Tuesday 17 February 2015

Thanh Tam recite the Bodhisattva Stratum may Ultra High karma
There is a part of the effort will be part of the corresponding results. When Stratum Bodhisattva you know the title of his mind, he will trade your karma level.   

"Visual attention is Gaya". Whatever you are ordained or in part, in any circumstances, be honest and upright. Do not lie, do not gamble, not speculation or punt. Under no circumstances should use genuine interest not use edge center for flattery. We must have genuine interest in all the circumstances, the mind must know to reconcile harmony with others. To be honest mind means to cultivate Bodhi, and never impede or other obstacles, we make bad people for retribution. When the retribution of us, if we do not repent but continue to deceive as many more, we will create more bad karma again, difficult to eradicate it. 
This time (1982) when I went to Asia, I had a woman as she surnamed Wang in Penang. In her past life and like to eat monkey brains bear claw. She cracked head banging monkey drinking monkey brains. She also firmly bear claw, fried to eat. Because of past karma in this life she was born as a woman. However, instead of fixing mistakes and start a new life, she continued to create bad karma. She had two lives by abortion twice. Two shadowy aborted fetus together called ghosts are beings that she was hurt in past lives. So, she had cancer. 
During the visit I visited Penang, this young woman brought forth a great penance and her cancer was in remission. Unfortunately, two weeks after her return to old habits, re-established contact with her boyfriend and even make inappropriate behavior Dharma. 
Then a short time, her cancer returned. She was so sick of her karmic cause. If she truly repent for past mistakes and revise she had a chance to share thousands cured. If not, no medicine can cure and even Buddha and Bodhisattvas did not save her. It is said, "Poor start from heart, mind to repentance.". If we do not repent and repair for sincere, then our karma will come back. In her case Wang, because she did not sincerely repent and amend, so her cancer has returned. 
She was supposed to write to me when she was sick again. If she was honest with me, maybe then can do something. Instead of doing so, she lied to me and told me that she was going to America. Before I left Malaysia, I told her that after stronger and if you can afford airfare to the US, she can come to the US and started to practice renunciation. In other words, should she have to America after she was cured. 
But, this young woman to America after cancer recurrence; she came to die at Ten Thousand Buddhas. Only time when she was so sick of the reach of Medicine, the new boarding her a hard time and came to the US on 24 months ago. With this kind of cunning, her illness more difficult to heal. Since her behavior is totally false, insincere and tricks, even Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can not help her. 
Now she is in the hospital, the opportunity to live only 0.5 per ten thousand. Tonight we go into the merits attention for her, hoping that she will recover. Although she deceived me, deceived where the immediate awareness also means deceiving people here, but all of us have compassion. She came here from far away, hoping she could be rescued from the hands of death. If you can save her is, we should try our best. If you can not save her, we try our best. Collective efforts are strong, we sincerely help her eliminate her karma. Please follow gong, and because of that she recite the name of Bodhisattva Stratum.
While we recite the Bodhisattva Stratum, the karma she should have been eliminated. However, when her past is now eliminated, the new industry also accumulate so quickly. Actually, we are helping her to eliminate the endless karma that time she was born. I think if we want to save lives, we need to start Failure Stratum tomorrow. Keep in mind the title of Bodhisattva and merit for her, hope she will recover. When we help others with sincere hearts, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas given together will help us ... 
Today we are broadcasting to merit attention to this young woman. Are her relatives ask us to do this job? No, they are not required. However, even if they do not know, we still have merit for her. As Buddhists, we do not need a new petition to help others. We feel pity this young woman and tries her best to help her. We rely on the power of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Stratum. 
If she wakes up, it really is excellent; if not, it was just because she was too heavy karma. Anyway, we try our best, we all should strive to work! 
Currently, more and more disasters in the world, while increasingly fewer people cultivate the Bodhi. In addition, more and more people are breaking world. Why the world is increasingly becoming worse? Let us study this fundamental question. The cause of this problem is not to keep people in the world, especially the not commit adultery. Men and women are wrong to think that satisfy the sexual desire is a kind of pleasure. As it is said that his back to the Enlightenment, in collaboration with the dust (multiple senses of hearing) and "recognize who the enemy as human. They are painful pleasure, black is white, and the the truth is illusory. They are so deluded that they act carelessly and improperly, they seem to go backwards instead of upright head. Moreover, instead of knowing preserve valuable human planet, men Women do things every day that eventually just hurt themselves. Men do not know to behave as honorable men, women do not know to behave as a woman of integrity, what do they know just how to satisfy their lust.  
