Tuesday 17 December 2013

Purity Heart Sutra Buddhist theory
Lecturer Profile (1)
He preached all French Master Chin Kung
In 1992 in Enlightened Contact Village, Old Gold Mountain, United States
Tam Tinh record, comparative Korean English test
Switch Language: Self Quang Buu Hoa As disciples
      Business Title incredibly clear, content is also very simple, pure, essential. During this sutra, the Buddha teaches us to approach the pure mind. During the Pure Land Teachings, we are Known ethically "pure realms pure heart." Because it knows that for the Pure Land practice, extremely pure heart key.
      The translator of this business is you, they, he is a foreigner to China in the South preaching the North.
      Director of business:
      Exalted Buddha, the most time at Sravasti country, Anathapindaka Life Member States, data Bhikkhu them questions.
      (One time, Bhagavan Buddha at Sravasti water, garden Anathapindaka, Jeta the trees, and the monk question)
      This passage is missing part of the sentence beginning "as the Russians" is translated as classics in infancy, no district shall comply with the rules, but when we have full Achievement [as the business service in the later stage]. Exalted Buddha's owner Achievement, "temporary" is Time Achievement, "National in Sravasti, Anathapindaka Life Member States" is the Land of Achievement, this place is familiar to us , business Amida also preached here. "Data Bhikkhu them questions" are we Achievement. Six things completely full.
      The second paragraph of the section chief of the Apostolic doing this. argument about rules interpreter familiar classics, the first human subject headings Which ones have the word "Buddha Speaks," is proved by experience that the Buddha said, but not Is anyone else says. Doing this business just like Amitabha, who revealed no appeal, the Buddha himself said, classic bullshit Self Theory (not that anyone asked themselves say) certain very crucial.
      In Buddhist education, to be honest, the "pure heart" is a dark subject material education. Needless know any concrete, public practice, the only difference method, rather than target practice entirely agreed, that is to cultivate a calm mind so. called Pure Land purity of mind is "the most negative mental disorder" , as well as a meditation called "meditation" , the Church called the "only consistent", even as Tantric called "third secret correspond." All nouns that are only different names of the pure mind alone. therefore, for education, although sometimes nobody revelation, he also specifically mentioned out to teach.
      Director of business:
      Report Buddhist monks monks language:
      (Buddha told the monks that)
      This is the same mass Buddha ordained.
      Director of business:
      Like to appeal!
      (These he listen)
      "Hearing God" is thoroughly listen, listen efforts.
Director of business:
Disadvantages monks practiced Chief Justice Thanh Van, sexual purity attained pseudo center.
(If the Chief Justice Shravakas practice, to achieve a calm mind)
      First of all, he raised the subject taught. Letters "Thanh Van word" just the way the Theravada school, from the number of fruits from the fruit to fully include in this category.
"Practicing Chief Justice": We know Chief Justice of the Theravada monk Thirty Seven Products Act, the center is the Noble Eightfold Path. fact, thirty-seven aids Act not only for the Theravada school , the Mahayana school would not be able to escape. effects we see in front of Tiantai masters, forty-four teachers were divided into Tibet, Info, Specials, Vienna to lecture. Satipatthana of contemporary Tibetan Church Hinayana course; Communication Education, Special Education, Teachers belong to the Mahayana. has four foundations of mindfulness Theravada, Mahayana also has four foundations of mindfulness. Theravada has Eightfold Path, Mahayana has not always had the Eightfold Path? therefore known as the Thirty Seven Products Director general for all the Dharma, not just the Theravada University, Tong Gate, Church House, Show, Password fullness are all full. Seen from this perspective, the Buddha has deep market just wide open, do not just limit where the Theravada Thanh Van, we must pay special attention to this.
"To achieve a calm mind" is the whole focus of this text, which means breaking down how to achieve a calm mind? This is very important for our own practice.
      Director of business:
      Of paragraph contingent legal, legal practice interior, spiritual child fullness.
      (It should be an end to years of legal, should practice the seven stars for fullness)
      Here special attention to the phrase " that fullness. " If indeed can practice fullness - if you use the word Catholic to comment - it can reach Teachers, the more there must be a legal bar Van purely so. Buddha taught us to legal year period, that is the law in any way?
      Director of business:
Most desire; binary yard Khue, soul deep torpor, from trade exchange, contingent facilities. Try contingent bell-positive fragment.
      (One is greed, anger is two, three is sleeping sloth, four are employees welcome, regret, distrust year. cage In order to be rid of this)
      "This" is a cover-up. "chapter" is hampered. other words, in order to cover up the pure mind of ours, that a calm mind can not cash out, totally unobstructed, but does not have have a pure mind. therefore certain to eliminate this year. To follow this, we discuss each in turn.
      The first is greed. [Speaking] Join the vast majority of pros are talking about the scene. satisfied man having unpleasant moment, no matter what the situation or circumstance spiritual material, shallots something positive under his mind went start craving. Sexual lust, the Buddha called the five desires, worldly known as the Pleiades. lovelorn Duc Ngu anyone who lives there or not greed? By Seven awake craving Education should not can escape samsara, study and can not achieve, nor can learn Zen "Specific", then drill Buddhist concept refers to "the most negative mental disorder", although only "a sophisticated blade" still can not successful Catholic school can not "enlightened", because not only can cause Education lovelorn bedroom down.
