Wednesday 25 December 2013

Craving is the root of samsara.
So who knows education is the root of birth and death. Thole beings in samsara are second to German patriotism. Access for craving generic competition yet only a new place in life right now, or already have from 2, 3, 4 where a previous life. It had no marketing investment lifetimes, from the beginner birth so. Lifetimes, birth date mignon other relatives, who are due to make the alternative education. Just today, I had a revoked medical sewing machine parenthesize craving root fall far withdrawal yet? Because of the seeds, roots who rule through the following educational, birth and death should settle infinite.  
For the new guys training center, which most obstacle is the heart of the sexual attachment between males and females. This is the most fundamental problem.
If you do not let go of craving, then even though you ordained eighty-four thousand eons, you are just wasting your time in Buddhism and create karma with every meal of his life.
Taoists should pay attention! Do not sow grace defiled with others. Rope bondage impure will make us sink.
Practice they need to keep themselves clean, keep the eyes as not to stick a grain of sand.
Martyrdom must first episode except gas. Except how? Inside the festival for stoic, sex outside the period reduced affinity, both use the same hand, he will succeed.
People born of lust, death by lust, it is common sense secular, and secular upon under the dead back to life just does not stop. He who ordained the contrary, there goes the new holy city, so what or with the world or with people, are not ordained; worldly people involved, we are not involved, what the world favorite, we It is not love, what fascinated the world, we do not love. Want great bridge leading out of the way right surely love.
Disadvantages of being the largest charity si - si day life in love, can not be let go. If the transfer is sincerely interested eager to practice Dharma, every hour every minute not forget to retreat, it will quickly become a Buddha.
Unstained body, the person who was Buddhist, who defiled the body as being that person. What is defiled? In short, the "defilement" of vision, not information, is not discharged, hours minutes moments always arise delusion.
Essential resources are abundant not feel cold.
Air force affluence does not feel hungry.
Divine power is not fully feel tired. "
Crystal, gas, god is three treasures. The fine monastic religious right, gas, god.
"Specialist least flexible.
Scattering of obstacles. "
Expert on what? That is the most specialized segment of desire, except for greed. If not desire period, unless there ordained craving martyrdom eighty eons to come again and still no success. So this is very significant.
Why the world is increasingly corrupt? As someone who also compete - avoidance, competitive advantage, competition authorities, competitive position, and the most serious sexual competition.
Lust is the source of birth and death. If not, the sexual stage skyward not want to be born, let alone want to show supreme Bodhi Path? So, if you want to practice meditation allows Tam-ma-to-subject, beyond the ocean of birth and death wish suffering, it is first necessary to overcome this hurdle.
Dharma School, the user needs to wisdom can not use emotions. Use wisdom to study the Dhamma, that is Dharma. Using sentiment that it is learning Buddha Dharma Dharma Ending Age.
From countless lifetimes ago so far, so familiar beings we live and emotionally let go of his desire, so just to be around forever vicious in the six realms of cyclic existence. Because of ignorance, prejudice and arrogance charity always enveloped so we can not be effective evidence-A-la-drought. Therefore, we should not trust his ideas. We must be cautious, not careless. We must be absolutely careful, do not immerse sex chromosomes and do not believe in your idea!
You have to be careful, not to sexual intimacy, sexual intimacy born of disaster. You remember that you must be very careful, never infatuation appearances. If you cling, along with appearances "combined into one", he will be a disaster.
Men need to stay away from women and at the same time, women also need to stay away from men. It is a method of "being friendly, anti-evil" used to treat craving and greed.
Men should see older women as mothers, and women should see older men as fathers. When men and women of the same age to meet his or her than a few years old, they look like sisters, lost their young if they look like girls, but if a child is considered that their children, and should Development Center their salvation. You get the attention they immediately discovered that you have compassion, to bring benefits to others (benefit of others). So, you just do it to his advantage while they can benefit others. When two self-interested behavior and the corresponding benefit of others, the concept of evil will naturally dissipate less and less delusion.
He says: "Be careful, do not look sharp looking female, do not speak to them." This is the way men treat women. On the way women treat men may be reversed: "Be careful, do not look at men looked sharp, do not talk to them!" You do not get together to talk to the opposite sex. Do not tell that joke, even speech can not be!
Qualities are Taoists, everyone should stay away from fire. "Fire" means what? Here, the "fire" is the example for lust and love, and also the desired emotional realms of the hearing record. Apartment is located on the continent, while the bare record of the scene. Both the six senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind) with six ceiling (best picture, sound, scent, taste, exposure, legal) make passionate human being deluded, infatuated that "living death dreams drunk"!
So, "Taoists saw all the pleasures to stay away." Taoists have shunned desire. If you can "see but do not see, listen but not hear," ie has reached the realm:
A form internal perspective very useful,
Turkey auditorium ceiling of any intellectual center.
(Eyes look excellent shape, not the heart,
Gold earrings and folk tales, or did not.)
So now you do not need to practice "renunciation" anymore. If you are exposed to everyday sensual without being responsible are not stars, but if so, do not need to be strictly self-propelled "renunciation" - flee from sexual fire!
"Contaminated" ie desires in mind, especially about sexual thoughts. Do not get rid of lewd lap contaminated ie, to eliminate lewd and heart that is not contaminated again. Once contaminated, the mind is no longer pure, clean - the virtues that you are pure practice at all. 
The heart is a natural sexual defilements, and also the second biggest passions. Moreover, the greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance and doubt are also contaminated in mind. Unless things clean this infection is the structure of your practice will correspond with the Tao. Then, you will be able to "return to roots" (revert fertilizer) and find it mind its inherent purity.
The Buddha taught us to directly use that cultivate the mind and thinking about Dao. In each concept, we should take the exit sex work within your goals. Love and lust is muddy, we need to break out of that mud.
Compared with muddy puddles, the desire for sex and other sexual delusions of harm, much more scary! So, "Dao mind must live, must be of one heart, one mind just to think straight about cultivation of Dao and, to be able to get rid of suffering, anguish inevitably get bogged down . "
Once sexual transgression, you will be very close to the precept, precept also easy theft, language and expectations. Therefore, sexual transgression, the world killing, stealing and lying are contained in it.
Boys and girls love each other, ultimately mean? General appearance despite how much beauty is only skin upholstered rotten: What's In the feces, urine ... Nine holes are usually stored in the body impure things: the jealous eyes, ears have ear wax, nose weeds nose, mouth have saliva, urine more modern. Do you think this can cure yourself clean reasonable?
If you do not mind the gas consumption flirting with or without food is not a problem anymore. It is because his spin on everyday existence in the realm of new gonorrhea should be eating.
Why do people sick? As usual do not pay attention to their health. The house should be less work lewd, enhance fitness, exercise. That is the basis of health. If you lust all day, do not keep it orderly manners permanent body can not be healthy.
No defilement greed nor what. Once greed is what happens. The world, the universe of thousands of thousands of species, as well as something born even greed.
Ma incredibly intelligent. It caught the other person know craving for something, it will use the appropriate method for instance or that person. Hence the practice we do not need anything special mantras, nor what method to use. Just my honest, no war, no greed, no seeking, no selfishness, not self-interest , just hard asceticism, no ma What is your damage. Just you have greed, have pride, want to occupy facilities, looking off the path, it will easily stick to the ghost. 
The convent that fear alone is not able to practice.
The sermon that no matter what miracles he has generously to, you also have to observe them. If there's greed, and where to make money, or you feel lust, then that person is not the real thing, which is the first author. If there is no greed, lust crush, no conspiracy, then that's the real thing. 
The ancients said: Great evil, sex headed . It is the dead line, can not go. Q lieutenant position themselves as salacious as they go on the road and died.
Eating increases desire. Desire to help more ignorance. 
Craving is vital. Life and death are truly craving. Craving is the root of samsara. If not abolish craving hearts ignorance is ultimately impossible to get rid of love sea life and death.
You can not have sex is not the exception but the heart can become a Buddha. In heaven there is no such thing. This life like most people quickly, like the results immediately, so when they heard there was a magical way intoxicated and fell in ghosts. By the time of death is still legal for secrecy, or confidentiality law! The secret? Secret! Secrets to the right into hell too! 
The contraband (your back) is the largest illegal sex - sexual lap. When you have the mind as well as being lewd robbers to steal, steal all the wealth of treasures. Just like termites eat wood, the wood useless. Come and spend some delicious food that no one dared assigned to eat. Three days vomiting is another! 
If you still love to lay beautiful, beautiful, beauty habit you probably (ham identity) is not excluded.
Concept would eat meat, more sex, more delusions also very difficult to enter. Do not eat meat, new desires mild heart will know fully, will also reduce delusions. This is due to their gentle blood gases, not than before.
The concept of practice can not commit adultery, sexual immorality that is the idea. If you have little concept of sexual immorality never addressed beyond the three worlds, still must flow again and again in samsara, because the concept of lust is the root of birth and death. If you cut through it, they can out of the three worlds which Buddha attained. So religious people have cut out certain sexual ideas. How do I stop it? First of all is not to eat nutritious things, by themselves religious reasons not lack nutrients, so no need to gather more nutrients enter again. Eat more, feel more sexual, more nutrients, ie, the idea being lewd. Want it do not mean sexual abstinence to food issues, not gluttonous appetite, no desire to eat more, how to practice enough to maintain the life is okay, that is the secret of the practice. If not, we bring delicacies including two brightly painted temples to worship for the organs, then this is the graphic results presented lead to breaking of lust.
Speaking of home people each day eat a meal, but also people not in accordance with this, the auto shop to buy food. The concept that food or have sex, so the concept of sexual identity would not have been removed. To think well know, these actions are selfish. Generally, human selfishness has attended for news.
Within the scope of the law of cause and effect commit adultery is the most serious. The more formidable punishment: A life time transgressions adultery many times, when death will be a big saw her body from head to toe that many times. Born money to marry the dead a hundred times a hundred times amputated.
People have nowhere gorgeous, leather is just rotten. Where ugly people are just rotten leather. But not outside but inside is the same thing, nothing beautiful or ugly. If more and more look inside to see the whole blood, pus, mucus, saliva, sleaze. Considering the five organs, then all the feces and urine. Beautiful outside, inside rotten intolerable, no different from that? What should his attachment to this body do not! Foolish people are paying attention outer beauty, General attachment to the beautiful beautiful, and hate the ugly minister. This star is not dense?
