Friday 13 December 2013

A brief history of Indian Buddhism after Buddha's time.

Thich Nu Chan Tam Tanh.Giac Tam.


T uh India, Buddhism spread widely and become one of the great religions of mankind. India is the place of origin of Buddhism should learn the history of Indian Buddhism became an important issue in the field of Buddhist studies.
At the beginning of the program my freshman year, we were introduced to calendar use of Shakyamuni Buddha, then we also have learned the basic tenets problem. Therefore, here we will learn a brief history of Indian Buddhism after the Buddha's passing, tentatively called the past three periods: the period of Theravada Buddhism (Theravada) Buddhism period sectarian (Abhidhamma), and Development of Buddhist era (Mahayana).


A. Period Theravada Buddhist
Theravada Buddhist period (Theravada) is calculated from the time of the Buddha at that time of his passing after a hundred years. As I said, history stage Buddha in the world, we have learned over the part of his history, so here are a few points to specific characteristics of the organization of the Church period Theravada and highlights the conference's first recital in history. I. Aspects of Church organizations Churches Buddha had enough time they are four monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen; formed two components are ordained and lay. Church-founded by Buddha, organize and direct operating, with great virtue and wisdom of His Church should be held ingenious, is a unified organic body, always put objective practice to gain liberation, enlightenment top. In particular, the sangha (monastic community of people) that the presence of multiple realizations of the Holy result (1). Church was organized on the basis of equality, respect for international law, uphold the wisdom of enlightenment, regardless of social class, age and gender. Nevertheless, the Church still a few monks discipline disobedient, intentionally divisive Church, as in the case of Devadatta, brethren (Devadatta) - cousin of the Buddha - which uses data recorded ...; side in addition, there's the offensive pagan aversion to the truth that the Buddha declared the policy of the Church and by his leadership, but the Church still maintained characterized purity and harmony. Regarding doctrine, Germany Buddha was directly commanded his disciples. All problems with paths cynicism practice, discipline ... He will be resolved in a particular way, apparently on the basis of intelligence that he had experienced, so there are no conflicts, disagreements occurred in the Church in general and in particular Sangha. It can be said, the Church organized the Buddha is a complete organization, performance and homogeneous, all members living in the spiritual world - the - wisdom, honored the Buddha's Enlightenment who have position great wisdom, is worthy of the heavens and the masters. After passing the Buddha, Venerable Kassapa the Great (Maha Kassapa) instead of his Church leaders, Bible components increased in the Church should present many characteristics characteristic of the Church, as mentioned above, is maintained until the recital Conference second, or about a hundred years after the Buddha's passing, new disagreements about harsh discipline, putting to the division of church organizations. Second-recital Conference first one) - the collective reason: After the Buddha's passing not long, the seeds of disagreement over the interpretation of his teachings gradually arose in the Church. This is not surprising, because the original Buddha in the world, teaching the word of mouth that he just is not documented, and measures which he said is legal uncertainty, depending on the base, the level of each person, group of people ... Lecture method is very flexible, so the perception of content Dhamma disagreement is natural. In addition, the Buddha's passing, or believe, have a bohemian bhikkhus rejoiced that from now on no longer bound by the reminder of the Buddha: "this should", "should not do that thing" ... Word has reached the ears of the Great Venerable Kassapa. To address this, Venerable concerned that the Buddha Dhamma teaching can be distorted and destructive in the future, so venerable as the chief of the Buddha, has convened an emergency Saints His disciples, the Buddha's teachings to review and strengthen the Sangha. After this, the conference call this the first recital. 2) - The course and outcome: Meeting the first recital by the Venerable Kassapa University policy, Asajatu king (Ajatasatu) ruler of Magadha (Maggadha) sponsors; held at Rajgir (Rajagaha), with an official attendance of five hundred Arahat chaired by the Venerable Kassapa University. Venerable Ananda (Ananda) in charge of the legal claim of ownership, Ba Li Chun Rate (Upali) declared partial laws. Have documented that the conference took place in the seven-month period ended. aggregation method is the same chant in memory (2), not documented. What is the Arahat assertion, later recorded four Agama (Agama):
1. Digha Nikaya (Digha Agama)
2. Majjhima Nikaya (Majjhima Agama)
3. Increase Business First Agama (Agama Anguttara)
4. Business Journal Agama (Agama Samyutta)
Content to review the words and teachings daily life of the Buddha and his disciples the Holy. At this conference aggregation, only legal form economic and organs. This is the scribe was seen as the most ancient documents record the Buddha's life and the life of his Church in the world, is the basis of Buddhist thought Originally period.
conference, the The latter is also known as the "Five critical aggregation" (recital Conference of five hundred Arahat).
  B. The period Buddhist sect sectarian Buddhist period is used here as a historical concept divergences, only for the period starting place of the Church differentiation into two sets, then from two further classified formed more goods and eighteen sects, or about the first hundred years Monday to Wednesday last hundred years after the Buddha's passing (second century after TL). In this period was held the conference recital second third and fourth. To track students means, first of all we will learn briefly about the conference next recital, then will go into the situation of the sectarian divide in a specific way. I. The recital conference second third and fourth 1) - recital Conference Second: a / - Reason aggregation: recital Conference second place after the conference the first episode is about a hundred years. Causes leading to the conference this recital is due to a number of bhikkhus live in the city scrap Xa Li (Vesali) proposed ten precepts that are not manufactured by the Buddha, but who themselves are legal. Ten include:
1. composure: salted food to how the night is still used.
2. Directive Net: noon to eat too little, over a period of about two solar fingers near evening.
3. Capacitor located veins: eat more again if the other villages that have not midday.
4. abode net: Where there is potash.
