Wednesday 18 December 2013

BOOK seventeen.
FOOD sixteenth virtues.
What is dignity? Is Truth scene, wisdom is unfortunate. Nirvana Or Is It, prisoners are happy. In brief, the virtues that is pure happiness. As in previous had unfortunate qualities, so this is a product called virtues. What can make use of dignity? Using the world, from being, wisdom, can do three things. About desk or against evil. Ie from being compassionate heart petal four immeasurable. Hue ie Prajna wisdom. This is the pure practice of Bodhisattvas. How can new practice? Texts below will explain clearly, this belongs to the sixteenth of business products Flower Adornment, So called virtues Products sixteenth.
Then the Son of Heaven Bodhisattva Mindfulness France Hue transparency that Buddhists! The Bodhisattva them in all the world, shifting the teaching of the Tathagata, dyed-home care. How to obtain the purity of morals. From Bodhisattvas that attainment of supreme Bodhi?
Hui Bodhisattva finished speaking French Cross office products, and now, said Pham Hanh product. There the Son of Heaven Mindfulness, very reverently kneeling Bodhisattva palms toward France Hui said:'' disciples of the Buddha! In all the world and all Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Development Center executive director, and his teachings are under the care of the Tathagata teaches, excellent wear damage, he's ordained. How to obtain the pure law, all purification'', so called virtues. If there is not a pure act, it is not dignity. Impure five things:
1). Impure seed: our body is so fine blood father but the mother harmony, so said such pure seed.
2). Accommodation impure: In the belly of the mother, the fetus will be blood, said housing so impure.
3). Body not pure: his body is due thirty six second form, which is also the country due to wind fire formed, so say the body impure.
4). Foreign impure: Nine holes in our body is always flowing out unconscious. Sticky eyes are flowing, tears. Two ears have ear wax. Two runny nose. Mouth phlegm, saliva. Bowel discharge feces, urine. So says foreign impure.
5). Rescue impure glass: After the dead, bloated bodies, parasites, blood flow eventually turned into dry bones, so says research impure glass. This is the phenomenon of impurities.
The body is our skin bag stinking, no place worthy favorite, so a practitioner must always impure self-management, which is also consistent white bone, like a new professional direction can achieve.
They are: Body, body now. Word, word now. Italy, the Industry. Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, world. Should reflect that. Body of dignity is reasonable? Until the world is the holy reasonable?
Bodhisattva should take ten steps to shop, pay attention to research and study what is dignity? Speaking of the ten are:
1). Body: Body Is virtues reasonable?
2). Body Industry: Industry body created by the virtues is reasonable? If the body is the virtues, but the body is impure animals, how can the virtues? This issue must be investigated a phen. We attached the body, the body mercilessly, someone yelled a question to shall not be there, the more people hit a bear not to be. If the life of dignity, so why not be? Why so angry? Why were the realm transfer? So consistency is not the holy body. Body not that of dignity, the body created by the industry nor dignity. Now there are three things: Good, bad, not good not evil. Good karma and bad karma are not pure, nor dignity.
3). Lyrics: Words are the virtues affordable! Words nor dignity.
4). Word now: Language is now the holy create reasonable? Nor dignity. Why? Because oral or spoken lies, fabrications, cussing and two-way, all sorts of impure words.
5). Italy: The concept of dignity is reasonable? Nor was morals.
6). Italy Industry: The idea now is to create affordable dignity? Nor was morals.
7). Buddha: Buddha's virtues reasonable? Nor was it.
8). France: France is the holy reasonable? Nor was it.
9). Increase: Increase the budget of dignity? Nor was it.
10). About: About the virtues reasonable? Nor was it. Bodhisattva should volition observe that. Volition ie attention. Arahats want to know the consequences of our ancestors, the observation must be in new, clear cause and effect. Bodhisattva or more dishes without volition observe, grasp immediately. Should such observations, the relative virtues reasonable? Until the world is the holy reasonable? These problems, in texts will be answered.
If the body is dignity, the dignity should know not good news, that's not legal, ie opaque mixture, ie stinking, ie impurities, which are targeting, ie the opposite, ie contamination, ie corpse, which is identical to accumulate.
If the body is speaking of dignity? So know the virtues.
1). That is not good: Body is not pure, not so good. Dignity is pure, so is good. If talk of dignity is relative, so that is not good morals.
2). That is illegal: The body has no time to do things legally. If morals are relative, it is also illegal dignity.
3). Ie chisels mixture: mix opaque body is impure material, purity of morals is not dirty. So says the body is not dignity, dignity nor relatives.
4). That is smelly: The body is stinking animals. If dignity is the body, turned into stinking dignity.
5). Ie impurity: impure body, usually nine holes flow diagram impure, if the body of morals, virtues that turns into pure nothing. We should be consistent in its impurities. In Great Position The thesis has five verses of impurities imagine.
A. Shelves impure seeds:
'' Market impure body strain
Yuyao African treasures
Any pure white born by
Disinfectant by-directed production.''
Because the body is due to parental intercourse, there's karma, there results an alarm that goes conceive, the body can become. So the seed is impure material. But not as good treasures achievements, which is fine by blood father and mother and achievements. It was not born from a pure place, but from the sound of the mother's birth house, so said such pure seed.
B. Tell the impure:
'' Town of filth valve body
Any spare flowers birth
Kill any northern parts
That requires protection of paint.''
This body is so that the flesh, fire-breath, not of chastity. Fetus in the womb, at birth under the organ, the organ temperature, is very dirty place. Was not born from the lotus flower, flowers bloom so that the Buddha''.'' That was not born in the north of incense, nor treasure born from the mountain, said housing so impure.
C. Verse impure body:
'' Earth feng shui of fire
Quick turn into impure
Ocean tendency to try yourself
Any power that pure flavor.''
This body of water by ground fire four great wind material into a harmonious, or turned into objects such purity. Despite using sea water to wash the stinking body, causing sea dried out, can not be washed, making fragrant pure.
