Thursday 12 February 2015


Sincerely Express [1]

- He Architecture-France-household services on the Chinese word

- Interest-Tam Chau translated Chinese-Vietnamese words.
      I myself heard: a World-other-Ton in garden architecture where Ca-Lan-Da, La-Browse-water States, along with their Great-monks together under a new five-year-old.
      Then, Sun-author Section-Kien-Union University, said the monk said current owner! Monk under age, he needs most is to say, he must spear-receptor, he must commandments and he must love the new concept is called Junior.
       Why? Current owner! Or the left horizontal, hard training, meeting together with the evil-law, that protection is maintained on-well, nor speak, nor spear-receptor, neither morally nor loving thought, so the other First called reasonable? How, current home? The hard left cross-training, on-happiness and security is always with them, nor speak, nor spear-receptor, neither morally nor loving-concept, then the other is called the First reasonable? He, current owner! Or have a wicked-bridge (looking to do evil) along with the evil-demand, current owner! sure for the other evil-evil along with the demand, that measures the horizontal-left, hard to teach; Such infections fitness, golf-hatred, glue-up, envy-hate such discharge, flatter-singing, illusory-or, no shame, no shame, resentment clear-force, mouth-angry resentment clear-force, billion- Qiu said sure and then returned controversy, monks told you, go talk to other people, monks told you, go hazelnut-butt again, everything was right, said exceptions; try-to-anger resentment, evil-wide communication and location-awareness and the evil-doing your mind-form; do not know that you, not knowing review. Current owner! Make the other person know that you, not knowing review is that cross-left, hard to teach? So the current owner! French-left horizontal turbulent, told the same on-happy with them, nor speak, nor spear-receptor, nor teachings, nor love-concept, so the other is called the First reasonable?
      That , current owner! monk should think-think!
      Chu Hien! Make the other person who is evil in demand along with the evil-demand, as we do not need to think about, so if we are evil-demand, along with the evil-bridge, the people did not think we do . Monk should shop-per-class idea, use for evil-doing and should take lessons there. Thus, the sexual infection, anger, glue-up, envy-hate, no discharge, flatter-singing, illusory-or, no shame, no shame, resentment and anger-clear-force; mouth resentment binding, monks told then say controversial return, monk said, speaking with many others, monks say it, say hazelnut-butt back; right to speak, to say the exception; trying-to-hate resentment, evil-wide communication and tri-mode and tri-mode and evil-doing you; do not know that you, not knowing review. Current owner! Make the other person know that you, not knowing review, we loathe. So if we do not have you, no review, the people did not think we do. Monk should shop-per-class idea, so do not do the work required to review and study.
       Chu Hien! If the monk is not subject to the age of the new year, you have to say, you must spear-sale, you must have commandments and love-concept, called First is new. Why is the current home? Or who did not cross-left along with teacher-law, protection is maintained on-happiness in this together, so as they say, the teachers because they sell so because their teachings, so because they love-concept, So the other is called the First reasonable? How current owner! People are not thwarted, along with religious-legal, security is maintained on-happiness in this together, so as they say, because they are Catholic so-receptors, so because their teachings, so because they love-concept, so the other is called the First reasonable? He, current home, or have a non-evil-demand, not always with the evil-demand, current owner! Security is not evil-for the other, not always with the evil-demand, that approach does not thwarted, so do not get education, not pitch-hatred, no glue-up, envy-hate, did not flatter discharge-singing , illusory-or, said shyly, said the tiger, no clear-force resentment and anger-mouth says no apparent resentment-anger-force; Monks sure then do not say controversial return, monks say then do not go telling other people, monks told you, do not say hazelnut-butt again, everything was right to say no exception; no resentment-hatred; not of evil-wide tri-mode and not in the same evil people doing you; Know that you, knowing review. Current owner! Make the other person along with the teacher-law, that is, the current owner! no cross-left, along with teacher-law, who Pham-happy in this together, so as they say, because they are Catholic so-receptors, so because their teachings, so because they love-concept, then the other is is filed-the most affordable?
       Well, the current home! Monk should think-think!
      Chu Hien! Security is the other not-for evil, evil is not the same with the demand that we think about, so if we are not evil-demand, not always with the evil-demand, it is also time to think about us. Monk should shop-per-class idea, so do not be evil-doing it for and should take lessons. So do not get education, not pitch-hatred, no glue-up, envy-hate no discharge, no flattery-singing, illusory-or, said shyly, said the tiger, not-angry resentment clear-force, mouth not say oan- angry clear-force; Monks sure then do not say controversial return monk said, do not go telling other people, monks say then do not say hazelnut-butt again, everything was right to say no exception; not pitch-hatred; not the evil broadly the same in tri-mode and not the people who do evil to you; know you and know reconsidered. Current owner! the other person know you, know the review, we love-concept. So if we know that you, knowing review, it is time well-thought our love. We are monks should shop-average-class ideas, know you, know should reconsider and take it as lessons.

