.
If people see the Buddha, but not attachments, ie such as real estate, which is not prime minister took. In the Diamond Sutra said:
'' If we use that identity
He used sound
The evil that religious practices
Could not see the Tathagata.''
That means players get attachments minister. If you see without seeing, hearing without listening, then:
'' Eyes see the colors in there
Headphones do not mind or life story.''
Buddha did not see that the center, which is not prime minister took. If so, do not think that other, not wasting any mind, then he will know of the Buddha is said, which is also clear insight, which is also the pre-existing innate wisdom.
Thinking about the Buddha in one place, such as estate must clear insight; want the devil in one place, then work as usual, no clear insight. Couple this path for yourself.
People have the power to find a good realm, still as active as such. Although there is no good that realm, as well as no action, if such action as such, it will clear clarity. If it is clearly wise Tathagata promoted to judge, to the Tathagata, the Tathagata wear, and may the Buddha, based in one place.
If found true Buddha dharma
That place called Higher
He eyed the net
Observable world.
If that is true of the Buddha, which is the age of wisdom. Yes, the new Pall deep wisdom like the sea. He obtained a pure legal label, then the causal observation of the world.
Everyone will complete three body, four-place, in the label, six information. But because such practice, so not out of money, if the practice would become a Buddha fullness.
The three bodies are: the French themselves, relatives reported, the (chemical) itself. France itself is filled with pure all around the place. France's mortal body, because of ignorance, so nothing appears. Incarnation has many hundreds of thousands of memory, but it can not be used ordinary, just press itself. Newspapers body ie body now, life is dear retribution. Buddha's Dharma body is perfection. We have great wisdom, then see the three bodies of the Buddha.
Four position ie: The head impact location, observation location, location equitable nature, contemporary landscape park. The location is the basis of work done what needs doing, not life itself later. Observations obtained in the label position is new, wise observations. Equality location emptiness is all equal beings, Buddhas and equality. This wisdom Buddhas nor increase at all, in living beings did not decrease at all, are equal. But, being ordinary and ignorant, no proof is equal wisdom nature. Great park scene is pure wisdom, clarity, like a large round mirror, nor a speck of dust contamination. Objects to the application, to the pure material, not be traced.
In the label ie: Flesh labels, favor labels, favored legal entities and Buddha label. Buddha label as thousands of solar lighting, projection around the world immeasurable. French label observe all legal. For such readers Flower Adornment Sutra, the sutra all projection lens, a business Flower Adornment eighty books, just a minute, then read. Hue label full of all wisdom, all the physical grasp. God saw the sun label the action. Humiliation (not to humiliate ordinary labels that insult other labels) to see who, demons, gods, see the general shape that identity. Buddha in the middle of the forehead mark, label and legal wisdom on both sides of the forehead mark. God label and the label at the grave humiliation temples. Demons also fully labeled this year, but not clarity.
Six information ie: Christian label, natural atrial communication, forgiveness clearinghouse, network sufficiency, take illegal information. The religious practice to the appropriate level, then natural label, visible gestures action of the sun, saying that gods also hear very clearly. There is information tha knows the enemy wants to say and do anything. Additional networks are causal observation of beings have done in the past. There is sufficient information may god walk in vain, to go free, not restricted. There are smuggled through the scans take out all negativity, no delusion, that the Buddhahood.
Not that that is found
Seeing all legal
If you see where the legal
It is not that place.
Did not see that that is not the ordinary form of discrimination. This means that the innate wisdom of the Saints. There is discrimination, that all compounded things; mind no legal distinction is all ridiculous. Wisdom of the Saints is transparent and all worldly of the world, the legal means of communicating the true minister, that there is no legal attachment, new shows are all legal. Ordinary if there is legal discrimination, transparency is not permanent nature of all things. Anytime also can not go deep visceral experience, wisdom like the sea. If you break the law observance, the all new transparency measures, ie the obligation optical disks, the available capital, capital face, which is returned to the source, meaning that no method of birth can not kill.
All the legal nature
No student will not kill
Strangely University Guru
Voluntarily or feeling spared.
Nature of all things, there is no birth, nor kill, is quiet estate. Very strangely great teacher (Buddha)! He enlightened all legal doctrine, to make others enlightened of all moral law. Here are three senses fullness, the great German full.
Win Hui said before
France's enlightened Tathagata
We then hear
Knowing the true nature of the Buddha.
The Bodhisattva Dehui said:'' I hear Wins Hui Bodhisattva and said shelf, obtain legal help, legal transparency of all enlightened Buddha, all legal scan, leave all officers, no any approval before. We hear from Hue Wins Bodhisattva is true Dhamma, the truth as to grasp the essence of the Buddha, are all impermanent world.''
Then Bodhisattva Diligent Hue shifting dread power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions that speak shelves that.
At that time, Bodhisattvas Diligent Hue in the north east, shifting modern compassionate blessing power of the Buddha. Observed and apartments throughout the causal nature of living beings in the ten directions, use the shelves to praise the merits of the Buddha.
If the office where the distinction
That pure eye damage
TA foolish increased
Vinh did not see the Buddhas.
If discrimination based on place, despite facing the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, nor aware. Why? Because pure eye disintegrates, so more foolish, wrong increases. To know the animal that is foolish, wrong as ghosts. Thus, no immediate aware Dharma Increase the Three BVirtual permanently not see ten Buddhas. Neng said:'' It is news, no matter how ten eighteen thousand miles, just like our own side. For example, even if we believe our own side, and ten thousand eight thousand miles.'' This is used to explain the best duty shelves.
Differentiating the formula, no distinction is location; moved into position mode, the incoming label is pure law. This pure eye, not acquired from outside, that is from the heart that evidence. If there is no distinguishing one person, the pilot, good and evil, then there, of all things, have no attachments, then wisdom will show money, that method of projection that world.
We learn the Dharma, if any discrimination, whether Buddhist Bodhisattva and friendly intellectuals in front of you, you would not recognize. If there is no discrimination, the Bodhisattva Buddha Dharma friends out of money, you will clearly distinct, clearly visible.
If the law is clearly wrong
As it's not crazy
Know Hope equity foot
Seeing the pure Buddha immediately.
If the wrong legal understanding, dharma ie transparency, which is also transparent as the true form of leg, not working crazy. That is crazy do not do that, so do not do that. Do not be crazy to do that is to do it, do not do it. Hope to know from the Minister leg as true born. Hope to know the root of the truth, except the truth will clean out all hope, just eliminate discrimination consciousness, the innate wisdom will show money. This will complete the pure eyes, see the Buddha.
Why we do not understand the Dharma? Because ignorance is working the hell, start participating center, fitness center concept has, so no distinction lime. If the break is ignorance, then no greed, no longer sexual expression, transparency is what is going to Dharma? All issues are to receive that award.
We were as Buddha, the luminous nature or natural lighting contemporary world three thousand, as a dynamic concept of ignorance, which in this Saha world, or to be reincarnated in the world other people. Therefore, the practice can become a Buddha, then do not practice evil.
Just return to our roots, to restore innate wisdom, then no discrimination, they will all transparent. Therefore:
'' Good and evil are two roads
Word, the word, karma is created.''
Tu tu wisdom is blessed Buddha, karma is evil misdeeds. Buddha see all beings are Buddha. Devils look equally evil beings, that is all from the mind. In doing this it is said:
'' If anyone wants to know
All three Buddhist life
Be consistent nature of the legal world
All from the mind.''
All French border nature, which are created by the mind.
There is news that structure
That which is not seen
The show away from the
So see the Buddha.
If you see that is delusion. There can distinguish the impurities. If no delusions ordinary distinction, it would shuns all discrimination, the mind sees all understand. This will see the Buddha. But, thinking about that Buddha is delusion. Must not have delusions, you can see all, nor think that, nor do not think that. By this realm, you will often see the Buddha.
The show's mundane as you think, there are concepts that distinction, the show is not thought of sages, no concept, no distinction. Therefore:
'' Meditation ie to not mind directing.
No interest no concept of the infinite blessings
Thoughts from Germany's sins.''
That is to say: There's no discrimination is blessed, ie differentiated guilty.
French language world
We expect students to distinguish
Knowing life are not born
It's that world.
We have all sorts of worldly living language. Use language that speaks of the world, there are a lot of things. A country with a language, a language of their tribe, one of the local language, flower bowls contingent subjects, different kinds. We students used to distinguish delusions legal language. In fact, all of the legal language of the world, all distinguished generals, there are actually possible. So there really can, so all there is birth, there is death. Leaders must realize this principle, the righteous new world of transparency measures.
If you feel that the world
General News see the world
It's not the same as other
These people think it's called.
If so transparent as all the legal world, this transparency is the world that is permanent minister. However, it is not born does not kill, like the true form of body. If you find this to be reasonable, ie communicating origin. Neng said:
'' Dharma in the world
There separated worldly sense
Bodhi die for
For example, find horny rabbit.''
That is: Just say this principle. This new approach true understanding of the world and the legal world.
If you see no other contract
Where no distinction between objects
Seeing that the left or
Outflows are free now.