D. Verse foreign impure:
'' General impure animals
U prolific medium body
Just upstream of any
As fossil smuggled difficult things.''
In the body there are all sorts of foul impure animal, filled throughout the body. Nine holes are often impure material flowing out constantly. The body resembles a bag with holes, filled with pus and blood on these, always flowing.
E. Verse impure glass research:
'' Evaluation try to wrap themselves
All rules of origin Investment
Nan dwells no response for
Primary deficit as baby gifts.''
Be careful reflection to observe this body: It is certain the future will die, no way to control costs is that it does not die. Any body condescending like? By the time it would mean ingrate bumper, run away, like a child, not sympathetic and direct means.
6). That is worth boring: Body may be worth boring character, make people not happy. If you tell yourself that dignity, not dignity, it makes for boring people reasonable? Did not. Virtues that make people happy, so says the body is not dignity.
7). That is the opposite: the body is always opposed to the mind. Like the heart do not want killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, drinking. But every body wants to go to work, do not listen to the command center and dominant, it means the opposite behavior. Dignity, not as such, but upon reasonable working condition, so the absolute dignity, not the body.
8). Ie contamination: Because the body is made by four agents, so contamination. But, of dignity, not contamination, which is pure, so the body is not dignity.
9). That's corpse: For future body will die, but the animal corpses are not happy, and it makes the people of dignity, joy, therefore is not the holy body. If the body is said virtues, virtues that the corpse is not reasonable? There must, of morals is pure.
10). That is identical accumulation: This body is so much bacteria that accumulate together into. Body of us are big overlap, in the body there are thousands of thousands of small identical memories, a mass organization, to live together. In conclusion Dai Ba Sa said:'' In the body, the whole is identical accumulation, first in the insect, eating human food; below the peripheral contrast agent.'' We eat rice water, ie small insect insect world is working great. Thousands of thousands of small insect sitting inhibition effect, wasted effort, done eating, so the target range, it is in order!
In the Buddhist sutra twelve Tam said:'' When the Buddha attained enlightenment, the three satanic sect love women, and under the Tree of Enlightenment, to break the professional direction of the Buddha, the Buddha said to that: We are beauties above sun, this gift of self to Him, His servant, pray for him what he should serve.'' seated Buddha said nothing is quiet, not the body and mind, which emit white aura shines female ghost. At that time three female ghost, auto body shop, extremely smelly, nine-hole flowing dirty rotten things. Found in his stomach small intestine large intestine, living organ organ temperature (gastrointestinal flora such as increases or plant organ digestive heat). There are many small worms in the large intestine hideout in the small intestine, tourists to travel back and forth very liberated. Three women that I love so right, boring and went away.
If the body is now dignity, the dignity, ie walking outside, look left look right, stretch bow lift.
If such talk is now done by the holy body, the body has now walking outside, natural virtues, ie walking outside. But, of dignity, not like that. Body can look left and right, the preview looked after. Straighten out bend, looking up or down, the movements which are now themselves created. If the body is now the virtues of dignity, as well as look left and right, stretching looked bent. But not as the world of dignity, no action that can not be seen bodily dignity.
If the word is dignity, the dignity that is sound, wind, breath, tongue and throat rim lip, swallowed release, relinquish repression, high low in turbidity.
If the speech he is dignity, then, the words of dignity, ie, wind breath. But, not to sound morals, nor wind breathing. Because words are used lip tongue and throat edge trachea to generate word of mouth. Which of dignity, not such a situation. Words have released swallowed, repressed, self-indulgent. Song of dignity, not so. Words high voice, a low voice, crystal clear sound, muddy sound mix, so the words are not virtues.
If now is the holy word, the little dignity that is greet visitors, said initially, by extension strategy, for example, speak up, speak compliment, tea pot, say police establishment, said depending on, say appears clearly.
If such words are now talking of dignity, then, of dignity, which is said to greet visitors. Song of dignity not said hello to visit, so to say now is not the word dignity. Or say initial strategy, or, by extension, or say, or speak directly, praise or say, or saying disparaging, or say an establishment, or say depending on, or talk show clear, the words now Is not all the virtues. To say now is the holy word, then just say things are turned into virtues, but was not, so now's not the holy words.
If mind is the dignity, the sense of dignity, ie, is consistent, is discrimination, is enough to distinguish things, that thought in mind, everything is thought in mind, to meditate, meditation is everything, that magical, dream sleep.
If such is the dignity to say, then, sense of dignity, ie, the consistent look. But there was no sense of dignity and consistent look, so attention is not dignity. Aware clever distinction, distinction is everything, but no distinction of dignity. Conscious thought remember the past, are thought to remember everything, but there was no thought in mind of dignity. Consciousness is meditation, meditation is everything, that there was no reflection of dignity. Italy is magical, the dream is sleeping, but there is no magical virtues and sleeping dreams. To say that the virtues, so this did not turn into virtues reasonable? But not, so it is not the virtues.
If the business is of dignity, they should know that is the thought of dignity, hot air hunger, suffering and worry good fun.
If such talk is now of the creation of dignity, the dignity of thought that is hot, cold, hungry, suffering glad, glad worry. But not. Because the feeling or thought is the distinction, hot and cold, hunger, suffering glad, glad worry. To say the industry is dignity, then this turned into virtues reasonable? But not.
If the Buddha's virtues, it is the Buddhist identity? Life is the Buddhist? Is the Buddhist idea? Action is the Buddhist? Consciousness is the Buddhist? Chess is the Buddhist? Good is the Buddhist? Kabbalah is the Buddhist? Karma is the Buddhist practice? Retribution is the Buddhist?
If the Buddha is said of dignity, then Aggregates of Buddhism is reasonable? Buddha sensations is reasonable? Perception is the Buddhist? Buddha volitional is reasonable? In this group are falsehoods, were not, are not Buddhist. So excellent operating life form are not ideal, the Buddha has thirty two generals, eighty beauty Is the Buddhist? Did not. Because Buddha is formless, so there must be dignity. There is the Buddhist spiritual powers? There is now the Buddhist practice? There is the Buddhist retribution? Are not. If the Buddha is said is not dignity.
