Wednesday 4 December 2013

Willow products from training.
Four all the ancient teachings of "the book was widely circulated in the Chinese people for a long time now. Spatial data is first grade school student accommodation, from small passionate study books, then set done observing many people gain benefits for the country, is well known.
Willow book cover products from train
But the real spatial data Fame not only because he is the upright position, love the people, there is much merit to the court, but above all because he spent much enthusiasm as well as his life's aspiration to Four chapters compose vignettes, now known as "The electronic document" (the commandments documents) to teach their children, then widely circulated in life, ie the "Four antediluvian catechesis" which you have on hand. 's Reading old, or what you feel in the ideas of the ancients, which in practice books, help us out evil goodness, promoting humility, repentance known bugs wrong, then get yourself the right way up is our desire to want to move your heart wants to do good to help people, to help others have a better day a boost mind power we give more to complete the book. Hope you get from many literary figures, intimates through this little book. "Four lessons of spatial data" which is the passage of four spatial data lay the Ming Dynasty, called prepositions text (text teaches ), after being handed down in folk than 5 centuries is titled Willow products from training. He took his life, a man communicating science had enough schooling, as important and special as a moral example, wisdom and sage counsel friendly to human but mostly people counseled life . This is a work of Buddhist teachings taken as a basis to develop the self-improvement, moral life and doing good to help others.

Table of Contents
LESSON ONE: learn how to NETWORK
About the author
Spatial data: their Members, effective spatial data, name Huynh, self-Wise Decree. The South River Jiang Wu, Ming Dynasty. Born in 1535, lost in 1609, at the age of 74. Living in her hometown in Zhejiang Province, Jiashan district. Investments at 16, 33, 52, earned Bachelor and PhD beans. He wrote back 4 all to teach his children to be revelation, then this is the Doctor.
Residential translator Tran Tuan Man, researcher and Buddhist teaching. Currently he is a member of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, Deputy Head of the Central Committee communications Buddhist Church of Vietnam; deputy head of the Central Cultural Buddhist Church of Vietnam, Standing Deputy Editor Editorial Secretary cum bimonthly Buddhist culture. A native of Hue, where "Buddha nature" has seeped into almost every soul. His life associated with the study of Buddhism and education. He has a life of diligence, perseverance in translation, writing and transmitting knowledge to the next generation of Buddhism him, including many monks. However, humility, reverence and closeness of his monks demonstrated through the stories and the vocative.
Or book excerpts:
"... Those methods preached repentance mistake on this chemical can improve all the mistakes of the present natural good network number can not be turned into some bad network, but the method was still not able to make some bad network, the network number is good. Because life but not any mistakes, misdeeds, but how do you know that before his death not foul misdeeds! If we sin, the life before this life but do not relapse, but sins committed in previous lives we still suffer retribution. How, then, could make "bad network" is turned into a good network? So no need for conversion of mistakes, but also need to improve achievement merit to be able to make for the sins of past lives has created minus consumption. Accumulation of good deeds, the self nhienchuyen network change bad into good network, and could also prove to be the effect of this experience. Ching said: "The family accumulate good deeds will certainly have a lot of luck and happiness". Old people who want to marry their daughter to bring conscience about the seeds so they do not have to do that at each of the one, know that their ancestors had long-standing Confucian accumulate so much merit, so guess what that their children going to college is not found (the latter fruits are natural born Confucius). Again, the hospitality Confucius pulse of King Shun was a filial supernatural. He said: "Just as the great hospitality of the king Shun not the fathers enjoyed his sacrifice which his descendants forever and keep his merit, can not be crippling." (Spring and Autumn Period Country Ceiling is transmitted to descendants from King Shun Hung is enough to prove the long-term development of the next life king Shun).
      This is preaching the right girl so convincing! Now we bring the true facts to prove that the former (the accumulation of merit of good deeds).
There has been a lack of holding, they named Vinh Vuong, who in Fujian province of Ninh architecture, much family life with career cantaloupe. There was once wet too long, filled rivers, raging water that swept away all protective dikes, drowning man floating down the stream, the other boat were rescued worry about these possessions away, only he and his grandfather was the lack of dedicated rescue people in distress floating in the water, and material resources are not recovered in seconds. The village had a chuckle that their stupidity. Until the advent Lack father, the new scene gradually get better. Once a hermit, had told his father that lack "of his grandfather and father have accumulated a lot of merit. Born descendants prospered as the largest all. Please buried his father in a certain place. " Lack father went as far as to the man that has just buried his grandfather and father. Her cheeks are white rough wood that now everyone knows. Later Lack of birth, age of 20 years to pass the examination Dr., to do with the lack of official recognition of the stairs. The king also gave grandfather, grandfather and father's lack of title as lack. Again, the children were born after the lack of fruitful unusual to have this much talent virtue.
