Saturday 28 December 2013

The significance of the day ordained ... Buddha.
Prince is a mature and quiet interior surface part, though a life too full: how the business of fame, what castles palaces, public music and dancing, the beautiful wife any good, but Crown Prince Of The land has still feel how his heart heavy with anxiety, wondering. He sees his life living situation here is not true happiness, which is false, ignorant, only makes life more severe pain. He felt the need to find a way out, a true life, meaningful and more beautiful.
Fill President's Day holiday, according to his father, Prince Suddhodana see people out in the fields plowing. Spring Landscape, a new look through, it is beautiful, but his heart is not a heart superficial, superficial judgments. On the contrary, he looked deep into the painful scene and realize that life is not beautiful realms happily as when they look through.
He saw the farmer and cattle to toil under the scorching sun, in exchange for a bowl of rice, grass grasp. Birds vying to devour insects struggling on the bed plow new ground. In the meantime, in the bush hunters are shooting for the birds, and in the nearby woods, they're going to catch aggressive hunters. It is a similar situation closely fratricidal, no single moment to stop! Just because the pieces that people eat to live and design objects used every means possible to kill each other not knowing disgusting. His clear perception that life is suffering.
One other day, his father permission to go out into the four gates of the city to be exposed subjects. Out the door closed, he met an old man with white hair, tooth loss, ignoring eye, deaf ear, bent, grill sticks once hesitated about to step down. Men's Black, He saw a man lying on grass sickness, are mourning groan, extremely painful. Arrival of the West, he saw a corpse lying halfway, plump flies, bloated up, looks very disgusting.
Three old misery, disease, death, plus fratricidal spectacle in life that saw Prince yesterday charged ceremony, making him sad, incredibly merciful beings.
One other day, he made a north door, met a monk physiognomy sedate, calm as people casually passing through unscathed. Prince inside a conviction arising affection for monks. Rushed to greet him and ask about the benefits of the practice. Monk replied: "I decided to practice is bound to get rid of all of life, for out of suffering, the main members made sense to sentient beings are liberated."
Hit reply to ambition that Prince is cherished for so long, so he squeezed glad wise. He immediately returned to his father offers please ordained. The King did not agree. Prince father went 4 requires that, if the king He resolved to postpone the convent, to return people worry blankets, water treatment. 4 it is:
1. How ageless child
2. How healthy child sick forever
3. How not to die for me to live forever
4. How did the people from misery
4 this makes confused father, not solve it at all.
By knowing the intention of renunciation Prince, King was even more afraid, to find out how to prevent, bound him in "providing fun". But once Prince has decided there is no strength to be his obstacle. Prince determination to abandon foster family, religion ordained for. But then the news came, the Prince makes unhappy Thai pilot, his wife gave birth to a new son. The Prince said: "One obstacle has been born, a binding has occurred".
With Prince, the castle, the palace was the residence is no longer relevant. His heart heavy with love beings are immersed in the ocean of suffering. Prince even more determined to seek the Way ordained, find a way to relieve suffering for all beings.
Then one night the prince who ordered a servant in the far - of the horse anonymously Kien - monitoring from the stables. Before leaving, the prince comes first non-Thai rooms and son are asleep. Prince's summer look at Prince loves his wife and children, but for suffering humanity is unfortunate, mercy killing Prince skin even more. He quietly said, "Baby, your red lips will eventually withered, her green hair and will also tinted. I hear in you, in me and in all, everything is broken. Under the weight of the top hammer time not something that can withstand both. Only love is limitless new creatures mounted wire together ". Then Prince alone on horseback to go, beyond the citadel, followed, only the loyal servant.
Departure, the prince abandoned all, his father, his throne, his wife and child, full of life and happiness of a prince. Is not abandon the sacrifice of a sick old people, a poor, sick, fed up of his life, which was abandoned the sacrifice of a prince is a young adult, living in wealthy nobles to. Indeed it is a renunciation, sacrifice great, unique in human history. In that year, Prince round 29 (?) Years of age. At the time that night st February 8th lunar calendar.
