Saturday 7 December 2013

The legend of Buddha Maitreya.
The legend of Buddha Maitreya
Talking about faith Maitreya sure that the majority of you will remember the image of a seated Buddha beat his chest, fat, huge belly and grinning. Yes when you see him next 6 kid, child, the ear hook, the child 's mouth hook, boy tickling etc ... These are images that as a joke. I do not know why there is a joke in this temple. sense That we need to know. Speaking of Maitreya faith we must study history from India to China to you from mistakes. Many heresies now up Maitreya Buddha makes their standards to attract Buddhists. Maitreya is the ancient name of the service. Later translated into several other names, but because we have faith that familiar call Maitreya . Maitreya word is transliterated Sanskrit, translated as Train From Market (Market are they, From compassion). There are theories saying that when his mother's womb, start loving beings could not bear killing and eating meat is not so say is "From". Since his birth mother that place so called Tu Thi. But there are other theories say more. Since his ancient practice of compassion-black triangle behind this so called Tu Thi. But his name is A-riches-multi is also translated Sanskrit sound. Chinese words are translated in Myriad Nan Win (Infinite is not, Nan is difficult) ie can not be any better. For him the virtues of less intellectual and more people are, so named Nan Win Forever. It is said about Buddha habit of ours. If speaking business is called Bodhisattva Maitreya. In the living Buddha, Maitreya Bodhisattva is one who has a history of being in the South Tian Zhu, in line Ba-la-goal. After meeting the Buddha, he left home, practice the Bodhisattva. That is the true picture history in South Thien Truc clear. many economic survey, firstly I doing A-levels leads. School A-levels have to say this: that the future Buddha in Ta-her realms, the human mind is increasingly evil, they ignore ten karma that always create more bad karma. Until they never precious ten evil deeds as well as ten treasured ancient karma and life being reduced to ten years old, the last of Maitreya Buddha was born. As much bad karma in which the reduced life expectancy. Ever human lifespan is only ten years old, as well as our life now as a hundred years old so, then the world will be at war accidents. Legionary here is not people killing each other, but the grass leaves can also turn into a sharp sword. We cut and die cut. Through such accidents to accidents at war ie sickness epidemic disease epidemic. So the vast majority of people in this world dying only a few people left practice on small mountain hide. They survived leftovers. When they lived through the period and then died, they found her dead child to their family, just a few thin remnant who, at that time, they knew that from that time until now his family doing evil now new death such retribution. So they devote ten good again. When things started to practice healthy life expectancy of ten they rise, every one hundred years, the increasing age. Never to be aged for sixty four thousand years old, then people crowded behind the net, healing the Buddha was born under the tree at Longhua Longhua called meeting. So now imagine you're at the level we eighty life that just dropped a hundred years old, was reduced to ten years, and then increase to sixty-four thousand years old, the time from here How far to go there? According to the Buddha, when Buddha Shakyamuni is passing away and Maitreya faith Nirvana. Him being up in heaven Where interest within power-live four thousand years old. Then his birth in Ta-her world, attained enlightenment under the tree Longhua beings teacher next Buddha Shakyamuni. So long seemed Maitreya Buddha born? Yet there are some people in the business say hear Maitreya Buddha was born heard Longhua opportunity, then they make up less meals Maitreya Buddha was born, some meals opportunity to Longhua etc. ... That's heresy to cheat Buddhists school fool that does not understand the Dharma, the person claiming to be Maitreya, or order that his fans will be waiting to welcome the Maitreya Buddha. Do you consider, if we believe that Maitreya Buddha is only a processor phen-interest to heaven Where, after given birth in this world become a Buddha Ta-she, if Shakyamuni Buddha believe in doing it said they I have always believed the time was the day the Buddha was born. We believe Maitreya Buddha, Longhua opportunity that has forgotten that time. Then just indifferent, every heard of Maitreya Buddha was born, then rushed to prostrate expectation etc. ... It is a big mistake to take advantage of the word heresy Buddhist propaganda and superstition. The true Buddhist must understand that. It was my study of economic history from the upper being called Maitreya, Maitreya and Maitreya birth to the chapel. The activities that are run by the Buddha Shakyamuni said. Carefully considered and then the business, we know the history of Maitreya, so do not listen to some people talk, messed up. That we talk about Maitreya Buddha in India. said now to Maitreya Buddha in China. Maitreya Buddha back to China when? Actually, if based on the image we just do not have the moral image of the Bodhisattva in India, which is the image of Maitreya in China. It was a paunchy old man stubby, such as Maitreya in China and not in India. Maitreya was born in China when? That we have to see again. There are many theories say Maitreya is now in the fairies Where-interest. His teachings are not coming era beings in this world. But to understand the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva body newspapers, and especially the incarnation itself. Depending radical beings that they turned the body countless unimaginable. So China should have told me that roughly two incarnations of Maitreya Bodhisattva. An incarnation called him gain weight Thanh Quoc Pagoda near Sui life, ie at about the sixth century. Saying that he had a temple near National City, and am going to preach this place say it. There too, when he rode on a tiger, we found in temples economic crisis. When you go to when no one is measuring. Once a child hugging his posts in the temple named Dac Cross. His occasional ragged in the cold mountains, snow covered himself called South Mountain. South Dak Son and Cross be considered as two beggars in the temple. The two turned out he was ragged sleeping in the hallway. Then wait for them to meals eaten out, also the overweight pour something he uses. Sometimes they also collect water underfloor rice, wash and eat. We in the temple as he considered the two equally beggars, but that there is something strange lot when two inspiring him to write poetry. The poems of someone he did not understand anything. One day, suddenly, after a lunch break we all rose, he climbed up two of his neck and his Office-specific Samantabhadra sitting. An increase in the lower his health suddenly rose up, surprised to see so run go tell his new abbot or. He abbot pulled down two hoppers rebuked him everything before. The two are close friends that his weight gain. He gained weight and president. One day the boss districts with an incurable disease, he dream that his weight gain is claiming told Maitreya Bodhisattva to pay homage to Van-enemy, Samantabhadra and his only remedy for all diseases drink. Want to pay homage to the pagoda two then Quoc Thanh Son asked his name, because that is Cross Dac Van-specific Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra. He said that district only find healing medicines, new look to the temple to see the two Chinese Qing Han Son, Dac Cross. When he saw his abbot asked the district to pay two beggars in the temple, he did not want to cry too afraid. But he said his district met two such expectations. Forcing him abbot invited two out. The two held hands go up. And when I saw him two districts to bow in knelt MOP. The two new laughs and says: "That man makes weight gain have fabricated and exposed." His two, plus another run into the jungle plucking away. So the two knows the embodiment of Van-enemy, Samantabhadra, and his weight gain is the embodiment of Maitreya. But the story has already said, no one expected to pay homage to them fully. others in a tenth century Chinese team in college called University venerable father. The intimacy that most of us, that is, the old man turning his big thick, round face, smile, belly, chest amber shirt. His father always Venerable Great shoot a big bag, go in time to meet people where there is something, please leave him here. East to a place with a child, he sat down for their division, they have fun with it. So we see his mouth always amused laugh. That picture Maitreya, a Buddhist monk big belly, fat, grinning.