      "Nature Spirit" is manifested by nature. Nature arise, the effect known as "Nature Spirit". nature fullness, emptiness and fullness Germany. Tam Tanh where Germany is About Learning, concentration, and wisdom. "Gender Studies" also means something to preserve . therefore, we need to understand: in particular the Three Learning About Sex - Dinh - Hue of Mahayana Buddhism, the absolute law not only limited in the Five Precepts, Zhu, Cross Gender, Bhikkhus Gender, Bodhisattva Vow! About Learning fullness means all the words the Buddha's teaching us About Learning, must adhere to, it is also saved route from Germany emptiness.
In other words, ethical, treat people right material to the right of way. If there is no desire right away right of way, because there are still "private interest" does not express the emptiness German money. therefore, Buddha taught us to except the desire and compassion. speaking very ethical, easy listening stars, but very difficult to get rid. Because everyone has not break the ego, the starting center concept, what as well as yourself: I participate, I si, I love. Want to get rid of desire must first falls, falls are the basis for "crowd out" (see empty thrown). shallots audience, it will break However let down.
      The school has two classes of certain Buddhist achievement:
a) A person is smart extraordinary, often called Buddhist "mind upper house advantage" . Ranks who heard the Dharma, enlightenment immediately. Later came true Catholic liturgical practice medicine, such people Can certain achievements.
b) The second class is "deep thick virtue". Ranks for the teachings of Buddha, Bodhisattva effort went well done, they do not need to know the reasoning, based on follow Buddha's teachings follow. Ranks honest like that can be accomplished.
Human truth is not simply a head start, in terms of rebirth, the upper house location such benefits according keep them. honest Why do people get such achievements? Let me read and understand the new University of Economics . ranking reason is this person in a previous life, practice eternal, infinite accumulation of virtue, in this life karmic maturation, went to church with the words of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas never measurements of medical education liturgical practice, which should be fulfilled. Merchants benefit based position, infinitely clever wisdom that we learn to follow there is, but learn from the truth we all can learn.
Why the truth is heard, and we are not listening? things we hear Buddha are all indispensable in business, undercuts a lot to be accomplished should not. Everybody should take care teachers fully serve practice, this we must remember, must actively practice!
So tell us last lifetimes being miserable craving devastating catastrophic extraordinary. If in this life can not remain away from them for birth in the Pure Land, the story of our future encounter certain obstacles . Persons who want the real accomplishment for any legal or worldly of the world are always there to decide greed. "faithless motto" less desire, often enough to keep the mind knows. People living in the world eat it, wear warm, there is a small house to cover the buyout sun is enough already. Dharma teachings boundless, but we just need to pick a method, in all school classics we just follow a classic, it's called "sexual minorities." Liench'ih old masters, completely abandon the classics, just keep doing it each Di Da, a Buddhist verse effect, other things are not needed anymore. Such action Minimize your new motto is very fulfilling. If methods for many subjects, classics, and want to learn East, West as well as learning math, the more suffering, the success was not easy!
Again I say to you fellow for people interested decisions, I demonstrated for all to see. Usually we hear in the Buddha said: "A smooth experience, all business smoothly." This sentence thousands universal right part, absolutely no damage to fake, until last year I just realized this realm. before the other , no need to know where teaching experience in, bring yourself to the experience, including his statements recorded uncle. This year the business has a note that I no longer needed. therefore, I invite you teaching experience, just take an arbitrary texts in the Tripitaka, I can also explain the everyone, no need to prepare in advance. This recognition of the ancients say the word "a seamless experience, doing all smooth" thousands of thousands of parts justifiable. If you want to learn so many classics, it is because too troublesome, too mixed, this e a lifetime experience does not make him a message, why not concentrate forces to penetrate a loan? Stock Hien Thanh Tien said nothing wrong at all: "There should desire."
The second is "angry". Stadium is about adversity Khue, ie situations such as attention. The life is good, the situation is good, but having no joy, not pleasant, not fun in the side panels. Patio obstacles such Khue private (compassion, patience) in nature but also moral perfection the sugar industry of that hell. Craving is now Russia's orbit. been craving Skip separated, then the alms offerings, morality, contemporary fullness of nature are out of money. If you can not give up Germany is not the nature of money does not show, but also to work preta preta in directing again! Retribution difference too big, not as isolated as the earth but also the heavens with no way to compare the . paragraph greed, anger is Compassion, patience German university where fullness nature will naturally flow out highway money, so it should not fall in that plate, it must fall in bad faith.
Third is "torpor." torpor is lazy. implies the spirit of not more popular, it is often said that "the sense of dullness," can not rekindle the spirit, the effect of the five senses: eyes, ears , nose, tongue and body natural deterioration, the eye could not see far, nor ear heard afar, perseverance great obstacles which Nature fullness Germany. We're still in the ordinary position, can not get no sleep, sleep is as important as eating it. Eating a full meal is not is not important, but if you do not sleep well, chased spirit, not way to work. therefore, have a good sleep, but do not get too much sleep.
How to forsake sleep? totally honest, meticulous people do not practice effective, yet reaches of bliss, he lazy, so lazy with this obstacle. The real life said: "The spirit of a fresh puff Ends" (people who see something funny, cheery spirit.) If encounter inspiring stories high, were sleeping plucking forget, is not impossible to happen. We Buddhist Studies, Buddhist concept did not gain legal practice joy, to feel pain so practice, practice more and more miserable, felt more pain, sorrow, be certain to sink. Why has this phenomenon ? sir I just said: No gain of bliss! The cause is not lawful to use sophisticated, not effective, is by this principle!