If true general moral transparency, then place all things, are not born by discrimination, communicating the essence of all things, which is also true that no real formless minister minister, the fundamental moral if not distinguished, it will reach the legal comprehend the true form. French law which is the world's production, banyan negativity away. Negativity is Bodhi passed away. This shows there is a distinction. Leave all or, they obtained the basic wisdom. If there is no discrimination, ie outflows. Gonorrhea that is also all set capillary gas disease. Outflows realm that is not used to distinguish form, which obtained the order, to say outflows so liberated. Liberation means liberation, no question very end, not sad not worry, spend at ATC. We learn the Dharma, ie self-learning method in body, mind liberated. If the body and mind in order to achieve it.
France opened presents Buddhas
All legal distinction
It's impossible to have attained
Hence the pure nature.
Buddhas declare all legal market, is the body of all living beings say the law, thus:
Buddha said'' all legal
Comes with all the attention.
If not all heart
Why use'' all legal?
Because we want the student's body, all to no discrimination, so to say, all discrimination law, said Flower Adornment, A Ham and wards, Prajna, Lotus, Nirvana, all sorts of different methods. There are legal Mahayana, Theravada legal, legal base four, twelve karmic law, which still measures well, which is followpatients for drugs, to drink the medicine beings, when patients do not need medication healthy again. Like crossing the river, need a new boat over to the other shore, but the other side then, they should leave the boat. In the Kim Cang said:
'' France must also discharge
'' Ha illegal situation?
Once enlightened, then, to attain the true fundamental wisdom, then all things must be let go, do not have law enforcement, so new to say, which are impossible to attain. Why say impossible elected? As a student of law is not no kill, pure capital. That is pure, nothing can be elected again? In economic center said:
'' Infinite prime location very well.''
That is, all measures are not considered, then all methods not transparent Minister. Dharma said, are pure nature, not generals, but the net is complicated because of all living beings say, of all beings, the law will also end users.
Dharmata pure capital
As there is no general
All can not say
Such consistency wise.
'' The law of this ancient
General usually silence.''
France not out rightly say. Therefore:
'' The words have an end, her mind was killing
Want to say that word of mouth has silver
Tim would like to think such grace that anymore.''
Being unable to speak, unable to speak, when it comes to a will is a legal means.
The nature of law is pure, like nowhere, no forms. That course had no form, have anything to say? Use rate amounts to saying, taking out the amount to say, speak without saying, do not say that to say, because the means of education for all sentient beings, can not speak well to say. Like nowhere, but there is no minister, but in vain, as small particles, such as mountains and rivers, covering all in vain, nor out of nowhere. This moral vacuum that is useful magic, magic does vacuum own. Therefore:
Truth'' did not not,
Did he own magic.
Noble did not own property,
There is no foot problems.''
Noble Organic ie vacuum, ie vacuum of useful things, so to say, as there is no minister.
The legal obligation of chastity, had nothing to say. France said the vehicles are legal. But before unenlightened beings, they can not say no legal means for people. As enlightened beings, then, all such measures are needed again, scanning all legal, all officers departed. Hence there is the sentence:
'' Me, the thousand little book,
And a still more enlightened words.''
When enchanted beings, they see thousands of business books, read thousands of sutras, bowing thousand sutras, still feels less. By the time it realized, then even a word nor see no foot-economic order, read countless self-experience leg, foot worship carefree experience. Such is the wisdom, such observations.
Away from where the legal concept
Never liked all legal
It also does not expect from
Seeing the Great Muni.
If left are all great methods, there's no thinking, no discrimination. No idea as that is, foot, ie be legal. No fancy all measures, ie measures approved shatter. Like our current study all legal, all law faculty said. Because no transparency, so there must be spoken. By the time they had no need transparency spoken. What teaching experience, to say what measures, which are redundant.
But now we are not all transparency measures, which should not think they did all right approach. For example, over the sea wants, any more than is said here only. To say I was over the sea and, in fact not over. Through the sea before you can say I was over the sea. Before yet attained, not attained before the nature of truth as possible, but said I did not need all measures, this is when the people themselves. Like stealing ears ringing, his self-deception only.
Before the results are not evidence, they must learn all measures. If so leave all thoughts, to the realm:'' One is not born whole concept now,'' they are all legal in nature, did not need to practice, do not need to learn, so to say, , it was not for the word, thus:'' Over the river do not need boats.'' When evidence arahatship quarter, then practice without religious, not religious, but religious, there is no school level. When no evidence arahatship quarter, it still has to learn, is to practice. When the seats are not religious, they see the Duty Master Like Chant Sample Buddhist nuns.
As the site says Dehui
This call shows the Buddha
All all happy
Substance were quiet.
Diligent Hui Bodhisattva said:'' Like the Bodhisattva path which Hui said the prayer, all transparent to the Dharma, ie the Buddha saw. All of all virtues, the nature capital are deserted. Be enlightened to this realm, there is transparency of legal nature.''
Then the Bodhisattva-Hui, Princess dread power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions that speak shelves that.
At that time, the bodhisattva CompassionHue in the southeast, shifting great blessings of the compassionate Buddha. Observed and apartments throughout the causal nature of living beings in the ten directions, and then use the shelves to praise the merits of the Buddha.
Few contemporary lawsuit
Countless Tathagata
Lia rescue center structure
Libertarians of them.
We must practice diligent, industrious Buddhist practice, diligent, ie using a fake ID in illusory to cultivate the true Dhamma. Body vital part of our segment here, everyone has a part, everyone has a piece. So there is a part, a piece, so there are attachments. Here is our attachment, that attachment is owned by us. Because of this stinking skin bag, which island crazy crazy day, self-interest, selfishness, greed, taking advantage. So that this body fake wisdom obscures real network, should not be diligent. Join the sleeping, eating, sex, fame and fortune. Etc. .. everything attachments are created. When attached born without the diligent lazy, no final achievement.
Pharmaceutical United BThe deity at all in the Lotus Sutra can say something like this: Bodhisattva Medicine King as that used for Buddhist myself silk wrap, poured fragrant oil lamps to burn as offerings to Buddha. As for that body be legal alms to the Buddha, that is the true effort, it is donations. How soon the new Kien Buddhist Circuit.
Shakyamuni Buddha in a previous life, so that saving people renounce my life immeasurable, so say the three thousand great worlds, there is a small place like dust particles, which is not the place of ten Buddhas selflessness. Hence the lawsuit says little age. In Ching said:'' God out events, military strength away from any immediate death.'' Event, meaning more settled and spacious conditions. Always self-improvement or any instant, ie, with conditions. Tathagata are countless brave little contemporary events. The Buddhas of the past are no immediate resilient, diligent practice hard, not sparing my life, to demand Buddhist.
Leave all dirty dust, which is also depart from two obstacles. What are two obstacles? That's a two second attachment, obstacles should not be a director. A disturbing obstacles, two are head over it. Negativity accept the one that is offensive, objectionable preconceived ie law enforcement. There accept been defilement we are clearing obstacles, there is no basis of law enforcement, the break is over it. Easy to say but difficult to practice it. Or leave preconceived negativity and karma is karma, the mind will be freed. Smashed two would amount to the northeast, and the others have. Every practice is the bodhisattva, the person must be of yourself, like I sense people, their beneficial interests. Ordinary is the bodhisattva precepts, they must practice quickly, towards three major objectives that out, soon become Bodhisattvas.
I saw the World Register
As it's not crazy
As countless lifetimes
Analysis showed that rank position.
Buddhism is the World Register (Buddha), because the three worlds that make light, dark slide out of the three worlds, making three realms are light beings. I (Bodhisattva CompassionHue) broody as true form, not crazy. The realm of the Buddha as as such, the self at the same time, countless lifetimes course no real injuries. It is the media net wisdom, so transparent is this ethically.
All ordinary work
All come to take your blood
That nature as nowhere
So say no take.
Fan is not attained are called ordinary. Further acts of mortal death are impermanent, arising and disappearing. No mortal can not destroy permanent. The nature of the true nature are mortal. Nowhere ie Buddhahood. Therefore:
'' Self-nature as nowhere
Expectations foot in it
Poisoning can radically hybrid version
An all come through.''
Byproducts are fine, the Saints are fine, are full Buddhahood. Buddha Nature is not born does not kill, not dirty not clean, not increase not decrease. Nature ie Buddha nature, ie nature Buddhahood. Therefore we are all beings can become Buddhas. How the Buddha nature? Is like nowhere. In truth there is no magical property, organic cashew in a vacuum. Did he own magic vacuum, vacuum problems such useful things. So in truth there is hope there is Buddha nature. Be transparent primordial nature and nowhere are the same, like the transparency, transparency will eventually end, thus:'' To be one, ten thousand things are done.'' If a prime, then the What are there also, great job done. So, say, an all come through. Transparency is one, then all transparent.
As the Buddha nature as nowhere, nowhere are endless. So to say:
'' All sentient beings have Buddha nature,
Anyone can become a Buddha.''
Therefore, everyone has this status as Buddhist, but to practice, to use the practice to be able to become a Buddha.
