Wednesday 25 December 2013

Admission martyrdom Basic French.
In Buddhist exoteric and esoteric. Ie exoteric teachings appear intelligent, whom Bodhisattva mind, the supreme spiritual advancement can become a Buddha. Tantric teachings are secret, tell me then I do not know, tell me he does not know, he and I did not know each other. Exoteric policy is intelligent nature center, tantric Buddhism advocates the immediate relatives. In general, previous life we ​​used to sow good base to have a chance in this life Dharma. This lifetime of practice, hoping to reach the afterlife prayer.
In exoteric be divided into Mahayana and Theravada. Theravada is also known as the Second surpluses back into the excess and surplus Pratyekabuddha. Mahayana is the Bodhisattva of excess. This would introduce a summary of the law of succession to practice your new reference.
I. France's word to every enlightened.
Documented, this means that hear the word preached the word of the Buddha Shakyamuni words to that enlightened approach (bar the vocal writing is heard). Documented or A-la-han, four fruition. The first is the fruition of a-la-han, this result is either the exception of the three worlds, entering "identity of saints French accent, contrary to the ordinary course of the hearing record," This must also be born seven times e again.
The second result a-la-drought they have ants or sections of three worlds, also are six product segments except the first of the three worlds or private. This birth and death suffered two more times, once being in the heavens, the earth once.
Third result is a-la-drought cut through three of the products after the investment or sexuality, and still birth and death once again, but not on the floor sensuous being is born into the floor or gender identity formless.
By mail, the a-la-drought rid of all investment products or eighty one of the three worlds, no more birth and death; strictly speaking is not fragmented birth, but remain in the birth and death epidemic development.
Every bar text but called gnostic, gnosis but also different types of worm farm, there is no kind of ultimate ultimate kind, ie uneven level. Checkout the practice of writing is hard, set, kill, director. Shop for all the suffering, the suffering. Divided into three size bowls suffering and pain. Their practice is the practice, destroy tombs, religious guidance (paragraph habits, Nirvana admired and spiritual advancement). These three elements are closely related, as it engenders suffering affliction and sorrow must be eradicated. How to get rid? Ants or delegation, investment or long affliction and accumulate. Must be legal Nirvana fans, which is usually four of its nature, Us, Falling, Pure (Nirvana from Germany). From terminal afflictions of birth and death through the course to the other side, is a process of practice leading thirty seven new products successfully. In this way the Eightfold Path, including:
right view,
right thought,
Right Speech,
right action,
Right Concentration,
The general approach for both the Theravada General.
II. French restaurant in Blue Cross II karmic-chi Buddhist.
-Buddha-Cliff is along two types of sensory and sensory Coast. When the Buddha does not appear, there people themselves enlightened, deep mountain cave deep in places still is sitting, watching flowers bloom spring, fall leaves fall see that enlightenment, this kind of feeling known to be toxic. When that comes, someone's delicate coastal tower that enlightenment, then this kind is called Pratyekabuddha. The first is consistent ignorance. What is ignorance? Is something not clear, said the documents seemed a little foolish, but frankly it's original lewd mind, the mind makes son for daughter, son, daughter. Ask him, ask why you want to do so, or meet that I saw her beautiful or handsome he replied. Another question asked why she (he) did, so cute she (he) was in place? Badgering, she or he will not know. Did not know, but try to run, it is ignorance, a bizarre, nobody understand. No one has to understand that why pullovers on. Why is that? Because man is born out of lust for life, must die so sensual, true to the saying:
Born spending fell subjects self protection
Technical Proceedings fish poisoning fish bowl?
Setting drought drove slowly salary
The Buddha factor by factor group.
Translated means: we Doors in my life is out of my life, those who live the province, few people realize? Who is perfect droughts night thinking, the Buddha or Patriarch is also the whole (who made).
Sensei Buddha or practice but also from the city. Who are born, how they die so well. There voluntarily severed reincarnation, birth and death not voluntarily end street, on the contrary, may follow the course upon which life flows, not willingly go against the current birth and death, so new ignorance.