Yang people from the Middle District of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, initially making marine mammals in the district, as the climate is extremely pedestal, allowing the country to hold a fair and worked righteousness. Now the district is a severe, frankly. Once an inmate suddenly hit the bloodshed that the district who are not appeased. Ocean from Central knelt down to ask the district think that the amount of the offender's drill. The official said: "He did not ask for but can not tolerate this does not hold offender law, ethics violations, who would not be angry for that!" Ocean from Central just put his head said: "Well! In his court could not say any thing contrary to (political evil, participation coral, fashioned kind), heart displaced people have long considered when assessing the project that examined the truth, we should be inexorable, compassion on them because they do not know the reasons that reveal past legal problems. If questioning the true crime is not so excited. (For everyone, I am afraid that joy skim, turn out wrong. If anger is fear that prisoners will not bear the beating, reluctant to plead guilty, make it easy to be unjust). Glad that was not so, how much more angry! "The district is very moving listening, calm face regained its color, not even angry anymore!
Talking about his family situation Ocean from the egg, then the very poor, but the poor but for whoever else, he will not be getting roughly confirmed. Prisoners faced starvation, he sought to bring rice to help them. One day, a few new prisoners had not eaten anything, was starving. His house is at the rice shortage. If you take some rice for the prisoner, the family had nothing to eat. If the rice for the family to eat, where were all the other prisoners were hungry pitiful. There is no other way, he discussed with his wife, the couple brought little remaining rice porridge that give those new to prison. Later, the couple had two sons, the older name Tran is prime, the child's name Prime Directive, as officials with the North South Corridor charity. Great grandchildren Thi Lang holds Fig. Ministry, small grandchildren Sichuan origin are also police officers companies. Two children and two grandchildren are parts list, there are now two became known as the Department of Families, the German Government, are descendants of the Ocean from the egg.
In the past in Orthodox life Minh Anh Tong is a general banditry templates created seditious Loss in Fujian follow him to the very east of treason. The king called the district office pajamas using simple Truong Milky eliminate them. Constitution that field (use their pajamas School) caught Deng attempted to use real blood. Regarding the current school after they're sent a holding Company of Fujian Province Declared heart began to libel the enemy they left, everyone who is arrested is immediately killed (but Nicholas refused due to the random killing, fear of killing the wrong person ). Ta due to the search list where followers enemy, when the investigation are those who do not follow the enemy, not on the list, found underground them a small white cloth flag and the military covenant that go access find us on that day to the enemy, they must bring the flag's white cotton plug in their homes (expressed here are the people that clean). He left the military ban not be killed indiscriminately. Because he was such arrangements should prevent some people from being killed off to make love than a thousand. Later, the son of Nicholas Tse is due to the passing tests Trang Nguyen, to function as prime minister, he is the grandson Nicholas Africa, implement disaster (Dr. third name).
Their house in Lam Bo Dien District, Fujian Province, in the face of the upper row has a particular affinity for her charity work. She often took rice flour and baking food to the poor. Just ask her one instant to the right, countenance such a little express any sadness. There is first author of a hermit, every day early in the morning to ask her to six, seven loaves peeling. The woman will give him bread every day, just like three years continuously without tiring boredom. The new first understand the sincerity of her good deeds should tell her: "I ate her grain was three years, know how to repay? Well that, behind her home to have a place to land, if it is buried in some children would be deprived of the much cited by the match also here for you ". She later lost tools, sons bury her in the first place that told land. Descendant of the best opponent they have passed the nine academics, about life after life after all and that, a lot of people are doing the unspeakable. Hence the Fujian province have oral statement that: "If there are some who do not go up the results table" (referring to the very east Lin exam, so to have passed his examination to the listing Matriculation board, the board can not can not can not name who they Lam, Lam shows that they have achieved a lot of fame).
Father of the Thai Phung use compassion when he was at the Baccalaureate schools in the district, go to school at a very early morning winter cold. On the way he saw a man falling on the snow. He touched him on the arm that was half dry, the lakes are about to freeze to death. He first birth took off his leather jacket he wore that dress for him and bring him home to study for the province. After the rescue, he dreamed that an angel to tell him that: "He has saved a life, heart, mind entirely into that research, so we will send South America reincarnated into his house but as his son. " An introduction to the Trac, dubbed South America (South America because he is the first born).
Taizhou in Zhejiang province, is a Buddhist monk letter Ung Dai Du, at a young age, studying in the mountains. Night demons gather, and screamed to scare people, only he is not afraid. One night, he heard the devil says: "There's a woman, her husband was away from home for long did not return, his parents said I could have died so pressed her to marry another picture, but she wants more players, They would not, so tomorrow night she will be hanged in this place, that is who we are and how the body "(as many people hanging dead without a body is not the way that what is conceived, for so called demon prince). Application Technology shall say that (the heart wants to save people) sneaked in his field immediately took to buy four silver, and immediately wrote a letter pretending to be a letter from her husband's side, in a letter written on that silver posts. Parents see her husband go yonder letter, handwriting does not resemble that of their children, so it is suspected that fake letter. But then they think: Letters may be fake, but they can not fake silver! It is very certain that the peace to be able to send money to, he's not the other side pressed again marries another. Later, their son back. The couple were reunited, living together long-lasting, happy as newlyweds in this.