If the law of morals, it is quiet reasonable approach? Nirvana is a reasonable approach? Did not born that way? Did not start that way? Can not say whether legal? No legal distinction is reasonable? No reasonable accommodation is a legal issue? No method of training is reasonable? Not depending upon the method reasonable? No place is attained reasonable approach?
If the law says that the virtues, but the law is not silent, so the law is not of morals. Virtues is that the practice, which is legal silence. Nirvana is also legal. But by practice that attained Nirvana, but Nirvana did not practice. Practice the virtues are pure, but to the virtues. So Nirvana is legal, but not dignity. France is not born, but are not born but are not virtues. France is no birth, no substance. To practice the virtues, new virtues are chastity. Can not say as well as legal, but can not say, but not that of dignity. No distinction is also legal, but not discrimination, but not that of dignity. Leave France but regardless, there is no place out. No place is also the legal issue, but not that of dignity. No collection is also legal, as legal as it is, do not mix that up, no artifacts. But not of morals. France is not depending upon all realms, so not depending upon the law, but not that of dignity. French capital is not a prime spot, but there is no place prime virtues. There are many reasons said above, proven methods are not virtues.
Dignity that is legal, it is not established. Since eighty-four thousand teachings, are not the virtues. Why say that? Because you do not teach attachments. Do not attachment of dignity, have French Buddha Sangha, head out unscathed. Do not practice attachment, if there is no evidence of attachment will be very general. Therefore:
'' Certificate prime minister so inhumane methods
A reduction in concern Removal guilty now.''
It is not our practice to proficiency, not people, they are not born, not life span, he is not, nor legal. Nature willow willow, will be the true form of evidence possible. Poor as much as some sand into the endless Ganges came to destroy immediately. If there is no attachment, all compounded and unconditioned measures exist. Breaking the attachment is not all. This realm as drinking water, hot and cold self-knowledge. This is a true form of evidence possible, obtain the true life.
France has eighty-four thousand teachings, but subjects are always number one. Why say that? As Buddha once said:'' France is equality, there is high and low, called A brown leather Tam Mi LaMind of the EU (Supreme supreme Buddha).'' France with whom the body, it is number one, with such radical, it is reasonable number two? Nor was it. Does not fit your frugal, but with my radical, radical does not fit me, but with other frugal people. You me and they all have different radical, where the number one, the body is not equal. Not high, not low, no more, no less. That is just so not everyone born in the place discrimination law, find negativity. Therefore:
'' Discrimination generals do not know off
On the sandy beach just count themselves miserable.''
Distinguish this approach, other legal distinction, all distinguished generals, not when it's ready. In a lifetime, distinguished generals also no clear distinction. Like seabed sand try counting how many? Permanently also not be counted. So how? Must select the appropriate method, which method that your joy, then according to the medical practice, future facilities will be accomplished.
If this study is true of business, the other business is fake, decades of research, at the time of death is still not known clearly. Therefore, the choice should have a practice, dedicated practice, it may be directing career achievements.
When the Buddha was in the world, then the most foolish disciple named Zhou LFamily expectations you have. He was very foolish, whatever he teaches what measures he will also forget. Buddha pity him, to teach him a way. Teach him to recite the words'' brush''. He daily sweeping, broom'' concept in the mouth.'' Mindfulness retreat concept to final enlightenment, evidence arahatship. What Enlightenment? One day, he was scanning the ground, thinking mind, sweeping away rubbish outside, they must also sweep away rubbish in mind, that is not dusty pure anger and ignorance. From the looks of this project is not statutory law, case law, or is inborn. So Neng said:
France had no cut'' salons
Corn Maze indigo.''
No distinction French cut (quickly), there is no distinction shop (slow), enchanted and enlightened, may soon be late. Do this enough that, like legal key, used to open locks. If the lock is opened up, he should give up the keys. If you do not give up, which is attached. Therefore:
'' Over the river and the boat does not need any more.''
Forums to the opposite shore, there is no need to carry more sail, to leave the boat on the bank, this is the order, to the new release. Practice, they must break the attachment, if still accept what we, accept people, law enforcement, it is not freed.
If the increase is the dignity, the orientation is stored Increase? Increase results are expected to save? Future direction is Rising? Increased hybrid is best? Increasing User estate is completed? Full results regardless of the increase? User Arhat is Rising? Arahatship is Rising? Sanming is Rising? Clerk informed the Increase?
If the organ is dignity, then:
1). Increased flow orientation is reasonable? Did not Rise. Because the increase must have four or more new called Boost, so we are Rising'','' this is not the increase of dignity. Project file is saved arahatship, Complete Sanskrit Stream. Re-entry services is up,'' Enter the legal nature of the Saints line, upstream continent ordinary ceiling.'' There is silence flavor into contact legal identity. No clean section three worlds is either direction, ie beneficiaries who have completed the Monastery. Or What is Knowledge? That is the scene starts craving. For previous realm arises greed and craving attention. Join ie do their accounting. For the eye sees color as the ceiling color born greed; ears hear, the mind born ceiling reconnaissance; nose smelling incense incense is born greed ceilings, tongue tasting the ceiling is born greed; student body touch is involved in contact center ceiling, the law said the law student participating center ceiling. Six realms based on six ceiling, he was born greed. Seeing things, if joy is born loving heart. Eye color is love that ceiling color; ears hear the silent love hearing; nose smelling incense incense craving ceiling; tongue is loving the taste ceiling; dear loving tactile contact the ceiling, the charity said the legal ceiling law. This is known as or.