After the ignorant behavior. What behavior? As for the behavior of male and female. By not wise to create now, and crazy. From the crazy behavior should arise, then the behavior emitted informal parties. There awake (the father crystals forming fetal maternal blood) then name, identity (name of psychology, physiology of color). After mentality has entered record (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind). There are six bases full, ten months after the birth, and from this time exposure - the feeling of exposure, can distinguish between cold, hot, hard, soft. Emotional effects caused territory, and territory in pleasure upon the scene, if adversity caused the suffering, so at times, depending on circumstances which have feelings of love and hate. There will center territory and loving heart. Does anyone have interest than he possessed for his privacy. People craving wealth, female identity, new desires. There will earn interest income loving every way to get the (manual), make your own, that is useful. Since the purpose is to reach for the tendency to not give up any means, so that now form the three impure, ie the industry body, speech and mind.
By creating sentient life now should have results next life, then to old age, death and so on beings that continue to flow can not stop, no way out of the cycle of rebirth. Want overcome birth and death, first to get rid of ignorance. Solving ignorance is no longer something that engenders a causal after another ten, which is the true method to get rid of birth and death.
The practice must be eradicated and sexual desire, can settle his birth and death, if not, the best practice for future life will not be freed. Breaking away roots ignorance, then get rid of lust, when it no longer desires, not negativity, it's liberating.
Reading through the senses, a practitioner must live alone, do not have friends, the friends party. There's a saying: "Scan all legal, all glass minister," everything shatter all attachments, can be liberating. If a monk but also afraid of solitude, they are not religious. Martyrdom must pick ourselves up, not according to the people, that is the identity of the practitioner.
The practitioner must carefully remember, can not mix with the contaminated element, mixed brass to gold, so it only made her sink. The practitioner must also resolve themselves on their own, the person who eats it, do not rely on others. Of course, the practitioner should also have good knowledge enlighten, leads us to the right path, if not the blind leading the blind, not find a way.
A practitioner must know the hard ring ring, giving others what others do not give it, eat things other people can not eat, even things others do not want to wear, in short, the practitioner must try to endure the What other people unbearable. The religious precepts must keep orderly, if there is not such a religious person.
III. France From that moment of the Bodhisattva.
The word is Sanskrit Bodhisattva, saying enough is slap-DOA Bodhi, translated meaning or sense sentient beings sense. Enlightenment is enlightenment, sentient beings are, so the word means enlightenment on all sentient beings, and there is a further means of enlightened beings. Sentient beings attain enlightenment, then use the wisdom of all enlightened beings to enlightenment and this is also the meaning of the sense of ownership.
Bodhisattva is self-tha advantages and freedom of forgiveness, self-aware sense of forgiveness, meaning that its benefit interests, of the people themselves, for their enlightenment for enlightenment. I was lucid, clear lead others, he has been freed, vows to lead others to liberation. It is the bodhisattva spirit. Mind Bodhisattva, the amount of open, unlike A-line minds of Arhat, as in the sentence: "Ma-ha-tha slap estate management, Di-kick of the incident," Ma-ha- wore slap, kick and Di-wear. Mind of the Bodhisattva of compassion, "ungainly pronoun, and be of great compassion," a worrying beings, not worry about how boring all beings be peaceful-suffering yoke.
Regardless of any religious practice, we need to use the honest, eager not to go off, go fast, so try to choose the way or, for ease, it acts just gimmicks. The tu tu real need, not practice today, leave tomorrow, never accomplishing nothing, but day to day business use, every effort everyday, in order to get new results. Speaking to right, on the day of, but did not necessarily progress is guaranteed. They say: "Tu as published guidance department can chain, stopped down past anomalies nan," a practitioner like climbing high poles hundred yards, then go down easy, new hard up.
What continent is called the?
Giving the visits, the morality foul, the angry patient, diligent the lazy, the distracted meditation, the foolish wisdom. All that anyone found Bodhi mind, practice their religion Bodhisattva must cultivate these six disciplines, when the fullness of the faith to the other side (original shore).
1. Giving: Take the money and then called the legal alms. Giving three types: one is financing candidates, two are executive candidates, three candidates are fearless. Resources remaining contestants divided into internal and external. Mentioned in the beginning, eyes, brain, marrow. Foreign financing is castle country and his wife and children. As his body, any part of the body, provide for those who need to, his country, his pretty wife, her children, and carry out alms to others, and give internal resources, external User also removed, so called foot alms. Legs give alms are the ones that create their own good merits, known as "rejoicing in the faith," which is financial giving.