Today, men and women students, especially those in the famous university, living and relationships wanton promiscuity, these actions lead to unintended pregnancy. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, the means of contraception was invented. Many people think that using contraceptives is better to deal with the difficulties caused by unwanted pregnancies. In fact, the use of contraception is wrong because it is opposite the biological function of intercourse, and there is also a kind of karma. In addition, those who invented the method of contraception finally be harmful to many young men and women, for young people to easily participate in acts of sexual misconduct than to think that they do not have to worry about may be pregnant. 
In addition to contraception, men and women are using abortion to deal with an unwanted pregnancy because of their depraved behavior. By abortion, they created a more serious crime - the crime of killing. Tell clear, while taking contraception is an indirect act of killing; Abortion is the killing behavior directly. All of this killing increased resentment in the world. The capacity of this bad old pile, resulting in strange diseases. When you study more deeply, you will find that if men and women do not always break the rules of moral behavior, it did not happen too many strange diseases with unusual symptoms unexplained and incurable.  
Now, in addition to cancer, there are other diseases incurable or untreatable. These issues were first derived from the transgression of sexual misconduct, then the world slaughter. Improper actions will be followed by transgression stealing, lying and using intoxicants. In this rule is the most important rule in our lives. Therefore, everyone should keep in gender. In ancient times, when you cakkavatti was on earth to teach beings, everyone hold the five precepts, obey and practice good ten (Cross Compassion) and fasting. At that time, no disaster and everyone is entitled to a lot of blessings, miracles and many people have opened your eyes. In contrast today, ethical standards increasingly decadent. The slow change in the way humans do to the world decadence. 
You want to know why so many people get cancer? This situation is created by the karma of killing. You think about it, through abortion, you have eradicated the lives even before they have a chance to be born. In this context, the resentment of the unborn fetus is not really terrible or what? In short, the human world and increasingly worse. All because now killing. 
People at Ten Thousand Buddhas, knowing causal retributive circulation, let's reduce bad karma in the world, as the world's fin will not have many natural disasters, help a little less human suffering, and disease Meeting of humanity and a little less. Let's together help her surnamed Wang seeing it as an opportunity to attempt and sincerely recite the Bodhisattva Stratum. Recite the Bodhisattva Stratum can help reduce the negative karma of sentient beings; and let the enemies, relatives and their lenders from countless lifetimes ago was born in West Bliss. Last chant will also help all enemies, relatives and creditors of us were born in the West Bliss. 
Take this opportunity to recite Stratum Bodhisattva with the effort and sincerity. When we help those who are sick or suffering, we are the parents, ancestors, enemies, relatives, and our creditors in past lives, and help them to be happy-suffering, end birth and death. 
There is a part of the effort will be part of the corresponding results. When you recite the Bodhisattva Stratum with the effort and sincerity, he would be moved. Know that you are reciting the name of Him with sincere hearts so, Bodhisattva Stratum would trade all of your karma, he also helps you cultivate Bodhi, progress on the Path without was stumbling, soon eradicate karma, quickly away from suffering and rebirth in the Pure World. That is the main reason for us to attend Interior Stratum. So everyone to true and sincere to ultra parents, ancestors, enemies, relatives and creditors our former lives. Let them use this opportunity to be happy-suffering. Do not let the time passed in vain!   
Suppose to Type: 
Although she Wang has created much bad karma in the past, she has great repent in Penang. Before mass than two thousand people, she honestly talk about the good behavior of her, and pray for blessings compassionate Buddhas, bodhisattvas and Venerable when she determined to repent and change . Then her cancer was in remission. However, she returned to old habits after they repent, and using fraudulent means to get to the Ten Thousand Buddhas. As she made ​​more karma, it is difficult to avoid unfair karma. Thus, although the four disciples at Ten Thousand Buddhas because her organization has two Decor stratigraphy and many doctors tried to save her, but she died a few weeks later. We can say that she was the embodiment Wang preached and see that this is a warning to us all.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTOLD  PATH.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/2/2015.

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