Because there are so pleased lewd new generation of bad things in life. If q the captain can do good works, themselves pure, no behavior that is sexual immorality, that they serve good practice .
Only those who are extremely ignorant just want to keep lustful mind just want to be enlightened. Thought this kind of foolish peak, and the people who brought this idea is who teaches the most difficult; Now whether Buddha Shakyamuni had inflicted matter how He had no way makes them prime Act or endorse the results were!   Therefore, the class is the most ignorant, the most ignorant! 
You see, of people have little "sub-sub-favored position" because he does not rid his mind, he said the whole sex-craving things - I love you, I love you - just like love through love and finally back into their ma always!   List ghost anymore then  what? " NH Female Total ng worry sir i ma A yc application can map ch ú ng. "   Ch ú ng ma A yc have the maps application filed , c cancer who have brewed ng h PRELIMINARY ch ú ng .   ' T A tc her problem ut tion sizes used x applications have a self u Da o V Car -th UO ng. " ghosts themselves shameless, who also claiming that: "I am the Buddha!   Let me here are supreme, supreme! "   Whenever something is great, we confess that we are one.   we capital was a ghost but refused to admit it was a ghost, but just called Buddha.   Buddha is also Buddha so fake.   On this earth there is something to be both false, so the ghosts can also make fake Buddha.   Yet, they will not recognize them as fake stuff.   they said that they are genuine, and are also "celestial galaxy unique solipsistic"  (sky, under the heavens, mine alone is precious) again! 
Before passing away, Buddha Shakyamuni taught that: "Today I was in at that time, the Ma clique-king dared not appear. Yet at Dharma are on stage went down - The Mat France, there will be many people's drugs appear crowded in the world, expanding sexual involvement. " "dark age" is our time now. At this time, the type of people that ma- very crowded and we went everywhere lewd talk. Regardless of whether male or female, who also preferred lewd and also want to become a Buddha, want to be enlightened.          
The difference between "reactionary" (left) and "primary" (right) - between Ma-king and the Bodhisattva - which is very subtle; difference like?   bodhisattva of mercy and protect all beings with compassion-compassion, but absolutely no lewd lap.   Meanwhile, Ma-king for being the initiating any "love", specialized sexual talk, sexual attention, they even say that everyone lewd mind is how much heavier the fruition of enlightenment higher the stakes, and heresy was used to harm people. 
Bodhisattva is no sexual interest, they all beings for absolutely no distinction.   Having lewd ie phantom center.   center lewd No, merely pity and help all beings - that is the new realm of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas word. Lama is scheming injured person, there greed.   Bodhisattva of compassion, there is no desire.  there is no greed ie no center lust.
No lewd center stage that day except the day and sitting meditation, and spiritual practice, all q captain had the last practice session with gonorrhea. Q Captain monks escaped illegal part is ten percent, ten percent, the practice is illegal escape! one hundred. Q lieutenant sitting meditation but do not want to have to get rid of sex-center it? Q lieutenant just want you to be seated Zen enlightenment, the players just want to pleasure her crazy, it's like wishing fine sand and cook the rice for that.
When the mind is no longer sex-minister will not see male female form, no longer distinguish between his people, and did not see them-born minister, minister-old life.
If you truly have no sexual interest, you will:
Eyes look excellent shape, in no,
Gold earrings about life, mind or not!  
(Picture color vision, very useful internal
Hearing the ceiling Turkey, intractable mind.)
When looked at how identity formation that did not see anything inside existing headphones and soothing sounds that do not mind or do not know anything, that is was going to be a little "fire almost."   Mind must not knife action, not a single thought smoky, sex-concept entirely gone, the new is true.   If there are still times when you bowl to the women, it has not been.  
Since q lieutenant position can not stop participating and education, should turn into force six units (six bandits) and six informal appearance. If q captain the desire not start, the bandits looted six senses what is not, there are six official discrimination no longer. Everything is back to its origin and disappearance defilements will. Q lieutenant position should pay attention to this detail. All depends on point q lieutenant position there or not greed. If q lieutenant position there is greed q lieutenant position has not separated himself from the ghost. If q lieutenant position was not greed, that is q captain the Buddhas have the same general part.  
"You are powerless Phu sex "means wealth without sex ... The rich, much money, big power, usually knew keeping decency, not subject to control their behavior, into erotic disorder. However, if you are also in a rich context, without committing acts of sexual disorders, said keeping orderly, honest naive, then you are not breaking the law of the world, did not constitute a breach of the law heaven, nor violate the law of hell. That is wealth disability sex. 
Man why sexual immorality?   Just because hell deluded mind works.   immediate confusion dense, ambiguous, dark sexual immorality so new, refined dispersion force, time, and lost the priceless nature storm .   always subdue If relatives, are not guilty of killing, stealing, sexual misconduct.   Want committing three now that it is first necessary to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion.   Tam as three wave train; then all this ripple to ripple other.   Advent this idea then just go back to the other delusions.   within eight but no damage, but very difficult to subdue.   thing that is for mental training center until its expectations as children   obedient child.  
Is forbidden lust for home person, but for the Buddhist followers at home, the ban only if adultery is not between husband and wife. In addition, thought must also limit lewd, could not keep from light to dark pools from thought disorder, throughout the day to give thought to the sexual obsession for the silver hair, the teeth fall out! Yes, who knows, the next life to ideas that are still pursued, then the next life forever, right is "so lewd that birth, death because that lust" .
If the world does not know to keep killing, no stealing and adultery are mostly not.   When adultery is no security context does not know where his body saps.   Bao this context, I believe that you know well.   therefore , key in "precepts."  Basic of our lives is something I do not need many words.   If he can not commit adultery, morality, then naturally there will be bright luminous relic , more solid diamond.  
I would say it's for you to hear: no matter male or female, as many men think women think about male or female, is called illegal . If the thought of (male and female) do not period, you do not take information obtained illegally.
Talking a bit more depth to the listening position, to be honest for you to know, because if that does not tell the truth, they just cover up the open side of the last ever know the truth inside? To tell the truth, then: If the position is not to take crystal are called illegal take. If the loss is called smuggling crystal. Not only planet not take that idea even thought (sexual) should not have. When small subtle notion of sexual responsibility is no longer a new long lasting. Currently you have understand? Why not spend long in meditation? Since we have lewd center. Spirits also interested lewd.
What is the ceiling? It was lust. The ceiling is that sexual immorality is the ceiling. Because meditation attachment lust so we do not want you to let go of lust. They make you craving. They said: "We are good friends. Things I did not give up lust, but he wants to reject, abandon this star? Can not be!" So we find it to you. What for? Bluntly, because we can not rescue you from this world.
If your practice has been to force the evil demon wants to eat you for it. But not eat meat you anywhere! I will be very honest presentation for you are clearly not holding back anything. What will actually happen? Just because you have not thought of lust, full, full gas, full god, they should see that now you have a lot of treasures . They said: "We won certain to Rosetta you!" So we pulled sabotage you . The reason is we want to win Rosetta! If you have a girlfriend male and you have a boyfriend female, then these people will rob precious treasure of you so. Q the captain tried to think what else will happen?
Some of us now, mind sex education heavier psychoanalysis Buddhism. These people had no idea that "Every day I have learned Buddhism, constantly learn, to know. I could not sleep Dharma study, the more time I wake up to study Buddhism more! "They do not think like that! Awake, not asleep, they consciousness sex education, every study shows that the Dharma does not mind at all. Once sex smoky center, they feel it is extremely interested in magic, and that's something that govern their ignorance to mental insanity, ignorance! 
You, whether male or female, if too strong sexual interest, fullness, you can press the urgent everyday proclaims the Great Compassion, long knit dress will be destroyed heart, minds and spirits get rid of ants!
You do not be amazed to find out that I said such a blatant way, because natural texts books, three organs twelve sectors, to the end they are only talking about this issue alone. If there is no problem "education," what the scriptures nor necessary legal things are "no," the legal things are "like." Because of this problem, we must cultivate. If you can not give love and sex period, whether there is export from eight to ten thousand eons, also wasted elaborate, nostalgic date, at the place of religion in the temple eat that karma. If craving termination, unless explicit attention, really all greed, no surely no negativity involved. So until then just be greed here? Of course to break through ignorance, greed is the new rid. The reason the Bodhisattva practice courageous and diligent, but the key is to break part ignorance, part legal documents themselves, until they get bitter swill new enlightenment brought out to witness the eradication of ignorance Buddhahood. Greed is a very difficult period in three stand out. We practice at the new center, making it one of the obstacles of our own sex is greed, the desire female male, female, the male desire, a fundamental problem. Surangama-strictly speaking very clearly: "Mind not except sex, who does not bare out," except as greed does not want sex but expect a Buddhist, it's like taking sand to make rice cooked food, a chat Can not happen.
Draw the fire of ignorance is what? To put it very simply, very neat, it is the center of the sexual lust of men and women. Type in mind that boot, then no one said good was no way that it dominates. So many people get caught in lake maps, lake maps created things, we can say that a miscarriage wrong time, or the hatred of eternity, not the way to save. When two or men and women in the period of attachment, if anyone asked them, why trade him? Why she's injured, they will certainly reply, "do not know why." It is in ignorance. We hope you have a chance of an end to love, except the sex, the use of religious life, please try!
Kim Son Pagoda has a master dared not drink milk. Because drinking milk after it emerged lewd heart, why not rampant, thus he would not drink milk. We eat to sustain life, really do take animal medicine. Do not feed the starving, should eat to sustain life but not that we should eat nutritious foods to feed themselves. When additional fatty food too much trouble there is.
Shurangama says: " Africa's rich planet, business presentations, legal "refers to men love America, this ghost can fly to enter the body and gentlemen, we do q captain have legal capacity preaching experience ( on the other hand, q captain to break the world; sneaky sex act).   Consequently, you need to understand , do not look at the expression of dance apparel, move, and dance to the mystery, is interesting, right !
