Friday 13 December 2013

A summary of the teachings of the Buddha-way.
Basis for practice. .
Firstly we must learn "sex education" to practice. If you do not know the school, we could not purify his behavior. Then we just have to learn ( samatha ) to control and focus the mind. If you do not know about meditation only, we would like to improve? If not on a regular basis, how we can control our minds? Then we must learn how to cultivate wisdom. If the school does not know about wisdom, we develop the mind like?
Thus, for pure morality, to control the mind and cultivate their wisdom, we must first grasp France ( dhamma ). Second, we must cultivate the practice of law and that the A-la-drought to Sainthood.
Nirvana In the Great Buddha encouraged His disciples many times:
" Iti silam, iti samādhi, Panna iti
Silaparibhavito mahapphalo hoti mahanisamso samādhi,
Panna Samadhiparibhavita mahapphala mahanisamsa hoti,
Pannaparibhavitam cittam sammadeva asavehi vimuccati,
Seyyathidam kamasava bhavasava ditthasava avijjasava.
(This is the world , this is the , this is wisdom .
Dinh fullness when practice based on gender will bring great results, great benefits.
Tue fullness when practice based on the results will bring great, great benefits.
Tam when practiced with intellectual perfection will be completely freed from illegal sex, friendship illegal, is illegal and ignorance.)
All of us who also have heart. If we can control the mind, based on sex, it has the power of her mind to be incredibly wonderful. Mind can penetrate into the base color. Lust arises in the form of synthetic color ( rupa kalapa ). The sum is smaller than atoms (atoms) . Ourselves by rupa kalapa and makes the heart have to be able to analyze the aggregate outstanding there. Concentration can also penetrate the ultimate reality of the name (base name), into their causes and the nature of birth and death as well as the name-identity that's. Penetrating insight into the mind of this phenomenon called intellectual. Precarious due to progression based on gender. Mind and wisdom forming capacity. This power can lead to the attainment of Nibbana, eradicates craving, sorrow and suffering.
Everybody center. When practiced prolific center thanks to the location of insight (wisdom) can liberate man from the defilements of lust and samsara completely. But it must be based on international regulations. For residential customers, the five precepts are necessary. They are:
- No killing
- Do not Steal
- Do not commit adultery
- no lie
- Do not drink alcohol and intoxicants
In this world for laypeople is essential. If a person commits this year, naturally they are no longer a true Buddhist anymore. Tam's legal protection was not valid. In addition, the Buddhists have to avoid the livelihoods not true (evil network), which is not using the assets acquired from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, say a piercing, say harsh or vain talk. Buddhists also not involved in any kind of profession is arms sales chief, who, animals for slaughter, intoxicants and poisons.
Thus, for Buddhists, sex is very important. In addition to the support for the attainment of Nibbana, to help the Buddhists have been peaceful state of near-death moment - essential factors for the realm of rebirth. If a person does not act now, the clean is not easy to get a good prime minister, because on his deathbed, the unwholesome that often cling to their attention, they appear in the center. And so catch one of them doing unwholesome mental object, they often go to the scene of suffering after death.
Gender also equally important to seek happiness and peace in this present life. No pure morality, people can not find happiness and peace. Typically, a lot of people have bad karma, good nature will be less useful. Which is good, you are less difficult to obtain peace and happiness in life. Samatha Meditation And In the Dhammapada, the Buddha says:

" Yo Jive ca vassasatam, dussilo asamahito,
Ekaham jivitam seyyo, silavantassa jhayino
. "
(Oil live a hundred years
No sex, no meditation,
human life so
nothing praiseworthy.
better to live one day
which said action gender, religious meditation center.)
Why? Since the center was prolific through the practice of meditation may arise profound wisdom, which can be found Nirvana, ending the cycle of birth and death, destruction and suffering defilements.
therefore we must meditation and meditation based only on sex. When we act only-shop, we have to practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness ( Cattaro Satipatthana ):
- Reciting the body ( Kayanupassana Satipatthāna )
- Life Mindfulness ( Satipatthana Vedananupassana )
- Mindfulness Centre ( Cittanupassana Satipatthāna )
- Recitation method ( Dhammanupassana Satipatthāna )
What is the "body" ( kāya )? In vipassana two body types: body color ( rupakaya ) and list yourself ( namakaya ). Lust itself is a twenty-eight synthetic colors. List is a group of interested bodies and our mental states. In other words, there are two bodies in aggregates ( khandha ) - form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness.
