Thursday 5 December 2013


Venerable Hsuan Hua.

  • Tu Dao is the need to "go back". What does it mean? That is to give people good things, but they themselves will receive parts damaged bad - discharge of urine fell to achievement of identity .

  • For ghosts do not initiate hostile attention. Let's see them as the wise way for his assistant director.

  • From countless lifetimes far, all this life to another, each of which shall not co-create, so that idea did not agree. Heavy industry is more illusion, delusion is now slightly less.

  • The practice must be cut off line for rebirth, as sentient beings, rather than demand that Taoists touch.

  • Taoists have always their reflection , not so extroverted pursuits . Find bridges can not get outside, turning on the full nature at all.

  • For the new guys training center, which most of the obstacles are craving lust between men and women. This is the most fundamental problem.

  • Taoists should pay attention! Do not sow grace defiled with others. Rope bondage impure will make us sink.

  • Currently we are fortunate to have a human body. If you do not know how to use his body to practice, then wait until a new practice? Only this e time and lost relatives, even though you want to practice, it was too late!

  • Dharma school, it is essential to be honest. Every action, every word, every gesture must be true.

  • In the temple, we must know all things save. That:
          "Mourning character of the temple
           as eye protection. "
  • No injuries, no hate is the Middle Way .
         Practitioners Taoists are leading what? That is practicing the Middle Path - to treat everyone with equality and compassion taken as a basis, and be careful on the job, do not stray into mesh cages affair.
  • There is no moral "Taoists today, tomorrow the Buddha". Where hoeing a shy new wells may have been right. Practice is to bring the needle sharpening iron block, the achievements naturally enough.

  • The first thing to learn is the mantra to heart of the district . If attention is not true when learning, as well as any evil mantra. Mind if true, the new mantra is to learn touch.

  • Ignorance two accomplices. What's two accomplices? That is voracious and involved sexual . Both of these help to create a multitude of ignorance bad karma.

  • There are questions that:
        "When they want to be good karma out,
         When the Buddha wanted to challenge the ghost. '

         If you do not want to become good people from seeking retribution. The more you make the determination how much good karma as they come pouring this much, his claim for payment of debt transparency.
  • Buddha and the ghost just in a different mind - Buddha then compassion , there was drug war than lose heart .

  • Who really know how to practice the movements they are also religious at all.

  • Taoists should not go around advertising their spiritual practice. Who often advertise their spiritual practice is certain to sink into the ghost.

  • Taoists in anywhere and had to hide and erase whereabouts, do not get exposed.

  • Our minds reside in other places rather than stay in your mind. "Place of residence elsewhere" means that th â n without interest.

  • Teaching experience is preached Hue. Sitting meditation is self-adhesive. Not saying that junk clergy.

  • "Negativity Bodhi."  Knowing d ù ng defilement ie Bodhi. If you can not find the Bodhi turned into sorrow.

  • Amendment Act must file foolish . The more "silly" how much better they were. "Foolish" for something that does not even know it will no longer delusions.

  • Ignorance means not understand . The roots of ignorance are craving .

  • The primary purpose of practice is to cut off the line of birth and death , not for touch.

  • Practice they need to keep themselves clean, keep the eyes as not to stick the sand on this one.

  • Gambling is heavy karma. Giving the accumulation of merit. Sitting Meditation is foolish unless, being intellectual.

  • People should be careful to practice words in public places and guarded heart when sitting alone. At the middle of the mass should not say much. When alone should prevent selfishness and delusion. Thus, it will soon be the most specialized, clear your mind.

  • The unpleasant end to suffering.
          Enjoy the blessings of all blessings.
  • The Taoists true to consider all acts, his own movements. Go, standing, lying, sitting, mindful not to leave. Do not be like a mirror - just know that no self-soi soi face the true face of his.

  • If still attached, it is often the center. If not attached, it is Centre Director.

  • If you do not want to die, to live like the dead - ie not to keep his greed, hatred, delusion.

  • The School Act to certain vows. May the force has the ability to inspire yourself practicing the right path, not wicked astray. But the vows that no action will be like without flowering plants bear fruit, it's useless!

  • Use the tongue to convince France accumulation of merit. Tongue but also say the pilot is guilty deeds. Instead of preaching that nonsense to say, the pilot is now created twelve thousand crimes.

  • Taoists for guys in the outside, old, young, big and small, to the coward who, are often used compassion and equanimity, it will bounce natural birth induction.

  • Religious martyrdom is sincere and earnest. Should have a saying: " Heart of the inspiration " .

  • We live on this earth to do good always. Every breath, energy must be doing good merit. In the present life, do not rely on their good roots before planting life but enjoy all blessings.

  • Buddha may all beings transform France into the air, so there is a saying: "Borrowing from the false to true. This leather bag is smelly temporary houses. "   We stay in this house for Taoists, ie borrowed "house" body color to insubstantiality attained France itself true.

  • If greed overflowing heart, do not know enough, then the future will sink into hell. If too much anger, from morning to night are angry, they will become hungry ghosts. If ignorance heavy heart, just do stupid things, it will turn into animals.

  • Biggest drawback is being si charity - charity day live in ignorance, can not be let go. If the transfer is sincerely interested pervert Dharma, every hour every minute not forget to retreat, it will quickly become a Buddha.

  • The true enlightenment never said he was enlightened. Saint of absolute truth is not revealed. All that the Buddha himself, the bodhisattva, are evil spirits.

  • The virtue not by where status or age, but in the act discreetly silent, naturally manifest their peculiar dignity, that others are respected. This product typically does not make others afraid, because if they fear they will flee away.

  • Everyone has to defeat three afflictions: such as greed, hatred, delusion. We do not need to eliminate them, but let's transform them into Bodhi seeds.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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