No Access Bridge: No, it will not start pursuing adultery idea. Lust as they can hope for. Daughter eager son, son's girlfriend expecting, that's for the guys pursuits. Not only but also a bridge to access, to pursue further, like a drill, just head forward that drill. If there is no basis for, how was the idea adultery? A handsome guy, a pretty girl is no more than just two stinking meat only. Why attachment you? If not, then we have no basis for why this sexual transgression.
"Talks were right" means that grooming is another form of birth feather dress. For example, a girl applying paint their lips, gorgeous makeup, this is suggestive, others saw immediately that my heart being so. So who is the best female to natural appearance, no need to point chalk lipstick. If plaster powder lipstick lips on pink blush so that doing so is significant, but in fact it makes no sense at all, but a crazy show of beings-the crazy Our birth is at this point so!
The craving attention, craving something? It's greedy lust. The greedy lust, must have a way to prevent " sex ". The way that like? Government is contemplating the body impure.Men and women have beautiful appearance and the way these are impure; was impure, how can attachment? So to say, "being more consistent attachment to impure" . Knowing it is impure, should not crave, no greed, there would be no interestsex education such strong! 
Just to clarify a bit, you do not preserve the planet, the air, my god are called "illegal". Women who are menstruating every month, also known as gonorrhea. The root cause is that men and women are not interested in stopping sexual immorality, calling it "illegal" greatest. Gonorrhea have a lot like that!
The lewd mind, but do not be afraid, you see Kim Cang petrochemicals in the Shurangama , his sexual pleased capital badly, but then he could elaborate use of fire flames sexual wisdom that Kim Cang make petrochemicals. So say sexual nature which is of net. If you have a primary concept, which is the essence of purity. If he is harboring an evil concept becomes impure, should not the exception for sexual identity, which turns into pure sexual nature. Sexual nature which are not pure, but need to turn it into pure nature - right view of right knowledge. Well, it is true! So says sexual nature that is pure nature itself, but the sex itself is pure French.
" Erotica any interest unless, Chen made ​​impossible. "
"The heart does not stop sex, did not escape the earth." 
Only two sentences is enough to prove this Sutra contains the true magic of, say Buddha's assertion that: "If the heart but not lewd, it may not be out of the Three Realms." It can be said that: If no sexual stage, past love, the basis can not be attained! In the Shurangama also taught that: 
"The disadvantage any stage sex ,
Meditate author,
As we sandstone,
Any sexual component,
Unknown origin property market. "
"No sex please stop,
Which meditate,
Just like cooking sand,
Then hope the rice,
It can not be. "
Therefore, know that contemplating the Tibetan Dharma label is here! Every true Buddhist is the support given to study and recite the Shurangama maintenance Shurangama Mantra, because this Note inconceivable power, it is the experience of myself.
I vow to particularly emphasize that the true Shurangama is not fake. If I'm wrong then vowed to hell and cut tongue!
Hope you aware of this problem, myself must have the right view, you do not betray me.
Because of ignorance, into something that is not understood, only know love. From morning to night just thinking about this stuff: it is thought to lust and craving. A! Can not let go even for a moment. If you pay attention, enjoy participating as well as research Dharma passionate craving that very soon it will become a Buddha. Unfortunately you can not switch into liking liking sensual Dharma. Therefore, the Dharma School, seen as tasteless. That: "My vice is more like it, are downright Dharma at all. Oh! What I do not want to study at all. Dharma urged me to change habitual behavior, how can I do that? "That is an example of love and delusion.
Ignorance makes the ordinary man only known to use the sexual stuff. They think that the love affair is in fact the world, so far they can not leave and could not bear to let it go. So they stick with continental relatives of a confusion that had not let go. Then they created so much confusion between good and evil, they do not distinguish between pollution and purity. Lifetimes, they just turned around in the cycle of birth and rebirth, never stopped permanently. So say ignorance is the basis of birth and death.
The second practice with little trouble that weighed in mind, so they are easy to be pure, and freed all birth and death. If not sever ignorance, we will forever govern it, then to hell, running up the mountain training, or in a pan of boiling oil. At that time, we will regret why he initially refused to practice diligently. But unfortunately, has no longer keep up.
  If you cut off craving, only a sentence prime (Note Rebirth) alone is the inspired and brilliant, if you have not been craving period, whether there is legal to ten thousand times is not effective!
At unenlightened, see what are believed to be dead, especially for talented real name lobe (money, lust, fame, food, sleep), also craving something, do not let go of it. If you are enlightened, then everything will become corrupt puppets, as in the flower-shaped mirror, moon shadow in the water, all is illusion, not foot injury.
You meditate to a decent level, there will be challenges that I see your Truth-out star power. Sometimes it manifests man or woman to look beautiful designs to seduce the mind-if not, you overcome challenges, if the center you will sink. It is extremely important that you remember to carefully! Every step is accidentally stumbled grudge thousands of lives!
The practitioner must practice how to get rid of the "I" (ego Minister). If no "I" then anything is patience, endure. Realm there, you would not mind the. Take a look at yourself as nothing. Landscape to please, and every practice. Warning against the next, and every practice. In other words, please do not sight born joy joy, and do not meet the conditions, melancholy anxiety. Whatever positive or negative, must recognize the obvious. If you can "like such as real estate" (not initiate affection, delusion or attachment), they will not be making unshakable realm. If you always "willow willow often clever" (causal insight illuminates everything), it will turn the realm.
Eros is also the most seriously ill patients and is training concept.   When gonorrhea clean end all sexual expression, every sexual thought, every desire, delusion, no conception whatever.
Wisdom is not foolish, ignorant not to do things. The confusion has a lot a lot. That is not to do things that you still do, is the most serious sexual interest, which should not be done, but because of the confusion, not forgetting Sutra, which also forgot Paramitayana every do as you like, let loose according to sex. Ordinary just like doing things without being confused legal practice Prajna. No work is foolish Uncivil behavior. You do not practice well Sutra, is mortal, if religious Uncivil behavior - ie, reduced sexual desire period , the body and Buddhist alike.
Something called Enlightenment? Sexual enlightenment is dangerous stuff, hurting body and makes you foolish. A fitness concept is a foolish idea, concept concept concept concept sex is foolish , to say so: " now is not the end of the Buddha's feet, the heavy industry is being in love. " Must give up the polluted mind, apart from this there is no way out at all. Pollution is mind training concept, tell me more, is the concept of sensuality. If relatives do this lewd concept, is not pure professional bodies. If you rely on word of mouth says, is not a pure export industry. If the mind is often thought of lust, then the business is not pure. If the body and mind are not committed, not far from the days of the Buddha. The usually goes away with enlightenment, union with the ceiling. Agreement with what the ceiling? It is the second half of the ceiling with pure pollution. If once you fall in love, then sex will be contaminated. If secession sex, can leave pollution. So says his back is to the ceiling agreement with enlightenment, turning back to enlightenment is rolling around in the ceiling. If you are not polluted pure, not pure can not become a Buddha.
If you follow unruly passions, run affair, the increasingly deep, increasing confusion. If turned, ie Nirvana, and also shore. Without turning his head, then deep delusion increasingly more bold. But deep confusion, but if you know your rotation, it is cutting treatment.
It is in life, if not fame, the attachment also embraced benefits, no money attached, then the ravishing beauty, so can not look perforation (phenomenon), can not let go (all attachments ). Want to look perforation, want to let go, but it is not worth. Why do not afford? Because in mind "the devil" and sophistication "worm" monster work flexible benefits, so many things to chance alone, facing the Guanyin Buddha realized without him. Bodhisattva Guanyin Buddha in front, so that just goes searching everywhere. That is crazy delusions were so dominant.
Ta-speaking engineers have the expertise and faculty interested phan-dependent whole things wrong, not right.   example, adultery is not true, they praised: "Yes! It's the most wonderful traditions, "causes people to become distracted, confused, can not find the truth.   Retrieved left to do, just say no right, no right is right - the so-called deviant who associate . Their minds full of evil tri wrong, I know it and are not seeing their righteousness - what "primary" is not true, they said, was something "wrong" then they sure are the best!  
Ta-master the professional approach when it comes to talk about sex education, and the things they say are not true morality - at this point, people need to know to clearly distinguish. In the realm of Bodhisattva levels, he also used very moment the mind "being compassionate loving household."   Knowing that all living beings have sex very heavy concept, so right from the beginning teachers of them, the Bodhisattva levels not require them to renounce patriotism-sex (or sexual interest) immediately, which only means countless disciplines to make their own insights about lust, then voluntarily suspended her mind. It is the realm of Bodhisattva level, totally different from every realm of evil-Buddhist teachers, so people need to understand this point thoroughly.     
The documents are preliminary results, but the eye sees color transfer is excellent ceiling, sound headset but convertible into the ceiling, and also the same for other units. The saying "any legal import contacts bar taste" is not meant to be a public hearing fluctuates. At that time, the name unshakable, unwavering interest is, for the things foremost, please not passive, as well as significant sentence: "Visions very own internal identity formation, the center atrium ceiling hearing any knowledge, "A form that is looked at but nothing inside the ears that hear not mind knowing. There is a saying: "Na-often in the elderly, very useful regardless of the time", not a time when foreign objects makes the mind oscillate without any dazzle before carving surroundings.
Speaking from the director's root path to end birth and death. The door is closed from the island of birth and death. Doors What is birth and death? It is the concept of education. Bring lewd center is open birth, except the sexual center is closed the door of birth and death. Rank superiority when the director heard this thought came: "Ah, it is so capital!" therefore felt that follow, to return to the roots, turning his back projection, turning back to the sense that the direction of enlightenment (sensory deficit ceiling agreement), and the practice of religion. From morning to night in this practice, such as hen egg situation, as the dragon pearl farming, like a cat caught the mouse, mental focus for public use. Only a self-directed, not wandering else.
A practitioner must first break the door lust. If it is not broke no hope of successful practice. All day the mind confused, crazy mind, also without success. So I really would rather you message is that we must surrender the mind. Every end is a center for sexual expression. If it is not cut through eighty eligible for eons to nothing more than cooking and sand to attempt to food, there is this old it ever.
The results you want religious holy outflows not? Then cut sexual desire, sexual cleanse their hearts, then there is little hope, if not, no hope, it is better to lay haste lest waste of time!
Who then martyred adversity or upon the scene in the center is not. If the power to that level, it will no longer be shaken scene, which can reverse transition. That's the true wife of martyr. And a question:
Thai Children paint any money trading band
American Pediatric estate money or identity.
Roughly translated:
Taishan collapse without fear
Beauty is not the immediate center.

