Thursday 26 December 2013

Meaning of Lotus Seven Steps.
H ANG year, every season of the Buddha 's birthday on - are everywhere around the place - somewhere - Buddha images exist, dominating in the air as playful, exciting. That's all rejoice Buddhists celebrate Buddha's birthday. Celebrating Vesak is remembered, review and gratitude for the birth of the great Buddha.
Aspirations of all beings is "want to be happy and avoid suffering." The desire or tendency to happiness and avoid suffering has no limit. It is a very natural event, and very well-righteousness. The existence of Shakyamuni-sample-ni Exalted ago on this earth twenty-five centuries - indeed - it is not for purposes of all living beings.
As disciples of the Buddha, one of us must also have more than once heard a lecture presentation on iconic significance lotus seven steps. Seven steps that are steps on the way to happiness, happiness brought to perfection, endless.
In the solemn atmosphere and a glass heart with untold Buddhists - please share with each other, the Vesak season, the meaning has been heard from the master of the images in that scene from Germany women birth - by which we can understand something, help us in life to be happy more quality in the survival of this relationship.
Business Method Upasika Hanh Tinh - Thuy Ung products including that: "After pregnancy sacred hoop - close to opening day chronic moon flower, Queen Mary, part customary homecoming for delivery. On the way home base in a beautiful park called garden-ni Lam-Pi, deliberate queen walking in a garden enjoying the fresh air, healthy after a long tiring journey. Radio priority under a root, flower looked thousands of years Advantages talks once-blooming put incense - unconsciously - Mahamaya-home raised his right arm picking flowers - it immediately from the hip organic Buddha was born - gently take seven steps on the lotus seven, every step looked each method: 1, Eastern Market, because for sentient beings fixed effects guru; 2, the Southern, the sentient beings field of merit salary fixed effects; 3, the West the author, fell ultimate student body evacuating the incident; 4, the North and to the author, u necessarily sentient, self-prime magnate A multi-la-Tam-tam-Comment-Bodhi try; 5, the House of the author, the demolition ghost army tried to take flexible time period; 6, usually the author, devas who tries index refuge; 7. To the final step, one hand pointing to the sky, one pointing to the ground and declared that: 'Heavenly solipsistic unique galaxy'. Saying so, the gods offer two lines of cold and hot water for his bath. And he came back like every normal child " .
The Buddha image was born and seven step lotus was a very meaningful symbol that describes the Mahayana Buddha's birth. The appearance of a Buddha - or, better, a being from the ordinary condition, want to reach Buddhahood, to undergo the seven-step roadmap that lotus flower.
First step: look to the East, he said: "false Eastern Market, the sentient beings fixed effects guru" (look to the East, because the human beings as the ultimate guide). Orient is the sunrise. The sun represents the light of wisdom, of great understanding. That is the entire journey including a knowledge formation, to build a knowledge Ordinary Holy Property. What Is Property? That one must have a knowledge, and from there, with the main thoughts were definitely know how one should live or beautiful in life - a wisdom in the ordinary positions, sentient beings. But as a human being with human aberration our past. The ancients used to say, is a man to complete before a Buddha. Buddhism teaches two essential compassion and wisdom. Speaking euphemistically understanding and love. The understanding is true understanding according to the Buddha's truth. Then, the knowledge is love, and vice versa. Wisdom is the Compassionate, the Merciful Wisdom.
There is a saying: "It is understood the new commercial" . Love, in life, those who live without. Love's not very normal when not flowing petal selfish nature. It's a love thing was looking forward to (the other) is required to recognize and respond to. And just for myself - it, in fact, only made ​​it more hard for each other. As those who showed asymmetry, it is also an expression of love but selfishness peak denied or not met. So, the "love" is something that's indispensable life. It is silver in around the relationship between husband and wife, father and son, friends, neighbors, relatives. In the interconnected lives this - if anybody rigid behave with merely the duty and responsibility not only, but not from a truly loving heart - then life will be very monotonous, no color, and no bridge connecting the north have been sympathetic to the people warm. It is easy to see that, in addition to duties and responsibilities, the parent is a child injured emotionally gifted, very natural. Also new was the emotion evoked, generated filial hearts of children, even the most unruly children. Also from the fact that the sympathies of friends more tightening. The genuinely concerned with her ​​son's neighbors belonging to the same new as the day extra glue stick. And to nurture this love for long and bring true happiness to one another, and the only material must first be understanding. If not clearly understand, comprehend reached - we will easily have the words, clumsy manner that makes it hard for each other only. And to be enlightened attitude to love life - we have to learn, to understand. Knowing what? As Buddhists, we must understand the teachings, the way of life taught by the Buddha - which is nothing more important to base the teaching cause and effect. "In everything, prior to thinking about its consequences." We whereby to comment clearly on how the act is evil, is to choose good execution. So how good? Buddha: a thought, speech or action beneficial to their peace, for peace, peace both all the happiness in the present to the future - it's called good, and vice versa. Thus, once we begin to live according to it, ie we have gone one step further follow Buddha.