, but the only object of meditation ( samatha ) as a little rabbit, thirty two possible degenerations ( asubha ) and quad University also known as body. Why? We also monolithic identity. For example, breathing is a group of synthetic colors from the mind. If we analyze this physical synthesis, we'll have nine colors in each sum: earth, water, fire, wind, color, odor, taste, nutrients and (negative) bar (excellent silent scenes) . The skeleton of the monolithic and composite identity. If it is a living organism has a total of five kinds of synthetic colors. If the analysis was the composite identity, we find forty four types of identity.
relatives In concept, two types of meditation taught by the Buddha: just and consistent. In the body shop, he always includes mindfulness of breathing ( Anapanasati ) and thirty-two possible degenerations etc. ... So, if the practitioner is mindfulness of breathing practice, practitioners are also contemplating the body issue. All the meditation he just went to the body shop. Once the practitioner has succeeded in meditation only, he should switch to vipassana and found twenty eight colors. Such is also the executive body shop. At issue distinguishing name ( namakammatthana ), as distinguished practitioner feelings, it is customary life; distinguishing mind, is of interest, as distinct contact, as customary law. But only distinguished life, and contact center is not enough to attain the insight. So, we have to distinguish the mental rest. After you have finished discrimination and matter, we have to distinguish their causes in the past, present and future. This is intellectual distinction Arising ( paccaya pariggaha ñāṇa ). After distinguishing insight Interdependent, ie when the practitioner has reached the stage of insight ( vipassana ), one can emphasize the color, or life, or contact center. "Emphasis" here means not only distinguished practitioner only one state. One can emphasize excellence but also not forget the name. That is, one must also distinguish feelings, consciousness and more law [6] .
Practitioners can emphasize feelings. But the feeling is not enough. The practitioner must also distinguish the issue arises with our heart, the root of them and their subjects. Base year and the object of which is excellent. For legal mind and so also [7] .
So here, vipassana inertia is impermanent, suffering and non-self-identity and the identity of our people. The law was killed as soon as they arise, it is impermanent. They suppressed by the kill with continuous, it is suffering. In the law there was no ego, no sustainable, permanent and immortal, that is selfless. The distinction impermanence, suffering and non-self-identity and the identity of persons and their performance is called mindfulness meditation. When a person practices meditation and insight, the meditator can say is he is out four foundations of mindfulness.
When the four foundations of mindfulness meditators practice, the practitioner must start enough threads lemon Need . They are:
- Effort to prevent the arising of bad ones
- Effort to eradicate the bad ones were born
- Diligent arises the unborn goodness (the bad ones, bad ones, insight, enlightenment etc ... bad ones)
- Diligent practice of dhamma for the A-la-Sainthood drought.
The practitioner must act like? The practitioner must act in accordance with the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. When starting out need to take all four categories mentioned effort, "although our flesh and blood has dried up leaving only bone and tendon, we will not abandon this meditation."
When operating, the practitioner must have Death Additional :
- Education ( chanda ): a wish and intense perseverance want to reach Nirvana.
- Need ( viriya ): diligent and intense perseverance to reach Nirvana.
- Mind ( Citta ): persevere and intense to reach Nirvana.
- Competence ( vimamsa ): insight knowledge and strong perseverance to reach Nirvana.
If there is a wish so strong, we will reach the goal. Nothing that can not be accomplished if enough ambition. With diligence, and competence center, nothing impossible achievement.
when out and shop only on our planet, we must also have five senses . They are:
- Tin ( saddha ): stable faith where the Buddha and his teachings.
- Tan ( viriya ) use diligent enough.
- Mindfulness ( sati ): there must be strong enough concept on the object of meditation. If only meditation, it is a general object as breath ( anapana nimitta ) or general kasinas ( kasinas nimitta ). If that insight (consistent), it is the name, identity and their causes.
- The ( samādhi ): there must be strong enough on the subject and insight only.
- Insight ( pannana ) must be understood know enough about the subject only and vipassana meditation.
In this spirit house will control that person, so it does not deviate from the Eightfold path, leading to Nirvana. If the practitioner does not have one of these units, one can not reach your goals are. The practitioner can not control your mind. In this house there is power control center practitioners, so it does not leave the object of meditation practitioner. This power is called the power (bala). On the significance of the human, spiritual base year is called contingent resources ( pancabalani ).
Besides the Foundations of Mindfulness, the Seven Factors of Enlightenment ( satta bojjhaga ) is also important. They are:
- Mindfulness ( sati )
- French authorities ( dhammavicaya ). This is the insight knowledge.
- Effort ( viriya )
- Hy ( pīti )
- An net ( passadhi )
- The ( samādhi )
- Discharge ( upekkhà )
Finally, there is the Noble Eightfold Path ( Ariyo atthangiko maggo ):
- Right View ( Samma diṭṭhi )
- Right Thought ( Samma sankappa )
- Right Speech ( Samma Vaca )
- Right Action ( Samma kammanta )
- Right Livelihood ( Samma ajiva )
- Right Effort ( Samma vayama )
- Right Mindfulness ( Samma sati )
- Right Concentration ( Samma samādhi ).
In other words, it is, concentration and wisdom - Three Studies. We must act Tam This study systematically.
Assistant All 37 French Enlightenment. Buddha's wish that his disciples must master the French 37 and the legal practice to fruition that A-la-drought. If you do that, we can passed on to future generations, this legacy. Thus, we and future generations will receive the benefits in this life until attaining Nirvana.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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