5. Spare the net: the decision was adopted, even though the majority or minority, are effect.
6. lyrical Nine: follow precedent habit is not contrary to international law.
7. Partial tuning: after noon, drinking water can mix with milk.
8. Regardless useful flood nuns deferens : cushions without borders around, you can use larger size regulations.
9. glass: can be used wine to drink mixed with water in case of medical treatment.
10. Kim net cash: in case of need , bhikkhus can keep the money.
At that time, a senior monk called Yasa (Yasa), who traveled to scrap Xa Li (Vesali), witnessed a number of bhikkhus live by these things, he was surprised public statement came announced that ten on is totally illegal. Bhikkhus that his reaction to the venerable Yasa and forced to repent in public, but he came to disapprove and fled on a common type Di (Kosambi) and then canvassed the Sangha elders held conference recital to assert Dharma and illegal.
b / - The course and outcome: Meeting the recital brings together seven hundred monks, held at St. Peter Xa Li (Vesali ) in about eight months. The Conference elected presiding monks convoy of eight, four and four in the West in the East. Four are in the West include:
1. Ms. He Li Da (Revata)
2. His government had Tam (Sambhuta)
3. His Yasa (Yasa)
4. His Ma Tu Na (Sumana)
Four in the East include:
1. Qu him far away from TI (Khujjasobhita)
2. He Sa Liu (Satha)
3. His old lady Bodhisattva Ni (Vasabhagami)
4. He abandoned all Mi (Sabhakami)
The purpose of the Conference of the second set not merely assert that the ten (mentioned before) is illegal or legal but also to reinforce the sutras the Buddha, not to the pagan doctrines of tea mixed. On "Ten illegal", the Conference had no uniform opinion. A large number of bhikkhus not endorse that ten illegal went on to hold a conference and founded the private collection Mahasanghika (Mahasamghika); Some elders said that the ten remaining are fully in Illegal work continues recital, then forming the monk (Theravada).
As such, this conference highlights recital marks the second time the onset of differentiation in organizations Church officials . Church Sangha after the meeting, was officially divided into two sets with opposing views on discipline. Venerable consisting of minority elders tend conservatives, including most Mahasanghika young bhikkhus radical tendencies. recital Conference Second, there is a place called "scrap Xa Li (Vesali) aggregation "or" It's imperative aggregation ". 2) - recital Conference for the third time: a / - Reason aggregation: Buddhism more widely spread over many parts of the territory India. In particular, during the reign of King Asoka (Ashoka), the Kings are devout Buddhists should be a huge incentive. Monks and nuns become large, including many who infiltrated opportunity Sangha and cause discord, therefore, Buddhism became chaotic, difficult to distinguish primary, wrong. This is also the time when the sectarian divide to the extreme. To address this, the mind Ashoka was initiated and sponsored recital Conference for the third time in the history of Buddhism. b / - Evolution and Results: Members of Conference This includes an elite thousand monks were recruited from across the country, under the presidency of the venerable Union Section disciples (Moggaliputta Tissa), held at the Lam Vien (Uyyana), the U.S. market (Pataliputta), under Magadha (Maggadha), about 218 years after the Buddha's passing, or about 325 years ago TL. The conference took place in nine months uninterrupted. As more evidence the method is not much different aggregation times before. After the conference, in addition to aggregation of economic and Vinaya, his disciples Section Union has developed the theory of the (Kathavatnu) to address differences between Buddhist and non-Buddhist doctrines, to refute the teachings of pagan contemporaries, eliminate chaos in the Sangha and reinforce the inherent purity of the Dharma. The highlight of the conference recital third time was the first time, the Tripitaka fully formed. 3) - Meeting the recital fourth recital Conference Fourth place on King Sac Ca Ka Ni (Kanishka). There are many historical records about the age difference, but the most logical is about four hundred years after the Buddha's passing, here is the final stage of the sectarian divide period. a / - Reason aggregation: King Ca NI Sac Ca (Kanishka) was convinced Buddhist, interested in learning how doctrine. According to legend, the king every day have invited a monk to supply preaching. However, every preacher are disagreements about the interpretation of the Buddha's teachings to the king very confused. Being a Bully hints of Venerable (Parsva), the king began to sponsor the conference center the fourth recital. b / - Evolution and Results: Conference chose five hundred scholars versed Holy Tripitaka teachers from all over the country, so he could work (Vasamitra) as first lady, and he chaired the Venerable Assault (Parsva) II presided do. Conference held at his residence Complete Lam (Kundalavana Samgharama), Kamistra water. This conference was very thorough discussion meanings as well as other matters of business and law. Results of the Conference aggregation, in addition to economic and Vinaya, the issues discussed are the three editorial commentary (Mrs. advantage to discharge, Ti Ti Da Nai and Ba Sa Abhidharma Ba Sa Pi) consists of nine hundred and sixty thousand words (all recite thirty thousand). Ni Sac Ca Ca King ordered carved entire business, law, speech after editorial on the copper foil, strictly preserved in a fixed place, who needs to read the study in place, absolutely not to wear out. However, this treasure is soon lost, like this comment section only Abhidharma Pi Ba Sa (Abhidharma Mahavibhasa sastra) that Xuanzang translated into Chinese characters, consisting of two hundred books. II. The division of the sect 1) - The cause of differentiation: initial cause of the sectarian divide many factors including, but can be divided into two, which is the underlying cause and the cause directly. a / - root cause: As we know, the Dharma is legal uncertainty, depending on the base, the ability to realize that there are disagreements about its interpretations. In Buddha's time, the disagreements were never his resolve smoothly. After his passing, no one can replace his role, and the seeds of dissent, division gradually grow up, become stiff and taken to the sectarian divide. Additionally, the Buddha teachers are increasingly widely spread throughout the territory of India but not a center for Sangha - Church gathered, the Saints turn increases death, social context has changed certain from the isolation that can lead to dissent, even opposing in the perception of the Buddha's teachings ... b / - The immediate cause (the cause): According to historical accounts of traditional Buddhist Men the cause of the division of the Church into two Venerable is the mass and the dissent by about ten (illegal), as mentioned in recital Conference for the second time, about a hundred years after the Buddha's passing. Northern Buddhist literature communication, such as speech synthesis Walk (3), which was written around the middle of the second century after TL , then that's because of disagreements over year the Observatory that he (Mahadeva) (the five observatories) yet the Church should be divided into two sets and the Venerable Mahasanghika. In which he proposed observatory are summarized in the following verse:
"Sufficient balance, senseless,
Hesitation, spare parts import,
Path bar staff tried to launch,
market Buddhism intercept "
That is:
(1) Arahats although cessation of all sorrow but also because the flesh should still have physiological cellular phenomena in dreamless (sufficient balance) . (2) cessation Arahant has ignorance but not who have learned everything in secular life (inanimate) . (3) Arhat but no longer hesitant about the path of liberation, but there are still hesitant about the harmless things, such as how is reasonable, what is not (Reluctance) . (4) There have attained Arhat Buddhist or sometimes due to steps leading chief knew that I just realized (spare parts imported) . (5 ) the Arhat also thanks to sound enlightened teachings, including the doctrine of suffering and hard coal (Path bar staff tried to start) .