The second step : look to the south, Economics says: "Market Southern author, sentient beings are blessed electromechanical wage work" (Look to the south, because the good fortune farming beings).
According to the Buddha's teachings to life as we begin to create their own merit - meaning we start practice, start moving now, good shape now. That means that the refuge.
Factor is becoming a Buddhist refuge - which means back to rely on, but live according to the Three Jewels - in the minds AC changes direction. It is an important decision for our lives and interests. From here, if we abandon dimensional ignorant, torment aberration or another, by itself (beaten ...), verbal (say harsh, piercing, sharp shock ... the first two), with the (cunning, cruel), but instead by the enlightened way of life - knowing sense of karmic cause and effect, said considering the consequences of what you do to make each other happy. So if that is the refuge double slit his life - life just ended reincarnation, suffering, just beginning life liberated and happy.
Opening the liberated life, happiness - we had to take refuge qualities factors of liberation and happiness - that's the Three Jewels - Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Buddha who is enlightened, liberated teachings and disclosures, the truth. Increasing the mass of the people who practice and spread the teachings of liberation that. France's teachings content. So-called Three Jewels. Privacy is precious. Tam said that the preciousness three in the world. Because we clearly see that easily, gold, silver, money is not necessarily the deciding factor peace happiness, although it is likely to contribute to happiness. But sometimes it brings division, Haan revenge, killing, causing suffering to each other. Only the happy way of life, peace of mind was put to true happiness and more sustainable. "There is no greater happiness in the tranquility of the soul". So, we can define a colloquial way that Buddhism is a way of making life meaningful. The Dharma refuge or school as well as the French heard of us today - first and most fundamental and foundational as Buddhists we need to realize is Right where life is probably true, good and beautiful that I to follow. And do yourself a vow. That's the territory vows and practice the Five Mindfulness - or in other words how people's goodness in humanity. So as said before, is a perfect man before the Buddha (five things you should keep to perfection personified).
By the way first : Aware that my life is the most precious capital. So I vow to protect her body in a careful way. No self-destructive stuff it with toxins. I am committed to doing good man, by taking to neutralize reason suffering, taken from the heart to love all. I am determined not kill, nor endorse the killing. No cause for war, the war did not agree.
By the second way : Aware that life is to be supplied to the living organisms. I am committed to creating resources to support themselves by living hands, minds, and their hearts. I am determined not steal, nor endorse any form of theft. I am committed to perform by taking an honest and intellectual merit benefiting the people, for the betterment of the world, to bring happiness to the life of this interdependence.
's A third way : The sense that the pursuit of happiness is something that couples who are about to mature in the world have been longing for. I am committed to protecting conjugal happiness, not born center adultery, promiscuity in order to protect the family happy, peaceful and safe society for our race. I am committed to making honest men, not cause suffering to life, nor endorsed behavior brings misery to all couples and all families.
's Fourth way : Aware that words can bring happiness or misery. I am determined not say the words curt, rude, nasty, sarcastic, divisive hatred, disunity. I am determined not to say untruthful, except when altruism. I am determined not to proclaim, do not criticize what you do not know. Children aware that language is the common property of the people, should pray Sayings used to come to life. May the loving practice of virtues, using gentle words, soothing, beloved, building, unity and harmony, in order to neutralize the cabinet due to misunderstanding. I am committed to implementing right speech, aimed at clarifying words, a healthy society, protecting good voice for our race.
Personality Thursday : Aware that Wisdom is the path to the torch for truth, beauty. I am committed to always keep the static and in the light of the soul. Vow not to use drugs, and harm the body and mind of toxins like alcohol, tobacco, including products formulated chemicals cause cancer and disease. I am determined not to use toxic products souls as movies, books, tapes with content not healthy for the body, mind, war, hatred leads to violence. Prayer consume only rewarding products for body and mind, in order to protect the health of yourself, family happy, healthy race, peaceful life.