2). Increased flow projections are reasonable? Is not it, that the virtues nor increase. Project burners can say is involved in preparatory Sacred, Saints can do. Then clean eighty-eight three worlds or events are expected to save results. Director position is attained (see the direct results), and is useful degree. What use is eighty-eight? Because they three worlds, for the sole reason of four (pain killing episode director) did not understand, so mesmerizing, user generated ten. Ten history into two types, one is beneficial uses, ie afflictions character level. Two extenders are used, ie the nature of chronic afflictions. History itself is beneficial ie, marginal comments, world player, action-packed, wrong. Single use ie greed, aversion, delusion, chronic heart, mind comfort. Bringing the total to ten or, making beings flows in the three worlds. At sexuality have two or thirty, or ten dukkha, apron or seven, seven or kill soles, sole director or eight. At twenty-eight color or gender, or difficult to nine, episode six or soles, anti-imperial or six, seven or sole director. At formless also twenty-eight or, as with gender identity. Sixteen center back, ie legal persons suffering, pain treatments, fillings suffering, suffering kind of place; episode rings approach, legal file location, file type ring, set type of position; kill ring method, destroy the rule of law, anti-type rings, kill kinds of location; rings religion, religion location, direction ring type, category director position. Up to fifteen orientation center is called up, the call center to sixteen saved more than enough. They are Saints fruition, then cut through eighty-eight or product reviews, to initiate such realms craving, but for theoretical aspects are still not clear. Admin Saints have to force results, there are scenes that move the world, which translates realm. Therefore:
'' The realm transfer
The scene is not moving.''
At this point, the eye sees color in no shape, no headphones or the birth center, which is entered here the legal nature Saints line, but vital to life seven times.
3). Increase future direction is reasonable? Is not it, that the virtues nor increase. Hybrid is the most sensitive arahatship, Sanskrit words have function. That is a heavenly birth, once born into the human life. Sensuous guessed six or product before investment. Will stage a year to the direction future products, has six product segments is the best cleaner future. What is the word or? That is starting to distinguish rapture. For no apparent reasoning, distinguishing the birth center. If the mind thinks:'' They do not have wisdom, I have wisdom. They can not do that, I will do so.'' This for the reason that is not clear perception that students distinguish expectations.
4). Increase affordable hybrid is best? Did not. So, of dignity, nor increase. Second result is martyrdom, is also useful degree, or six items were reunited. Eighty one investment or product. Three men are nine locations, each location, each location has nine investments or products. At a local sensuous, complex, called the Pentateuch local residents, there are nine or investment products. At four locations gender identity, called ly blissful place of birth, place of birth bliss, bliss glass of local students, local exhaust pure thoughts, combined thirty-six investments or products. At four locations formless, is called infinite place, the land owns numerous local, non-local origin concept idea phi phi, plus thirty-six investments or products.
5). Increasing User estate is completely reasonable? Did not. So, of dignity, nor increase. No refund is three arahatship, anagami Sanskrit, there is no future service. Because sexuality has three product segments or following from, for sexuality should not return to mortal life. Will stage seven to eight food products is completely arbitrary orientation, has nine sections finished product is any results.
6). Full results are any reasonable increase? Nor was it. So, of dignity, nor increase. Tam was martyred for results, is also useful degree, from grade II to grade three results towards any outcome is completed. When the results showed the stairs is no completely effective. Three arahatship, has nine sections clean or investment products.
7). Increasing User Arhat is reasonable? Nor was it. So, of dignity, nor increase. Arhat is Sanskrit has three meanings:
I. Police Hackers: Hackers Kill all afflictions.
II. Real born: Three vital piece permanent results, has proven useful entry residual NiWrite the table, so do not kill'' not born.''
III. Applicants offerings: Worthy received the heavenly offerings. Will seventy-two sections of eight products from or other sites is geared Arhat, eight sites were clean section seventy-two products from either arahatship.
8). Increase arahatship is reasonable? Nor was it. So, of dignity, nor increase. Four are witnessing the results, there is no degree, no need to learn any more. At this stage no vital part of life, but also life and death epidemic development. Is the direct result is preliminary, it is not possible to believe his ideas. Because of his power is not permanent, if you believe your idea would be a mistake. Be careful to watch out for. When evidence is arahatship quarter, to be able to believe his ideas. Arhat is the result of Bhikkhus. Bhikkhu is human, Arhat is effective. At the local people called mendicant, called earth in the worship. At the local private alms, begging on the law of Buddha dharma body to nourish; under the alms which they themselves born to nurture excellence. Bhikshu has three meanings:          I. Mendicant, begging for alms artist. Embracing the begging bowl, the Sun Life donated to support life.
II. Two ghost dad. When ordained Bhikkhu, Abbot presented the ethics question:
- He found'' reasonable'' Mind?
- A: Mind'' kick.''
- Another question:'' Do you have to be reasonable'' macho?
- A:'' Being macho.''
At this point, all the deleted communication each other, local television reports deleted for not operating deleted, not act deleted passes for Chan newspapers and television reported what? Media reports retinue of Buddhist increase a person, and your retinue is less a ghost. Mara heard the panicked, thinking mind:'' Our strength is increasingly weakened, the strength of the Buddha increasingly more.'' Hence arises fear, so called father ghost.
III. Break the evil, evil that is breaking afflictions; pirates kill ignorance, ignorance is the root afflictions harming themselves favored legal net, so we had to break the evil.
9). Increase Sanming is reasonable? Nor was it. So, of dignity, nor increase. Sanming third eye that is intelligent, clever and illegal take sufficient intelligence network. God knows the minister admit past mortal life. Gonorrhea is known to take intelligent life existing drywall, and wisdom all afflictions period.
10). Increase Luc information is reasonable? Nor was it. So, of dignity, nor increase. Luc information ie: Christian label, natural atrial communication, forgiveness clearinghouse, network-sufficiency, mental sufficient information, make informed contraband. God label that is in heaven, the human hell. They are also starting to see the centromere known concept. God's ear to hear God through heaven, hell demons, who spoke the world, are heard very clearly. Tha knows clearinghouse in mind what other people think. Additional network karmic retribution know others in countless lifetimes ago. Spirit sufficient information or contentment as the center, traveling the world, evolution is extremely, difficult to detect hidden display with psychic realm so inconceivable. Gonorrhea make or break all communication habits capillary diseases, afflictions of ignorance, delusion education concept. There is no attachment, which is also very illegal, very illegal, it will not come three realms of life and death to life again.