And so his Observatory for is completely true dharma (Buddhist Thi intercept) .
reality in which he outlined Observatory is aimed to compare results and Arhat Buddha, his notion that only New Buddha is perfect, but still Arhat defects. This concept has sparked disagreement. Group endorsed the creation Audience, opposition groups formed the Ven. communication perspective Nam said that the source of divergence from the Church is a disagreement about "ten illegal", so any Council of the rule, in that time, the traditional viewpoint that the north, the cause is from the opposite perspective, "the Observatory staff", and here is a disagreement about doctrine. Overall, the direct cause of differentiation Church, originally due to disagreement over the rule application is more suitable, while disagreements in doctrinal perspective, namely through "the observatory staff "He is also covertly, then new outbreak. Later, when the Great and Venerable we have the more differentiation of human, stems from many different causes, namely how to problem described in the next section. 2) - Progression of differentiation and characteristics of the teachings of the sect: On dating place the sectarian divide, there are now two main bases. According to historical documents, the traditional Buddhist South differentiation of both sects take place after Buddha's about a hundred years to more than two hundred years. Using data transmission Northern Buddhism are recognized: Audience of the sectarian divide between after Buddha's passing from one hundred to two hundred years, dating from the sectarian divide Theravadin belated, in around after the Buddha's passing from two hundred to three hundred and five years. Regarding the total number of sects, there are many evidence: there is no place to say all 24 sects, where records are only 18 or 20 of the sectarian sex, and place names are also sometimes disagree. Here, based on the sum Comments (4) unity of all sects of twenty (20). a / - Differentiation from Mahasanghika: Audience segmentation of the internal first place . As we already know, tend Mahasanghika radical, liberal ideas should always be internal seeds of disintegration, especially when new problems arise. preaching center of the mass of the set Soap Woes Exposed (Amgotara), of Central India. Audience segmentation of four times, first after nine ministries, including the original. According to the first three arguments legendary clam monarchy means his legs to (5), then we set during the Great prevailing ideology of the business as Huayan, Nirvana, Win Man, Wei Ma, Kim Quang Minh, Bat Nha ..., even in internal consulting support but also the reaction of disagreement, and the result is here, from the University they were more differentiated and formed three new Best of the theory, Lecture of the world and the people's livelihood. * First set theory (Ekavyavaharikah) held that the legal world and of the world are pretending, no entity. * LokottaravĂ dis (Lokottaravadinah), the worldly conception which is due to delusion, the delusion that spawned negativity, that negativity created by the industry, by the way feel now that retribution. So from that idea so crazy that there are worldly and falsehoods disguised. This sectarian law only recognizes the new world of truth there, because it arises from the circumstances and the true position. * Census of (Kankkutikah) collection of the enhanced speech organs. They said that the Vinaya Sutras and Buddha's teachings by means of radical theory of option, only new organ argument is true doctrine because it explains the meaning of business and law. differentiation Last Monday, from Mahasanghika divided into up to another ministry Multicultural Ministry (Bahusrutiyah), because he voluntarily Packaging (Yajnavalkya) initiated. According to legend, the Buddha understood from an Italian hermit, after monastic Buddhism, attained Arhat, and Mount Snow in seclusion. About two hundred years after the Buddha's appearance in the National Soap Exposed - the center of the mass contemporaries - this preacher who heard the teachings of the Tripitaka with crude should he founded to celebrate the multiculturalism means of profound dharma. Most of the literature does not agree with the policy of the University that we all are Buddha Zhuan Falun, which ranks the opinion of warm (impermanence, suffering, not, selflessness and Nirvana) and the Eightfold Path new Zhuan Falun, other teachings of the Buddha is only Catholic church, under the legal world. pretend Theory (Prajnaptivadinah) is the result of the fourth division from Mahasanghika, so he fought the Great Shift (Mahakatyayana) in Da Lat State University (Maharattha) established. Notes to pretend stance is distinguished Catholic saints include multiple levels: by Buddha emulator theory, theory true, mean relative absolute sense, the legal world and of the world are a part hypothesis. Activity divergence Wednesday, public investment and the share of the three established tea set painted (Caityasailah), resident of Western painting (Aparasailah) and the Northern Resident paint (Uttarasailah). The cause of this divergence is, the end of the second year after hundreds of Buddha's, University of incentives we should have more pagan infiltrated the ranks of the Sangha, which is not smooth at the Tam study organ classics. When this set of organized screening to weed out the component mass, there was a group of about three hundred ingenious observatory made ​​by Bhikkhu leaders refused to be expelled, gathered in mountain tea, bring "the Observatory staff" to debate, dissent should by divided into three sets, called on the bases of sex as seen above. summary, differentiation of the mass can be simplified according to the the following diagram:
1. The best theory
Divergence times I
2. LokottaravĂ dis
3. Census of
4. Most of the literature
Fertilizers II
5. Notes to pretend
Divergence times III
6. The paint and leather
IV divergence times
7. Resident of Western painting
8. North resident of paint