The practice, not so easy to get the Buddhist Bodhisattva, Arhat level, all good knowledge. There might also have been the time, but did not recognize. When passed, the perception was late, this means that immediate opportunity to miss.
When I was in northeast China QuReal estate Jilin Province, then heard a man on the mountain to practice telling stories that had people walking past the mountain, he went into the mountains, having two haired old gentleman, very gentle, giving person natural reverence. The two magnetic fluxes that opportunity in mind for chess. He looked out the view for hours, thinking mind wants to try to save the glass see who wins who loses. Now they just want to take steps foot in the old man heard saying:'' You are mortal, can not go into the cave.'' Saying only one hand is the stone door closes automatically. The two men knew that the old man is certain fairy. He was kneeling outside the city center, in addition to the death in action. The next time someone discovered the body, taken new burials in the action. This story made clear, this is not easy for directors. He died there kneeling, hydraulic door general is not open.
Wise said endless
This place is not to say
Because of the endless nature
Investment has been difficult to take.
There is nowhere to take, and neither is endless. There's something off, nor have all the not so wise man said just said endless. The new wisdom says nowhere is endless. Endlessly useful that is to say. In vain have wonderful friends, wonderful property in vacuum. On the world scene can take no advantage for nothing to say, say it is not there again, it is not to say there is not. Say it is not looked at that, because it is useful. Say it is not because it did not have the magical property. Noble useful to look not found, it is a vacuum. Endless realms of endless space and not talking. At that time, the documents do not establish themselves, says not out. Because nowhere in nature, that is wonderful friendship. Why no magic in organic leg? Because there is Buddha nature. Buddha nature is endless. For that reason should say endless inconceivable. Say it often, nor often. Say it is not also stage segments. Not often, not paragraphs, is not to fall into two side boundary, which is also the meaning in another direction.
In talking endlessly seat
Not quite remarkable beings
Knowing that nature beings
News that General Title.
Endless talk about the place that is nowhere, endless endless. Can not say the finite, the infinite. If it says nowhere finite finitude why? If say, the endless nothingness why there were endless? So central to morality, no stage, not usually. Screeningaccording to this doctrine that said, there's no one quite remarkable beings. Why did not we elect bioavailability? Because nowhere! We must know the nature of which is not born, they did not have a favorable bioavailability. Transparency is this principle, it is reasonable to be duty hybrid Buddhahood. It is often said that the Buddha, the Buddha left no moment.
That is not to say that
No living beings say
If found, if born
Knowing no substance.
On the general realm of realistic foot, can not say can not say, nor did not see that. Screeningaccording to some knowledge of the ordinary to have a saying that, in fact, nor have they attained bioavailability, are as naught. This argument or talk shows, or talking beings. If true grasp all all of them as frivolous, so can not say.
And departments to see that
The shows are put away
No damage where it's legal
The Buddha knew that.
Nature and animals head to see that there are no interpretations. If there is to see and see basis, ie such as the nature of the legal estate. Therefore, all that power away from elimination and basis that, he appeared as reasonable as possible. Quick and facilities that are not seen, compounded and measures were also not unconditioned, organic contraband and outflows are not well. All attachments do not have any, that is the true reason of the legal world.
Why we can not achieve the legal nature? They are formless general moral truth? As for the attachment of facilities to see and look at, so do not be in agreement with reason be honest, can not see the Buddha. If you are in agreement with the true legal nature, then that person clearly comprehend the realm of Buddha, said the principle of dharma.
If people knew the Buddha
And speaking of the Buddha
That was the world premiere
As revealed Xa Na.
If there is the transparent realm of Buddha and teachings of the Buddha means to say, that was eighty-four thousand teachings. The luminous wisdom that aired shatter all the darkness of the world. Like clarity shines throughout Consummation of thousands of staff sambhogakaya foresight Na Shakyamuni Buddha.
Cleverly reveal the enlightenment
One way to create pure
Diligent Dr. Hue University
Facebook said countless legal.
Supreme Buddha is supreme Buddha, Buddha legal strategic use skillful means, to take say eighty-four thousand teachings, to the eighty-four thousand political habits maoOur patient was born. Buddha finally took time to say a Buddhist legacy. Legal obligation nor a hybrid set, ie the original purity, magic legs as nature. Bodhisattva Crystal Tan Hue He said taking countless practice facilities.
Either with or without
Ideas that were eradicated
So that is the Buddha
Resting place in fact.
Or is finite or infinite, or organic contraband, or outflows, or compounded, or the unconditioned law, all are eradicated memorial. Back Valet, appears pure origins, nature magic legs like. If a concept can not also born of delusion, then there is not a whole child concept show, which will see the Buddha, always remain in the realm of injury Quang Tinh, the true realm. Then we can be real justice minister, there was little transparency law student, there is little way away, ie birth and death are not legal.
Then, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, Princess dread power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions, which say that the shelf.
At that time, Bodhisattva of Wisdom in the southwest, shifting modern compassionate blessings of the Buddha, observing nature and based around predestined beings of the ten directions, use the shelves to the legal expression to say.
Prajna wisdom ie, Prajna three things:
1). Prajna texts.
2). Prajna contemplation.
3). It Prajna minister.
Because the scripts to start contemplating Prajna, Prajna by reflecting that contract Prajna realize the true form, the verse that says Bodhisattvas, ie this principle.
I hear teachers supreme
Ben optical born wisdom
Screening around ten world
Are all Buddhist.
Bodhisattva TriHui said:'' I listen to Buddhist supreme (religious texts as teachers can use), he was born the luminous wisdom (Prajna start contemplating the true form contract with Prajna). It's this Prajna Minister, earth sun screening, screening over ten world all things and all life ten three Buddhas that make a case, so that the legal embodiment of all Buddhas.''
Which does little animals
Only self-assumed title
If there is one character who
That is dangerous on the road.
In this world which is not. Because they have a new attachment compounded this. Neng said:
'' Bodhi tree which does not
Mirror light nor radio.
Until now such a thing
'' Sticky dust somewhere?
That is also about the moral.
What was not there, only the author name only. If someone is bound to say, we, living beings, the four generals lifespan, the more mesmerizing rotation of the six realms of cyclic existence, this is a very dangerous path.
Where there is truth, but accepted as true, to be honest, it's crazy generals ie beings. So crazy, so on the cover, not easy to get rid of the three worlds, life and death can not be terminated.
Ordinary procedure attachments
Accept yourself is real
Attachments such as Lai
They complete invisible.
Qualities are not attained, are all mortal. Why not experience the results? Because of the attachment, with the participation requirements. Why the attachment? Because of the body. This body is due to the wind the fire the four countries where the author. When these four elements disperse, the body is no longer available. But ordinary morality is not transparent, because this body that spawned all sorts of attachments, for that is our body. In fact, this was not our body. If it is, why we die? Who would not have wanted anyone to die, but the body was finally the day to die, not unto his master. When the four great old retired, returned to its seat. Eyes and flowers, flowers also do not want it done, also deaf ear, tooth loss, skin bumps like grimacing, hair-like feathers, the silver crane. Search around this body of research is what'' glass'' we? Find not be. The body is composed of four university where the author can only say it's our body, but the body is not able to tell us. Why? Because the body has legs like nature, that his new employer.
For example, in the room, the room is not to say we can only say this is a room in my place. This body is where we live. Truth as our new nature. Legs like this nature in the body, when it dies, move away, move in the new body. This predestined, so do not accept this as true before the body can, in fact is false hope.
Buddhism is no attachment, but the attachment of the ordinary, so can not see the Buddha. Should not be approved before they see the Buddha. Pre ordinary player, faithful could not see the true face of the Tathagata.
The label is not favored
Unable to see the Buddha
In countless lifetimes
Vital sea flows.
Ordinary clinging, no wisdom eye, can not see the body of Buddha's foot. The person in countless lifetimes, in the ocean of birth and death, flux. In the six realms of cyclic existence, at the sky, while in the human world, while making animal, hungry ghost at work, not permanently get rid of suffering in samsara. Why? Because of the attachment prime minister took, so passion in life and death.
We're a practitioner to pay attention! Notice something? Note the number'' 0'' can return to the roots, back to the number'' 0'', it'll be ten in all three Buddhas life. What is the number'' 0''? What was not there, not early, not late, not inside, not outside, not big, not small. If the number'' 0'' break this out, it turned into 1, this is the beginning of the items. There are number 1 and then add the 0, want more or less will be more, some items will happenings infinitum.
This number'' 0'' was not, not left, not you, not me, not the generals, generals do not, no minister beings, not general life span, there is nothing. While there, but all are contained in a number of'' 0.'' If you open it, then release the number 1. Number 1 is very important. Why is the sky bar? Because there is a 1. Why does the rest? Because there is a 1. Why do the Saints? Because of this prime number 1. 1 What is it? That is back to the roots. What is the number'' 0''? That is the nature of the legal world, the origin of the Buddha nature.
In Business Ethics said:
'' God is one, the bar
Land is one, the rest
The one, the Bible.''
Number one is the mother of all things, so that:
'' To be a thousand things are done.''