If the world is dignity, the page layout is presented reasonable? Ask whether the world is pure? Teach your majesty is presented reasonable? Three times world says Bill Ma is reasonable? Venerable is presented reasonable? A beam is presented Le reasonable? world highway is reasonable? Wearing robes is presented reasonable? Does the world alms? Livelihood is presented reasonable?
Gender, Sanskrit cumin, stirring to prevent evil world is the room, which is also forbidden sin creates body and mind. About many things: men, eight precepts, the precepts of the house. Ten of the world's novice precepts. Ten of the forty eight precepts are despised world Bodhisattva, laypeople and monastics have been feeling. There ordination world, is the monastic precepts. 250 Bhikshu world; 348 nuns sex. The world's commandments are not to do evil, do good.
About there are four things, namely:
a. About Legal.
b. About possible.
c. Virtue.
d. About minister.
Ie legal precepts devised by the Buddha. About to head load that is legal world where the mind, the power to prevent evil desk. Virtue ie depending upon precept, which itself implies three do legal business, not guilty. About General ie men, ten men, world ordination. Etc. ..
When the Buddha was in the world, then use the Buddha as his teacher. Buddha in Nirvana and then, they were presented as his teacher. So the world is very important. A practitioner, medical reference to certain religious precepts, can not go against the precepts. Legislation to prevent the world body had sinned before treatment, and the rule used to subdue prior criminal mind, making primary care without breaking the law. So Buddhism or subdue beings into more settled and gentle, making them believe cause and effect, making people better, which is also sued as a Buddhist.
If the rule says that the virtues are:
1). Page layout is presented ordained reasonable? Did not. Must have ten Buddhas to ordain, then that is presented.
2). Ask whether the world is pure? Did not. When giving the Venerable Lama asks Bill who ordained that:'' In the past he has not worked properly affordable tool? If you do, you can refresh reasonable fix? Restoring pure'' reasonable? Ask not pure world, new transmissions precepts are presented.
3). Teach your majesty is presented reasonable? Did not. Once ordained, the Venerable Life Church ordained death taught academic world four great dread walking outside. Therefore:
'' Operations as feng
Prepare as spare
Set as general
Crouching as supply.''
The ordained as when the light breeze, not to look east-west tilt. As it stands, the body straight as the pine trees, not agitated. When sitting, the big bell sound like, sit neatly. When is the right posture is auspicious. Statistics under the first right hand, left hand stretched out, face toward the west, as the body tilted bow. Majesty majesty three thousand, eight thousand unfortunate fact. So renouncers gesture actions, words must be integrated with standard postures. That's a terrifying dread, she thought respectable. In short, anyone walking outside with majesty must, with the rule.
4). Three times world says Bill ghost is reasonable? Did not. It was only a ritual. When the Lord ordained ordination sex Venerable asked three times, up ma, teachers, religious witness answered three times. This is three times the listed drug. That was solemnly proclaimed three times, three times through careful.
5) is presented Venerable reasonable? Did not. Buddhist Monk who is so ordained. Venerable is translated into human birth, which is directing the succession, in legal body part, due to forces that are born.
6). A beam is presented Le reasonable? Did not. This behavior of the didactic disciple. Ordained ordained three men to undergo modern world, the first men's novice ordination, second man ordained, became official Bhikkhu or nuns. The third Dan Bodhisattva precepts. At or monastic ordination this can. Still have three common truth, a new legal. Professor Tam ie: Sensuous Venerable, Abbot Bill ghost, teacher Ven. As the religious right has seven certified. Virtue is ordained monks were taking refuge. Listed ghost monks are communication tools formalities. Venerable teacher who taught the rules of the world. Seven general is the lawyer to prove, to complete the legal world news instruments.
7). Shaving hair is affordable world? Did not. This is a general Bhikkhu. As part of the celebration had hair down, indicating no negativity, no arrogance, compounded separation from the world, unconditioned justiciable nature of the world.
8). Even robe is presented reasonable? Did not. Saffron color Unjust translated, have split up this year y, y and y nine seven things. Etc. ..
9). Does the world alms? Did not. Bhikkhus to beg for a living, which is excellent for nourishing the body, leaving no greed.
10). Livelihood is presented reasonable? Did not. Bhikkhus to live righteousness. Must be pure alms to keep him alive. Evil can not be used in order to live network. Five things that are wrong network:
A). Disguised strange phenomenon: Currently out special shapes, different people, ugly furniture avaricious demand.
B). Self said merit: Self-propagating its virtues do what? What I do good? The purpose of his desire for everyone offering.
C). Minister Zhan sand hung, and because people said surface occupied by the minister, himself a coffee bowl, the network only reason, because people say sand hung, to demand avaricious.
D). High youth dread, fear makes people: Intentionally loud voice, great looks majestic virtue out, leaving the student center awe and reverence center, to demand avaricious.
E). Broad said offerings, to touch the hearts of people: For the layperson who said that offerings like? Lay people how much money it offered incense oil? The listener the center, offering automatic. This is not a legitimate way of earning a living. Every user is predestined to maintain network life are evil. Must find the method alms or offerings from life, new blessing for increase.
Once, Venerable Shariputra holding an alms bowl into, be it food, sat down under a tree to eat. At that Pham Chi to name a Latin Section.
- Ask venerable Shariputra said,'' He is really reasonable'' lower border?
- A:'' Did not.''
- Another question:'' He is really reasonable threshold gate''?
- A:'' Did not.''
- Another question:'' He is the gate implementation reasonable?''
- A:'' Did not.''
- Another question:'' He is the only real export reasonable?''
- A:'' Did not.''
- He calculates the asking:'' Do (eating) there are four things, today I asked him, he would say not. I really do not understand, ask him compassion, there are reasonable explanations?''
