Thursday 19 December 2013

The Lord Of Three Buddhist.

O aka Bai Mass, the rite is very popular in folk, meant to express the gratitude and reverence to the gods, the first steps have explored gentle Jiangshan protection social rules fouling paint, and ancestors followed. Ethnic Vietnam deeply influenced Chinese culture, so the prostration, from form to content, from ancestors holidays at home until prostrated God, Buddha, the Holy Spirit in temples, pagodas, shrine, shrines are also affected under.
Most religions have ritual prostration but with different and meaningful. With Buddhism, the meaning and the way others prostrated with other religions. Buddhism originated from India. In this country the old days, people often express sincere homage to someone they admire beloved by kneeling down close to the ground, put his forehead to the feet of him. Buddha is the Guru, the enlightened one particularly revered in Indian society at that time. When Buddha was alive, each time listening to what the legal or extra visiting monks often bowing his hands and bowed three questions answered or listen measures. Buddha implicitly accept this as a way of longstanding traditions of Indian society. Yet he did not put into the ritual prostrations to the disciple depending mind. After Buddha's Nirvana, and ritual forms that respect is maintained in His disciples. The form was maintained for the purpose is always considered as the Buddha was alive. Monks chanting review whenever his word, had draped robes septic excellent news solemn, bowed three Lord Buddha. Every lay disciples also followed Lord Buddha monks you like.
Why not bow bow bow three two bows, four or five O Lord? Three main bows, prostrations trinity ie precious Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The life often see gold, silver, diamond, diamonds, dollars, and worldly fame is precious. But the fact that these things do not bring true happiness feet, can not save people from birth, aging, illness and death. But with the precious trinity Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha have the capacity to lead people and get rid of all the negativity out of samsara.
Buddha's Enlightenment, awakening from deep sleep. Buddha was enlightened and liberated completely. He is a masters, the only way a guide to all living beings from samsara. So Buddhists worship the Lord is the first to pay their respects, admiration and gratitude to the Buddha, and vowed that he would follow the example of that practice to the sensory terminals. France is the Buddha's teaching his disciples, who were then in block letters, known as Business and Law. Also discussed are the words thesis of the Bodhisattva, the Buddha's disciples to clarify the Buddha's teachings. So what Buddhists bow bow bow Dharma second is to express devotion, gratitude and remembrance of the teachings of the Buddha, the teachings that, if we have the ability to practice will bring us across from the ocean of suffering, to the shores of liberation. Boost is a community living together for at least four people, left the ordained monk, kept full of Buddhist precepts laid out, with the aim of freeing their practice and for all sentient beings. So the Lord worshiped third Sangha, from the spiritual masters of the world to the head monk's sincere, moral purity, and the solemn law, to pay their respects and thankful This was the ideal living life, who sacrificed family's money and fame, money, jewels viewed as poisonous snakes, such as sandals torn fame, beauty as pitfalls, delicious dressed as chained ties, to replace Buddhist volunteers to guide them along the path.
In addition sense prostration Buddha, Dharma and Sangha above, three bows and prostrations also means three precious person in our party and in every being, because they are born with a copper Buddhas lucid substance ( Buddha nature), and a compassionate nature and legal equality (French nature), and also a pure virtue, harmony (Pure nature).
On the way there are also many things bow. The Indians and Chinese have different ways of prostration. Particularly Vietnam Buddhist worship in a manner often "Five to first place," which is how the two hands, two feet and head touching the ground. This is a way of bowing most revered in all manner of prostration. When prostrating, Buddhists stand upright with your legs neatly side by side, hands clasped together for close follow closely the union's attorney (not like a lotus shape) represents the most attention. When the Lord Buddha to bow down his arms over his chest. Also someone put two hands on the forehead and then bowing down manner to the first place team, ie when bowing to kneel, hands back up as raising the legs are bent back to the Buddha and placed his forehead on the palms hand. For women, often bowing and kneeling upright, not stand, because of the special shape of women, other men look quite upright so obvious.
In Buddhism and the management never have to dung. About it as we have shown above. We Tam Bao Lord with all grateful mind and body into the glass, the glass Buddha grateful, sincere gratitude to France, and sincere gratitude to increase. What we have in mind when bowing to like? What to think? Tribute to whom, to what end, what material? Or to mind without thinking, not wishing anything? To answer this question, let us suppose recall the verse "Skillful" that we often pay homage proceedings before:
Quick ceremony, President staggered emptiness,
Induction incredible terminally directed traffic,
Self test ashrams as for me,
The Buddhas existing central image,
Buddha image itself falls out of money,
Continued Network Investment regulations holidays. 
Has been translated as: 
Buddha, sentient nature often emptiness,
Directed sympathy inconceivable,
Grids for Europe for ashrams,
Ten detected halo shining,
Prior to protect the image itself is present,
Bowed down refuge vows.
Thus, the nature of the Buddha and sentient beings that are "no president" quietly, tentatively called foot center. Only when starting from conception, is caught up in the line starting ignorance, and new activities, new thoughts, new distinction of "I" (energy) and the "not me" (base), New engender feelings of love and hate, karma, pay off, rotating in samsara not find their way out.
Buddha's mercy ignorant beings "in mind ... but not pure bodhi, in scenes of liberation that being bound ..." (Word of penance), new born up to our practice to end this vicious circle by morality, meditation, Buddha, keeping notes, goals are to reduce morbidity of heart ape, human the horse, reducing the habit of attachment, discrimination, love and hate, slowly go to the center. When the center was "on" the wisdom uncivil new manifestation occasion, enjoy the new taste of the nectar of Dharma. That is the point of Buddhism in particular. If people only eat up the fresh sage in many other religions have done, Buddha was born as residual current market, nothing special who deserves respect Enlightened. It was because he had "received" the emptiness "no president" and himself led the way for beings throughout 49 years, leaving as map books for life after shifting back under cultivation that is the nature " no citizenship "was.
Our internal enemies who drowned in the stream of ignorance is
In short, "Quick ceremony, President staggered emptiness", meaning that the bowing and bowing his party, the nature are equally silent. It expressed general things are equal, regardless, did not see his Lord and his people to the Lord. If you remove the obstacles that center also expecting a little bit, or a bit of silk to line their great ancestors, though thin as a strand of silk is not strictly allowed. Center in the state to pure silence. Vietnam Buddhist permission of Lord made ​​this ancient, suppose there is not any meaningful permission and with more of Prajna.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY =THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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