Thursday 19 December 2013

I - Introduction: Economic mean words of Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Patriarchs taught his disciples are recorded, these words are truth can not be changed, with qualified people. Doing business is ever used to recite daily in the temple as well as at home layperson. past and today, Japanese business includes Business Litigation: The Late Lady (Shurangama Mantra), transmitted, supply of maize, An Buddha, arc , lounge room, Mong Son visa, Beijing Da Di, Kinh Pho Mon, Diamond Sutra, the Red List of Penance, Kinh Vu Lan.
The layman often recite horror Da, subject spectroscope, Diamond Sutra, the Red List of Penance. When life in temple Eight new Late Elaborate procedural time. In addition, home, recite any layman also good because when the chanting is pure karmas (actions, words, thoughts), to understand the Buddha's teachings to properly enforce the law. Someone litigation Medicine, Earth Store Sutra, but there are many who recite the Lotus Business Marvelous (Lotus Sutra).
Il - Economic Meaning: Unless a business dedicated to the unprecedented, the Residential Business Officers often after significant proceedings:
1) Amitabha Sutra: The Buddha preached this for Shariputra He and others at Sravasti country where Jetavana Anathapindaka. Western Buddhist scene praised by the Buddha Amitabha as cardinals, who want to birth in this country should realms vow, was born in this world as it is no longer retrogression, who was born in this world, see themselves in a lotus blossom, lotus sitting in it. If someone reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha from 1 to 7 days, the mind is not chaotic, the dead will be Buddha Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, Buddha Mahasthamaprapta out to see if the dead time wandering mind is not born of Amitabha Buddha realm, very happy here should also named Pure Land, that the Lord of Buddha, Amitabha Buddha has 48 prayer, when he became a Buddha, realms as he vows to be so.
Pure Land method chant Namo Amitabha Buddha while standing, walking, lying down, sitting to pray after death, was born in blissful realms. When litigation for the dead, to pray for the dead to be born on a higher plane, called Requiem, which was the birth of the Pure Land, and also to remind the Buddha's teachings to others, want birth on plane concept ecstatic to six words: "Namo Amitabha Buddha."
2) Economics Popular Mon: This product is only 25 minutes, one of 28 articles of the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Business. Products by Bodhisattva asked the Buddha about Italian Endless Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the Buddha pointed out he is the bodhisattva or earth observation, listening who call upon, He came to save, giving fearlessness, his appear everywhere, turn out as great as appropriate people to help that. Who wants to ask for His help, please recite his name as "Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva" or "Namo compassionate hunch for helping rescue Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva."
Meet the affliction, the disease often people chanting subject to demand Prussian Chenrezik help to be well, from the ear through the so-called victims to eat.
3) Red List of Penance: Doing this concept to the 89 Buddhas, repent all the sins of many lives many lives, but I do my work, tell others, or happy that he does penance , the merits are fresh out of the blue in the supreme Buddha.
People often recite this prayer in the radiant full moon night or 14 night 30 st a radiant, every Lord Buddha's name is a bow, by chanting this regularly, it will reduce many sins.
4) Diamond Sutra: This sutra capital from Beijing University Prajna , the Buddha preached in 22 years, at 4 seats, including 16 meeting, a copy of 600 books. Business Summary Business Meeting is Vajra Prajna Paramita Prajna called Diamond Sutra, is drawn into a Ma Ha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Most well known is complemented jewel, only 260 words .
In the Vajra Bodhi Monastery He asked the Buddha, if people want to attain righteousness, enlightenment must be how to: - Goods in mind and how expectations resting chon? , and the Buddha's teachings can be summarized in the sentence: Do not accept the office starting place prospects at all interested. Buddha should not accept anything that is real, even:
The disadvantage of course is fall color,
sound course for self,
practice pagan poets,
Real power is the Tathagata.

and end of Buddhist scriptures teach, should see the things in life like this:
Circuit set of legal ownership,
and illusory, people, photos,
and losses, as typical herons,
improvising as the bar.

Let me roughly translated:
To contemplate how to get this,
Includes everything on earth who,
almost powdery vanity photos,
magneto dew and lightning in the clouds.

Doing this break-in approved health afflictions, accept radical break, the levels quickly enlightenment.
4) Other Business: In addition to the business on the business ever, there are many who recite the Lotus Sutra, this is the ultimate business excess cargo Bodhisattva teachings of the Buddha, the Buddha preached this sutra in Buddhism 8 year stating only there is a surplus and excess Buddha Buddha was born is to: Open road, just for being enlightened way to enter into the understanding of Buddhism. lenses disciples 5000 because high drain should leave legal conceit opportunity, the rest you are signed into Buddha Buddha's life after this.
Master criminal, who later taught, as French Teacher, who spread the Buddha's teachings have in the Tathagata, the Tathagata Wear, Sitting court Tathagata meant to be compassionate, extremely patient, see all are NOT legal.
And in the final 28 minutes, Promotional Products Development Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the Buddha taught, after his passing, if one wants to be the Lotus Sutra, they must elect four measures:
- Buddhas support.
- came to his place of birth based healing, faith roots.
- The director must have the heart to make decisions.
- Must see Buddhahood because I have wanted to save all beings.
Lady And The Late trading or Shurangama Mantra, the Shurangama draw from, this is where the Buddha sent his uncle Manjushri bring rescue Ananda, when he was taking her Ma mantra worth billions of La Ca Brahma first harm. This economic performance provisional , or often recite mantras over the victims from the ear, not spooky infringement gods often uphold, want anything good will be accomplished. Because of such features should carefully time the temple are chanting this.
III - Results: When chanting, we need to understand the business that has the power like? He tells us what to do depending on circumstances that chanting, in other words, more is understood to be the meaning of Classics to practice, apply to the life of the Buddha.
On chanting ancient temple in kanji commonly known as Kinh Chu, who is illiterate can listen, read according gradually memorized but can not know the meaning of. Today, most business are translated into the national language. We have to focus on legal and attentive to the implications will understand the Buddha's teachings, which we cultivate, there truly is such a benefit to ourselves, and partly for the general benefit around to hear me recite this definition.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY =THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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