Sunday 15 February 2015

What When speaking  Buddha born?
Back in time 2627 years ago from the date of the Buddha manifested world, first as 7 feet Buddha put into this world, he immediately declared loudly:
" Divine Ego unique galaxy ,
Circuit set beings birth, aging, sickness and death . "
Teaching them, how that event? Vesak Day, we go back to history to remember the Buddha image appeared birth, a realistic image that take stock needles throughout human history, saints do not have a show, in three ways: Compassion, Wisdom and Strength Empire in as the new Buddha was born.
At that time, according to Indian tradition, all girls to be married to get married, according to her husband, but to the time of birth, the law blossomed countries have forced the women to return to their birth parents house to give birth. But who is the superior form heaven, Queen Maya is not an exception. It was the day of the full moon lunar April, Queen and entourage were repatriation ceremony procession starts at the sky was crystal dew. The union must go through Lumbini park's most famous Indian country at that time. Seeing extraordinarily warm air, land clear sky, birds Rise jubilant music on the trees, on the road leading into the garden, full of blooming flowers. In the distance, the cranes inside the shower mist stream flowing down halfway up the mountain, and the birds singing harmony to create a great music whatever nature.
Queen of the relief, the car stopped, entourage follow the path covered with golden flowers, take time step on a scenic park. Seeing numerous advantages blooming branches swayed in the wind, a few thousand flowers bloom once the new year, the Queen too excited, hand picking the flower sacred to the earth suddenly moving 6 way. From the air, thousands of glow, music filled the sky, the flowers sprayed sky like rain. In the wind, people like to hear every sound echoes Devas called: "Oh mankind, or whether there Enlightened born. Oh, joy for the 25 species, 33 realms of human beings seen Mystery Religion."
Queen as sunk in silence, while also opening the hips Enlightened mother, step-willed life. He put his right finger to the sky, only the left hand to the ground. Amid the crowd of Heaven, The Spirit is present, he loudly declared:
"T rooftop terrace galaxy unique Ego
Circuit set beings birth, aging, sickness and death. "Taegukgi:
Heaven and on earth I am only the most precious ,
All beings are born, aging, illness, death.
These are the first words of the Enlightened as he was born, as well as the ultimate truth that lifetime training taught him. He says it's the largest coast of Buddhas in life. Despite undergoing year 2627, the world has varied, life has changed many times, but the teachings of the Buddha still resounded in all places. Whenever we think about the birth date of the Buddha, maybe someone like to hear this, but there are few people comprehend the noble teachings!
According to the general conception of the Buddha, they all think that these beings from hell to heaven 33, of 25 species, 10 men, three realms, color and no color image, these beings are still sleeping love in the dense darkness of ignorance of the situation and perception. Only the Buddha cut off the illegal sex, clean out the source of ignorance of his own thought disorder and capable of awakening for all beings into enlightened. Guru who teaches all over God, who is the father of all kind of fresh. Buddha who is most precious in the three worlds. This concept is true only in part to the Buddha's words, but not in the sense of teaching them completely. Why? As the Buddha was not in his lifetime to narcissist as we mistake that for being open to see the path to enlightenment, just for being clear your Buddha nature, making them the nature of the Buddha's birth received alone, makes living beings back to the essence of the Buddha himself, as Buddha, the other not. In the Buddha nature is not an idea I, who so pushy ego that frivolous claims.
The concept of the Buddhist intensive learned, they also saw compounded impermanence, birth and death, there is no true nature. The ends of the body and mind realms nothing is mine, that I, my self. Be aware, the Buddha said, "Duy fall as an independent" not only for the body ego's frivolous in this group. If based on the language that was pushy ego will only fall into god-self, like pagans. So in the words of the Buddha to understand how the Buddha is true? We try to track essay below to receive the Buddha which is the golden key to the door swung open nature of initially approaching the Buddhist path.
Typically, regardless of beings who live in three worlds (realms, realms and formless realms) also carries the body of the situation and perception, they will approve your physical body is real, this is my body, body This is me, my self is based on perception, memory concept, idea concept does not stop the discrimination that called my attention.
