Thursday 5 December 2013

There are four stages Spiritual Practice.
refuge Treat Day birthday.
religious life from it.

A year has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is obvious, everyone knows. But you-Did you know that life is divided into four stages: birth, aging, sickness and death. Do people, everyone is dead, so I must take after that worry about martyrdom. Practice also has four stages, namely: education, practice, success, and willow.
since new man was born to be about twenty years old at the time instructed. During this time I have to learn, study-law for good. Just as in book-learning University said: "The intelligent moral intelligence." That is made ​​clear by the radiance of virtue. That's when I trained her virtue increasingly more in the morning. From twenty-one to forty at the nectarine period. This is when I apply the education setting, and bring the place to learn and advance our understanding of the spectrum of sentient beings, the staff pro-secular. As in Dai-school book wrote: "In itself the People" means doing innovative civil life. From the age of forty-one to sixty-year-old called time Qingdao. In Great-school books stating that: "Only u just made ​​up" means stop at the best place. Confucian-mail lectured on "good press" but not too radical because they have not reached the realm of Truth, not Nirvana, so it is not a salvage. So at the last stage, we need to "training materials." After the Act then, his return to the realm of Nirvana. Compared with three of grape-religious credo: "Ming-faith, people-friendly, u just press-friendly", the Buddhist practice of more than dung.
Someone said: "From time to time twenty small Buddha not believe my age. Now, the school said Act, the time that has passed. How do I learn? Did I not need to learn? " -You have to understand, when I talk about the four stages, it was just ideal thing only, is not fixed, immutable. So I can see the day refuge such as birthdays, and new features from that day since the beginning of time to practice.
Again it is said: "I seek refuge in the four years that have not yet learned how Buddha-law is a little thing? " Actually you-the refuge but have been four or five years, but for Buddha-teaching, not through you-you are just a child four years old only. So do not worry-you sorrow that I should not do anything at all. Buddha-shirt approach is very intensive. Just after his refuge, twenty years studying the faith effort, twenty year effort to practice their religion, they probably did not have his day achievements stars?
Come have a feeling the old man sighed, but lamented that the term "time I am now eighty years old, no longer afraid that the opportunity to get more then twenty five to twenty years down the elaborately handcrafted. " That is right. "Past time is destined optical range," ie the lapse date, descending network. On the month, not much, really it! If you give time to withdraw that charge, from the island every two months, two months to practice their religion so that they only need their generalized foot center with the determination and old as well as young guys, mighty effort, each steps, each step that practice what they worry no successful day. Make an effort! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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