            Chu Hien! If the monk is not subject to the age of the new year, you have to say, you must spear-sale, you must have commandments and love-concept, called First is new. Why is the current home? Or who did not cross-left along with teacher-law, protection is maintained on-happiness in this together, so as they say, because they are Catholic so-receptors, so because their teachings, so because they love-concept , so the other is called the First reasonable? How current home? People are not thwarted, along with religious-legal, security is maintained on-happiness in this together, so as they say, because they are Catholic so-receptors, so because their teachings, so because they love-concept, so the other is called the First reasonable? He, current home, or have a non-evil-demand, current owner! Security is not evil-for the other, not always with the evil-demand, that approach does not thwarted, so do not get sex, no anger, no glue-up, envy-hate, such discharge is not flattery, illusory or are, know shame, shame knows no bound anger and resentment-mouth did not say clearly angry resentment-force-; Monks sure then do not say controversial return, monks say then do not go telling other people, monks told you, do not say hazelnut-butt again, everything was right to say no exception; no resentment-hatred; not of evil-wide tri-mode and not in the same evil people doing you; Know that you, knowing review. Current owner! Make the other person along with the teacher-law, that is, the current owner! no cross-left-law along with the teachers, the Scope-happy in this together, so as they say, so as teacher-receptors, so because their teachings, so because they love-concept, then the other is filed The most reasonable?
       Well, the current home! Monk shop-concept and will have many interests-interests. I was head-on-demand and evil with evil and in-demand, time should not demand and cling to evil should not be with the same evil-demand.
      This, current owner! Shop monk said: I head into the evil-demand and on-demand with the evil, the other person will not be pleased, but the other person immediately ahead and want to prevent evil-end demand.
       This, current owner! Shop monk said: I will not cling to the evil-demand and not always with the evil-demand, while the other excited, bar-net, in-white, making the issue of micro-world context of the World es. Seeing then please do. Like the current owner, who has held the mirror eyes very clean, self-detector surface. Well, the current home! The eye finds himself face-biting dust came not happy and approached the other person wants to wipe dust goes. Current owner! Who have eyes but do not see his face self-biting dust, while the other word with joy: bar-net, found themselves, then please do. Thus, the current owner! Monk shop said I was evil head-on-demand and at the same evil-demand, while the other wants to move immediately to prevent evil-end demand.
       This, current owner! Shop monk said: I will not cling to the evil-demand and not always with the evil-bridge, the other excited, bar-net, in-white, cylindrical-world situation where the World-Religion. Seeing then please do. Thus, the office where sexual infection, no education office where such infections. Thus, where the head office where the field-hatred is not no hatred. Thus, the office where the glue-up, envy-hate no discharge, no office where no glue-up, envy-hate such discharge. Thus office where flattery-singing, illusory-or, where there is no flattery head-singing, illusory-or. Thus office where no shame, no shame, no shame office where known, said the tiger. Thus office where clear-force for evil-hatred, resentment-hate saying words clearly-force, no office where no clear-force for evil-hatred, resentment mouth to say no clear-force-hatred; office where the monks told controversy returned and said, no office where the monk said before, do not say controversial return; office where the monk said, then go talk to other people, not where the head monk told you, do not go telling others; office where the monks say it, say hazelnut-butt again, no office where the monks say then do not say hazelnut-butt back; office where everything was right, but said the exception, not office where everything was right, not to say an exception, where the field office-hatred, no office where no field-hatred; which expanded office where the evil-tri-mode at the same, the same people who make you evil, evil is not the same office where no knowledge of the evil is not the same people you do, do not know where the office has not reviewed Thank unknown office where not know you, know reconsidered. This current home, shop monk said: I do not know where the office with you, do not know the review, the other person is not pleased, but the other end approached to want to stop it so .
       That, current owner! Shop monk said office where we know that to you, knowing review, glad other people, stick-net, in-white, making the issue of micro-world context of the World-Religion. Seeing then please do. Like the current owners, who have eyes, holding, mirror self-inspired bar-translational his face. This current owner! who have eyes, see his face dusty self-biting other people do not rejoice, but want to move to clean dust-biting him. Well, the current home! whose eyes did not see his face dust-biting, the other pure joy-stick, make themselves happy. Thus, the current owner, shop monk said office where not know you, do not know the review, the other does not rejoice, but want to move immediately stop-end it. This current owner! Monk customs office know where we know that to you, knowing review, glad other people, stick-in-white net, making the issue of micro-world context of the World-Religion. Self find and fun to do. Please do then excited. Excited and confidant-out. Trusted-an-onion and peanut know. An optimistic and intend. Intend then known as real, as real find. Know, see (tri, is) as real and not boring. No boring and not infected. No infections and award-out. Award-drainage and escape award-tri (is), students were off, on-happiness has, make-work space that is done, do not take the knowledge (know) the body-as-real-friendly climate.
       Hien-author Section-Kien-Union said that, the other monk heard Ton-author Section-Kien-Union said, then, are delighted-sung praises.


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