The boy stood in front of the beautiful Xi Shi as such, if permitted under the bar "skull skulls" will end up tam.Nguoi natural daughter to see a guy like Phan Anh Tuan An old year, if permitted under customary "bone white", nor the mind. If there is no way to see every beautiful girl, boy Anh Tuan, ran mind whirring, like apes climb, as the horse ran, not knowing how the new right. Just because the power is not enough, try in vain to lose Act now, unfortunately, know how!

Every day I experience the sermon preached to you, it is crucial to emphasize the concept stage except sex. Shurangama said: "loose dress without exception, is not out of the mundane." Commit to the concept of adultery except, may they turn from pink ceiling landscape, the question should be: "no fur piece, cooked sand of rice, can not have this. " You! The practice is not the same person in the secular. What is the life of greed, love, love, love, we need to eradicate. There's a saying: "Exit continuous glass ceiling," meaning that all the things from words to ideas, people and continuous training are not the same. This point you have to pay attention, can not follow the stream polluted secular.

Tell students:
Upon entering college, they dig deep human moral, forged himself a mature personality.   's not that they need to pursue a romantic love story.   When immature, they learned about "love education" in schools, how then does he lead his educational things going?   While still a minor, they should not arbitrarily say love story, or stories of incest between men and women.   If we the notion that "boys are not monsters girlfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend was not tickle time", indeed the world we live in terrible danger too!
Why do I say education worldwide imminent bankruptcy comprehensive?   's because young people are "harvested" before they ripen.   's because it has been taught about love between men and women for young people too early.   This is another detail that I hastily cooked rice not met.   rice flowering Once we have harvested, the season was doomed.   sprout new lu If we hastily interrupted, the end of the season, there is nothing to harvest.  
Plunged into erotic love story at its immature mature so they were identical (unripe rice but got disconnected.)   And even though this is the worst, one for the boys and girls who also dating, love contemporary romance is the trendy, fad right.   fact is crazy notions about love.   Sadly!  
Television teaches us burglary, assault, arson, and sexual immorality: these are the vices that television teaches.

Now FAQs
Q: Buddhist Precepts terribly strict. As the Master said, "not adultery, greed should not have sexual interest between men and women," would surely have objected: "That is not the humanity!" Please marketing for The Master.
A: To learn how the Buddha can not please the party. Q lieutenant position who want to learn to do is to learn to be good. In a nutshell, q the captain wanted to practice it like that!
Q: Using a controlled way to overcome lewd heart, fear and doubt?
A: Do not eat meat, do not eat out, do not eat garlic, do not eat stimulating in nature, and visualize: " All men are my father, every woman is my mother " ; been so there your heart will never be lewd arise.
Therefore there should be no fear sorrow. There is no sorrow, there is no fear. No, it is not selfish fear. As long as no war, no greed, no bridge, not selfish, not self-interest, do not lie , they naturally need not fear anything!
Why cynical heart? Because there is no faith! Disbelief should dare to distrust. Avatamsaka Sutra says:
Tin original Act of merit sample.
That is:
Faith is the source direction and is the mother of all virtues.

Trust in the wisdom of all organic beings, then that is not skeptical . 

Chanting that:
On day always tell the truth,
Not afraid of being insulted, beaten,
Kill us, we will not fear,
Freed, what the hell is afraid!

"On the day always tell the truth. " Every day should say truth, do not lie.
" No fear of being insulted, beaten. " Be frankly truthful words. Despite being scolded beaten, q the captain keeps telling the truth.
" Kill me, I'm not afraid. " Despite q killer lieutenant position , q lieutenant position , do not fear. Fear of what?
" Liberation, what the hell is afraid! "   Being true liberation is nothing but hell be afraid, there is nothing that should scare you?
Q: What should we do to restore its duty-nature?
A: This is very easy, nevertheless, is very difficult. Want to restore the luminous wisdom of nature, the first is to reduce the education concept, ie have sexual performance . Reduce the desire that this present instant wisdom. Filled with the desire that true wisdom can not be out of money.
So, " purification, less education, reducing training and know enough " is the first step of martyrdom. Q If the captain can purify the mind, reduce desires, then the organic luminous wisdom of q lieutenant position will appear.
Q: House Buddha said, "Six Apartments purity" What is this?
A: "Six Apartments pure" ie: eyes see a sharp but not sharp-ceiling do fluctuate, ears but do not hear sound -bar ceiling as agitated, nose to smell the scent but no flavor-ceiling do fluctuate, tongue tasting flavors but not the ceiling as agitated, the body is not exposed-ceiling do fluctuate, and the Nor -ceiling law as agitated, not shake realm ie Tam -Mei , also known as Samadhi .
Concentration is not necessarily new to meditation, that goes, standing, lying, sitting, can in Samadhi. The inside is definitely not as logs or mud, what is not known, but on the contrary, who fixed everything but the understanding is they do not budge. That is " who can turn the circumstances, but not for circumstances to shake the " too!
Q: Buddha-nature of this ancient original purity, proving that wheel from?
A: Infinite-invented from the love that place. Ignorance is another name for ignorance .
Q: Like when you hear a song or a great song, then I can make offerings to the Buddhas that song and Bodhisattvas are not? If so, then allow donations to like?
A: Well, there is also singing on it! But you need to know for sure is that the song has no personality d sound clear, suggesting no evil d sound is new, new righteousness. Currently CTTB also have our songs about Buddhism, you can bring offerings to the Buddhas. We initiated the Buddha praises before, it is also used to worship the Buddha that song. In the Lotus Sutra, has said very clearly that the songs, music, a hymn of purity have personality, dignified, can be used to worship Buddha.  
Q: How do I remove lust?
A:  If you do not think, it will be removed. If kept thinking, how are removed? Once the concept is just starting up, you must understand it. Once you know, then it disappears.
Q:   Bach Venerable, there are some  women who are not married are causing many social problems, and then  have an abortion ... Con wondering Venerable comments or suggestions about  this issue.
A:  You're talking about single mothers.   Unfortunately, these people have lost their dignity, so that they do not respect the rules before you get married.   Nowadays, young people like ballroom  dancing , watching movies, and singing.   they enjoy eating, playing and find pleasure.   passions and behaviors lead to the loss of human dignity, to the point where they are no longer aware that they are human.   As , to have the behavior of people, but they like the devil - sneaky  not respect the rules, want to try out before you get married ... and therefore, they are pregnant.   things like this may not matter much in the West, but in China was humiliated.
This problem occurs due to ignorance only by one thought:  Male pursuing women, women seeking men ... Because of ignorance,  so act now followed, after artifacts out there now mentality, green, contact, and feeling exist ... all these things are created by ignorance works .. Due to confusion, love and desire arises, followed by lust want to capture (and useful player), and then many other issues appear until the old dead ... (aging and death) to. The entire chain of events known as the Twelve Interdependent France.
Because people do not understand life should Twelve Interdependent, they do immoral things.   therefore their problems become more pronounced. Until they are pregnant, things become more and more trouble  when instead of prenatal cell birth to, they destroy the fetus at term between one and four months old.
Very serious crime of abortion.   Did you  think we could just little ghost, but the ghost has tremendous spiritual power you can carry the death or illness weird, cause you speech babble and confusion until the crazy minds ... Serious crime of abortion even  more crime  to kill  an adult.   If you do not want to have children, why cause pregnancy?   trouble Why so?   Unfortunately, men and women do not know the law  should do This problem happened.
To solve these problems, we need to provide sex education for young people, and teach them not to cling affair until grow up, if not, they will face difficult problems towel.   they have boosted so that they comply with these rules.