France pilot was Buddhadharma bring alms, as the sermon teaching experience, in trade, circulating books, translated texts, the same kind of merit. As we pray for peace, if not lazy, they may take legal alms. If not enough energy for the wisdom, we take the labor out of generosity, like giving power to help people do desperate things, so it is considered experimental approach. In summary, there is money, money help, have the strength to help with strength, to devote a portion of their contribution to the overall development of Buddhism.
Fearless pilot is to help those who are in situations or fear, or urgent circumstances, eat sleep no peace. Then it is necessary to help them figure out how to light the path, making them out of fear, maybe with comforting words, or by the direct intervention to resolve problems caused fear.
Knowing alms ie no fraud is greed lan.Tham pull you, do not dare let go of something. It said: "There has discharged it, no discharge no." You let the world see how many rich people, how many tycoons, because they have so much money? Because a previous life they are giving, helping others in the midst of poverty, this should accumulate merit in their present life, enjoy wealth.
When old, Patriarch Dai Ca-lettuce, whenever alms to the poor so often alms. What reason? Sensei said: "For the poor, they need to teach the practice of giving. Give them a chance sown in the field blessing (blessing) from the government to the next life they enjoy rich retribution." The venerable Tu-Bodhi moved to the rich for alms begging for food every time. Why? The venerable reason as follows: "For the rich, how can we help them to continue to sow good base. If not so, their blessings will fall away and the next will suffer from poverty. If they still worship Three Jewels, the blessings they will not go away forever. " The two venerable mentioned, each of a different mind, as each person has a personal approach to teaching chemical beings. In short, when there is no immediate intention is nothing for her legs giving.
2. Morality: The decision to strictly religious precepts. About the five precepts:
No killing. killing people is not retribution for longevity, less sickness.
Do not steal. stole you not in others, then others will not steal your toys. This is the law of cause and effect repayment.
Office-specific Bodhisattva-monk-profit have a pair of shoes, a Bodhisattva day telling people as follows: "From the countless lives, of whom we have never taken a grass, a tree, a tree needle, a thread. therefore, we have no one else to touch. If not believe we let this pair of shoes outside the gates of the city, within three days, if someone stole this will prove we say lie. " Sure enough, three days later, still be there shoes outside the door. Thus, we see the morality of the bodhisattva thieves know that seems certain purity!
Do not commit adultery. religious person can not recite adultery, sexual immorality that is the idea. If you have little concept of sexual immorality never addressed beyond the three worlds, still must flow again and again in samsara, because the concept of lust is the root of birth and death. If you cut through it, they can out of the three worlds which Buddha attained. So religious people have cut out certain sexual ideas. How do I stop it? First things not to eat nutrient rich, by reason religious obligations body does not lack nutrients, so no need to gather more nutrients enter again. Eat more, feel more sexual, more nutrients, ie, the idea being lewd. Want it do not mean sexual abstinence to food issues, not gluttonous appetite, no desire to eat more, how to practice enough to maintain the life is okay, that is the secret of the practice. If not, we bring delicacies including two brightly painted temples to worship for the organs, then this is the graphic results presented lead to breaking of lust.
Do not lie. Did not say out loud, if say the right words to say, say absolutely not deceive people. No matter in what circumstances we must say honestly, often control their speech, so do not lie.
Do not drink. religious person can not drink alcohol (including poisons, drugs, tobacco). The reason is that alcohol causes the loss of reason, making it uncontrollable emotions, creating crazy now. Toxic drugs have the effect of making vague mind, ie Politically right view. That is the harm of alcohol and tobacco.
Ten Thousand Buddhas is a place devoted many means by which a practitioner. Without greed there would be no suffering. Without competition, avoidance, competitive advantage, competition, competitive excellence, not painting anything, there will be no sorrow. If not demand, not demand anything, there would be no delusion. Human desire never to stop, as much as demand. If they have attained a "no bridge not worry," they said as long as the peace! as in the sentence: "Self-food humanitarian high demand." If not suicide, care for their own, any action is also concern for other people. If not suicide, then all things are towards the interests of the people, not for their benefit, and use the same to spiritual advancement, the future will witness the Buddhahood.