Take the Buddhist concept that says something, right elaborate Buddhist concept effectively, as more happy anniversary. If're feeling very tired, little-known Buddhist notion performance, ardent spirits went up, which is due "means the . " That is meaningless, because it is the law. Achieving legal status, the main reason is that the Supreme nutrients. When Buddhist worship, pray often uncle "meditation browser microflora" (Zen approved for food). Meditation Browse the reach of bliss in meditation, this is the best part nutrients; pure mind is more complementary nutrients as well. Achieve nutrients will not need anything else anymore, spirit prolific people, abundant strength.
Strictly speaking, the Buddhist students to learn so that each year a better spirit, each year a more vigorous. Buddhist Studies sophisticated and yet so powerful just the right way, to achieve new benefits where dharma wins. If not gain any immediate benefit, just hope future reports will achieve good results, it's hard to make people trust! During dharma talk to press flowers and retribution. things right before we reach flower eye is reported, the gain in the future retribution. flowers bloom no good, how good are the results? Buddhist Studies to legal requirements such as management, it is essential minimum requirements first.
This set of business by the Buddha when he preached to the world at-home person. Renouncers sleep four hours at medium to labor. At the time India was divided into three time during the day, night three times a day in Ancient India six times. eggs from ten pm to two am, it's time to sleep Renouncers, two key procedural am wake up in the morning, one day only sleeping four hours. present We're heavy karma, the Atlantic Ocean to initiate sleep eight hours. than eight hours sleep is not as legal! If you can reduce one to two hours, I think that sleep six hours are very long. Part Optical audio is part of life-jog! The world used to say: "One inch optical audio, an inch of gold." Optical audio material like that, so to preserve precious optical audio, practice efforts.
Wednesday handing Exchange ( labor hello, sorry): Talking to Trao and Exchange refers to two things. This rebellion as it is often said to "hand celebration", ie no saddle center, in the heart vomg think too much, just like the water drag reels, seven bucket goes to the bucket eight other goes down. these two phenomena is two obstacles to meditation. The Buddhist concept of us as genuine leather, only time will detect obstacles net: net just in time, sitting between the mass psychology of seven to eight down, and he was somnolence (drowsiness .) In the town center is not, wandering carnage, which is to "hand celebration." Penance is "repentance." Regret is the capital good, if later regretting past mistakes is a good thing , but if you do good things, but also regret later, then no good anymore. Much more Buddha taught us not to "post exchange" (later regret.) Because we want to eliminate that pitiful every time thinking about that poor, the poor now re-create it again, how clean are now following criteria?
Qualities are the fellow students of Buddhism, no matter what religious elementary or long, there is absolutely nothing but sin toilet block now, spend ear from accident, this problem seems very serious. Said general idea is to think: "I have a lot of karma, we must think how to eradicate." Expectation is very good, but often done wrong (not true method), karma is not objective! Having applied the wrong time, did not spend the karma, sometimes even extra karma, the cause is so "dense, mesmerizing", not follow the correct legal district. fact, all economic measures are as consumption karma, but karma too heavy if they all lost all economic measures can not eliminate the effect of the poor, but still own to be eliminated.
In the past, under the Qianlong life a mage named Danh management consultants, the shaman is very famous in the history of Chinese Buddhism, he left us with a lot of things. He once said: "All sins are now not able to spend cleaning, final, only new concept Amitabha Buddha can really spend ear " . sentence he writes in the book shop Trading Online Only sutra commentary Infinite Life. Due to this, we really see is a Buddhist verse effects such inconceivable merit, but who knows too little guidance. In recent years, I preached the Infinite Life, and random reading of old commentaries Hoang Niem To laymen, a glossary of good stuff, is a great dictionary of the Infinite Life Sutra, the solution like that can say all the words of the Venerable Patriarch of China, this ancient foreigners. In that work, the tool also quoted senior monk Venerable Sui Dynasty, Tang, observing the entire Buddhist, draw specific conclusions:
In a life of Shakyamuni Buddha, all measures compared Buddha spoke in forty-nine years, the most of any business? Everyone recognizes superlative Flower Adornment Sutra. Speaking comparison Flower Adornment Sutra and economic Infinite Life, everyone recognizes superlative Infinite Life Sutra, Infinite Life Sutra Exceptional Flower Adornment Sutra. economic Amitayus Why is superlative? Property ultimate consummation of the Flower Adornment Sutra is the king led the ten great vows about Bliss. If such rules may lead towards Bliss, Flower Adornment Sutra will not fullness. Property shall sufficiency of the Flower Adornment Sutra is like to know the Infinite Life is superlative.
Stock only comparable to that person alone, rather than considering more carefully, Infinite Life Sutra forty-eight articles, most are empty? course ranks sixth best products. Usage sixth forty-eight vows, is basis to calculate the total care of themselves, by the virtue of Amitabha Buddha said. Throughout scripture, the most critical products. During the forty-eight vows, the vows do is pray most? For this problem , ancient faith openly admitted eighteenth vow is superlative. eighteenth vow is "approved maintenance trophy." Having such comparisons understand the four letters Amitabha Buddha is the most capital. Having thus understood why there is no target texts are poor, not destroy all obstacles! Only one question Amitabha can spend, could kill, this is also corroborate his statement Consulting empowerments.