Desire is erotic and rocks footsteps martyrs
Until his last breath, and so nice to everyone, but not to interfere in the affair.
In the business of life and death, love and desire, and desire is the original objectionable Path. As a practitioner, regardless of people or objects, if born craving will crush the religious obstacles, do not develop themselves. To put it more clearly, craving is mortal, mortal is craving. Craving is the source of life and death. Without breaking erotic desires ignorance, then I would not be out of the great ocean of birth and death. How to get birth and death? Very simple, just "segment reduced sexual desire," meaning an end to lust, but love, no other way.
Taoists not to think about sexual love and desire, as there should be no acts of love. For anyone, not born loving heart, everyone can feel the love, the origin of suffering is unavoidable, because love is hard to escape the cycle of life or death.
Someone said: "Humans are emotional animals, food and conversation is the natural sensuality." It is because of conditions that need to be martyred. In the Four-Cross-Program-II taught that:
I see old people like my mother, older people like her, the child is her child and the child is the child. Be Born heart of their escape and eradicate the evil concept.
Since their is always directed such visualizations. If the results have not charity, affordable to meet other people just shut themselves do not care about them? Not true! No attachment to his affair, not born loving hearts, but not born to hate others feel ostracized, also can not say, "Because I do not love it so I have to hate them." That's messed up. So how is it true? That is not love nor hate anyone. No injuries, no hate is centrally-directed.
What is religious practice? It is centrally-directed practitioners. Treat your people always equal, compassionate use, but must always be careful, do not fall on pitfalls to love.
-You should pay attention! Do not make the affair should be mesmerizing. If someone sends you love poetry-style position, you-feel her heart rejoice, as there are rabbits hopping, downright joyful heart, that everyone there who love you, is a good thing. The truth is that people love you-you-you just want to pull the sink only.
You taste so good-tri-form title in this place that the elaborately, to really understand that "Love is the extremely troublesome things." From countless lifetimes to date, birth and death can not be the reason for termination is that why? That's been the word "love" to do harm. If you can "de-loving paragraph Education" to be able to get super Tam-world, not birth and death again.
First I like, I love, love is not hate. As long as proper, ie he was born of love. As long as his heart generates hate hate hate. Both things, love, hate are so emotional that. The handle of the practice is not based on feelings. But do not be like the Duke, cover your positions in the table handling, people I worship, he did not even look up to. For the people, I must be gracious, polite, not so high drain, arrogance, disregard for others.
In short, for others you have to have compassion, to find the means to help them. Should always think of others and make them feel joyful living. Until his last breath, and so nice to everyone, but not to interfere in the affair. The'll remember! It is extremely critical disciplines.
Ai Si constant
The most disastrous love life is profound.
The most noble of spiritual purity.
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Two trees currently stored in Unknown Language Line SO
You-you see this tree has two branches, with a twin, branches on the lower branches together, you-you know what that is? This is due to countless aeons ago a man and woman love each other very deeply. The two vow that: "In heaven, German companies ostrich principle. At local, voluntary venture of expenditure." This means that if the sun is born to the couple as two adjacent fields, if the student voluntarily made ground adjacent to the tree. Sometimes men and women of this very common condition, so the couple made. Both of them have a common point, which is: ham money. The man then lay down to making money, the woman is like wasting money, so reciprocity with the best of the situation.
However, because the bold lovers should also create very poor following. Lifetimes born damnation, sink into the animal, become hungry ghosts, hell eventually. So far, the couple turned into herbs. This tree should consist of two branches, but it is growing at the same place, should forever bound together not far apart. You-you see, the left arm around the right arm grab, right arm and rushed to hug the left arm, just as two men and women who hug so. These men and women see that this pair love deluded habits, how inferior life deeply. Today they are the herbs that was not lost on the lap of love and delusion. In between these two there is a stone base, where the two men as precious jewels. What is that rock? Originally it was a bank account in the amount of two lives.
A few years ago we entered into once preached. When I passed through the river bank saw this tree, immediately picked up on the offer. You-you see: this head severed stumps, roots are cut lose, revealing two very dry branches, but this tree has two branches constantly hugging each other. You do not find it worth-mercy stars?
So enough to see that love is as deep as dangerous. This is not a joke about said play anywhere. There are people in the abdominal think: "Teachers! France, who said I can not believe this, because it does not have to prove, not reasonable. Roughly, I want to scare the kids, saying only dream." Believe it or not-you are so precious, I do not have any way-you believe this is because France is very difficult to say, difficult theory. The attachment was mesmerizing, even if you have other way to say they are not awake, not acceptable. The most disastrous love life is profound. The most noble of spiritual purity. It's not that people do not know the reason; know but try not commit because what ways did get rid of the habit in many previous lives.
Proverbs Chinese have a saying that: "When the hand was holding firewood and tree, then y spend discomfort in exchange for flowers." It is such people who want to always love attachment. If I tell them, put away the things that craving for martyrdom is more your thing, make sure they will not want bigotry turn around. That:
Natural dancer but boring, difficult idiopathic detailed discussion profits.
Buddhist subjects but commercials, spokes person of any credits.
That is:
The rain sprinkling water everywhere, but not hard fresh grass root profit.
Although the Buddha's immense, but it was difficult not trust the man.
I have preserved this tree long years. There are many people who do not want to tell them because it presents them, they would not believe. I have to wait for the moment is ripe, then I just said. October 24, quarter-position remote from everywhere come to do him homage, I take this tree out Van generator. But three weeks later to say that because if I do not say the f not have time anymore, so regardless of whether you believe it or not-you, I kept telling predestined by this tree for you-the listener.
Teaching pm on November 12, 1982
at Ten Thousand Buddhas
Buddha's misfortune
It's time for the dead is still secret, secret, secret ... Password to fall into place hell still confidential.
I'll just tell you-hear the case of that tree, you-you do not believe it does not matter. Let us now discuss the following issues, absolutely could not believe it.
Why do people have to learn Buddha-law? The ultimate motive is not unintended "communication prime warehouse, willow birth and death." But unfortunately many people even get to go on the road but the road mesmerizing charm.
According to Buddhist-Catholic because he wanted to escape samsara but by carefully not so easy to drop into a fascinating battle. If not used for property-legal know-smart labels, clear that for France, the tri prone to evil things wrong fascinated, then go do what not to do.
For example, want to touch glass prime suffering, but missed the fall occurred foot in the door of hell. Things even worse, that is, in the Buddhist-Catholic who has taught Password-tone method called Song of Justice. They say just what something mantra, boys, girls together practitioners "Meditation happy." And say it is the highest law, not the heart to satisfy lust, but also can instantly become a Buddha. However, where the Buddha to be so easy! If not cut off lust heart, you become Buddha, it was ridiculous. In heaven there is no such doctrine at all.
This life, most people are quick to detectives for quick, like take shortcuts. Every heard there was a magical method intoxicated, and fell into the net, ma, the dead time is still secret, secret, secret ... secret place fall into hell to remain confidential.
What Do I Need to Join the age of Monks
Do not knowingly lie, do not do things like "stealing headphones that bell."
Ordained certain people to have a religious foundation for the firm. What is bedrock? That is strictly precepts. The renunciation must be memorized "from Section thesis" ie Sa-cell Law, Law monks, monks Law-ni, Brahma Net Sutra, etc. .. and thorough research, the new person qualified to be ordained.
If the foundation is not solid, all day thinking about all the money they thought sensual "body but ordained, but do not enter the center director." Thus, directing hundreds of thousands of miles distant. People in this part of Buddhist teachings do-corrupt, can not admit they are ordained unto.
The take-home is not a part of this coast, to coast the other part, is not going to be alone in a small temple, calling lay back protector. Urge to life offerings, such behavior does not fit the rules of statutory Buddha. If you have this behavior, then modify Hurry, because:
For most all Greek Mom, Son Meru significant disadvantages.
Real estate in another martyrdom, Maotai packaging complete sense.
That is:
Rice County benefactor for weighing in Mount Meru.
After eating such martyrdom, wearing horns, the hair returns.
In ancient times the true spiritual advancement, in the picture, plowing himself, eat by themselves, absolutely not due to external conditions. For purposes of anti-greed, so that leaves them in the practice. Or they retreat, because he wanted to make his education and be sure it's ethical. If true martyrdom, it can stand alone unit, but can not alone make offerings to the life of the laity. Doing so brings the Mat-turned-legal measures, as well as destroying Buddhist-Catholic.
Currently people prefer solitary religious practice at monasteries place. Why is that? Because if they do not keep precepts, there's no person that committed the same old rules no one knows, can be customized mental training, want to do, no one under house arrest, is a free, may be said that there was no binding at all. Or have other guys in his monastery to gather together some laymen, said this approach is to ask it, but the mere fact that the Buddhist lent clothes, thanks to the Buddha to make ends meet alone.
There are home people, not taking donations at the lay Buddhist, opposite advantage that money to buy luxury items, cars, making things private benefits. Or buy a TV, and watch TV everyday, forgetting all the chanting early evening. Or buy a fridge is to contain foreign objects delicious. In short, before they wreck the enjoyment, taking objects, and luxury. Existing gas main room is so true. They bring nature of Buddhist-Catholic ascetic completely transformed, it is her mental suffering of the German side of the Sakyamuni Buddha so old!
Someone said: "Born in this era, I need to watch TV, need to know the international news, if it is not blind, deaf and dumb not to know anything." You know those things in real life then what? Learns about life, death to avoid reasonable time?
Someone said: "The practice can avoid death or what?" You practice, until death must die, but death before his mind clear, absolutely no negativity, no confusion, that dead calm. If you do not practice, it's time to die die also so, but died a confused, drowsy, confused. Do not miss the south, north and memory, not a pure heart, a grudge that died. That is where the difference, you-Did you know?
To the sincere, when they die very lucid mind, know where to and where to go on, clearly no ambiguity at all, do not forget your entry area of ​​the future. The practice is not the time to daydream, when it was even confused, misled a lifetime. They do not know what his reason to, then why go. Just do not know where to, and where to go. Totally blind.
The purpose of birth and death in another part is, not because of enjoyment. So when what should have been a nun and greed material enjoyment? There greed enjoying what they need ordained? I maintain that no matter who wants a single cylinder small temple to find a way to enjoy, only to then continue by completing. Because the stars? Because defrocked single cylinder than a small temple much better, do not make the poor mentioned. Quarter-point hoping that the public attention.
Saying that the single practice office where a small temple purpose is not to practice but to enjoy the red carpet offerings, saying that certain people do not want to hear. I do not know you-you want to hear it or not, I still say because of the perspective of Buddhist thought-Catholic. Should speak out, make others uncomfortable. Again: "Every person is ordained of enjoyment, with no religious, any more than just the guise of priests only." Hope brethren encourage each other, remind each other, do not deliberately lie, do not do things like "Stop stealing ringing ears." Get cheesecloth blinded saint.
Lecture November 11, 1983