When not obtain one, then look east, look west, crazy crazy island. Wait until I find one, all things are done. In short, after a prime, whatever, all attachments are no longer, letting go of all. That means returning to the origin and termination of life and death, no longer flows in the ocean of birth and death again.
There is controversy saying mortal
No comic nirvana
Samsara and Nirvana
Both impossible to attain.
There is a dispute sorrow, unhappiness is not no competition. Therefore:
'' Painting is more interested loser
In contrast to direct
Ben was born four generals
'' How are eighty?
Painting is more mind losing, winning competitive intensity conclusion, we are better than people think. Having won the heart that is eager to participate. There negativity involved there, there is more negativity they have lost. Therefore, we cultivators, not win arguments with the war powers, to give the good, the bad to take, do not lose heart over. Someone said:'' Well, no need of spiritual practice, practice then greed.'' Tu is directed toward the Buddhist go, should go to the office space. We want to become a Buddha, it is not involved, such as wanting to return home. As we go too far away from home, so we had to come home.
Because of competition, the four generals should generate interest. There are four general interest, they have struggled. There is mortal struggle. If not obtained eighty paintings, then no sorrow, no more fighting, that is pure nirvana, which is the reason as such.
Why is this vital? because there is Nirvana. Why is this Nirvana? Just as mortal. No mortal can not say there is Nirvana. No Nirvana is not to say there is life and death. By the nature of such leg, then samsara and nirvana are not there. So mortal, new Nirvana; has new Nirvana mortal. This radical Enlightenment morality, achieving great clarity, the organ of the inherent nature.
If the access list pseudo-
This two prime ago
He does not like really
I do not know the tone direction.
If author pursued this by themselves, on the basis of elaborate lies, but not use elaborate on the truth, they did finally obtained direct tone. Discharge is not samsara and nirvana, the attachment to self assumed name, if such use elaborate on the truth, then how to attain the truth? Just use elaborate on the author, it is ultimately false. The transparency that no real moral truth as minister nor the moral vacuum of useful things, such as learning about some moral'' 0.'' No.'' 0'' This is the direct tone.
This magic number 0 can not describe. The meticulous research must a phen. 0 ie no magic foot property, which is great officer position, place equal nature, observation position, the head impact location, are contained in the number 0. If you just elaborate on the lie, the truth is not ethical when it is transparent.
Noble directed the Buddhist Bodhisattva Saints obtained, it can not understand ordinary party. Classic study is in this place, to pay special attention. This bar that is directed back to the roots, back to the realm of capital, there is a prime spot. In the Heart Sutra has said:'' There is not a prime location,'' ie this principle.
Are ordinary loss whether direct tone? Not lost! Some byproducts are direct full bar, any more than there used to know how? How to practice? Like computers, people have learned through computers, they said they used. People do not learn by computer, then of course do not know the use, whether computers also become dead animals.
Tone direction ie computers, use the new capabilities. The transparency of spiritual wisdom which has, contemporary landscape park, which is here almighty computer. If training is successful, the university will park scenery money now, will be inconceivable realm.
Far from samsara and nirvana is itself false name, but also on the world all by themselves are false, such as a new born baby can not name, are called children. Sometimes parents name, the name of that child, someone compliments y, then y joy that critics y, then y is not worth letting go, even anger will be born. There is no name then let go hug before they left home I went Bach, after three years in the hospitality players at his mother's grave, some people called Bach Cabinet. France name called From An ordained, and later called by London, now known as Hsuan, here are called fake, you! Do not assume the attachment to self identity, someone yelled at you, someone beat you, even kill you, nor the mind, must have the power, do not get shook realm, this is the practitioner carefully leg direction.
If students think so
This Buddha is supreme
It's not that crazy
Do not see the Enlightenment.
If such thinking, saying that Buddha is the most wins, this attachment that is crazy, not understanding all the ten directions three Buddhas life, the body is the same way, are equal, there is a Buddha I win, nor Buddha is up paralyzed, all the same, no difference. If you split up the wins list are crazy, not general moral truth. Buddha Buddha the same, regardless of the different emitted prayer and grace with different living beings also, such as Amitabha Buddha discovered forty-eight great vows to lead beings. The Buddha discovered 48 other beings pray to lead, but could not say Amitabha Buddha is supreme, while the other is dark paralyzed Buddha. Buddhism is equality is equality law, ten sages also increase equality, can not elaborate on the use falsehoods, not by the faithful can not obtain wisdom right view of right knowledge.
We do not use elaborate on the author, must use elaborate on the leg as the true form, not on the use of dead animals, to elaborate on the life, if elaborate on the life, they are the chief results Rank Enlightenment will see Tathagata Supreme supreme Buddha.
Knowing this may be true
General passed away leg as
Saw Beings Enlightenment
Beyond the language line.
Knowing the true reason be, that is also true general moral formless, omnipresent vacuum Minister and the wonderful friendship. The reason this may true, but of course not the president, but feel that contentment information. If treatment is very general moral truth as so:
Bon'' such a hybrid material
'' Sticky dust somewhere?
Bon hybrid no negativity, the bridge to nowhere Bodhi? If transparency is this realm, then see ten Buddhas. However, for this to not be uttered words, texts minister must leave, leave their title minister, minister grace left center. In conclusion, all separated Minister and all legal, moral grasp this, they often see ten Buddhas.
Said the legal language
Do not show the true form
Equal see the
As the Buddha dharma too.
All earthly things Cricut, everybody is talking Dhamma. Each species of sentient species law that says: God, the law says Sun, who say the law, say legal animal animals, hungry ghosts, the hungry ghosts law says, it says legal asura asura, hell Hell, the law says. Ten said legal measures are presented, each of the legal world, using language they understand, to take the law says.
Thanh Thanh Van Van, the law says, it says legal Pratyekabuddha Pratyekabuddha say legal Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, the Buddha, the Buddha Dharma talk. France consists of eighty-four thousand things, is to treat the disease habitual beings capillaries. We have mao born diseases, the Buddha used this approach to treatment. When they are no longer living dangerously ill again mao, all measures must also let go. France also in agreement to let go, not in agreement as to the legal letting go. In the Diamond Sutra said:
'' France have to give up,'' Galaxy Case is illegal?
Language law crafted just said means, for teachers of sentient beings. The reason may very general, such as foot nature, can not use language to express, language texts, they can not show the general moral truth. So how? Equal to learn Buddhas, evidence emptiness inherent wisdom of equality, transparency, the new minister moral truth. If or equal, to be able to return to its roots. If not equal, then no moral leg to transparency as the true form.
Enlightenment past lives
Current and future
Vinh distinguish original piece
So-called Buddha.
Supreme Buddha is supreme Buddha, Bodhisattvas are supreme Buddha, the Enlightenment legacy binary. The director said that in this sense, is only the Buddha said. Buddha in past lives, present life, future life, permanent rupture origin discrimination, which is also the official. Buddha turned into four eight-way location, were completely eradicated discrimination knowledge, wisdom just exist. Wisdom or projector all the way true form. Buddha was enlightened level, are blessed enough wisdom to perfection, so called Tathagata, Application Offering, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc celestial Worldly Award, Supreme Officers, Chief Diaoyu, Thien Nhon Teacher Buddha, the Blessed One, ten titles.
Then Bodhisattva True Hue shifting dread power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions that speak shelves that.
At that time, Bodhisattvas True Hue in the north west, upland modern compassionate blessings of Buddha, and contemplate over the causal nature of the base ten shelves beings that used to describe the legal'd say.
I would rather unpleasant hell
Listened name Buddhas
No life immeasurable fun
Buddha never heard that name.
I'd rather take everything anguish in hell, but often heard the title of the Buddhas. But do not want to enjoy the immeasurable happiness, and did not hear the title of the Buddhas. In a nutshell, I'd rather suffer, want to hear the name of Buddha. Did not want to hear that happy feeling Buddhist name.
We were born into Buddhism before Buddha after accident, one of eight survivors, however at the time after the Buddha was born, but still legal hearing, hear my commission Buddha. There is a world without hearing the name of Buddha. Like detained in North Asia, very long life, can live to be a thousand years old, very happy life, but did not see the Buddha, not listen to France, not having Increase permanently Buddha did not hear the name, and is one of the eight victims.
So in the past
Suffering countless lives
Flow of life and death
Because not heard of Buddha.
So do not listen to Buddhist name, so in countless past lives often flow, feeling all the suffering, rebirth in samsara. If you hear the name Buddha, forensic medicine practice, it will get rid of the three worlds, no longer feeling pain anymore.
Where no legal insanity
As true that the current evidence
Leave the general harmony
It's called Supreme Enlightenment.
If you do not use the fitness center, where the law is not crazy. If a concept is not born, they will see the truth as true form. If you leave all the old general harmony, then this call is directed supreme sense.
In the stratigraphical said:'' We born South Jambudvipa, starting center where the concept is not now, where is not guilty.'' So who is also doing good now, also I do not? Not wrong! There are now sinners, but to do good if indifferent, friendly, this is true, if there is a crime center. The ancients said:
'' It makes good center, but not good reward,
Heartless and evil, but evil is not punished.''