      Especially in this degenerate age, poor man deeply offensive, only Pure Land method can save. One question Amitabha Buddha boundless embraces all disciplines: subjects Tong, Professor lower, Tantric are all included in it. A sentence contemporary Buddhist practice is effective fullness, total lead agency; therefore, it's really effective. maintain life The projector according to this method, a die cut heart, decided not cynical, not mixed complex, no interruptions, effective use of the three months will be able to see the effect. Effectiveness What? Speaking under way now is "physical transformation", words, acts, gestures, body and face are all modified, fast then three months, then six months later he will is effective.
      So says the new can minimize sleep. Given that not enough sleep because the body can not be healthy, is not overly exaggerated story? If you really do not sleep enough because the body is not feeling well, then quickly go see a doctor, to see if there is a health issue or not? teaches: "All the way from birth minds" . People aged why? because everyone is afraid of the old, the other day thinking about the old days, on the day the disease should be afraid to think of the disease; went really sick. Sao not think healthy? There is thought to realms pure heart? Venerable Patriarch there are many little sleep but mentally very prolific. As far as doing say word Buddha, Bodhisattvas, gods are not required to sleep, but mentally very prolific. We can not learn according to him not to sleep, but do not sleep too involved, we have to change that notion, because "all measures are born from the mind."
Fifth Facilities: Facilities are skeptical. Biggest suspicion is skeptical about the Buddha, the Bodhisattva teachings, can not deeply believe, could not believe the decision, doubt can cause obstacles to wisdom.
Summarizing the above said, the Buddha said five hindrances:
a) First, obstacles craving alms, morality, contemporary fullness of nature. Because craving attention, no attention given alms; has three poisons of greed - Golf - Si, not pure hearted. , the pure mind can not even say anything to morality now?
b) Second, Ground Khue obstacles compassion, patience age where nature fullness.
c) Third, sleep great obstacles diligent nature fullness place.
d) Wednesday, exchange Exchange obstacles age meditation fullness of nature.
e) Fifth, Nghi great obstacle wisdom fullness of nature.
We want the fullness six Paramita, but if not eliminate these hindrances year will not be done. Therefore, the Buddha taught: "It should fragment." We train must start from this place. Additionally, there are seven things we have to practice.
Director of business:
Ventricular inferior legal? Most French authorities enlightenment, binary conception of enlightenment, enlightenment tam diligent, Hsu enlightenment, enlightenment contingent contempt, record of enlightenment, enlightenment far. As the application failure or practice law.
(What are the seven? Another is French authorities enlightenment, both the concept of enlightenment, enlightenment effort is three, four is the joy of enlightenment, is in contempt of enlightenment, enlightenment is the six, seven senses is discharged expenditures. should Be like legal practice seven)
"Tu" is studied. "Tap" is practiced, ie in living everyday to practice often. [Seven measures mentioned above] is part of the Bodhi Seven Thirty Seven Products Act, also known as the Seven Senses Chi. Here, [the meaning of the seven was] not the same as the meaning is often preached in thirty-seven leading products, so their sense fullness, large phenomenal.
Firstly Trach France. Trach is "scouts" (selection), France is the practice. did we learn [the Buddha, we must first identify the goal of the Buddhist. If for the purpose of making a healthy body, mind, family is satisfactory to choose which method to achieve that goal. Yet, for the method should be noted, have been selected Dharma is breaking down achieve this goal, if you choose to immoral will not be achieved. Especially in the Dharma Ending Age, Shurangama said very carefully, in our era: "describes the sermon as much as Ganges sands " . The current study Buddhism, more than half of the financing for the purpose of development, peace bridge. Therefore, there are many magicians, great faith traditions teach the excess financial development, financial outcomes turned out financing, financing never found. This is really crazy. profits often say: " Bankruptcy in the State ear " , but broke clean at the accident and still not spend it! So says a new "selection teachings misconduct or district must pay special attention."
The study Buddhism normal merit for his own good, but far from the same goal: The desire to be born into the sky, do not enjoy the blessings the human volunteer, want to enjoy life, the heavenly blessings have special training practice natural birth. God has twenty-eight floors, each floor has its own way of learning. Someone had better foresight, thought that despite being skyward Phi Phi Chiang Chiang way, still is not able to escape samsara. blessing of a sun, back to reincarnation, to sink again. therefore want to be rid of the three worlds method.
Breaking all Mahayana scriptures are teaching us to practice detachment from the three worlds, end birth and death. Whatever decisions equity method, can reach the same goals and the same effect, but because the base our nature not similar, if not the right method to root nature, we will have difficulty practicing, can not see in one lifetime achievement this is. therefore choose to practice. soon in a this life, the key to success or failure practice is to select the appropriate method or not! If you want birth for the Western Pure Land Pure Land Teachings pick. At present, each method are evil - chief, are false - true (which measures only partial benefits, there are legal benefits fullness). This is something to pay attention, to understand the methods 's.
Second, the only time the public Mindfulness, to understand how the body and mind conditioning. condition the body and mind of every individual differences. If you have been highly intelligent teacher, other clinicians diagnose patients, must be used immediately nursing methods to make our mind and body truly healthy, robust capital for the new practice. If we do not have a healthy body panels, want to recite the Buddha one day there came a night spirit, but talk about but do not practice well. Seriously, hope to practice at an early age, young people can force, which is the capital of the time, old age physical impairment, compared with young people much difference. Consequently, optical audio to cherish.