- Venerable Shariputra said:'' He ordained the month, growing cereals, fruit tree planting to live, life here is impure animal, called the lower real import. Consistent view of the moon from the Sun, wind, rain, severe thunderstorms, said sand hung to live, life here is impure animal, called the threshold of real import. Walking around the charming part, suck the powerful body, or through using four methods, clever smart to say, this is impure animal life, known as the actual border. Learning technical note, sand divination hung, to maintain life, animal life here is impure, known as the only real export.'' Lai said:'' I do not really fall into the first four, which are alms to feed pure life.''
Pham Chi calculating the student center and hear great joy, understand the legal news of the Venerable Shariputra said that attained Complete Stream, which is also the case arahatship. Bhikkhus there really four things this new livelihood. Bhikkhus to cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path. That is: right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Right Concentration. Amendment of the law are primary, so do not fall into the wrong in the network. Pure precepts are the true virtues. Purity of morals none of the ten said above. Because of this causal, so we had to see the generals are not, do not have attachments.
Such consistency then, the players get nothing for themselves, not the religious attachments, no place where measures head. The past is dead, not to the future, now deserted, nobody karma, retribution nobody life, this life no mobile, no other life changes.
As above just launched ten wraps.
1). For the players themselves do not get: to contemplate where his relatives, also find such a place of dignity.
2). The attachment of such practice: If practice is not based on morals. If there are attachments that in mind: I virtues, like it did not reach the realm and not legal.
3). Place where measures such office: For all legal nor attachment.
4). The past is dead: past life was passing before, never existed.
5). Not to the future: Life is not the future.
6). Currently silence: What current team did not have.
7). Nobody karma: That three life course are not, nor body, nor the mind, not the world, not all all, then of course nobody karma.
8). No one reported feeling: none Forums karma, then again one brazenly? So nobody was rude.
9). Life is not portable: This world is not mobile.
10). Other teams do not change: Another World did not change, still the same.
In any legal here called dignity? Dignity come from? Owned by who? Who can? Because who does? Is there? Is not? As identity? Is not sharp? As life? Is not life? As thoughts? Is not the idea? Being out? Is not operating? As knowledge? Is not knowledge.
In the approach here is dignity? No, all is not, all things are not that of dignity. So, from where the holy birth? This dignity belongs to someone else owns? Who is the owner of it? Are not there. Bon originality of this dignity to be? Who created this dignity? This observation has reasonable dignity? Still no. Life is thought excellent legal action in aggregate form. Lust of the phenomena, feelings of belonging thoughts out of mind. Virtues belong Aggregates of reasonable? In Aggregates of no morals. Virtues belong sensations reasonable? In the virtues of feeling there. Virtues belong aggregates reasonable idea? In aggregate no idea of ​​dignity. Virtues belong volitional reasonable? In no volitional dignity. Virtues belong consciousness reasonable? In no consciousness of dignity.
Such observations: For the holy law can not be. Because the three measures were quiet life. For this is nothing to cling to. Because no obstacle center. Because no two places to practice. Because the media itself. Because no general initiation. Because no general customary law. As the Buddha said equality. Because all of the Dharma. So-called purity of morals.
Such observations:
1). Because of dignity can not be legal: legal dignity Because there is no place there, because this method is not able to obtain.
2). Because the three measures were quiet life: Because of past lives, future lives, present life, all measures were silent, no one really can.
3). For this is not to cling to: As in did not cling to consciousness, nor attachment.
4). Because no obstacle mind: Because the heart nor all obstacles.
5). Because no two places to practice: Because religious places are not two disciplines and middle meaning willow.
6). Because the media itself: So this means in law.
7). Because no general initiation: Because not all generals. Lust Life in aggregate form thought out, are not.
8). Because no general customary law: Because no legal or general observation.
9). Knowing dharma equality: As Buddha said the law, legal, legal beings, are equal.
10). Because all of the Dharma: Since all living beings full of all the Buddha nature, all legal nature, not lack of redundancy. So no attachments, scan all legal, all the generals leave, that is the true purity of morals.
When we practice, it is necessary to reach a conception not birth. Some have no idea, what is there to be legal? If a concept is not born fully all legal. All measures are silent, it means purity of morals.
Back to practice law created ten. What is ten? These are: non-originating Tri origin. The current position and future karma. Tri liberating samadhi meditation. Position the base wins list. Tri solve everything. Tri everything presented. Tri necessarily parish. Tri third eye very afraid. Tri-sufficient wireless network problems. Tri permanent gas collection period.
In talking about the virtues of the delusion can not be true. Bodhisattvas cultivate the virtues are no pure clarity of form. However, this transparency and ethics, the practice should cultivate ten wisdom. Ten This method is also called the Tathagata hexadecimal. Because of this wisdom, so this new effort. There is strength then, to be able to foot sections or documents. Then the leg or evidence, because there are ten forces. What is the legal position ten? They are:
1). Non-originating Tri Origin: Buddha's origin, the non-originating hell. Buddha is Made sense, hell is love origin. In the land acquired sensory clarity, passion origin, obtained in the dark. Is there another way to say, there is great wisdom illuminates the true law minister, here is the origin. There is wisdom in the three realms escape did not know, this is non-originating. Has a different way of speaking, the country of origin ie enlightenment, ie non-originating enchanting country. In summary, evidence Sainthood, ie origin. Sink three evil paths, ie non-originating. Transparency measures all truth generals are Made, not all transparency measures as non-originating true form. Then the final round foot origin, titanic encounter such treatment charges. There is wisdom is infinite analysis morals. Buddhist wisdom to know the origin of the non-originating.
2). The current position and future karma: Bodhisattva should practice this method, observation of past evil deeds, the life expectancy evil; create good karma past life, this life expectancy is improving retribution; present life created bad karma, life after life is evil; present life to create good karma, life after life, the good report; future life also this principle.