The devil heard Ung said: "We have traditionally been able to find guys like yourself, do not expect this to be another name Baccalaureate spoiling the". Another demon said, "Then why are you not to hurt him?" The devil he replied, "Because the heart is good, sound ethics should have sent him as God Emperor Superior sound moral message, which caused us how he was ? "technology adoption two demons as he said so strenuously trying to do good work, day by day, more and more merit increase. Meet crop year he will bring the rice research. Meet at risk relative difficulty turning, he decided to find enough ways to help them through difficult episodes. Encounter savages do not know the reason or not as attention, he will reflect, self-reproach guilty, peace and calm that receives events (such as the Ying Cong). So his descendants are career positions, to this day there are still so many people!
In Jiangsu Province districts enjoy Mr. From Phuong Truc, which is very rich parents. Suddenly he met in crop fields off all the tax collector to set an example for those fields in the district, and he split some rice, of which he had to help the poor. One day, at night he heard the door knelt down to that: "Thousands of times do not lie, do not lie thousand times; Baccalaureate them from going home as the Bachelor." Demons that populate so they constantly cry night after endless night. From that year Truc Phuong Huong exam, results bachelor degree course. His father was so delighted that more and more effort to do good works, merit accumulated fatigue did not know. At the same time also fix the bridge, up the road, making the road Vegetarian offerings are ordained; meet food shortages are also lacking even help them; meet somewhere convenient facilities can do something to help others, are also specific wholeheartedly. Then from the drive shaft to the front door gnhe knelt down and said "do not lie a thousand times, ten thousand times does not lie Bachelor them from doing that service to Sugar! "Ultimately, Truc Phuong From Philosophy to wage civil Dance Week (Week arms of both provinces Philosophy Philosophy East and West).
Jiaxing in Zhejiang Province have their furniture, Kangxi name, initially as an agency in the Ministry of Fig. Night stay in jail, he questioned the prisoner carefully, resulting in detection of many people unjust. However, the curvature may not perceive themselves as successful, he brought this secret dispatches written notice to the said Road tights. Then comes the moment of the evaluation, the Road tights select the important points in the text of curvature that was interrogating prisoners (the real criminals are clearly open to the street, no one is not impressed). Therefore, the release line ten prisoners which was unjust but because of unbearable torture had to plead guilty. Then the people in the city are praising the Supreme letter of Punishments are wise to be careful. Then the curvature also sent a document to the Road: "At the foot of meditation death but also how many people were undeservedly so much more around the country so wide, tens of thousands of people who I not been penalized or why? So every five years, an official should be sent to the provinces to Reduce picture carefully examined the situation of the prisoners guilty. If anyone actually guilty of the crime, the need to be fair, if someone is clearly unjust, it should be re-examined that mitigate the crime or release them. " Letters to the Gratuity said before the king, the king accepted the curvature measures proposed, the Agency the right shape to reduce the province massacre, in which also the curvature. One night, he dreamed that an angel to announce that: "The number of children who did not spare his life, but because he has proposed reducing the figure to the right of prisoners to feel the sky so the heavens and gave him three sons after This will make the big, wear purple, gold studded belt carry. " That night, his wife pregnant, the three boys were born after the application Ton-smart, application last week course, all the great work.
At their tastes Bao Jiaxing, By name, credit performance. Father of the Thai capital this Chizhou Anhui Province, was born seven children, the youngest ice storm. Members Covered By their man in Pinghu County to make law. He studied high finance but wide parking enforcement forever. Therefore, he focused academic study two things, Buddhism and Taoism. One day he went to the east, to the Rabbit Lake excursions, to a temple in the countryside, ('s because rooms were damaged monasteries) saw the statue of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in the sky, rain is wet, he took off the purse strings, there are ten ounces of silver, came over to the temple abbot to repair the monastery premises. The monk told him of the great temple which fix some little money, not enough can not be completed. So he brought four cloth production in Songjiang, chosen in bamboo boxes that delivered seven costumes for Sayadaws all. Seven types of costumes are new, dual-woven hemp clothing, the people told him not to anymore. But Sacks By saying: "Essence of that statue of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is peaceful, rain soaked, we were not even to the ceiling, the body of the recipe, it is not in a relationship?" Monk heard this the watery eyes that said, "Silver Level, clothing, fabric is not difficult thing, only a sincere heart like that easy to get?". Then Premises remodeling job done, he gave himself the father came to the Buddha, to stay in the temple. Covered By dreamed guardian deities in the temple to thank him and said: "He has done all this merit, the children of his generation, debt collectors enjoy the life and fortune". Later his son, typhoons, his nephew birthing method will pass the examination and the great Dr. ... " END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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