Why call him Dad is Great Venerable Maitreya?

Saying that he go ask so many strange things happened to him too. In use say enough, here I just comb some essential points for you know only. His begging and living in such a time Minh Chau province. At this place that he wandered certain place. Time is also the saint Zen in China. One day he met Venerable mellitus asked: "How Great the Dhamma?"'re Shooting to be on His shoulders down immediately. The monk asked more: "That's it, or there is a way forward?" He brought his bag to the shoulder and go. That was his answer.
Historically Zen, that question also, The Legend That brought Rinzai Hoang Lien group was asked to eat sticks. Here his father Venerable Great for that question, he just let the ground be. Ascent asked again, he took up the role to be plucking. The picture is how? So that people still do not know how, whereabouts and how? But one day he soon passed away, recently returned from the temple. He sat at the table jellies do a verse and then president. Verse goes like this:
Foot Maitreya Maitreya
Immediate memory and user friendly
Time the market time workers
Time's unconscious self
He said: Maitreya Maitreya truth. Want clones in memory. Often the teaching life. The self life is not known. Through that verse became known that General Monk's father incarnation of Maitreya. So Maitreya want to draw people immediately draw the Venerable Father General. It is Maitreya in China. Now we worship the Buddha images that church. Dogs Bodhisattva Maitreya in India, I do not know. Maitreya also in heaven Where-as the interest not know more. We just know Maitreya incarnation in China with an image of the Venerable Father General. It is the study of history.
This new sense talking about Maitreya Buddha, chickened New Year's Day. On this day chickened out what's chickened Maitreya. In India, the days do not know, in China incarnation two, three generations, does not know the date. Where in heaven say-much less interest to know more.

Thus chickened day Maitreya is what chickened day?