In a nutshell, what is karma that rough, silk trench did wrong. Why karma? Since the start either. Why start or? Work the hell out of ignorance. An idea suddenly ignorance, now bears minister, minister and minister moved out, here are three health minister. Tam fact born then, now then created everything, then life must report everything. Therefore:
'' For people born before
This is your life expectancy
Want to know the next generation
This life I'm doing.''
This is where the most obvious cause and effect. Buddhist wisdom learned three life karma to life.
3). The liberated mind meditation Samadhi: The meditation that is all na all meditation. Meditation is thinking na tu services. Thinking is self-involved. What is known is involved? Like the drill used to drill holes. Drill hole then, here referred to as participation, which is also involved during the past. What is involved throughout the past? Join transparent through inherent Buddha nature. That is also the break is ignorance. Destroying ignorance then that the luminous wisdom. Ignorance is not immediately grasp, is the realm of the ordinary, look no comprehend, let no significance, attachment realm, the realm was shaken, this is no osmotic posted. If the switch is the realm of power that is there. Join the concept of such a birth, a character which there is no good news, is near enlightenment.
We learn Buddhism, though for how many years, if not break the attachment of the school as much as useless, only to become the first export of meditation, so have a saying:
'' Hay said or done without
That is like the stone.''
They do not practice attachment realm. What to any realm, will be aware of it. Landscape agreement is also good, and good puck scene, you are off base, here called'' front gate.'' If'''' front gate is not broke, it does not have the negative forces, if the door Pass before the break, ie the negative forces. What is the front gate? That's a person in front of you praise you, or defame you, but you do not the mind. This means the Bodhisattva realm of Cross Head.
Realm of meditation charity. Original certificate realm of meditation, it always everywhere can enter the. Enter the stops, the blood vessels, like multiplication operation''.'' They are subtle realms of meditation, they will enter once sat on, not only stopped blood vessels which stops respiration. However, the respiratory stop outside, but inside the respiratory still works, which is also in nostril breathing stopped, but in the pores will start breathing. They are the three realms of meditation, it was not until the concept anymore, but still knew I was meditating. At this point, the true concept of such a birth. Jhana very happy, very subtle meditation on joy in the third, then let go of joyful meditation, bliss attained such a thing did not matter. Charity called local exhaust pure thoughts. This is a first in the realm of meditation, but there is evidence to fruition. There senseless monk's charity receives from the process, this is completely false notion. As such the practice of transparency, which is not generally result attained, not attained wisdom acquired wisdom that said, not speaking already enlightened enlightenment. Results term prospects commit felony, threatened to cut the tongue into hell.
Salvation eight freed, also known as triploid discharge, contrary to the three worlds afflictions that detachment. What is freedom of mind?
a). In exchange correlation has excellent color release.
b). In achromatic color correlation foreign liberation.
c). Pure freed itself sufficient evidence-based work.
d). No infinite liberation.
e). Waking infinite liberation.
f). Origin Unknown owner freed.
g). Phi Phi great idea liberate the land.
h). Cessation of work-life idea ordination office documents.
To kill or cause great life for killing six official without starting center.
Eighty translation is right concentration, chief life. Lia is the scatter, ie a situation where the heart note, making such a scattered mind. Buddhist wisdom to know the liberating samadhi meditation.
4). The house wins list: The base ie the eyes ears nose tongue body six apartments, each with wins list. Buddhist wisdom ten forces, or observe the Align list of all sentient beings. Based essence of all beings, who should by cooling? Based benign one is growing? Based someone fresh ripe? Based benign one is freed? Buddha knows very clearly, he has this wisdom.
5). Tri everything Award: All living beings are different wisdom, thoughts and insights. What legal beings transparency? Buddha then use legal means to edification. So know the'' Knowing, invincibility.'' We must first know yourself, then who knows, as if each is instructive beings. Buddha Wisdom Award sorts.
6). Tri everything world: Buddhism solid enough intellectual resources. Knowing beings have always known limits thousand false, each realm of beings are different. No matter how different, are Buddhas also received evidence, he can force this wisdom.
7). Tri Parish all media: Buddhist monks know what direction? By the place? That is what is certified practitioners that fruition. This is all ultimately wisdom. Buddhist wisdom is power.
8). Tri third eye very afraid: God is no obstacle label, observed three thousand great worlds, observing heavenly beings and human beings in space, their identity is based charity, is evil? Or is born, is death? There is no obstacle. Buddha is very afraid of this human wisdom.
9). Tri-sufficient wireless network problems: Additional network ie karmic lifetimes in the past. Based heal deep or shallow? In an introduction into Buddhism, or more life into Buddhism? Understanding the causal everything right, they should know what to legal education for all sentient beings. Buddhist wisdom is power.
10). Tri permanent gas collection period: The capillary gas that is sick. In lifetimes, learning so much air pollution episode, did not want to stage the piece. Why? Because there is no wisdom. For example, taking beautiful clothes, delicious voracious animals, participating in the well, taking a new car seat. Qualities that are set for air enjoyment. Tap gas fields in the eighth, contain a lot, exaggerate such detail. Like people have no money and gas collection, which beauty habits ham, have no desire beauty habits, habits and desires that new car, have no desire habits and new cars, which set Gas ham drinking. In summary, although there is no gas involved collection of clothing, food, shelter, but alcohol habits, identity, money. All the files are called illegal gas. If there is gas there own set contraband. There gonorrhea losing their security context. Therefore, a practitioner must watch carefully, carefully preserving moments Rosetta yourself, do not get lost! Buddhist wisdom permanent force all segments habits, not only did their early stages, but also makes all beings also studying dharma, permanent stage air cleaner every episode.
Where cross Tathagata power of each each observation. In each and every force, there are countless means, have to ask.
Bodhisattvas cultivate purity of morals, for the ten wisdom of the Tathagata, to each and every observation, careful research. In every human wisdom are infinite meanings. Everything must sense his self-observation research. So ask yourself, which means that their reflection, for his own place.