In two areas of the body and mind are both my self. From this fact can realize itself, the body of one who loved you so myself, my body wants to live longer, forever young and beautiful for sensual enjoyment, satisfaction felt by the grace of bare root formation. We fear it bad old and die, it will not be me anymore, they no longer satisfy her desires what should by all cost, people try to defend it wholeheartedly. If our bodies were touching self is left with anger born of frustration, conversely, if our body is born pampered favorite, overbearing arrogance. Because people were totally dependent on the physical body, living for themselves should have assimilated themselves is my self. Because the material needs to satisfy sexual identity itself, people have demanded the right to life, take over everything for life. Be the increased craving, however, the more hatred, trying to kill each other, creating more karma, and the karma, the Order of collective strength becomes long day brought us to life in the context of suffering retribution. Unpaid hatred is unforgettable, love is not removed, it is difficult to say definitely hate being out injured since the original was so deluded ego! When this body is about damage, the horrible fear took refuge, the concept of desire to find the body after intense flare up. Therefore, according to new industrial attachment samsara, so dead back to life, reeling in the endless sea misfortune that nobody knows itself originates from? One or blame people, the landscape, the sky, the fate etc ... make you suffer. But that is still suffering under grace that took birth was that suffering is ignorance, we have accepted the truth!
To close out the foolish accept this truth, the Buddha said: This body is not mine, not me, not my self because this body which has no real physical nature, just because of karmic there is only illusory. When the coast is the melting damage will kill falsehoods. That is something we can hardly accept, but if any objective observer under the guidance of the Buddha, you will see clearly what the Buddha said is not wrong.
Buddha, often observe our physical body here by four large animals are Earth, Water, Wind, Fire forming conditions and the nature of this body is not true nature.
So what is the Earth? Land is the hard part of the body such as animal skin, flesh, tendons bones, hair, hair, teeth, nails, bone marrow, brain etc ... What is water? Water is wet parts of the body such as blood, tears, snot, urine, semen, sweat etc ... now what? Wind is the periodic breathing, heartbeat pulse jump, the movement of the body. And what is the fire? The fire is in the air makes circulation. Four big things together, rooted with lewd now craving longstanding collective delusion orders, according to the relative strength karma. Roughly dreamer, according lewd now thinking incessantly forming physiological effects. But apparently fast asleep and did not know personally, as a physiological effect on the body, he knows his new undergo dreaming. Likewise, the notion want to go back now find themselves craving that should follow to find a place of rebirth, parents lend themselves forming conditions and four great body (earth, water, wind, fire). So this body created by the earth, water, wind, fire, then this body of earth, water, wind, fire, why security is our body? It is an unfortunate misconception! If it is my body, so as not to consciousness where the womb of the mother, the body then what? Where I am? I have it or not? Assume we hold executioner severed body parts off one by one, the parts have different shapes, different names until all integral parts of his physical body, try look what the other is in the fact that no qualities? My body is in any part of the body? Thanks to the coast, the material things that constitute a general synthesis, a fantasy fiction but in which nothing is my all! Because fiction can not really make up for its qualities as illusory character. Already as illusory, no more, why not accept the fact that the mine is? On the evening of stock compensation busy running away meals to nourish the land, take care to drink tonic water part, borrowed by air to breathe is part uneducated, making the temperature in the circulation, circulation called for life. In borrowing false, then search no place for discharge, lifelong hardships that for happiness, truth is something funny!
Buddha said, this body is not because we observe the earth, water, wind, fire conditions and illusory as mentioned above there are things inanimate matter, and the nature TA is perceived qualities of things inanimate material there, why confuse inanimate receive the other was I right? Anyway, things senseless earth, water, wind, fire each, which lie different qualities. Nature of the soil is hard, the nature of water is wet, uneducated nature of the work, the nature of fire is hot, it is not purely a physical nature. It is also the essence of a homogeneous nature of damaged parts, why go getting the wrong things inanimate material qualities are more heterogeneous, changing, not fixed the matter for what it is I, the results confused too!
Thus, in this false identity itself nothing of us, as we all should Buddhism itself is selflessness. Already a selfless does not excuse his self precious than others. Only new ordinary calls himself than others. In fact, in all of the people of different body shape on the face, but the nature of any outstanding qualities themselves are no true selflessness are the same, no reason to think that our body starts over body other person or body is starting out, we found that more than others etc ... Once people saw clearly the nature of this body is not, so everything dispute, attachment between us and who no longer, everything suffering is not based on where that makes us suffering, then we see the true liberation from the self frivolous claims. Buddha clean out the source deluded ego should be liberated, to be legal indestructible body. And God, Spirit, The, Devil ... beings are deluded ego can not get rid of the root delusions, the Buddha called: "All beings are born, aging, illness, death. Only Self (Buddha Nature) is the most precious. "
A lot of people say this is the material itself should have been falsely being destroyed, but the soul is immaterial, it will live forever. Buddhism is divided into two kinds of people approved of the second class of people who accept segment and generally accepted.
