Sunday 15 February 2015


Metaphysical standpoint, the Nirvana is liberation from suffering. From the psychological point of view, the nirvana of eliminating self. In view of the moral nirvana kill greed, hatred and delusion. The mortal continue endlessly until converted into the realm of nirvana: the end of Buddhists.
List of Nirvana in the Pali into by Ni and Bana. Ni is a negative factor and Bana meaning desire or craving. Therefore quit craving, or Bana, desire, it is called Nirvana. Nirvana literally is not binding.
It can also be defined as the cessation of greed, hatred and delusion. The Buddha once said: "The whole world is on fire. Because what the world flame burned up? Due to the fire of greed, hatred and delusion, by the fire of birth, old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, grief, brain lit world. "
Not so for worldly knowledge we can not understand is that the that Nirvana is a state of nothingness, destruction. One can not say no light just because the blind can not see. Like in the story is very popular in the debate between the fish and turtles you it is, and fish triumphantly concluded that there was no land.
of the Buddhist Nirvana is not just a state of nothingness or destruction, but that's what words can not describe plausible. Nirvana is a legal "not born, does not arise, not form, is not conditioned by birth". Therefore, it is eternal (Dhuva), the affinity (Subha) and peace (Sukha).
In Nirvana nothing "perpetuated", nor what "perish", but outside suffering.
According to the scriptures, Nirvana Organic mentioned as residual y (Sopadisesa) and Infinite Balance y (Anupadisesa). In fact, there are not two kinds of Nibbana, which is just one, but depending on the calling before and after death.
Nirvana is not located in any place, it is not a kind of paradise for a supernatural self-residents. It is a state of dependence on the body itself. It is a legal (Dhamma) at the outreach of everyone. Nirvana is a metastable state of the world, can be achieved even in this life. Buddhism did not claim the ultimate goal can only be achieved in a life other side. This is the main difference between the concepts of Buddhist Nirvana and the notion of an eternal paradise of the heathen, can only be achieved after death, or is merged with God, or is merged with divine substance in an afterlife. When the attainment of nirvana but this body, which is called the realm of medical Nirvana Organic residues (Sopadisesa Nibbana dhatu). An Arhat reach nirvana fullness (Parinibbana), after the body damage, not even a little bit saved any further physical realm, it is called Infinite Balance y Nirvana (Anupadisesa Nibbana dhatu).        " If anyone teaches Nirvana cessation,        Tell that they lie.        If someone told Nirvana is alive,        Please say they are wrong. " metaphysical perspective, the Nirvana is liberation from suffering. From the psychological point of view, the nirvana of eliminating self. In view of the moral nirvana kill greed, hatred and delusion. Tier Arhat longer or not after death? The Buddha replied: "Tier Arhat was liberated from the five aggregates of very deep, unpredictable as the ocean. He said that regeneration will not appropriate for this case. Sure that he does not regenerate, nor regeneration are not appropriate for this case. " We can not say that a level Arhat was reborn, because all desire to facilitate regeneration are get rid of, can not say that level Arhat destroyed, because there is nothing to destroy. "For example, if we ask, does the position of the electron remains the same? We must say no; If we ask, does the position of the electron changed over time? We must say no; If we ask, does it moving? We must say no. " The Buddha answered similarly when he was asked about the condition of human self after death; but that is not the answer usual scientific tradition XVII and XVIII century.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/2/2015.

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