b / - Differentiation from the Venerable: While the place Audience segmentation is Theravadin, with conservative tendencies, seriously lineage should remain in harmony and uniformity. However, under the impact of their divergence from the University as well as the change of social conditions, to early Tuesday hundred years after the Buddha's passing, the Venerable internal disagreements arise Three perspectives on organ and begin the process division. A total of dividing all eight times, forming a ten (including the original: Ven = Snow paint the sets.) As we know, God is the policy of the Tibetan plateau that respected the law and disregard Comments organs. Because the law is the notion customized based Buddhist mechanism due to contention, only to explain economic and law should normally go far from the truth of the Buddha's teachings, only canonic material is learned, is the basis of all regulated . But the first hundred years after Buddha's Tuesday, this concept is no longer unanimous in sect. In the Venerable members of a group who follow trends speculative reasoning, his prominent than the Ni Tu Ca polyhedron (Katyayaniputra), advocating organ argument, disagreement over who should be the groups split Venerable from the established theory and Sarvastivada (Saivastivadah), called the Friends, and the other is called the theory of human (Hetuvadah). Being established immediately after the bar's huge, occupying much of the original basis and the Venerable gradually weakened, moved to Snow base paint and paint themselves renamed the Snow (Haimavatah) but actually belong the content of Ven. Characteristics of the basic teachings of Friends of the legal notions are all really friendly. has privatized the differentiation and read from the more established (Vatsipatriyali). Read from (Vatsiputra) is the name of all his disciples Rahula (Lahula), Rahula a student of Sariputra (Sariputra). This Ministry is advocating speech organs, but the difference with Friends is the only base in France aggregates sufficiency argument Legend composed by Sariputra. then, who because of a disagreement in the interpretation of a four verses about the Holy result (6) in the opinion of Sariputra, have used the economic perspective added to complement the sense of the verse that reads from the fragmentation and sectarian established four more toxic France sets up Shanghai (Dharmottariyah), the resident Hien (Dhadrayaniyah), director of the volume (Sammitiyah) and paint the eye (Sandagirikah). In addition to the points of disagreement in the interpretation of the verse as stated above, there are four sects is still a common definition and enhanced speech organs. following Buddha's Around three hundred years, from the Friends of the distribution chemical and establish a more sectarian as the Earth turns (Mahisarakah). This new sect established name in the name of all sects (discs), he turns raw disk is a four Brahmin Vedic understanding, according later became the Friends and enlightened Arhat, he would often use tri ad shows his knowledge to explain Buddhist teachings and a group of sympathizers, thus separated from the Friends and establish a separate sect. magnetization continues to address the divergence, the more France Tibet (Dharmaguptakah ). France Tibet (Dharmaguptaka) is the name of the owner, said a disciple of Venerable Moggallana (Moggallana). When Venerable Moggallana born money, and he often heard his teacher Venerable lecture. After his teacher president, he has compiled a memory and teachings which organ is divided into five business, law, reasoning, attention and Bodhisattvas organs. He is owner of a number of discs of supporters and then separated into an independent sect. Huu sets, the latter still continued twice more fertilizer. In the ranks of Being a witness Bhikkhu named arahantahood Cuisine Quang (Kasyapa), one day he announced that Buddhist teachings have boiled down to two categories: an antidote to negativity, and one is to indicate the instability of the pagan doctrine. His many followers Cuisine Quang, then up to the Dining Optics (Kasyapiyah), to get his name called for the sect. arose in possession of canonic new perspective view doctrine is grounded most important, as Venerable stance of the past, this also means that conflicts with the Friends, which established an independent sect named Business of the amount (Sautrantikah) or also known as the theory of transfer (Samkrantivadah ). This is the final division of the system of Ven. summary, the progression of the sectarian divide between the monk can be summarized in the following scheme:
1. Unitarian theory of property, (Friends of) 
3. Read from the (II)
4. Upstream of France (III)
5. The head of (III)
6. Chief amount of (III)
7. The painted eye (III)
8. It turns the address (IV)
9. France ttang the (V)
10. Optical humidity of (VI)
11. Doing amount of (VII)
2. Snow paint sets
(Theravadin =) (I)
(I, II, III ... VII is a sign of divergence times)

c / - Characteristics of the teachings of the sect: From disagreements about discipline (approval and disapproval of the "ten unlawful"), the Church has differentiated the two, the monk and the University we set. On the basis of the division of organized congregations, in addition to the similarities in the basic tenets problem, two sets on gradually formed a number of differences in the perception of things, the practice, results are realized ... Looking broadly, as mentioned earlier, both the y are on the original teachings, however, the Venerable conservatives tend to respect international law and respect the tradition and efforts preserves all the traditional values, should have the severe form; Mahasanghika tend radical, highly intellectual, somewhat more emphasis is ideal rules inherent in traditional, especially about the organization specified in the congregation. These similarities and differences are relatively subtle and complex, can not speak specifically here, because very long line, but only briefly mental traits like. Please cite an example: both the mass and Ven are the Four Noble Truths doctrine taken as a basis, but not in the fellowship emphasizes four factors of the teachings. Venerable emphasizes the width of the base and apron, which is intentionally taking the real world as the focus; teachings of the mass of the Empire and emphasize the Noble Truth of Cessation, ie the world seriously ideal ... Organizationally, after the divergence of mass and Ven formed as the two systems. However, in the teachings of the sect are not simply inherited and promoted within the framework of the two systems. Fact is, there are sectarian divide but from the Catholic University redefined they share many similarities with the teachings of the monk, and vice versa, there are a number of sectarian division, but from the teachings of Venerable again Mahasanghika close to, or sectarian fuse and develop perspectives that are very specific teachings ... Such is the case of multiculturalism, they are differentiated from the University of doctrine but they share many similarities with the Friends, or as the Earth turns, the Tibetan France, Cuisine Quang belong to the Catholic monk but the meaning is most of them close to the University ... for comparison and analysis of the characteristics of the sectarian teachings, the Buddhist Studies were divided into twenty-sectarian system, such as the mass system, Friends of the system, read from the