- The observance of this section is to think upon death itself is nothing more.
- People often say it is also approved an immortal soul lives on.
The mortgage is the only known living paragraph instinctive knowledge now delusions, serving everything desires of the body color, give spiritual death. When they die, they thought nothing more. It's no ordinary intellectual class.
The class is generally accepted that the damage itself but the soul continues to live forever. It is the acceptance of the goods according to pagan gods, fell.
Buddhist view the two classes are a deviant alike, both seeing are not true and correct. So Buddhism explains how in these two mortgage?
Buddhists call it soul or consciousness is only consciousness. The so-called soul, consciousness is also the senses due to exposure to the situation that arises. Anything by the magical charm with the things that are made up by now, no real qualities, is illusory character. In the spiritual realm of the so-called soul, the mind, the Buddha was divided into four things: Life (perception), perception (remembrance), Action (the idea of ​​continuity), Soul (distinction know). Let us observe each field set as below:
- Life (perception) - Life or sensed Is consciousness me? If no eyes, no form outside the eye color ceiling know what? Do not know! Eyes only see but do not know! In contrast, external appearance without eye color ceiling, ceiling color does not know anything! A second color image alone would not have seen, let alone know! Thus, the object was seen and found to have excellent communication eyes and picture are seeing each other. From eye color and shape are adjacent, perception (sensation) knows his audience see what is the color, beautiful or ugly, male or female v ... v ...
At this point we know sensed (Life) by sensory contact with the object sensed new consciousness awareness. If the absence of contact between the base and the ceiling, the so-called center or sensed recognize that capital does not own. If security awareness Center (sensed) is where the soul exists? If the soul as a god that created for him, then he is creatures, artifacts due to industry, ie general conditions and illusory so, the nature called the soul, the mind there is only no more! Because bare root by creating a new interface, without the communication which, of course, no soul, your mind! Mind the birth and death always, soul and transform each idea because every idea of ​​soul soul saint Other products etc ... So, knowing the fate of the soul is illusory there, changes always while alive, why when he dies the soul has not changed ??? It was a mistake ignorance when receiving the soul, the mind which is permanent, no change. So, to know the mind, sensed, the soul is not something immortal soul. Furthermore, the mind (soul sensed +) exposure that it is the soul of exposure, as our star? Sensed they had received pleasure, pain or received received unpleasant, depending on coastal landscape that received mental distinction. It does not have an intact nature can be determined soul or mind there is not true to my heart. Those who accept the body after death was immortal souls are wrong, unacceptable. These people are mostly superstitious man, not by intellectual reasoning.
- CONCEPT (Me Hope) - Thought is so ripe remember thinking, starting from site identification sensed image above that which falls into stealth mode, keep waiting charm arises. Without grace the scene based idea arises from the memory to remember that success. If you do not remember thinking, perception does not have to be. If cytoplasm is my soul, so as not remember how, where souls? Yes or no? For such people reach meditation, end all remember how that was clearly perceived. Thought so remember thinking that it is the perception of the mind to think, how to say what he thought was my soul? They have a great idea about the past, thought about the future, the idea of the present, there is no fixed qualities. So if say Ideas soul is the soul of our soul in the endless flow that? The Idea Center is the permanent mortgage, or say immortal souls are accepted way of ignorance.
- OF (thoughts continuum start) - When an idea distinction arises, never just stop there, but it continues to exist and being relatively smoothly endless so-called Thought Field. For example, while listening to music or ear, immediately we think that's what music? Who sings? How have the opportunity to meet the artists that? .. Etc ... How much thought to the deluge. Just like that, our minds daily contact with many scenes, many people set themselves further orders how extended line of thought was stopped by? We try to observe the notion of continuity starting from something that? Do remember thinking charming picture in mind, when a scene is distinguished thinking, when the mind is no great expectations birth scene. If security is the notion of continuity of his soul, when people reach meditation, test questions, ideas where there now? They have no soul? The idea is the concept of continuity start, reproduced as soul, my mind? The notion of continuity, you think good, evil thought, not recorded (neutral), birth and death are not stopping, not fixed. In many concepts that notion is my soul? And what we do is what The Buddha is precious?