When the Anoma river bank, the prince stopped, leaving the horse, shave, haircut, hand clothing and jewelry for far - anonymously and ordered Away - anonymously returned. Prince to go alone, with the yellow shirt of the simple monk, from the beginning this is not the life of renunciation for guidance. He no fixed abode. When they sat under a tree, when they are to stay overnight in a cave. Vacuum, bare-headed, he walked calmly between hot and cold in the night dew. All the power and the will of Him towards lofty ideals find ultimate truth, of life and death reason, the meaning of human life, of life, the path to liberation and the realm of Nirvana - immortality. After leaving the regal life, Prince went deep look into the island.
At that time, the political situation in these countries is quite stable in India, there are many prominent intellectuals, export from the director, to become spiritual masters to study with many disciples. Prince en route guidance range, have to try it with 2 prestigious temporary teacher Alara Kalama and Uddaka was Ramaputta. Both 2 people are allowed to practice the Du - old and have attained the highest level of his time meditating. Alara Kalama certificates are granted ownership meditation Unknown origin, and certificates granted Uddaka Ramaputta the idea of ​​meditation Phi Phi origin concept. It is the second level of formless meditation, meditation second highest level monk Du - age is attained at the time.
But after only a short period of learning, the prince also easily reach that meditative level 2, and 2 masters are invited to stay, along with their disciples leaders. But the Prince knew, the level of meditation that his evidence is not the ultimate truth, Nibbana, the cessation of birth and death and suffering, so he refused and continued to hit the road journey for director her.
Through experiments, he found the ultimate truth - Nirvana - tables, end all sufferings of samsara, may not seek to be outside, or in any public masters. Ultimate truth must find his own by taking, self-realization comes from the inner side of him, one can not rely on any other ruling.
Prince to a place called Uruvela, Senani town. You find a nice and cool plots, there is a small river running through the middle of white sand. Recently, it has small villages, may beg daily. Yes is a quiet place, beautiful, very suitable for contemplation and meditation practice. Along came here to practice there with Prince monks Kondana (Kondanna), Bhadhya, Vappa, Mahanama and Asaji. Kondanna capital is the youngest of the hermit, the hermit of King Suddhodana invited to the capital to see Prince minister, at his new birth.
At that time, in the Indian traditions and beliefs that man of enlightenment, must persevere asceticism, mortification. According to tradition, the Prince, along with fellow fifth in six years uninterrupted perseverance ascetic mortification to a man like Prince dry thin skeleton, twin deep-set eyes down, to decrease health firmly that he will no longer go anymore. His experience shows, more austere perseverance, as far from the ultimate truth, the more ignorant mind, body weakening. He saw clearly, asceticism, mortification is not the way out of suffering and relieve suffering. So, he decided to return to a normal diet. 5 fellow practitioner, who put their faith and hope in absolute prince, the prince thought that was daunting, so they left Prince, close to Deer Park in the city of Banares Isipatana to continue to practice. They said that Prince Siddhartha renounced the press, has come back to life in sensual comforts and material etc. ...
Historical Shakyamuni Buddha is a human history, thanks to the meticulous cultivation of the self, has become a perfect man, a saint out of the world, "the greatest man born in this world "(Indian poet Tagore).
In his life, and by His teachings were compiled in three classic organ, Buddha has opened up for mankind know that any person, with their own efforts, have can rise up to the highest peak of enlightenment and liberation, such as the Buddha.
It can be said, does not have a religion, an ideology promoting human and faith in man as Buddhism. Great humanity of Buddhism is in there. Avoid all evil, to do good things, wash the interior to become saint, a man of perfect virtue and wisdom, each of us has the ability and obligation to perform such teachings. That is the message that the Buddha gave to our species, for each of us. That is the true meaning of human life, the true value of life. No human can mean any more noble, more encouragement for our lives today.
Life of Shakyamuni Buddha, in outline and detail, both express and convey a vivid way that teaching. Believe in the Buddha, his homage and recite his name, mainly to study him about the 2 sides of virtue and wisdom, albeit in a wish. Those who, though far from the Buddha, but live happier, according to Buddhist teachings, the Buddha and lived near. The next cerebrospinal Buddha, but living without virtue, it is no different to how far the Buddha wanted to duplicate.
Vietnam Buddhists us, but to live by the Buddha 2,500 years, but always keep the faith that we still live with him if we can live happier, according to the Buddha's words were true heresy. About the meaning of human life, the true value of life, the true life of each of us today, how to give it life really peaceful, uplifting, good for you, good for the , lifetime benefit, benefits director.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIHTMENT.WORLD  VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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