Wednesday 18 December 2013

Meant turning Falun Buddha preached about the natural law of things for 5 times ascetic in the first sermon in the garden (Sarnath) to Sarnath (Deer Park-"royal garden of wild deer" . This is a lot of deer forests leisurely life not worry Hunted.). Here, the Buddha was enlightened monk 5 (ascetic)
Architectural ensemble "Buddhist Holy Land" in India
There are many beautiful and mystical legends concerning the Buddhist site of Sarnath. It is a famous Buddhist shrine in the world. Name of Buddha Sakyamuni (Buddha Sakya Munil associated with the name of this very deep place. According to records after his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Buddha to turn the wheel of dharma). Meant turning Falun Buddha preached about the natural law of things for 5 times ascetic in the first sermon in the garden (Sarnath) to Sarnath (Deer Park-"royal garden of wild deer" . This is a lot of deer forests leisurely life not worry Hunted.). Here, the Buddha was enlightened monk 5 (ascetic). From there, Buddhism spread widely. Sarnath thus became famous throughout the world.
 Bodh Gaya
Bodh Gaya - Bodh Gaya, where Buddha enlightenment and liberation (Photo:
According to legend, Buddha thought 7 days, he initially intended to stay in place "all the evidence", but the Hindu god Brahma (the creator god) convinced Buddha taught the sublime truth that the other gods unknown to the public. therefore, Buddha decided to preach to people. wishes With compassionate Buddha wants us free from the ocean of suffering, get rid of reincarnations, to the shore, world of bliss. 7 After spending days, Buddha observed all afflictions of life and suffering of sentient beings conditioned apartment. After 14 days, he decided to go around preaching religion, but should start from somewhere?
Finally, remember the fifth Buddha who was the great god, international lawyers to serve the mission to care for people. Five people have a deep inborn piety. Buddha decided first of their teachers.
Deer Park
Deer Park (Sanarth), where Buddha preached the first liberation (Photo:
Sarnath is located in between two rivers Ganges and Porona. This is a heavily forested area lush, quiet situation, an ideal place to practice living. Five people were selected Buddha was practicing austerities in the forest at Sarnath.
Sarnath name originated with a legend attached very touching and beautiful. Formerly, in a wooded area a deer head and the mighty men are smart. It led thousands of deer live in tomorrow to place flowers and stunning scenery Sarnath. This misfortune happened, where it appeared a king likes to eat deer meat. Every few days, he again led the delegation to hunt deer. This hunt is Union soldiers hunting deer. They bring a lot of hunting dogs, eagles, deer forests tight enclosure. Each time, the first deer herd should also struggling to overcome the blockade gradually deer fled leaving only some bait for deer hunters.
After much thought, the first deer herd decided to kneel down in front of the royal palace begged the king: "We live in the country of the king, who just wanted to protect us, so that we can settle communications industry. As we know, the king loves to eat deer meat. We dare not shirk, just hope you let us know the number of deer need to eat every day. We assigned certain selection of deer meat in sufficient quantities, decided not disbelieved. "
After the weights from the king summoned the entire deer herd, announced the results of negotiations with the king. Since then, every day has a deer personally dedicate themselves to the king. The king was not into hunting anymore.
Buddha Shakyamuni
Shakyamuni's enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya (Photo:
One day, the deer turn pregnant at the palace to die. King injured deer see him immediately to his request to the king died. Touched by her heart, the king immediately ordered the chef drop deer king ordered the military and the National People henceforth not be killed deer hunting anymore. Whoever violations will be punished very severely.
King returned to the forest deer herd living with. Since then, the forest becomes paradise of deer and also the life called "royal garden" of wild deer.
Later, her wild royal garden became famous by being chosen as the place of Buddha to turn the wheel of dharma. Seventh century, the Chinese Monk Xuanzang to India Street financed, this forest is very prosperous, the family long so magnificent. Then gradually Sarnath ruins, but the legend lives on.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2013.NAM MO  SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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