- FORM (distinction aware) - This is the area of Wednesday, one of four so-called spiritual realm. Soul, mind, but other forms of substance but not two. Consciousness arises due to what? Waking due to distinguish that. If not discriminate, nor knowledge. If the alarm is the soul or consciousness of one, so it is no longer distinguish the soul, the mind does not? Discrimination is a form of discrimination birth, so sure of me? Furthermore, there clinging formula, opting out, may not hold, do not give up, no fixed qualities which is our soul?
Through two aspects: the physical body only for the four false identity is not true; include sensed the spirit, ideas, notions of continuity, differentiation aware, we call the body, mind, Buddhist answer is (5 conceal the true nature). Because of this confusion under the new 5 th anniversary of endless, cloaking their Buddha nature, expect damage received four great body posing as relatives, recognized as delusions, mindfulness continuum concept where even know what that nature. Buddhism is perceived to be true nature of the mind itself illusory realm of the other. Nature of the Buddha and his sense of being not two, not others. Buddhas by receiving the Buddha nature, breaking up the ignorance craving, treat, alive with the essence of Buddha's enlightenment called, is the eternal truth of human beings in every self-delusion that because unknown. Buddha for commercial vehicles being should manifest birth birth, only to see himself being enlightened available in every person. Who gets to be his nature, or call our own true self, the one that is the ONLY TA TON DUC FALLS, is the Self (Buddhahood) precious than all the ego frivolous claims that God, The , byproducts based on the four body colors, to kill other living soul is the mind can. Because all beings mistaken false body and mind, the karmic delusion to bear misfortune 6 directors, successors born four great body three generations, being old bear suffering, disease and death, there is nothing to you.
At this point we see clearly what I do lie, the truth that I do Buddhist scriptures often put it many names, depending on who stand in the face to call it like: Buddha nature, such as legs, Bodhi , Nirvana etc.
Buddhahood is only emptiness in the delusion that does not make it defiled in nature kill him realize the things that kill nature center was not born destroy changed. But as beings that Buddha nature is not lacking, when the Buddha nature was not more. Nature does not change, add or remove known as Chon As. In Chon As in nature that can hold called Bodhi (enlightenment). Nature it traditionally does not kill but not being wise constant called Nirvana v ... v ..
Buddha realized the true nature of enlightenment, living fully in nature that should call list from The Buddha, which means living fully in my honest man, so to say, she's a TON ONLY YOU MOST, Heaven as God no one like Buddha, Buddha is no one in this sense, not Buddha used Nhon Falls frivolous mind, a way of praising his arrogance, contempt for being ignorant, not honorable quarter.
Read here, we comprehend the meaning of the first sermon Buddha was born, taught the Buddhist place of cure and for all beings know the causes and conditions of the Buddhas GREATEST LIFE IS THE OPENING SHOW THEM HAVING, MYTH IN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE, that means setting the path of Buddha pack (Khai), only for all beings are enlightened nature as Buddhas (Town), being made reclaim their Buddha nature, but from countless lifetimes far we have forgotten it (Enlightenment). Finally, although realizing their Buddha nature, but has been there forever decorations set things ignorance, delusion, this should meditate wisdom to break up all the troubles that go and come on (Enter ) nature of enlightenment, or call the place known as the Buddha found.
But as enlightened beings about such contracts should not everyone see nature. Therefore, depending to whom the Buddha media pack up shop to cut 84,000 practice guidance on the steps being carried from the Buddhist Path. The position taken is seen as important religious identity launch, people cling to do the practice, the original end that religious enlightenment, who is from the vehicle and then slowly move forward. Road to the Buddhist way but there are thousands of Buddha, the ultimate place not two.
Already thousands of years held Buddha's Birthday, someone brought the teachings of Buddha to being visible only to the Buddhist path, but not religious? Buddha had to suffer from countless lifetimes practice newly Buddha injured beings that idea out where life, using every legal enlightened beings, the Buddha boundless, can not be justified canopy, rewarded are, not offering a bunch of forms Vesak Day ceremonies in which offerings to the Buddha called complete. It makes more sense out, deeper all we have to devote to achieve in this life direction. At the same time, we also offer Buddhist teachings, religious beings for the benefit his interests soon be fulfilled as considerate Buddha taught: "Private, fully understand and practice the teachings of the Tathagata, bring your mind compassion for all sentient beings to help see the Buddhist religion, which is offering the Tathagata a right feet, most authentic.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/2/2015.

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