You must follow the law that the religious use! Do not remove the original under the hills, run away for, what does security measures Dhamma. The more you search the more distant approach, meaning "child maintenance apostasy," that running backs with the director. France was in front of her, all you have left the galaxy close to running for the remote? If the right to know that, somewhere, is always true Dhamma, as well as security measures. If you do not have to practice, then search everywhere despite not get legal leg, just a waste of time that does not bring anything useful.
Germany says:
Human body metal spokes prime prime reason
Dharma metal spokes course text documents
Try yourself any direction the needle birth
How to test the relative direction of galaxies born?
Translation is:
This body has been difficult.
Dharma is difficult to hear, hear this.
This life do not worry this degree relatives.
So does the new life of this body?
Now we have the body, if not this body that cultivates waiting until now? Wait until life took human body, then it was late and wanted to practice. We must cultivate true, strictly religious, with all the passionate attachment, mood expeditiously as possible to the bottom of the body, such as the center of the probe who step foot on thin ice. Birth and death are not in another where there time for sleep laziness, when not enlightened then anyone has the right not arbitrarily loose, remove all regulated. There precepts that is contrary to the statutes of the Buddha. When preparing to Nirvana, the Buddha told his disciples as follows:
"After we enter nirvana, all my disciples must get Balaam to hook-delete (ie sex) as his teacher."
If not strictly the precepts do get the achievement! We decided to keep orderly circle every hour every moment, smiled and said can not talk, can not negligent behavior, much less arbitrarily, making it the first third, to take the world as his mentor.
The general business life makes you evil morality is not. No precepts things are not words, not afraid of cause and effect, not fear retribution. Even that is not causal retributive have so spoiled bohemian bright thing to do, creating bad karma, as arbitrary killing, robbery, adultery, lying, drinking, not all of them hitting make up how much crime now, finally overpaid retribution.
Why do people create bad karma? Because the induction of society in the shell meretricious appearance. People found wealth, enjoy life, and he being greedy desires. Do you know where that wealth is created by the practice of people that have, and are not subject to religious people, do not sow good base, just a thought stirring hearts want to enjoy. From the desire of enjoyment should not from a gimmick to get, so now that engenders crime. After dealing now, they not only do not enjoy anything but overpaid retribution, retribution even if that still does not know remorse. No shame center has had, also brought resentment and blame the sun, it does not say how unfair, how unjust people, pour out the top of the sins of others. What kind of person do not know reflection, not knowing his review, pitiful mercy!
The discipline is "any word evil work, we improve liturgy out," there are people who do not go against morality. Good and evil are in there. Tubers break rules, get rid of cause and effect, does not believe the Three Jewels, Mahayana vandalism - crimes that are now caused by not morality. So, we see that morality is as important as how. The practice, no matter how religious, if not morality, the long table, so there is hope for enlightenment is.
3. Patience: At any time, in any place, must hold patience. For anyone, about anything, is to be patient. Patience means not anger, not consciousness of defilements. No matter what the situation, no attachment to keep your mind and agree with nature.
Rings come in three varieties:
Born rings: Whether or adversity encountered upon the scene, nor at any time the center. So thanks to the force. If the level reaches such as real estate, willow willow often intelligent, sophisticated, the patient has to be reconciled batch status bar (fireplace that Aaron Green).
France ring: Learning Dhamma must have patience. Had not heard the Dharma very wide but complained dharma wide as the sea, the new way to finish school? And because of that deterred nor shall any law school. In fact, not counting practice more or less, let us be patient, keep learning slowly. "France vows countless school subjects," so there! Do not think that there are three organs classic twelve sectors, including the practice of the eighty-four thousand, and from there it does not learn the method, giving up the chance to become a Buddha. This is the expression of interest does not have a legal entity. True to the spirit of the following: No matter disciplines have more or less, can learn how much they learned this much, can understand that as long as they understand them, but according to my best, do not do a reluctance. No one told us to learn all, no one told me to understand, so there is nothing to fear but fear? If such learning, give way to orange center mercilessly sink the truth is rather very unfortunate!
Legal unborn rings: There is no method of birth, did not see the ending, in the center ring, the heartless scene, the heartless law, ie legal evidence unborn ring. France is not bear not kill, kill the Buddha was not born there. We train it to fulfillment, to be freed, that is the place not bear not kill, so that needs to cultivate patience. Disciplines patience to meticulously testing my patience is. A practitioner must not only have the ability to ring, but also in the situation can not endure, but also endure being, that's called patience foot.