Deliberately going to do good but hope to attain the good retribution, that is poor here, why? As reported good results obtained, or the evil deeds, such as the poor, not discharge a contract, not gambling, opium smoking as impossible. The money they can gamble, possibly toxic smoke, why? Because of money.
Some people think, I go gambling, gambling money offer created a large temple. This idea is bad news, you create such a pure temple, lest none spiritual practice. Or have people think, I create a bridge temple blessings, the future will obtain good results reported, it is also poor, so how new merit? To do that do not have attachments, no furniture factories, creating temples tower is made out of his responsibility, do not wish for retribution at all, not the mind, the mind that is crazy, do without the concept , do without discrimination, do without delusion, ie it is not legal insanity. If you have in mind to work, hoping to obtain good results reported, it is greed. For someone like Lord Buddha, wanted for their children. There are people who want to worship Buddha resources for development. Or for everything is the best, all auspicious. If Buddhism is so, it is not reasonable Buddhism embezzlement bribes?
We bowed reverently bow to the Buddha is Buddha. Because Buddhism is the great German dung, worth bowed reverently, not calculated retribution, not for retribution, that's not crazy. As a student in mind, that is crazy. As a student in mind, that is crazy, can not rid ourselves crazy dream.
We do not think we want to cultivate enlightenment, not as enlightened as they think. Why? Wanting enlightenment, ie delusions. Hence there is the sentence:
'' Just ask cultivation, harvesting do not ask.''
By the time they go sower sowing seeds, harvesting membranes do not like? My best cultivation, watering, fertilizing. Partially planted, harvested, it will be part of it. Do the concept, ie the concept of delusion. Therefore:
'' There is a delusion center
Is insensitive touch.''
I asked myself, a long time how long a conception not birth? Our minds like a horse, like monkeys, they do not look east look west, ie start here delusion, which is also crazy. What is crazy? That is worth doing without doing, is worth doing but do not. If that idea does not start, that is where crazy not legal.
Currently no harmony
Past and future generation
Every law formless
It's possible foot Buddha.
Chess is by grace that a false harmony, called the general harmony. For as a speck of dust, which set many a high mountain. The fact of the Buddha reason, not harmony, but the. But not right now, and that is the past nor the future. Why? Since all these measures can not minister. There may be a new minister is the true form of cross section area of ​​the Buddha.
If such observations
Meaning of profound legal
Of all the Buddha
General law itself true.
All general harmony falsehoods, attachments do it. If you like to observe or so, it will scan all legal, all officers departed. A concept not born, they are enough things in me, this means that the true magic of the profound law supreme, or foot as well as the true form, a concept that is not born, nor good concept, also there is no concept of evil. Neng said:'' No good thoughts, do not think evil, then the area of ​​cross section of Venerable Hui Ming.'' At no evil do not think good thoughts, there is nothing? That is the future of the area of ​​each section. This is easier said realm, but difficult to practice. If in about five minutes without a concept born, then this merit rather than create more valuable as the number seven towers Ganges sands, hence the sentence:
'' If anyone is still for a moment,
Over seven towers creating more valuable as the number of sand of the Ganges.''
That is the moral of this. Why? Because financial compensation network approach favored relatives, watering, fertilizing, planting, so the biggest merit, ie the legal realm profound meaning.
If so, then that is found to be ten all three Buddhas life. Why? Because transparency foot moral law itself as the true form of Buddhism, the Buddha so often in a place with you.
Why can not we return to the roots? As for the attachment, there is crazy. In the stratigraphical said: "All sentient beings, the starting center concept, where there is now, where is not guilty.'' Some people see them as evil triplets roads are crazy, are not the measures. Yet the sky seen in the human person, any good deeds or evil, are also without legal insanity. felt we were doing good deeds. practice I eat rice Buddha, chanting, repentance ceremony, said that the practice is used, but the sky looked it are crazy dream. Why? Because there are base furniture factories. Vegetarians want retribution, nianfo want to be effective press, chanting wanted retribution, repentance ceremonies wants retribution. Hopefully as the future, resource development, good health, long life. Actually, it's all crazy! There is a size notion, not for what New is blessed. Having in mind that there is expectation, there is no mind, there is no expectation. therefore have a saying:
'' Do not mind the infinite blessings concept
Thoughts from Germany's sins.''
Every expectation is there, there are crazy mind. Bridge work is crazy good. Why? So do good, the good retribution. Wait until you get good results, then report back mesmerizing. Therefore:
'' You also almsgiving difficult,
Wealth directed learning difficult.''
The poor, teaching them the alms is very difficult, because there is no money. The money, teaching them to practice it is very difficult, because I want to enjoy the pleasure of sex. Unable to generate enough practice, but poor things, the future will fall into hell unpleasantness. After all, when you want to give alms of charity, but time rich, on the other hand did not do something illegal, would sink unpleasantness. It is not reasonable generals crazy?
We are religious people, it is not good for the afterlife retribution, not born of heaven for retribution. Why? Because the blessings of a sun, there must also unpleasant. Must learn not concept, not demand, not participating, this is the real wealth, thus:
'' Not taking real riches
Enough is known fairy.''
Be diligent clergy of wisdom, anger and ignorance destroy the three worlds will escape termination of life and death, this is the true liberation.
Where it's found true
Not really see no real
So ultimately understand
Swear so-called Buddha.
Research sight glass Buddha, leave all crazy, attachment, discrimination, delusions, so it's on foot as minister, certified as true realm leg Minister. All attachment crazy, delusion discrimination, are falsehoods, no true substance. What research is to understand the glass? That's where it's found true, the real reason as Minister leg, attained this realm, then will this principle of transparency. Reasons such as this, such as user location designed to suit. Thus so-called Buddha.
Buddha Dharma can not sense
Clearly referred to the legal sense
Such Buddhists
One can not be legal.
Buddha said all law, is breaking the attachment of the people. We no longer accept birth before, the Dhamma is not used anymore. If we do not have any attachments, is a concept not born, that is, back to the roots, back to the real capital. If there is an attachment portion, it may be necessary to treat the legal part, to control it.
Dharma are as such, no one knows, or does not know, are inherent to the realm. We do not reach the realm, such as no real, clear insight, so we had to practice to learn. By the way such a study is made of glass, things are not. Speaking out is not all, or not feeling well, so He can not talk sense approach. Unable to use ideological sense it and detect it. If transparency is as true justice minister foot, so there's no sense, there's really not feeling well. This doctrine of transparency, the transparency dharma.
Buddhas of spiritual practice which are not religious, and did not witness evidence, such evidence did not practice. Pure anger and ignorance are right, it reaches as reasonable as possible, such a law student, things are not, what would not be, to say the law should not be.
Knowing so much by a
Knowing so much a
The shelter did method
But from the start harmony.
Must know all all, are from a collection that converged into much, much is left to know that so many achievements. In talking about the number 0, which is beyond the outside number, thus:
'' Beyond the three realms
Not in the five elements.''
Three sensuous realm ie, gender identity, formless. Ie the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. All people in the five elements, physiognomy of each person, the five elements are complete. Causing high body, belonging to the tree (wood). Pointed tip wide chin, the shape of the fire (fire). Golden square face, the shape of territory (land). White hand of the needle. Fat black hand which belongs to form hydro (water). Someone is breaking fire wood, some are metal wood fire. Someone carved wooden needles themselves together, her and her struggle. Figure hydro and graphics in the same place, they often struggle arises. Figure carpentry and the territory in the same place, they often struggle arises. But beyond the numbers 0 number of this item.
Some people believe that destiny has certain arrangements, thus:'' Network has eight cubits, and difficult for a school.'' No wrong! But this is only normal that people say. If a practitioner is not in this number. Taoists do not need to ask the I Ching, which is a further element uses ordinary, mortal cultivators also be terminated, as the case some other galaxy? The more you go beyond it, so do not believe. Talking about the five elements, regardless of the transparency of it only, in fact realize that practice, any what moral would also transparent. 0 This is a very important practice! The number 0 will need to use public that, one decent study phen, the future will certainly take measures, because it is not in numbers. Number the items starting one, but also to a number 0 for no.
Know a lot though, which is a lot. Knowing that a lot is due to a. Hence there is the sentence:
'' A clerical mashed root
Clerical provisions of the original''.
'' One made immeasurable
Made an immeasurable.''
Why is the Infinite? Since there are, why have one? Since there are immeasurable. If one is born, they have a lot of trouble; born from a two, three, four, up to eight, nine, ten, infinite number of items in which that place. If there is one, of course, many did not have. So said:'' One is not without the many, many that do not, one is not.'' There is a speck of dust, the dust is not all there, not much dust, a dust particle is not there.
The legal nature can not, so there is no refuge, but from false harmony that achievement means all legal.
No facility operation and effect
Due idea born from now
Why such info
Because there is no other.
In heaven, all the thousands of things that people have said in the sovereign clever clever manipulation! This is the work function. Everything is all things, this is the basis of cooperation. There is the sovereign power works all things Cricut, Cricut all things are working out basis. Some religions are said. But, speaking of the truth, there's no person owning allows all things Cricut, so to say, not base effects, effects, effects such a pair, there is also the fear of animals. This is how? All or are all depart, karma, life alert. Where now is that birth? Is generated from delusions. At first sight is not (do not know), ie no sense of ignorance, because ignorance born mesmerizing. If there is no ignorance, there's no enchanting. There enchanting then, is born of delusion. There are delusions created everything now.