Listen and compassion should start observing but not forsaken beings. Meditate on the law, there is no stopping. Practice now supreme, not for retribution. Knowing realm, as illusory as a dream, like a shadow, like echo, as well as evolution.
Bodhisattva virtues pure, immeasurable transparency grasp meanings and practice, your research carefully. Or where the Buddha heard, it should ungainly modern living from the heart to compassion. Buddhas Bodhisattvas do not see the faults of beings. Why? Because of his students see their mistakes as their own mistakes, so full compassion, meaning that you please give us birth, sufferings of sentient beings. Observing all beings, sentient Tanh not care win or paralysis, are equal but instructive. We are taught lucrative legal basis Prajna, we teach students the legal extenders causal basis, no sentient being let go. Venerable Ananda said:'' If there is not a single living Buddha, will not try them complete fruition Nepal.'' This is a very great prayer supreme. May the sentient beings, no distinction between living beings, for beings should not let go. Must contemplate all the legal sense, eighty-four thousand teachings are transparent to the study. As for the supreme director, always diligent, so not stop. Peerless industrial practice (Buddhist) which makes the supreme virtue, cultivate wisdom supreme blessing. But not good for retribution, when obtained fresh merit, completely dedicate to all living beings; her no good retribution furniture factories. Therefore, the safety net'' for any newspaper,'' this is the bodhisattva of compassion. Bodhisattva realm grasp, clearly aware, no attachments, so know all realms, are compounded, as illusory, as fantasy, as metaphor, as echoes, which are Hope it's not damaged. Like evolution, itself has no chemical, no chemical self. Thus transformed'' infinity,'' realms are all the same.
If the Bodhisattva or the corresponding bar such action. In such students in the two legal interpretations, all of the Dharma will soon be out of money.
If the bodhisattva or legal observing everything in advance, which is corresponding with the law. What is the corresponding? That is saving glass transparent sense of self, all legal projector lens, which corresponds with a can do, not divide it here. This is the doctrine that there are two two, not two, but two. Now, for all such disciplines born two interpretations, which subjects its highest sense as well. But two things have no solution, but to generate infinite meaning. Although born immeasurable sense, the practice is still not two. If so, then shop out all the disciplines, immediately projector lens transparency. This would correspond to the law, not born two interpretations. Thus, all of the Dharma will soon cash out.
Initially Development Center, and he was a recruiter makeshift shrines to eight threads. Knowing all measures, ie, nature center, achievements body wisdom, not by others but enlightened.
At the initial development Mind, A recruiter immediately attained three to eight Bodhi shrines. A service is priceless, brown leather upper is translated, roughly translated as chief, translated Comment class, translated as bodhi enlightenment. That is the supreme Buddha Supreme. The director's sense of second-class status superfluous, redundant binary row with different byproducts. Not ordinary sense, is no enlightenment. Every ministry is self-dual, who himself is enlightened. The director of the college's status Bodhisattva. Other Bodhisattvas with redundant binary operator. Every self-dual admit though, that others could not enlightened. However, self-discipline and Bodhisattvas, enlightened the others, have more compassion II surplus goods, so true bodhisattva practice. Supreme is the status of the Buddha. With other Buddhist Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva but have fullness feeling self-conscious and eager, but not feeling well fullness. Buddha is three equilateral fullness, so called the Buddha. And there is no one higher than Buddha. So supreme supreme Buddha is Buddha fruition.
At that time, Bodhisattva knows all idealistic approach to create. During sutras say:
'' If anyone wants to know
All three Buddhist life
Be consistent nature of the legal world
All from the mind.''
So tell all measures are not separated from nature. If they do not depart from nature all legal. If researchers can observe that, the projection lens of truth law minister, body wisdom instant success. Hue this body from the outside, but not obtained, which is due to his enlightened realm, the new evidence was eighty-favored relatives. Neng said:
'' When the master of love
When treatment is free.''
That is the moral of this. At the time there enlightenment inconceivable realm. This realm not external demand that is itself evidence. If you have enlightened realm, thanks to the wise, the official seal of approval, otherwise it can not establish. But good seal intellectuals, must be enlightened. When the Sixth Patriarch on Mount Huynh Mai, the Fifth Patriarch prove his enlightenment, so to propagate Guangdong Ph-positiveFrance handled with utmost respect, traditional Buddhist center publications, Catholic followers. Draw your attention! Enlightenment was not himself admits, but by improving the knowledge level has enlightened sealed, new call enlightenment. In Buddhism, to keep specific rules, all are all right with the law, gradual trend towards the path of enlightenment that goes. No specific rules are not keeping with the law, claiming the patriarchs do not be.
The realm of Bodhisattva, surpassing the realm of Arhat. Arhat realm of breaking the ego, but not break the law approved. Russian law did not, and all legal attachment is real. Bodhisattva realm of the ego, the law, are not. Capital did not know her. I do not know any, did not know, did not know the left, did not know, all attachments are broke. Arhat has staged an end to the death (flesh), but not an end to birth and death are compiled (spirit). Bodhisattva, the two elements mentioned above have been stopped, but enter parinibbana.
What is the stage of life and death? That means you have your part, I have my share, you can shape your piece, I have picture of me. Everyone has a part, a piece, so called samsara segments. It can be said, in all three realms beings are born under the life that now. Growing karma is born healthy on the road, planted on the road now bears evil evil. What is karmic retribution that, but life changes and body, are all different, so there are segments of life and death.
What is the translation variable life and death? That is the anniversary of the passage of concept, idea concept change. That is also the religious status change, and change forms, the easier the more variables. Could say, when the Bodhisattva practice scene before interest, other than the center after scene. That is the death of the mind, not of the mortal body. Therefore:'' raw coal into cytoplasm, short of changing network longevity.'' So-called epidemic development of life and death.
Is vital segments in the three realms of life and death, evidence arahatship quarter just ended was. Compiler is vital beyond the three worlds of life and death, they are switched on, the Bodhisattva new substance is stopped. Segmentation is vital physiological birth and death. Compiler is mortal mortal mentality. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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