system, economic system and the amount of eclectic system (the influence of the religious sect sectarian means other than the original). Including reading from the system and the amount of disseminated Doing some very specific doctrines and close to Buddhist ideology Development (Mahayana) later. Typically theory "theory organ Majeure" (7) and the reading from the doctrine of "outflows seed" (8), "meaning self Wins" Business of the amount of (9). general, Buddhist thought during the sectarian divide is "rich in complexity theory". In terms of ideology, it contributes to Buddhist thought more rich and voluminous, so the sects are attempts to promote, develop a certain part of the Dharma, the difference is only in the perspective of recognition form. However, historical documents about this period is quite rare. Forums such, the historical sources has sometimes disagree on dating site and cause differentiation, probably due to limitations derived from the concept. Above is just a brief definition of the cause, differentiation processes and characteristics of the sectarian teachings. noteworthy that for several hundred years, during and after fertilizer division, although there disagreement of opinion, but not any riots happened to oppress the opposition and to commend the prestige of the sect. Thereby spoke to one of the characteristics of Buddhism is freedom of thought . This is clearly reflected in sectarian Buddhist period. On the other hand, after its inception, the mission must endeavor to promote ideas to maintain their position. The effort that has resulted is a system of Abhidharma literature (Abhidhamma) have formed, notably treasure commentary and Friends of the Ven. III. Dynasty Buddhist king Ashoka (Asoka) to the reign of King Sac Ca Ca Ni (Kanishka) 1) - The role of King Asoka in the transmission of Buddhism: Ashoka (reigned 269-232 before TL, more than two hundred years after Buddha's) who has unified India, nation building became mighty in all aspects. The king's leaders have applied Buddhist ethics on the line and rule policy, and at the same time, the Ashoka is a great director Buddhist households most in history, especially the history of the introduction Buddhism beyond India. After the bloody war, whether glorious victory but the king realized something vital is the source of happiness, human values ​​are not outside that is located on the main individual selves. From a fierce king, Asoka Buddhist refuge and became a fervent Buddhists upholding Buddhism, was hailed as a historic image formats greatest military in the history of India. claiming to be Buddhists, the king has personally worship of relics, and in every important place, the king will give up the pillar to commemorate Buddha. The stone pillars and edicts engraved on it later is a precious archaeological evidence to help us understand more about the Buddha and the history of this period. conscious of the practical values ​​of Buddhist thought in the building society, the country long term, positive Asoka Buddhist ideas spread not only throughout the territory of India, but also outside the country, sent missionaries to Greece, Egypt , the countries of the Mediterranean region, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) ... make known the Buddhist world and became a Buddhist in religion, humanity's great thinkers. One of the missionaries sent there by the king of the union prince Mahinda, brought after classic have been compiled in the conference for the second time, by the king and patron organizations, to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to classics then this is the episode here the Pali Canon, as a basis for Holy Tripitaka text oldest Catholic today. could not forget one thing is, the reign of King Asoka Buddhist meet at division can say that to the extreme, however we still have not seen the king intervention into the sectarian divide and that the king did not have an attitude a denominational bias. Characteristics of ethics that encourages the king's population practice a middle path, away from the extremes. Policy rule of the king is open, unbiased Buddhists and non-Buddhists ... In short, Buddhism in the reign of King Asoka developed very strong. Buddhism spread not only throughout the territory, but also spread to Greece, Egypt, Syria and most of the eastern part of the Mediterranean coast, the water Aparantaka, Kamboja of northern India; Pulinda, Bhoja, Pitinika, Andhra, Cola, Pandya, and Sri Lanka (Tambapanni) south Indian territory ... 2) - Buddhism following the reign of King Asoka: After the death of Asoka (circa 232 before TL), the successor much believe in Brahmanism and Jainism Buddhism should not be preferential, protective as ever. Around the beginning of the second century before TL, have called martial Additional Sa Face Lotion (Pusyamitra) usurped the throne and established the Sunga dynasty is new. Pusyamitra are devout Brahmanical and Buddhist persecution. The next monarch believed Brahmin beliefs, so Buddhism in Central India, where the power of the monarch on the dominant, wane, however, in the northern India and the West Indies, Buddhism continues to grow, have traveled much higher intelligence. stage this series especially for the Buddhist architectural monuments. In addition to thousands of home security is closely Ashoka built everywhere to worship Buddha, still preserved today the hallmark of this era through works like Buddhist stupas in Deer Park (Deer Park), Bodh Gaya , Ellora, Ajanta (dating from the second century before TL) ... 3) - Dynasty Buddhist nuns Sac Ca Na (Kanishka): King Sac Ca Ca Ni (Kanishka) ruled India after the King A Education about three hundred years (ie early second century after TL). King is a very grave Buddhism, his merits Buddhism was almost comparable level with Ashoka. dynasty Kanishka have very powerful forces, conquered into a number of regions of the Later Han as Kashgar, Varkand, Khotan ... Historical record that, in the sect, the Friends king Kanishka more popular. Buddhist merit holder of the king is recognized by initiating, sponsoring and writing etched into the Tripitaka in Conference aggregation Fourth, as mentioned in the previous section. During the reign, the king built many structures like stupas Buddhist relics worship around the country. During the thirty year reign of Kanishka, as the holder of the head supremacy of the country, Buddhism has developed very strong, not inferior to the previous Ashoka. However, after the reign of King Sac Ca Ca Ni, have argued in favor dynasty, which dynasty are all chains, so Buddhist downs, historically variable, but at least developers can not be compared with the range profound impact as the reign of king Ashoka and Ni Sac Ca Ca.