Now generated if plant goodness, they have good retribution. If bad karma, then evil retribution. If it is not good now, no evil, no good, there are no evil retribution. So what we see born, they are created, there is no one to govern creation; until passed back and forth in reincarnation, unable to escape, according to results reported now that life, property, birth slowly, birth or death, not forever escape from samsara. How do I know that so? If you depart from this principle, there's no moral else to say.
There are religious advocates, all the world is governed by God, then how do evil with his charity no relationship whatsoever. However, until life retribution, then I still have to go life, god does not care about. This is not ethically justified. Because of conditions which, so to say that from now your idea was born. Like other people have the wrong murder. The killer though is a crime, but also to dictate the offense. If God governs us, all employed by the gods, so now that we created, god must also have a poor half, new rationally. If not so, God teaches us to work, then our pity, but the merit of the gods, so is not fair, not reasonable.
Pity he created himself, with no other person in a relationship. Doing good deeds is good retribution; work evil evil retribution, this is very reasonable causation. So we sent just act, do not let other people govern. If it is dominated by the gods, they should not teach us to do all sorts of things evil, only the good things, like the new right. Because god did not want people to do evil, the desire to do good. If god does not have this capability, then his life his evil retribution. Making merit is god, do I have to recognize that evil, it really does not make sense.
All measures not based
The origin can not be
Buddhas head here
Ultimately not fluctuate.
Buddha says eighty-four thousand teachings, are legal means, the antidote to greed, hatred and delusion of beings. So tell all legal obligations of the office space is not. Where there is no office, no office and no place. Therefore, there is a certain country. France can not be true, are predestined born, so is not. That of course is no, there is no place to stay? Buddhas head in morality can not not there. Dharma body of the Buddha is formless, infinite in multitude estate in, such as the Buddha is as clear lucid, so ultimately not fluctuate.
Then Bodhisattva Supreme Hue, Princess dread power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions that speak shelves that.
At that time, the Supreme Bodhisattvas at the bottom Hue, upland modern compassionate blessing power of the Buddha, observing nature and based around predestined beings of the ten directions, use the shelves to tell which way he wants to say.
Supreme Ma Ha Tat
It leaves sentient thought
No one is more
So effective is the Supreme.
Bodhisattvas Supreme Hue, wisdom, spiritual practice, prayer power, divine. Etc. .. His will is supreme. His French is also the ultimate say. He is not the Bodhisattvas, but also foremost in Bodhisattva. Leaders of all Buddhist bodhisattva to the place, the power to hear the true Dhamma Noble Victories business Flower Adornment.
Bodhisattvas this Supreme Hue, all were all he climaxed, nobody surpassed him be, so called Supreme Ma ha slap.
Sanskrit Bodhisattva half, is full "slap Bodhi DOA". Bodhi translates as "feeling" threatened to slap translated as "charming". That is also feeling beings, also known as sensory beings, meaning the same, no difference.
What is known as'' charming'' sense? That is, they use moral enlightenment, but their methods transparent to all ten enlightened beings, causing all sentient beings, have attained enlightenment. It is thought tha sense of self Bodhisattva.
What is known as'' charming'' sense? Bodhisattvas are beings which also, because since then thousands of happy, so a Bodhisattva, an enlightened being that is in the property. Not only are we living Bodhisattvas, Buddhas and enlightened beings because you become Buddha.
Qualities are sentient, blood gas, we are born, we are born charming harmonious. Buddhist Bodhisattva in the past, we are like living beings, regardless of the Buddhist bodhisattva diligently since then thousands of happy, so the Bodhisattva became Buddha, we also lazy, do not take practice, so it is still beings.
However, our current practice, but no effort, like religious vows, novices wait tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow the wait. One day and one day, did not wait until the old practice, nor achievements. Some people say, I was young age, I waited novice older. However, after the old world was bound grids, make no practice. By old age, the more there is no time to practice. Wait until his death, the more can not practice, because there are such ideas, from countless lifetimes so far, found no Mind, no bodhisattva practice, such behavior since then thousands, then how willow born and death? Therefore vital that birth and death, flux in reincarnation. If we are not lazy, like Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, diligent, it will soon become a Buddha as a Bodhisattva Arhat, Which became the enlightened beings.
Bodhisattvas also translated as "contemporary spirituality", especially for large center director, not afraid of people suffering, not fear all the hard, diligent practice dharma bodhisattva practice hard. Also known as the General Officer, is macho. Therefore Si Dai Nam Hai'','' ie nickname of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, also known as Si Khai, no selfishness, our minister, we see that, not envy others, nor obstacles others.
Bodhisattva away from all delusions of living beings. What we think of birth, but their are so calculated, to how their benefits. All the delusions of Bodhisattvas, all think we want to benefit all sentient beings, we want teachers of all living beings, we want to save all sentient beings, which is thought of as the Bodhisattva their discharge.
Thought of the Bodhisattva with thoughts of sentient beings are contradictory. They are born selfish thoughts, the Bodhisattva benefits people think. Someone said:'' I now practice Bodhisattva Bodhisattva I was.'' Not wrong, you are Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas new song is about, but not that old Bodhisattva. He Bodhisattva is far from countless lifetimes since then thousands of happy. You just step on the path of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva new center only. Hence there is the sentence:
'' Ma la sleep complaints
Bodhisattva Initial Development Center
Three of the medium's most
As a result any minority.''
That is: although spawning fish a lot, but the little fish. Ma la complaints trees bloom very much, but then very little fruit. New Bodhisattva mind, do not know is how much? Therefore:'' Play tanm is easy, it's hard contentment.'' True practice Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva achievement results are very few. Three things in place so people are much less so in earth. Although we are new Bodhisattva mind, they should give rise to permanent Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva do not give rise to five minutes, then the last five minutes, they turned Bodhisattva heart failure, this point is very important, hope people pay mind, must have the following before the thorough and faithful.
Property acquired Buddhas
Ineffective undifferentiated
There is no place large crude
Subtle as that.
Ten lives all the three Buddhas, the Division can say is Bon Shakyamuni Buddha attained Nirvana that no place is. Why? Because the feeling is natural, without artifacts, or more elaborately to attain nirvana, or enlightenment is inherent, so harmless, non-discriminating said. Because such artifacts can not be used to distinguish knowledge. No formula is obtained innate wisdom. There are six general rough but absolutely no health minister nor third. This is evidence Buddhist faith inside, virtue itself is evidence of this inside. This poem has six verses, there are two shelves behind virtues of merit goods outside, the teachers of virtue all beings. Stock faith inside, virtue chemistry is something outside of the Buddhist virtue.
What are three health minister? That is:
1). General Industry.
2). Object visible.
3). General realms.
Minister also said that now, the current Minister, Minister moved. General health is very subtle, sense is not easy, not easy to transparency, not easy to know.
1). General Industry: Creating What now? That is, shifting suddenly. Ignorance born three health minister, thus:'' A visual concepts not born eight international, continental realm is large crude charm.'' Lai said:'' Ignorance is the world's third born, is interdependent realms of Contents rough.'' Why do we come from? So do the karma, so to make the. Cat cat karma, karma dogs dogs, cats and dogs so to do, here is homemade life itself. Therefore we as a concept, but to make people ignorant, because ignorance that centromere, which is here now. Yes, there are now suffering, life must now create retribution. Create good karma healthy life retribution, karmic retribution evil evil life.
Minister for Industry is a concept that starts ignorance. In summary, the ignorance that is the root of loving life and death. Ignorance of the twelve causes and conditions, are only men and women that minister, birth center that injured another favorite. There's love, there behavior. The roots of our mortal is from here that out.
2). General see: chess now and then, the generals that are born. That there is visible movement, if it did not see action.
3). General realms: There minister born that then Minister realm, not the realm that is not.
Ignorance centromere, then the suffering. Because the results did not leave people, create something, we breathe through it. Having seen the then minister born, there is no general action that, so:
'' Mindfulness start having hundreds
Do not twist the concept is not.''
Minister exam board has found, there is general plane, ie the plane that are displayed.
General What is coarse record? That is:
1). School location.
2). General continuum.
3). General cling.
4). General nature of self-identity.
5). General startup.
6). Gen. suffering now required.
Compel the realm, the prime minister born after this rough. Because the roots of ignorance born three health minister, due to ignorance branchlets, which generated record crude Minister.
1). General Tri: There realm then known realm, he preferred birth center or not preferred. Two things this center, students are constantly born, born distinguish expectations.
2). General continuum: Bake distinguish wisdom, born out of two things interested, preferred and not preferred, back pain and pleasure born of thought two things. Or prefer or dislike, or pain or pleasure, such thoughts are constantly ongoing.
3). General cling: For continuous non-stop, so cling born minister, attachments suffering realms fun. I do not know this is not true delusion, reverse mortgage also born in mind get deep.