The world, pole, septic, no; species whose birth, aging, sickness and death, it is natural morality. The moral should understand this: the office immediately and will then be damaged, and will not, will arise and old, sick and will then die. If there is no gain office, there is no damage, there is not, otherwise there is no man living, no sickness, no death.
But if we use that idea attached to this distinction, distinction, even all these eons to not clearly distinguish. Distinguish how much is ambiguous. Newly understand it to be a bit confused, so in samsara forever not escape. If you want to escape samsara containing the path of delusion this illusion, the new practice Qingdao, duty hybrid realization of Buddhahood, which traditionally did not go to, not dirty unclean, not decrease nor increase, also not born not kill, nothing is sorrowful afflictions. All of sleep before, there were previously. But human beings do not know the author let go, should not grasp the truth; should say that:
"Drain any pseudo willow,
List any foot willow;
From a distance,
Swap any end birth ".
Services are:
"Do not discard the author
Why she is so real;
Not letting death
Why the change of life? "
If unbridled nature, the mad delusion true wisdom never appear to be. Nature veiled by ignorance. Ignorance help two guys, two names make plans. What are they? The first is food, beauty second, a so-called real education, a so-called sexual! Two things help to ignorance of things bad enough, so the booklet says, "Actually, wild nature identity." Nghiao bulimic, are eager nature of such beings. But, I have to know why not break unto ignorance? Why not stage the negativity? Why does such wisdom? That is because they have greedily lap, lap pervert!
Eating the help of desire, the desire to make growth ignorance. People born then know food, know a child is born to drink milk. No milk, it cried, and then want to drink more. Yes! Greed is born with this last, after craving then eat identity born of greed. Son, the female identity ham, ham daughter, the male identity, attachment to one another, desires not bear to let go, can not look transparent. Eating many things are turned into refined essence. Prolific sex that they feel sensual born, so the old saying: "Hurricane ovules from sexual immorality, from the island center is limited." (No warm then think about lust, hunger cold start stealing hearts.) When you eat right, son think of his daughter, the daughter's son thought, just start training this concept. When you think of how poor the theft, as well as maps to eat, eat and then sexually arose. So everyone eat for nutrients, fat bloated then just start to feel sexual. First human greed is starting to eat, want to eat delicious, like eating to vigorous physical. But eating less is not enough, but how much food to satisfy greed? So people die of identity, because actually. If ignorance is not real and then conspired identity can not harm anyone.
The Indian export as bad as possible, without good nutrition is even more then. So to not have eating issues so seriously. Eating is to maintain that practice their faith life, do not need too many nutrients but also do not eat things deteriorate, causing disease organisms, such as the Middle Path practice.
I greatly admire the people in Taiwan, which means the fruit Shui Master, (5) He does not desire nor ham outstanding amount. He did not even look to the items they offered him. It is work that ordinary man can not do it, because no one can let go of greed, money is even regarded as threatening. But he was very gentle, lightly money, gifts piled one spot who want to take what they get, not paying attention to him, and to his disciples wanted to steal as much money as is (the thief after are completely continuous). The see, then He affordable money management more closely? Nay! Not only did he not manage money, but just to look, he did not even look anymore. These are considered high concentration of Him How! He ate only fruit, peanuts, do not eat or taste cookware, fried, boiled. Because he did not enter under color, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach, so we are Arahatship Admin. His practice is very large touch him often this protection in Taiwan. There are people who recognize him, but also has the virtue of not knowing Him, thus insulted him, calling him the "Asian Ocean Rising" (stupid teacher).
In this weakened his body so he only ate a little soup, but one would libel, saying that he and sink. In fact, those who do not understand and they were wrong. Eating or not eating porridge as his story, why must seek to pry him? If everyone Venerable monk as Thuy, not taking no infection, the more certain Buddhist and develop clear, Dharma will head it. He made me very happy, as are fellow co-director, with me doing so.
Not to say that all in all nice Ten Thousand Buddhas, Dharma are both. But people here are Dharma y projection that enforcement, not focused on something delicious, even beautiful, in good, they only focus on how to sustain the body of the big four is enough to live. Our necessities as France, the French Supreme taste. So every day at Ten Thousand Buddhas have preached a sermon Economics. Now they need to listen Economics diligent, devoted the Flower Adornment Sutra lecture, not lazy. The lectures are not for Master Business, that is because I hear that hear. If you know what they do not need to hear, but do not know what the whole. What I know is the World Intellectual variables, which can intelligent discernment, conversion lens reaches ordinary man. Ie Dharma School because that school alone, not because of Master or for others to learn. The'll remember, do not let the time passed in vain, and then regrets it was late.

Removal from the island of Ai German mission

Why we negativity? Because private self (selfish). Why have committed suicide? By having sexual mind to find out how to maintain it, scared it away. If it's damaged, it will generate anger. Why get angry? It is due to ignorance and erotic monster effects. Suppose, no ignorance, no affair, the angry mind will run away ten eight thousand miles away, want to make it not been for.
If there's love all for suicide. There are self-interested, then no private right of tricks towards goal, maybe even sacrifice our lives without being sorry dear. Access to education is that the root concept. If this concept does not have sex, all without self-interest investments. No suicide is no negativity.
There negativity, all have birth and death, if there is no sorrow, no birth and death. The significance of this, everyone will know, there is no practice only. Be aware that there is no sex, there is no ignorance. Bankruptcy is the legal nature of ignorance is evident. We study Buddhism, but the first is ignorance, negativity period. Used to place the fullness of liberation is attained.
Why do we not have wisdom? Because ignorance. Ignorance born education, training and self-born, slowly born afflictions. Join for which there is no negativity, the better for us not also be the cause of sorrow. Why defilement? By having atta. If the result is selfless, no negativity. If you can get to a place no ignorance, no suicide, the negativity will disappear. You believe or not believe, the reason it is so. Thien classic texts, to talk back and say just that. So no ego, breaking the ignorance, destroy the sex, there would be no suicide, no sorrow, for sorrow and can not find. Why? By roots of the problem has been resolved.
You must pay attention! In secondary education, financial, identity, name, real, Switzerland (sleep), are due to ignorance and brings affair. Without sex, you will see there is nothing critical. By having sex should not feel this good, the other is not good, what is not true, that is sexual demon hell it works. If we surrender this sexual demon, then we at home fastly Tathagata, the Tathagata in court, dressed and Tathagata Tathagata teachings.

Ignorance is the basis of birth and death
Ignorance ie greed, hatred and delusion, romantic, comfortable. In this karma stuff can make people crazy to insane.
1. Tam involved: As for the scene upon, we will start craving that can not not be. Some even want to aim for, but despite his tricks, or else they did not commit lap.
2. center field: Is the sight adversity, we will anger and temper, as not insult people who are also hit, killing even more people. It is all because of your anger monster effects, it makes people lose all reason and things will behave. People with such heart, he will not be making social security and order.
3. Tam si: As there is no wisdom, not knowing right from wrong, do not distinguish between good and evil, insanity so confused, resulting in a dishonest, creating more crime now.
4. veil: Being pushy and crushing his others. What is your self for a better, more brilliant people. First high tribute acts this conceit is of cavalry, we should not have.
5. Centre Facilities: As for heart regeneration righteousness skeptical, do not believe anyone's words. People with psychological stuff is so unusual, is wrong for lowering your self.
In psychology this kind are not normal, are due to the staff ignorance leads to. The practice is bound to destroy ignorance, do not let it cause waves into endless calamity so.
Ignorance makes the ordinary man only known to use the sexual stuff. They think that the love affair is in fact the world, so far they can not leave and could not bear to let it go. So they stick with continental relatives of a confusion that had not let go. Then they created so much confusion between good and evil, they do not distinguish between pollution and purity. Lifetimes, they just turned around in the cycle of birth and rebirth, never stopped permanently. So say ignorance is the basis of birth and death.
The second practice with little trouble that weighed in mind, so they are easy to be pure, and freed all birth and death. If not sever ignorance, we will forever govern it, then to hell, running up the mountain training, or in a pan of boiling oil. At that time, we will regret why he initially refused to practice diligently. But unfortunately, has no longer keep up.
I would recommend that you practice for timely, thought not to date a long time that appointment, appointment options.
German silver has said: "Do not wait for old Chela, very lonely grave young man." school director one day near the Pure Land is a little bit more. So little by little, you will reach the Pureland. If you are not diligent spiritual advancement that wants to Pure Land, where they will not come! Work on life, even if we have to do to waste time, eventually no benefit whatsoever. But only religious practice is not wasted time. If you cultivate a minute, then a minute benefit. So said: "Consolidation of sand into the tower," that is, step by step, each step forward constantly, naturally you are going to get to the other side.


