Saturday 14 February 2015


Compassionate Buddha passed away, but the wonderful Dharma which he left entirely to human remains clear as glass. Although the pontiff did not leave a record of his teachings, the distinguished disciples still maintaining the teachings of memories, and handed down from generation to generation. France is philosophy reasonable?
System philosophy and ethics peaceful preached by the Buddha does not require blind faith of believers, not spread dogmas, rituals do not encourage superstition, which advocates a way Excellent middle noble, guiding followers under pure life and pure thoughts, called France, or more commonly, the Dharma.
Buddha compassion passed away, but that his wonderful Dharma to the full humanity still clear as glass. Although the pontiff did not leave a record of his teachings, the distinguished disciples still maintaining the teachings of memories, and handed down from generation to generation. Shortly after his death, 500 Arhat elite specializing in French ( Dhamma ) and Law ( Vinaya ) has convened a congress to listen to the original teachings from the Buddha. Venerable Ananda [1] , particularly fortunate to hear all the words of the Buddha, was read French, but he came to Offer Three Li ( Upali ) [2] to read the law.
Tripitaka (Tipitaka ) by the Arahat ancient collection and arranged by category, are still kept to this day.
In the reign of King Sinhala Vattagamani Abaya, about 83 years before the era, for the first time in the history of the Buddhist Tripitaka recorded on ola leaves in Sri Lanka. This huge Tripitaka contains the essence of the Buddha's teachings, approximately 11 times the mass of the Christian Bible ( Bible ). The contrast between the Tripitaka remarkable and Zang Bible is not developed sequentially as Scripture.
Tripitaka include: Tripitaka ( Sutta Pitaka ), Vinaya ( Vinaya Pitaka ) and Tibet Comment ( Abhidhamma Pitaka ).
Vinaya: Considered as the mainstay of monastic solitude world (that is, Sangha) have historically oldest - the main part contains precepts and discipline that Buddha has declared, depending on the job occur, to discipline their future Bhikkhu ( Bhikkhus ) and nuns ( Bhikkhunis ). It describes in detail the sequential development of the mission, life and work of the Buddha also be recorded. Indirectly, it also reveals some important information and useful about ancient history, the traditions, art, science, etc .. India.
Tibet includes the following five parts:
1. Three la di ( Parajika ): Crime heavy
2. Three land ( pacittiya ): venial sin
3. Great food ( Mahavagga ): Advanced big
4. Skits ( Cullavagga ): Advanced Small
5. Compendium ( Parivara ): Compendium of law
canon: Including the main sermon preached by Lord Buddha, depending on different circumstances. There are also a few lectures by some distinguished disciples of the Buddha as the Venerable Sariputta ( Sariputta ) [3] Ananda ( Ananda ) Section-hopea-associated ( Moggallana ) [4] etc .. preached, was put into it. Buddhist scriptures as a guide to remedy, because the sermons of the Buddha which are presented according to different circumstances and the identity of different people. There may be superficial words as contradictory, but we should not be mistaken as the Buddha spoke to the most appropriate time for a special purpose:
for example, the same problem, when He kept silence (if the question is who questions foolish) or elaborate answer when asked if he knew people who fervently learn. Most of the lectures aim to benefit the bhikkhus, concerning holy life and explain the theory.
There are many other lessons related to the progressive spirit and matter of believers in home.
Tibet is divided into five sets or five sets:
1. Digha Nikaya ( Digha Nikaya ): Group meetings long texts.
2. Central Business ( Majjhima Nikaya ): Group meetings are all average.
3. Samyutta ( Samyutta Nikaya ): Episode meetings texts of the same type.
4. Increase in the business ( Anguttara Nikaya ): Episode meetings texts are classified according to the order.
5. State of the business ( Khuddaka Nikaya ): Tap the mix of small business.
The 5th is divided into 15 books again:
1. The French post short ( Khuddaka Patha ).
2. Dhammapada ( Dhammapada ).
3. Such Buddhist theory ( Iti Vuttaka ).
4. Business set ( Sutta Nipata ).
5. The integration of heaven ( Vimana vatthu ).
6. The area preta ( Peta vatthu ).
7. Shelves proceedings of elders Increase ( Theragatha ).
8. Shelves proceedings of elders Ni ( Therigatha ø).
9. The legend of The Birth ( Jataka ).
10. Explanation ( Niddesa ).
11. Analysis of Intellectual Property ( Patisambhida ø).
12. The life of the Arhat ( Apadana ).
13. History of the Buddha ( Buddhavamsa ).
14. These behaviors ( Cariya Pitaka ).
15. Buddhist theory itself ( Udana ).
A-Pi-Tang talks ( Abhidhamma Pitaka ): More importantly and most significant of the three Tibetan, contains deep philosophical teachings of the Buddha, contrary to the teachings and bright The most casual of Tripitaka.
Tripitaka teachings presented conventions ( Voharade- SANA ), and Tibetan teachings thesis presents the ultimate ( Paramattha Desana ).
