Sunday 5 January 2014

Not mine.
One time, stay in Savatthi the Exalted, taught the brethren:
Brethren, what's not to him, nor show it. Abandoning it will bring happiness, peace to him. brethren, what's not to him? Form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness is not of him, abandon it. Abandoning it will bring happiness, peace. example, brethren, have collected foliage of this Jetavana burned or use depending coast. The thought that he had burned or use our custom charm? Dear not. Why? So those of us that are not. Venerable sir, what did not belong to our ego. Also, brethren, form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness, not of him, abandon it. Abandoning it, and he will be happy, at peace.   sorry you: insight on the origination of thousands of law shows all things exist in mutual relations, as different conditions for the formation and annihilation. Therefore, no any animal, any phenomenon in the world is eternal, permanent, both homogeneous and unchanging. Even the man himself, our lives are present here also its not true, let alone the things outside themselves. 's Man of the aggregates composed of body (color), feeling (Life), consciousness (idea), thinking (executive) and cognitive (knowledge). In light of meditation interdependent, a man born to do this in harmony, but the aggregates. Already a mix of selfhood or no immortal soul in man. So, me and my attachment is only due to ignorance and craving deep thick cover. It is clinging to me and is my base, the source of all suffering. deeper view, each component of the five aggregates can also do many other causal created. For example, the body (Excellent) by developing food from outside, feeling (life) was created when Congress gracious enough contact between the senses (units) and sense objects (ceiling). Reflecting deeply on ourselves, we will find the truth of the "I" is dependent arising, selflessness. Buddha So let us abandon the aggregates. Waiver is not approved here procedure, as the man let go as the carefree, joyful and happy. Because karma and ignorance, people are grasping the "I" and believe in wealth holdings and "the My ", as it is the foundation of happiness., but the truth is not so, as it holds more human suffering. Consequently, selfless insight meditation is the only therapy to reach well happiness, true happiness.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/1/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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