  C. Development Period Buddhism (Mahayana) I-concept translated word sound Sino-Vietnamese Mahayana Mahayana is often understood as chariot (legal) large. This term can appear around the first century before the TL, but the third century after the new TL is defined through the works of Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) with no legal stance of self- invariant (emptiness). Great Vehicle (Mahayana) also meant only for ideas crest, sublime, profound ... The term Mahayana (Great Vehicle) often go hand in hand with Hinayana (Theravada) that often distinguish two practice methods : selfish, just for the sake of personal liberation (Theravada) and forgiveness, deliverance and help people liberate themselves (Mahayana). The researchers pointed out that Buddhism is a mistake. Mahayana concept show tendencies of thought developed into a selfless abstruse philosophical systems, perfect, tight. Here, called "Development of Buddhist era" is only for that period of history from thoughts on prosperity, spread widely and become the most prominent ideas of Buddhism, from the beginning about the third century to the end of the eighth century after TL. II-Origins of Mahayana Buddhist thought ( Mahayana) Say unequivocally that the Mahayana Buddhist thought to the time of the Buddha. During the sectarian Buddhism, this idea has formed relatively well in our University and interspersed in the teachings of other sects. Before Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) has increased propagate the Holy Mahayana Buddhism as Nagasena Bhikkhu (Nagasenna), he could work (Vasumitra), Ma Ming (Asvaghosa) ... mainly in North India. As I have repeatedly mentioned, before the third century after TL, ie before the age of Nagarjuna, the sutras of Mahayana important as Prajna (Prajnaparamita Sutra), Hoa Nghiem (Gandavyuha), Vimalakirti (Vimalakirtinirdesa sutra), The Mausoleum samadhi (samadhi Surangama sutra), Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower (Saddharma Pundarika sutra) and some texts of the Pure Land thought was common, especially in East India and South India and especially in North India, where the influence of the mass of the strongest. however, not until the age of Nagarjuna, new ideas flourished ever before . This idea was also soon make a huge impact on the other ideologies, not only domestically but also spread and appropriate for many countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Vietnam South ... as soon as it was introduced. doctrinal standpoint, thoughts on nothing other than the development of later and abundant, codified Theravada Buddhist teachings, and the bodhisattva ideal, it can be said , is a trend, mode of "socialization" of Buddhism to suit the changes of the times. Now, we will explore the history of Buddhism through the ages associated with the names of the Celebrity commentator, typical in this period. III-era Buddhist Nagarjuna 1) - Aspects of Nagarjuna: Talking to develop Buddhism (Mahayana), firstly it is often referred the name of Nagarjuna, because he was instrumental in the economic annotated and codified the basic teachings and propagate this idea very positive. was born at the beginning of the third century after TL , or about seven hundred years after the Buddha's passing, descended from Brahmins in South India, innate intelligence of them, before him practicing pagan, after Buddhism, understanding the doctrine. He is the author of the famous treatise as Chinese Restaurant, Great spot, sa ... Cross cylindrical zither , a total of three sets of ten, Uncivil annotations, France Flowers, Flower Adornment ... 2 ) - Nagarjuna's Thought: Do scholarly fields, many of the writings explain the economic reasoning, thought he should be more important as the Pure Land sect, Huayan, Tam Luan concrete ... The Enlightenment is honored. However, can realize his ideas are mainstream philosophical emptiness is presented through the timeless argument Middle Way , to be great, "All things are not-self or not . To reach the end of suffering , need to realize ethical not him. Nirvana is emptiness (non-self). " After Nagarjuna, there are prominent characters Devadatta (Deva) - His disciples - and Rahula Bat David La (Rahula Bhadra) - Devadatta his students. afraid to be who she is South Indian, born around the end of the third century after TL. He was a brilliant, eloquent, often sent to subdue pagan teachings and everywhere else. Some historical sources said later that he was harmed pagan. She was afraid to inherit and promote the ideas of his teacher, based on the stance Madhyamarg to write the conclusion to build a system of close reasoning purpose is "breaking current district." His canvas La Rahula also born around the end of the third century after TL, from Central India, continued his career writing annotated commentary Madhyamarg , but his works are now lost . Mahayana Buddhist thought developed by Nagarjuna widely spread in South India, there is growing trend of central India, have greatly influenced contemporary. fourth-Buddhist era Asanga ( Asanga) and The Body (Vasubandhu) 1) - The economic emergence after Nagarjuna: Nagarjuna After the era and before the brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu was born, then there are a number of business formation and are relatively widely spread as economic ideology Man Wins organ Tathagata (Buddha nature) centered; business Mahaparinirvana France disclosures about permanent body, all living beings have the Buddha nature and Threads least uphold the Buddha, Lankavatara Sutra (Lankavatara) to highlight the teachings of Tathagata organs and skin to form A; economic ideology Award surfacing as a basis for informal learning areas only ... 