Wednesday 18 December 2013

On chickened Amitabha Buddha originated from?
.... But perhaps the most special Christmas story of the Buddha A-Di-Da in the Song Dynasty, China, he appeared as a case-sensitive named Vinh-Ming Zen Master, transparent communication of religion, ngoThien-body thoroughly, but paddle propagate the Pure-level, is the sixth of Pure DoTong Vito.
   According to Lord Buddha SuThich-Ca Mau Ni-Buddha taught in business Amitabha, the world's Ms. I-10 we want to inhibit buddhafields very far west, there is a world called Ultimate Bliss, Buddha teachers who have the realms that A-Di-Da Buddha is preaching the birth
    Amitabha Buddha is a chapel chutren communications realm, not with dread merit, vows huge, open technical means, the beings who brought her out I veTinh degrees.
     In Beijing, there is no talk of his birth to the story that has circulated is as follows:
    At one time, the Buddha A-Di-Da Tang thihien to do a case-sensitive name is Thien Dao Grand Master, propagate the Pure Land teaching the Buddha who specializes in globalization birth anniversary vecoi-The West Pole-Lac, and he is also second in the Pure DoTong Vito.
Once on the other side of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, he embodies as a viDai-suten France Screening, Mora "NguHoi Dao Trang" donguoi veCuc Us, later enshrined as viToThu IV of the Pure.
    But perhaps the most special Christmas story of the Buddha A-Di-Da in the Song Dynasty, China, he appeared as a case-sensitive named Vinh-Ming Zen Master, transparent communication of religion, ngoThien-body thoroughly, but paddle propagate the Pure-level, is the sixth of Pure DoTong Vito.
   Sanctuary Master, tuXung Huyen, the Song Dynasty, the son of Wang oTien Road. Early youth, he preferred chant the Lotus Sutra, the feeling goats knelt before the Great listening experience.
   Growing up, the Van Huyen Pulse Section United recruit, oversee the work of the tax agency. Many times he took public money to buy the West Lake fish outcompeting free birth. The discovered, biPhap appraisal company, xungai on capital punishment. Now about to give away the guillotine, United Van Section secrets to spy out, if he calmly beauty, not showing fear of sadness, it must be brought back vetrinh. Seeing him before then still an omen. Heralds of excellence awarded only for the plunge, and is lead vedien king. When King asked the cause, he replied: "I am of the tudung, deserve to die., But that whole amount, I want to save memory used to purchase the life, death, even this body, is also the realm rebirth Federal , so I'm not worried. " United Van Section touching heard, ordered acquittal. His application for renunciation, Wang consent.
    Then he refuge with Thuy Minh City Longyan suoTu meditation. Kel who attends school with Akatsuki oThien Thai Quoc Su, show enlightened mind is weak, National Suan ability, he studied French ochua Continental United Nations Thanh. During meditation that Chenrezik BoTat sprinkle nectar in their mouths, eloquence manuscript was very afraid. Given sufficient specialized chuveThien prayer or wish that Pure undecided, he's monastery Chih Chih, doing two lucky losers: one is the easiest meditation center, leaves the other is: Pure Dignified. LeTam recount Security card, penance, begging to be. When drawn, are always seven times to the Pure Leaf Adornment. From here he tu veTinh agreement now.
    In Monday Kien Long Song Dynasty. The King invited his Chinese Pagoda Vinh Minh, religious teacher performance is perception. He's here fifteen years ago, the one thousand seven hundred viTang. Master set of keys, each train one day eight hundred and two special things in it, is reciting a French bokinh Chinese, Buddhist concept of effective sentence of ten want. At night when he passed another mountain Gross Buddha, who heard the speaker Ogan same natural law insinuating melodic music. About the Lotus Sutra, reciting his lifetime wish to be a three thousand feet. BoTat ambassador ordain, buy fish bird free birth, visa demon, all virtues are cacong veTinh the dedication. He had a hundred books trutac Landscape Tong Lu, mobile social animals only three tones: Hoa Nghiem, France, and Consciousness States.
   According to legend, during the Vietnam Ngo Vuong in Hangzhou from Venerable, abbot of French General. His home hoTran oTuyen human capital Male, born with a strange generals, two ear to shoulder-length, seven year old still not talking. One day, someone jokingly asked, his voice suddenly meet the "if not met grade author, said that much smoke just shove down the stairs alone."
    After he was ordained in the temple Crouching at Kim Lang Quan, involved interviews with teacher Xuefeng, ngoduoc press center. From that beast master met him, he was known to often increase more suphi, fled. There is a great virtue to ask: "do we mean by long ears?" He did not respond, chikeo term which denotes the ears. Another question: "Is it difficult mountain to the south reasonable"? ". He answered:" Only in ever go to. "Question:" After how come?. A: "A lie their mountaintops."
    Vietnam's Ngo Vuong Buddhist ceremony at the temple, he asked Vinh Minh City: "religious faith Bach! Nowadays there are other reasonable steps Increased foot?" Master replied: "It Venerable from, long ears, Dinh Quang Buddhist is that the body". United look to him from bowed respectfully, is honored Dinh Quang As hybrid was born. He said: "Vinh Minh City University professor said so many clever. He is also the body of Amitabha Buddha that". Saying so, sit and chemistry. Vietnam Vuong Ngo rushed back to the cottage Ming pagoda Vinh question of all, the Master also has thitich.
    Therefore, another contemporary communication: Vinh Minh City University Sula Amitabha chemical applications. Increase in new customers and keep taking the Master fete November 17 is the feast celebrating chickened Amitabha. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY =THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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