Communications of the old Union House Residential lay (set in the translation business opportunity Infinite Life) is old Hoang Niem To laymen often command line prompt after-school: "Right now, the initiates program for practice righteousness, not more popular. " If we want real achievement, must always remember those words.
Third, Diligent. Here, I specifically remind practitioners to understand these two words. counted as "pure crystal", but not pure noise, Tan is "tons of" progress, not backward. Buddhas All of our students, date for moving day, but not everyone truly diligent but "complex attack" by probably learn a lot, very complex, so-called "complex attack". So powerful did not elaborate, optical audio clean crockery being wasted, unfortunately! Come to know the Buddha preach morality to us - the word "effort" - is the secret to success. Wordthe initiate must remember, whether legal or worldly of the world, want to achieve are specialized crystal. university We see also Western scientists during a life devoted endless pages where a science, so they Can groundbreaking invention, there is discovery. If they learn very complex, very much, will definitely not have very high achievement. those who can achieve a life no one authority is not devoted to pour a section on the health department.
We Dharma, so many texts, after certain choices then, they must know a professional penetration. During Chinese history, the achievements of teachers have great teachers like Mr. Thanh Luong life specialist Flower Adornment Sutra propagate. entire life preaching Flower Adornment Sutra fifty times. During my past teaching experience Huayan, faculty lectures only ten years half. If the base according to the hours that said, a U.S. business Strictly eighty three thousand books to lecture hours. lecture eight hours per day If the instructor can complete a year of this experience. Teaching experience like, really lecturers to eight hours per day. Teaching experience at the monastery to follow schedule follows: four hours before Wujiang, Wujiang after four more hours, complete a one-year, fifty fifty years. Master Thanh Luong very life, to live more than a hundred years old, said general merit as "myths" that.
The pupil of the great master Luong Thanh Tong Password ambassador, according to Mr. Thanh Luong Hoa Nghiem masters learned, but he found  the experience not based nature of his contract, went on trial before Tripitaka withdraw a book, for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their instruction. His results drawn canons Giac Vien, that is his life where steep economic elaborately Giac Vien, Flower Adornment Sutra used to promote economic Giac Vien. He writes in the exegesis Vien Giac: Vien Giac Kinh algebra, boiled, algebra Chi Sao, Chi Sao Boil ... (2). So far as a thousand years later, everyone who comes to the post exegesis are used Vien Giac glossary of Master of masters. Authority is so true romance (3), only then can new achievements.
Re as old age Liench'ih only economic Amida, the Buddha Amitabha sentence, but he just recite four words, no concept of six letters. In practice Bamboo Pen Song Depending copy reads:
Someone asked college Liench'ih:
- He taught the Buddhist concept, the concept of how to teach?
He replied:
- I taught the concept that "Namo Amitabha Buddha".
- What about the idea himself how?
- Self-four words I recite Amitabha Buddha.
The other asked him the cause, he said:
- The other'm not focused in this life for a birth in the Pure Land, so more word Namo somewhat gas customers. Namo Hindi, translated into Chinese means Refuge, Feast, words and gas customers, but I found myself in a lifetime vow right decision rebirth, so all visitors words no need to use gas again.
Stomach horror "titles prime mortgage". "Title" is four letters, so I can understand contemporary Liench'ih the older more diligently. Consequently, new achievements he wins it.
Wednesday, Hy Enlightenment. Hy's of bliss, the best interests of the preliminary study Buddhism. It is his state feel certain equanimity, free from. Normally we so badly negativity, so obviously the body is heavy, but if efficient elaborately calm their bodies (light gentle, peaceful). Negativity less, growth came wisdom, body and gentle, leisurely, not afraid tiring journey, especially climbing stairs, walking faster than others.
In the past, teachers of physical MaleFrom Quang amphitheater set in Taichung, whatever Dispenser walking, leading his disciples up the mountain. then, Mr. Li has over seventy years of age, new disciples twenties, while climbing the mountain, Mr. Li was the first least up to the top, followed by students and puffing, such as teachers, teacher Li causes the body gently. At that time, my body is very light, should still follow up with him, it is "calm, of bliss." Just from the Joy of Enlightenment, will definitely achieve this realm.
But, to remember, to achieve that realm is not happy consciousness, consciousness not arrogant, I'm just to elaborate, very extraordinary jog. Must special attention, to a true sense treatment, do not be crazy, not because it is born sorrow, lest it sink. therefore, that Enlightenment Hy Wednesday and Thursday Contempt An Enlightenment together.
Friday, The Enlightenment. Enlightenment is awakening. Ashrama of ours called Enlightened ashrams. Combining new seven-called Enlightenment Enlightened fullness. every one method are called Enlightenment, a division of enlightenment. is the crux of the practice. During the Three Studies About - Dinh - Hue, the purpose of school is The World. Dinh's elite, who Dinh Hue open. Hue is the purpose, is rightly required of us. Dinh Hue from birth, so told The key is practice.
If they want to elect The "counterpoint", ie the root of compliance with the world. 's chief security measures came to mind and decide not illegal, do not bother making center, but those who do not keep the law, no calm center, on bad days thinking about, how to evade the law, rules, so the body imperfect mind. Dharma nor outside this principle. therefore speaks of the Buddhist clergy to certain school.