2) - Some About Asanga and Vasubandhu: According to many sources, the Asanga and Vasubandhu's half brother, born after Nagarjuna than a hundred years, or about the end of the fourth century after TL . Vasubandhu larger Asanga I was about twenty years old. Asanga had believed Brahmanism, later ordained according to the Organic Research and Mahayana Buddhist scriptures and spreading positive thoughts . According to legend, he was heard Maitreya Bodhisattva (Maitreya) supply preaching in heaven rate (Tusit) (?). He is the person who writes the opinion, in which classified into two: one, because he narrates the Bodhisattva Maitreya, and one, by the composer himself. Vasubandhu was originally ordained according to the Organic, mark it Comment left via the the Kosa famous synthesis of the teachings of this sect; behind him advice, he switched to study and propagate positive Mahayana Buddhist thought. He was a brilliant mind, the author of a thousand treatises, was dubbed the "God of the commentator," of which the treatise as a basis of consciousness-only school sector, as valid as the works "classics", as Duy accompanying consciousness, intelligence professional legal Mahayana immediate comment, Abhidharma Kosa ... Asanga He died at the age of seventy six, and the life Vasubandhu to eight fifty years old. The annotated classic works of his two, along with his Maitreya, is the immortal treatise, very important in the history of Buddhism. 3) - Characteristics thoughts Asanga and Vasubandhu: For Asanga, most of his writings in order to justify thinking "Who the skin origination" (Origination opinion), meaning that the legal world are not beyond human consciousness that, and roots source for the existence of the law is to form a skin (eighth - Alaya). Particularly with the commentator God, because He is a mindedness should show his thoughts as abundant, however, fundamentally, since his switch to classic study Mahayana Buddhism, the idea His stance is similar to Asanga, that is also under "Origination conclusion." Thought by the brothers Asanga, Vasubandhu, mainly developed primarily popular in North India, tend increasingly spreading to the south. V-formation and flourishing of modern forestry accomplice Nalanda (Nalanda) - center of Buddhist Development period 1) - The formation of two systems of Buddhist thought : Thought by Nagarjuna and brother Asanga, Vasubandhu soon developed into two main ideology of contemporary Buddhism, known as the Middle Way school and Yogacara school . Middle School Bars of "It's Phenomenology", initiated by Nagarjuna, comes from South India gradually spread southward. After his Devadatta (Deva) and Rahula canvas La (Rahula Badhra), from the fourth century onwards with the excellent commentator inherited and promoted as they Thanh Section (Pingala), Buddhapalita ( Buddhapalita) VI century after TL has them on plates (Bhavaviveka), the beginning of the seventh century after his TL has the Lion Quang, Quang Thang, cough ... continue to uphold and spread ideas Madhyamarg . Yogacara School of "dependent origination conclusion," commentator by brothers Asanga and Vasubandhu initiated, comes from North India and then spread to the south. After the age of Asanga and Vasubandhu, about two hundred years (or about the sixth century after TL, this school ranks appear more talented as his commentator Body Wins (Bandhusri), calcify (Citrabhana), Germany Property (Gunamati), Chen Na (Dignaga), An Insight (Sthiramati) ... Next to have him as Dharma protectors (Dharmapala), which currently (Silabhadra) - the teacher has direct knowledge taught school for his Duy Xuan Home ... at Nalanda Prestige of this school is not inferior to the Madhyamaka school. 2) - total length of forest Nalanda (Nalanda) - intersections where convergence essence of Buddhism: Nalanda is a "monastic institutions" like no other in history, located in the northern Rajgir (Rajagaha, now Rajgir), belonging to Central India. Can Nalanda built in the late fifth century after TL. In his memoir, Xuanzang recorded that, when coming here (the first half of the seventh century after TL), the Nalanda University was an accomplice scale forestry; Mr. Yi Jing (late second century VII after TL) is described Nalanda had eight institutes, three hundred rooms, magnificent architecture, majestic ... that particular location, Nalanda is the meeting place of the two systems of thought from Northern and transferred to South, it became the gathering place for the monk, eminent Buddhist scholars at that time. Historical record that, here, every day there are thousands of studies, research and practice. Regulation recruited Nalanda is very strict. So, who studied at Nalanda, after completion of the program, have become the prestigious Buddhist scholars. Nalanda became a center of Buddhism, especially in terms of academics, the India. This is where quality education, and a "forum" for dialogue between Buddhist thought and of Buddhism and other ideas for several hundred years. VI-Buddhist from his time to his Dinnaga About Hien 1) - Buddhist Dinnaga his time (Dignaga): He is Dinnaga South Indian, born in the late fifth century after TL. He was there to learn the basis for all aspects of Buddhist teachings. He was prominent in the quintessence of logic areas from Indian philosophy, converted to the new principles, building the foundation for Buddhist logic. Of thought, he inherited ideology of Asanga and Vasubandhu, the stance of "dependent origination conclusion." Dinnaga He wrote many treatises, especially the Union's main subjects of discussion , the following He is the disciple of Dharmapala wrote captions while preparing to add some additional commentary makes Human illustrate (= logic or logic learning) becomes an important field of Buddhist studies. 2 ) - Buddhism in the minutes of his time (Bhavaviveka): He is the heir sidebar and promote ideas of Nagarjuna. He was a South Indian, living in the second half of the sixth century after TL. Thanh Bien not only the mastery of Buddhist teachings but also understand the teachings of some pagan, especially to fear expression. He has written many commentaries to clarify the thought of Nagarjuna in Madhyamarg . , he would spread the chemical in nuoac Dhanakataka, in southern India. 3) - Buddhism in his time Dharma protectors (Dharmapala) : He has studied French households Duy Tran Na knowledge and learning from his contemporaries is his actual world. As for education, he came to Nalanda to study, and not long after, became a scholar of contemporary Buddhist. He is the author of several treatises like The only way, The only sure method of birth ... to annotate the content of the commentary Vasubandhu, Chen Na ... Striking is the only Member epistemology , explanations that accompany speech Tam So his body, becoming one of the key works of the consciousness-only school. Legend has twenty nine years old, he left Nalanda and the hermit at the Mahabodhi temple, He died when he was very young, only thirty-two years old. Still, leaving his imprint, through the conclusion, on the history of Buddhism is very important. Buddhism in three positions, sorted from low to high: (1) "religious right-wing Center "(the notion that the mind and the scenes are real) and includes the original teachings of the sect, (2) establish the" Tam Huu Canh not religious "(the mind but not the actual scene) that includes teacher Asanga , The Body undertakings, and (3) "the sentence does not mind teaching situation" (center and scenes are not really any) include teachings initiated by Nagarjuna. This is a doctrinal perspective classification (assignment) first in history.  