For the sages, just south Tibet argument is a vital set; for the spirit of progress, it is a spiritual pleasure, and for research scholars, it is food for thought. These thoughts were analyzed and classified according to most moral perspective. The mentality is cited. The composition of each type of consciousness is listed with the details. The thought arises how are meticulously described. The problem is not that important human attention, but not related to the purification of us, were dismissed.
The material was analyzed summary, the basic unit of matter, the properties of matter, the origin of matter, the relationship between mind and matter are explained.
Abhidharma survey mind and matter - the two constituents of the so-called ontological - to help us understand things as true, and a philosophy has been developed in this direction. Based on that philosophy, an ethical system is developed to perform context-Nirvana research purposes.
Abhidharma ( Abhidhamma Pitaka ) consists of 7:
1. French collective reasoning ( Dhamma Sangani ): Classification of methods.
2. Distinguishing Comments ( Vibhanga ): Books classification.
3. The conclusion ( Katha vatthu ): The point of debate.
4. Human reasoning Competition ( puggala Panonoatti ): Description of the individual.
5. About theoretical reasoning ( dhatu Katha ): the debate related to gender.
6. Song Comments ( Yamaka ): Issues ranked pairs.
7. Play exciting conclusion ( Patthana ): causes.
In the Tripitaka we find baby formula and food for adults, because the Buddha taught his doctrine suitable for ordinary men and intellectuals. Dharma wonderful treasure is preserved in the sacred books, concerning the truth and the facts, and not related to the philosophy can be accepted as the truth today but deep tomorrow right away. Buddha did not present us with the new philosophy, as is simply amazing, he did not create any adventure science any new material. He described the problems of inner and external world is closely related to our salvation, and finally opened the path to liberation, which is the only way. But he went ahead Random many scientists and modern philosophy.
Schopenhauer [5] in his work "The world as will and idea" has presented the truth of suffering and its causes under Western ways. Spinoza [6] though not deny there is a constant reality, insisted that all long life are also transience.
In his view, suffering is of value "by finding an argument Knowledge is not subject to change, not temporary, but unchangeable, eternal and everlasting. " Berkeley [7] proved that the so-called atom distribution is only a metaphysical theory. Hume, [8] follows a string to dissect the inner, concluded that consciousness consists of brief psychological state. Bergson [9] advocated the theory of impermanence. Prof James [10] referring to a stream of consciousness.
Buddha's teachings described Impermanence ( anicca ), suffering ( dukkha ), and non-self ( anatta ) from 2500 years ago, when he lived in the Ganges basin ( Ganges ).
We should know that the Buddha did not teach all that He has enlightened. Once, when passing through a forest, holding the Buddha came leaf in hand, and said: "Hey cauc Bhikkhus, what I said is likened to the leaves in my hand, what we do not say also for all the leaves in the forest. "
He taught what he considered to be absolutely essential for the purification of us, he does not distinguish between exoteric doctrine (exoteric) and esoteric teachings ( Tantric). He particularly silent on matters not related to the greatness of his vocation.
Buddhism certainly appropriate for science, but we should see both as the theory of parallels. Because science is only aimed at the truth in the material realm, and Buddhist self-limiting in the realm of truth in morality and spirituality. The theme of each is different.
France by the Buddha taught not only to preserve the scriptures, nor is it a subject for study in view of the history and literature. In contrast, measures need to be learned and put into practice in our lives, because we do not practice it is impossible to assess the truth. France should be studied further to be practiced, and above all is to be realized, realized right now is the ultimate purpose of the law. France as a friend only for the sole purpose is to overcome the ocean of birth and death ( samsara ).
Therefore, do not be limited to the philosophy of Buddhism, because Buddhism is not just "hope love to explore knowledge ". Buddhism may be similar to that philosophy, Buddhism, but also much more thorough study.
Philosophy specialist knowledge only, and is not related to the practice, and Buddhist emphasis on practice and realization.

[1] . Ananda ( Ananda ): cousin of the Buddha. One of ten major disciples of the Buddha, he was the multicultural First, there is the aggregation of the Tibetan plateau.            [2] . Eminent ( Upali ): One of the 10 most senior disciple of the Buddha, with the head of the aggregation Vinaya.           [3] . Shariputra ( Sariputta ): One of the 10 most senior disciple of the Buddha, is considered the most intellectual disciples.            [4] . Moggallana ( Moggallana ): One of the 10 most senior disciple of the Buddha, he is psychic Junior level.          [5] . Schopenhauer (1788-1860): German philosopher reputation, is considered the founder of cynical philosophy of the West, in the first half of the nineteenth century.               [6] . Spinoza (1632-1677): Dutch philosopher very popular in the seventeenth century, with the renewal of philosophy and religion at the time. [7] . Berkeley (1685-1753): The philosophy and physics. [8] . Hume (1711-1776): Scottish philosopher, advocated skepticism, do not believe religion, especially Christianity.         [9] . Berggon (1859-1941): French philosopher, rejected the theory empirically ( Positivism ) contemporary, emphasizing dualism ( dualism ) between physical capacity and static. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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