However, there are many very good morality, but not achieve Dinh. Cause screening, have turned out in Gender Studies mistakes. For example: Seeing others not morality, he is negativity in the mind not happy. Seeing someone else breaking afflictions world very well, or religious self much better than other people, the birthing start of the non-interest, ego, ego haughtily, should not elect Dinh.
Speaking of sophisticated self-adhesive, Sixth Patriarch Chih went very well, because in the practice of Zen Meditation practice is primarily targeted. Sixth Patriarch taught every phenological commandment: "If anyone of spiritual truth , such that the earth fault. " precepts attempt to attain such new regulations;'s fault because people do not see life, full of bugs found myself, like, the new practice to achieve the self-adhesive power. If you think you can not do mistakes, as well as what legal, medical education throughout the liturgical action, see the behavior of the other gestures as well as the mistakes, so how can people achieve self-adhesive elaborately rightly be? Amendment precepts that way is just heavenly blessings people, even if the sun was not predestined for good practice, only the blessings in realms. Same as pets in the United States so happy , the dogs and cats they have adopted really good fortune, no small thing is not to be interested in, death is also built tombs, often to flower on the grave again?
In addition, there are also ghosts in the road of blessings. Consider these species as paint devil god, god earth spirits, in Taiwan fishermen Thien Tue, United Machining etc. ... there are spirits of good fortune. Was many people to sacrifice, offerings, van fabric, which is in orbit blessings. therefore, we must know how from the top as to be able to achieve Right Concentration.
The prime Buddhist concept of the Three-black nembutsu, Amida business called "the most negative mental disorder." So long as the Buddhist concept of the Three-black and silver merit recognition as king in the three-soot, should hear Therefore, there can not skeptical consciousness. This is because we practice Pure Land method, must understand this is most disciplines in the Dharma Ending Age, the incomparable teachings wins. single-mindedly Just Buddha, Three-Nianfo will elect blacks, of course, in the three-black king. Soon the Infinite Life Sutra, the Buddha and Amitabha Buddha praised as "the most precious clarity, king of the word Buddha " . By Thus, the Three-black Nianfo really not inconceivable.
How to attain the Three-black Nianfo? During Nianfo Road, capricious master monk had a Zen question kowtow: "Let down universal grace, setting forth mindfulness". "Mindfulness" is a sentence Buddha effect. other words, let the body and mind, to the world, nor what to think anymore. Nay is the Dharma Ending Age, for we have only one question Amitabha Buddha is the most critical. Additionally, no need something else, all the non-down world does not have anything to do. All of discrimination, attachment, priority flood problems in the mind falls out naturally achieve Nianfo Tam- soot.
But certain practice to be able to achieve self in contemporary, modern contempt, University of bliss. Except Nianfo Three black-out, three-meditate on these blacks are not easy to achieve. Main Dam Failure Grand Master in open market at the current time free kick loss in Hong Kong has said throughout his life, he had never met who elect to study Zen, but undergraduate thoroughly enlightened, intelligent mind is emptiness, he had never met a anyone. Achieving Meditation is not easy, such as sitting cross-legged on the wall look Dinh enter a week, two weeks, not even months to manufacture, meticulous equivalent like very deep, but their future Where to go? He said, He will belong to the heavens Jhana, Second Meditation, Zen Tam, rūpāvacara charity.
God is still in Sac About three worlds, still not escape the six paths of reincarnation. Jhana is God-sphere, sphere is not. Earlier Buddha preached about "contingent bell", it is also Five Education (financial, identity, name, real, lobes). regard to the five desires can not recite the birth of the sun-sphere. elaborately If there is Dhyana, meditation can be a few weeks, few months, but Five concepts are still there except the Lord is pure future results still are sky-sphere, not to be sky-sphere. Four heavens are above the sphere requires meticulous meditation. Just rely on the Five Precepts, Ten Good heavens, only to be Trayastrimsa (second floor of the sphere). 's Top hath Ma again, heaven rate, Hoa Lac sun, sun At alienation, this four heavens must be carefully Meditation. Thus speaks, despite Meditation, not the exception but still sensual pleasures in the realm of sensual pleasures. Because it knows that in order to attain Meditation has many such difficulties.
Let's listen hearts thought themselves to be qualified to practice or not practice meditation? present themselves to sensual pleasures, I really can not work or is not interested? If you do not, then quickly turned to the first anniversary of Amitabha Buddha. To understand the practice Pure Land Buddhist mindfulness practice his birth is actually being able to learn, can rely is, is the practice can actually achieve this in one lifetime. pick Dharma Ending Period Pure Land method is most appropriate.
About three-black-goon then black, black triangle-ie Meditation. Has said there are soot-goon certain to have infinite Meditation. You studied at a technical penetration, choosing to take a diligent professional to be able to be accomplished.
Saturday, Equanimity Enlightenment. Discharge is to let go, France has had to abandon the world, but the world of law must also give always. itself we reach the realm of practice must also quit, gain of bliss, contempt security must removes before. If not give up, will easily arise craving and attachment. Like us on a high block, up to the second floor to the first floor left, then to the new third floor. Archive each floors, floor to skip ahead to be able to continue higher. Drain so that means. Enlightenment Bodhisattva If not leave the realm of His witness will not be entered into the fullness of the Buddha. Therefore, the new Buddha said "communes", each have each can spend all your "prime".