4. Effort: That is not lazy, not laziness. A practitioner must constantly be diligent, every moment and every hour of work. On diligent, diligent and night, night and day are six times diligently. Body diligence, attention and effort, absolutely not lazy, nor when it is energetically when depressed.
The majority of the world will not have a positive spirit, often to waste time. Each individual, from early morning, starting from the moment you wake up, have all sudden up and down for the evening, reinforcing concern for all three meals. If only that life is not worth how much, the meaning of life is nothing, life and death is nothing to distinguish. It is true that "humiliating pipe enforced," just a pile of meat to go back and see. You try to think! We live for what? To use our wisdom help those who do not have wisdom; taken our effort to help those who have no power; take full six bases we help those who incompleteness six bases. We do not have to trade our fellow beings, and beings not to hurt the same category. We lucid before, to those who are not teachers of wisdom, so that they do not do things ambiguous. To serve the beings that we live in the world. Oh! That spirit is a great result!
Mind diligently, to demand Buddhist; themselves diligently to save sentient beings. A practitioner must diligently so there! And as diligent disciple, diligent self-interest, can not be a Buddhist. You remember carefully! Unable to arbitrary elapsed time a tasteless way, it should not have to admit guilt and that we can not reach the target, but to understand the meaning: "a portion farmed, partly gained by. "
The practice is not discussed comfort, not talking about enjoyment, only a religious minded brave, diligent, for whom also extremely positive, never proved negative. Also not enjoy exploration, which ought to bear hardships, because Buddhism efforts. Therefore, Gold Mountain Monastery is one refrigerator, Ten Thousand Buddhas is a tape storage. Refrigerators are small, the largest ice warehouses. Practice in tape storage, rekindle the spirit, leading people, not lagging behind. If at ashrams that laziness is how much merit consumed. Wrong knowledge is something wrong sin, knows his wrong but also find a way to justify the fact that a thing can not be tolerated. Her rule wrong just because of lack of effort, how much precious time has turned out to be used to feed the delusion!
Diligent, which says you can not eat for the effort. When the food people eat more when they do lose work everyone! Diligent here, not sure you sleep for effort. It is not going to bed, before you went to bed, woke up one, you finally woke up! Also not sure the name you diligent, diligent bridge benefit. Diligent effort is truly mind has great Bodhi, directed effort towards supreme Bodhi. You must diligently for the right place, do not be arbitrary but diligent something good for yourself, it's a huge mistake. On this point, let us clearly identify the deceased lest lifelong hatred.
5. Meditation: Meditation-na is Sanskrit, meaning contemplative service. Static is silent, stopped, hesitated as thoughtfully. Still uncertain is settled that the delusion of consciousness, restore the inherent purity of foot care. Zen-na is also translated religious thinking, thinking mean thoughts, ideas called for the suspension. Meditation is Sanskrit, is the Chinese language, a word that is made ​​up of the two original Sanskrit and Chinese words.
Our delusions, unchanging concept idea, concept design concept to constantly, if not that they are evil thoughts souvenirs are mindful not to be evil thoughts, two antithetical things. Thus, internal war, then all will affect the outside, the war between humans, between the other from house to house, between the kingdom with other countries, even between this world to another world , between this planet with another planet. More broadly, between this galaxy with another galaxy may also have war. Thoroughly analyzed for war arise from our delusions form. That delusion is the notion, "the concept of starting a department, a very universal concept only," or as ancient faith that says: "Mind leg just sheer concept of wealth, lust filled cessation Blessed," is pronounced as So, that is to say by experience that.
Why do we start up that idea? Because "self" hell it works. There was born the idea down slowly. There should be slowly self-interest, these two are equal ranking wolves, they are all identical pairs. By favor of suicide and self-consciousness to the new bridge. When there is demand, greed immediately springs birth, and it is closely followed aversion, and delusion is closely followed yard, do not leave us just one step after another. They are the main things causing a storm, making hazy cloud of smoke, pack a downright mess things ambiguous, difficult to salvage.
We who practice how to prevent heart War, greed, demand attention, self-interested private (selfish), self-interested profit, lied center, so we can not operate freely. At that time, the wisdom of currencies, its halo illumination spending all ignorance and evil, ie the state is intelligent nature center, the purpose of our practice.