We do not think that has to wait one day being a new day called on President chickened out. This is the deep meaning of Zen. The group has cleverly chosen as the date of the first day of the new year chickened Maitreya Buddha. We worshiped him with questions: Longhua or hybrid Cardinals' Ton birth to Maitreya Buddha. Patriarchs world view that New Year's Day is the day for a year to dispose of. Nowadays people wary every word, every act cautiously, wary of each person's name to visit her, wary of things. So New Year's Day is on full meaning of his future. In the first day temple festival mean? To get the New Year's Day as the day chickened Maitreya Buddha is also brilliant future date, the date will be the future Buddha. On the morning of the first of our Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya chickened out, is putting out the hope of the future, we hope will become a Buddha. No riches hope nothing but hope to become a Buddha. That is the deepest meaning of the first day of Chinese New Year holidays we Maitreya Buddha. latter meaning is the image of Maitreya laugh. That is the picture of happiness. So there is room for a noun instead of Maitreya back to a happy man. Why are people happy? At this point I walked to the next stage of Zen. Question: What is the main idea dharma? - he threw his bag down without answering anything. Question: Is there no way forward? - he was turning on the shoulder that go. Dai the Dhamma no wonder. Frankly e bothers you, but do not tell that to hide e. Dai mind only one word dharma is to be discharged. Accept means to her people's acceptance, self, dharma, power, fame, etc. ... So let go of all that which is the substance of the Dharma. Speaking so that your e confusing. stories I tell a little bit ordinary but no less important. The group saw Hoang Ba Huyen Nghia Lam Te, a Zen master Zen highest, between Sugar lifetime. He taught that, just have a practice of giving is all full. Giving this dish is for the other dishes, or discharge, or give up. Only a full discharge is all. Talking about the virtues of true, her professor himself, his criticism is that in Matsu disciples, over eighty Zen knowledge, but when it comes to diarrhea, or say a little more rustic if comes to human diarrhea, only Venerable Master Tong's full human land diarrhea. Speaking of diarrhea, do not you think its rustic style, which is far from all. Only Venerable Master Tong exhaust all people. People discharge is more precious than all poor people. Such discharge is clear you are a law to make people reach the fullness of directors, if speaking Zen. So after he let go of the bag down, then, to ask what else there is, turning the bag over his shoulder. Go out there and do not believe that, I thought nothing more. Then let go of all major, is a spin on his new role in order. So the temple have the "Skip all that is all." But to give up all to be all, I was involved too. Now just remove all that is enough. The main discharge is very deep place and put us to the liberation of the sublime. So in the talk of Zen teaching do not have an option that just means removing the key nailed it. Key is removed nailed discharge, the mortgage break. Discharge is done. Coming here I go to your teachings to practice more easily find it. Speaking to discharge is said to be happy to hear your most frequently used noun is equanimity. Two people that one is what is effective. We can say that human joy, discharge is effective, the opposite can also be said that the discharge was the result rapture. Why is that? As you do every day can make yourself a little upset that his frustrating. As frustrating not fun. Now he apologized himself, his new neighbor is instant fun. But anger is not being spared. Where is the joy, the discharge is effective. Fun but forgive them, so new is fine. Anger can not be forgiven. Where is the joy that. Its funny because its so new exhaust, new exhaust is the result. But people here say that happiness is the most joy is the result exhaust. Because we have our new exhaust is fun. If we were not discharged, we are never happy. I said something very trivial, as fellow believers in your family, the husband and wife upsetting to people, while upsetting to see each other happy? Do not talk to each other, not looking at each other. The discharge is never fun then to talk. Such cases are due to exhaust that happy. If no discharge is not fun. It's a small example, I wider examples. Our case to the life or friends, if they have raped his actions or his words above. Then her do? I myself have been no peace? It's not fun why? In saying that he remembered his guard, or bully her, he raped weak punch. When thinking about home so they could not sleep, no rest is rolling forever. Want to be asleep to do? If I also think people bully her, guarding her people. Then you have to feel happy or not? 'm Never fully happy. At that time in my life in sorrow rather than in the three poisons of happiness. Now is the person who left it is a happy one. So the Buddha in the world, one day he went for alms in the Ba-la-keeper, leader his Brahmin She followed him floating away. He went before he followed scolded. He scolded scolded him how much just go slowly. Go to the crossroads he experienced sitting cushions. He ran to the front to ask: "You lost me yet?" He immediately replied with a verse:

The more, the more resentment
Losers restless sleep
More lost two discharged
He slept in peace
More people, the news should resentment. His resentment that people have fun or not? Losing people are lying about not sleeping through the back nostalgic. Thus both the root of suffering, of sorrow. The more the loss of the two then he dropped off his go to sleep in peace. At night they lie down to sleep paw wheezing, excluding negligent, not bothered at all.
It's happy. Where does happiness? From the discharge of that, but we just cuddled nostalgic sorrow in my heart how happy they are. You remember, if our family was not discharged on the nostalgic angry angry wife is not happy. Miss out on society who bullied her, the other said his guards, his contempt or that person, or somewhat, in favor of all the people holding her stomach so he always suffering, always disturbing before. Just thought someone said as the wind blew aside his outer ear, and then not even remember sleeping wheezing, that's what happiness. Whoever indoors as well as outside miffed having something, see it as a mistake of not missing anything important of all, there is nothing to worry, so new people are happy people.
early, we wish to know one another, a year full of happiness. Wishing every happiness that anxiety skeptical how happy they are. So just a mere wish.
anything here I do not wish for you all that just advised: "In this episode of diarrhea quite a bit," as long as you get him Qui diarrhea Tong then you will overflowing happiness.
said That's just happy my own little world. And if it comes to more sublime happiness, which is reached in the research greenhouse liberating experience also taught us not to accept the situation, accept people, do not accept the mind, not law enforcement. If we let all those that accept the current Nirvana, permanent happiness. That is not approved for discharge. Discharge is truly permanent happiness. So talk to merit Maitreya is said to be well-petal symbolizes Chinese picture him with his venerable father Dai, a happy smiling pictures always ready petal.
So this year you Maitreya Buddha ceremony is remembered well his petal, remember happy smiling mouth of him. If you live to be so happy that you are happy not only in the present but of the permanent happiness in Nibbana. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT =WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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