We recite the Buddha, the sophisticated concept of blade, will decide rebirth. "Elaborately the blade" is the most superficial level of the three-soot Nianfo. If we take the three-soot Nianfo divided into nine Comments are lowering products to demean blacks Nianfo certain third-rebirth. increase some more elaborately then came to be reborn in order, to be able to end birth and death, which is what the Buddha called "samsara in order" .
Bliss Western world there are four realms. Pham Thanh Dong Residential lowest level in four realms are the realms of the Pure Western world. Each realm has nine items, three items had lower self in rebirth, it is also that each individual we can cultivate it. If you think there is a higher Media India, The Newspaper That injury Quang Do. Honestly, the three realms are not sure we have the capacity to birth. Though even in a lifetime can not make successful rebirth in the three realms of being, but [being on] the same realm sacrilegious measuring instruments, absolute power we have done.
Previously, Mr. Lee taught school in Taichung game: "Birth and death in my self can do, and you can also do it." self manifested to His teachings, we prove that, to prove Buddhist teachings in our prayers always true, absolutely no falsehood. , but the main problem is that we have 'let down thousands grace' or not? Who can give is, he will do it. The right to do it or not do it entirely in the hands themselves, not in anybody else hands or in the hands of Bodhisattvas. removes the more, the better, as removes more specialized, more refined, the chances of success greater.
For training and learning methods, and then after you're done, absolutely no regrets later. Nianfo selection method is decided on a sentence of Amitabha Buddha, absolutely no need to practice any more. Suppose someone tells you: "There is a better practice this method, even greater achievements." At that moment, you determined to protect them: "I have decided to choose this method, the other method better though, I do not care." Have faith and attempt to resolve such new decision success.
Usually when it comes to his "practice", ie modify the action of wrongdoing. During the past we did not choose, we learn how the current selection, which is "French authorities." Further Progress follow true teachings revised ways of thinking, perspectives, making mistakes, then known as Tu. From now on every projector ways to think, how to look, how to determine which primary practice is called Exodus. Mahayana sutras recitation of the key requirements for beginner learners, because we do not know where the disease themselves, have read Buddhist scriptures discovered delusions themselves, which is enlightening, Can understand the disease, where the body mistakes new called "enlightened truth" . indeed is the true Buddhist. "Know the wrong instant fix", "fix" is to alter the behavior correctly. Later Once corrected recidivism came preserve such mistakes again, it's called "practice". "Cultivation" and "religious" common sense entirely. Buddha On offer here is pure mind training methods teach us all.
Director of business:
WordBhikkhu! Department of language purification center or tri author ie the increased attention liberated language, language favored increased liberation.
(Hey, brethren! should know said that pure mind is freed inner growth, growth liberating wisdom).
In this passage, the Buddha teaches us: What is "pure heart"? Two sentences using simple words, short-sighted to explain. "purification center '" that is, the mind is freed. Centre will also liberate the liberating wisdom. then frees the mind how ? Liberation is saying imagine, billions example. example, a person with tie wires, not in order, no freedom, who now have to remove immediately went in order. Currently our mind It is not in itself, very much like the rope was tied. The rope that is delusion, negativity, uncertain benefits, problems are bound itself not in our minds, that Hue is the effect of the Mind . Tam did themselves in, he did not have Hue in the center are free, Hue went out money.
In the Mahayana, the Buddha would say "five degenerations evil world." Truly, in the present society, can be said to AC to extreme levels. Infinite Life Sutra says "drama evil affliction" is also said the social situation of the present. ago as "pollution." To be totally honest, the contact center we are currently accountable to the most serious things from past to present. pollution psychology, mental Car contaminated, polluted thoughts, insights pollution, even physically, informal eating contaminated well. This also opens the world of pleasure what to say anyway!
At the moment, everyone is talking about protecting the environment, but the environment is said to permanently achieve such goals. During economic Buddha: "Health transition report according to district reports. " medical situation is reported, heartless the chief reported. 's not a pure heart, then how can the situation be pure? Want to pure circumstance, the mind must be purified before the bridge was! But the human mind to achieve maximum purity, the method is effective only dharma. exactly the dharma body and mind can be purified, made ​​our minds are freed. Purity of mind is freedom of mind, heart the effect is pure starting true wisdom.
Director of business:
      Cell infiltrates, negative mental purity. Due to ignorance defiled any pure wisdom.
      (Cell infiltrates, not a pure heart. Due to ignorance defiled, not pure wisdom)
      This passage is "a hollow words thrown out", said bluntly of our disease. We're talking about protecting the environment, smart people should know where to start: How to infiltrate the infected cell, ignorance eradication in our hearts? Want to eliminate the pollution that is bound to do under the right words Buddha taught us at the top: "Let's be rid of the army, should take seven legal practice", extremely specific, well sentence both are accurate.
      Director of business:
      Disadvantages monks monks rid infiltration, which attained the freedom of mind; rid of ignorance favored immediate liberation attained.
      (If the participating monks eradicated infection, attention is immediately freed. paragraph ignorance, wisdom immediately be freed).