That's five basic personality that every one of us must study and practice. So, for humanity to survive long-term fate of the earth.
Thus, the meaning of the South - ie filling of fields blessed beings - the South is no scorching sun as the East, also not as bleak north - south is the mellow light and cool - for an end to the evil example of our healing. We specialize in thinking, speaking and working for the benefit of sentient beings, which is to create fields for his blessing - yourself cool, serene people around also satisfied, optimistic air. This is our stage, the start of the Buddhist Three Jewels direction and collective religious merit.
But finding a route lasting happiness, it's sure not only that - but step by step again. Of course, the next step is to be indispensable to the previous step.
The third step : in the West, there are verses that: "Western Town, the supreme beings of course try bodies" (Looking West, as they are born so this is the last body).
We, who have been and will roll with life - experience how turbulent uncertainty of life - if you take the time to look back - it is easy to conclude that it was happy, happy as could be when quiet soul. Because there are few when our hearts get ideas and worries, fears qualify of life. "The guy" just traveling with the illusions forever projections uncertain future or go back twinge pity reveal a sad story the other year, last month or nostalgic moments of fun was fading through several repeating. In the current confusion, forgetfulness red soil (disorientation, intentional) or just repeated mechanically as a small department in a soulless machine giant social're always on the books its severe operating. We were soon back to their own lives, even if for a moment to enjoy the serenity of his soul. So, after mature step "doing good end to evil" is the next "keep a clear mind, calm, quiet, peaceful" - which is basically, for understandable - after career moves end career step. Karma is the action of motor artifacts deep in mind. And its power is the power taken away from us push through this life alone forever captivity. Of course, everyone understands that each generator as a result, it contains much suffering in misery than joy. Thus, freeing vital, really new is great pleasure principle according to Buddha's ultimate finality. Therefore, the termination of the examination of artifacts makes clear, silence is considered as the method would lead to the cessation of suffering. At this point we see that the mind is very important in our practice, decision happiness, our happiness. Clearly, the only attitude acceptable fingertips, in capacity, our ability to limit what you wish for - it new and decided to put our happiness - that is, to me, standards to have fun is simple, gentle and not so ambitious taking on everything. Buddhists call it sexual minorities contentment. Of course, it is not safe part, is stopped, close the mold - which in return makes us strive to create our happiness more and more qualities: in parallel with physical comfort, life spirit to be concerned, emotions must be transformed noble soul, holy. Emotional transformation in the sense of how "end now"? There are questions "in germ of evil deeds" - which is probably treated duality of life itself in this interdependent nature. "Because this should be the other." Good and evil with our mind now so if you go too deep into a story of tamly. Knowing that with those words, employment, unwholesome thoughts, contrary to the conscience itself though nobody saw, nobody heard, who knows - itself also faced "court of conscience" his in depth dark, tormented soul. And do good, why? Of course that brings peace to me because not fear the consequences if I did not participate artifacts. But there is another truth is, when it becomes psychologically hate and react drastically disturbed before the act of sin, evil - want to eliminate, destroy, purge a zero tolerance the element - which in many karmic connections propelled, we take pains will gradually realize the reason for this, or other circumstances make it behave like that with a heavy heart like karma . The idea of ​​karma minute glory when winning is brilliant. But immediately after that, even in its always silently fear in the hearts of its insidious terrible. Knowing this, each one of us in public life and in family, friends, society - we have an attitude of tolerance, easier to accept each other, and thus also easy metabolic modifications for each to have a chance. Perhaps, if the threshold is not such empathy between people of good will Bibit voike evil ways forever, will never be open to the north bridge is connected to the person's life beautiful blooms.
So, in the Western sense - a neutral between good and evil, purity of mind to end the flow of industrial artifacts, mortal liberation, has given us some very practical life lessons. The West is the sunset. Let's make your mind the chaos subsided, the nefarious ideas, diagrams, jealousy, hatred - as long as the life of the rogue's mind can only last occasion arises immediately when we nhanra its true face and it will go on forever in our hearts - to make way for universal love, sympathy understanding large, then there, we went to take a walk Tuesday This "market Tayphuong we are trying sinhdi ultimate body". That burden has to down, from back here no longer suffering mortal status again.