Mouth Babysitter Bathroom

Germany have a saying: "Good and evil things carefully directed, tu tu purpose, create landing creation" (both good and evil path, path creation and path). This is entirely plausible to say. Tu something? Tu-friendly road. Create something? Evil deeds. Compassion alert our knowledge never bored, there are foolish things we do not know the right head teacher, every job we do, just do not know which side my thinking and good for others, words the other is known only create bad karma, not charity, so do not be out of the six realms of samsara.
The thought of telling us that the infinite, boundless, endless. Mindfulness is running to heaven, then hell concept. Delusions of good news under the heaven, the evil delusions belong in hell, so our every move, a word do a job, always be careful, each time at every pay attention, pay attention everywhere, inside and outside as one.
The actions that look very good, but inside they are full of that idea, that does not bring results. To do so in as an external, not chasing new delusion. There are people in the center is full of delusion, outsiders think no one knows, and so on everyday delusions, until brought down to hell, I myself do not know why the hell. The category was so pitiful!
We are practicing, to keep your mouth in general. Meeting them at the same place, to prevent the non-story. There are even saying of "general merchandise export, import and export accomplice disease." That is by word of mouth painting by uttering, as well as from oral diseases brought on. We should not say that the top three, tried to avoid fuss about, keep your mouth closed is better than both. And a question: "non-market or open mouth just because these impurities are forced out by the head." Lifehacker is a bathroom, sitting alone means we must be careful precautions mind, do not follow that idea, especially the idea of ​​lust. The ordained as pay special attention, careful management of the mind, not the useless thoughts harassed.
Hope everyone thought they had, but when the delusion began, we have applied the approach to control, not the illusion storm. The way it is or we recite the Buddha, or our mantras, meditation or fake, Bai, short for something else to do, so mentally focused again there would be no delusion.
A practitioner must first break the door lust. If it is not broke no hope of successful practice. All day the mind confused, crazy mind, also without success. So I really would rather you message is that we must surrender the mind. Every end is a center for sexual expression. If it is not cut through eighty eligible for eons to nothing more than cooking and sand to attempt to food, there is this old it ever.
The results you want religious holy outflows not? Then cut sexual desire, sexual cleanse their hearts, then there is little hope, if not, no hope, it is better to lay haste lest waste of time!
No matter men or women, or that the monks, monks-ni, strong-she-rules, priority-her-di, the elderly or the young kid, who said moral righteousness, we hear , who say there is no righteousness do not believe we have to have certain eye chosen method (method label scouts). Ethically, then go ahead, no retreat is ethical; choose which good, evil is modified, it is very basic perspective of the practitioner.
There are people who know their faults without modification, knowingly fudge. The class teaches people very hard, they do not afford dharma can not learn anything more. They say: "Punk trim hard, hard plaster walls with feces," if not self-help for yourself on her own, her disdain, who left her seriously, who also help me again? It is need to review carefully.



Four Commandments Teach transparent Purity Nature

Venerable Master Hsuan Hua brief lecture

Vietnamese Language Interpreter Committee of Ten Thousand Buddhas

Dare not Mind
Business Office:
Han Vietnam:   "The bad word-director Luc world beings, regardless of sex any interest, any customized rules in continuous period of birth and death."
Vietnam: "If in Luc-directed beings in the world but not lewd center would not be entrained flow continuum of birth and death." 
Teaching means:
"If being in Luc-director in the world but not lewd center would not be entrained flow continuum of birth and death."  Suppose everyone in the world, all the living beings in the six realms of heaven, realms A-tu-la, human realm, realms of hell, hungry ghost, and animal realms, are not pleased lewd, clean all educational concept, the birth and death of their line will finalize, they will no longer be customized subject to birth and death went on line continuous, uninterrupted anymore - the birth and death of their termination.
Business Office: Seoul Vietnam:  "Three-and from soot, obligation ceiling of labor, any mind except sex, inability of the ceiling."
Vietnam: "He practitioners Tam-ceiling soot to escape capital-labor, but if not abolish sex-education center, the ceiling can not out-work." 
Teaching means:
"Mr. Tam-black practitioners capital to get bare-workers."  "He" here is his only A-Nan. The Buddha said,   "Hey A-Nan! He self-adhesive force is essential to escape ceiling-labor, birth and death out, but if not abolish, the sexual center can not work out of the ceiling.  If he does not get rid lewd mind is getting rid of the ceiling -TB is not able to get the story, can not be done!   Because the stars?   Because lewd mind is 'bare' (dust), which is a kind of 'bare workers' other which!   Therefore, do not tell violated by actions, just up from his lap a lewd idea that the sex-center exists, then it is also bare-workers then, and thus he has yet to get out of it is .   So, if you want to cultivate the Path, the Buddha wanted to be enlightened, but refused to get rid of sex-center, then the story could not happen. "
Therefore, only those who are extremely ignorant just want to keep the mind just wants to be sexual enlightenment.   Thought this kind of foolish peak, and the people who brought this idea is the teacher who can hardly most chemicals, even now Shakyamuni Buddha had inflicted matter how He is in no way makes them prime Act or the securities are the results!   So, this class is the most ignorant, si The most mesmerizing!
Business Office:
Sino-Vietnamese:   "Needy majority ownership position, the Zen-out money, like any piece sex, all touch-director Ma, Ma-king superior products, intermediate products ghost-people, female-demeaning ghost."
Vietnam:  "Even if one has position, the Zen-out money, but if not end unless lewd all Morocco will touch on religion - then do upper Ma-king products, secondary products, they do ghost-people, demeaning, how ghost-woman. "
Teaching means:
"Oil has multi-position, currently Meditation money, but if not end unless lewd all Morocco will touch on religion. "  Buddha told Ananda him: "Whether you have everyone sitting meditation and wisdom is achieved realm of contempt, feeling very good, but if he does not except the sexual center, he will become Ma-king. "" Meditation does money "   that is already capable of samadhi, the government has achievements place.  
"God made ​​food, the Ma-king."  Doing drugs is the highest rank what? It is made ​​in Ma-Luc Duc Thien kingdom. "Chinese food, the ghost-people, demeaning the female ghost." average Tier ghosts What is the Roman population, ie the normal population of ghosts . lowest gambler's ghost What is religion? Being female ghost, but is incredibly beautiful but despicable. Regarding this point, people need to be cautious wisdom and intelligent people need to pay attention! Do not let yourself be hurt by his own intelligence, do not claim to be brilliant, brilliant: "The people do not understand where, only I understand! These people do not know anything, I just knows only too bright! "That nothing is secondary" sub-sub-favored position, "the limited knowledge, shallow. Yet, the "sub-sub-favored position" that your money can ruin the map you own it!                 
Business Office:
Sino-Vietnamese:   "Belgium is paying ghost, herons they own map, the taste of the Infinite Self-Directed roof."
Vietnam: "The drugs that also map them, all claiming to have accomplished martial-upper." 
Teaching means:
You see, of people have little "sub-sub-favored position" because he does not rid his mind, he said the whole sex-craving things - I love you, I love you - just like love through love and finally back into their ma always!   List ghost then what?  
"The drugs that also map them."  We did have ghost followers, who also supported them. "They all claimed to have accomplished martial-upper." ghosts themselves shamelessly, who also claiming that: "I am the Buddha! here we are supreme, supreme! " Whenever something is great, we confess that we are one. we ma but which is not subject to admits he was a ghost, but just called Buddha. Buddha, the Buddha also fake it. On this earth there is something to be both false, so the ghosts can also cause false Buddha. Yet, we do not bear false witness thing. they said that they are the real thing, and also the "heavenly galaxy unique solipsistic" (sky, under the heavens, is precious mine alone) again!                     
Business Office:
Sino-Vietnamese:  "Falling passing the post, Dharma Ending spent medium, multi-drug-test people slag world, advertising executive involved sex, Zen-tri-mode, being optimistic mantra is khanh love, loss Bodhi Highway . "
Vietnam: "After I passing, in the Dharma Ending Age will have many types of ghosts that appear large population in the world, expanding the participation workers, the self-proclaimed Good-tri-mode, making beings were laid into the tunnel affinity-biased, lost Bodhi path. " 
Teaching means:
Before passing away, Buddha Shakyamuni taught that:   "Today I was in at that time, the Ma clique-king dared not appear.   Yet, after passing me, in the Dharma Ending Age, when Buddha France is at the stage went down, then people will have more drugs that appear large in the world, expanding the participation sex. "  "dark age" is our time now.   At the time This kind ma-population was very crowded and we went everywhere lewd talk.   Regardless male or female, who also preferred lewd and also want to become a Buddha, want to be enlightened.  
How do I recognize the "ghost" of this type it?   past, I once met a no - no need to mention his name - called himself a Buddha.   When I say that he is a ghost he asked again:   "Who is the ghost?"   And I said: "He is the ghost that!"   Why do I know it?   Because he just flipped the game of magic!   expertise He spoke emotionally, love; always:   "I love everybody."   He took that as what everyone loves?   know It is not bad, not ashamed!  
Time Dharma Ending Age, magic is everywhere-people make this world as fire in attack, where the first forest fire blazing sensuality.   ignorant who follow them are played along:   "They sounded very well!   The things they say are so rational! "Especially the young, everyone felt that what they say is" congenial. "   There is a saying:  
«Along the smell of each other. »
(Xu started the same.)
This person is stinking, rotten man also, by "a group carp" to be sure the other person well, this person or that person or compliment.   Otherwise the "odor," not the same interests, they will not Mutual praise, by:  
«Other minded he would not have attempted the get together. »
(Directed disagreement incompatibility principle of Staff.)
However, if you press the same direction, the same way of thinking, there will be cases where "the blind led the blind" happen.   "blind led the blind person" means that the BLIND leading the blind blind.   shows how you have poor or not?   say that I do not want to blame anyone, but you must know that:
They filled them confused,
Teach and no one understands,
Master-side hell,
Disciple is down!
Meet again in hell, the new master-side e-filing surprised asked: "Oh, why are you here too?" De-mail response:   "Then the teacher before that. Of course, I only go to the doctors! "   It turns out that both sides do not know how to reach her ​​in there! You see poor or not?  
"Come claiming to be tri-Compassion-consciousness."  They're not shy mouth brags: "I'm up for it to teach Economics. place I went to give another lecture. I give lecture to everybody. "It's very funny!  
"Makes beings fall into love-biased tunnel, lost Bodhi path."   They make all beings are thrown into the pit and lewd stray from the path of Bodhi.   Path Bodhi has lost, is gone, then run away?   Running Hell no!   Then the master-disciple saw death looming going into the astonished:   "Why are you here so well? This is not a good place anywhere! "De-death shocked response:   "He is the one who comes first is!   then of course I had to see it, he is my master that! "   He sighed:   "Oh hello!   supposed I should not follow him, because this is a place full of anguish! "