      In the faculty of law in practice on Saturday, I was introduced, promoting the practice of Buddhist mindfulness practitioners, because a sentence Buddhist notion performance, not only the obstacles except the first year, but at the same time break ignorance. At one sentence devoted Buddhist notion performance, a first-year offensive does not have the money, but he found a striking turn turn performance, transparency and transparency, should not fall into ignorance. therefore merit the title can not think table.
      Director of business:
      Disadvantages monks monks attained dispassion defiled false freedom of mind, the body on the witness list.
      (If the departed monks participated defiled mind is freed, it is called "the body on securities")
     What is "work itself proof"? general rule is that a healthy body, longevity, not old, not sick, not having to take medication, nor boost your health. things tonics, which are enclosed by the Ministry of follow -infected cells and illness. Only a "pure heart" has the highest nutrition, are most effective. Amitabha Buddha is the best amphibious. sincere If you can recite the Buddha's day by the Ministry. During some recorded in the first verse of the book Infinite Life Business, he lay Ha Lien Sale wrote:
      Buddhist theory of discouragement nan credit credit,
      Inhibition of thousands of tri-dual medium most people.
      (Buddha say incredible, unbelievable,
      In memory of thousands of people, the two know)
      It was not wrong at some point! How good teachings which laid out before her, but no one knows, really a pity! Yesterday, I also give you additional items, good nutrition is the most "pure heart". If you purity of mind, purity of body, purity of body and mind while thinking how old, was sick again? Because of this, I usually say: "This is the dharma teachings not old, not sick, not dead." Say No Instant death is due at rebirth, to see Amitabha Buddha to lead, came under foot Amitabha, which is following him while alive, but is not going to die then.
      Years ago in the capital of Washington, [I saw] the rebirth story Chau Quang Dai laymen. 's time I went to Washington, met Ben, just in time for his anniversary. seen firsthand that his fellow our rebirth came to me: "European new lay Buddhist concept came to be reborn three days." Because, before that he does not believe in the Buddha, just before forestry general three-day meeting was advised Zhen Hua Palace lay Buddhist concept. At that time, he was listening to the receiving party, called his wife and children to help him recite the Buddha for rebirth, healing prayer is not, it is true enlightenment. In addition, the fellow in the capital as well to help him recite the Buddha. Reciting the third day, see Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Great Strength Bodhisattva, Holy Tam Chau said lay down on the clouds from his pickup rebirth. awake He transparency departure . therefore rebirth is to say, according to when alive, but is not going to die then. timeless teachings called " friendly witness cooperation. "
Director of business:
Paragraph ignorance, wisdom attained liberation fake name uneducated market.
(Paragraph ignorance, wisdom is liberated is called martial arts).
The word "uneducated" here means nothing to have to study anymore; perfect wisdom, then graduation, here is what the Church calls "modern theme park open." In Theravada legal, Infinite Position Learning is Hinayana Arhat. During Mahayana approach, ranks as France uneducated Van Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva called The Venue uneducated. This is about retribution, religious witness results.
Director of business:
Vinh craving glass, willow tri tri true chief.
      (Permanently leave craving, chief intellectual understanding of truth).
      This verse is very significant. "Right Understanding" tri Buddha, the Buddha is, the Lotus Sutra says "enter Buddhist knowledge" is knowledge that is the chief prophet of right. We must know that covetousness is the root cause of right tri chief obstacle, apart from the chief intellectual craving went right view is out of money.
      Director of business:
      Currently the payment of autism result, marginal size advantage.
      (Prodrome time taken from work, all hard edge).
      "Show Money" is not to wait until the next life, attained in this life, proving to be effective fullness. This is exactly what we used to say, "Break a part ignorance, part French certification body". " Suffering marginal " are six paths of reincarnation. "marginal dry tons" is permanently escape samsara, birth and death no longer flows again, the three worlds salvation, the Body contemporary French artists. Finally, the Buddha recommended encourage us:
      Director of business:
WordBhikkhu! As the basis of theory, applications like school.
      (This word , brethren! said things like, the school you go to).
      "As the theoretical basis" is what I have said above. As reasonable as law, sentences are always true no lie, all is Dhamma preached the truth of the universe's birth. "Cosmos" as circumstances living our lives. "Human being" as ourselves. classic All the talk about moral facts and circumstances of our own. "Men who should learn" that we must learn to so clever. []
Purity Heart Sutra Buddhist theory
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(1) Purity Heart Sutra: This is business 803, under Amendment 17 of the University of New Chief Tripitaka, the Ministry of Economic episode.
Him, they (Danapala) unknown year of birth and death dates, to translate into Chinese Song Dynasty, which is the origin Pros Fill Na (Udyana), North India. Northern Song Dynasty 980 years life, God masters and procedures at the Tripitaka Canaan Low Di La (Kashmir) to transmit the (now Kaifeng District) pillars in the temple of Change Pacific Institute Xingguo, translating classic paddle . His translate all 115 sutras, consists of 255 books. majority of which are classics like Necessarily Esoteric Diamond Sutra Tathagata Three Great Secret Supreme Industries United Church. Maybe so, but a lot of his translations, but his name is not widely known as the Kumarajiva, Yi Jing, Tsang ... 
(2) algebra is a detailed explanation, may result in a variety of different activities to illustrate, compare to promote the will of his texts are annotated. Boil economic interpretation is less cumbersome, little more detail, focusing on the economic interpretation is key. compared explanation texts, Why is the word meaning explanation numbers.

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