4). General nature of self-identity: Accept took the realm calculated that, here is what the name itself, there is nothing self-identity? Ben attachment to self-delusion is not real name, which distinguishes born afflictions.
5). General start-up: The attachment of the realm of delusion is not true, born again suffering now, funny now, good karma, bad karma everything minister. Bake noun cling to create all sorts of first infection now.
6). Gen. suffering now required: Chess was born then, they are now free from such constraints, no detail disassembly. Like the teaching practice, they said circumstances not permitted, in the care of no one, in short, there are all sorts of reasons, ie the minister is now forced not escape suffering.
Operating realm Buddhas
In which there is some
Away from some enlightenment
This is true Buddha dharma.
Buddhist monks realm of sentient beings, beyond all of the items, because Buddha was away from all the. They are also among students, have some words to say then, have thought to think. Buddha took the path of ideological rhetoric. If you understand this realm, ie the means of the true teachings of the Buddha.
The Buddhist knowledge we do not have the Minister, that we. If there is one, there are attachments, you see we are still attached. There is no possible attachment of non-transparency. If management does not want transparency, they must break all attachments. Do yourself because that calculation, because they advise students benefit. Do not worry, let go of everything, so that:
'' Letting go of imprisonment of body and mind.''
Why do not we order in? Because not let go of the body and mind. We're on clothes, food, drink, shelter, stop craving attention. Cover is cold enough clothes, do not wear nice clothes. No stomach to eat, do not eat too healthy. Accommodation enough wind, the rain cover, do not stay home to extensive high. Do not worry because this body, silver started to worry. At that point, it would not help you. That of course is nonsense accidentally so, because the galaxy is doomed to fake this?
As a hybrid optical projection over
Eliminating the dark
Optical projection that there
Also it did not show.
Buddha throughout the projection optics, wisdom, clarity of mind that shines throughout all living beings. Illuminates sentient beings, except pure greed destroy ignorance, illuminates the darkness of clarity, eliminate eighty-four thousand patients capillary gas collection. We learn the Dharma, ie eradicate the darkness, not clarity attachment of Buddha, do we not see? Research dharma opening wisdom, this is not the clarity of the Buddhist? If more and more research is ambiguous, not understanding the true Dhamma morality, so they do not eradicate the disease mao habits, can not say no projection clarity of Buddhism throughout. I did not open wisdom, anger and ignorance are still the same, did not change a bit, ie it did not place the projector, the projector is not there, nor no projector, projector without reference, that reference is not projectors. This is where his luminous wisdom appear, ie clarity of projection throughout the Buddha did.
Buddha-like clarity of electric power companies, our room was caught in wire, light bulbs, turn off the button. Etc. .. completed all began, went through with electricity. But if not turned on, the lamp still does not light, remains permanently in the dark room. Why? Because no electrical communication, the effect should not start, to turn up the lights will light up immediately, slide down the dark. The center of our beings, that is, the button pops up, open pop up center button, the clarity of the Buddha will illuminate. If the center button does not pop up, then despite the clarity of the Buddha, there is also reference to. But here is an example of shallow, but there are similar reasons. The taste! Be quick turn button on the center, to the life of Buddha wisdom to optical evidence, so it will obtain clarity around the projection of the Buddha.
Each episode beings have their own gas capillary disease. There are people happy to eat sour, sweet person happy, happy people eat bitter, spicy happy people, happy people eat salty, this is the year that people preferred. Buddha Dharma talk like this, because the pilot teachers. There are people happy Theravada approach, the Buddhist teachings say three organs. Some legal Mahayana happy, then Buddhist Prajna said, Lotus, Nirvana. Assigned to several Buddhist teachers, each teacher is different. Under that Tendai said, is divided into four teachers, ie: Tibetan, information, special, member. We refer to the collection of cardboard that said, the teachers divided into five, namely: Elementary, hydro, joint, cut employees. Because happy people of different religious, so divide everything Catholic. Buddhist sutras this was done, others say the business. This set of business was done, the sutras say that. Each business will be to treat patients mao habits of people. We need students who do the business, then the business is doing leg. In summary, the mechanical beings therapy, disease eradicated capillary of beings, ie the legs, not get rid of the habits of living beings, they are fake.
When Buddha entering Nirvana, then someone asked:
-'' The Blessed! He said many such classics, how that spread''?
- Buddha said:'' I did not say a word, then what'' classic?
Is this Buddha liar? Buddha said three of the twelve organs, why not say a word to say? Not. This means to say that it's useful, useless fake. If we are not using birth, then this sutra course nor a word.
Buddha had been anticipating that:'' At the Dharma coming doom, the Shurangama will lose first.'' Currently this phenomenon arose. Worldwide, there are many who say zip Shurangama is fabricated. Save glasses are real or fake? Nor was there anything in itself! Real too, they just do not look that captures the image, only a certain amount of criticism, there are some scholars that such a review to the ordained, also spoke openly Shurangama is false. This is a move in the realm of scholars. Not only is the author said Shurangama, that slowly all the classics are lies, there is the economic truth, little by little will gradually destroy. Degenerate! Degenerate! That is so degenerate. Everyone says Shurangama is false, then of course the Shurangama Mantra is also false. If a Missionaries ten, eleven hundred transmission, transmission hundred thousand, ten thousand thousand communication, such propaganda, the obligations themselves Buddhists are agitated, there would be no one to learn Shurangama, recite the Shurangama. So there's no legal wisdom to perceive what is real, what is fake law.
In fact, anyone of any business, for their benefit, the economic news is true, there is no benefit, it is assumed business. But the Buddha said, but did not have the body for what? In a nutshell, that is in agreement foot, which is not in agreement author.
Where such measures attachments
No idea is not infected
No not the country office
There is where corrupt nature of law.
All law is because of all beings, if not all beings, all legal no. France is born for us to have. Buddhist scriptures ie economic beings, as well as business news in mind. So they all have to turn around and ask her mind. Therefore, the legal center leg leg, foot center, business is also author leg. Why? Because there is no more distinction. If the mind is no distinction, it turns into business doing leg off, it's also legal to turn into pseudo legal. It also recite the same, no discrimination litigation, litigation no illusion, but it is a bit misleading negative attention, but will also touch. Why? As the spiritual heart of most professionals. If there is a legal distinction that idea, whether soldiers nor flexible. Hence there is the sentence:
'' The chief executive misconduct
France is also the primary evil.
The legal administrative assistant
Dhamma is also evil.''
So say something like this:
The author district chanting,
Business author is also true.
The authors recite facts,
Doing so is also false.''
Did not experience the true author, but the distinction is made. Compare this is true, the other is false, it is not understood dharma. If you understand the Dhamma, then absolutely not elaborate use this site. So do not say where the attachment method, which means that there is no discrimination. There is no concept of purity, nor notion of contamination, such infections are established, common white buffalo. If you are not the first infection, then always having been of the truth. France is the world take measures to nowhere, no place without no head office. But are overarching in nature. This place that is not corrupt nature of law. French identity is nowhere turn take the French border, this small place is not one, and there was not a large one. Or this place is one big, small and there was not one. There is no self, are not beyond the legal world, both legal cover in nature.
In here there are not two
It does not have a
Higher skilled position that
As head of security left.
This is not the two disciplines, ie no double nature. That did not have one, even for such a well established, thus:
'' One does not establish legal,
All things are not.''
One did not have, nor two. This means that no one, not two concepts, nor to the concept. If there are two concepts, it is still hell afraid, falsehoods remains, there is still the concept. Mindfulness is no, then this is a new realm:
Truth'' did not do the
University formless direction.''
Higher wisdom is that all reasonable skill, ie moral vacuum of useful things. This is a wonderful office without office inconceivable, so called resting.
In there not two
There is not two
All three realms not
It is seen Buddhas.
In the two concepts do not, if there are not two concepts are there. There are two concepts, ie one not born. A concept not born, they can reason with the legal world, so to say, not all three realms. No that is not in its highest sense. The easiest means not, then there will be legal world with that one. France world that is our true nature, ie nature of the legal world, this means a common interpretations of the Buddhas, a realm first.
Ordinary sense not understand
Buddha Dhamma that office
The law does not provide a reserve
Satori see myself here.
Knowledge of the ordinary, have attachment problems and hell, there is no true wisdom, so for all such all transparent. As such ordinary sense not understand, so He teaches all beings, based on the Dharma, not her rule wrong. We are born based on dharma based approach to? Because the law which are not, so the law does not place cylinders, if this principle of transparency, the break also all attachments, will be aware of the true cross section of their own area.
No body said that relatives
Do not start that arise
No body was not found
Buddha is the supreme body.
In the Diamond Sutra said:'' Buddha said not itself, is called big body.'' If the body is not the big body, big body that is itself legal, legal body said the body; over in fact there was no picture possible, it is big but not outside, the small but not in, so He said no body, called the big body. There is no true body, but the body said. Buddha is not as dynamic as clearly lucid, infinite in multitude estate in, but do not know nothing, having nowhere without reference to, without having nowhere now, so do not start saying that arise . Did not like the mundane, can initiate discrimination does not start, it does not work. Buddha is still not afraid to work, not the static constraints, such as a static, this is the doctrine which does not start initialization.