Contemplative mind is complex deposition stopped, thinking the concept of self-concept does not leave, do not forget to join rescue. Join as a first line of dialogue, every hour, each moment of greed, does not have time, fix that or not participate. The first voice that is not used to recite to participate. Rate as taking questions "Who is reciting Buddha?", Is taking the word "one." Eventually someone? Make the "who." When will earn "who" then enlightened. If not for that, which is not so daunting, trying to keep forever. As for the "who," not even known it in mind and body, the outside world does not know anymore, all of which are not.
Finally something not as big, then get accepted into anymore? Then suddenly all the media, thoroughly enlightened age, ice water flowing out, that make the identity of all things. Remember this! Do not let that happen between the scenes giving up, refusing to move, but to go forward to the next, plying elaborately painted the same aqua to take place, then a transformation takes place, bringing the practitioner to take place homeland forever.
Meditation is "taking" the root of birth and death. Suddenly the root is destroyed, he should immediately step over the threshold of birth and death in order to go on. During meditation, the oil floating wind rain fall, most practitioners still a heart specialist, focused on the spirit of "taking" the "one." Elaborately pushed to the extreme, it will proceed to realms such as real estate, willow willow usually intelligent. That's when evil lurks tri wrong to make room for the chief prophet and right view appears. Such is the power of meditation, it's the right thing inconceivable.
Each of us has personal boundless delusion. Crunch delusions like dust particles in vain: at normal eye does not see, but when there is sunlight through it we can see every speck of dust, that they suddenly fly up, fly down suddenly, nothing certain. Our delusions, too, we do not observe them, but with the light of Dhamma shines, we'll reveal all himself. There are great expectations to do? Be swept them clean. Using what method? Use meditation. Elaborately meditation helps us pay delusion. There should meditate diligently and patiently help. Then there should be generosity, morality can help further the mission accomplished. These are to support meditation, the practitioner can gather photographic body and mind, which does not start up that idea. But six dishes, then, but we have ties of solidarity with each other, so one should support the other new.
Cultivators have eyes French authorities, which is good to know the law, the law is evil. This point must firmly grasp for. For good measures, the "we improve liturgy practice," the evil law "evil desert monks work." Without distinction, the Left must not transparent, that is contrary to religion. How can you scout the legal wisdom eye? It is essential to practice meditation, the culmination of work over to the pre-existing natural wisdom. The thing is to observe what position also distinguishable.
6. Wisdom: The first is morality, then from the top. Meditation alone true wisdom. All that one is a calm meditation, their wisdom majority have primary knowledge and right understanding. The non-use of meditation, sitting still is just taking practices, they also have little wisdom, but the majority is wrong tri wrong. Why? Because of the lack of wisdom facility. Wrong is wrong location knowledge of the world through action, right view is the primary tri tri Buddha is Buddha.
No way to distinguish dozens tri wrong. There are the following six criteria:
A. First of all try to see someone with interests center on avoidance of war or not. Beneficial use of the name, the colors involved retrial, not greedy bored.
B. Note how they see themselves "polished" for them? They have agreed not confess yourself? I do not melodramatic?
C. They have lowered the price another person's identity to uphold them? For those in this class, no need to question that, given the dozens of tri wrong.
D. Come join them for review see anything? Speaking of home people each day eat a meal, but also people not in accordance with this, the auto shop to buy food. The concept that food or have sex, so the concept of sexual identity would not have been removed. To think well know, these actions are selfish. Generally, human selfishness has attended for news.
E. Then try to see if they are beneficial not mind slowly?
F. See if they prefer not to lie? If there is, they belong to dozens of tri wrong, no doubt.
Get on to six standard tests may know someone whose primary knowledge of right or wrong knowledge of dozens. In short, if all things are dragging on their own, then that is wrong tri dozens. If all of them for the welfare of the public, the people that there is right knowledge and right understanding.
Want to learn how this transparency six conditions, they must have eyes that are responsible for the legal wisdom. Because of that wisdom arises, wisdom and truth to believe. Contract shall follow truth, not the truth no matter who says it is not trusted anyone. There is a saying: "the enactment of rules, rules inhuman degradation." Should not follow blindly, do not blindly religious, if not not only not helpful but harmful.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY =THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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