But the path to Buddhahood is, outside of "self-awareness" and "sense of forgiveness, fullness feeling well" - preaching of the birth. So we continue to step his feet again.
The fourth step: look to the north: "Thi Bac method, the sentient, self-prime magnate A multi-la-Tam-tam-Comment-Bodhi " (look on the north, because the Buddha beings that thihien the team plane by sliding body supreme sense of accomplishment - and notes liberating truth of suffering to sentient beings).
Northern is the dreary cold, dark - for example, places beings have never met Tam said, according to the desire to keep on my worldly that create negative karma and suffering fellow human sea of life and death in lifetimes, not Know escape route. Buddhas, Bodhisattvas - as Kinh said, we shall have followed, they lead us on paths maintenance friendly. But our karma thick deep, passionate sexual pleasures too heavy ceiling, obscuring the nature center, does not get to the light of His precious. In real life, we see the phenomenon of telepathy between two lovers together. Mother missed me - I always thought of her mother - so between mother and child but still a distant relationship intangible feelings, that this happens what is important to us invisible, other people also feel be. Buddhas, Bodhisattvas are beings mourn with immense compassion and equality. Yet we rarely remember to Him - whether painting distress, danger?! So in this way - would like to emphasize the birth of Buddha in the flesh of the body, then export from the results and evidence - to show us that you are as a human being as well. According to Buddhist teachings, the ideal body to practice. Who of us has the ability to become a Buddha - "Necessary organic beings during Buddha nature" - such as the lotus in the lagoon, each one is a lotus. Buddha, Bodhisattva monks, sages are the lotus rose out of the mud sensual pleasures of life and death, stained light of truth, beauty bloom blooming and soothe painful life. We are also showers but not out of the water there. So with this said the North because that evidence Supreme beings enlightenment. As stated notion that appear in the life of the Buddha - a powerful demonstration of Buddhahood that in each of us, who are also part - but still hes not worry practicing Buddha's teachings.
Fifth step : "lowering the market, manufacturers have diduc vichung born" (look on the bottom, because they are born vanquished the ghosts).
What if the devil was not always do what our body and mind obstacles that hinder promotion practice, doing good of every one of us. There where foreign obstacles. Let's drill comes to foreign obstacles. We take a look at where our own. It is the ghost weakness could prevail lust, arrogance ghost, contempt, greed, jealousy, selfishness - see successful people also bring envy, who's seen her without stopping the bullying , met the needy but do not know whether to share their generosity extra strength ... All the things that prevent us doing something beneficial for everyone, in addition to their own benefit, so do not do a good job no matter how small, our minds are always in the habit Viky prison - hell, hungry ghosts, animals do not mean just in far away places - We need to understand that it is in that state of consciousness, our mind burning anger. At that time, people, things seemed to have an enemy. The most chiukho to anger many people. It is like being in hell burning hell heart - purple blush ear, heart pounding, blood pressure increase ... both body and mind are unpleasant! ... Peta, the animal too - as well as the state in which the mind is that the bottomless greed, lack of wisdom, lack of reasoning - just act on instinct - just do what you want but do not break consequences. At this point we can see more clearly, once the refuge, turning to the wisdom, the love, we have to untie her self, save yourself the hell out of that plate, hungry ghosts, animals that .
The devil also refers to the intensity beings increasingly difficult levels. Due to the current world satanic, devil for photography for it. So, we have seen in his temple Text Size United Devils face looked fierce anger, shock mouth spit fire to her photography of our soul - Folk euphemistically call him evil - on the head with a statue of Guan Yin Bodhisattva -slap - it's only engine is derived from the great love. Only love really big diffused in all the extravagant life. I see the face of Gypsy workers who come from a misfortune that the lack of love from the people themselves, and also good return paths from a loving heart caught something on the road of life.
But the vile beings at the bottom, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas are not neglected species mature temperament - should step one step further.
The sixth step : "usually means, they are born, the refuge's natural attempt "(On the way over, because they are born, refuge of the sun, people).