studied Duy Hien Him About His knowledge of French households and became a great master level in this field. When Xuanzang (Tang monk Tripitaka) to study at Nalanda, the actual world he has over a hundred years old and is the reigning Academy of Forestry converts this great home. VII-The formation and flourishing of esoteric Buddhism Tantric is called the "Secret Buddhism", consists of two systems: Mantrayana (Mantrayana), theoretical emphasis, and Vajrayana (Vajrayana), the actual focus. According to the researchers, the Buddhist Tantric thought from the Theravada Buddhist period, is indicated by the mantra guardian of the law and in economic Peacock. During a very long time, no see Tantric appear. The formation of such an ideology and its flourishing monastery attached to Vikramasila, TL eighth century later, during the reign of King Dharmapala, in eastern India.


After the Buddha's passing (*), Buddhism had a great influence on society and increasingly widely spread on the territory of South India as well as outside the country, especially in age Ashoka (Asoka). The doctrine taught by the Buddha, as "finger pointing to the moon," is only a means to come to the realization of each individual, which is not dogmatic rigidity, so the perceived disagreement about words Buddha (sutras) is granted. Theravada Buddhist period, with the Sangha including the majority of saints increased, whereas, in this period, the boundaries of Buddhism spread also narrowed, only parts of the central belt from east to west of India, there is a relatively close relationship should not be bitter disagreements occur. Buddha's After about a hundred years, traditional geographic boundaries Buddhism spread wide open, due to differences in culture along with changes in social conditions that led to the fierce disagreements in perception Buddhist teachings and Buddhist fragmented into several (20) of sect. As mentioned before, this time, the situation becomes complicated Buddhism in the organization as well as in the interpretation of the doctrine, however, differentiation is nothing more to adapt to survive, in the present ideas, it makes Buddhism more abundant. The highlight of this period was the great contribution of Asoka to Buddhism, especially in spreading the Dharma career and archeology - history. Thanks to the envoys sent the missionaries to distant countries in which our country could have, which is conditional Buddhism soon became a religion, the great thinkers of humanity, also thanks to the Head stone built by the king at the shrine has helped a lot in the dating of the historical Buddha. From about the first century before TL, the Mahayana Buddhist thought (Mahayana) and to flourish century Third after TL, Nagarjuna times, it flourished, opening up Buddhist Development. This period appears more prominent commentator levels, especially the formation of Buddhist learning center Nalanda in Bihar. Thanks to Nalanda Buddhist development in this period was completed, forming a separate area of expertise. divergence Buddhist history into three periods are approximate. For example, during the development of Buddhism, the sect still exist alongside Mahayana ideology and of course we will have interaction with each other ... Looking Essential Buddhism in India after Buddha's time, there are always variations, ups and downs. This is a vivid expression and practice of Buddhism - a living body including the joints characteristics, contract time and contract management, so to adapt campaign is an inevitable truth. Evolution through three periods of Buddhism in India has shown that. However, the core issue is essentially unchanging doctrine, sometimes seemingly complex fertilizers but only a process consistently and continuously, without interruption or sudden deviations. Through This lesson, hoping to help the students with an overview, a brief history on the home Buddhism Sakyamuni Buddha. In the next section, students will be introduced to the history of Buddhism in China and Vietnam with the evidence closely, more intimately with us. /.
* Note:
(1) Complete Stream, Ham freezer, A Na Ham and Arhat. (2) central core traditional chant popular in ancient India, only read from memory rather than written.   (6) Complete Stream, Ham freezer, A Na Ham and Arhat. (7) "Real possibility organ theory": a concept "entity" (pudgala - Additional specialty is old) born permanent connection human life (past - present - future), human existence from the mundane to the Buddha after all, it's not because legal ownership of legal and unconditioned (non-binary capacitor). (8) No Omission seeds: but also ordinary but already had the seed of the world - the ability to gain liberation, the ultimate realization. We can say, this is the premise of thought "Buddha-nature argument" is very popular in the period Buddhism flourished. .
Guiding questions for review 
1 - Presenting features of Theravada Buddhist period. 2 - Presentation of the four causes recital Conference. What you think about the cause of this? 3 - Summary of the concept of cause sectarian divide Buddhism? It is argued that the sectarian divide is beyond the characteristics of Buddhism, is not that true? 4 - What do you know about the character had an important role in the spread of Buddhism beyond India ? 5 - Presentation of two prominent ideology during the development of Buddhism (Mahayana)? 6 - Meaning role of Nalanda University forestry accomplice in spreading Buddhism? 7 - What You Think Buddhism was introduced after the history of Buddhism in Buddha's homeland? END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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