Friday 13 December 2013

Glance of Buddhist
Instructors School Spirit, Ten Thousand Buddhas

Chapter Three
The way to end suffering: OF FRANCE
Tuesday Prayer in the luteal Four Bodhisattva Vow: France vows countless school subjects.
Self in countless disciplines used
to subdue beings in the ten
round Exit untold suffering wise
Bodhisattva detachment, non-discriminating.
(Flower Adornment Sutra, owner of The Noble Sutra)
Tuesday prayer corresponds to Kill God: The path to the cessation of suffering.
Monks! Noble Truths, the path leading to the cessation of suffering is what? The road was just Eightfold Path: Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. The road had to be practiced.
(teachings or practice of the method is that time Bodhisattva: generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom.)
(Business Zhuan Falun)
The term "France" means the Buddha taught catechism. As noted earlier, only France textual rules governing truth or reality. In Buddhism, the French method involves the practice of compassion that Buddha has set out to lead beings out of their ignorance jungle to see the true nature of light. France provided a profound divergence problem of suffering, while providing insights just a super Vietnamese suffering (enlightenment), has a number of ways that we really need to carry out enlightenment.
Put simply, France is:
Opening evil effects Chu
They serve good practice
period the magnetic
Market Buddhist monks
Services are:
Avoid the evil
do good deeds
purity of mind
it is the fault of all the Buddhas.
The practice includes critical morality, concentration and wisdom.
Due to being the world, due to being favored.
Without a firm basis for morality can not be developed sophisticated meditation and attained the wisdom to play. Buddha has crafted five precepts as basic virtues for human life. Five Precepts, the essence of the religious mind, including:
  1. No murder: We must not intentionally kill any living creature killed by themselves, make the kill, kill or participate in killing consent. The practice can avoid the kill indirectly by eating only vegetarian food. Compassion, respect for life, and think that he is a creature with all the reasons to keep this world.
  2. Do not Steal: We are not taking anything that is not for us and not of us. About This not only applies to the expensive materials like gold and silver, that even the small things such as needle grass. About this been explained as a way to live frugal and not wasting resources.
  3. No sexual misconduct: In a relationship with anyone flesh is not his wife were called adultery. Adultery or incest such as homosexuality, with lascivious animals, are leading to rebirth in the realms of suffering.
  4. No lie: There are four types of expectations Language: lie, say pointless (like the non-discuss, say piss), say cruel (as reviled innumerable others), and said tongue-dimensional pair ( to disruptions in others).
  5. Do not drink and taking intoxicants. Alcohol, drugs, stimulants and even tobacco substances are considered drunk. These bodily harm, causing dulling mind crazy, and that's rebirth as dull people.
We will now describe the rules of morality that a home needs to follow if he wants to become a good disciple. However, be aware that to fulfill the duties of a monk, who should not be ordained as a style of house.
This person is not killed, told others to kill, or consent to the killing. This person must be homemade, not oppression all creatures on earth, though strong, weak though.
As disciples know that he belongs to another character, who avoided wherever theft. This person is not stealing, theft or protect others. All must avoid theft.
Wise to avoid avoid fornication as a burning fire pit. If he can not live alone, then he is not dreaming up another man's wife.
In a public setting or in a public place, people are not going to lie to others. The others were not told a lie or lying consent.
Knowing that intoxicants his inability to make homemade, homemade householders prefer not to use intoxicants, not covered by another person, or other person consented to the use intoxicants.
(Business Dammika)
About the foundation of enlightenment.
(Products civilized Bodhisattva Flower Adornment Sutra)
The self-esteem (especially the ones cherish his nature) and respect for others is the root of Buddhist precepts. Two qualities are developed from fundamental relationships of humans first: it is the relationship between parents and children. Lord of compassion, generosity and forgiveness as well as self-esteem and cultivate the crop germinated from this relationship. So, in the Brahma Net Sutra, the Buddha taught:
Filial piety is one of the leading law supreme. Filial piety is also known as the rule. Germany also called world price.
Truth is basic human respect their parents. Buddha said that hospitality is a virtue directed at setting the moral life.
Monks! There are two people that he never reported to the Project virtues: It is the teacher's mother and father. Oil for the teacher brings to the role parents, mother and father on the shoulder on the other shoulder during a hundred years, and during that time parents defecate on the role of the teacher, then the teacher must wash, massage oil, bath rinse, then massage for parents, and all those jobs are not enough to repay.
For teachers can try to respect their parents throne peak on earth do all this, make sure you have enough furniture (gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, European chain, mother of pearl, onyx) , who was also not deep enough to repay the favor of teacher parents. Why is that? Monks! The department devoted parents to children. These are nurturing and mentoring children of this world.
(Best Business A Boost Function)
And in the following paragraphs of Business Women in Security Templates violence, Buddha described a deeply touching way things parents do for their children:
In ten months (lunar) pregnant, each time to stand up, I feel uncomfortable like to carry a heavy object. As a chronic disability, rice mother swallowed, drink water multitude sip. When the ten-month period is over and the next birth, mother much pain to give birth the square is round. While in labor, her mother feared dead baby is not like a pig or a sheep dying in the living world. Then flush the blood fill the earth ... It is the pain that mother bear.
When the baby was born, mother and child spent fleshy sweet swallow the bitter. Mother cradling child, breastfeeding, wash the dirty ones. As children, no trouble, no heavy that killed his mother. Mother bear cold bones, burning flesh that never whines. Mother's side is wet, dry the rollers. For three long years, breast feeding mothers, blood from the mother.
Parent education and dedicated mentorship children on holidays moral line when I was a child until adulthood. Then worry about weddings parents to children, from introspection to those most precious objects as well as tips to make your child a comfortable life. All of this work is done for you with loving enthusiasm that never should mention please.
When children are sick, worried parents and frightened as myself sick. I care not to leave his bedside a moment, only parents and reassuring smile only when the hatch back on a healthy environment. So that parents cherish and nurture babies in the hope that you will grow and become useful.
Read the complete text, perhaps we are beginning to realize the importance of deep gratitude that we must inform parents house. Also in Beijing said on Buddha suggested several things for us to repay that favor mothers father:
Hey Buddhists! If people want to repay the favor of their parents, parents in the name of the copy of this business! Let's behalf that parents recite this prayer! Be that as parents offerings Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha). Be that as parents discipline fasting (fasting). Be that as parents and law enforcement practice of giving blessings. If you can do these things, you are filial children.
In the Sigalaka Sutra, the Buddha teaches lay people how to live Sigalaka goodness and happiness. Buddha summarized the duties and responsibilities that you have to do to repay the favor parents, thank you, thank you, thank spouses, employees working grace, and grace of the practice. Then below is the good teachings and how to manage your personal property.
This is a friend or help her, the other is a friend as well as poor while wealthy, this is a main road just friends, it is a dear friend dearly love: a wise man knows value of the four categories above and cherish you as a mother they cherish most beloved child.
The location is education and discipline forged the man was shining like a beacon; him for that honest hardworking enrichment as honey or ants build nests. With a wealth of sweat, his care for others. They should share their wealth made into four parts: One part can be used to enjoy the way you like. The two sections can be used to invest and spend part as reserves for times of need.
For a layman, a monk or a nun, sex is the essential foundation for all understanding and genuine spiritual experience. Although the difference between the precepts ordained and lay people, men and women religious, the purpose to be achieved and cultivate spiritual needs are the same: It is the nurturing qualities make for this time blooms and promote wisdom. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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