Economics has taught: "First gather specific legal world center". Four saints are ordinary record in our minds at all. Heaven, human beings too - is the realm in our minds. That is the state of consciousness in which we have a lot sublimation goodness in myself - have tried, there is the psychological control is compared with the lowly realms such as hell, hungry ghosts, animals, A-tu-la). The life that is always conscious that, as a life brought joy to ourselves and others. However, this is not the unchanging bliss - enlightenment achieved by the Buddha and the Bible as his disciple. This is just the joy of the senses, the feelings, pleasure that is created by the illusion of the ego inherent. So this is a temporary joy, so that may fall back into the realms of suffering - even when there are unpleasant things happen. Infatuation stems from ego is common denominator for the existence of three worlds, the cause fellow human beings in the six lines. Buddhas Bodhisattvas are present in all realms was to set an example, to lead them out of the business of the grim fin I did. This meaning has been asserted Buddha when she tastes his Brahmin Buddha asked: "Is he going for the money, he'd balance-that-you, he will be Yakshis, he will be species people? ". The Buddha replied that he would not money, is the root-that-three, is Yakshis, as a man, but for the gods are not smuggling or cessation of, he could be Devas with the contraband or cessation, was cut off from the roots ego, no longer reborn ... He can be can-that-she, is Yakshis, the people - but the people with gonorrhea or cessation .
That is the meaning of the buddhas, Bodhisattvas exist around the world to escape the living beings. At this point we also realized one thing: while I totally escapist ego, then we become a Buddha - whether we're in any position, status whatsoever. So, the final step:
Seventh step : Buddha declared: "The only heavenly galaxies fall as an independent."
As above, we can roughly understand that cause floating up and down in the three realms are six lines deep acceptance of a self in the end our minds. But the true meaning of the statement that, in terms of awareness and practice, we can draw two meanings - it's true sense of the world every man and every man's taste.
According meaning all-male world , events that occur in life as the most precious one level, is the most supreme, unprecedented Buddha.
Angutara Ministry, Volume I, p.23: "A person, this the monks, as appears in the world, is a unique appearance, no companions, no comparison, no similar , does not have to share, no par, no par put, the ultimate level of interspecies legs. Who are you? It is the Tathagata, Arhat A-level supreme Buddha. "
Central Economics and 3, p.110, was the reason the supreme position of the Buddha: "There can be monks, the Ba-la-professional, fully accomplished, fully all legal as Exalted, grade A-la-drought supreme Buddha accomplished. Hey Ba-la-keeper, who is the Exalted doing arises path not previously arise, making the path that was not previously known, says the road has not been said before, is the one who understands religion , know about direction and skillful direction. "
Amidst all the existing religions on this planet, the Teacher-ca Exalted voice was "dependent arising - selfless," full of shocks - between the path to happiness known to humanity , Eightfold path that the Buddha notes that most holy path, perfection to bring us all to the brink of true happiness. That is the meaning "unique," "unparalleled" in the market of Shakyamuni-sample-ni Exalted.
With a sense of man's Position -This sentence also means that, all my life so I die decision. My life is; pleasure or pain; rich or poor or cowardly to ... all because I decided to. So after this Buddha taught that: "No parents, who made ​​heaven and earth or noble or humble me, only my actions make me noble or vile alone, no one else makes the I polluted or clean, but I do I do for pollution or clean only " .
It is significant that the Buddha said in the statement: "In the sky, under the heavens there is only me is paramount." He wants to open up for us, every act of right and wrong, good and evil, suffering or happiness ... in my life by doing this, I decided to get himself his life. His compassion given to self-determination for people between the voice divine power vaguely mysterious.
At this point, it is possible to conclude that: The lotus is the symbol of truth - the truth of reality in my life - it shows even in very earthly sorrow and this corollary. It symbolizes the spirit of vibrant Engaged Buddhism - which dialect commonly known as "non-infected residents ceiling ceiling" - "dharma world cup sense".

In summary, according to the Buddha's feet, each step is also supported on a lotus flower, every step is a step in this life sen. It exudes purity, "life is not wet." Buddhists practice the Buddha's teachings, each in his footsteps as he sen each step. Take the lotus seven steps that we start a new life - "go in the world but not of the world". And right at the refuge or are on schedule to practice the teachings, then peace immediately present in every step of our Buddhists - footsteps away peacefully on landing solidly funny. And that joy will not only enjoy ourselves - joy by the practice of the Buddha's teachings Buddhists we have the ability to share with others, for all humanity. Because the value of truth and happiness are the same general correlation. Let us step by step together to celebrate the Buddha's lotus!END=VIETNAMESE TRANLATE ENGLISH BY =THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=27/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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