That course had no body, why have that? No body is not found, that is, that the supreme body of the supreme Buddha, the supreme legal body is not formless. Be aware, there is no form is like nowhere, so:
'' If anyone wants to know the Buddha realm
Keep your mind as pure nothingness.''
In no notion of no legal defilement, which measures the purity nor born, so are all the full hybrid, the hybrid fullness, this means supreme body of the Buddha.
It said such Hue
Buddhas Dhamma nature
If people heard this law
It would be pure eyes.
Like the aforementioned moral, is heard from True Hue Bodhisattva, he said so, I (Bodhisattva Supreme Hue) said the same thing, ie magic here ten legal nature of all three life the Buddhas say, if people hear Dhamma this nature, it will obtain great wisdom, purity obtained legal label.
Then Hue shifting solidly Bodhisattva The power of the Buddha, observe the ten directions, which say that the shelf.
At that time, Bodhisattvas in the Hue solidly on, shifting modern compassionate blessings of Buddha, observing nature and based around predestined beings of the ten directions, use the shelves to tell law would say.
Great clarity Beings
Dr. Dung supreme event
For the sake pants charm
That appear born.
Buddha is great! Luminous wisdom of his age has reached its peak, the Buddha is mighty strength conditions, for which still is very unfortunate events brave. Buddha has ten brand, Innumerable sergeant is one of ten brands, Great Singer Buddha is the most precious, above all, no one on him. Why the Buddha appeared Saha world? Being for the benefit of all beings love clothes. Buddha makes them born, her parents about the enlightened wealth of primary evil, back to its roots, to see the true face. Buddhism teaches for all sentient beings, be happy-suffering, life and death should cease new world appears.
The world has three things:
1). Gas earth.
2). Being the world.
3). Enlightenment of the world.
What gas is the world? That is a mountain river land, homes radiation. What is the charming world? That is where all beings. What is the primary sense of the world? That is where all the saints. At that time the property has become a Buddha, a Bodhisattva can, have the Arhat, the world of enlightenment called him in the world.
The world says that currently, the world covering all three. Buddha came to this world to teach sentient beings, causing them to clearly see the nature center, the Buddha ultimately, it is the wish of the Buddha, is the Buddha of compassion.
Using Buddhist compassion
Consistent throughout the beings
Seeing in three realms
Reincarnation life of suffering.
Using Buddhist compassion, observing across all the ten directions all sentient beings, that all beings in the three realms of life are birth and death, in life all the suffering of samsara, it is very merciful, so to This world teaches beings to escape from suffering, to attain the bliss of Nibbana.
Buddhist cultural beings, compassionate use four petal infinite mind, so:
'' Ungainly pronouns, homogeneous compassion.''
What is ungainly pronoun? That was met ungainly, have used to treat attention from them, to sensitize them, so the new affinity. If for the ungainly, but not married, they do not pay attention, do not close them, then ultimately no affinity with people. How can co-compassion? That is not true to her look, do not look at them wrong. Buddha saw them born not correct, as its not true. I would say this verse:
Get yourself'' is wrong
Do not say sorry harass people.
Their error ie the error
Copper can call compassion.''
Are you still not broadly used, so other people do not always say the right. If you can think like this: They are not true ie its not true. Pity them, ie their poor, do not have that distinction here, one can look into, ie compassion here.
Why are we mortal? because sex is conception. Education is the root concept of samsara. The purpose of spiritual us, ie termination of life and death, how tu? The method is simple, that is the reduction of sexual desire. If radical religious achievements, the birth and death will cease, not even sexual expression, it will shut the gates of hell. So a practitioner, it is important convent education had no idea, but the concept is far from sex, while gonorrhea is also vital. There is no concept of sex is not illegal, not illegal then no longer mortal.
Buddha saw them born in sexuality, gender identity, formless, mortal birth and death birth or death, this life born of the Zhang, born of the life to come home Ly. Life after their father more student-Million, or his family Vuong. Just sink well as this, there is no stopping. Sometimes a previous life as father and son, this life is you, or do his previous life, this life do you. Such insanity is causal difference. Sometimes good deeds are born of heaven, sometimes evil, fall into hell, in reincarnation, turn left move.
They are born in sexuality, sexual expression is particularly heavy, so did the results. In excellent shape gender identity can still see. In the formless realm is formless but can not see, but there is discrimination. Since there is still no way to escape from the three worlds, because the original has yet to distinguish clean section. They are born not out of the three realms of life must still suffering. Suffering suffering three things:
1). Difficulty.
2). Sufferings.
3). Action suffering.
Has eight sufferings:
1). Born suffering.
2). Elderly suffering.
3). Patients suffering.
4). From the repository.
5). Ai suffering separation.
6). Resentment chapter format.
7). Bridges sudden pain.
8). XI phonetic format.
There are also countless sufferings, during childhood also said not all futuristic.
We must suffer immeasurable life. There is a feeling that they suffer many things, experienced so much suffering, or have a feeling that many sufferings, such as war, many people do not eat rice, no clothing, no housing, people and life an accident. Enough sufferings, difficult to exaggerate.
Accept such pagan period, the mortgage usually, are extremism, not reasoned middle. The acceptance period, then that person dies as the lights go out, what was not there anymore, there is no causality, no reincarnation, as good as there are evil nemesis. This is a false view of stage. The generally accepted, then for that person in life after death and it still makes people, animals can not do, animals, the animals permanently, people can not do. This is usually false view. They are not transparent causal retributive circulation, so that the flow of life the suffering of samsara, permanent not be freed.
Except Enlightenment
Morality guru
All the people, the sky
Nobody rescue.
Using Buddhist compassion, eliminate suffering of sentient beings. Buddha saw beings in the three worlds, all life suffering of samsara. Only Buddha can save sentient beings be happy-suffering. All the heavens, can not rescue the suffering beings. Buddha is a great teacher full Phuoc Hue, which is also the level of the three realms rescue. We are friendly towards evil, of right diaper, fix refresh their reflection our parents about discipline, it is Buddha rescue, escape from suffering, to the other side.
If Buddhas Bodhisattvas
There appeared to earth
No sentient
Obtain peace.
Supreme Buddha attained supreme Buddha, appears born. All consecrated Sangha, also appeared born, he gave the true joy for all beings. What is the true joy? That is no pain, only pleasure.
If anyone sees me
It would be great healing benefits
Listen instant message name Buddha
That is worldly.
Why think would like to see the Buddha? Wanting big prime subgingival healing, meaning that wish to attain the supreme Buddha Supreme. If you hear the title of each Buddha, were born center beliefs, that person is the tower lights of the world, or dark lighting, navigation maps beings love, peaceful place to be.
We see Exalted
Because of the large benefits
Hearing such measures
All will become a Buddha.
Our purposes, people want to see Exalted Beings, is wanted attained greater benefits. Sounds inconceivable Dhamma of the Buddha said, the future will become a Buddha. In Business Flower Adornment said:
'' Call a language Namo Buddha
Have a Buddhist.''
'' If people wandering mind
Give flowers to use
Offerings where Buddha
Dan found countless Buddhas.
Or maybe the Lord Buddha
Or only his hands
So raise a hand
Or again bowed
Use these offerings object
Dan found countless Buddhas.''
We go to temples, or his hands, or bow, the concept is Namo Buddha, ten in all three generations of the Buddha, Namo France, all of France's honor Buddha said, Namo Sangha, ten Increase the consecrated all. Not only did the concept Jewels full title, but only for an hour anniversary Namo Buddha, the future will become a Buddha.
The Bodhisattva past
Thanks to the compassionate Buddha force
Being pure wisdom label
Of the Buddha realm.
Bodhisattvas are all to Bodh Gaya, the him in the past, thanks to modern compassionate life force of ten three blessings all the Buddhas, which obtained the wisdom eye purity, show clearly the true legal Minister, so grasp the realm of all Buddhas. Realm of the Buddhas as frivolous, but still useful things. No such problems exist, such concerns are not useful, not useful not two, ie here the realm of the Buddhas.
Now that Lo Xa Na
More pure instant message
Buddhism does not place edge
Facebook says not all are.
We now see, Fullness sambhogakaya thousands foresight Na Buddhist abbot, immediately adding pure faith. There are people that believe that solemn Buddha Buddha, this is not pure. Some Buddhist knowledge, did not want to propagate Ph-positivehandled with utmost respect the law, but want to make great mage, very afraid eloquence, obtained the victory, it was not pure. News pure information that is critical to a close, there is no legal defilement alternating complex inside, just pure confidence.
Wisdom of Buddha there is no edge, no matter how classic example, and not to exaggerate, beyond the wisdom of all Buddhas, can not use words to say. Buddhism is nothing without knowing, without seeing nothing.
Hui won the Bodhisattva
And we solidly Hue
In memory countless lives
Saying all is not well.
Try Hue said Kien Bodhisattva: Bodhisattva'' Western Wins Hue and the other eight Bodhisattvas, and we solidly Hue, whether in eons countless memories, to speak wisdom and the realm of the Buddha, nor could exaggerate.'' END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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