Han Vietnam:   "As the world's religious teachings Tam-ma-place, first sex center stage, the name Tathagata, the Exalted fines, Junior decided purity foreign intelligence."
Vietnam: "So he teaches religious life Tam-ma-place method, firstly have cut lewd center. That is the first intelligent decisions about teaching the pure essence of As-Lai and the ancient Buddhas Exalted. " 
Teaching means:
The difference between "reactionary" (left) and "primary" (right) - between Ma-king and the Bodhisattva - which is very subtle; difference like?   bodhisattva of mercy and protect all beings with compassion-compassion, but absolutely no lewd lap.   Meanwhile, Ma-king for being the initiating any "love", specialized sexual talk, sexual attention, they even say that everyone lewd mind is how much heavier the fruition of enlightenment higher the stakes, and heresy was used to harm people.  
Bodhisattva is no sexual interest, they all beings for absolutely no distinction.   Having lewd ie phantom center.   center lewd No, merely pity and help all beings - that is the new realm of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas word.   Lama is scheming injured person, there greed.   Bodhisattva of compassion, there is no desire.   there is no greed ie no center lust.   therefore, in Buddhist teachings Twelve Interdependent as follows:  
Operation conditioned ignorance;
Consciousness of recurrence;
Duyen list, Sac;
Name, Type Lust Luc coast;
Enter Promotion continental coast,
Life Scoop coast;
Ai charming life;
Ai charming prime;
Prime coastal Friends,
Birth fortunate;
Existent Lao Tzu.
And, there is also disagreement between the Buddhist-Catholic sect of Ma-king in the world.  
"So he teaches religious life Tam-ma-place method, firstly have cut lewd center. Mr. taught to everyone in the world wants to professional practitioners-The-forces know that the first thing they need have to do is get rid of sex-center, sweeping sexual-concept . That is the first intelligent decisions about teaching the pure essence of As-Lai and Buddhas, World-Ton erstwhile. " This moral capital by the German As-Lai and all the Buddhas, World-Ton erstwhile teaching sure.   They made ​​very clear teachings:   "Commit to cut, eliminate sexual attention!" This is the first requisite, as amended definitely not one iota. This is moral "decision means," rather than "any definition", neither is "not certain" - not that there are no well.   lewd mind is not definitive exist.   Having lewd center will be located on the street of ghosts.   lewd If keeping mind that expect enlightenment, it will certainly become dear Ma-king!
Business Office:
Sino-Vietnamese:   "Ananda, there, any piece sex disadvantages, Zen-hypothesis, as verified periodically sandstone education component, natural lifetimes economic imperative, heat sa name only.   Ha Di?   Try non-fertilizer, sa agar to try. "
Vietnam: "Therefore, Ananda, if guys   meditation-for which no end to the mind except sex and sand, but want to cook rice, oil has spread to hundreds of thousands of lives also known as hot property.   better?   Since that is not the root of rice, which is just fine sand! "
Teaching means:
You see, the Buddha back here yet again an example billion. Buddha told Ananda him:   "Do not believe it? I will not believe he is explaining to him clearly. "   And Buddha continued: "Therefore, Ananda, if guys   meditation-for which no end to the mind except sex and sand, but want to cook rice.  That is why so, Ananda well, assuming he does not lust except the center which also meditate everyday, and practice, all he will just practice has been smuggled out. He was part of the illegal practice session ten percent, ten percent, the practice is illegal will escape a hundred parts. He wanted to meditate but refuses to let go sex-center it? He just wants to sit Zen enlightenment, the players just want to pleasure her crazy, it's like wishing for a hotel cook rice sand and so on.
He offers to cook sands, oil has spread to hundreds of thousands of lives also known as hot property.  Though he kept cooking like hundreds of thousands of lives throughout the matter, only then can call it 'hot property' that well, no use at all. better? Due pretext How? Because that is not the root of rice, which is just fine sand! Monday that he was cooked fine sand, rather than rice, not quality of raw rice! If you want to get rid off the sexual enlightenment of mind that is still similar to that wish to cook rice sands, sands desire that turned into rice. "           
When the mind is no longer sex-minister will not see male female form, no longer distinguish between his people, and did not see them-born minister, minister-old life.   Having people no sense of shame, dare saying: "I'm like that!"   corporate speak only as reliable then no.   's no evidence, how do you know that they are the people like?   If indeed you are like then you have absolutely no idea who he is someone like that is true and you also will not say:   "I stars!   I have no sexual interest! "   He has run out of education, there is no second anniversary of interpretations them.   No, that is not there.   they do not fanfare, no ads, no published reports, nor boastful:   "I'm like that!" Only a self-claiming, self-advertisement themselves have not already, so people need to pay attention to this point!  
If you truly have no sexual interest, you will:
Eyes look excellent shape, in no,
Gold earrings about life, mind or not!  

(Picture color vision, very useful internal
Hearing the ceiling Turkey, intractable mind.)
When looked at how identity formation that did not see anything inside existing headphones and soothing sounds that do not mind or do not know anything, that is was going to be a little "fire almost."   Mind must not knife action, not a single thought smoky, sex-concept entirely gone, the new is true.   If there are still times when you bowl to the women, it has not been.  
There is an enlightened one after the then-Master to tell his side knew and asked him to open the seal.   extra-monk asked:   "What He enlightened?"   He replied:   "Oh!   Before I totally understand the other, but then I learned that this master-she is a woman! "   So that now he knew that he was-her-ie monks and nuns, a woman!   monk- Side-label use for meditation Buddha said:   "Well!   indeed He then enlightened, "and immediately sealed for him:   "He was right there!"  
Surely you would think:   "Who does not know that?"   However, the unenlightened would not say that sentence.   Through enlightenment Okay, so this new disciple utters a sentence like that!   Furthermore, he can not deceive others, because of his extra-Buddha-label, he used to observe Buddhist-label and know his disciples have attained the Dao, was certified to the Admin- A-la-han, should you eat testimony, saying:   "Yes!"
Business Office:
Sino-Vietnamese:   "like walking sex itself, for outstanding results Buddha, who attained enlightenment magic, sex between the base, the sex radical, mind-map rotation, regardless of productivity.   Tathagata nirvana, enlightenment galaxies revealed ? "
Vietnam:   " He took sex-magic-body that results for the Buddha, attained though there are also magic-realization is sex-based.   Based obligation has sex, all right rotation in Tam-map, can not get out .   So Nirvana by the path of As-Lai that enlightenment? "
Teaching means:
The Buddha taught his A-Nan:   "Do you like your daughter's Ma-Sign-Aging, as it does mean not the sexual attention that even the lust of his relatives are still exist. Mr. obtain sex-body of the Buddha that demand outstanding performance, even though they have attained enlightenment magic-are also sex-based.  If you use the body to pray lewd attained the mystery of the Buddha, whether he can achieve wonderful moral matter, it is also the root problems that his lust was not cut down. Based obligation has sex, all right rotation in Tam-map, can not get out. With the original sex education, the future he will fall into a certain mind-map. ("mind-map" or "Three realms," ie three evil paths - hell, hungry ghost or animal.) Thus he could not definitively out that the three evil paths, which will undoubtedly be born as an animal body transfer, hungry ghosts, or hell. So Nirvana by the path of As-Lai that enlightenment ? Then based on what he, shifting the path to be able to show the results of the Buddhist Nirvana? "          
Business Office:
Sino-Vietnamese:   "All the grass using a mind body paragraphs, paragraphs very nature herons, u Buddhist Bodhi likely died from signing."
Vietnam: "It makes the sex of the body and mind-body all over, and nature 'end' that is no longer, if it is to achieve the results of the Buddhist Bodhi." 
Teaching means:
 "It makes the sex of the body and mind-body all over. certain he must get rid of the body and sex-sex-muscle of the heart muscle. "   "grass," which is a concept lewd smallest, most subtle.   "grass" also means ignorance, therefore, need to stop ignorance.
"And emptiness 'end' that is no longer, even understandings of nature 'end' that he should not be there anymore, so if it is to achieve the results of the Buddhist Bodhi , can feed on hope Buddha's path to enlightenment so. "
Business Office:
Han Vietnam:  "As self test theory, identity theory of Buddha; any such test theory, ie theory Three-Week."
Vietnam: "As I said this last word called Buddha said, if not say so, that is the words of Ma Three-Week." 
Teaching means:
 "As I said this last word called Buddha said, if you do not say so, that is the words of Ma Three-Week.  's words as I preach here is the real French spoken by the Buddha.   If words do not match My morality, it is said that the king of Morocco. "   "Three-Week" is Sanskrit, meaning "fake evil," evil.   Lama Three-Week ie Ma-king, the king of ghosts .  
Doing certain people to hear is all bright eyes.   blind man can not listen to Scripture, both deaf and dumb people can not come to hear Kinh.   Doing Those who come here to hear it will hear more and more intelligent, not as dense as hear.   therefore, people should now open the eyes of his true wisdom and true direction of atrial-his house to listen to in nature, not whirring search outside anymore. That's all I want to say to you today! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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