Saturday 28 December 2013

Offerings to the Three Jewels.
I. - Why offerings to the Three Jewels : A Buddhist grateful Jewels are the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha; thanks finding Buddhist path to liberation from the ocean of suffering misfortune in the cycle of birth and rebirth, after Buddha Nirvana and, thanks to his teachings left, watched it the other died transmission, whereby Buddhists know the truth, according to that practice from suffering, while Increasing who have sacrificed greatness, is to keep the Buddhist precepts are permanent and increasingly prosperous. Therefore Buddhists venerate them, offering to repay Jewels Jewels kindness that was bestowed, as well as offering alms to a Buddhist center sublimation, cultivate virtue, renunciation of wealth .

II. - The purpose of the offerings : Buddha's salary levels persisted ie He has all the blessings and wisdom, he is just sitting still delicious, even warm. Yet he also hug bowl to beg every day, to practice for the compassion they have not had the opportunity to practice compassion, to the Buddha are also food for the next life will be good fortune. In Sakyamuni Buddha, the other a boy, kids play games, get branch as a home, get the sand as rice. One day he was playing that Buddhist alms, he brought a cup of sand that think it is rice, sincerity offered to the Buddha. Thanks to the sand bowl of rice that life, a life beyond this one he enjoyed blessings be king, and that it is the king Asoka, a leading king most upholding Dharma, than Emperor Wu of Liang, Ashoka built office records where the Buddha was born, organized recital, bringing the Dharma spread to Sri Lanka, was brought to the Bodhi tree where the Buddha attained enlightenment, Buddha relics, so that Theravada Buddhism has spread to Southeast Asia.

III. - Offering three security like?

1) Offering Buddha: Building temples, temple worship statues, bell, offer flowers, bass, incense, lamps, candles, contributed money to do things on or offering to fund Jewels, Phuoc barrel dew , which is expressed Buddhists also know the grace to propagate Buddhism, Buddha is made ​​to house and solemn splendor, while increasing their respects to those who go the temple, Buddhist ceremonies.
2) Offering of Dharma: Thanks to the teachings of the Buddha, Buddhists know where is the line, which way to practice to be good fortune, to be freed; kindness he replied, Buddhist teachings have brought Buddha's for other people to know they can trust and learn. So Buddhists Dhamma books, sermon tapes (cassette or video).
3) Offering Increased security: Increase Holy studied ancient scriptures only worry in the temple, so Buddhist monks to make offerings include: clothes, food, bed linens and supplies located, medicine. Four things called Quartet offerings. Today science has advanced, offering Buddhist monks can, Ni facilities to cater for the practice to be easier, do not do what makes offerings to monks and nuns succumb.
Buddhists may appeal from three monks, nuns or more as much as you, sometimes in private homes or sermon to chanting and vegetarian feast called Boy increase, or the increase in the temple on the same farm called The Road , especially on full moon day of July to pray for their parents and grandparents are still living the life of money, took birth in Pure Land. The ritual is as follows:
After visiting Buddhist monks, nuns seats life brother, who presided over the opening ceremony preparations with incense, lamps, flowers, fruits placed where the head of the table, all those gathered also experience increase, each took three bowing and kneeling down, great white chair to work as follows:
Namo Original Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha
Male model Hieu Maudgalyayana Bodhisattva (If on the full moon day of July), the University demonstrated.
White Glass Master Chu, Venerable, Venerable monks and nuns.
Today we have started to pay homage to the coast (three bow bow) please work transparency: We obey Buddha, today is the day of the monks slowly, day of the meet results, we have being shopping gifts rising greenhouse Jewels, please Venerable monks, Venerable, Venerable monks and nuns received for, please bring this to dedicate merit to the parents (or parent we eradicate illness, increase longevity) and grandparents, our seventh Pure super being.
Male model Hieu Maudgalyayana Bodhisattva slap ma ha!

Then either or Venerable Venerable, will give teachers a word, merit praise. The next chair will be transparent:
On Chu Abbot, the Venerable, Venerable monks and nuns have promised ability, charging for it, we started to pay homage.
Then the monks worship the street, while younger monks life, presiding over the opening ceremony by the women brought to each position, approved decontamination monks, nuns and then offered money or supplies envelope. After the monks finished that meal, the host must return to the old position, kneeling down to work Prospectus:
Namo Original Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha!
The ceremony has fulfillment, grace Triem this merit pay homage to our sincerity, will pray diligently everyday on the way to practice.
Male model usually happy slapping bodhisattva ma ha!

IV. - Pure offerings : A Buddhist offerings to the Three Jewels when his mind must not only pure but also to the pure sacrifice.
1) On a calm mind: Every time offerings should not calculates Jewels, and many more, have less cozy little heart and sincerity is always happy when donate and do not have to bother himself has offered few too much or too. The heart is more important than even the best.

2) On a pure offering: The best gift of fresh offerings, but pure as you spend your money to do their shopping done out in new career-righteousness is much merit. For example, a hand made ​​fenders' employ a little money, but he used the money to buy a wall or buy a bouquet of incense bring Lord Buddha, the great merit than one who brought many holiday offerings Tam Insurance, by offering this money comes from the work Unjust.
V. - Conclusion :
A Buddhists Development Center, offering system arose, Jewels, always donating their blessings , it is also the method for their collective money renunciation of wealth, there is new so quickly escape the cycle of birth and death.

Buddhists have Phuoc Hue tu song, Blessed to offerings alms to practice Hue also keep your mind pure, thanks to the wisdom that arises. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/12/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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