Thursday 5 December 2013

Admission martyrdom Basic French.
In Buddhist exoteric and esoteric. Ie exoteric teachings appear intelligent, whom Bodhisattva mind, the supreme spiritual advancement can become a Buddha. Tantric teachings are secret, tell me then I do not know, tell me he does not know, he and I did not know each other. Exoteric policy is intelligent nature center, tantric Buddhism advocates the immediate relatives. In general, previous life we ​​used to sow good base to have a chance in this life Dharma. This lifetime of practice, hoping to reach the afterlife prayer.
In exoteric be divided into Mahayana and Theravada. Theravada is also known as the Second surpluses back into the excess and surplus Pratyekabuddha. Mahayana is the Bodhisattva of excess. This would introduce a summary of the law of succession to practice your new reference.
I. France's word to every enlightened.
Documented, this means that hear the word preached the word of the Buddha Shakyamuni words to that enlightened approach (bar the vocal writing is heard). Documented or A-la-han, four fruition. The first is the fruition of a-la-han, this result is either the exception of the three worlds, entering "identity of saints French accent, contrary to the ordinary course of the hearing record," This must also be born seven times e again.
The second result a-la-drought they have ants or sections of three worlds, also are six product segments except the first of the three worlds or private. This birth and death suffered two more times, once being in the heavens, the earth once.
Third result is a-la-drought cut through three of the products after the investment or sexuality, and still birth and death once again, but not on the floor sensuous being is born into the floor or gender identity formless.
By mail, the a-la-drought rid of all investment products or eighty one of the three worlds, no more birth and death; strictly speaking is not fragmented birth, but remain in the birth and death epidemic development.
Every bar text but called gnostic, gnosis but also different types of worm farm, there is no kind of ultimate ultimate kind, ie uneven level. Checkout the practice of writing is hard, set, kill, director. Shop for all the suffering, the suffering. Divided into three size bowls suffering and pain. Their practice is the practice, destroy tombs, religious guidance (paragraph habits, Nirvana admired and spiritual advancement). These three elements are closely related, as it engenders suffering affliction and sorrow must be eradicated. How to get rid? Ants or delegation, investment or long affliction and accumulate. Must be legal Nirvana fans, which is usually four of its nature, Us, Falling, Pure (Nirvana from Germany). From terminal afflictions of birth and death through the course to the other side, is a process of practice leading thirty seven new products successfully. In this way the Eightfold Path, including:
right view,
right thought,
Right Speech,
right action,
Right Concentration,
The general approach for both the Theravada General.
II. French restaurant in Blue Cross II karmic-chi Buddhist.
-Buddha-Cliff is along two types of sensory and sensory Coast. When the Buddha does not appear, there people themselves enlightened, deep mountain cave deep in places still is sitting, watching flowers bloom spring, fall leaves fall see that enlightenment, this kind of feeling known to be toxic. When that comes, someone's delicate coastal tower that enlightenment, then this kind is called Pratyekabuddha. The first is consistent ignorance. What is ignorance? Is something not clear, said the documents seemed a little foolish, but frankly it's original lewd mind, the mind makes son for daughter, son, daughter. Ask him, ask why you want to do so, or meet that I saw her beautiful or handsome he replied. Another question asked why she (he) did, so cute she (he) was in place? Badgering, she or he will not know. Did not know, but try to run, it is ignorance, a bizarre, nobody understand. No one has to understand that why pullovers on. Why is that? Because man is born out of lust for life, must die so sensual, true to the saying:
Born spending fell subjects self protection
Technical Proceedings fish poisoning fish bowl?
Setting drought drove slowly salary
The Buddha factor by factor group.
Translated means: we Doors in my life is out of my life, those who live the province, few people realize? Who is perfect droughts night thinking, the Buddha or Patriarch is also the whole (who made).
Sensei Buddha or practice but also from the city. Who are born, how they die so well. There voluntarily severed reincarnation, birth and death not voluntarily end street, on the contrary, may follow the course upon which life flows, not willingly go against the current birth and death, so new ignorance.
After the ignorant behavior. What behavior? As for the behavior of male and female. By not wise to create now, and crazy. From the crazy behavior should arise, then the behavior emitted informal parties. There awake (the father crystals forming fetal maternal blood) then name, identity (name of psychology, physiology of color). After mentality has entered record (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind). There are six bases full, ten months after the birth, and from this time exposure - the feeling of exposure, can distinguish between cold, hot, hard, soft. Emotional effects caused territory, and territory in pleasure upon the scene, if adversity caused the suffering, so at times, depending on circumstances which have feelings of love and hate. There will center territory and loving heart. Does anyone have interest than he possessed for his privacy. People craving wealth, female identity, new desires. There will earn interest income loving every way to get the (manual), make your own, that is useful. Since the purpose is to reach for the tendency to not give up any means, so that now form the three impure, ie the industry body, speech and mind.
By creating sentient life now should have results next life, then to old age, death and so on beings that continue to flow can not stop, no way out of the cycle of rebirth. Want overcome birth and death, first to get rid of ignorance. Solving ignorance is no longer something that engenders a causal after another ten, which is the true method to get rid of birth and death.
The practice must be eradicated and sexual desire, can settle his birth and death, if not, the best practice for future life will not be freed. Breaking away roots ignorance, then get rid of lust, when it no longer desires, not negativity, it's liberating.
Reading through the senses, a practitioner must live alone, do not have friends, the friends party. There's a saying: "Scan all legal, all glass minister," everything shatter all attachments, can be liberating. If a monk but also afraid of solitude, they are not religious. Martyrdom must pick ourselves up, not according to the people, that is the identity of the practitioner.
The practitioner must carefully remember, can not mix with the contaminated element, mixed brass to gold, so it only made her sink. The practitioner must also resolve themselves on their own, the person who eats it, do not rely on others. Of course, the practitioner should also have good knowledge enlighten, leads us to the right path, if not the blind leading the blind, not find a way.
A practitioner must know the hard ring ring, giving others what others do not give it, eat things other people can not eat, even things others do not want to wear, in short, the practitioner must try to endure the What other people unbearable. The religious precepts must keep orderly, if there is not such a religious person.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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